How to talk about your English achievements for the year

livestream my name is live lesson we are

going to talk about how to talk about

your achievements for the year so in

this week’s lesson we’re going to cover

patterns you can use for complete

achievements for things that are not

finished yet and to talk about things

that have changed in some way so as you

joined please please please please

please make sure to hit the like button

and share this video so that other

people can find today’s lesson that

would be super super cool

uh while we wait as always a couple of

quick announcements the first one is

about this banner at the bottom of the


it says get up to 60 off but if you

click the link in the youtube

description below the video or above the

video if you’re watching on facebook

you’ll find a page that has a bunch of

different deals for the holiday so the

team has made a bunch of different so a

lot of different discount deals so take

a look at the link

click the link below or above the video

to find this page and you can check and

see which ones are available which ones

you think

are good a good match for you so this is

the page that you will see so you’ll

find a bunch of different options so if

you find something that looks good for

you you can grab it now so some of these

i think some of these are sold out but

take a look and see what’s there and

check it out so i hope that’s helpful

for you that’s announcement number one

announcement number two is as always if

you have questions for me if you want to

ask me something about vocabulary about

grammar about culture about everyday

life whatever if you have a question for

me you can send it to me for our weekly

question and answer series called ask


you can find the link for this at

ask hyphen alicia that’s the official

question submission page so don’t put it

in youtube comments or facebook comments

i cannot see them all there are too many

so please send them to me on the

official question page this is a

screenshot from a very old episode but

you get the idea i talk about vocabulary

words lots of stuff

uh okay so that’s all for our updates

for today i think everything is rolling

yes facebook are you with us is facebook

okay i see youtube hi youtube louise and

kanwaji and giovanni and miguel

ankit hello sana hello hi everybody

welcome welcome okay uh so

i think everything is going so let’s get

to today’s lesson boards today’s lesson

boards look like this so here we go

we’re gonna talk about three kind of uh

ways to talk about your achievements

with simple past tense and uh to talk

about complete actions we’re gonna use

uh a pattern to talk about not complete

actions and we’re gonna talk a little


we’re gonna talk a little bit about

changes too how do we describe the

changes that we experience okay so let’s

get to part one of today’s lesson we’re

going to begin by talking about complete

achievements things that are finished

things that are done okay

so let’s take a look and as uh as i go

through this send your achievement in

the chat and i’ll try to check this live

okay so let’s get started with our uh

complete achievements things that are

finished okay so to express a complete

achievement just use simple past tense

use simple past tense to do this okay so

for example in all of these examples the

simple past tense verb is in red okay so

send your simple past tense achievement

in the chat and i will try to check it

live okay so let’s get started first one

is i

started a business i started a business

okay so started is my simple past tense

firm i started a business


we bought

a house we bought a house bot is the

past tense of buy so we bought a house

it’s our simple past tense achievement

next is

i ran a marathon for the first time

i ran a marathon for the first time so

this is a good expression to use

for the first time for the first time so

if you want to express that it was the

first time in your life to do something

use this for the first time after the

simple past tense statement so i

something something for the first time


i did something for the first time okay

or i learned

how to cook

i learned how to cook so i learned how

to cook you can use this i learned how

to infinitive verb you can use this

pattern i learned how to something for a

skill i learned how to something okay i

learned how to cook or i learned how to


whatever whatever your skill or your

sport is i learned how to something okay

all right then

i passed a professional exam

i passed

a professional exam so make sure this

passed is not p-a-s-t not correct

p-a-s-s-e-d to pass an exam to pass an

exam passed a professional exam or i

passed maybe an exam at school too i

passed a test at school okay

and one more i made a lot of new friends

i made a lot of new friends so here past

tense make i made a lot of new friends


and finally i earned more money i earned

more money many people are excited about

this one i earned more money so that

means my salary increased or my job and

my job i got more money okay

cool so you can send your examples in

the chat i prepared my first dinner in

2007 says kamala okay i made my lunch

for the first time you made lunch for

the first time ever like cooked it okay


uh you can send other goals hi facebook

facebook made it hi facebook uh it looks

