How to Learn and Remember New English Vocabulary

hi everybody welcome back to our weekly

live stream my name is Alisha and today

we’re gonna talk about how to study and

remember English or any other languages

vocabulary so today I’m going to talk

about a method of study called spaced

repetition and I’m going to give you

some tips for where to get your

vocabulary lists how to use them and

when to study like how often to study so

if you have been sending questions to us

about studying vocabulary like many of

you have I hope that this lesson has

some useful tips for you this is

something that lots of you asked about

so I hope this can help many people of

course if you have questions please send

them in the chat and I will try to check

them live throughout the session today

okay I see a few people joining as you

join us live please do send us a message

in the chat and make sure to like and

share the video so other people can find

today’s lesson we’re going to begin in

about one or two more minutes I guess

while we wait there’s in case you missed

it last week we had some very exciting

news on our Channel last week our

Channel the English class 101 channel

reached 3 million subscribers hey so

this is it we took a picture a couple

pictures with some of our team members

this is not everybody but these are a

few of our awesome awesome team members

they make everything possible all of

this stuff that you guys watch every

week and every day some of you so this

was a huge huge milestone for us so

thank you again to everybody who takes

the time to watch our videos and learn

with us and connect with us it’s super

super awesome so if you missed it last

week that happened last week super

exciting for our whole team so we’ll

continue to be making more hopefully

interesting and useful things and of

course trying to make things that help

everybody specifically so today’s topic

in that theme is about studying and


have eulerian also another announcement

I mentioned these free PDFs every week

but we have lots of new ones new ones

available these are a few of the new

ones I printed them out to show you I

will show you close-ups a little bit

later of some of these but these will be

super useful for today’s lesson and for

your studies so I’ll show you these

later there are new ones though

I won’t probably show them all so please

check the link below the video on

YouTube or above the video on Facebook

to see them all okay that’s all for

announcements I will say hi to people

now hello Sakura from Japan hello Damien

Sharif conch on on YouTube Samuel hello

everybody and on Facebook I see people

on Facebook to colleague Anissa Elma

Iike hello soup Jen hello everybody

Ameen how a person named me in hello

okay great so lots of people are joining

lots of people are here fantastic I’m

going to share the video and like the

video and then I’m going to start

today’s lesson so as I said today’s

lesson is focused on spaced repetition

spaced repetition so this is a system or

like a method of studying so today for

today’s lesson I’m going to look at

using spaced repetition to study

vocabulary but this is something you can

use to study pretty much any other kind

of memorization related topic so it’s

not just for studying language but it is

an excellent tool for studying language

so let’s begin here this is a keyword

for today’s lesson spaced repetition

spaced repetition so what is spaced

repetition why do we need it why is it

useful first the concept spaced

repetition is studying with spaces

between your study sessions so this is

different like the opposite the opposite

is what we call a cram session

a cram session or like cramming style

studying so cramming style studying I

did this when I was a student maybe many

of you do it

cramming is like the night before a test

you pick up like your vocabulary or you

pick up your topic and you just try to

study everything in one night like you

put it all in your brain for a short

period of time and then use it for the

test but the problem with cramming is

that you forget it like after the test

you just forget everything you studied

so you study a lot in a short period of

time remember for a short period of time

and then you forget

so this spaced repetition is different

from cramming so cramming CR a.m. that’s

how you spell this is one time like a

one time study session space repetition

though the idea is that the first time

you study something this is like a kind

of basic schedule over a couple of weeks

and a couple of months in this case the

first time you study something or rather

at the beginning of like the first time

you learn a new word or the first time

you learn a new grammar point you need

to refresh your memory a lot so

refreshing your memory is important to

learn something long-term not just for

one day so the first time you study

something let’s say it’s like a new

vocabulary word or a new group of

vocabulary where it’s for example like

if you decide okay I’m gonna study all

of these words on this PDF so you study

them all one time then you need to study

again really soon because they’re new

like it’s all new information and you

need to refresh your brain again it’s

like it’s all new so I need to I need to

be reminded of the new information again

so maybe you study once on like like

