Tess of the dUrbervilles Audiobook Final part Learn English Through Story

tess of the derbyvilles by thomas hardy


when claire woke up the next morning

the sky was gray and the sun was not


the fireplace in the room was full of

cold ashes

the two full glasses of wine still stood

untouched on the table

when the cleaning woman came he sent her

away not wanting a third person in the


he found wood to make a fire and

prepared breakfast

people passing the farmhouse saw the

smoke rising from the chimney and envied

the newly married couple in their


breakfast is ready

he called upstairs in a normal voice

tess came down immediately

she was already dressed but her hands

and face were cold

she had no fire in her bedroom where she

had been sitting waiting for his call

and staring at the dying mistletoe

claire’s polite words gave her a moment

of hope

which died however when she saw his face

they were both in fact the ashes of

their former fires

after last night’s passionate sorrow

they both felt heavy and lacking in


tess went up to angel

touching him lightly with her fingers

was this really the man who once loved


her eyes were bright her cheeks still

round but her lips were pale

she looked absolutely pure

angel looked at her in wonder


say it isn’t true

it can’t be true

it is true

every word

every word

he would almost have preferred her to

lie so that he could believe her blindly

but she repeated

it is true

is he living

asked angel


i hope you would never

she was close to tears

a way out

you can divorce me

good heavens

how can you be so stupid

how can i divorce you

can’t you

now i have told you everything oh tess

you are so


you don’t understand the law no i can’t

there was shame and misery in tess’s


i thought you could

she whispered

don’t think i planned this

i really believed you could take that

way out


then i ought to have done it last night

but i didn’t have the courage that’s

just like me

the courage to do what

he asked

to put an end to myself


in the bedroom

under your mistletoe

with a rope from my box

but i couldn’t in the end

i was afraid that people would talk

and you would suffer from

that claire was shaken by this

unexpected confession

now listen

you must never think of such a wicked

thing again promise me as your husband

never to do anything like that

i promise

i see it was wicked but angel

it was to set you free

and to avoid a divorce which everyone

would talk about

but dying by my own hand is too good for


you my husband should kill me i think i

would love you more if that were

possible if you could bring yourself to

do it i am so much in your way quiet

don’t talk about it


just as you wish

i will do whatever you like

they sat down to breakfast tired and sad

they did not look at each other

and they did not eat much

angel left soon afterwards to start his

studies at the flower mill nearby

tess cleared the ashes from the


cleaned the house and prepared the lunch

waiting for his return

at lunch they talked politely of work at

the flour mill and methods of milling

in the afternoon he went back to the


and in the evening he studied his books

and papers

tess felt she was in his way and went to

the kitchen

he came to find her there

don’t work in the kitchen like this

he said

you’re not my servant

you’re my wife

she looked happier

you mean i can think of myself as that

she asked trembling

what do you mean tess

you are my wife

of course

i don’t know

she said with tears in her eyes

i told you long ago i wasn’t good enough

for you

and i’m not good enough

i was right

but you persuaded

she turned her back on him sobbing as if

her heart would break

it would have won round any man

but angel claire

deep in him lay a hard logic which had

resisted the church and now resisted


she accepted his treatment of her as

being what she deserved

she would never have thought of

criticizing his hardness

to her he was still perfection

another day passed by in the same way

only once did tess try to get closer to

her husband

as he was leaving for the flower mill

she put up her mouth to be kissed

he ignored the invitation and said

goodbye coldly

she felt as if he had hit her

how often had he wanted to kiss her in

those happy days at talbot hayes

but on his way to the mill

angel regretted his coldness

he wished he had been kinder to her

and kissed her once at least

so they lived through another day

together in the same house

but more separately than ever before

claire was desperately wondering what to


tess no longer even hoped for


that evening she said bravely

i suppose you aren’t going to live with

me long are you angel

she found it difficult to control the

muscles of her face


how can we live together as man and wife

while that man lives he is your natural

husband i’m not

if you were dead that might be different

anyway have you thought of the future

have you thought we might have children

they would find out about this everybody

would talk about it can you imagine them

growing up under a cloud like that they

would hate you for it

tess’s head was bent her eyes felt so

heavy they were almost closed


i can’t ask you to stay with me

she whispered

i hadn’t thought of it like that

she had hoped as women do

that living together for a time would

break down his coldness

being near him every day

was her only hope of winning him back

but she had never imagined she might

have children who would reject her

she now remembered how she had

criticized her mother for bringing

babies into the world without being able

to look after them

she realized that she might have made

the same mistake as joan derbifield

she completely accepted angel’s argument

she could have argued that if they went

as planned to farm in another country

nobody would know about her past

but perhaps she was right not to argue

a woman knows not only her own sorrow

but also her husband’s

he might keep the bitterness alive in

his heart

even if nobody knew or talked about it

at all

she had lost

on the third day she said

i accept what you say

we must separate

but what can you do

i can go home

claire had not thought of that

can you really


if i am with you all the time

i may persuade you to stay against your

better judgment

then you and i

would both be sorry

i must



said angel

his face was pale but his voice was


tess was slightly shocked

he had agreed so quickly to her generous

offer i didn’t like to suggest it he


but as you have

i think it’s a good idea to part at

least for a while

god knows

we may come together again one day

so they both prepared to leave the

following day

that night tess was woken by a noise in

the house

at first she thought angel was coming to

her bedroom and her heart beat wildly

with joy

but then she saw his eyes staring

emptily ahead of him

and knew he was walking in his sleep

he came to the middle of her room and

said very sadly




poor darling tess

so sweet so good

so pure

my wife


these words

which he would never say when awake

were very sweet to test

she would not have moved to save her


she lay in absolute stillness

trying not to breathe

wondering what he was going to do with


her trust in him was complete

he picked her up and carried her to the


was he going to throw her down

she knew he was leaving her the next day

perhaps forever

she almost hoped they would fall and die


he continued downstairs

taking her out of the house towards the


she had given herself totally up to him

and did not care what happened to her

as long as she was with him

they arrived at a place where the river

was fast and deep

and angel started to cross it on the

narrow footbridge still holding tess

perhaps he wanted to drown her

even that would be better than


as they cross the water rushed fiercely

below them

if tess had moved in his arms they would

both have fallen into the dangerous


but she had no right to take his life

although her own was worthless

so she stayed still

angel walked purposefully towards a

ruined church near the river

against the old wall

was an empty stone tomb

in this

he carefully laid tests

and kissing her lips

