Self Study English conversations


food security dialogue one

I want to have hamburger and nuggets

would you like to go with me together no

thanks and you’d better not either why


I’m almost starving the newspapers said

they found Sudan red dye in Nuggets its

harm to people

what if Sudan red dye kind of dye

material for industry it’s banned by the

state from using in food technology

well that fast food shop be closed up

I’m not sure it depends on the results

of the investigation

dialogue to

where do you go for lunch a lot of

choices usually those restaurants nearby

sometimes in the cafe don’t you have any

qualms about the food security people

often say you can be alright by eating

peck of dirt what a fallacy how do you

know if the knives and forks are

sterilized or the food they bought have

no chemical residue we have had too much

else to worry traffic accidents or

dismissed by boss whatever

not to mention such trivial matter it’s

not trivial it’s your lifestyle a closed

mouth catches no flies I can’t do that

like you every day take lunch box like a


tips for longevity

I allowed one

What’s Wrong Susan Hayley I have come

down with a cold

that’s too bad come in and have a seat I

will make you a cup of tea no thanks

it is no use for the cold I don’t think


here you are drink it as quickly as it

is hot oh what’s that

something like ginger slice ginger is a

spice and often used for cooking it’s

also known as a Chinese herbal medicine

to warm your body and what’s the little

red one it’s called Chinese wolfberry

often used for making tea to against

humid pathogenic bacteria dialog too

have you suffered insomnia before no I

sleep tight every night I just come to

ask if you know how to deal with my bad

sleep problem are you in some trouble

recently no trouble at all but I’m busy

so much these days perhaps you think so

much about that

no everything goes smoothly but I feel

hot and sweaty in the evening I don’t

know why maybe there is something wrong

with your yin and yang Chinese

traditional medicine believes that these

two factors should be balanced

what should I do then go and see a

Chinese doctor maybe the doctor will

give you some answers

drinking in the bar dialog 1 this is my

first time being in a bar how do you

like this place sure I love this place

especially the decoration yeah what

would you like orange juice will be fine

for me

bartender orange juice for this lady and

iced beer for me please

Oh fresh juice I love it let me help you

to hold the drink Thank You dialog - I

thought you could have a drink but I

don’t like drinking alcohol it makes my

face turn red so what do you usually

drink when you go out tea and juice are

both fine with me but you are in a pub

right now all the girls here know how to

drink alcohol you have to learn why do I

have to learn I don’t like it at all

because if you refuse to drink people

will think you are too conservative so

in your opinion I should have a drink

right at least get used to it and better

to have a couple of glasses all right I

will try dinner invitation dialog one

let’s meet for lunch around midday good

idea we can try the new pizza restaurant

yes let’s try it

I’ve heard that it’s really good okay

I’ll see you there just after 12:00 what

would you like it’s up to you how about

Pizza peeps is good but I prefer

spaghetti dialogue - have you ever tried

the Chinese restaurants at the corner

yeah really

what do you think of it excellent I like

Chinese food very much

so do I I like Chinese dumplings

you mean Java yes I like it very much

their dumplings taste very good

I’m watering now let’s go there for

lunch deal shopping in the mall

dialogue 1

may I see some hats please what size do

you take I’m sorry I don’t know let me

measure you your size is six what color

would you like brown please here are

some nice Brown hats try this hat on the

very good one yes I like this one it

goes very well with my coat how much is

it it’s ten dollars would you like to

take it yes I’m glad to take it do you

want me to put it in a box

no thank you I’d like to put it on now

dialogue to

can I help you yes I’m looking for I

watch for me I see what price are you

interested in the price doesn’t matter

but it must be a gold watch and

automatic hmm something like this

perhaps it’s one of our best watches

made in Switzerland fully automatic with

a calendar it’s nice but haven’t you got

anything better better better than this

well we have some Rolexes probably the

best watch in the world would you show

me one please yes would you wait here

for a moment please


shopping in the supermarket

I love one

can you tell me where the ingredients to

make Chinese food are I will show you

follow me that is good of you what do

you want I’m after things to stuff

dumplings with like Chinese cabbage bean

sprouts that sort of thing I also need

some soya sauce and vinegar the