like that’s okay now i’m looking for

your examples everyone is saying hello

colo says i passed my driver’s license

last week i passed my driver’s license

exam last week or i passed my driver’s

license test last week so for a test use

this one i passed a

blah blah blah exam yeah i passed my

driver’s license exam so this is a

general i made a general example

sentence here i passed a professional

exam so i passed my driver’s license

exam or i passed my

law certification exam whatever it is

i passed this

eric says i discovered a dinosaur in my

backyard last month thanks eric


all right


other examples uh i don’t see other

examples yeah hi everybody on facebook

that’s joining us welcome facebook hi

uh okay good so this uh this grammar

point simple past tense is a great way

to express just your simple complete

act simple and complete achievements so

remember we use simple past tense for

actions that started and ended in the

past so for the things this year that

are completely done you achieve them

they’re finished you can use simple past

tense to express those okay

cool so this is part one for today’s

lesson about how to talk about your

achievements so if you are just joining

us if you’re just joining us today’s

lesson is about how to talk about your

achievements for the year we’re talking

about complete

actions or complete activities things

that are not complete

so maybe you’re still working on those

things and then we’re going to talk

about uh increases and decreases and

changes that happened this year okay

cool so if you haven’t please please

please please please make sure to like

and share this video i’m gonna like and

share facebook is coming up now just

fine so i’m gonna share it

and continue

with the lesson okay cool so uh let’s


uh if you missed it earlier

there is a big banner at the bottom of

the screen that says get up to 60

percent off if you missed it earlier i

mentioned this but the team has created

a lot of different types of uh discount

a lot of different sales so if you check

the link below the video on youtube or

above the video on facebook you will

find this page you can choose check the

different types of discount and see if

there’s one that matches what you are

looking for so there are a couple of

different types that you can find here

maybe there is one that’s perfect for

you if you want to study with our

language lessons and our courses so

check that out if you have been thinking

about studying with us you’ll be a good

start to your next year okay all right

let’s go to

the next part part two part two is about

uh incomplete action so how do you talk

about something you started to do but

you didn’t quite finish it let’s

talk about some patterns for this okay


i have i made two basic patterns for for

this section so we have this this one

which is just like the first one

i simple past tense verb and then the

key difference here is but i did this


so it’s not finished yet or there was a

problem so something that’s incomplete

we can express this

very simply with this pattern i simple

past tense verb



you can use this pattern so i wanted to

include this pattern

specifically for something you started

but it’s not done yet so you’re still

doing that thing


the pattern is i started

plus the ing form of a verb so i started

walking i started listening i started

cooking whatever


something something something so you’re

not finished yet okay this is the idea

all right so let’s take a look at some

examples you can send yours in the chat

i’ll try to check live let’s take a look

okay so first one i created

a website


it’s not 100


i created a website but it’s not 100

finished so we have our achievement in

simple past tense here i created a

website okay so that’s finished


it’s not 100 finished

right so that means maybe we can visit

the website we can go to but maybe there’s some other

information that person needs to add

still okay so i created a website but

it’s not 100 finished maybe 90 finished

so if someone wants to express that they

can use a pattern like this


okay let’s go to the next one some of

you are sending uh very very close

example sentences but there’s one

grammar error we need to look at okay

let’s look at this one and then maybe

you can fix your sentence so

i started jogging i started jogging so

this one

is this pattern a new thing i started

this thing this action

i started jogging

but i haven’t run in any races yet

i started jogging but i haven’t run in

any races yet okay


with this part i started jogging this

tells us the new action right something

we started to do okay but here

i saw some errors some mistakes in the

chat right here i haven’t run in any

races yet

this sentence i have not run

this is a negative present perfect

structure i haven’t run in any races yet

i saw a couple people right i uh i

didn’t finish yet i didn’t finish yet

like uh i think someone on youtube wrote

i started reading

a book but i didn’t finish it yet

we have to use this present perfect

grammar structure here so i started

reading a book but i haven’t finished it

yet so didn’t finish means complete in

the past right but you’re still reading

the book today right you’re continuing

that action same thing here you haven’t

run in any races yet maybe in the future