side deeply

and happily

he immediately lay down on the ground

next to the tomb

and looked fast asleep

tess stepped out of the tomb

and managed to persuade angel to walk

back to the house

without waking him

it was very cold outside

and both had only night clothes on

she helped him to his sofa bed in the

living room

and he still did not wake up

next morning he seemed to remember

nothing of the night’s experiences

and tess did not refer to his


they finished packing and left the

farmhouse where they had hoped to be so


after driving some distance angel

stopped the carriage to get down and

continue on foot

tess was going further on in the

carriage he spoke seriously to her as

they separated

now remember

he said

i am not angry with you

but i cannot bear to live with you at

the moment

i will try to accept it but until i come

to you

you should not try to come to me

the punishment seemed a heavy one to


had she really deserved this

may i write to you

oh yes if you are ill or need anything

you probably won’t so i might be the

first to write

i agree to the conditions angel

because you know best


don’t make it too much for me to bear

that was all she said

if she had sobbed or fainted or begged


he would probably have given way

but she made it easy for him

he gave her some money and they said


he stood on the road watching the

carriage continue up the hill

secretly hoping that tess would look


but she was lying half dead with misery


he turned to walk on alone

not realizing

that he still loved her

chapter 16


as the carriage drove on through

blackmore veil

tess now began to awake from her sorrow

and wonder how she could face her


she left the carriage and came into my

lot on foot

when she entered the little cottage her

mother was doing the washing as usual

why tass

she cried when she saw her daughter

i thought you were married really

married this time

yes mother i am

then where’s your husband

gone away for a time

gone away when were you married then

tuesday as you said

yes mother

married on tuesday and today is only

saturday and he’s gone away

what strange husbands you seem to find



test ran across to joan and put her head

on jones shoulder

you told me i mustn’t tell him

but i did i couldn’t help it

and he went away

oh you fool

you little fool

cried her mother i know i know


but he was so good

i couldn’t lie to him

and if only you knew how much i loved

him and how much i wanted to marry him

well it’s too late now

said mrs derbyfield

whatever will your father say

he was very proud of your marriage he’s

been telling them at the public house

that you’ll help his noble family become

great again oh there he is now

tess ran upstairs

but through the thin walls she could

hear the whole story being told to sir


people will laugh at me in the village

he said

do you think he really did marry her


or is it like the first

tess could listen no more

even her own family did not believe her

she could not stay

she gave her mother half the money which

claire had given her and told her family

she was going to join him

and so she left marlot again

looking for work

angel claire also returned home

he had spent three weeks since his

wedding trying to remain calm and

continue his studies

but with a disturbing picture of tess

always in his mind

he was beginning to wonder if he had

treated her unfairly

she had been so much a part of his plans

for the future

that he was now thinking of countries

where they could farm together

the idea of brazil attracted him

the countryside people and habits would

be so different

perhaps they could make a new life there


so he went back to emminster to tell his

parents his new plan

but where’s your wife dear angel

cried his mother when he arrived

she’s at her mother’s for the moment

i’ve come home in rather a hurry because

i’ve decided to go to brazil


but they’re all roman catholics there

are they

i hadn’t thought of that

but mr and mrs clare were even more

interested in their son’s marriage than

in brazil’s religion

angel we do want to meet your wife we’re

not in the least angry about this rather

hurried wedding

so why haven’t you brought her it seems


angel explained that she would be

staying at her mother’s while he went to

brazil alone to see if the country was


he planned to bring her to meet his

parents before he went there a second

time with her

but his mother was disappointed at not

seeing tess

she watched her son as he ate and asked

questions is she very pretty

she certainly is

and a maiden of course

of course

i imagine you were her first love


his father asked no questions

but when the moment for evening prayers

arrived he chose a passage from the


this passage is very suitable as you are

here angel

it is in praise of a pure wife

we shall all think of her as your father

reads it

added his mother

as they listened to the ancient

beautiful words

angel felt like crying

his mother said

you see angel

the perfect woman the bible tells us is

a working woman

not a fine lady a girl just like your


a girl who uses her hands and heart and

head for others

i wish i could have met her angel

as she is pure she is fine enough for me


claire’s eyes were full of tears

he quickly said good night and went to

his room

his mother followed and stood at his

door looking anxiously at him


why are you going away so soon

have you quarreled with your wife in

these three weeks


is she

is she a woman with a past

the mother’s instinct had found the

cause of her son’s worries

she is totally pure

he replied

and felt that he had to tell that lie

even if he went to hell there and then

for it

then never mind the rest

there are few better things in nature

than a pure country girl

claire felt furious with tess

because she had forced him to deceive

his parents

then he remembered her sweet voice

and the touch of her fingers on his face

and her warm breath on his lips

but this well-meaning young man

despite his advanced ideas

was still limited in his thinking

he could not see that tess was in

character as pure as the pure wife in

the bible

the next day claire left deminster

and began to prepare for his journey to


one day returning from doing some

business with a farmer

he happened to meet one of the dairy

maids from talbot hayes is hewitt

he knew her secret

she was an honest girl who loved him

and who might have made as good a

farmer’s wife as tess

he learned from is that of the other

dairymaids reti had become ill and

marion had started drinking

and is herself

suppose i had asked you to marry me is

he asked

i would have said yes

and you would have had a woman who loved


a wild anger took hold of claire

society and its rules had trapped him in

a corner

why shouldn’t he take his revenge on


i am going to brazil is without tests

we have separated for personal reasons

i may never be able to love you

but will you come with me


i will

said is after a pause

you know it’s wrong in the eyes of the

world don’t you

do you love me very much

more than tess

i do

yes oh i do love you

but not more than tess

nobody could

she would have laid down her life for


claire was silent

a sob rose inside him

he heard izzy’s words again and again in

his head

she would have laid down her life for


i’m sorry iz

he said suddenly please forget what i

said just now i must be mad

oh please take me

oh i shouldn’t have been so honest

sobbed is

is by your honesty you have saved me

from doing something wicked thank you

for that and please forgive me

and so angel said goodbye to the

miserable girl

but he did not turn towards tess’s


he continued with his plan and five days

later left the country for brazil

and so the months passed

tess found occasional dairy work for the

spring and summer

she sent all angels money to her family

who as usual had many expenses and

hardly any income

she was too proud to ask angel’s family

for more money

that winter she went to work at another

farm where marion was working

here the earth was poor and the work was


but tess did not mind the hard work in

the fields

as she and marion dug out the vegetables