today you study and then again tomorrow

you study the same things and maybe you

forgot its natural like that’s normal to

forget a few things so you review those

things then you study again like

two days later maybe the same things and

gradually you make more and more space

between your study sessions so maybe in

week one you study the same words like

four times for example and then in week

two you study like two times or

something like that and then further and

further you study like once a month or

whatever you have to give your brain

time to remember the word and in order

to do that you need to study several

times over a longer period of time so

you can already see this is very

different from just cramming everything

in so trying to put everything into your

head is great for a short period of time

but if you want to remember vocabulary

if you actually want to be able to use

your vocabulary for a long period of

time you have to keep refreshing your

brain you have to keep reminding

yourself so that you can actually

remember these words okay so a couple

other points about this set a spaced

repetition like this this is a good

concept but I know many people are super

busy of course so it’s hard to remember

like when to study like when did when

was the last time I studied or when was

the last time I studied this word or

this group of words so now we have

software we have software that can tell

us when to study that tells us okay it’s

time for your study session like you can

use your phone you can use an app you

can use software you can use like our

our stuff the stuff we have in English

class you can use lots of

different tools to help you remember

what time to study and what words to

study also but a couple of things first

remember in most cases software is input

only so by that I mean if you use an app

like you decide you’re going to use in

apt to study vocabulary words you read

the word on your app like okay this is

the word beautiful and you remember it

yes but you have to be responsible for

the output so not just reading the words

not just remembering the words that’s

where you have to be responsible if your

software doesn’t have like an output

option some software’s do if your

software does not have that you have to

be responsible to say the word to write

the word to make a sentence with the

word so these are examples of output so

you need to be using the words that you

learn don’t just put them in your head

but actually use the words so this is

another really important point to


so not just input like if you can read

the word great that’s fantastic but to

use the word you have to actually like

use it you have to actually make things

create things okay ah then final point

here if you don’t want to use a software

you can use flashcards just basic

flashcards so writing something writing

something on a piece of paper or writing

something on small cards and quizzing

yourself like every day that’s another

way to do it it may be just kind of

difficult to do on a specific schedule

so software is really helpful okay so

that is the point first point for today

I haven’t checked the chat in a while

because I wanted to explain today’s

concept ah any questions specifically

about vocabulary words I’ll try to look

at those I see people just write in

comments about yes this is helpful this

is helpful okay cool

yeah some people uh Anissa on Facebook

says I always forget vocabulary totally

me too me too I totally forget

vocabulary so refreshing your memory a

lot you need to be able to refresh your

memory remind yourself of those words

you studied back here and to do that

effectively you need to study now and

then not just one time or two

times but you need to study regularly so

it’s like reviewing and another kind of

cool feature of this is that when you

study you can review old words and learn

new words at the same time so you can

put like a new group of words into your

study like plan or your study sessions

and you can like learn new words like if

you’ve studied one group of words for a

long time cool and then maybe at this

study session you introduce a new group

of words that’s starting here so that’s

really cool there’s lots of really cool

things you can do with software okay

Eric says he has many questions

all right thanks Eric okay am i the same

woman on the other English livestream

probably there are a few of us teachers

on the livestreams okay

someone lindomar says i use flashcards

with my students as well yeah great

great okay someone Gabriella says the

big problem is pronunciation ah so if

vocabulary if you can remember

vocabulary words but remembering

pronunciation is difficult then as I

said remember to practice output so when

you read the word if you know that

pronunciation is difficult for you

practice output like say the word at the

same time as you see it on your

flashcard so don’t just read it and if

you don’t know the pronunciation lots of

you say this if you don’t know the

pronunciation of a word go to an online

English dictionary for example Merriam

Webster’s or Collins dictionary they

have a button on every word in the

dictionary so you can hear the

pronunciation in American English and

usually British English too so go to

dictionary it’s totally free you can

check the pronunciation of any word in