vegetables are over there and the

flavorings are here where’s the meat

counter over there

dialogue to

may I see your ID sorry I left it home

do you have anything with your age on is

driving licence ok yes show me please

here it is well it’s ten dollars in all

cash or card card here you are please

input your password ok

haircut and facial


good morning sir take a seat please

thank you I like to have my hair cut how

do you want it

just a trim and cut the sides fairly

short but not so much at the back

nothing off the top well a little off

the top how about the front leave that

as it is

would you like a shave or shampoo no


I can do all these things by myself

dialogue to

good afternoon ma’am what can I do for

you good afternoon

I want a facial would you like a

complete service what does that include

well it includes a thorough cleansing

invigorating the skin removing the dead

cells a massage and the hydrating mask

that’s exactly what I want how long does

it take it takes 1 hour and a half it

costs you 100 un altogether if you want

to make up another 10 yuan will do good

I’ll take the facial with makeup

taking a taxi


hey taxi good afternoon madam get in

please - the first elementary school

please okay bad luck the bus is still

not coming the traffic here is really

terrible do you want to pick up your kid

from school yes I am in a hurry

no problem I’m going to take a shortcut

dialogue to

drive me to Kennedy Airport please I’m

sorry my car is taken where is the next

taxi stand not far away it’s over there

then take me there please but I’m just

waiting for someone you’d better walk

there sorry for that

parking problems

dialogue 1

you can’t park here you’ll get a ticket

parking in this business area is a


let’s look for a parking lot we have to

there’s one right over there and $10 an

hour sheer robbery well do you stop

whining let’s go and get the parking


dialogue to

to park my car here sorry that’s not

allowed this is a private parking place

only is there a parking lot near here

yes there is a parking lot just over

there there are many free parking spaces

there you can save money on parking

there can I find a parking space there

it’s hard to say just try your luck

thank you very much you are welcome

being fined

dialogue 1

show your ticket here it is I’m sorry to

tell you that your ticket is outdated oh

it’s impossible I will give you a ticket

could you please not give me a ticket as

a student I have no much money sorry

this is my duty how much do I have to

pay the fine 20 yuan well here you are

dialogue to

your car yes what’s wrong it’s illegally

parked do you see the red line yes but I

just parked here for a few minutes it’s

still against the law so now what I’m

going to write you a ticket please good

man let me go

covering for someone

I log one

kite today I have reception duties and

I’m really busy will you help me out

what do you want me to do I need you to

cover for me at noon I have to go out on

an errand okay I’ll cover for you but

you have to substitute for me this

Friday morning my mother will be coming

to see me and I have to get to the

airport to pick her up let me see I will

be free that day it’s okay with me

great it’s a deal thanks a lot I owe it

to you

I won’t forget it oh come on it’s a fair


dialogue to

hello is that Sophia yes it is

who is that it is Lucy where are you now

why isn’t the area code that of Beijing

I’m in Chengdu now I planned to go back

to Beijing

however the plane is not going to take

off because of the heavy fog so I will

arrive till this evening I remembered

that you would get night shift today

that is the reason that I’d like to know

if you could cover for me sure that’s


thank you very much you are welcome

asking for leave

as one

may I have a word with you director

certainly what’s going on I am going to

my hometown this weekend how long will

you be off work ten days it is really a

long time but what for I want to prepare

my wedding although we are very busy

these days it is a special occasion

you have it that’s very kind of you

thanks a lot

don’t mention it congratulations but

just make sure to turn in all the

necessary paperwork to ensure there are

no problems with the day’s you want to

take off

dialogue to

hello mr. Compton hi Susan what can I do

for you I’d like to take this Thursday

off if that’s all right with you may I

know the reason you know we are really

busy this week John sister is getting

married this Thursday aren’t you

scheduled to be on call yes but I

switched with Mary on Monday you know

she was ill that day so I have to oh I

see let me take a look well that’s no

problem Susan you don’t need to come to

work on Thursday I really appreciate it

mr. Compton

making business appointment

dialogue 1

hello mr. hammers office this is Cindy

hello Cindy

this is mr. Wang from ABC company I’d

like to make an appointment with mr.