in the pouring rain

they talked of tall bottes

and of the sunny green fields

and of angel clare

tess did not tell marion everything

so marion could not understand why the

couple were apart

they wrote to iz asking her to join them

if she had no other work

it was the coldest winter for years

but tess and marion had to go on working

in the snow

tess realized that the farmer was the

same trentridge man who had recognized

her in the market town and had been

knocked down by angel

he made her work twice as hard as the


when is came

tess saw her whispering to marion

tess had a feeling it was important

is it about my husband

she asked marian later



is said i shouldn’t tell

but he asked her to run away to brazil

with him

tess’s face went as white as the snow on

the ground

what happened

he changed his mind but he was going to

take her

tess burst out crying

i must write to him it’s my fault i

shouldn’t have left it to him he said i

could write to him i’ve been neglecting


but in the evening in her room she could

not finish her letter to him

she looked at her wedding ring which she

wore around her neck in the day and kept

on her finger all night

what kind of husband would ask is to go

to brazil with him

so soon after parting from his wife

but this new information made her think

again of visiting angel’s family in


she wanted to know why he had not

written to her

she could meet his parents who would

surely be kind to her in her loneliness

so she decided to walk there from the

farm at flint kamash on a sunday her

only free day

it was 15 miles each way

she dressed in her best encouraged by

marion and is who sent her on her way at

four o’clock in the morning

the girl sincerely loved tess and wished

for her happiness

it was a year since her wedding

and on that bright cold morning her

unspoken hope was to win over her

husband’s family

and so persuade him back to her although

she started cheerfully she began to lose

her courage as she approached emminster

the church looked forbidding

perhaps the rather strict person would

not approve of her travelling so far on

a sunday

but she had to go on

she took off her thick walking boots and

hid them behind a tree changing into her

pretty shoes

she would collect the boots on the way

out of town

she took a deep breath and rang the bell

at the parson’s house

nobody answered

she tried again


it was almost with relief that she

turned and walked away

then she suddenly remembered that they

must all be at church so she waited in a

quiet part of the street until people

began to stream out of church

she immediately recognized angel’s

brothers and even overheard some of

their conversation

poor angel

one of them said

there’s that nice girl mercy chant

why on earth didn’t he marry her instead

of rushing into marriage with a dairy


it’s certainly very strange

but his ideas have always been most odd

they joined mercy chant as she came out

of church

and walked together along the road tess

had walked into emminster


here’s a pair of old boots said one of

the brothers noticing tess’s boots

behind the tree

excellent walking boots i see

said miss chant how wicked to throw them

away give them to me

i’ll find a poor person who would like


tess walked quickly past them tears

running down her face

she continued walking as fast as she

could away from emminster

how unlucky that she had met the sons

and not the father

parents would have taken poor lonely

tests to their hearts immediately

as they did every other lost soul

without thought of family or education

or wealth

she grew more and more tired and

depressed as she walked the fifteen

miles back to flint comash

where only hard work awaited her

but on the way she noticed a crowd

listening to a preacher

and she stopped for a while to join them

the preacher was describing with

enthusiasm how he had been wicked for

years and how a certain person had

pointed it out to him

this had gradually turned him from


but tess was more shocked by the voice

than the words

she moved round behind the crowd to look

at his face

as the afternoon sun shone full on him

she recognized alec derbeville

chapter 17


this was the first time she had seen or

heard of derberville since she had left


and although he stood there openly as a

preacher as a religious man

she still felt afraid of him

he had changed his clothes his hair his

moustache and his expression

but could she really believe that he had

changed his most secret thoughts and


as soon as she recovered from her

surprise she moved away so that he would

not notice her

but he suddenly caught sight of her and

the effect on him was electric

his enthusiasm faded his voice hesitated

his lips trembled his eyes dropped in


tess walked rapidly away along the road

however as she walked she felt he must

be looking at her back as she walked


and now she knew she could never escape

the past as she had hoped

reminders of her past would surround her

until she died

as she walked uphill

she heard footsteps behind her

and turning saw that it was the one

person in the whole world she did not

want to meet this side of the grave


he said

i’m alex derbeville

i see you are

she said coldly

they walked on together

you may wonder why i’m following you

well i feel you are the person i would

most like to save from hell so i have

come to do that

have you saved yourself

tess asked bitterly

god has done it all not me

i must tell you how i came to believe in


have you ever heard of the parson of

eminster old mr clare

a very strict sincere man

i have

said tess


he came to trantridge once and tried to

show me how wicked my life was

i insulted him at the time

but later my mother died and somehow i

began to think about what old mr claire


since then my one desire has been to

help others to understand god too

don’t go on

cried tess

i can’t believe in such a sudden change

i almost hate you for talking to me like

this when you know how you’ve ruined my


you enjoy yourself for a while and then

you make sure of your place in heaven as

she spoke she looked him full in the

face with her great beautiful eyes

don’t look at me like that

said alec

your eyes remind me of


women’s faces have too much power over


don’t look at me

it might be dangerous for you

eventually they came to a crossroads

where a strange stone stood

it was a lonely unfriendly place

where people did not like to stay for


alex stopped here

i must go to the right here

i’m preaching at six this evening

tell me

how has your life been since we last met

tess told him about the baby

alec was shocked

you should have told me

but before we part come put your hand on

this stone

it was once a holy cross

i’m afraid of your power over me

swear on the cross that you will never

tempt me into wickedness

good god how can you ask such an

unnecessary thing

i don’t want to see you ever again


but swear it

tess placed her hand on the stone and

swore i shall pray for you

called alec as he walked away

who knows

we may meet again

tess went on her way feeling upset

and soon met a man on the road

he told her that the cross was not


but marked the place where a criminal

was put to death and buried

trembling a little at this information

she finally arrived at flint kamash

one day the following week when tess was

working in the fields as usual

alec derbeville came to see her

he explained to her that he intended to

sell his land at trantridge and go to

help poor people in africa

will you help me put right the wicked

thing i did to you

will you be my wife

oh no sir

she cried horrified

why not

disappointment was visible in his face

it was not only duty which pushed him to

make this offer but also his old passion

for her

you know i don’t love you answer tess

in fact i love somebody else

perhaps that is only a passing feeling



why not

you must tell me

well then

i have married him


he cried

and looked hard at her

it’s a secret here she begged please

don’t tell anybody

who is he

asked herberville where is he why isn’t

he here to look after you what sort of

husband can he be leaving you to work

like this don’t ask crites her eyes