English okay good so I’ll take a quick

break there and then we’ll talk a little

bit about some other ideas some ways to

get words and when to study so quickly

not I don’t know maybe not so quickly I

said there’s new there’s new PDFs I’ll

show you on this

amra over here there are new PDFs that

we have for you to download I was

looking at this one because of course

our lessons are online I’m sorry this is

the this is a new PDF talking online is

the topic of this so there are all of

these vocabulary words you can use for

your devices and on the back some useful

sorry hard to see some useful

expressions don’t do this useful

expressions you can use on the internet

on social media up here

these abrete like these little

initialisms and then a couple of other

well a lot of other vocabulary words

here so this is an example of something

you could make a group of flashcards

with these words you could study these

as one topic of study at a time other

new things I saw a couple other ones I

wanted to show you especially which were

here’s another one but I thought was

good sports some of you have asked about

sports recently this is a sports and

exercise vocabulary page so again

another group of vocabulary words you

can train using a spaced repetition so

to help you remember all of these words

more effectively so these are just a

couple of examples of the new PDFs that

we have I’ll show you some more again

later but like I said if you grab if you

download like a PDF for example and make

a set of flashcards or if you use an a

spaced repetition software you can

practice like you know for two weeks one

of these PDFs and master that so this

can be a great tool like to get some

words to get a list of vocabulary words

to study so I will show you more of

these later okay let’s move on then to

the next part of today’s lesson yes the

PDFs are free you can get them if you

have an account at English class 101

dot-com check the link below the video

on YouTube or above the video on

Facebook if you’re watching on Instagram

please check YouTube or Facebook and

sorry I cannot

see your comments live okay so let’s

continue to part two for today also a

quick reminder if you haven’t yet please

make sure to like and share the video so

other learners can find today’s lesson

let’s go to part two part two I started

talking about it a little already word

lists so some of you say how do I find

vocabulary words to study like why like

how do I know which words I need to

study here are some ideas first you can

download vocabulary lists from existing

software so existing this means someone

made this vocabulary list that’s what it

means there are already lots and lots of

vocabulary excuse me vocabulary lists on

the internet you can download for free

especially if you use a spaced

repetition software so I keep saying

spaced repetition these spaced

repetition software’s are called SR s

like spaced repetition systems or spaced

repetition software’s so you can find s

RS decks or lists of words that already

exist on the internet if you have an SRS

like app or something you can maybe find

it inside your app so for example if you

are an English class member I

think if you have the basic premium or

Premium Plus subscription you can access

we have word lists and a flashcard

system so you can practice we already

have like I think a group of 2000 core

words for English so you can use those

if you have an account on the website if

you have paid accounts you can access

all of the word lists so you can check

those out too another thing you can do

if you want a free resource this is a

very popular SRS spaced repetition tool

it’s called Anki a and

and ki this is a free software that you

can download to practice memorization so

if you don’t if you don’t have like

budget to buy like a software or

something you can get this and they have

what are called decks so deck a deck is

like a deck of cards playing cards yeah

so we imagine our like wordless or

flashcards are like a deck also so you

can download a deck of like thousands

and thousands and thousands of cards and

you study with something that looks like

this so in in the software there’s the

vocabulary word and then there are some

buttons you can choose at the bottom so

you see the word and you have to ask

yourself do I remember this word or not

you can choose no I don’t remember this

word at all or it’s a little hard or it

was okay I got it it was okay or it was

very easy so you choose an answer to

this and the software remembers your

answer the software remembers your

answer and chooses when to quiz you

again on the same word so these kinds of

software are super super useful for

remembering which words to study like

which words were easy which words were

difficult for you

the software remembers for you so you

don’t have to remember so your

responsibility is to open the software

to make some time to study so this is a

free resource that you can use as I said

we have of course our vocabulary lists

on our website if you are already a

member there and I mentioned to our PDFs

so if you know there’s some topic you

want to study like this is shopping at

the supermarket vocabulary word this is

one about making plans with time so like

talking about schedules so if there’s a

specific topic you want to focus on you

