Learn the Top 10 Ways to Stop procrastinating and Study in English

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hi everybody welcome back to top words

my name is Alisha and today we’re going

to talk about ten ways to stop

procrastinating and study let’s go

register for a challenging test register

for a challenging test to register for a

challenging test that means registering

for a test that is slightly more

difficult than your current level so if

you think you’re of yourself as like a

beginner right now maybe try registering

for a test that is at like the lower

intermediate level so if you always

register for a test or give yourself

some goal that is slightly more

difficult than your current level you

can always try to be pushing in the in

the upwards direction you can always try

to be pushing to to improve

little by little so I say challenging I

don’t say difficult because if you’re a

beginner and you register for an

advanced level test it’s gonna be really

difficult to meet your goal it’s gonna

be really difficult to study everything

to pass the advanced test but if you set

smaller goals smaller test goals maybe

you have a better chance of achieving

those goals and your motivation will

stay up so try registering for a

challenging test to give yourself a goal

find a movie or TV show to understand

the next idea is to find a movie or a TV

show to understand so finding a movie or

a TV show that you can watch every week

or just maybe your favorite movie in the

language you’re studying can be a really

fun way to motivate yourself so if you

have like a TV show you want to watch

every week you can focus your energy on

trying to learn the vocabulary words or

to learn the expressions that are used

in that TV show and perhaps week after

week you’ll start to hear some similar

things and start to pick up the way that

people speak in that show so having

something that’s kind of fun and a

little bit entertaining to use as you

study can help you enjoy what you’re

doing a little bit more so the same


apply to a movie if you find a movie

that you really like or you really are

inspired by that movie it can help you

as you study because it can motivate you

and inspire you to want to know all live

like the aspects of that movie to know

everything all the details of that movie

so finding something that’s kind of a

little entertaining to help you study

can be a good way to stop

procrastinating sometimes get a study

buddy the next idea is to get a study

buddy a study buddy so what is a study

buddy so buddy is a word we use for a

friend so a study buddy then is a friend

that you study with or a friend that you

tell your study goals to someone who can

make sure you are responsible for your

behavior so if you have a study buddy

you can maybe check in with them every

few days or like once a week maybe you

go to a study group together or maybe

you practice conversation together you

can set goals with your study buddy so

you don’t feel like you’re studying

alone all the time if you study alone

all the time you might feel like I have

nobody to practice with or nobody

understands my goals or I feel like I’m

the only person with my goal so having a

friend having a study buddy can help you

to feel a little bit more like part of a

team and to help you like through

questions that you might not understand

or maybe they have some resources that

you don’t have and that can help you as

you study so getting a study buddy can

be both really fun and really helpful

for you and roll in a course the next

idea is to enroll in a course enroll in

a course so like to enroll in a course

means to start a course or to register

for a course so in this case we’re

talking about a course of study like a

language course if you’re studying

English enrolling in a course can be

helpful because it creates

accountability it creates

responsibilities if you enroll in a

course you’re paying money presumably

and if you miss a class if you miss a

session of your course you can think of

it as money wasted essentially so if I’m

paying maybe $50 for each lesson in a

course and I don’t attend that means

that I’m wasting $50 so if you think of

it this way and you are enrolled in a

course then

maybe this can help you study because

you don’t want to waste your money so by

attending class you’re using your money

well you’re using your time well to

study and you also have the option to

talk to your classmates and to the

teacher there about any questions that

you have so enrolling in a course

especially like a weekly course or maybe

even like a daily course or intensive

course can help you in a lot of

different ways I think create a social

media account for your studies the next

idea is to create a social media account

for your studies so this is a popular

way to get some daily practice actually

creating with the language that you’re

studying so a really common tool for

this is Twitter I’ve seen many people

use Twitter to do this they create a

Twitter account that’s specifically for

their English language studies so people

will write about their day in English if

they’re studying English so if they

don’t have a chance to maybe speak with

colleagues and the language they’re

studying or to write an email for

example if they don’t have a way to

practice making outputs many people

choose to use social media to do that so

it’s kind of a way to reach out to find

other people who are studying or to find

resources to read everyday about the

thing you’re studying but you also have

the chance to create something yourself

so if you like you could try making a

social media account that’s devoted only

to your studies so try that out sign up

for a regular event in your studies the

next idea is to sign up for a regular

event in your studies so that means if

you’re studying English for example

maybe you can try to attend like a

monthly get-together in English

somewhere so this can be about your

hobbies it can be about just something

in your community a school event for

example if you find something that you

are able to do in English in this case