or you expect in the future maybe you

will okay so

use i haven’t run or i haven’t plus past

participle verb

for your verb to show that something is

continuing but not quite done yet okay

all right

i’m looking for

your questions your examples i did this

i created a website but i have not done

anything with it very nice very nice

okay cool all right anna says i never

finish my books i will try harder next

year good luck anna

okay what does jogging mean jogging

means running like running but for

exercise purposes jogging oh some people

yeah jogging jogging means running



uh camilla says i started dieting but i

haven’t been able to lose weight perfect

sentence great great okay


rosa says i started studying so i

started studying no uh here i started

studying french

but i can do it okay so maybe in this


so this pattern i use for things that

are not complete like there’s a this is

like this is good however this is not so

good so in your case raza i started

studying french like that’s you can

finish it there like i’m excited or i

think i can do it okay all right

uh okay let’s continue to the next

example sentence

i started studying english i started

studying english or i started studying

french if you’re rosa i started studying

english but i can’t have a long



but i can’t have a long conversation yet

so again this one we’re talking about

something that is not possible

yet okay so in this sentence i can’t

you could say i haven’t had a long

conversation yet which means up until

now i have not had this experience

that’s also okay

this expresses your condition i can’t

have a long conversation yet so maybe

you can talk for one minute or three

minutes but like an hour is really

really challenging yeah so i started

studying english but i can’t have a long

conversation yet okay


oh i’m looking for your examples

okay some of you are writing simple past

tense good good good okay uh juan carlos

says i started studying hungarian but i

can’t form any sentences yet i can’t

form any sentences plural then it’s

perfect okay

all right lots of you are writing the

same sentence about books yeah i started

reading a book but i haven’t finished it

so i started reading a book but i


finished it yet many of you are writing

i instead of haven’t your writing didn’t

i didn’t finish i didn’t complete i

haven’t finished it yet okay i haven’t

finished it yet okay

let’s go to the next one all right so

i moved to a new apartment i moved to a

new apartment but

i need to buy furniture

so here we’re expressing a finished

action this part is finished i moved to

a new apartment this is finished yeah

then here but

i need to buy furniture furniture

is the stuff in your house that you used

to sit on to sleep on for example a bed

a chair a table these things these are

called furniture furniture this category

so i moved to a new apartment but i need

to buy furniture okay

um all right good so this is uh these

are two patterns you can use to talk

about uh things that you started but

that are not done yet okay

um okay yeah some of some people are

writing i started a new hobby or i

started this new activity yeah you can

use just this part alone that’s fine i

started ing verb is great great okay

looks good


um some others are sending some examples

colo says i started studying english for

three months but it’s difficult for me

to speak like you maybe i started

studying english three months ago three

months ago so we use for

uh duration of time

to talk about how long something

happened right

so you’re talking about a past point in

time yeah

okay anna says i moved to a new

apartment but i don’t have running water

yet is that true


is that true really

uh okay all right great let’s go to

sorry i’m pushing buttons on facebook

it’s hard to see okay

let’s go to a quick break and then we’ll

go to the third part for today the third

part for today is going to be about uh

changes and stopping behaviors okay so

let’s go to

a super quick break if you missed it

earlier there is this banner at the

bottom of the screen it says get up to

60 off and i showed it earlier but in

case you missed it uh there is

a page here with the team’s holiday

deals for the year so they’ve created a

a group of them some of them the banner

i think means sold out but maybe uh you

can check scroll down on this page to

see the details about all of this you

can check and see if there’s something

here that matches what you’re looking

for so there’s a bunch of information on

this page you can take a look here

and see if there’s something that’s

kind of what you’re looking for for your

study so if you want to study english or

any language with us take a look at this

page and see if you can find something

that works for you okay

cool all right let’s continue on to the

last part for today’s lesson if you

haven’t please please please please

please make sure to hit the like button

and share this video so that other

people can find today’s lesson super

cool okay so let’s go to the last part

the last part for today

is about uh changed behaviors uh or just

changes and stopped behaviors okay so

things these are also kinds of

achievements right so changes that we


let’s talk about describing changes

describing changes okay so for this uh

section i want to focus on two verbs


in past tense increased