hammer this week what time is he

available well he is keeping busy this

week what would you like to talk to him

about about the technical cooperation oh

I see this is very important let me

check his schedule and see if he can

arrange some time thank you

when do you have free time any day is

fine for me then shall we arrange the

time on Thursday morning for mr. hammer

we’ll be in the office for the whole

morning that works for me see you then

dialogue to

hi Nick nice to hear from you hi mark

I’m calling to ask you about the weather

they’re not good I’m afraid

that’s a pity because I’m planning to

travel there next week I’ve got a

meeting with a customer in your area on

Tuesday of next week really well you’ll

come by to see us while you’re there I

hope that’s what I’m going to talking

about I hope we could arrange to meet up

after that that sounds good

when do you plan on seeing me could be

either Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday

morning okay well it would be best for

me if you could come to see me on the

Wednesday morning okay I will try my

best I will call you to confirm when I

get into town great talk to you then

changing an appointment


I’m sorry to tell you that I have to

cancel our appointment what happened I

must meet someone at the airport this

afternoon I’m sorry to hear that

shall we meet tomorrow afternoon let me


oh I have another appointment that

afternoon then how about tomorrow

morning sorry I will attend a meeting

tomorrow morning

it seems you won’t see me in this week

huh oh come on you misunderstood me I’m

really busy this week what do you say if

I call you as soon as I’m free all right

you’d better call me soon

dialogue to

hello hello is this mr. will yes this is

Smith I wonder if our meeting could be

put back a day or so oh let me see

would it be possible to postpone our

meeting until Wednesday yes sure

would 2:30 p.m. be convenient for you

yes 2:30 p.m. is fine thank you very


goodbye mr. will I will see you in your

office on Wednesday afternoon I will be

there waiting for you

keeping appointment

dialogue 1

hello mr. Buffett

hello young man you are so punctual you

are flattering being on time is the soul

of business what’s more I’m meeting such

a big shot like you well anyway I like

my guests to be punctual please have a

seat thank you so what’s the purpose of

your visit here I’m here to discuss with

you about several questions on monetary

cooperation in East Asia

I think the cooperation will be

profitable well give your reasons

dialogue to

hello Lucy I’m afraid you have to wait a

moment when can you get to I will be

about 15 minutes late

the car is jammed before it comes to the

crossroads I guess there isn’t much we

can do about it I’m really sorry you can

begin now don’t wait for me all right

take it easy and drive slowly

welcoming someone at the airports

allowed one

when will you be arriving in Los Angeles

mr. Jones Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. what

flight United 603 all right mr. Jones

I’ll meet your plane would you I’d

appreciate that

my pleasure

dialogue to

hi Matt nice seeing you again here in

Shanghai hi Lucy thank you for meeting

me at the airport how was your flight

anyhow it’s a long way to Shanghai isn’t

it it is how many pieces of luggage do

you have let me help with one oh I can

manage them myself thank you all the

same if you’re ready we’d better start

for the hotel okay let’s go I really

need a good rest

office reception


good morning how can I help you I have

an appointment with mr. Smith I am

coming to send him some paperwork may I

have your name please

build of from ABB China nice to meet you

mr. dove have a seat I will let him know

you are here thank you

dialogue to

hi I’m here to see Miss Matthews do you

have an appointment no I don’t whom

should I say is here my name is Wang Li

Mei I know what it’s about of course for

business I spoke with her about a week


and she told me to just stop by when I

was in the neighborhood please wait a


I will see if she is available

business dinner


you must be miss Wong I am Kelly Truman

yes I am Wang Li Li just call me Lele

it’s great to meet you mr. Truman thanks

for suggesting a lunch meeting I’ve got

a hectic schedule so this is a great way

to kill two birds with one stone me too

and it’s my pleasure you must be

wondering who my friend here is I’ve

taken the liberty of inviting my

assistant mr. Thomas he’ll be taking a

few notes great nice to meet you it’s

always good to have someone to keep

track of things when you’re talking

freely nice to meet you too well

let’s go through the buffet line and

then we can get down to business

dialogue to

mr. Beck on behalf of the da chuan group

I wish to extend our warm welcome to

your visit in Beijing thank you so much

mr. Beck which things give you deep

impression during the time you stay in

Beijing lots of things Chinese long

history Chinese people’s friendliness

and Chinese food etc now help yourself

please Wow

I can say anything more than appreciate

your splendid banquet let’s propose a

toast for our friendship thanks for your

cooperation cheer up

getting promotion

dialogue 1

you work so hard nearly every day of the

week I know but I’m lucky compared to

most people how come

in what ways are you lucky because I

love what I do though I have to stay

long hours I love it as I have so much

work to do

while others suffer from the crisis very

good and I’m coming to tell you a good

news that you are going to be promoted

really I feel excited am I going to be

the head of the task force in Manhattan

perhaps but I’m not sure by now just

wait for the appointment hope you will

be ready when the appointment finally

comes through ok I’m looking forward to

hearing from the board of administration

dialogue to

Mary you are promoted to the manager of

your company congratulations thanks Jane

I was really surprised a grand reward

for job well done

thank you I mean there were a lot of

qualified people out there sure but the

work you did was really exceptional you

definitely deserved it

thanks a lot you are always responsible

and careful

I’m sure this promotion is just a

stepping stone to even greater things

Jane I appreciate it very much

thank you I’ll try my best

quitting the job

dialogue 1

sorry to interrupt you mr. Li what’s the

matter sera I am sorry to say that I

decide to quit could you name some


well my resignation is mainly for the

consideration of my parents they are old

and can hardly take care of themselves

I think they need us we plan to move in

a month to be frank your resignation is

really a loss to our team I honestly

