How to Talk about People in English Basic English Phrases

well we are on I have not seen the thing

transition yet maybe they can hear my

voice talking about people today

oh right hi Internet welcome back to our

weekly live stream very exciting this

week we have some updated kind of look

for the live stream this week so we hope

that this is going to be even more

helpful for you guys kind of a nice

start to spring it is the first week now

of spring in many countries across the

world so we have a bit of a fresh start

here - awesome so this week we’re going

to talk about how to talk about

personalities and appearances so we’re

going to talk about ways to explain like

someone’s personality like how their

character is their behavior is and we’re

going to talk about what they look like

so today I’m going to introduce a few

patterns to explain those things and as

always we have some free stuff for you

guys so I want to begin right away but

first while we’re getting everything set

up there’s a couple I have maybe two

exciting announcements I want to share

with you guys I already shared one I

think on like Twitter and Instagram with

you but our big our big announcement

from the whole team for this week is

that uh we hit on oh it’s gonna be here

we hit the 1 million subscriber count

we’ve hit 1 million subscribers on the

English class 101 YouTube channel we’re

very excited so I shared this already on

my social media accounts and it was

great to see the response but this was

so exciting for us and so thank you guys

so so much for all your support on

YouTube and we want to let you know that

actually this week tomorrow we’re going

to have a special video on the channel a

special 1 million subscriber video on

the channel with a special kind of a

special option a special

EAL for you guys but it’s only on

youtube so please go and check the

YouTube channel tomorrow because we have

a special 1 million subscriber video

coming up there so that I’m really

excited to see that so please go check

that tomorrow that will be really really

exciting to see so thank you guys again

so so much for all your support from me

and from the whole team as well it’s a

really exciting milestone for us so with

that let’s begin then today’s lesson so

today’s lesson we’re going to talk about

personalities and attitudes and

appearances so as you join please don’t

forget to hit the like button share the

video - it will be super super helpful

for us - to get more people to watch the

livestream so today we’re going to look

at some new adjectives that you can use

to talk about people in your life we’re

going to talk about a few grammar

patterns and we’re gonna talk about some

kind of general expressions that you can

use to talk about people so let’s begin

alright so the first the first one I

want to talk about the first category

for today the first one I guess I’ll

write it up here first we’ll talk about

personalities topic one if you’re just

joining personalities will be our first

topic for today number one so this is

where we’re at in our live stream agenda

for the day let’s begin

so first let’s introduce a basic

question that many of my students have

trouble with the question is what is

person like what is person like so here

we’ll see it in just a second here

what is a person like so in this example

I have person this we can replace with

any person in your life so a meaning

like what’s your mother like what’s your

friend like what’s your boss like so

this is a simple personality question a

simple personality question so

be careful you should not necessarily

use like in your answer for this I know

the word like is here but we shouldn’t

necessarily use the word like in the

answer so the meaning of this question

is actually what is this person’s

personality what is this person’s

personality so oh I’ve just it’s the

live stream okay I just the computer

went down is it okay mmm just a moment

we’ve got a little bit of a technical

trouble good okay great so we’re back

okay so this question is about

personalities then so the ants the the

meaning of this question is what is this

person’s personality so I want to

introduce a few patterns you can use to

answer this question so very short ones

so let’s take a look I have four

patterns I want to introduce to explain

how to answer this question so let’s

take a look I think they’re coming up

now in just a moment so we’re going to

talk about an adjective pattern a couple

of patterns you can use with adjectives

and maybe one noun phrase pattern that

you can use - okay so let’s see I think

are those yeah that’s great okay so

let’s take a look at these it might be a

little tricky to see okay great so to

answer the question for example like

what’s my father like for example we can

use one of these patterns these are just

a few examples of how we can answer this

so first my so person for example like

my father and then we use is plus the

adjective so for example my father is

calm that’s true my father is very calm

person so my father is calm okay um nice

so another example you can use instead

of repeating like the name of the person

my father my someone is calm we can just

substitute he or she

or she so he is calm here please no I’ve

got the contracted form he’s and she’s

here this apostrophe s is is he is or

she is right here so here I don’t have

is like I do in this sentence let’s use

the contracted form to sound a bit more

