English Prepositions Review How to use by to and for

and in this week’s live lesson we are

going to talk about how to use by two

and four this will be a preposition

review lesson so i hope that everybody

has a chance to practice these very

important but very small words i’m going

to focus in this lesson on a few uses

two to three uses of each preposition

and i hope that you can send your

example sentences live in the chat i

will try to check them out as you join

please please please make sure to hit

the like button and share this video so

that other people can find today’s

lesson that would be super super awesome

while we wait for everyone to join us

live as always a few quick announcements

the first one is about this banner at

the bottom of the screen there are free

pdf cheat sheets available for you

from the link below the video if you’re

watching on youtube or above the video

if you’re watching on facebook there are

lots and lots of topics check it out you

can find topics about talking online so

vocabulary and conversation expressions

for use

online or in text messages you can check

this one out may be pretty useful for

the store visiting the supermarket so

there are lots and lots of different

vocabulary topics our team made a bunch

of these so check these out from the

link below or above the video if you

would like to download them to download

them you need your name and an email

address and then you can choose

everything you like so check that out

also announcement number two is if you

have questions for me please send them

to me for the weekly q a series which i

think will be starting this week or next

week again on the youtube channel this

is the ask alicia series where you can

send me your questions and i will

perhaps answer them i will definitely i

will 100

read your questions so if you have

questions about vocabulary culture

grammar whatever send them to me for

this series and i will read it and maybe

answer it the submission link is at


ask hyphen alicia there is also a link

in the youtube description for this so

check it out there okay

uh oh yeah if you want to find me on

social media this is the account for

twitter and instagram

okay it looks like everything is okay i

see facebook and youtube are okay great

so uh welcome everybody on youtube uh

tran gao hi and jose from

josue sorry from ecuador cabba singuzi

jacqueline hello there siri porn hello

welcome everybody and on facebook hi

facebook uh bucharo hello good evening

rostang hi sadi hi welcome everybody


everything is okay so let’s look at

today’s lesson boards then we are going

to talk about three prepositions this is

our focus i’m going to talk about by to


in the middle we’ll talk about two

and lastly we’ll talk about four so i

hope this lesson gives you

a chance to review these small words uh

but i also want to talk about a couple

common mistakes i see with these words

okay so let’s get started everything’s

good i’m gonna share the video please

make sure you like and share it i’m

gonna share the video

okay done good i have shared it so let’s

get started let’s talk about

bi then

all right so the first uh preposition

for today is the preposition by

we’re going to talk about

two main uses in this lesson so

first let’s review


which means next to or near so this use

of by means the position of something

right so let’s look at some example

sentences you can send your examples in

the chat i will try to check there are

lots of lots of comments

uh so my copy is by my computer my

coffee is by my computer so this by just

means next to it or near it somewhere

close to my computer so my coffee is by

my computer

or her house is by the school

so again this means her house is near or

close to or next to so bai is kind of an

open preposition it’s not a specific

place like directly next to but kind of

somewhere near


one more our bags are by the door our

bags are by the door

so again this means someplace near the

door okay

in each sentence we have by


our second noun phrase so we have noun

one my coffee or her house or our bags

and then we have the position

so position is shown with by

and then we have the second

thing the second noun so the door the

school the computer yeah

so we can use by to communicate this

feeling of close to okay

some people are sending examples the cat

is by my side good the tv is by my

closet nice one santiago on youtube

okay uh i don’t see questions or

examples on facebook yet

do your best facebook


let’s go to the next part then so bye oh

one more naily jacqueline says my

notebook is by not by to me but by me

and my computer so we don’t put buy and

two together yeah by me and my computer

okay so this is our first use of buy for

next two and near or close to okay

great so now let’s talk about the second

point this is the maybe the part i want

to focus on this use of bi so this is a


to mark an endpoint or a deadline yeah

so first let’s look at some example


please call me by 5 pm

please call me by 5 p.m so this bye

is before

5 p.m

and we have a request please call me

right the simple request yeah so by here

marks a deadline so the finish point

yeah so that means

please do this action please call me

up until so that means all the time


5 p.m so 5 p.m is the last time at which

you can call me after 5 p.m nope no good

so we use buy to mark deadlines okay

then another example submit your

homework by 10 a.m submit your homework

by 10 am

so again buy is before in this case the

time the deadline point here is the

action so submit your homework submit

means to turn in your homework like to

give your homework to your teacher yeah

this is submit

submit your homework by 10 a.m

so we use buy to mark those deadlines


uh all right i’m looking for your


anna mook says can we say bye foot i

know on foot is the correct form yeah we

don’t say bye foot no i sometimes see

people say bye walking as well that’s

not right either we don’t say 10 minutes

by walking please use on foot to use buy

in that way okay

i’m looking for your example

okay cezar on facebook says i’ll