hope you have a wonderful future best

regards for your parents thank you very

much I really appreciate your

consideration I’ll treasure this forever

thank you again

dialogue to

I’d like to talk about my job this is my

resignation mr. white I want to quit my

job what’s the trouble

I think you are working well I don’t

think Marc has the talent to be a leader

he pays little attention to working

method tortured to work with him go on

I’m all ears sorry I know it is not

decent to say behind his back I’m sorry

to say I can’t put up with him I decide

to resign take a seat and cool yourself

down it shouldn’t be you that decide to

leave instead it should be mark to be

asked to leave oh really right I am

tired of hearing complaints about him

you will work in a friendly United and

cooperative atmosphere soon thank you

very much mr. white don’t mention it buy

it down and get on with your work

office romance


I’m having this huge crush on Lily I’m

going to try and see if I can invite her

to dinner this weekend the boss had told

us not to mix love and work

that’s silly what I do on my own time is

no one else’s business

besides it’s pretty hard to meet people

outside of the office when we spend long

hours here well but I heard that she is

already seeing somebody I’m just talking

about a dinner not a date but most

starts with a dinner and then it gets

out of hand okay okay stop now if you

don’t mind I’ve got some work to do

dialogue to

I think nowadays young people spend more

and more time in offices yes it leads so

many of them to be single but at the

same time office romance is fairly

common these days are you for or against

that it depends what do you say this way

it is not surprising that romance

springs up in the office yet romantic

involvement is loaded with dangers for

both of the employees and for their

employers and remember not to date with

the boss what you said is reasonable

applying by phone

dialogue 1

hello this is mr. Warren’s office may I

speak to miss Lilly Carly please this is

Lilly Carly speaking oh good morning

miss Carly I’m phoning to inquire about

your advertisement for a secretary oh

thank you for your interest may I have

your name please

yes my name is Xiao Ling fine I’ll send

you an application form please complete

it and bring it with you when you come

for an interview when can you come for

an interview Wow could you come next

Thursday at 3 o’clock okay

three o’clock next Thursday

dialogue to

hello this is better English hello this

is Lizzy I’m applying for the position

of English teacher okay may I have your

full name please

of course my name is Lucy brown all

right what is your major in college I

major in English have you any work

experience in this field I’ve just

graduated from University no I have no

experience in this field I’m willing to

learn that would be fine but we prefer a

skilled one thank you all the same

opening remarks

dialogue 1

come in name an examination number

please my name is Li Ming and the number

is 26 glad to meet you my name is Mike

Anderson the Personnel Manager have your

seat thank you okay which position do

you apply for computer programmer

why do you apply for it I’m interested

in it and have two years experience in

this field would you give me a general

description of your present job okay

I’m in charge of all the network of a

privately owned enterprise

dialogue to

good afternoon I’m Wang Fung I come here

at your invitation for an interview good

afternoon I’m Susan the personnel

manager glad to meet you glad to meet

you too

I plan to apply for the position of QC

inspector I’m sure that I’m competent to

meet the requirements that you have

specified while what qualifications have

you got I have the educational

background and relevant experience

required by the job I once worked as a

QC inspector in a sino-american company

for five years how come you want to work

in our company it is the location of

your company that has attracted me most

I will take a job closer

applying for a secretary

dialogue 1

I see from your letter of application

that you’ve had quite a lot of

experience as a secretary you’re right I

worked in my previous company for over

six years why did you leave that company

it went bankrupt two months ago because

of the financial crisis

I see perhaps you could tell me what

sort of qualities you have do well in

the shorthand and typing also be able to

handling report writing summaries

keeping minutes at meetings and so on

dialogue to

have you brought your curriculum bTW

with you yes here it is

it seems you’ve little experience in

secretarial work I’ve just graduated

from University I can’t say I’m very

much experienced in this field but

nothing is too difficult for a diligent

student have you studied any secretarial

course yes I’ve taken such courses as

secretarial principles office

administration business English public

relations and file keeping what are your

plans for the future I hope to start

with an entry-level secretarial position

and become an administrative assistant

in a few years time

applying for a tour guide

dialogue 1

what have you done in the past as a tour

guide after graduation from a tourist

school I signed with the Shinjo travel

agency on a three-year contract

I showed my clients around in Beijing

have you ever set for the national

examinations for tourist guides yes I

have got the qualification certificate

have you ever learned any other foreign

languages other than English yes I have

learned a little French in Japanese you

should know to be a guide is a tough job

hard but interesting

dialogue to

why are you interested in working for

our travel agency I like traveling and I

also like meeting various kinds of

people what courses have you completed

at college

I have studied economics of tourism

tourist marketing tourist psychology

tourist culture tourist etiquette

science guiding methods and techniques

law of tourism and so on what do you

think the responsibilities of a tourist

guide are a tourist guide must be

responsible for arranging and

coordinating tour activities and

offering service of translation

accommodations sightseeing shopping and


lying for an air hostess

how tall are you my height is one meter

and 72 centimeters what about your

eyesight I’ve never had any vision

problems since my childhood what makes

you decide on this type of occupation

I love the sky when I was a child I

imagined flying into a blue sky someday

I also liked traveling and enjoying

working with people what are the special

features for stewardess

well a stewardess should be friendly

patient kind and polite to passengers do

you have these features I think I have