and decreased decreased so there are two

patterns one basic pattern uh

with a variation so we have noun phrase




or noun phrase decreased by

amount so increase means go up

decrease means go down yeah so something

increased or something decreased so when

we say went up yeah you can say that it

sounds more casual

we use decreased for go down or

something that went down in past tense


we can use by plus the amount to talk

about the change right from here to here

how much

we express it with this right here

or you can use a lot as well just it

it’s just a lot a big change right okay

so let’s look at some examples uh that

use these increase and decrease words

you can send some in the chat too so

my salary

increased by 20 percent

my salary so your salary means the money

you receive from your job right

my salary

increased so went up

by 20

20 that’s a lot my salary increased by


so 20 is the change yeah from here to

here 20


all right so my salary increased by 20


uh mauricio says my company value

increased by 50 percent that’s nice in

one year that’s pretty that’s pretty

good that’s pretty good okay uh intake

oh yeah i’m going to talk about intake i

put this here on purpose so we could

talk about it

uh okay let’s go to the next one the

next one my junk food intake decreased

my junk food intake

decreased what does this mean so intake


break this down in and take so

we use this to talk about like uh

the things we consume so for example

food and drink in this case my junk food

intake decreased

so you might hear intake used in a few

different kinds of situations we use it

with food and drink or we use it with tv

shows so media and movies or social

media whatever things we consume we put

in our brain or we put in our body right

my junk food intake

decreased so that means it went down

so this is a different way to say i ate

less junk food this year

so my junk food intake decreased

yeah okay so this is what intake means i

wanted to include this word as a new

vocabulary word for today’s lesson

so intake intake means the uh the

the thing that we consume so the level

of our consumption the level that we put

something into our mind or into our body

so my junk food intake or maybe like my

uh alcohol intake for example or yeah my

um my netflix maybe my netflix we might

use it for for media as well too so

intake refers to how much we put into

ourselves of something


all right i’m looking for other ones

uh abdul rahman says i increased

my maybe english learning hours per week

that’s great yeah so i instead if i

increase learning english hours i


my english study hours or my english

learning hours per week then it’s good

okay cool


riaz says my daily cost increased by 25

oh really so like your the money you


increased by 25

so you can use that too my daily costs

increased by 25

jonathan says my english increased a lot

in the past few days my english

increased well that’s a hard one to say

it’s hard to say my like your language

increased we probably if you want to

talk about your language skill

use the word skill my english skills

increased a lot this year or like my

french skills

increased a lot this year we would use

skills to talk about that so my english

skills increased a lot that would be

natural cynthia says my body weight

increased you look very happy about that

cool okay good good all right okay so

let’s continue to the next one then okay

so um

i want to finish with a stopped behavior

so how do you talk about something like

a bad habit or some behavior you want to

stop how do you express that

so here’s the pattern we have subject


ing verb right so this is our past tense

verb stopped i stopped



very common one i stopped smoking i

stopped smoking you cannot use i stopped

to smoke that means i stopped

and decided to smoke i stopped in order

to smoke okay

i stopped smoking means i

finished i finished smoking i don’t do

it anymore so i stopped smoking i

stopped smoking okay here’s another

common example i stopped spending

so much time at work

i stopped spending so much time at work

so this part so much is really important

you this sentence i stopped spending

time at work this means like i quit my

job or i don’t go to work anymore which

most people we need to go to work

right so i stopped spending so

much time at work means i decreased

how much time i spend at work so before

i spent like 80 hours a week

i don’t know at work and then i

decreased it to 40 hours or something so

i stopped spending so much time at work

you can use this for money too i stopped

spending so much money so before i spent

a thousand dollars every week i don’t

know and now i spend a hundred dollars

every week for example okay so this so

much is important i stopped spending so

much blah blah blah okay


yeah how to say stop money spending yeah

some people are asking about that i

stopped spending so much money i stopped

spending so much money that’s a really

good pattern to use okay

all right


some examples are coming in okay i

stopped wasting time on facebook oh good

one i stopped wasting time on facebook

for uh social media platforms i stopped

wasting time on twitter on instagram on

facebook your preposition should be on


what is the difference between spend and


so to spend means to use a resource

right to spend time to spend money right

