How to Start Conversations in English

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you’ve studied for a while and are ready

to talk to people and practice what

you’ve learned but where do you start

starting a conversation in a new

language can seem a bit intimidating

how do you just jump into it in this

video we’ll look at five ways to start


number one introduce yourself in your

target language

this is usually one of the first things

you learn when you start studying a new


and sometimes starting a conversation or

continuing one is as simple as

introducing yourself

number two talking about the weather

this is a universal talking point

people talk about the weather all over

the world and just saying

it’s really nice today is enough to

start a conversation

a great way to practice your weather

conversation skills is to check out our

can-do lesson pathway

this series of lessons teaches you how

to talk about the weather in your target


number three give compliments

compliments are a great way to start a


you can compliment something about your

conversation partner city

country or something specific to them


hey your bag is super cute or that ice

cream looks delicious

these kinds of compliments can lead to

further conversation about what you


in this case it could be fashion or a

local restaurant

this is a great way to make quick

connections with people

number four ask for help for example

you can ask for directions ask about

prices or request recommendations for

restaurants or shopping spots and let

the conversation go from there

people are usually happy to lend a

helping hand to tourists who are

visiting their city

number five learn phrases for


this can include getting a room at a

hotel or telling a taxi driver where to


when you’re traveling overseas you’ll

need to talk to other people in your

target language

and while this might be a bit scary at

first you’ll find that the people you

meet are just happy that you’re trying

to communicate with them

so get started talking in your target

language now for even more tips on how

to start conversations

check out our complete language learning

program sign up for your free lifetime

account by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button

share the video with anyone who’s trying

to learn a new language and subscribe to

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we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time bye