dialogue to

why do you want to be a stewardess I’ve

always enjoyed meeting new people and

working with others traveling to

different places and being in new

situations seems like an exciting

challenge what do you consider are the

responsibilities for the air crew the

main responsibility is to ensure the

safety of the passengers in case of an


other responsibilities include making

passengers comfortable and serving meals

do you think friendly service is very

important for the airline staff


applying for a hotel staff

dialogue 1

have you had any experience in food and

beverage service actually I have been

serving in an international restaurant

since I graduated from vocational high

school could you tell me something about

restaurant service yes food and beverage

service includes accepting reservations

giving information about restaurant

hours taking orders recommending food to

customers as well as presenting bills

suppose a guest wants to change the

order after a course has been served

what should you do it depends if it is

the waiter who makes the mistake I’ll

take the course away immediately but if

the guest ordered it and then forgot

about it the course can’t be exchanged

once it has been served this is a common


dialogue to

do you think the hotel facilities and

service is a kind of commodity why yes

it is a special kind of goods sold by a

hotel to its guests it provides for

guests all kinds of services with it

tangible facilities and space and its

intangible time and labor can you say

something about the importance of hotel

service quality yes service quality

determines a hotel’s reputation

reputation is as precious as one’s life

service quality is inseparable from

reputation what do you think is the

trend of changes in the future hotels

things will be developing toward 5c

those are chained in hotel operation

combination in service levels character

in a hotel design computer in hotel

management and competition in markets

applying for a manager assistant

dialogue 1

please tell me something about your

working experience from 2003 to 2008 I

got a job in the sales department of a

trading company I started as a sales

representative three years later I was

promoted to the position of Sales

Manager good can you tell me why you

plan to quit being a sales manager and

to work here as my assistant

don’t you like your present job yes I

like it but the company I work for now

is doing domestic business my

specialised field is foreign trade and

these years I’ve been looking for a

chance to develop my abilities this

position needs high qualifications do

you think you’re competent for that sure

otherwise I won’t come here

I’ve included my working experience in

the resume here it is

I’ve brought other necessary documents

too well let me see

would you mind taking a cup of tea and

waiting for a few minutes not at all

take your time

dialogue to

resume I know you worked an ABC company

for quite a long time yes I stayed with

them for eight years did you enjoy

working there yes I started as an office

clerk and became a department manager

three years later about two years ago I

was appointed assistant to the general

manager what did you exactly do in that


well I assisted the general manager with

his work in many ways sometimes I

presided over meetings or took part in

some social activities in his name I was

also in charge of making credit

inquiries approving payment terms and

things like that I can see you did quite

a lot of work so I don’t quite

understand why you left the post

I never easily give up something that is

valuable before I quit that job I had

made a thorough analysis of things like

what I would gain and what I would lose

I have the necessary experience of

making a good assistant to the

investment manager

applying for trading staff

a log one

please tell me about your education I

just graduated from University of

International Business & Economics

I majored in international trade what

courses have you taken many I just tell

you several randomly the courses I took

included international marketing

international business management

foreign trade practice foreign trade

correspondence foreign exchange

international law of Commerce etc maybe

you could tell me what certificates of

technical qualifications you received

I’ve obtained an export sales staffs

qualification certificate and a business

English certificate what attracted you

to this job your business model and

corporate philosophy I’ve been searching

for a long while to find a company like

yours as I’m interested in e-commerce I

think it’s the best choice to develop my

ability in your company you really have

an eye for your future career plan

dialogue to

what is the first thing to do in the

international trade as a buyer we first

have to make an inquiry as a seller we

have to make an offer as a buyer what

are you most capable of I’m capable of

buying I used to be a buyer for a big

trade company what was her chief

responsibility of your job there I took

in charge of sourcing price negotiation

and supplier management on the telephone

and mobile have you traveled a lot in

your work yes I have traveled many times

abroad such countries as Australia New

Zealand France Switzerland Germany and


applying for a teacher

dialogue 1

what’s your major I major in English

education have you ever been an English

teacher yes I was an English teacher in

a senior Middle School in 2004 and I

taught students in grade 2 I also taught

English for kids in my part-time at the

same time do you think you can make your

students like your class yes I will try

my best to help every one of my students

and I believe they like my classes do

you think you can be responsible for 20

classes a week no problem

dialogue to

what’s your attitude about the present

teaching method in the middle school I

think this would do more harm than good

maybe we all realized a phenomenon that

is for most subjects teachers always

talk too much but students just listen

and take notes this lecture method is

poor as this is an evil of long-standing

it’s difficult to change it how will you

do for that I think teachers just are

directors they should give scope to the

students initiative and creativeness

instead of taking their rights away from

speaking so maybe it’s better to divide

students into groups and ask them to

generate their own ideas actively why do

you think it is better it can help

develop the problem-solving ability of


applying for a nurse


now tell me something about your

professional education I graduated from

the nursing school of Beijing medical

University the nursing school offered