can take a PDF one of these and put all

of these vocabulary words into your

software to practice study

that way so there are many ways that you

can use existing information to create

your word lists some other ideas you can

look for specific news articles so if

for example you’re interested in

politics and you have like a website you

always read you can choose a specific

news article and take key vocabulary

words from the article put it into your

vocabulary study system and you can

practice those vocabulary words until

you master them other ideas you can use

blogs so if there’s a blogger or maybe

even someone’s social media feed maybe

you can use those you can use those

resources as vocabulary word resources

so when you see a new word you have to

kind of train yourself see a new word

take the word put it into my flash card

like deck or my group of flashcards so

that I can study it so these are just a

few ideas of places you can get word

lists of course your textbooks also have

word lists if you use text books that’s

another idea as well of course if you

have other ideas you can send them in

the chat so that other people can see

your ideas too but these are some places

where you can get lists of words already

made and some ideas for how you can

custom make your vocabulary lists too

okay I don’t see any questions yet so I

will continue on let’s see we’ve got

about nine minutes yeah everybody’s just

saying hello and they understood Oh some

people I’m on on Facebook said how do we

get the free PDFs so these ones I

mentioned if you want to get these if

you’re watching on Facebook there’s a

link above the video not the chat box

but like above the chat area or above

the video on Facebook below the video in

the description box if you’re watching

on YouTube please log in to the website

with your account if you do not have an

account you can make a free account

okay / son says how do I learn words

with the same translation for example

target goal purpose objective yeah so

one recognizing that the words are

different great and then if you think

these words seem to be the same check a

dictionary to look at the differences

and I recommend checking example

sentences too because sometimes when I

check a dictionary I understand like you

say the translation of the word but I

don’t understand the nuance I don’t

understand like the small differences in

meaning until I check example sentences

so I say dictionary yes but also check

the example sentences to understand it

and sometimes quite honestly lots of

people use the same words

interchangeably okay

good let’s continue then to the last

part of today’s lesson I guess I’ll take

one more break and show you a couple

more of these the new ones I haven’t

shown you yet so this one this is what I

was looking for earlier this lent it’s

about hobbies so this says leisure time

activities which means hobbies so the

things you do in your time off so if you

want to study hobby related vocabulary

this is a good resource on the back lots

and lots of vocabulary words that you

can practice to be able to talk about

your hobbies

for more specific hobbies like for

example about music this says singing

but this is actually about music there’s

a lot of music related vocabulary on the

back here so please check these out

there are lots and lots of new ones I

think I have a couple more maybe if

there’s time later but please check the

link below the video on YouTube or above

the video on Facebook to check out all

of the new PDFs that you can use your

vocabulary studies okay let’s go to the

last part of today’s lesson men please

today’s lesson the last part will be

about when to study when to study so if

you missed it I talked about the spaced

repetition this idea of having a gap

between your study sessions as you

practice as you review vocabulary words

so when should you study first every day

is the best setting every day is the

best finding a little bit of time to

study vocabulary every day is the best

so I know like lots of people are busy

but if you just kind of change a little

bit of your existing schedule it can be

kind of easy to find 10 minutes or 15

minutes here and there some ideas during

your commute so your commute means your

travel to work or your travel to school

so if you drive a car it might be a

little challenging but I’ve heard of

some people who listen who do listening

practice in their car on the way to work

so they do like a listening vocabulary

listening sorts of things this could be

an option if you drive other things

during your lunch break you can study

take 10 minutes in your lunch break to

review vocabulary maybe after dinner or

before you go to bed or before you eat

breakfast or maybe after school if

you’re a student so there are lots of

different times during the day of course

everybody has a different schedule

everybody has you know a different kind

of feel as well like I hate mornings for

example I am NOT a morning person

it takes me a super long time to wake up

I like to sleep late so for me I don’t

want to do anything before breakfast for

me it’s like late afternoon is the best

time for me so that’s when I prefer to


in my case actually though like my

favorite time to study vocabulary when I

studied vocabulary my favorite thing to

do and the thing that was most helpful

