Lets talk about AMAZING events Advanced Vocabulary Lesson

hello hello welcome to today’s live

YouTube lesson here on the speak English

with Vanessa YouTube page I’m so glad

that you’re here to improve your English

and just to create a wonderful community

you guys are awesome

and encouraging if you can hear me well

please please leave a a comment and let

me know if you can clearly hear and see

the video

oh right we’ve got lots of wonderful

people here thank you for joining me I’m

going to try to read the comments and

talk about some great expressions at the

same time Paulo welcome Douglas hello

hello Manuel glad you’re here I would

like to first introduce myself if you’re

new to today’s live lesson or if you’re

new to this YouTube channel I’m Vanessa

and I teach English to awesome

intermediate English learners like you

so that you can speak fluently and

naturally today we’re going to talk

about some great expressions to talk

about amazing things this is gonna help

to expand your vocabulary and to help

you be able to understand exactly what

native speakers are saying in exactly

their attitude when they’re trying to

say it then it’s welcome Angie I’m glad

you’re here Trung danielle any glit

welcome welcome we’ve got people from

all over the world wonderful Vietnam

Colombia Brazil Taiwan welcome glad

you’re here I would like to thank you

for your participation it’s great to

have live lessons but it’s so much

better when people are commenting and

participating you’re awesome

this way we can learn from each other

and learn from each other’s mistakes so

I’d like to ask you a quick question

did you see

the supermoon yesterday did you see the

supermoon yesterday yesterday I think

the moon was as close to the earth as it

has been for the last 60 years I believe

it’s been a long time so the moon was

much bigger than normal last night Oh

Pascal says yes he saw it Richard yes

now just as yes some are wonderful while

people all around the world saw the

super moon daniel said it was incredible

yes in the last 70 years incredible well

if you missed the super moon if it was

cloudy or rainy and it’s not cloudy or

rainy tonight you can probably see it

tonight as well maybe it won’t be as big

but I think for our eyes I’m not a

professional not a moon professional so

maybe you can also see the amazing moon

tonight and that is the inspiration for

today’s live lesson because I saw the

super moon last night and it was

incredible it was amazing so I hope that

we can just talk about incredible events

something that’s beautiful and

breathtaking there are some great

adjectives to talk about amazing things

I want to know in your mind what are

some great words that we could use to

describe a beautiful scene so if you saw

the super moon maybe you could use one

of these words to talk about it yes

incredible incredible is a great one it

was incredible it was stunning

yes not just as stunning we have

incredible the super moon was stunning

or maybe if you are looking at a

waterfall or the Grand Canyon or

something physically beautiful

picturesque breathtaking majest

oh these are great words spectacular Oh

she’ll Jack you can still see the moon

incredible Oh

maybe you could say yes I want to make

sure I can clearly read your comments it

was tremendous marvelous wonderful

fabulous excellent yes those are such

descriptive words to talk about

something just breathtaking

oh right right Rogerio shared a couple

video our couple pictures were those

your pictures Oh Jerry oh those were

really impressive of the moon personally

I tried to take a picture with my phone

and it was not possible fantastically

stupendous now John wow what a really

intense expression Oh Pablo says I lost

my breath of it maybe we could say it

was breathtaking it was breathtaking so

when you saw it you thought ah I can’t

even breathe it’s incredible

breathtaking tremendous brilliant oh

we’ve got such great words yes these are

wonderful words for talking about

something amazing amazing and I think

it’s really cool that all around the

world maybe you’re in Turkey or Vietnam

or Colombia or Brazil or Canada you are

looking at the same moon isn’t that so

cool that is incredible

oh our today we’re talking about amazing

events in how to describe them so I

wanted to tell you a little story about

what happened last night when I went to

see the super moon eye catching that’s

another great expression I catchy

last night I went hiking at night to the

top of a mountain it wasn’t too high

maybe just 20 minutes but it was

because I wanted to get a good view of

the super moon I wanted to see the moon

rise usually we talk about a sunrise or

a sunset but this was a moon rise so I

wanted to see the moon come over the top

of the mountains and when I got to the

top of the mountain guess what I saw

there were 30 or 40 other people at the

top of the mountain - I was pretty

surprised because that’s a pretty big

adventure at night hiking to the top of

a mountain and in the cold weather it

was pretty cold last night but the view

was incredible and everyone was waiting

and we saw the light start to come and

then we saw it look like the Sun we saw

a beautiful bright moon come over the

top of the mountain and everyone on the

top of the mountain 30 or 40 people

guess what everyone did when we saw the

moon it was a very strange situation

when we saw the moon everyone this is

really strange but everyone started


does anyone know what howling is hmm

what animal what animal howls oh yes but

lots of people were taking pictures too

does anyone know what animal howls I

can’t believe that this happened but it

was quite something to remember yes

jean-jacques amia you’ve got it like a

wolf I couldn’t believe it

when does and there were young people

teenagers kids older people grandparents

everyone was there

and everyone was doing the same thing

so when the moon rose everyone just for

fun started Halloween like a wolf and

all of the dogs a lot of people brought

their dogs all of the dogs started

howling - I think I’ve never experienced

something so strange like that but it

was quite entertaining

so I hope that for you you could also

experience something fun when you see

the supermoon I tried to imagine what

what did our ancestors 1,000 years ago

2,000 years ago what did they think

about a supermoon

I can’t imagine because it was so

beautiful for us and we understand

science and we understand what’s

happening but for them they probably had

no idea actually what was happening I

think that would be a really cool really

cool experience and it’s cool for us - I

hope that for you you can experience the

incredible super moon and enjoy this

beautiful event today you mentioned a

lot of great expressions for talking

about for talking about amazing things

breathtaking incredible tremendous

picturesque I recommend going back

through this video and when I say one of

these words use a notebook and write it