natural here so he is or she is calm

okay another one here I have there so

remember they we need to change the verb

the to be verb here so they are in other

words but I have contracted this to make

it their adjectives they are adjectives

so for example my neighbors they are

really talkative for example so another

phrase we can use though these patterns

all use adjectives these all use

adjectives to describe someone’s

personality this however uses a noun

phrase so we need to change the verb we

can’t say he is or she is we have to use

he or she has aa plus your noun phrase

and make sure the noun phrase reflects

like someone’s personality so for

example she has a good sense of humor

she has a good sense of humor so these

are patterns you can use for adjectives

and nouns to talk about people in your


yeah Honiton he’s shy good my father is

my hero ah that’s a nice one - my father

is my hero great

Rafael yes this is live it is live okay

so let’s then we’ve talked about some

adjectives patterns here let’s talk

about some vocabulary words you can use

to explain the people in your life so I

don’t want to use only like nice or good

let’s talk about some more specific

vocabulary words you can use to explain

personality so I want to so I first I

introduced a word like calm this word so

this is a good pronunciation point maybe

you can see it here this

home this one CA LM so calm there’s a

kind of soft dish L sound they’re so

calm is one so sort of like um they

don’t really get angry easily so I said

My father is calm yeah so that’s one

example yeah and also like we’re trying

we’re trying this new setup today so if

you guys like this setup if this is nice

for you please let us know hit the like

button to let us know somehow so first

one I want to introduce is the word calm

another good one you can use is

hard-working hard-working actually I

used this to talk about my mom this week

is my mom’s birthday she’s hard-working

so someone who works like has a good

work ethic she has a strong work ethic

for example so someone who is

hard-working works a lot works carefully

they’re very hard-working he’s

hard-working she’s hard-working okay I

already talked about the expression a

good sense of humor that’s a noun phrase

so he or she has a good sense of humor

he or she has a good sense of humor all

right another good one that I like is

the word reliable reliable so reliable

reliable that’s an I sorry

reliable is someone we can rely on

so to rely is like someone you can trust

like they always do what they say

they’re going to do so for example if I

say okay I’m going to do a live stream

every week at 11 o’clock or my job and

every week we do that we are reliable I

hope for example so that’s one way to

use reliable we can trust we can rely on

that thing okay

a similar word then is trustworthy trust

worthy so in this word we see the route

here is trust Trust trust and then we

have worthy so like worthy meaning

deserving of something so in other words

that person is deserving of our

trust Oh producer says she’s gonna zoom

in a little bit maybe on the board okay

so I’ll back up so trustworthy so

someone who we can trust so maybe

someone is reliable and trustworthy they

always do what they say they’re going to

do and we can trust them like with

information or I don’t know secrets

maybe I’m not sure so trustworthy final

when to talk about here some nice

positive one

he’s honest an honest person so someone

who does not lie for example or someone

who always tells the truth so we use

tell the verb to tell the truth so he or

she is honest he or she is honest this

is a couple of good vocabulary positive

vocabulary words we can use to talk

about people okay let’s continue on

though can I steal the mouse or can we

go down on my notes there for a second

thank you okay I want to though explain

some kind of negative vocabulary words

I’ll move this down I’ll talk about this

cheat sheet in just a second so these

are sort of positive vocabulary words up

here but I want to explain maybe a few

negative vocabulary words so we can

actually use the word negative to

describe someone’s personality so the

word negative a negative person a

negative person is someone who has bad

things to say or they always say no or

they don’t want to do something or

they’re just they have a negative kind

of just a bad attitude all the time

that’s a negative person a negative

person so negative is an adjective we

can use to describe personality okay

another one the adjectives mean the

adjectives mean a mean person she’s mean

he’s mean someone who is unkind to other

people so maybe you have like a mean

boss or maybe you have a mean friend

someone who is mean to service staff for

example so a mean person is unkind to

other people yeah like a mean

or a mean older sister she’s mean so be

careful this is different from like what

does it mean this is an adjective so we

use to describe people mean he’s mean

she’s mean yes okay another one we can

use this maybe is negative sometimes the

word is sneaky a sneaky person so a

sneaky person is someone who like

they’re very secretive and there’s maybe

like doing a lot of different things but

they don’t tell people about it so this

can be negative though I suppose

sometimes this is positive so maybe like

spies are sneaky people like a spy could

maybe be a sneaky person or maybe um I

don’t know like a reporter is a sneaky

