What is the Best Way to Study English Vocabulary

okay i think it’s rolling hi everybody

welcome back to our weekly live stream

my name is alicia

and in this week’s lesson we are going

to talk about vocabulary

study strategies in this lesson we’re

going to talk about

how to study some ideas for studying


making a study schedule and finding new

vocabulary words

so i hope beginner intermediate and


learners can find some tips to help


vocabulary skills in this lesson so as

you join please make sure

to hit the like button and of course

share this video too

so that other people can find today’s


all right i’m making sure everything is


here uh as always a couple of really

quick announcements

of course uh first announcement i will

show you

here in just a second oh there’s some

noise over there

uh i’ll show you

this page so you can take a look at it

uh at the bottom

of today’s lesson is this 31 off banner

right here you can see

uh 31 off this is the link if you click

the link you will go to

this page right here so lots of you ask

about the differences between the

everything like all the different plans

we have on the website

if you click the link you can find

everything here scroll down to check

all the options uh and find everything

you need if you want to study with us so

the team has

this week a 31 percent off uh discount

on premium and

premium plus plan so please check that

out if you would like to study with us

that’s announcement number one

announcement number two is of course if

you have questions for me

if you have questions for me about

grammar about vocabulary about

culture whatever if you have any


uh that are maybe a little different

from today’s

lesson you can send them to me here uh


is the ask alicia series our question

and answer series

you can find the link for this uh in the

youtube description

uh it is english class 101.com

ask hyphen alicia find that on youtube

if you want to send me your questions i

will read them and maybe

maybe answer them there are a lot of

questions that come there uh so check it

out and if you want to find me on

instagram this is my instagram

uh you can find the link for this uh

below the video on

youtube as well alrighty so that’s our

deal for today so

today we’re going to talk about


study strategies vocabulary study


uh so i hope that everybody finds

something some ideas that they can use


youtube i see you great now youtube is

going it was a little slow earlier hi

everybody uh welcome uh juan

hello uh z hello and oh gosh i can’t

read your name it’s in it’s really

characters but hi

and welcome everybody facebook are you

here hello facebook i’m coming for you

uh it looks like facebook is also ruling


so i’m gonna get started

where are you facebook where are you

facebook are you there

are you there okay good yes great hi

wallow and

kylian and bo welcome everybody awesome

okay facebook is here fantastic let’s

look at today’s lesson boards what are

we going to talk about

today this this is what we’re going to

talk about today i can’t see it’s very

bright today

okay today we’re going to start the

lesson by talking about

spaced repetition i talk about spaced


every once in a while because it’s very

important so

we’re going to talk about that we’re

going to talk about

uh where to find vocabulary lists

and some ideas for creating your study


and then we’re going to talk about how

often to study

what to do to review how to make your


steps essentially so how to make sure

you continue

to move forward with your studies okay


let’s get started also if you haven’t

please make sure to like and share this

video so other people can find today’s

lesson that would be super cool

i’m going to share the video on facebook

and then i’m going to get started

okay all right share and

share there we go boom oh okay

so let’s get started with spaced


what is the deal with spaced repetition

you’ve probably

if you follow this channel on youtube or

this page on facebook

you have probably heard me talk about

spaced repetition

before so spaced repetition

is a study method it’s not only

for language you can use spaced


to study anything i can think of

anything you need to remember you need

to memorize something

so like preparing for a test for

something for example

you can use spaced repetition to do that

what is spaced repetition oh my gosh

what does this even mean

spaced repetition here the idea here is

you study a new vocabulary word

then take a break then review the word


then take a longer break then review


and again and again and so on okay this

is the

basic idea of spaced repetition oh

super chat thanks very much for that

welcome okay

so oh so

if you imagine this uh visually

imagine this as an image yeah so new


is at the start here you learn a new


then maybe at the end of the day

you review that word again this blue


then the next morning you review the

review the word again

you wait a day review again you wait

three days review again you wait a week

review again

so these spaces are important

taking a break between your study


is important you have to give yourself


to remember the information so this is

the idea

with spaced repetition studies space

repetition studies okay

all right so this is the kind of the


