35 Minutes of English Listening and Speaking Practice for Everyone English Conversation


receiving money


good morning how can i help you

i come to receive my salary

did you get the arrival notice in sms

yes i received it last week but now i

just have time to collect it

okay we have the ticket dispenser

machine over there you can get your

number and wait till your turn

thank you so much

you are welcome


number 92


hi please give me your ticket thank you

how can i help you

i’m coming to receive my money i

received the notice last week but now i

just have time can i receive it here

absolutely can i have your money

transfer control number please

um let me check

my partner just sent me a picture which

is the money transfer control number

it is on the top of the receipt can i

have a look please

here you are


this one

oh i see thank you

what is your name please

my name is anna anna turner

can i have your id please

one two three eight seven seven one five


you have one thousand two hundred

dollars from sunshine company in texas

i will give you a form then please fill

it in with all the required information

your name must be written in capital


okay i see

here you are


this is twelve hundred dollars you

should double check it before you leave

then give me your signature here and

your full name as well

okay that’s fine

do you need me to help you with anything


no thanks so much

it’s done isn’t it

yes have a nice day

thank you you too


redecorate a bedroom

kyle we need to fix the bedroom walls

i also want to redecorate the room and

make it more minimal

now we have unnecessary things that take

a lot of space

yes let me fix the wall before

redecorating the paint is peeling off

what new color do you want for the walls

the dark solid color won’t match with

the furniture color so

i think we need to change to another

bright tone color

let’s change to

light green this time

what do you think

whatever you want i’m happy with any


also how do you want to rearrange the


first we need to clean up those carton

boxes in the room

just old stuff that we never use again

but we are too lazy to throw them away

i want to put a plant there for a more

refreshing feeling

sure i don’t even remember what is

inside those boxes

i also want to move my desk to the other

side of the room facing the brightness

outside hurts my eyes while i’m on my


if it’s better for your eyes why not

what else

your workout corner

it’s totally a mess there can you do

something about it


my bad i should not put all the

equipment on the floor like that it is

just a habit it’s for

next time working out i don’t need to

find stuff i need

i may buy a cabinet to keep those things


okay let’s do everything this weekend

it’s time for the change

okay i will repair equipment and buy


helping your kid to focus on learning


tommy turn off the tv now it’s too late

for your learning time

no i don’t want to


i don’t want to do my homework the

cartoon is more interesting

all right

let me know why you don’t want to do

your homework

you know it’s your responsibility right

yes but i like watching tv

listen to me tommy you didn’t do it then

you cannot pass the exam


you can watch tv after completing them

daddy i

i will help you all right


today the teacher gives me too much

homework i don’t know what i should do


which subjects do you have tomorrow

i have math physical education art and


do you have homework for all of them

no i just have exercises for math and


is superman real daddy i just watched a

flying superman on tv

tommy we should begin with math first

then i will tell you a story about

superman later

alright i have to do plus

do you understand what plus is

yes i do

perfect now you should start with

exercise number one

if you can complete three exercises in

30 minutes i will let you go to the park

this weekend

really daddy

yes i promise

as easy as pie

okay then when you finish let me know

then i will help you with your science


i will stand behind to observe you

hire someone to remodel the room

hi i’m christine from mlg architecture

i have an appointment today for mrs

sharon’s living room redesign

oh hi christine it’s me sharon very nice

to meet you come in

nice to meet you too how are you

i’m very well and you

i’m great


so is this the living room you want to


yes this is it has been a long time

since we built the house most of the

things in the room seem to be too old

now i want to make it into a new and

cozier living area

okay let me measure the room first


could i take some pictures of the

current state of the room

yes go ahead

mrs sharon do you have any specific

preferences or requirements for the

design of the room

i’m not very good at these things i just

need it to look suitable for elderly


also i want a bright and cozy place that

my kids and grandkids can gather and

comfortably spend time together on the


i got it is there any furniture you want

to keep

no everything is too old i decided to

have a brand new living room

so miss sharon

i think traditional design will meet

your needs i will design some different

options for you to choose from

can we arrange another meeting in a week

so we can discuss in detail what i bring

those design options for you

sure except for thursday i will be

available the whole week

then how about friday


great that’s all mrs sharon it’s very

nice to meet you today thanks for

choosing our company

you’re welcome

so i will leave now thanks for your time

thank you also

situation 4 discussing tutoring your


