How to Start Conversations Talking Points for English Learners

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even after studying a language for a

while a lot of people still find

starting conversations with native

speakers scary

we promise it’s not as scary as you

think we’ll give you some tips for how

you can talk to native speakers with


in this video we’ll talk about how to

start conversations like a native


first how do you start conversations

conversations can be hard to start even

in your native language

what do you say to a stranger maybe you

need to ask someone for directions or

call someone and make an appointment

you can’t let your fears about

conversations stop you a solution

talking points the idea is simple

talking points are about topics you

think you’ll need in conversations

you prepare these ahead of time these

are for things you like talking about or

topics that are commonly discussed for


the weather is a very common talking

point for simple introductory


if you say nice day today isn’t it to a


you’ve just started a conversation it’s

a good idea to learn these expressions

for example if you want to prepare a

weather talking point

you should learn all the relevant words

and possible lines in your target


it’s nice today it’s rainy out how’s the


the more words and phrases you know

about a topic the more you can talk

about it

and the more talking points you have the

more you can speak

leave a comment and tell us what are you

interested in and what do you like

talking about

these are your talking points next

come up with examples of your talking


here are some basic topic ideas for

talking points that you can prepare

in advance simple ideas for talking with

new friends are the weather

hobbies sports or popular tv shows

if you’re meeting someone new it’s

always nice to start with a compliment

learn how to say i like your sweater or

what did you order that looks delicious

and there are the everyday conversations

that are easy to forget about

like how to order your favorite kind of

coffee or how to check out at a grocery


these are important you may not even

think about these when considering the

kinds of conversations you’ll have

even if they’re short ones they are

essential so

in this video we went over some key

points about learning to start

conversations in your target language

you learned how to start conversations

and speak more with talking points

keep in mind some of the talking points

we suggested you can also brainstorm a

list of points that you can use


so if you’re ready to start

conversations like a native speaker

check out our complete language learning

program sign up for your free lifetime

account by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button share the video with anyone

who’s trying to learn a new language and

subscribe to our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time

bye want to speed up your language


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