uh point for today all right so

how do we use this to improve our


a key point as always is this review

new words and phrases studying once or


isn’t enough you cannot in most cases

read a word or hear a word just one time

and expect to remember it you need to

review those things

review concepts review phrases review

idioms whatever

you need to make sure you are reviewing

information too okay

so this is another very common question

to start especially if you’re stuck


so what vocabulary should i study what

vocabulary should i study

so a guide this is not a rule

just some ideas for different levels

of learners if you are a beginner

if you are a beginner look for what are


core word lists core word lists

a core word list is a list of the

most common words in the language

so like the most common like hundred


means the hundred words that are used

the most

in that language so like numbers

greetings and so on

there are like about for most languages

around 2000 words or so

to get conversational fluency so this is

a great place to start using these

core word lists if you’re a beginner you

can start there

for intermediate learners you can use

of course core words maybe finish your

core word list

and then you can find new topics in your


so if you are an intermediate learner

you can probably

understand some daily conversations

maybe you can read things on social

media and

in the news then start looking for new


in your life so your hobbies things like


for more advanced learners you can use


and media and other current resources to

build your vocabulary

this is what native speakers do i do

this to build my vocabulary

i find new words all the time like we


everybody it’s impossible i think to

know 100

of a language so we are always building

vocabulary always studying

okay so again review

is so important to do you can’t just

study one time please make sure to


okay all right so this is spaced


super important way of studying a super


approach to your studies all right

so that is part one for today’s lesson

next we’re going to talk about how often

to study and how often to review

okay so before we do one quick break if

you missed it before

this 31 off banner is about our

team’s premium and premium plus plans

on our website if you want to study with

us check

this out i will show this to you again

uh so you can see if you click this link

uh if you oops if you click this link

below the video if you’re watching on

youtube or above the video if you’re

watching on facebook

you’ll find this page which gives you

all the information

about the different tools and the

different bonuses you can find

if you make an account on our website of

course there is a free

account too uh but it has limited

features so check this out if you would

like to study with us

uh there is a 31 off discount

this week so check it out okay so

on to part two for today’s lesson if you

have not please make sure to like and

share this video so other people

can find today’s lesson that would be

super cool all right

onward vocabulary study strategies

so next one part two

how often do i study how often

do i review the best answer is every day

every day so a little bit every day

is the best for example if you study

morning and night or if you study

during work or study breaks like you

make a habit

in other words always in the morning

always at night always when you take a


maybe after meals so meals

lunch breakfast dinner yeah so

the point create study habits

throughout your day create steady habits

throughout your day

so 10 minutes am and pm is 20 minutes

a day every day so it seems like a short

amount of time when you do it like only

5 minutes during breakfast today is that


it seems like a short period of time but

with repetition

and review you get a lot of practice so

make some time

every day and you’ll build up a lot of


over weeks and months so make some time

every day to do some studies okay

then this one is another common question

that viewers often have i don’t know

what to study next people get kind of

stuck i don’t know what

i’m doing i don’t know what i should how

i should look at vocabulary now

so some ideas for you and if you have

ideas you can send them in the chat

we can all see your idea too

so i don’t know just study next you can

try to read about topics that interest


in english so what are your hobbies what

do you like to do

do you have some like specific interests

some kind of like science topic or

technology topic or culture topic

try to find some topics in english that

interest you

so think of the things you like to do in

your native language

and look for that in english so that’s a

great way

to build your vocabulary that’s just for


you can find new vocabulary words this


another one add new words to your flash


or vocabulary study lists so

not just reading or listening

to new vocabulary words but when you


new words with them if you use like a


vocabulary study app uh or you have a

flashcard app you can put them

into your lists for study or you can

write them

you can write analog lists too i i like

to actually write new vocabulary words

down that’s

that’s my favorite thing to do so add

your new words

to your existing study list so that’s a