your eyes

whispered alec

i thought i no longer felt anything for

you but when i look into your eyes

he took her hand

she pulled it quickly away

go now

please in the name of your new religion


respect me and my husband

don’t worry

i can control myself

i just hope that our marriage would take

away the bad in both of us

but that plan is no good now

he walked slowly away

his head bent in thought

the farmer approached at that moment and

was angry with tess for wasting time

talking to a stranger

tess preferred hard words from this man

of stone

to sweet ones from alex derberville

for a moment however

she imagined escaping from her present

hard life by marrying alec

but rejected it immediately

at home that night she began a letter to


telling him of her great love for him

reading between the lines he would have

seen her secret fear for the future

but again she could not finish the


thinking of his offer to is

and so he never received it

on a sunday in february

she was eating her lunch in the cottage

where she lived

when derbeville knocked at the door

he rushed in and threw himself into a

chair tess he cried desperately

i can’t help it

i can’t stop thinking of you pray for me


tess did not pity him

i cannot

because i don’t believe god would change

his plans just because i asked him

who told you that

my husband

ah your dear husband

tell me what he believes

tess explained as clearly as she could

remember angel’s beliefs

alec watched her closely

the fact is

you just believe whatever he says

that’s just like you women


that’s because he knows everything

test replied with enthusiasm

what is good enough for him is good

enough for me



mama durberville

perhaps he understands religion better

than old mr claire

perhaps he’s right not to attach too

much importance to the bible and to

fixed ideas

perhaps i was wrong to become a preacher

today i should be preaching at half past

two and here i am

my passion for you was too strong for me

you have let all those people down

they are waiting for you

what do i care

you are the one woman i have always

wanted why have you tempted me away from

religion i can’t resist you

his black eyes flashed passionately he

advanced towards her

i couldn’t help you’re seeing me again

cried tess moving nervously away from

him please leave me

remember i am married remember i can’t

defend myself

alex stopped

turned and went out without another word

but he went on thinking of angel’s

religious logic as explained by tess

it seemed to make sense

that clever husband doesn’t know that

his ideas may lead me back to her

he laughed to himself

march the threshing machine came for a

day to flint comash

it was a huge red machine which ate all

the corn the farm workers could feed it

next to it stood the engine which ran it

and the engineer

he lived in a world of fire and smoke

and was permanently black as if he came

from hell

the farmer put tess next to the

threshing machine so that she had the

hardest and most tiring job of all she

had little chance to talk or rest and at

lunch time was about to start eating

when she noticed derbyville approaching

he had changed his parsons clothes

and now look just like the young

gentleman she had first met at trent


i am here again you see

he said smiling at her

why do you bother me like this

she cried

you trouble me your eyes look at me

night and day

i can’t forget them


when you told me about that child of


my feelings for you became strong again

i have lost interest in religion and it

is your fault

you have stopped preaching

ask test shocked

i have

what a lot of stupid people they are to

listen to a preacher anyway and i am

convinced that your wonderful husband’s

views are better than old pass and


i don’t know how i became so

enthusiastic so now here i am my love

just as in the old times

not like that at all


now it’s different

she said firmly

oh why couldn’t you stay religious

because you’ve explained your husband’s

ideas so well to me that i accept them

but seriously tess you need help

i am here

and this husband of yours is not

come with me

my carriage is waiting the other side of

the field you have tempted me now share

my life forever

he put an arm around her waist

tess was red with anger but said nothing

she picked up a heavy leather glove and

hit him in the face with it

it was an action which her ancestors

must have often practiced

alec jumped up and wiped the blood from

his mouth

remember one thing

he said angrily only just controlling

himself as he held her by the shoulders

remember my lady

if you are any man’s wife

you are mine

i will have you again

i’ll come back for an answer later on

so he left

and the farm workers started the

afternoon’s threshing

it went on until the evening as the work

had to be finished that day

tess became more and more exhausted and

was near to fainting when they finally

stopped alex herberville who had been

waiting for this moment appeared at her


you are so weak

he said holding her arm

i’ve told the farmer he should not use

women for work with a threshing machine

it’s too hard i’ll walk home with you

oh yes

please do

murmured tess

too tired to be afraid of him

you are kind sometimes

and at least you wanted to put right the

wrong by offering to marry me

if i can’t marry you

at least i can help you

i have finished with religion

but you must trust me

i have enough money to help your family

and make them comfortable

have you seen them lately

ask tess quickly

god knows they need help

but no

no i can take nothing from you

either for them or for me

please leave me alone

as soon as she reached her room she

wrote a passionate letter to angel

my own husband

i must call you that

i must ask you for help i have no one


i am so open to temptation angel

i cannot tell you who it is

can’t you come to me now

before anything terrible happens

i know you are far away but i need help

i know i deserve the punishment you gave


but please angel

please be kind to me

if you would come

i could die in your arms

i live only for you

don’t think i shall be bitter because

you left me

i am so lonely without you my darling

haven’t you ever felt one little bit of

your love for me at the dairy

i am the same woman you fell in love

with then

the very same

as soon as i met you

the past was dead for me

can’t you see this

how silly i was to trust that you would

always love me

i ought to have known i couldn’t be so


people say i am still rather pretty


but i don’t care about my looks because

you are not here

if you won’t come to me

could i come to you

i’m so worried

i’m afraid i may fall into some wicked


save me from what threatens me

your faithful heartbroken


chapter 18

this desperate cry for help eventually

arrived at the parsons house in


old mr clare was pleased

i think this letter is from angel’s wife

i hope this will bring him home more

quickly he did say he was planning to

come home next month

dear boy

i hope he will get home safely mum and

mrs clare

i still feel he should have gone to

university like the other two he should

have had the same chance as them church

or no church

this was the only complaint she ever

made to her husband

he too was worried that he had been

unfair to angel

they blamed themselves for this

unfortunate marriage if angel had

studied at cambridge he would never have

become a farmer and married a country



his more recent letters showed that

angel was planning to come home to fetch


so perhaps their quarrel whatever it was

could be settled

angel himself was at this moment riding

across brazil towards the coast

he had never completely recovered from

the serious illness he had had when he

first arrived

he was not as strong as before

and looked much older

the country had been a disappointment to


many farmers had come here from england

hoping to make their fortune

and had died in the fields or on the


he knew now he could not farm here

his attitude to life had changed during

this time

he began to look again at what was right

and wrong

he began to see

that a person should be judged not only