such professional courses as nursing

science nursing psychology nursing

ethics internal medicine and its nursing

surgery and its nursing pediatrics and

its nursing traditional Chinese medicine

acupuncture what do you think of the

qualifications for being a nurse I think

it should be responsibility skill

patience quietness what are the wards in

which you have worked I have worked both

in the medical wards and surgical wards

dialogue to

what were you responsible for I was

responsible for clinical nursing of

patients in internal medicine division

my responsibilities included taking

histories keeping charts giving

injections administering medication

testing temperature and blood pressure

preparing patients for treatments

changing sheets and quits can you

communicate with patients in English we

need such nurses she must speak English

well I think I can I have had such

working experience when I worked in ush

Hospital of Beijing

or an architect


why do you think you are qualified for

this post my major is architecture and I

have some related working experience

what kind of experience do you have

from 2006 I have been serving as an

architect in the banking real estate

Development Corp what did you mainly do

in your work I was mainly responsible

for the blueprint of residents community


what is your technical title now I just

received the qualification certificate

months ago I’m a senior design engineer


dialogue to

what kind of work were you responsible

for in the past employment I was mainly

engaged in designing industrial

construction projects for example I

participated in designing the number

three passenger terminal of Capital

International Airport are you able to

design the multi floor industrial

building yes if I’m given enough

information and all the designing

requirements are clear and definite what

is the deepest feeling you have as an

architect just like a famous person said

an architect must know the truth that

one plus one equals two but also has to

learn to think that one and one doesn’t

make too

applying for an IT manager


do you have any IT qualifications yes I

studied computer science in teen why

University and it got an MS degree

I majored in computer science do you

have any work experience yeah after I

did my MS degree I began to work for IBM

what are you adept at I’m adept at data

warehouse data processing SQL server

Lotus Notes and powerbuilder can you be

responsible for monitoring technical

design developing and maintaining the

database I have confidence in that for

the past two years I’ve been working as

a project manager for IBM

dialogue to

tell me something about your work

experience in IT please I have three

years of experience working in the IT


have you ever designed any programs

concerning database yes I designed some

program for the system of workflow if

you were appointed to a database

programmer what would you do in your

opinion I would be responsible for

writing computer program developing

block diagrams utilizing available

software and operation systems and

coding machine instructions writing

machine instructions testing debugging

and assembling program and so on which

programming languages are you familiar

with Visual Basic Java extensible markup

language and s AP report language

applying for a bank clerk

a long one

do you like working with figures yes I

like I’m good at math at school do you

like meeting the public yes I enjoy

meeting new faces every day are you sure

you can be a successful cashier I’m sure

you know my major with statistics and I

got excellent records in all of the

courses I had taken can you express

yourself in good banking English yes

there is no problem for me to talk with

customers in English

dialogue to

have you been working at that Bank I

have been working in the bank since 2004

why do you think you are qualified for

the job I think I have a precise

attitude which is very important for a

bank clerk and the post requires

frequent communication with clients what

about your communication skills and

client serving senses I think I have

these two abilities have you heard that

a cashier embezzle fifty thousand

dollars from the bank and run away what

do you think of it I think this kind of

thing indicates the cashier is not

responsible for his work his mistakes

absolutely can be attributed to the

personal character

applying for a Salesman

dialogue 1

do you have any experience with sales

work yes I worked for ABC company a

foreign trade company for nearly two

years where I established business ties

with several firms what do you exactly

do at that company yeah visiting

customers dispatched consignments and

things like that can you work in English

yes I can speak fluent English

dialogue to

are you familiar with the export trade

of cotton yarn certainly I have worked

in the export department of a textile

and garment company for three years do

you think you are qualified for the

position of Sales Management yes because

I held this kind of position before

you’ll have to travel frequently if you

accept this position are you free to go

on business trip no problem I enjoy

traveling especially the chances to go

abroad to deal with export business

applying for a journalist

dialogue 1

how much do you know about our newspaper

the character of The Wall Street Journal

is fresh ideas and profound comments

there are so many famous journalists in

your newspaper office can you work under

pressure you know people working here

are all very busy every day as we’re a

daily newspaper I think I get used to

work under pressure I will adjust myself

to the step of your newspaper quickly by

the way have you had any publications I

used to review for the National Herald

Asia Financial

dialogue to

why do you want to be a journalist well

I have always enjoyed writing since my

childhood and when I thought about how

to use this side of my personality I

decided to become a journalist do you

think you have strong communicative

ability yes I’m pleased to communicate

with others in university I was a

chairman of the Students Union in

journalism Department which all

developed my expressive ability and my

communicative skills do you think you

can travel around and make reports yes

I’m young and strong and I like

traveling I’m sure I can report true and

fresh news

accepting the offer

ugh one

hello this is Jack is that Mary yes this

is Mary speaking I just want to get you

know we made an offer to you I emailed

the offer to you as well

you can let me know within a week if you

will accept our offer thank you

I’ll go through it and let you know soon

we do hope you get on board with us

thank you for everything