person sometimes though this sneaky can

have the nuance of being kind of

negative sometimes so do watch out okay

I think I’ll finish there for the

negative adjectives because we need to

take a break all right so um yeah and

again if you liked this set up we’re

trying something new today please let us

know if you like it yeah send us a

comment or it hit the like button so we

know if you like it so but we need to

take a break so if you’re enjoying of

course please please make sure to like

and share the video but as always we

have free stuff for you guys this week

so if you have not seen it already we

have our PDF these are free if you have

not seen them yet you can download this

and we have a whole bunch more like what

like ten thirteen now vocabulary cheat

sheets on the website for you to

download for free so if you have a

vocabulary gap talking about travel

talking about food cooking

business-related vocabulary your pets

music your family members please go

download these from the website you can

find the link below the video if you’re

watching on youtube or above the video

if you’re watching on Facebook so these

are totally

free if you have an account you can

download that that’s an English class

so please go to the website and if you

don’t have an account you can make an

account a free account and download all

of these PDFs for free so please make

sure to do that so today I was thinking

maybe like the family and relationships

one would be a nice one to remember so

there’s there are a couple of

expressions on the other side of the

cheat sheet so it’s two pages each one

is two pages but if you want to get some

maybe a little bit of a boost here and

there maybe you know there’s a gap you

can try and check these out so not just

vocabulary words but full phrases as

well so definitely check these out

download from English class

below the video or above the video on

Facebook oh and on Twitter too we’re

also on Twitter I almost forgot so

please check that out that’s nice for

today I think alright good so let’s go

to the second part of two days lesson

then please oh and we’re on twitch oh my

gosh we’re on twitch we’re everywhere on

the internet now wow we have lots of

things don’t we it’s amazing alright but

let’s go on to the second part of

today’s stream one hi I am great I am

warm-ups here on the YouTube chat may I

get the link so I can download them yes

the link on youtube if you’re watching

this video on youtube the link for these

things the link is below the video on

youtube it says download your free PDF

cheat sheets to learn English something

like that so please check the link below

the video if you’re watching on youtube

please check the link above the video if

you’re watching on Facebook alright

let’s move on then to the second part so

part two I want to talk about appearance

so I’m going to erase this now if you

missed it don’t worry this is a video

we’re recording this video so you can

watch this

later so the second part for today I’m

going to talk about appearance related

vocabulary and appearance related

sentence patterns so let’s take a look


number two appearance appearance so

appearance means your physical

appearance what do you look like what do

you look like I think that’s our

question actually the base question I

want to answer so what do you look like

what does such and such person look like

hmm so here you can see we have a

similar pattern from our first one what

does your father look like or what does

your teacher look like for example so

here we have look like in the question

however be careful we don’t necessarily

need to use look like in the answer if

we say he looks like or she looks like

it means he resembles or she resembles

something okay so this is this is a very

common way to talk about appearance

appear so today’s topic again

personalities and appearance how to talk

about those two so topic one was

personalities but this is an appearance

only question what does this person look

like what does this person look like

okay so let’s look at some sentence

patterns to answer this one alrighty so

here you can see there are some answer

patterns that are similar if not exactly

the same as the personality patterns we

talked about so for example my person is

and here we can use an adjective but

this should be an adjective of

appearance not an adjective of

personality so in this case like what

does your father look like I could say

my father is tall so this is an

appearance adjective my father is tall

or I can substitute again he or

she as we did for the personality

pattern he or she is plus an appearance

adjectives so she’s quite thin she’s

very thin or he’s really fat something

like that so an appearance adjectives

can go here again if the subject is they

so like your neighbors or your other

family members for example they are plus

and appearance adjectives so like my

neighbors are really fat for example I

don’t know what kind of conversation

that is but their fat we could say that

I don’t know I don’t know what that

conversations but if you need that

sentence there it is okay another one

though so let’s look at a couple of

other ones these two patterns are a

little bit difficult I think sometimes

students run into problems here let’s

look at this he or she has maybe uh and

then noun phrase so I have a here but we

don’t always need to use a so we use

this for like hair or maybe like facial