on what he has done

but also on what he wanted to do

he began to think that he had perhaps

been unfair to tess

and he thought about her with growing


he wondered why she had not written

he forgot that he had told her not to

write first

he did not realize that she was obeying

his orders exactly

although it was breaking her heart

on his journey he traveled with another


they were both depressed and both told

each other their problems

the stranger was older and more

experienced than angel

he had a different more open approach to


he told angel clearly that he was wrong

in parting from tess

the next day they got wet in a


the stranger fell ill and died a few

days later

death came as no surprise in that

unfriendly land

claire buried him and continued his


the man’s words were somehow given

greater importance by his unexpected


and suddenly claire felt ashamed

tess had committed no crime

he should believe in her character

and not object to a past action she

could not avoid

he remembered the words of is hewitt

she would have laid down her life for


no woman could do more

how she had looked at him on their

wedding day

as if he were a god

and during that terrible evening by the

fireside when she told him her story how

desperately sad she had been to realize

he might not love her anymore

meanwhile tess was not hopeful that

angel would come in answer to her letter

the past had not changed

so he might not change either

nevertheless she spent her spare time

preparing for his possible return

practicing singing the songs he used to


tears rolling down her cheeks all the


one evening she was in the cottage as

usual when there was a knock at the door

a tall thin girl came in

and tess recognized her young sister

liza lou


said tess

what’s the matter

mother is very ill

her sister said seriously

and father is not well either and says a

man of such noble family shouldn’t have

to work

so we don’t know what to do

tess thought for a moment

she realized she had to go home

immediately although her time was not

yet up at the farm

she left her sister to rest for a while

and she herself set off at once with her

possessions in a basket

although it was night and she had a

fifteen mile walk she felt quite safe

she was only worried about her mother

and did not notice the strange shapes of

trees and hedges in the darkness

at three in the morning she passed the

field where she had first seen angel


and felt again the disappointment when

he did not dance with her

and when she saw the family cottage it

seemed to be part of her body and life

as it always

did she found her mother recovering from

her illness and took over as head of the


her father did not seem ill and had a

new plan for earning money

i’m going to find all the historians

around here

he said

and get them to pay money to keep me


after all they pay to look after old

ruins and i’m of historical interest

i think they’ll be pleased to do it

tess did not have time to answer

she nursed her mother fed the children

and worked in the garden planting

vegetables for next year

she enjoyed working outside among her


one evening when it was almost dark

she was digging happily in the vegetable

garden some distance from the cottage

it was a clear fresh night with smoke

blowing about from small fires in the


suddenly she saw a man’s face in the

light of a fire

it was derbeville

she gasped and stepped back her face


what are you doing here

my dear tess

i just want to help you

to see you

have you finished at that farm

yes i have

where are you going next

to join your dear husband


i don’t know

she said bitterly

i have no husband

that is quite true in one way

but you have a true friend

when you go back to your cottage you’ll

see what i’ve done for you

oh alec i wish you wouldn’t give me

anything i

i have enough i

i just don’t want to live at all

her tears fell as she started digging


when she looked round derbeville had


on her way back one of her sisters

rushed towards her shouting tess

tess mother is much better

but father is dead

but father was only a little bit ill

said tess

trying to take in the news

he dropped down just now

and the doctor said there was no hope

for him because it’s his heart

poor john derbyfield’s death had more

importance than his family realized at


the cottage was in his name

on his death the farmer who owned it

decided to put farm workers in it and

told the derby fields to leave

they were not much respected in the

village because of john’s laziness

tess also felt guilty that her presence

might have influenced the farmer

the village people clearly thought she

was not a good example for their


so on lady day the derby fields had to

leave their old home

the night before they left

derbeville came to visit tess

to offer her and her family a little

house on his land at trantridge

her mother could look after the chickens

and he would pay for the children to go

to school

tess firmly rejected his offer

but when he had gone for the first time

a feeling of anger rose in her against

her husband

she had never intended to do wrong and

he had punished her too hard

she passionately wrote these few words

to him

oh why have you treated me so badly


i do not deserve it

you are cruel

i intend to forget you you have been so

unfair to me


she ran out and posted it before she

could change her mind

i see there’s been a visitor

said her mother coming into the living

room later

your husband was it


it wasn’t him

he’ll never never come

said tess hopelessly

she had said it was not her husband

but she was feeling more and more

that derbeville was physically her


next day their possessions were put on a

wagon and taken to kingsbury

mrs derbyfield had booked rooms there as

it was the family home of the

derbyvilles and she still hoped some

good would come of belonging to the

ancient family

but as they approached king’s beer after

a long and tiring day’s journey

a man came to tell them there were no

rooms available

tess and her mother unloaded the wagon

and left the children and furniture near

the churchyard wall

while they looked for somewhere to stay

but all the rooms were full

tess looked desperately at the pile of

their possessions

in the cold sunlight of the spring

evening the furniture looked old and the

pots looked worn

tombs belonged to families forever don’t


asked her mother brightly having looked

around the churchyard


that’s where we’ll stay children until

the place of your ancestors finds us

some shelter

tess helped her mother move the big bed

against the church wall

underground were the tombs of the


and at the head of the bed was a

beautiful old window

in which the symbols on the derby field

seal and spoon could be seen

the children were put to bed all

together for warmth and comfort

tomorrow we’ll find somewhere better

said joan cheerfully

but tess

what’s the good of you playing at marion

gentlemen if it leaves us like this

tess went inside the ancient church

and stared sadly at the tombs of her


she thought she saw a movement

and turned to look again at a stone

figure lying on a tomb

when she saw it was alec derbaville

lying there she almost fainted

i’m going to help you

he said jumping up and smiling at her

you’ll see that i’m more useful than a

real derbyville

i’ll see your mother you’ll thank me for


and he brushed past her

she dropped her head on the cold stone

of the tomb

why am i on the wrong side of this stone

she whispered

marion and is had seen tess moving house

with her family and knew what a

difficult position she was in

they generously hoped she would one day

be happy with angel again and were

afraid for her

knowing that alec derbaville was

constantly tempting her

they decided to write a letter to angel


to inform him of the dangerous situation

his wife was in

this is what they wrote

dear sir

watch out for your wife

if you love her as much as she loves you

she is in danger from an enemy in the

shape of a friend

a woman’s strength cannot last forever

and water

if it drops continually

will wear away a stone


even a diamond

from two well-wishers

chapter 19.


