START Basic Verbs Learn English Grammar

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hi everybody welcome back to know your

verbs my name is Alicia and in this

episode we’re going to talk about the

verb start let’s get started

the basic definition of the verb start

is to begin or to initiate something

examples let’s start dinner

I started a new project this year now

let’s look at the conjugations for this


present start starts past started past

participle started progressive starting

now let’s talk about some additional

meanings for this verb the first

additional meaning is to move suddenly

to move suddenly like with surprise or

shock examples she started when the

phone rang the dog starts every time he

hears fireworks

so to start is like to jump it’s like

this quick motion of surprise or shock

usually because something like loud

happened or something surprising happen

in the first example sentence a phone

rang and it maybe it surprised the

person so she started when the phone

rang it means she like kind of jumped

she made this motion like she was scared

or surprised in the second example

sentence it’s fireworks the dog is

afraid of the fireworks so the dog

starts every time he hears fireworks so

the dog jumps makes this motion every

time he hears fireworks

the second additional meaning is to

cause to operate to cause to operate for

example go start the car I’m starting my

computer now so you can see that we use

this like with machines computers cars

airplanes buses these sorts of things

that require operation so to begin that

operation to initiate that operation we

use the verb start go start the car

means like begin the operations of the

car kind of or I’m starting my computer

now means like the computer is coming on

the power is on like it’s beginning all

of its operating processes so to cause

to operate is another meaning of start

the third meaning is to begin something

with a person or thing this means like

an activity of some kind let’s look at

some examples let’s start the meeting

with sales I want to start the

conference with our keynote speaker so

here we see let’s start the meeting with

sales in the first example sentence that

means let’s begin the meeting by talking

about sales or it could mean let’s begin

the meeting with a report from the sales

department so it kind of depends on the

situation specifically but in either

case it means that the topic in some way

is going to be about sales so let’s

start the meeting with that

with that topic in the second example

sentence it’s a specific person so let’s

start the conference with the keynote

speaker means the keynote speaker will

be the person who begins the first

activity in the conference is the

keynote speaker we’re beginning the

conference with that keynote speakers

speech presumably so third meeting okay

the fourth meaning of this verb is to

indicate the initial point for a range

or a course or something similar

examples plans start from $5 per month

the race starts here so in both of these

examples we see the beginning point

that’s shown with the verb start so

plans start from five dollars a month

shows that five dollars a month is the

cheapest plan they start at this price

in the second example sentence the race

starts here this refers to the point

where the race begins from here the

people will race so it only refers to

the starting point the beginning point

the initial location

let’s move on to some variations for

this verb now the first variation is to

start something or to start anything

this means to make trouble to make


examples are you trying to start

something keep your mouth shut and don’t

start anything so both of these mean

making trouble in the first example

sentence it’s a question are you trying

to start something means are you trying

to cause trouble are you trying to make

trouble are you trying to start a fight

in the second example sentence it’s a

command like keep your mouth shut

and don’t start anything so don’t start

trouble don’t make a scene

don’t cause a fuss so make trouble start

something or start to anything okay the

second variation is to start over to

start over means to begin again examples

I lost the file and had to start over

she started over in a new city so these

just mean to begin again from zero so in

the first example sentence maybe all of

us have had this experience you delete a

file or there’s some mistake with the

file it disappears and you have to start

over you have to begin again from zero

in the second example sentence it’s

about starting over in a new city so in

other words beginning a new life in a

new city we use start over to refer to

that experience okay so I hope that you

got some new ways to use the verb start

from this video of course if you have

any questions or comments or if you want

to try to make an example sentence

please feel free to do so in the comment

section of this video don’t forget to

give us a thumbs up subscribe to the

channel and check us out at English

class for other English study

tools thanks very much for watching this

episode of know your verbs and we’ll see

you again soon bye Mike
