English THANKSGIVING Words with Alisha

Hey everybody, Alisha here. Today we are going
to talk about Thanksgiving and some Thanksgiving

related vocabulary words. So let’s get started.

The first word is just Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is a national holiday in America.

It might be holiday in your country as well.
You might have something similar to Thanksgiving.

Basically it’s a holiday which is well known
for eating Turkey and large, large quantities

of other foods which are really hearty. A
lot of families chose to get together. People

come from all over the country to enjoy a
Thanksgiving meal with their family members

and friends in some cases. Thanksgiving is
the 4th Thursday of every November, right?

Next is the word Turkey.
Turkey is a big bird which we almost I would

say exclusively eat at Thanksgiving. It’s
delicious. It makes you sleep if you eat a

lot of it. Here is a picture of President
Obama pardoning a Turkey. Why do we do this?

Look at – his daughter is in the background
facepalming. Oh that’s funny. So the president

pardons a turkey every Thanksgiving to, I
guess show the Turkey that it’s not going

to be slaughtered. All of its wrong doings
are forgiven. And my favorite Thanksgiving

food is Turkey.

The next word is cornucopia. This is something
that you only really see around Thanksgiving

time. It looks kind of like a horn, it’s
a horn-shaped thing and it usually has fresh

fruits and maybe vegetables inside. According
to this, it says it’s a symbol of plenty.

So whatever it is full of, it’s usually
just kind of overflowing with that. It’s

to signify that you have a lot of you know
food. You have enough of something. So that’s

something you might see around Thanksgiving
time. My mom puts out a Cornucopia of vegetables

and fruits every year at Thanksgiving dinner.

Another good word to know is Cranberry sauce.
This is a really, really popular dish at Thanksgiving.

It’s more of a dessert in my mind anyway.
Its jelly that’s made of cranberries and

it’s really sweet. Some people like to top
it with whipped cream. Different families

have different recipes. It’s pretty well
known and it goes really well with Turkey.

So give it a try if you see it. Cranberry
sauce is my brother’s favorite Thanksgiving


Pilgrim is the next word. Pilgrim is a word
that refers to the people who came to what

is now America, what is now the United States,
from England and you might have seen historical

pictures of them. People like to make fun
of the fact that they had buckles on their

hats. Big pointy black hat and a lot of the
pictures in children’s history books. Pilgrims

ate Thanksgiving dinner with the Native American
population for the first Thanksgiving. That’s

how the holiday got started actually.

And that’s the end. Thank you for joining
us about Thanksgiving. I hope that you enjoyed

a Thanksgiving sometime. No I don’t. If
you do, great. If you don’t whatever, I

don’t know. So those are some words that
you might be able to use if you find yourself

in a Thanksgiving dinner some day. I hope
you enjoyed, happy Thanksgiving.