Learn the Top 5 Sentence Patterns in English for Beginners

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Hi, everybody! Welcome back to Top Words. My name is Alisha, and today we’re going to be talking about

five sentence patterns that you can use
as a beginner of English. Let’s go!

The first expression that you can use as a
beginner is “personally, I think that…”

or I would just use “I think that…”

“personally” makes it sound a little bit more polite, I think.

You can use this to introduce an
opinion. For example, personally, I think

that pizza is amazing. Personally, I think
that dinosaurs would have been delicious.

Personally, I think that cars should be
made to enjoy with friends.

Personally, I think that you shouldn’t worry about it.
Yes, that’s probably a much more useful

sentence than dinosaurs would be delicious.

The next expression is
“what does blah blah blah mean?”

So where here is the word you
don’t know. So, for example, what does

pasta mean? What does Stegosaurus mean?

So a word like Stegosaurus is a really

strange word that you probably don’t
know. Stegosaurus is a type of dinosaur.

Where are all the dinosaurs, I don’t know,
Jurassic, we’re on a Jurassic adventure at the moment.

So this is a pattern you use when you don’t know the meaning of the word

and you would like someone to explain it to you.

So if you say, what does Stegosaurus mean?
Then someone can say, oh, it’s a dinosaur,

it’s kind of like, it’s a sort of short
guy and it has a bunch of spikes on its

back, and it has a long tail, and it gets
into a fight with the Tyrannosaurus Rex,

if you saw the movie Fantasia by Disney.

Okay, in this sentence, what does complication mean?

It means problem. Okay.
The next pattern you can use is

“Can you tell me more about blah blah blah?”

So on a topic that you would like more

information about, you can say,
can you tell me more about the soccer

game last week? Can you tell me more
about the plan for the party next week?

So something you would like more
information about, you can say, can you

tell me more about this thing.

Okay, so in a sentence,

can you tell me more about your sandwich options?

That is a useful sentence.

Okay, in this sentence here,

We don’t have that back home, can you tell me more about it?

This is using the reversed pattern, okay.

The next expression is “if it were up to me…”

If it were up to me…

I had to teach this in a class couple weeks ago, actually.

“If it were up to me” means if I could make the decision,

if this were my decision, bla bla bla.

So meaning, if I could make
the choice, this is what I would do, but

one point here is the nuance is, it is
not my decision, this is not my decision,

but if it were my decision, I would do bla bla bla.

So for example, if it were up to me, every
day would be Saturday! Whoo!

But it’s not, right? So that’s always the
underlying, that’s always the kind of

basic nuance of this phrase. This
decision is not mine. Okay, here the example is,

if it were up to me, I would take my boss to dinner.

Oh, my! Things just got scandalous!

The next pattern is “I feel like bla bla bla”

You can use “I feel like…” when you introduce a suggestion or something that you would like to do,

especially for food, drinks, or activities.
So, for example, I feel like coffee.

I feel like Italian food.
I feel like an action movie.

There’s some activity, or something you would like to do at the end of this pattern.

I feel like bowling this afternoon.

Something needs to go here, some sort of activity.

Of course, you can use this
expression to talk about your feelings,

I feel like something, but this something must

be a noun, it must be a noun, like, if you feel really great,
I feel like a million bucks, for example.

If you feel really bad, I feel like garbage.

That’s a nice expression that somehow just came out
of my head. Anyway, you can use this in

two ways, but this must be completed with
a noun phrase at the end of the sentence.

That’s the end then! So those are five
beginner patterns that you can use!

I think these are really really useful
patterns, especially for making a

suggestion or describing your feelings.
So please give them a try. Thanks very

much for watching this episode of Top
Words! Please be sure to like this video

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haven’t already. We’ll see you again soon.