great way to make sure

you keep reviewing those new words

okay and then review the words so review

those new words that you pick up

and review your readings to see if you


more so for this one uh

you should consider well this one’s more


reading if you are looking at books or

magazines or newspapers

that kind of thing read it once like

read a page

one time pick up the new words and write

them down or study them for a couple


then go back and review your reading

to see if you can understand it again so

that’s a great way to test yourself

to make sure you picked up those words


so do that again review it’s a key theme

for this lesson

finally don’t forget to practice making

questions with new words as well so

when people say i don’t know what to

study next often like a thing that they


is that they also when they want to

participate in conversations need to ask


so i encourage you please also

study question patterns so use your new

vocabulary to study

question patterns because those are

extremely important

in conversation so a few ideas

for what to study next okay

a technical ball says how do i join

online classes

you can check the link below the video

if you want to find

our lessons and courses and there are

some live online classes

available i think maybe in certain time

periods on our website too so check the

website for more details

okay all right so this is part two uh

john carlo lanois says what if i can

write in english but i struggle to speak

in english yes i will talk about this

in part three speaking of course getting

speaking practice with new vocabulary


all right cool so uh oh uh jiren has

another tip singing songs in english yes

singing songs in english can be a great


to get familiar with new vocabulary


uh just be careful you choose songs that

are helpful

for your everyday life okay other


um let’s see i don’t see other questions

yet so

okay we’ll continue on then to part

three part three so if you are just

joining today’s lesson is about

vocabulary study strategies vocabulary

study strategies we are talking about

uh how to study one study methods for


also where to find new vocabulary words

how to practice them

and so on so you can share your tips

also a quick reminder

google is your friend as always so


you send me messages online like alicia

please make a list of

look like construction vocabulary words

or hospital vocabulary words

don’t wait for me you can google those


type google into google like hospital

vocabulary where it’s english

you will find them okay so let’s go to


three then part three very quickly

though i won’t show the

picture again if you missed it there is

a 31 percent off deal

uh english class 101.com for our premium

and premium plus

study plan so if you want to study with

us and our resources

you can check the link below the video

if you’re watching on youtube or above

the video if you’re watching

on facebook to get it so check it out


so let’s go to part

three part three oh

uh all right so some ideas

for your studies uh and some ideas for

how to improve

the various aspects of language with


so first where do i find vocabulary


so some of you write to me and are like

alicia make a list of this alicia make a

list of that

i have other things i have to do i

cannot make lists for everybody

so where do we find vocabulary lists

you can find pre-made pre-made pre-made


someone else made that vocabulary list

and you can access it pre-made

vocabulary list

so you can use englishclass101.com we


many vocabulary lists that you can use

to practice

maybe some of you know anki anki is


it’s a flashcard program a digital flash

card program you can use to study

like anything so these are some examples

i’m sure there are others that i have

not used you can check that out rocio

hey one of our members says how do we

practice our writing i will tell you

my ideas in a bit okay so

uh other ideas if you don’t want to use

pre-made vocabulary lists you can

make your own make your own vocabulary

list so

for example use your favorite website to

make a list of vocabulary words so

read the website every morning or every

night whatever

and make notes what are the new words on

that website

hobbies so think of your hobbies what do

you like to do

can you talk about that with other

people can you write messages about it

with other people

check out your hobbies where are the new

words there

use your favorite tv show use movies use


so always actively participating so

always listening or always watching

looking for those

new words yeah okay

then everybody’s asking how do i improve

this how do i improve that so

study methods of course a key

for most people i think with uh

vocabulary is using

flash cards you can use digital or

analog flash cards

but how do you study to improve

a specific skill if you want to improve

your writing skill

you need to write yeah so try making

journal entries or diary entries or

build questions in a notebook if you


ask someone the question just write

questions in your notebook yeah

or maybe you find a question online you

think you can use

write it down to get better at writing

you have to write

yeah so don’t worry about making it 100

perfect every time in your journal entry

you just

need to practice yeah so practice