we’re using something that we have

and maybe it’s for a good reason we

don’t know waste means to throw away

like garbage so to waste time means to

use time for no good purpose right so to

spend is to use a resource maybe we get

something back spending time or spending

money we get like a product yeah

something but to waste means to throw it

in the garbage to waste time right

that’s the feeling you can think of the

vocabulary word waste basket to think

about that if it helps you like

into the waves basket with my time


um written rin says i stopped overeating

great very nice example okay boruto says

i stopped playing football okay all

right um

all right good

i hope i said your name right on

facebook says my body weight decreased


0.2 or maybe just two kilos great so

just one thing my body weight decreased

don’t forget this d to make it past

tense yeah

then it’s perfect my body weight

decreased by two kilograms nice okay

phew uh rodolfo says i quit smoking too

right yes you can change uh quit uh for

stopped here i quit smoking also okay

yes yes

okay mena says i stopped buying fast

food okay uh um says i stopped spending

my money on booze is that right yes

perfect perfect this is the last example

sentence too about alcohol this is

another common one people want to change

this habit so i stopped drinking alcohol

i stopped drinking alcohol or if you

want to talk about spending money on a

specific thing

yeah your pattern is good i stopped

spending so much money


thing i stopped spending so much money

on alcohol i stopped spending so much

money on

cd well i don’t know like music i don’t

know i don’t know whatever your thing is

i stopped spending so much money on this

thing i stopped spending so much money


i don’t know the internet on internet

shopping whatever okay

good all right uh it looks okay some

people are saying

um okay some people are saying like

things that seem like positive things

some people say i stop said jeeb for

example says i stopped bike writing okay

so you can talk about

those stopped behaviors usually we want

to we want to express these behaviors

because it’s a positive change of some

kind yeah

so maybe i’m not sure if that’s

for everybody if everybody’s expressing

this as a positive change okay

uh good all right but your grammar looks

good i stopped eating junk food okay


natalie what is the difference between

spend and consume so i just talked about

spend right we put we give our time or

our money to receive something right we

spend our time we spend our money

consume is the opposite right so when we

spend we’re giving something away right

we’re giving our time we’re giving money

to consume

means that we take something in right to

take something in like we consume food

we consume drinks we consume energy we

consume media right we’re putting

something in so they’re kind of

opposites sort of in a sense

okay i’m very late oh my gosh that was a

long one okay so i have to finish up for

this week’s lesson your grammar looks

pretty good to me so check it out uh the

if you want to practice more you can

check this out and of course i have

videos on the channel about

how to make simple past tense sentences

uh and other grammar points too so do a

quick search of the english class 101

youtube channel to find more videos to

practice with okay i have to finish

there i am late so i will wrap this up

if you missed it here are today’s lesson

boards you can take a screenshot

so today we talked about using simple

past tense for complete achievements we

talked about how to express

your incomplete achievements things that

are not finished and we practiced

talking about changes and stopped

behaviors okay

cool so this was today’s topic uh this

is the last live live stream of the year

so thank you so so so so so much for

joining me uh there will be a lesson

next week if you want to join but next

week the lesson will be recorded so i

hope you enjoy it i will be here but i

will not be live next week’s topic will


how to give your opinion about the past

year so how do you express your feelings

about 2021 or any year so how do you

talk about your ideas and your opinions

about the year i will talk about this uh

in the session next week december 29th

at 10 p.m eastern standard time that is

new york city time if you don’t know

your local time please google it or set

a notification on youtube or on facebook

or if you follow me on instagram i

always post a link in my stories with a

topic reminder so check that out you can

also find my instagram and twitter

in the youtube description of this video

okay so i have to say goodbye there i’ll

say goodbye my last uh live goodbye for

the year uh but thank you as always for

joining me and sending your awesome

questions uh and don’t forget if you

want to take a look

at the team’s deals for the end of the

year check the link below the video if

you’re watching on youtube and above the

video if you’re watching on facebook you

can check and see which of these looks

good for you okay so i will say goodbye

for the year for this live session uh

thank you as always so much for liking

this video for sharing the video for

sending your messages in the chat i hope

you have a great holiday season and a

happy new year and i will see you again

very soon