dialogue to

from your resume I think your work

experience is exactly what we are

looking for quite impressive well thank

you you have been in this field for five

years haven’t you

more or less would you like to work for

our firm yes I’m looking forward to this

exciting opportunity okay that settles

it then

welcome to the firm I’m sure you will

like working here thank you again you

can start work from today can I that’s


inquiring by phone


this is Mary I’m just calling to see if

you have made any decision concerning

the position sorry we haven’t made the

decision yet do you have any idea when

you might arrive at a decision we will

let you know probably next Friday I hope

to give you the positive reply okay I’m

willing to wait until you come to a


dialogue to

personnel Department please hello this

is Wang Lee I want to know what the

status of the position is sorry I can’t

give you an immediate answer well when

will you let me know the result you will

be hearing from us before next Wednesday

by the way shall we notify you by email

or by phone you’d better do it by phone

all right

you will hear from us soon thank you

I’ll be looking forward to your call

discussing the commencements


what date can you start to work I’ll go

and quit my job in the ABC company how

about early next month

that will do please come in on February

5th working hours are from 9:00 to 12:00

in the morning and from 1:00 to 5:00 in

the afternoon

yes sir I’ll see you on February 5th

then it will be a pleasure to have you

here when you come ask for Linda okay

that’s all right

thank you I’m sure I’ll enjoy working

here too

I hope so goodbye goodbye

dialogue to

how long is the trial period it depends

yours is three months and during this

period you are half paid and then what

raises are given after three months

probation period according to your

performance when will you make me sign

the contracts if you work all right into

three months you will be put on the

permanent payroll and be asked to sign

the contract

okay I see you’ll be covered by our

medical plan while on duty well I see it

the company will cover a reasonable

number of sick days have you read the

other terms of the contract yes I

noticed an item about flexible time is

that a possibility for me yes but you

must discuss the details with your


pay in ways

dialogue 1

do I owe you three thousand yuan

altogether it’s a big money do you take

checks sorry we only accept cash and

credit card

how about MasterCard yes we do accept

that can I pay 1000 un buy cash and for

the rest of them I use my card okay no


dialogue to

here is the money have you got anything

smaller sorry I have no change about me

here is your change please count it okay

I’ll do that sorry

you’ve shortchanged me you still have to

give me a ten I’m sorry I’ve miscounted

that’s all right

planning a trip


hi Jenny how do you spend your holiday I

have no plans at present I intend to go

to the seaside on my one-month vacation

though our budget is a little tight this

year really it sounds good

I’d better also schedule a definite plan

for the journey as soon as possible

would you like to travel around Europe

yes I want to Paris maybe you can be in

a package tour that would be great but I

prefer traveling alone and having a lot

of time to linger in one place I hope

you’ll have an enjoyable trip in Europe

dialogue to

Jaynee does a trip for adventure

interest you sure I possess a hunger for

adventure I have got some information on

tours to Antarctica recently is that

really so what time will it start next

Friday next Friday I’m afraid there is

no time until next month as I’m up to

the eyes in work these days oh what a


maybe you can ask Jack he warmed to the

idea of a trip to Antarctica Jack yes

the boy we chanced to meet last Sunday

in the doorway of the cinema

for a visa


morning sir morning what can I do for

you I’d like to apply for a visa to your

country would you tell me what type of

visa you are applying for business visa

no traveling visa have you ever applied

for a visa before no this is my first

time to go abroad may I see your

documents sure

here are my visa application forms my

passport and papers okay let me see

dialogue to

excuse me sir yes I have lost the

entrance card it doesn’t matter I’ll

bring you another one at once how long

will it take for my visa to be acted

upon you have to wait at least two weeks

okay I see please don’t hesitate to call

us if you have any questions or

difficulties in filling out these forms

okay thank you

looking ticket


morning may I help you I’d like to get

three seats on a flight to Paris on May

1st hold on a second please

let me see

yes there is flight 937 leaves at 13 35

what is the fare for an economy class

ticket 1321 UN okay I will take it would

you please tell me your name telephone

and ID number sure

I’m Lily my phone number is one thirty

seven one eight seven seven three seven

eight eight an ID number is one 100 105

one nine four seven - OH

one two three four five six seven well

I’ve got them what time do I have to be

at the airport you’ll have to get there

by 1305 at the latest the check-in is

half an hour earlier than departure

dialogue to

what can I do for you can you change the

reservation please sure I’d like to

cancel my reservation for the flight on

September 16 and book 1 on September

19th instead please okay

wait a moment please sorry that’s all

sold out

what about September 20th let me see

ok there is only one ticket left first

class and it is 2700 um do you have any

lower fare yes for September 21st 1800

UN ok alright the balance of the fare is

700 UN you have to pay it by yourself

reserving a room

dialogue 1

afternoon what can I do for you I’d like

to make a reservation when do you need

the room from May 1st to May 7th how

many people in your party 3 I would like

a double bedroom and a single room let

me check it

we have several rooms available how much

is the room for a night 132 un

oh it’s a little expensive could you

give us any discount we can give 15%

discount in the high season okay would

you mind telling me your name of course


my name is Lily okay Miss Lee now I

check your information a big single room

and a single room from May 1st to May

7th for six days and seven nights yes

dialogue to

good evening good evening may I change

the reservation I made this morning of

course I want to change it to a single

room for July 2nd July 2nd right yes

anything else I can do for you I need a

little bed for my baby ok

going through customs

dialogue 1

welcome to France may I see your

passport of course I’m from Beijing here

is my Chinese passport have you ever