down so that you can add this to your

vocabulary because this is going to be a

great way to express yourself and be

able to really understand what other

people are saying when they’re

expressing different events in different

situations so just a couple idioms I

want to help you note learn a couple

idioms that you could use to talk about

the supermoon or talk about something


amazing maybe something in your life

like your

birthday party was incredible or maybe

your grandmother came to your house and

surprised you and you were so amazed and

happy you could use these idioms to talk

about those situations we already talked

about one of them which is it took my

breath away

it took my breath away this means my

breath and it took my breath away this

is kind of like breath taking it took my

breath away

so typically we use this for natural

scenes like the super moon or a

waterfall something that looks beautiful

it took my breath away

yes Chu Jung Joo Jung I hope I read your

Korean name correctly it took my breath

away great spelling yes the beautiful

super moon took my breath away we could

also say it was unforgettable some event

was unforgettable

maybe you couldn’t even imagine that it

happened in the first place now Jo has

another great expression I couldn’t take

my eyes off and usually we add something

to the end I couldn’t take my eyes off

of it of it

so when last night when everyone was

looking at the super moon we couldn’t

take our eyes off of the moon it doesn’t

mean that my eyes were on the moon I

couldn’t take my eyes off of the moon

that’s not what happened but it means my

gaze my look I couldn’t take my eyes I

couldn’t take my eyes away from it oh I

couldn’t look away it was so incredible

this is for beautiful things oh

wonderful fabulous as in Brazil for the

new year you can see people cheering for

the sunrise on the beach ah that would


perfect Wow I think another incredible

event was when I experienced New Year’s

the New Year’s in Thailand it was on the

beach and everyone had wonderful

lanterns and they were lighting

thousands of lanterns kind of like the

Disney movie what is that Disney movie

called Rapunzel tangled I think in that

Disney movie they have tons of paper

lanterns and people were flying them

into the water over the ocean and it was


this was breathtaking it took my breath

away I couldn’t take my eyes off of it

those are beautiful idioms to talk about

this expression I could talk about this

idea Oh Paolo I agree Paolo says you

should have recorded this event with

your phone I’m curious to listen to

people howling together I know I wish I

wish I had but it was so spontaneous

that no one knew what was going to

happen I think it would have been really

interesting if someone had a guitar and

we could sing together some kind of

group activity but instead we became

animals it was quite funny just for a

couple moments but certainly something

that I will never forget and that is not

really an idiom but that’s a great

sentence that you can use for a special

moment it is something that I will never

forget so I want to know for you what is

something that you will never forget

maybe that is when you are going to I

want to make sure it’s working okay oh

maybe that is when you had your wedding

it’s something you’ll never forget or

maybe someone did something nice for you

it’s something you’ll never forget I

hope that this you have an event in your

life that you will never forget I

think maybe at the moment at least on my


the video is frozen I hope it’s not for

you too but it’s quite possible uh

dennis has a good question it takes my

breath away does it mean I can’t breathe

yes but just for a moment like oh wow

it’s so beautiful

oh so this is something that is taking

your breath away just for a moment oh

it’s something that you’ll never forget

the first time I met my wife oh how

great Douglas I’ll never forget when my

son was born oh we usually recall about

a delicious moon cake in our family so

maybe for you I’ll never forget the

times that we ate moon cake together

why not welcome for their first time

here great Oh Marco that is an excellent

point Marco says there is a song take my

breath away yes this is a classic 80s

80s song maybe called take my breath

away after this lesson go on YouTube and

try to find it take my breath away all

of Sabina says I’ve never forgotten my

sister’s birthday it was amazing

or we could even use the future tense

here I will never forget my sister’s

birthday it was amazing so in the future

you’re never gonna forget it because in

the past you had such great great

memories yes something unbelievable oh

you’ll never forget the birth of your

kids oh I’m sure you won’t that’s

something that’s really valuable for you

oh yes take my breath away is from the

movie Top Gun great memory great memory

yes yes um I would like to to let you

know if you would like someone mentioned

that they didn’t get a notification for

this live lesson so if you didn’t get

the notification then make sure that you

are subscribed to this YouTube

channel if you’re not subscribed you

probably will need to remember just oh

it’s nine o’clock in the US there’s a

live lesson so if you would like to

receive a notification just subscribe

and you’ll get a notification no problem

Oh Pascal says when someone told me I

sound like an American it took my breath


beautiful what a wonderful moment to

happen to you yes yes so I hope for all

of you you can enjoy the moon tonight

maybe howl at the moon if you want kind

of a strange experience but I hope that

you can enjoy looking at it and it will

be breathtaking amazing incredible for

you I hope it will take your breath away

something so special so thank you

everyone for joining me for today’s live

lesson if you would like to join me

again for this live lesson come next

week next week on Tuesday there will be

another live lesson typically they are

at 9 a.m. Eastern Time today was a

little different because I had a dentist

appointment so I decided to schedule it

for 30 minutes later no problem I’m glad

you got the notification and I hope you

weren’t waiting because I tried to let

everyone know in advance but thank you

so much for learning live with me if you

would like to continue learning live

here on the speak English with Vanessa

YouTube page feel free to watch other

videos there are plenty of lessons that

are free for you and if you would like

to read my free ebook five steps to

becoming a confident English speaker you

can download that I believe there is a

link in the description below I hope

that it will be useful to you it has

been useful for many English learners

around the world so I hope that it will

continue to be useful for you as well

and I’ll see you again the next time on

Tuesday bye Carmen thanks for joining me

bye John Jack

Derek by Joseph thank you so much for


oh now go welcome goodbye see you later

Anna Paula thank you so much everyone

I’m glad you’re here bye