it was evening in the parsons house at


mr and mrs clare were waiting anxiously

for angel’s return

he won’t be here yet my dear

said old mr clare as his wife went to

the front door for the tenth time

remember his train doesn’t come in until

six o’clock

and then he has to ride ten miles on our

old horse

but he used to do it in an hour said his

wife impatiently

both knew it was useless to talk about

it and the only thing to do was wait

when they heard footsteps they rushed

outside to meet the shape in the


oh my boy my boy

home at last

cried mrs clare who at that moment cared

no more for angel’s lack of religion

than for the dust on his clothes

what woman in fact however firm her

beliefs would not sacrifice her religion

for her children

nothing was more important to mrs clare

than angel’s happiness

but as soon as they reached the living

room she saw his face clearly in the

light of the candles she gave a cry and

turned away in sorrow


it’s not the angel who went away

even his father was shocked to see the

change in his son

they would not have recognized him if

they had passed him in the street

the cruel climate and hard work had aged

him by twenty years

he was like a shadow thin and bony

with no spring in his step and no

enthusiasm in his eyes

i was ill over there

he said noticing his parents concern

he had to sit down

being weak after his journey

has any letter come for me

he asked eagerly

the last one

from your wife


i didn’t get it until very recently as i

was traveling if i had received it

earlier i would have come sooner

they gave him a letter that had been

waiting for his arrival

angel read it rapidly it was tess’s last

letter short and desperate

oh why have you treated me so badly


i do not deserve it

you are cruel i intend to forget you

you have been so unfair to me


it is all quite true

cried angel hopelessly throwing down the


perhaps you will never take me back


don’t worry so much about a country girl

said his mother anxious about her son’s

state of mind

you know

i’ve never told you

but she is actually a descendant of one

of the oldest noblest families in


a derbeville in fact

and do you know why i left her

how could i be so narrow-minded

i left her

because i discovered she was not the

pure country girl i thought

she had been seduced

by a so-called gentleman but it wasn’t

her fault

and i know now that her whole character

is honest and faithful

i must get her back

after this outburst

angel went to bed early and thought

about the situation

in brazil it had seemed easy to rush

straight back into tess’s loving arms

whenever he chose to forgive her

however now he knew she was angry with

him for leaving her for so long

he admitted she was right to be angry

so he decided to give her time to think

about their relationship

and wrote to her at marlot instead of

going to see her

to his surprise he received in reply a

note from her mother

dear sir

my daughter is not with me at the moment

and i don’t know when she’ll come back

i will let you know when she does

i cannot tell you where she is staying

we don’t live in marlot anymore


j derby field

at first claire decided to wait for

further information from tess’s mother

but then he re-read the letter sent on

to him in brazil written from flint


i live only for you

don’t think i shall be bitter because

you left me

i am so lonely without you my darling

haven’t you ever felt one little bit of

your love for me at the dairy

i am the same woman you fell in love

with then the very same

as soon as i met you the past was dead

for me

he was so touched he felt he must go

immediately to find her

however angry she and her family might

be with him

while he was packing the letter from iz

and marion arrived and made him hurry

even more

his search for tess took him first to

flint kamash

where he discovered she had never used

her married name

he began to realize too what hardship

she had suffered rather than ask his

family for money

next he traveled to marlot

but found the derbyfield cottage

occupied by others

as he left the village he passed the

field where he had first seen tess at

the dance

he could not bear to see it

because tess was not there

in the churchyard he saw a new headstone

on which was written

in memory of john derbyfield

rightly derbeville

of the once powerful family of that name

and direct descendant of sir pagan


died march the 10th

1800 and

a gravedigger noticed claire looking at

it and called to him

ah sir

that man didn’t want to be buried here

but in his ancestors tombs at king’s


so why wasn’t he buried there

no money

in fact sir

even this headstone has not been paid


claire went immediately to pay the bill

for the stone

and set out towards shastan where he

found mrs derbafield and her children

living in a small house

she seemed embarrassed to see him

i’m tess’s husband

he said awkwardly

i want to see her at once

you were going to write and tell me

where she is is she well

i don’t know sir

but you ought to

you’re right

i ought to know that about my own wife

where is she

mrs derbyfield would not reply

do you think tess would want me to try

and find her

i don’t think she would

he was turning away

and then he thought of tess’s letter

if you would come

i could die in your arms

i live only for you

i am so lonely without you my darling

he turned back

i’m sure she would

he said passionately i know her better

than you do

i expect you do sir

for i have never really known her

please mrs derbyfield

please tell me where she is

please be kind to a miserable lonely man

there was a pause after this cry from

the heart

finally tess’s mother replied in a low


she’s at sanborn

thank you

he said relieved

do you need anything

no thank you sir

said joan derberfield

we are well provided for

claire took the train to sanborn

on his arrival at 11 o’clock in the

evening he took a room in a hotel and

walked around the streets in the hope of

meeting tess

but it was too late to ask anybody

it seemed a strange place to claire