probably eat fried fish by this evening

okay are you fishing today great all


uh jonatha says what is deadline a

deadline yeah so deadline here this is a


a deadline is the final time

you can submit something or apply to

something so the last chance to do an

action or to participate in something

that’s a deadline so for example if i

say send me your homework by 10 am

10 am is your deadline after 10 am no

good i’m not going to accept it yeah 10

a.m marks the end point for an action

that’s called a deadline for something

okay let’s continue on uh to the other

to the other examples

some good ones are coming in please

email me by 8 pm great


how do we differentiate it with beside

oh her house is beside the school or our

bags are beside the store besides sounds

much more formal yeah we don’t use

besides so much in everyday conversation

bi is shorter and a little more casual

easier to say so we use by in these

sentences okay

i’m looking for your examples


early bird on facebook says my

application must be applied by the end

of november very close my application

must be submitted to submit an

application that’s the verb then by the

end of november is perfect okay let’s go

to the next example sentence

we’ll probably finish the report by this


we’ll probably finish this report by

this afternoon so in this sentence the

speaker or the writer is making a guess

right here’s wheel we will probably

right so they think i’m pretty sure i’m

pretty sure we’ll probably finish the

report by this afternoon so in this case

the sentence uses by yes but this

afternoon marks the end point the

speaker is guessing

the end point of the report yeah so you

can use a pattern like this if you’re

working now you’re writing a report now

you’re making something now and you need

to give someone a guess like your boss

or your teacher says when are you going

to finish the report

you can say

we’ll or i’ll probably finish the report

by this afternoon so this by

shows the end point for your action



uh some other examples are coming in uh

noshino says i will arrive at the

station by 3 p.m good

uh asd says i forgot my phone by the

laptop good so that’s this use here

gonzalez says i’ll be there by 10 pm

chris wrote a question will he be there

by 10 pm good good good okay fantastic

nice examples everybody okay

let’s go to the last last last point for


i want to talk about this expression

by the time by the time

this is a very useful expression we use

this to talk about the future

future points we use this a lot with

future perfect tense so maybe for more

intermediate and advanced learners you

feel comfortable using perfect tense

yeah so let’s look at some examples and

talk about some interesting grammar here

so first

by the time i graduate college

i will have studied for 16 years

by the time i graduate college i will

have studied for 16 years


this by the time

is used to talk about a point in the


right we’re talking about some future

point a future endpoint yeah

in this case in this example sentence by

the time i graduate college so here this

is my future point yeah


we have this i will have studied for 16

years so this is a future perfect tense

construction yeah i will have studied

for 16 years this means by this time my

college graduation time my total time

studying all this time in the past is 16

years or it will be

16 years

we use

future perfect tense because we are

talking about a time period that has not

finished yet it’s going to finish in the

future yeah i will have studied for 16

years so this is a little more

advanced grammar point let’s look at one

more example and then we’ll continue to

part two okay here’s one more example

the sentence pattern is flipped so

here’s the future perfect tense part

we will have spent three thousand


on our home remodel

by the time it’s finished

we will have spent three thousand

dollars on our home remodel

by the time it’s finished so home

remodel means you fix your home you

change your home change the design of

your home yeah so here’s by the time



we have by the time it’s finished so

this it’s finished means the home

remodel yeah so by the time the home

remodel is finished in all the time

before that

we will have spent three thousand

dollars that means that’s the total cost

of the project so we use by the time in

patterns like these

lastly interesting grammar point this

part here by the time i graduate college

right here you see i graduate we use a

simple present tense grammar structure

here by the time i graduate or by the

time it’s finished yeah so by the time

it is finished in this case so we don’t

need to use like past tense here like by

the time i graduated college or by the

time i graduating

we need to use these patterns like these


so again a little more advanced grammar

point but this by the time is super

useful for talking about future plans


all right um

let’s see

some examples by the time i graduate

from college okay some of you are using

this by the time

yeah okay

uh finished chris l says y is finished

in past form this finished it is

finished something is finished that’s an

adjective form by the time it is

finished yeah we can use different parts

of speech here



by the time would mean at the same time

yes that’s what it’s saying so you can

imagine this by the time


is like saying uh at this point


when these these two things will be true

i will graduate college and i will have

studied for 16 years at that point in


okay so i hope that this is helpful i

think i have a video

i think i have a video about this

uh maybe i don’t i will make a video

about this topic uh so that we can uh

talk about it i will check and see if

there’s a video and put a link in the

description if i can find it sometimes i

forget so this is by the time okay all

right let’s go to a quick break that was

a lot about buy and we’ll go to part two

okay if you missed it earlier there are

free pdf cheat sheets from the link

below the video if you’re watching on

youtube or above the video if you’re

watching on facebook you can find many

different topics this is a shopping


