STOP Basic Verbs Learn English Grammar

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hi everybody welcome back to know your

verbs my name is Alicia and in this

lesson we’re going to talk about the

verb stop let’s go

so the basic definition is to finish

doing something to stop example

sentences stop hitting me I need to stop

laughing so much now let’s look at the

conjugations of this verb present stop

stops past stopped past participle

stopped progressive stopping

now let’s talk about some additional

meanings of this verb the first meaning

here is to pause during an activity

examples let’s stop for lunch they’re

stopping at the supermarket on their way

to the party so each of these example

sentences shows some pause in an


the first example sentence let’s stop

for lunch could mean like maybe people

are working let’s stop meaning let’s

take a break

eat lunch and come back to the activity

so let’s pause do this thing come back


let’s pause let’s stop for lunch the

second example sentence they’re stopping

at the supermarket on their way here

means they the people here are coming to

some location coming to a party maybe

and on the way in the act of coming

they’re going to stop at the supermarket

so pause the activity of coming and go

to the supermarket to get something and

then continue coming to the party or

continue coming to the event so there’s

some pause we can use stop to mean pause

in some other activity the next meaning

is to block something to block something

we often use this for like a hole or a

leak or we need to keep something out of

something else like rushing liquid like

water for example examples we stopped

the leaky pipe with special glue we

stopped up the hole with old fabric so

you’ll see in the second sentence there

I use the preposition up to stop up

something when you’re using stop to

refer to fixing a hole so meaning

putting things into a hole to fix a hole

we typically use the preposition up step

up a hole stop up a leak stop up a crack

I suppose mostly for hole though so when

you want to talk about blocking

something else out we can say to stop

something like to stop the water as well

means you block the water but if you’re

talking about like filling a hole like

to stop something from coming in you can

use stop up the hole so it means to

block something so we could say stop the

water from coming into the river or like

stop the bugs from

coming into the house by putting a

screen on the door for example you’re

blocking them from coming in the third

meaning for this lesson is to cause not

to move to cause not to move examples

can you stop the car I feel sick

stop moving I’m trying to take your

picture so to cause not to move means to

maybe cease the operation cease means

stop but cease means to make something

come to an end so like in the first

example sentence stop the car it means I

want the car not to move I feel sick so

to cause something not to move is to

stop that thing

the fourth meaning of this verb for this

lesson is to not operate to not operate

this is especially used for like

machines examples uh-oh my computer has

stopped working they’re stopping work at

the factory early today so this means

some operation is not happening so some

something is not operating it’s not

continuing so in the first example my

computer has stopped working I used the


stopped stopped my computer has stopped

working means like oh it’s not working

so it was working now it’s not it

stopped it is no longer operational

in the second sentence it’s about a

factory in the second sentence I’m using

the progressive form they’re stopping

work at the factory early today so this

sentence means there’s a plan at the

factory to stop work early today so we

use the progressive form they’re

stopping work early to refer to a

determined plan a plan that’s been

determined prior to the conversation

they’re stopping work today so that

means operations will cease they’re not

going to continue

let’s continue on to some variations now

the first variation of the verb stop is

to stop by to stop by it means to visit

for a short time so to stop by the house

to stop by the store to stop by the

supermarket other examples stop by the

house sometime and say hello we’re gonna

stop by the bar later it just means to

make a short visit we’ll stop by a place

or you can just say we’ll stop by later

it means if the if the place is

understood by the listener you can drop

the place we’ll stop by later it’s fine

the next variation is stop at nothing

stop at nothing interesting phrase this

expression means someone is willing to

do anything in order to achieve

something willing to do anything so

we’ll stop will will cease for no reason

we’ll stop at nothing

in order to achieve something examples

I’ll stop at nothing to get a date with

that movie star he’ll stop at nothing to

get that boat he wants so meaning these

people will do anything to achieve their

goal they will stop at nothing to

achieve their goal all right so those

are a few maybe new ways to use the verb

stop before you I hope you got something

new out of this lesson if you have any

questions comments or if you’d like to

try to make a sentence using the verb

stop please feel free to do so in the

comments section of course if you liked

the video please make sure to give us a

thumbs up subscribe to the channel and

check us out at English class

for other good study resources thank you

very much for watching this episode of

know your verbs and we’ll see you again

next time bye Mike don’t stop believin

there we go on three out of 13 9