what day is today honey it’s thursday

what’s up babe

oh my god i thought it was friday why is

ann still watching tv she must study

right now doesn’t she

yes she is going to start at 8 30 pm i

reminded her

okay but ann is 12 already her learning

program is going to be harder day by day

especially math i was wondering if i can

help her with her homework anymore or


come on mark you are a master in the

university what are you saying

you know i’m a master in social science

only teaching a kid is different from

teaching university students though we

must have a suited method with a kid

so what should we do

you’re always home with her i think you

should take the time to help her with

her homework

you don’t know how to teach her but i

ever had never done it before

so why did you tell me to do it i’m

afraid that even my knowledge is not


emma knowledge is just one part her

behavior and attitudes are quite

important as well i think we need to

figure out which way is the best

do you think we should go meet her


for what come on emma one teacher will

have to take responsibility for three to

five classes

they don’t have time to focus on only

anne so what should we do

you need to find out one solution not

only deny all of my opinions

what do you think about joining some

workshops or classes to learn effective


does it work

maybe i’m not sure but we can try

i will look it up on the internet

my colleague just sent me some i will

forward you maybe we should take part


perfect i’m having a look now

saturday or sunday better for you

sunday i think


get a wavy haircut


hi welcome

how may i help you

hi i would like to get a haircut


please have a seat

here’s your water

okay thank you

how would you like your haircut do you

have any preference yet

not sure i have had long hair for quite

some time

maybe i would like short hair

however i’m not sure if it fits my face

my face is a bit round

no worry there are a lot of short

hairstyles which can be suitable for

your face type

let me show you some styles to see which

one you prefer


about the length you better have

shoulder length hair

shorter than that will make your face

look bigger

would you like curly or do you prefer

straight hair

curly ones look great though

do you think so like this one

yes this is a long bomb style with wavy


it suits you even more because your hair

is a bit thin

your hair will look bouncy with curly

hair and your face will look smaller as


that sounds exactly what i want

okay let’s do this

i will go prepare for a bit please

wait for me for a few minutes

okay no problem

thank you


fix the nail


hi welcome

how may i help you today

hi i’m julie i have an appointment to

fix my nail today at 5 pm


let me check

all right miss miley will take care of



go this way

miss miley

miss jolie came

hi jolie nice to see you

how are you

hi miley not bad

nice to see you too how are you

i’m great i saw in the appointment note

that you have a broken nail don’t you

yes finally i can meet you

i need to have it fixed

i’ve had that broken nail for a few days

but i was on a business trip


let me fix that for you

what happened did you get hurt

oh it’s okay

i was in a hurry banging my finger on

the edge of a door

luckily no bleeding


i’m glad to hear that you didn’t get

hurt but it must be uncomfortable right

not really but you know me i’m a


i can’t stand having a broken nail


please take a seat here

could i have my hair washed and massaged


i’m a bit tired after the trip

i came straight here after coming back

from work

i think i need to relax first


then please move to the shampoo station




hey my girl i’m here

oh hi emma long time no see

oh my god

look who it is how have you been

it’s going well

what about you what have you been up to

still journalism

everything is great

no i’m a copywriter now

oh wow that’s a freelance job right

that’s right so my time is very flexible

in contrast to me

every morning i have to get up at 5 45

or even half past 5 o’clock

you are not an early bird


i also want to have the same job as you

but i get used to getting up early in

the morning

really what time do you often get up

about 5 a.m

oh my gosh why do you wake up so early

like that

uh my hobby is running in the early


i prefer doing activities in the daytime

exactly when do you run

20 past five or sometimes half past five

wow you must have taken a lot of


how long do you run

a half hour or an hour

both are not right one and a half hours

um you also go to the gym right

yes but in the evening around half past

six or seven o’clock

after work


how often do you go to the gym per week

every day

no sometimes

three days per week

what time do you leave the office

five o’clock in the afternoon

so your working time starts at 8am as



no actually my work often starts at nine



if i have a meeting i’ll be earlier

maybe 15 minutes earlier than usual

a quarter to nine

correct ah emma do you know what time it


25 to 10. what’s wrong do you have to go


no just asking

emma how can you get up so early like

that i’ve tried many times but failed

i don’t know the alarm goes off and i

wake up

how long do you spend sleeping

seven hours

six hours and a half

probably you turn off the lights by 11


around that time my sleeping time is not


you usually go to bed late don’t you


that’s right even there were some days i

slept at the crack of dawn because of

completing work

um for you

emma do you want to go shopping now what

time is it

yes whatever it’s a couple of minutes

past 11.

