5 Learning Hacks to Get Better at English

wanna speak real English from your first

lesson sign up for your free lifetime

account at English class 101.com

you’ve decided to study a new language

so now what well you want to become

fluent fast right here are the top five

shortcuts to learning a language number

one create a study schedule and set some

goals many language learners are

unorganized creating a schedule allows

you to free up time to study

consistently goals give you motivation

and something to strive for

number two make it fun if you learn how

to make your study time enjoyable

chances are you’ll be more inclined to

study watch a TV show with subtitles or

listen to some music number three find a

language partner this is the best way to

improve your conversation skills it will

help you gain fluency even faster and

increase confidence when speaking number

four use word list to build up a solid

vocabulary this is a great way to build

up your fluency one word at a time

luckily we have all the word lists you

need with a range of topics from food to

love choose whichever language you want

to study and go number five don’t be

afraid to make mistakes nothing helps

you improve more than correcting your

own errors you’re more likely to

remember it correctly the next time

around everyone makes mistakes don’t be

afraid to learn from them there’s no

magical way to learn a new language

overnight but doing all of these can

really help your learning process and

remember if you’re interested in getting

on the fast track to fluency

sign up for your free lifetime account

no credit card required and you’ll get

the best free online resources start

learning now learning a language

requires a huge investment of time and

often money as well many people are

hesitant to put in the amount of effort

required to become flew

but learning a new language can be one

of life’s most rewarding experiences

here are five reasons to learn a

language number one more opportunities a

new language can open up many new doors

you’re able to work in countries other

than your own

tons of employers look to hire

multilingual professionals every year

number two

meeting new people get to know speakers

of other languages on a more personal

level meeting new people is one of the

main reasons people begin to study a

language making new friends is a good

enough reason to start studying number

three exploring a different culture

whether you decide to live abroad or

you’re just taking a vacation knowing

the local language will allow you to

better understand the people this can

open your eyes to not only their country

but your country as well learn how

people view your home from their


number four health benefits

studying a new language actually comes

with health benefits keep your brain

sharp by studying every day you’ll be

helping your mind fight off old age and

stay fresh

number five discover you can do it we’ve

heard every excuse that people give for

failing to learn a new language too old

not enough time wrong –jeans but you

shouldn’t let your excuses hold you back

you really can learn another language

you could even hold your first

conversation just a few days from now

don’t make any more excuses just click

to start speaking the language you’ve

always wanted to learn sign up for your

free lifetime account no credit card

required and you’ll get the best free

online resources stop hesitating and

start learning a new language now to

master a new language and understand

everything as soon as you hear it to

read with just a quick glance and speak

smoothly without thinking you need to


here are our top five review tactics

number one listen to examples over and

over again by listening closely and

often you start to pick up the rhythm of

a language as well as correct

pronunciation from a native speaker use

our line by line feature that lets you

both listen and read along use this tool

to practice as much as possible

number two use our voice recording tool

to master perfect pronunciation record

yourself and compare it against the

native speaker if you sound different

then repeat after the native speaker

until you’re able to match them use our

voice recording feature which makes

recording super easy number three

master your recorded conversations

record conversations and go over them

again and again master entire

conversations and repeat them line by

line use any of the dialogues available

for download on our website these come

with transcripts of the entire

conversation number four use mobile

devices to reinforce previously learned

conversations constant review is the

best way to progress in your language

studies download the recorded dialogue

to your mobile device and incorporate it

into your music playlist quick reviews

throughout the day effectively reinforce

what you’ve learned number five

read with line by line notes read along

with a native speaker to really master

pronunciation and natural intonation you

should start slow at first then slowly

increase your speed your pronunciation

will become more natural you will also

see that your ability to understand

fluent speakers will greatly increase

you’ll be able to improve your

communication skills using these five

simple review techniques increase your

understanding of your target language

and remember if you’re interested in

getting all these review tools sign up

for your free lifetime account no credit

card required and you’ll get the best

free online resources

and start reviewing more every day today

we’re going to talk about four

techniques to help you stop translating

in your head and instead start thinking

in your target language this will allow

you to have conversations with ease read

smoothly and better understand native

speakers these are four methods to help

you think in a new language number one

surround yourself with your target

language this way you’ll be completely

immersed in the language without

realizing it

you’ll learn pronunciation sentence

structures grammar and new vocabulary

play music in the background while

you’re cooking or have a radio station

on while you study just use one of our

endless podcasts available to you

these are easy to listen to in the

background while doing other things

number two learn through observation

this is how we all learned our native

languages as kids words will develop

their own meanings that relate better to

your target language rather than

meanings that are translated directly

number three

speak out loud to yourself even if

you’re a little embarrassed it forces

you to listen to how you speak it makes

it much easier to spot simple grammar


number four practice daily if you

practice everything for only one day you

won’t retain the information you learned

the brain can realistically only focus

for about thirty minutes so studying a

little every day allows you to absorb

better follow these steps and have

patience you’ll soon be able to achieve

your language learning goals just make

sure to remember these four methods sign

up for your free lifetime account no

credit card required and you’ll get the

best free online resources and start

learning more every day

when learning a new language it’s easy

to think I don’t think I’m making any

progress what if I never reach my goals

we all get these thoughts from time to

time but are they worth being scared of

what are the fears language learners

tend to have the most and how can you

learn to overcome them here are the top

4 language learning fears according to

our users number 1

I’m not good enough to start speaking it

this is a pretty common fear or

misconception that most learners have

here’s how you overcome it the best way

to get good at speaking is to start

speaking from day one you need to open

your mouth and just start talking if you

think you’re not good enough just focus

on the lines you want to say number two

I’m afraid I’ll never be fluent you’ve

got to set small specific goals make

daily goals like having just a

five-minute conversation as these small

goals add up we’ll be speaking more

comfortably number three I’m not making

any progress

there are two things you can do right

now use the dashboard to track your

progress our dashboard shows how much

you’ve accomplished or try a harder

lesson on our website the lessons come

with line by line translations and the

hosts explain everything now you can

understand something you didn’t minutes

ago number four I’m afraid of not

understanding anything I hear this fear

can occur when you hear advanced grammar

and vocabulary and it just goes

completely over your head to beat this

simply read along with our line by line

tool it’s the best way to instantly

understand advanced conversations

translations and scripts are right in

front of you for real-life situations

learn useful phrases such as can you say

it more slowly I don’t understand

there’s nothing wrong with saying that

you didn’t understand something so these

are the top floor fears and how to

overcome them luckily we also have the

perfect tools available to help you

conquer your fears sign up for your free

lifetime account no credit card required

and you’ll get the best free online


don’t let your fears stop you start

learning now