it was a bright fashionable holiday town

with parks flower beds and amusements

this new town

a product of modern civilization had

grown up near the ancient eggton woods

where the paths over the hills had not

changed for a thousand years

he walked up and down the wide streets

trying to admire the modern buildings

he felt confused

the sea murmured and he thought it was

the trees

the trees murmured and he thought it was

the sea

he could not understand what had brought

tess here

this was a town for relaxation for


not for a working girl like tess

there were no cows to milk here and no

vegetables to dig

he looked at the lights in the bedroom


and wondered which one was hers

before going to bed he re-read tess’s

passionate letter

he could not sleep that night

at the post office next morning they

knew nothing of the names of claire or

derby field

but there is a name of derberville that

mrs brooks

said the postman

that’s it

cried claire

pleased to think she had taken her

ancestors name as he had suggested

he made his way quickly to mrs brooks’s

house following the postman’s directions

it was a large impressive house

and he wondered if he should go to the

back door

as tess was probably a servant here

but he rang at the front

mrs brooks herself appeared

is teresa derberville here

he asked

mrs derberville


he felt pleased that she was known there

as a married woman

please tell her that a relation wants to

see her


it’s angel

mr angel

no just angel

she’ll know

angel waited in the sitting room his

heart beating painfully

whatever will she think of me

he thought

i look so different

so much older

he was still weak after his illness

he could hardly stand and held on to the

back of a chair

as she entered the room

he was not prepared for what he saw

tess was wearing fashionable clothes

and looked even more beautiful than he


he had held out his arms

but they fell to his side because she

stood still in the doorway

he thought she could not bear his

changed appearance


he whispered

his voice was low and breaking with


can you forgive me for going away

can’t you

come to me

why are you



it is too late

she said

her voice hard

and her eyes shining unnaturally

i didn’t see you as you really were

please forgive me tessie he begged

too late

too late she said waving her hand

impatiently don’t come close angel keep


but is it that you don’t love me

my dear wife

because i’ve been ill

i’ve come to find you

my parents will welcome you

i’ve told them everything



but it is too late

every moment seemed like an hour to her

she felt as if she was in a dream

trying to escape

but unable to

don’t you know what has happened

i waited and waited for you

but you didn’t come

and i wrote to you and you didn’t come

he kept on saying you would never come

back again and he was very kind to my


after father’s death he

i don’t understand

he has won me back to him

claire stared at her

he saw her fashionable clothes

he saw her relaxed well-fed body

he saw her white delicate hands

at last he understood

and fell into a chair as if hit on the


she continued

he is upstairs

i hate him now

because he told me a lie that you would

never return

and you have returned

will you go away now angel please

and never come back

they looked at each other without joy

and without hope

desperately wanting to be sheltered from


it’s my fault

said claire

but talking did not help

the tests he had first loved

had separated her body from her soul

her soul remained and would remain

faithful to him forever

but what happened to her body no longer

interested her after he had rejected it

after a few moments of confused


he realized tess had left the room

his mind was in a fog

he felt very cold and very ill somehow

he found himself in the street


although he did not know where

mrs brooks was not usually curious about

her guests

she was too interested in the money they

paid her to ask many questions

however angel claire’s visit to her

wealthy guests mr and mrs durberville as

she knew them

was unusual enough to interest her

she could hear parts of the conversation

between the two lost souls

and when tess went back upstairs

mrs brooks crept quietly up to listen

outside the bedroom door

she heard tess sobbing

and through the keyhole could see her

half lying over the breakfast table

and then

my dear husband came home to me

and it’s too late

because you persuaded me

you with your fine words

as you did when you seduced me

you told me he would never come back

but he did

and you helped my family and that’s how

you persuaded me so cleverly

and when i believed you and came to live

with you

he came back

and now i’ve lost him a second time

and this time forever

he will hate me now

she turned her tear-stained face

and mrs brooks could see how she was


and he’s dying

he looks as if he’s dying

it will be my fault if he dies you have

destroyed my life and his

i can’t bear it i can’t

the man spoke sharply

and after that there was silence

mrs brooks went back downstairs to wait

until she was called to take their

breakfast away

she could hear tess moving about

and then saw tess leave the house fully

dressed in her fashionable clothes

perhaps mr durberville was still asleep

as he did not like getting up early

mrs brooks wondered who this morning’s

visitor was

and where mrs durberville had gone so


just then she noticed a mark on the


it seemed to be spreading

it was red

and when she stood on the table and

touched it

it looked like blood

she ran up to listen at the bedroom door


the dead silence was broken only by a

regular drip



she ran wildly out into the street and

begged a man she knew to come back with


together they hurried upstairs and

pushed open the bedroom door

the breakfast lay untouched on the table

but the large knife was missing

they found it in alec durberville’s


he lay on the bed pale

fixed dead

still bleeding

soon the news spread all over sanborn

that mrs brooks’s guest had been killed

by his young wife


chapter 20.