a little bit late for going shopping but

it’s fine let’s go

tom tom go quickly to gate seven i’m

sorry for being late

what is the time tom

it’s ten past eight am sir

run quickly the departure time is half

past eight

wait mr peter let me tell you

what’s more important we must go quickly

to the gate now

our first flight is delayed the new

departure time is 9 30.

really are you sure

i did hearing the announcement a half

hour ago

are you sure the delayed flight is ours


ladies and gentlemen this is an

announcement that flight nc 245 has been

delayed your new departure time is half

past nine

thank you


you see


so lucky

by the way tell me the schedule during

my business trip

here you are

you’ll first have a meeting with the

director of mapbox mr johnson this


what time does the meeting start

a quarter past one

how long does it take place

one hour according to the plan

and then

you’ll go to oriole restaurant to

negotiate one more time the latest

transaction with mrs emily

specific time

at seven o’clock

mrs emily likes people who are ahead of

time so i suggest we should go there at

6 50.

that’s fine

what about meeting with a board of

directors of the chicago branch

the meeting will be delayed until the

next day due to mr alex’s absence

okay what time is the meeting going to


early morning exactly at 7 30 sir

it seems to be an all-day meeting right

definitely sir

mr peter an old friend just contacted

and wants to have a private conversation

with you tonight


mr adams sir

great have me arrange that meeting


around 8 30 or 9 p.m after mrs emily’s

meeting yes i’ll do it

tom have you got the time

a couple of minutes past nine sir

it’s time to get on the plane let’s go

yes sir


have you almost finished the report i

assigned to you

almost done

if you find it difficult anywhere just

ask me

yes thank you

am hesitating about calculating the

statistic here

let me have a look

with this kind of statistic you should

use the method i told you about


oh i got it thank you

oh my god

what happened lily

linda look outside

oh my it’s getting dark

i think it’s just a quarter past 5 or 5

30 at least

lily do you know what time it is

wait for me

i guess it’s six o’clock

you’re wrong it is exactly 6 50.

pardon me

yes you didn’t hear wrong

nearly 7 p.m

of course

working so hard that we don’t know the


it was not until i lifted my head that

both of us knew that it was nightfall

we’re all bees

busy as a bee

go home now

i’ll finish the rest of the report it’ll

be soon

so i’ll wait for you and then we’ll go

home together

no you don’t need to do that linda

it’s no problem i’ll wait


hello my friend sophie

hi buddy what’s up girl

today we have to go back to school

um exactly i’ll pick you up

let me do that


what time

what time does the first class begin


half past 12.

so i’ll pick you up at 10 past 12.

that’s fine

sophie this evening one of my friends is

holding a party and do you want to go

with me okay

but i don’t know anyone

that’s no problem you can make

acquaintances with them gradually

okay so what time do we go there

the party starts at 8pm so i think we

can go to my friend’s house at a quarter

past seven

do you want to

buy some new clothes or dresses for the


sounds good

if so we have to go by five o’clock


because going shopping often takes us an

hour and a half

but our class finishes at 4 45

no problem

i also have lots of things to do at home

after school

how long

about 30 or 40 minutes

so let’s meet at the park near your

house is that okay

i was just going to say that

is 5 30 o’clock fine

it’s up to you


oh sorry elsa i just remembered that i’m

gonna have a class this evening

what time does it begin and finish

i study for two hours and the class

starts at half past five

so it finishes at 7 30 right


i’ll wait for you at the park near my


that’s fine but i’m afraid you can be

late when you wait for you

that’s okay i’ll wait for you at 20 to

okay thank you elsa

i’m hanging up now bye



good morning adam

hi how are things

so busy recently

long time no coffee with you

all right

uh adam could you tell me the time

please i left my watch at home

it’s a quarter to nine


i mean it’s 8 45.


adam would you mind reminding me at half

past 10

uh that’s fine i’ll tell you when the

clock is 10 30.

thank you so much

because i have to do something at my

office around 10 past 11.

you mean

11 10 or 10 50

11 10 o’clock

how far is your company

about 10 kilometers

if so i’m afraid you should leave it

almost 10 20 not half past 10.