hair as well or eye color so we use this

to talk about like our personal style

choices so for example in my case I

could say like she has long hair if

someone is talking about me or he has a

mustache so mustache is this hair right

here I do not have a mustache so he has

a mustache she has long hair we could

say that so if you want to talk about

color you can include color remember

though there’s a specific adjective

order so she has long brown hair or he

has short blonde hair we could say or

she has big brown eyes for example so we

can use some other adjectives to

describe like color and like size and


yeah garrison Hickerson she has a nice

haircut for example okay and then here

too this one is for something maybe you

know someone who always wears something


hat or glasses or a specific sweater

whatever when you describe that part of

their appearance use the present tense

where’s he or she wears glasses for

example or he or she always wears a

what’s that called a woven hat for

example I know someone who always wears

a hat so he or she wears something so we

use the present tense here because we

use present tense for like regular

regular situations general facts so uh

yeah nice one so he or she wears

contacts if you like so we use present

tense here don’t use the progressive

tense he is wearing she is wearing we

use progressive tense for something

someone is wearing that day so for

example today I’m wearing a grey shirt

I’m wearing black pants today but I

would not use that I wouldn’t say I I’m

wearing grey a grey shirt it’s it’s only

for a temporary situation okay so these

are a few patterns we can use to talk

about appearance so let’s look at some

more vocabulary oh good call yeah

producer says piercings as well if you

want to talk about nose piercings or

like earrings or whatever you can say

like he or she has a pierced a pierced

nose or he or she has pierced ears or

she wears big earrings something like

that we can use it for piercings as well

alrighty let’s go on then to a couple of

vocabulary words I want to mention so

for appearance vocabulary words I talked

about these two already fat and thin I

think maybe most of you know this

already fat and thin fat meaning very

big and thin meaning very small this is

a great pronunciation point by the way

this th in thin thin great chance to

practice that th pronunciation so he is

thin thin good one for pronunciation so

that’s a nice pair

another one I talked about is the tall

and short pair tall and short pair so

this is a these are vocabulary words of

height of height so he is tall she is

short and remember we can use the

comparative forms when we’re done when

we’re talking about people’s appearance

so like he is taller than I am

or she is shorter than me so remember we

can use these in the comparative form as

well you can check the videos on the

channel for more about the comparative

form Hector Hector in the YouTube chat

says she as fat as a whale that’s very

rude that’s a very rude comment it was a

very funny example sentence so don’t

call anyone fat as a whale that’s not

very nice

all right in general a couple more

general ones if you want to talk about

someone you think is attractive we have

these words beautiful and handsome

beautiful and handsome so these words

are typically traditionally it’s women

beautiful men handsome but of course

it’s up to you which word you would like

to use beautiful and handsome are very

general words we can use to talk about

people we think are physically

nice-looking I talked about short and

long hair as well short and long hair by

the way if someone has no hair if

there’s just no hair we say that person

is bald he is bald she is bald so bald

means no hair no hair at all and then I

also talked about a couple of other

words so beard beard is like men

imagine typically I have hair like right

here around the chin we call that

generally that’s beard we use the word

beard to talk about that hair above the

lip is called a moustache a moustache

mustache you might also hear mustache

depending on who you’re speaking to so

mustache or mustache but I say mustache

it’s less silly to me draw what do you

mean draw draw

oh you mean draw a picture oh my gosh

they know I’m not an artist draw a

picture here here is a guy who wears

glasses I guess and here is his amazing

beard there that’s a beard

I don’t know what style he’s going for

but there we have it it’s Santa it’s

Santa in this summer

that’s this guy Santa in this summer oh

my goodness that’s that’s what he does

he doesn’t have to wear the hat in the

summer it’s just the beard he keeps it

but he keeps it trimmed all right well

now we have that recorded so with that

great so those are a few patterns you

can use if you missed it you can go back

watch this video again on Facebook

YouTube twitch Twitter you can check

this video again to take a look at some

of the sentence patterns that be

introduced there all right good shall I

take a break or shall I just continue on

to my last group of sentences actually

should I ask him a question no we don’t

really have time sure

okay great viewers it’s your turn now so

from this we’ve talked about people in

terms of personality and in terms of

appearance so let’s uh ah I see what

you’re saying okay sure sure we can use

that we can use that so let’s use some

of the words and some of the patterns we

have talked about today to explain a

