The Easiest Way to Start Writing in English

hey everyone welcome to the monthly

review the monthly show on language

learning where you discover new learning

strategies motivational tips study tools

and resources by the way all the lessons

and bonuses you’re about to see can be

downloaded for free on our website so

click the link in the description right

now to sign up for your free lifetime

account okay today’s topic is the

easiest way to start writing and improve

on your own

are you learning a language on your own

if so you might have wondered if you can

actually improve by yourself and what

kinds of things you can do when you

don’t have a teacher today you’ll

discover why writing is an easy way to

learn a language how to practice writing

with our lessons on your own time and

how to get our free writing workbooks

find these appear but first listen up

here are this month’s new lessons and

resources first be giving a speech cheat

sheet if you want to be able to give a

speech about yourself in your target


check out this cheat sheet it’ll give

you all the must know phrases second the

ultimate guide to beginner language this

ebook will teach you all the phrases a

beginner needs to know how to talk about

family how to talk about food basic

phrases and much more

third words and phrases for HR and

recruitment processes if you want to

talk about finding a job or if you work

in HR then don’t miss this one-minute

lesson it’ll teach you keywords and

phrases essential to your goals fourth

how to talk about health problems this

one-minute lesson will teach you

important phrases that will help you

express yourself when you’re feeling

sick fifth top 20 words for negative

emotions if you want to be able to talk

about your feelings take a look at this

lesson you’ll learn key words for

negative emotions in just a few minutes

to get your free resources click the

link in the description below right now

they’re yours to keep forever okay let’s

jump into today’s topic

the easiest way to start writing and

improve on your own

most language learners start with

reading or speaking first we all want to

speak typically most learners start

their studies by reading textbooks or

articles online but writing not so many

practice writing right away unless the

language has a unique writing system

there are a few reasons you should

consider writing when you’re learning a

language let’s jump into part one one

why is writing an easy way to learn a

language so why is writing easy first

you don’t need anyone to start improving

right now when it comes to language

learning we all want feedback in

Corrections and for that we either need

a teacher or a learning program that can

quiz us but if you want to improve on

your own without waiting on anyone else

or if you don’t have access to a teacher

you can start with writing you’ll find

out how in just a minute second you

don’t need to worry about what to write

how does this work

the easiest way to start writing is to

copy text from somewhere else that way

you don’t have to worry about what to

write or how to spell things just get a

piece of paper and a pen and copy things

from a resource you’re using you can

even try doing this with your favorite

quotes or ideas copy them word by word

third it can help you build a strong

routine imagine you copy two sentences

per day it’s simple and it just takes a

minute or two that means you can stick

to it on a daily basis and if you can

learn to stick with that you can stick

to other learning routines in the future

and fourth you’ll end up improving all

areas of the language how well if you’re

copying out a few sentences a day you’ll

end up indirectly learning a lot of

words grammar rules and lines you can

actually use simply because you’re

exposed to them and if you read what you

write you’ll improve your reading and

comprehension skills too so how can you

actually start writing in practice let’s

move on to part 2 part 2 how to practice

writing with our lessons on your own

time number one if you’re taking our

lessons right out the phrases sentences

and conversations by hand this means

writing every phrase and sentence that

you learn the lessons by

and in a notebook you can also write out

the conversations in the dialogue study

tool example sentences from the lesson

notes words and phrases from our

vocabulary lists and words and sentences

from the daily dose app and the word of

the day number two write short sentences

to your Premium Plus teacher if you’re a

Premium Plus member write a message and

send it to your Premium Plus teacher for

review in fact as a first step

all new Premium Plus users have to write

a self introduction and send it to their

teachers your teacher will review your

work send feedback corrections and help

you improve your writing skills fast you

can even write something out by hand

take a picture of it and send it to your

teacher number three leave a comment on

the lessons after you’re done with a

lesson be sure to use what you’ve

learned whether a new word or a grammar

point leave a comment in the comment

section and our teachers will review it

and give you feedback number four

dictation this may be best for advanced

learners dictation is a study method

where you write down what you hear as a

way to test your writing and listening

skills you can do this with any one of

our audio or video lessons number five

create sentences using newly learned

words you can learn new words with our

lessons the word of the day the vocab

lists and the core 2000 word list which

gives you the 2000 most frequently used

words and as mentioned before you can

also leave comments for our teachers to

review number six take the writing

quizzes with every lesson you’ll get

review quizzes to help you master what

you learned just scroll down to the

vocabulary section or click on

vocabulary then click on take a quiz and

that’s it now you know how to improve

your target language on your own just

copy things out and by the way if you

want our bonus free beginner level

writing workbooks leave a comment and

we’ll reply with the link so thank you

for watching this episode of monthly

review next time we’ll talk about ten

habits of highly effective language

learners if you enjoyed these tips hit

the like button share the video with

anyone who’s trying to learn a language

and subscribe to our Channel we release

new videos every week and

if you’re ready to finally learn

language the fast fun and easy way and

start speaking from your very first

lesson get our complete learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

right now click the link in the

description see you next time bye