for me I was using an app and I studied

on my commute in the morning and at

night my commute was very short like 15

minutes or so so I studied 15 minutes in

the morning and 15 minutes at night and

that was 30 minutes a day that’s a true

story I did that for like a year or so

and I learned a lot of vocabulary that

was really helpful I was using a spaced

repetition system too so I remembered it

as well so that’s what was helpful for

me that was very helpful for me you can

find something that works for you

specifically so but key points try to

study every day try to study every day

of course if you miss a day that’s okay

that’s fine but try to make a little bit

of time every day because you refresh

your mind like if you’re refreshing your

mind every day a little bit it’s really

really good to do so try to study every

day okay any more questions

um Alisha today youtube okay someone up

bori on facebook says i always study

english after school nice nice so you

already have a specific time maybe some

of you already have an English class so

maybe you can study just before your

class to review your vocabulary good

marcello on youtube says on my commute

works better for me yeah that was my

case too

we’re like studying on my commute was

really really good for me I liked that a

lot because otherwise I’m just gonna

like check social media or something

like I can check that anytime so I just

changed how I used my time and studied

instead okay other points someone says

if I miss a day I’ll get lazy I

understand I totally understand but it’s

like if you stop if you quit you’ll

regret not continuing so it’s like if

you miss a day just go oh

and then start again so don’t get down

on that penny says do these tips apply

to remembering grammar rules totally I

think so totally so it’s not quite the

same like studying vocabulary words like

we can’t always just pick up a flashcard

and remember all like the grammar rules

of something but you can use the same

idea so for example if you study like

present perfect tense at the beginning

of your I don’t know here and then you

study it like you know you review it the

next day what is it how do I use it

what’s it used for and then you study it

the next week and then two weeks later

you can do that and then I think with

grammar you naturally use it so you

might not use all of your vocabulary

words a lot but with grammar rules

you’re naturally using them so if you

refresh yourself a few times in the

beginning I think it becomes much easier

long term to remember so don’t just

study a grammar point one time okay it’s

really hard to remember words for things

relating to medicine and disease yeah I

would say again just put him in a

flashcards just put him in a flash card

deck find some word list get your get

your words together and put them

together in a flashcard group that you

can study with the same system we’ve

talked about how’s my Japanese

vocabulary pretty good I do pretty good

I don’t know how many I don’t know I

don’t know how many words I know

actually I’m not sure other questions

let’s see Facebook Facebook Facebook

I don’t see specific questions about

vocabulary or let’s see someone says

what can I do to improve my listening

well if you’re talking about vocabulary

listening then try you can use this and

you can try to listen as well

to like our videos or to like audio

podcasts at the same level as what

you’re studying so that might help you

okay good I don’t see many questions so

I think I have to wrap it up as well so

it is half past the hour so we’ll

conclude there I think well look at me

I’m on time for a change

alright so I’ll end there but I hope

that this lesson gave you some useful

tips for studying vocabulary again the

system I talked about the method I

talked about here was spaced repetition

spaced repetition you might find spaced

repetition systems or spaced repetition

software’s called SRS SRS so please

check that out or make your own

flashcards and your own study schedule I

wish you the best of luck with your

vocabulary studies but I have to finish

so today’s lesson will end here we will

be back of course next week next week’s

topic is yes every day English idioms

everyday English idiom so I’m gonna talk

about maybe twelve to twenty or so I’ve

chosen a few like hit the hay or knock

it out of the park I’m gonna talk about

some everyday English idioms that we use

for those little bits of like daily life

so please join us next week that will be

Wednesday August 21st 2019 um we’ll be

here 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that

is in New York City time if you don’t

know your local time please google it

and join us to talk about everyday

English idiom so this will be kind of

like a vocabulary lesson but like

phrases we’ll talk about some set

phrases to use so join us again next

week we’ll be here I will sign up so

please check out the new PDFs I showed

earlier these are all for free from the

link below the video on YouTube or above

the video on Facebook if you’re watching

on Instagram please check the links on

youtube or on Facebook and we’ll see you

again next week so thanks very much for

liking the video and for sharing the

video for sending your questions that

was awesome and enjoy your week enjoy

your weekend we will see you next time