person in your life so think of a person

your friend your family member anybody

and let’s look at to finish today’s live

stream a couple of sentence some very

general patterns we can use to explain a

person these are maybe more personality

so my here is your person so my father

is so funny so you can use so here to

like really emphasize you can draw out

the so sound like my father is so

Oh funny my brother is so smart or

something like that

so my person is so whatever so I hope

you guys think of some things and send

them in the chat then - Bry where can

you find the vocabulary you can watch

this video again after the live stream

has finished another one my something

something is such is such this sounds

kind of negative like my boss is such a

jerk so another word I haven’t talked

about is this word ain’t now a jerk a

jerk is a mean person someone who is not

nice is a jerk my boss is a jerk my

neighbor is a jerk those things aren’t

true my bosses and my neighbors are very

nice but a jerk so such a tense - well

it can be used kind of negatively so my

neighbor is such a jerk so I tend to use

negative words with them ah such a slob

yeah nice one so from the control room

the control desk today slob SLO be a

slob well that’s hard to see SLO B thank

you slob a slob Oh B this is a messy

person so someone who has like bad table

manners or does not eat or does not

clean their home properly so that’s a

slob someone who is a slob okay you guys

have good ones my son is so smart my

father is so active my teacher is so

intelligent my nephew is such a brat all

great word who was that that was I’m

sorry your name isn’t Korean I can’t

read it but you have a Cookie Monster

avatar is very nice you said my nephew

is such a brat oh brat is a great word b

ra t is brat so a brat we use brat

usually for children it means a kid who

has like maybe everything he or she

wants and they treat other people very

poorly so they’re mean to other people

so a kid usually a spoiled kid who’s

mean to other people that’s a brat

use of breath good my wife is so pretty

good ah

someone called bang Yas in the YouTube

chat my friend is very swag let’s talk

about this word swag it’s a slang a

slang word swag this is a recent word

we’ve seen we use swag as a noun

swag so instead of my friend is swag we

say my friend has swag

he has swag she has swag swag is used as

a noun

swag with the swag mean it’s like

coolness it’s like a cool I I don’t have

swag I should say like it’s yeah it’s

coolness it’s confidence and it’s like

style as well too so this is a word I

used more by young people I don’t

personally use the word swag because I

have none so let’s let’s use it as a

noun oh please use swag as a noun okay

nice uh Josh Josh and for Facebook jet

says I am handsome alright

congratulations Josh you guys are very

funny you guys are very funny oh man

this is great

so these are just a couple a couple

these are just a handful of words we can

use to talk about people in our lives

but unfortunately I have to finish there

for today so thank you so much for

sending everything through the Facebook

and YouTube chats and I’ll check I’ll

check the chat logs after this lesson so

if you have any questions please let me

know send it in the chat and of course

if you liked the video don’t forget to

hit the like button and share it and all

that good stuff we really really

appreciate it so I’m going to finish

today’s livestream there so you can

watch this video back if you missed

anything but we are going to be back

again next week we will have this

livestream next week at the same time

same time same place next weeks whoo we

have a big banner now next week’s live

stream will be March 28th that’s

Wednesday Wednesday March 28th so the

topic will be how to teach some

to do something how to teach someone to

do something by this this I mean like

explaining the process of explaining

things to people so like first do this

next do that after that then so I think

that this is good for conversation yes

but this is also good for written

explanation so sending instructions via

email so this will be next week’s topic

so join us next week March 28th 10 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time that’s New York

City time New York City time so if you

don’t know what time this is in your

time zone just google it just use your

Google skills and whom be here next week

so we’ll finish there for today thank

you so much again for joining us please

please please make sure to check the

YouTube channel tomorrow for the special

1 million subscribers video thank you

again so so much for all your support

from me and from the team the whole team

here huge thanks to you guys for that so

please check that video on the youtube

channel tomorrow so there’s a special

bonus deal to celebrate 1 million

subscribers and there’s kind of a little

bit of an embarrassing video I guess

from me I don’t know so please make sure

to after this live finishes go to

download this and the other free totally

free pdf cheat sheets like tons of them

tons of them from English class

you can find the link below the video on

youtube and above the video if you’re

watching on facebook twitter or twitch

so i’ll finish there thank you so so

much for watching this week I will see

you again next week enjoy the rest of

your day enjoy the rest of your night

have a nice weekend and I will see you

again soon

bye bye