been to France before no this is my

first time what type of visa have you


traveling visa we are traveling for

pleasure may I have your passport

customs declaration forms and health

certification forms please sure here you

are so is that all yes you can go

through have a good time in Paris

dialogue to

may I see your passport please here is

my passport what’s the purpose of your


sightseeing how long will you be staying

in the United States one day in fact I’m

just passing through I am leaving for

Geneva tomorrow evening

where are you staying I will stay at

Boston hotel how much money do you have

with you

I have $800 have a nice day

thank you

baggage claim

dialogue 1

excuse me could you tell me where to get

my luggage may I see your baggage number

card of course here you are the luggage

will come out over there just wait a

moment please okay

please check the flight display board

above each carousel all right if my

luggage got damaged what should I do

don’t worry we will compensate you for

it by the way I need a baggage cart is

it for free yes

dialogue to

madam what can I do for you I couldn’t

find my baggage how many pieces of

baggage have you lost a suitcase can you

tell me the features of your baggage it

is a large leather suitcase with my name

tag it’s dark blue you’d better make a

lost baggage report okay please send to

me as soon as possible when you find it

we will try our best to help you find

the suitcase


dialogue 1

excuse me I’m transferring to Paris here

is this the right counter to check-in

for the flight

yes may I see your boarding card please

here you are when does the connecting

flight depart your connecting flight is

China airline flight 9 5 7 takeoff at

9:30 a.m. where can I get my luggage

back your entire checked luggage would

be transferred to your connecting flight

well good to hear that thank you

my pleasure you can have a short rest in

the transit lounge that’s great

do you need breakfast we will offer

breakfast for you please have a rest at

number 10 waiting hall we will inform

you on time no thank you all the same

dialogue to

what’s wrong with you Lily I’m anxious

about my connecting flight

what is the departure time the plane

takes off at 9 o’clock it is 8:40 you

might have missed the flight it is

checking in now where can I claim my

baggage they are still on the plane

don’t worry all connecting flight

baggage are transferred automatically at

the connecting place good

you can ask conductors to put you on the

earliest possible connecting flight well

I suppose there is no other choice

checking in

as one

I’d like to check in please have you

made a reservation before yes could you

tell the name the name is Lily just a

moment please

I’ll check our reservation records a

single room from May 1st to May 7th

right yes

I’m afraid we have to ask for a deposit

of $200 okay

how will you settle your account in cash

or by credit card in cash your room

number is two seven eight and here are

your key and breakfast vouchers the

bellboy will show you the way

good I hope you’ll have a happy stay


dialogue to

may I help you sir is there a room

available yes do you have a reservation

with us no I didn’t make a reservation

what kind of room would you like I’d

like the room which is pleasingly large

the downstairs consisted of three large

rooms would it be convenient to see the

room of course this way please


checking out

dialogue 1

good morning miss Li can I help you I’d

like to check out my room number is 2 7

8 and here is my room key wait a moment


could you tell me what the total bill is

it is $617 including tex $617 yes here’s

your bill you can check it

excuse me what’s this charge that is

wine and other potables charge okay can

I charge it on my Visa card oh yes of


sign your name at the bottom please okay

I’d like a receipt please

sure would you call a taxi for me to the

airport please no problem you’re welcome

to stay with us next time

dialogue to

excuse me may I pay my bill now I am

Jack in room 177 sure was everything

satisfactory very nice wait a minute


the total is 200 um

okay can I pay in US dollars I’m sorry

sir we only accept RMB or a credit card

here is my credit card do you have the

receipt yes the computer is running

please sign your name at the bottom of

the invoice okay here are your bill and


taking pictures

dialogue 1

hey what a beautiful castle yes so it is

did I take pictures here no permission

to take a picture here really oh what a

pity there’s a nice view over there we

can go there okay

will you please pose for your picture I

don’t like to be photographed I’m a bit

camera shy just try to stay relaxed and

keep still while I take your photo let

me try

dialogue to

excuse me could you take a picture for

me with pleasure oh the view is great

please adopt an elegant pose is that

Alright please turn your head a little

to the right

I’d like to put my glasses on you’d

better not keep still please

the photo did not come out at all

let me see I forgot to load my camera

once again okay

photograph is really well taken yes

thank you very much

checking in before boarding a plane

a log one

could you tell me where to go through

check-in formality here please may I see

your identification card okay what kind

of seat do you want is the first row

aisle seats still available I’m afraid

all the aisle seats have been taken what

about the window seats I’m sorry the

window seats are not available

do you have baggage to check-in No

dialogue to

good morning madam what can I do for you

would you please help me to get my

boarding pass

sure may I see your passport please

here you are one economy-class

seat is that right yes I’d like to sit

in the front of the plane just wait a

second I’m sorry the economy seats are

not available we may locate you in the

first-class seat the balance of the fare

is 1100 UN you have to pay it by

yourself okay what is the gate number at

gate 10 go through the security check

and turn left

take the moving staircase at the end of

the hall then you will find it



dialogue 1

hey Mary could you tell me whether you

are single now I have a boyfriend since


really yeah


each other

and later a lot in common and I guess we

are on the


another hour selling

is he the style that you like the truth

what I imagined


I think I’ve fallen oh-fer met each

other till now yes I know but I think

the appear portent to me

when did you have

since last time you comforted

because of my bad emo

oh I remember think it is normal to make

your friends happy yes but it would you

impressed me most so special but I’m not

ready to give you an answer

it doesn’t matter maybe you need some