by writing okay to read to work on your

reading skill make sure

you read so visit websites that

challenge you

read newspapers if it’s at your level

try magazines as well

if this is difficult if you’re a

beginner you can

just use children’s books i’ve done it

like start

with the same things that native

speakers use

to practice so if these things are


you can start by using children’s books


okay speaking speaking so

of course to get better at speaking you

have to speak

so you have to practice using new words

in conversation

if you don’t have someone to practice

with talk to

yourself talk about what you’re doing

talk about your day

explain it to yourself maybe it sounds

crazy but it’s a way to get used to

making those sounds a way to get used to


using new words as well too okay

all right um then uh

this is hard to see it’s very bright

here study oh yeah this tip

study words and phrases this is for

all of these study method points study


and phrases sometimes

a group of words is an idiom

and we need to study it as one phrase so

an idiom

means it’s it’s a group of words

together that has its

own special meaning for example

it’s a piece of cake so it’s a piece of

cake doesn’t mean like

something is actually cake this

expression this

idiom means it’s easy it’s

easy this is an example of a word or a

group of words

you have to study together so piece of


might be really confusing the first time

you hear it you need to study these


or here’s another one let’s bite the

bullet let’s bite the bullet

what so a bullet is the thing that comes

from a gun you shoot a gun

and the bullet comes out so to bite a

bullet sounds

really really strange right but this


means to accept you have to do

something you don’t want to do and you

do it anyway

so you do this thing that’s

uncomfortable or you you’re not happy

about it it’s painful

but you have to do it so you do it

that’s the expression

so don’t study only one word at a time

but think of words in units

too yeah ahmed says i talk to myself all

the time sounds crazy but it’s effective

yeah i know

right like it’s good to do uh i’ve also

i talk to myself a lot

in the kitchen like when i’m cooking

i’ll think about what i have and what i

need and that kind of thing because it’s

really easy to

kind of to practice for me uh when i’m

cooking or something like that

so in my case that’s one of my favorite


to practice using another language just

talking to myself

is in the kitchen sometimes cleaning too


okay uh jay jason andres says i speak so


by myself but when someone talks to me i

get nervous so i get confused yeah for

sure everybody

still does that even native speakers do

that in their native language right

so that’s a confidence issue for sure


with practice again with practice it

becomes a little bit easier

all right so that is it for today

vocabulary study strategies maybe you

found some new ideas

but i hope the one thing i hope you take

from this lesson is review

please review uh review is so important

and just keep using those new words you

pick up

if you would like to take a picture of

today’s lesson boards i will show them

to you one more time here they are boom


we talked about space repetition we

talked about

where to find vocabulary lists and some

study method ideas

and we talked about how often to study

and how often to review

so hopefully you found some new ideas

you got some new ways that you can study

your new words so i hope it’s helpful

for you

uh what about singing in english yeah

someone mentioned that earlier that’s

another good way to practice for sure

just make sure

your songs are helpful for you i suppose

uh in your everyday life okay so uh

that’s it for this week’s lesson next

week i’ll be back of course

next week it’s going to be march can you

believe it all right next week

i will be back march 3rd wednesday march

3rd at 10 pm

eastern standard time if you don’t know

your local time

please google it use your google skills

to find your local time

or you can set a notification on

facebook or

on youtube if you follow me on instagram

i also share a link in my stories

every week with a reminder about the

topic so you can always

make sure to catch it next week i’m

going to talk about

how to tell a story with simple past

and past perfect how to tell a story

with simple past and past perfect

lots of people ask about past perfect

like what do i do with this grammar


we’re going to talk about it in next

week’s lesson

and you will get some storytelling

skills all right

so check it out please join me next week


yeah that was super cool so let’s uh

let’s say goodbye here for this week

i will see you again next time don’t

forget to check out the

link below the video if you’re watching

on youtube or above the video on

facebook to get this

31 off deal that would be super cool and

if you want to

find me on instagram or twitter you can

find the links

uh below the video on youtube check that

out it is not

on facebook but facebook just you can

just come find me yeah

so that’s cool okay i will say goodbye


for this week so thanks very much for

joining me thanks very much for your

great questions of course

uh enjoy the rest of your day enjoy the

rest of your week and i will see you