that’s also related to your hobbies it

can be helpful for you because you start

to see the ways that you can use English

in a situation outside of just your

textbook maybe or a situation that’s

outside of just your studies but getting

an idea of how other people are using

the language and getting an idea of like

how you can potentially use the language

in other way

so going to a regular like a monthly

event or maybe something twice a month

or whatever that’s maybe outside your

course or outside of your test studies

can be another good way to get some

exposure to have a chance to actually

use the things you’re learning and to

learn new things make studying part of

your daily routine the next idea is to

make studying a part of your daily


so by this I mean for example taking 30

minutes in the morning or 30 minutes at

night or maybe thirty minutes at lunch

whatever it is for you finding time in

your day every day to do a little bit of

study so even if you’re only doing 10

minutes in the morning in 10 minutes at

night it’s better than zero so that’s 20

minutes over the course of one day which

is still better than zero minutes ever

if you can find a way to make studying

part of your day and you can kind of

create a routine that studying is part

of it can help you just kind of become

used to doing that so steady doesn’t

feel like a job or studying doesn’t feel

like a chore it’s just something you do

like brushing your teeth or cooking

breakfast or having a cup of coffee or

whatever so if you make studying part of

your routine then after a while it might

not feel like work it might not feel

like study it might just feel like okay

this is just the thing I do at this time

of the day so give that a try try to

integrate study try to put study into

your daily routine reward yourself when

you finish studying the next idea is to

reward yourself when you finish studying

so when you finish your studies whatever

that time period might be whether it’s

thirty minutes or one hour or you went

to your course for the week try finding

a way to reward yourself for studying

this can be a very simple thing like for

example buying yourself a cup of coffee

or you get to have a piece of chocolate

or after you finish studying you can

watch your favorite TV show so find a

way to put reward into your study

routine so once you finish studying

there’s something good that happens that

you can expect at the end of your study

period so kind of reward yourself like

so that it helps you

develop and feel motivated to continue

doing that study routine make your goals

public the next idea is to make your

goals public so make your goals public

means share your goals with people so if

you don’t want to share your goals with

everybody maybe you can just tell a few

friends about your goal so if that goal

is to pass a test for example or if that

goal is to master a certain grammar

point or maybe the goal is to learn a

certain number of vocabulary words

whatever that is try telling people

about that goal because then it kind of

creates some responsibility for you like

if you tell people about that goal they

might ask you about it in the future and

if you say I didn’t do it or I couldn’t

do it or I’m not studying at all you

might feel kind of bad about that


so actually telling people about your

goal creates that accountability and

that responsibility for you so try

sharing your goal with the people around

you also they might support you there’s

a chance that they can support you or

they can offer help they can offer

something to help you achieve your goal

so try that make studying a game the

last idea is to make studying a game to

make studying a game so in some cases

you can find applications or you can

find games you can find ways to study

where like someone has already

programmed a game like especially for

vocabulary words for example you can

find a way to enjoy your studies if that

doesn’t already exist try to invent a

game especially if you have a study

group or a study buddy try to find

creative and fun ways to use the things

that you’re studying then you can

actually enjoy your studies you don’t

have to think of it as work but you can

actually see how your studies can be fun

some examples of games that you could

use when you study English you could use

there’s like a game called Scrabble

where you you get points by creating

words so the more words you know the

better chance you have of getting a

highest score in the game so Scrabble is

one way that you could do it for

children one that’s good is sort of like

it looks like a worksheet actually but

it’s called

mad libs it’s called mad libs this is

something that my brother and I used to

play when we were little

it’s a worksheet but some of the words

are missing in the worksheet and we

can’t see the whole story really it’s

good to play this game with two people

so one person reads the worksheet and

there are blank spaces on the worksheet

that say adverb or adjective or verb so

you ask the other person to give you an

adjective to give you a verb and you

write those words in the story when

they’ve given you all the words that you

need to make the story complete you then

read the full story to the person using

the words that they have given you and

it usually becomes something kind of

funny so this can be a good way to test

your grammar and also just to get kind

of creative with the sorts of words that

you’re choosing so that might be good

for kids as well so there are a lot of

different things that you can do of

course you can create your own games as

well so those are ten ways to stop

procrastinating and study I hope that

those are helpful for you if there’s

something that you like to do or

something that you think has been

helpful for you in the past to stop your

procrastination let us know in the

comments it could be helpful for

somebody else if you like the video

please make sure to give us a thumbs up

subscribe to the channel and check us

out at English class 101.com for some

other really good resources thanks very

much for watching this episode of top

words and I will see you again soon bye
