10 Stunningly Beautiful English Words

hello everyone and welcome back to

english with lucy i’ve got a nice

relaxing video for you today i’m going

to talk about ten words in the english

language that I find exceptionally

beautiful let’s get started the first

word is demure demure and this means shy

or reserved she gave him a demure smile

the next word is elision elision elision

is the omission of a sound or a syllable

if you want to speak fluently it’s

important to learn to use elision number

three is effervescent effervescent and

effervescent means bubbly or fizzy this

wine is effervescent word number four

isn’t so commonly used nowadays but I

really love this one it’s inglenook

inglenook it’s a partly closed space

located near a fire so that you can sit

near the open fire and receive the

warmth my dream is to have a house with

an inglenook we’re number five is lagoon

lagoon a lagoon is an area of sea

separated from the rest of the water by

sand and rocks many fish live in this

Lagoon we’re number six is live live

means young healthy attractive and able

to move and Bend smoothly ballet dancers

have live bodies word number seven is

mellifluous mellifluous and this is an

adjective meaning having a pleasant and

flowing sound he had a deep mellifluous


word number 8 is opulent opulent and

this is an adjective meaning expensive

and luxurious she lives an opulent

lifestyle where number 9 is

quintessential quintessential this is an

adjective meaning being the most typical

or important part of something

watermelon is the quintessential fruit

on a hot summer’s day and the final word

is serendipity serendipity and this is

the act of finding interesting or

valuable things by chance we stumbled

into it through serendipity alright guys

those were your 10 beautiful English

words I would love to hear the words

that you find beautiful so please put

them in the comments below if you liked

the video don’t forget to share it and

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