i think so do you know what time it is

it’s five to ten

so i will leave in 25 minutes

that’s right


arranging a company banquet


okay let’s start everyone today we have

this meeting to discuss the preparation

for our company’s christmas year-end

party next month are you ready

yes we are all ready

okay jessica please note down everything

and make a report for today’s meeting

i will note down all the points

after today’s meeting we need to

finalize the following main points

the date of the event the number of

people which restaurant the food and

drink menu

and the decoration theme

this information will be sent to the

catering company to prepare with the


so let’s start with the number of people


after surveying departments the most

reasonable date is probably on

the thursday night of the week before

the holiday

there are

127 people

where do you all think we should hold

this event the catering company has

suggested three restaurants that can

accommodate that number of people as in

the document in front of you all

it’s blue plate via corrada

and scarpetta

i think we need a budget before having

any decision on this

oh yes sorry after the discussion with

the board the agreed budget for a person

is eighty dollars about sixty percent

for food and drink and the rest is for


gifts and other expenses

i think scarpetta restaurant is the best


the place is near our company they also

have a package that has a discount on

alcoholic drinks we can save a lot of

money with this

i think so teal scarpetta seems good

what do the others think do you all

agree with scarpetta

we agree

alright final decision is scarpetta next

the food and drink menu everyone

i think the first thing is to see how

many people have special diets to tell

the restaurant to prepare for them

good idea after today’s meeting josh

takes a look at the number of religious

people or has special diets and sends it

back to jessica so she can include it in

the report we will then ask the

restaurant about these servings


okay with that amount of funds scarpetta

is proposing two options as shown on

page five

who’s with option one

who’s with option two

good then we take option one

the main dishes are stuffed with green

chicken breast with parmigiano grilled

angus new york steak and salmon roulade

okay how about the drink

page six in the package each person can

order an alcoholic drink from the bar

we should put some soft drinks also on

the table for those who don’t drink


good we nearly finished only decoration

theme left any ideas

last year we had a black theme with

golden decorations but it was kind of

gloomy how about trying white and red

this year

i agree red makes it feel more like

christmas everyone can dress in white

also still kinda easy

i like red too

okay so dress code white and red kate i

will leave the decoration part for your


okay we will take care of it

thanks everyone for joining the meeting

today we’re done here jessica please

send me a report tomorrow afternoon

sure i will

thank you


prepare a wedding


ethan we need to discuss our wedding

okay louisa let’s do it i’ve researched

online there are a lot of things that

need to be prepared the first is that we

need to know the number of our guests

can you estimate how much you have on

your side

i’ve already discussed this with my

parents including my friends there will

be about 30 people how about your side

there are only about 20 people on my

side so

a total of 50 people for our wedding

last time jane had a wedding at floral


i extremely like that place i will call

the place tomorrow to check if they are

available on that day and their price


maybe a few other places too however i

need to discuss with you some more

information before calling

okay what style do you prefer for our

wedding classic vintage or modern

i like retro style a bit of vintage

orange brown town

you’d love to have an outdoor wedding

wouldn’t you

yes i’ve been looking for outdoor places

i hope it’s sunny that day

by the way jason told me his team would

take our wedding photos for us he said

it’s his wedding gift

wow that’s very nice of him

his wedding photography is amazing i’ll

call him later to thank him

yeah he tony and dan will be my best men

how about yours

you knew it of course alice veronica and

kelly who else can be

oh you reminded me i still have to order

bridesmaids dresses for them

i thought you ordered it with your

wedding dress

no i’m still waiting for the wedding

tone to match the dress color

yeah how about the food and drink menu

i have been looking for menus already i

have a few here but this one is my first

choice check this

yeah that sounds delicious i believe in

your choice

oh we need a wedding song playlist too i

just have beautiful in white on my list

do you have any suggestions

the fastest way is to search on google

here you are thinking out loud marry you

i will always love you so many

let me send you the list no need to

think too much save some time for more

important things

awesome we have so many things to

prepare for i feel a bit overwhelmed

just stay calm i think the most

important thing is the number of guests

the food menu and the decorations

i will take care of finding decorators

and printing invitation cards you can

check venues and prices we will discuss

it again tomorrow

okay thank you baby i really appreciate

your help

not at all remember this is my wedding

too you are not alone

you’re right now let’s get the work done

i’m so eager about the wedding

me too let’s go


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