meanwhile angel claire returned to his


and sat for a while over breakfast

staring into space

a note arrived from his mother

saying that his brother cuthbert was

going to marry mercy chant

claire threw away the paper

at last he got up paid the bill and went

to the railway station

but he could not sit patiently and wait

for the next train in an hour’s time

he had nothing to wish for in life

and nobody to love

he was in no hurry

but just wanted to get out of that town

as soon as possible

so he started walking along the road out

of town

the road was open and dropped down to

cross a valley

when he was climbing the far side of the

valley he stopped for breath

and something made him turn round

there was a small black figure in the


a human figure


claire waited

it looked like a woman but he never

imagined that it could be his wife

until she came close

and he saw it was tess

i saw you

turn onto the road from the station

and i’ve been following you all this way

she was pale breathless and trembling

he did not question her but took her arm

and helped her along

they took a footpath under some trees to

avoid being seen

angel she said

do you know why i’ve been running after


to tell you that i’ve killed him

there was a pitiful smile on her white

face as she spoke


he cried

thinking her mind was disturbed

i don’t know how i did it

she said

i had to do it

for you and me angel

i was afraid long ago

when i hit him in the mouth with that

heavy glove that i might kill him one


he has come between us and ruined our


i never loved him at all angel

you believe me don’t you

oh why did you go away when i loved you

so much

but i don’t blame you angel


will you forgive me now

i could not bear losing you any longer

i had to kill him

say you love me now say you do

oh i do love you tess i do

it has all come back

he said holding her tightly in his arms

but what do you mean

you’ve killed him

he is dead

he heard me crying about you

and he called you rude names i couldn’t

bear it so i killed him

eventually angel came to believe that

she probably had killed derbaville

he was amazed at the strength of her


and this it seemed had made her forget

the difference between right and wrong

she did not seem to realize what she had

done and laid her head on his shoulder

crying with happiness

he wondered if the bad blood of the

derbyvilles was to blame for this moment

of madness


he knew he could not leave her now

she expected him to protect her

and at last claire felt nothing but love

for this passionate loving wife of his

he kissed her again and again

and held her hand

i won’t leave you

i’ll protect you as well as i can my

dearest love

whatever you may or may not have done

they walked on

tess turning her head occasionally to

look at him

for her he was still perfection

despite his thinness and pale face

he was the one man who had loved her

purely and who believed in her as pure

their arms around each other’s waists

they walked through the woods on lonely


taking care not to meet anybody

they did not talk much

being content to be together at last

where shall we go

ask tess

i don’t know

perhaps we could find a cottage to stay

in tonight

can you walk a long way tessie

oh yes

i could walk forever with your arm

around me

at midday angel went to a public house

and brought food and wine back to where

tess was waiting in the woods for him

her clothes were so fashionable that the

country people would have noticed her

i think we should keep walking inland

away from the coasts said claire as they

finished eating

we can hide there for a while

later on when they stop looking for us

we can go to a port and get right out of

the country

but their plans were vague they were

like two children who think only of the


the weather was warm and they enjoyed

walking together

however in the afternoon they did not

find any suitable cottages to stay in

and it was too cold to sleep outside

they had walked about 15 miles when they

passed a large empty house in the middle

of the woods

all those rooms empty

said tess

and we have no shelter

we can stay the night there

said claire


there’s a window open

the caretaker probably airs the rooms in

the daytime we can climb in nobody will


and so they did

they chose a bedroom with heavy

old-fashioned furniture and a huge old


they kept quiet while the caretaker came

to shut the windows in the evening

then the house was theirs

they ate some of the food they had


and went to bed in total darkness

during the night she told him about his

sleepwalking just after their wedding

you should have told me at the time

don’t think of the past

think of the present

tomorrow may mean the end of our


but when tomorrow came it was wet and


it seemed that the caretaker only came

on fine days

so they were alone in the house

they had enough food and wine and stayed

there for the next five days

it was the honeymoon they had never had

they had no contact with people

and only noticed changes in the weather

neither mentioned the depressing period

from their wedding day to the present

they lived for the moment

and were completely happy

when angels suggested leaving their

shelter and traveling to a port like

southampton or london

tess was unwilling

why put an end to sweetness and


outside everything is confused and sad

here we are quite content

angel agreed

inside was forgiveness and love


was eventual punishment


she said putting her cheek against his

i want you to go on loving me

i’m afraid you might reject me one day

for what i’ve done

then i would rather be dead

i must have been mad to kill him

but i don’t want to be alive when you

reject me for it

they stayed for one more day but the

caretaker came early that fine sunny


she wanted to open the windows in the


which she did not usually do

and open their bedroom door

she saw the young couple lying in the

big bed fast asleep

and hurried away to tell her neighbors

tess and angel woke soon after and

decided to leave immediately they dared

not stay any longer

when they were in the woods tess turned

to look at the house

so much happiness in that house

she whispered

my life can only be a question of a few


why couldn’t we have stayed there

don’t say that tess

we’ll go northwards and get to a port

they won’t find us

they kept going all day and most of the


passing the cathedral city of malchester

and reaching open land

it was a windy cloudy night

they walked on grass

so as not to make any noise on the road

they were alone and in darkness

suddenly claire almost bumped into a

great stone rising up in front of him

moving forwards carefully

they found other stones

standing tall and black against the

night sky

what on earth is this place

claire asked


cried tess

the wind playing on the huge stones

produced a strange tune

like the notes of a great harp

the couple walked slowly into the middle

of the great circle of stones

it’s stonehenge

cried claire

the pagan temple


older than the centuries

older than the derbyvilles

let’s stay here tonight angel

said tess

lying down on a flat stone which was

still warm from the day’s sunshine

we’d better not

this place can be seen for miles in


i feel at home here

mama tess

you used to say at talbot hayes

that i was a pagan do you remember

he bent over her and kissed her

sleepy are you dearest

i love it here

she said

i have been so happy with you

and here i have only the sky above my


there is nobody in the world except us


claire thought she could rest a while


he put his coat over her and lay down

beside her


she asked presently as they listened to

the wind among the stones

if anything happens to me

will you take care of liza lou

i will

she’s so good and pure

oh angel

i wish you would marry her if you lose


as you will do soon

if i lose you

i lose everything

she has all the best of me

without my bad side

and if she were yours

it would almost seem

as if we were not separated by death


i won’t mention it again

there was silence for a while

angel could see the first light in the


they had not much time

did they sacrifice to god here

she asked


to the son

that reminds me dear

tell me

do you think we shall meet again after

we are dead

i want to know

he kissed her to avoid replying

oh angel

that means no

she almost sobbed

and i so wanted to see you again

so much

so much

not even you and i angel

who love each other so much

he could not answer

soon she fell asleep on the stone of


the night wind died away

and the stones looked black in the


something seemed to move in the distance

it was a figure approaching stonehenge

claire wished they had gone on but it

was too late

he turned and saw another and another

they were uniformed men closing in on


with slow purposeful steps

claire jumped up wildly looking around

for a way to escape there’s no use sir

said the nearest policeman

we’ve surrounded the place

let her finish her sleep

he begged in a whisper as the men

gathered around the stone

he held her hand

she was breathing more like a trapped

animal than a woman

all waited in the growing light

their faces and hands silver

the stones gray

when the light was strong

she awoke

what is it angel

she said sitting up

have they come for

me yes dearest

they have

that is right

i am almost glad

this happiness

could not have lasted

she stood up and went towards the

waiting men

i am ready

she said quietly

one july morning

the sun shone on two figures climbing

the hill leading out of the fine city of


they were young

but they walked bent in sorrow

one was angel claire

the other tess’s younger sister liza lou

hand in hand with pale tear-stained


they walked in silence

when they reached the top of the hill

they heard the town clocks strike eight

they turned quickly and looked back at

the city

they could see the cathedral the college

and the prison very clearly

a tall post was fixed to the prison


a few minutes after eight

as they watched

a black flag moved slowly up the post

the gods had finished playing with tess

society had seen justice done

her derbeville ancestors slept on in

their tombs uncaring

the two silent watchers dropped to the

ground and stayed there without moving

for a long time

the flag waved in the wind

as soon as they had strength

they stood up

joined hands again

and continued slowly on their way