questions to use in stores vocabulary

words to use when you’re shopping here

is a business english one on the back

you will find phrases for a business

meeting so check these out you can

download all of them and practice them

practice with them you can put them on

your phone you can put them on your

computer print them out like i did here

whatever you like so check these out you

need your name and an email address you

can find the link below the video if

you’re watching on youtube or above the

video if you’re watching on facebook

okay all right uh let’s go to part two

part two okay so if you haven’t please

please please please please make sure to

hit the like button and share this video

so other people can find today’s lesson

that would be super cool

okay let’s go to two let’s go to two



i’m looking for your questions some

other examples are coming in um

looks good okay

i’m gonna move on to part two because

time is going quickly

let’s talk about two two so in this

section i want to focus on two uses of


and then we’ll do a short review of a

really uh quick one

so let’s talk about using the

preposition to for a destination or a




let’s look at this first example

sentence i’m going to school now i’m

going to school now so two

is before the destination or the goal

the place that we are moving in the

direction of so

school is our destination we use two

before that yeah i’m going to school

next example let’s go to the office

let’s go to the office so two is before

the office the destination here let’s go

to the office or you could say let’s go

to my office for example

one more they went to spain last summer

they went to spain last summer

okay so here we have a past tense

example sentence all right

so we used to to mark our destination

our location but here in red this is one

key point i want to talk about i see a

mistake here a lot one

mistake number one many learners forget


they forget to completely they say i’m

going school now or let’s go the office

so please don’t forget this tiny little

word don’t forget to put this before

your destination that’s point one

mistake number two i sometimes see

is about this this note says use two

before a specific location specific

location for example spain

the office school these are specific


sometimes i see learners right i want to

go to there or let’s go to there we do

not use 2


there because there is not a specific

place right so please use two before the

specific location


uh all right some of you are sending

example sentences about uh the second

use of two that’s okay i’ll come to your

examples later all right so

let’s talk about one more here this

sentence uses a person as kind of the

goal or the destination so with this

with this use of two

we use this when we are giving and

receiving things like sending and

receiving things for example please give

these documents to her

please give these documents to her so in

this case her

it’s like a female person is the

destination right please give these

documents to

her so we use this to before the person

receiving the documents so if it’s

helpful you can think of a person as the

destination or the goal


all right some examples are coming in

cynthia ruiz says i went to my brother’s

house in new zealand two years ago very

nice very nice okay


all right some other people other people

are sending correct sentences for point

number two so we’ll talk about that in a

minute al tariq says i have been to

bolivia very nice very nice uh ana says

i need to go to the park very nice okay

great that looks good so let’s continue

to part two so uh use two

of two is to talk about a purpose or a

reason a purpose or a reason

we do this with two plus a verb so the

base form or the infinitive form of a

verb yeah so we express the reason for

doing something or the purpose for doing

something okay so let’s look at some

examples some really simple examples

i came to buy milk so at the supermarket

yeah i came to buy milk here is two

here is my base verb yeah my verb the

base form i came to buy milk so this

sentence expresses the purpose it

expresses the reason so why did you come

to the supermarket why did you come to

the store i came to buy milk

so this grammar expresses purpose

okay another example

she needs money

to start her business

she needs money to start her business in

this sentence we see to

before start so start is my verb in the

base form yeah infinitive verb she needs

money why to start her business so again

this is the reason

she needs money she needs money for this

purpose is another way to understand the


i hope i said your name right on

facebook says i need to get money from

the bank good cesar says i came to buy

fish at the market perfect okay


jack jaime says i came to buy an iphone

very nice an iphone yeah don’t forget

your article there uh victor says i need

a drum to make music good okay

uh vishwajit says i wanted to give an

example good artland says i’m going to

subscribe oh

and that’s retracted okay

that was funny okay great let’s look at

one more example one more really helpful

example we’d like to make a reservation

we’d like to make a reservation so we

are expressing

our reason or our purpose here so what

do we want to do what would we like to

do we’d like we would like yeah

contracted we would like to make a

reservation that’s the purpose of our

phone call or our visit okay so we use

two with a verb the base form this is

part is important we’re going to compare

this to four in part three okay

last part here very quickly a super

quick reminder we use two when we

express distance and time so how far

it is from one location to

another for example it’s 10 miles to

the next town it’s 10 miles to the next

town that means from here

until i reach the next tamp we don’t say


it’s 10 miles or for time it’s 30

minutes to

  1. so you can think of it as like

saying after this distance or after this


i will reach my next destination or it

will be the next hour

okay so this is a really quick point i

wanted to talk about i want to focus i

want you to remember this part here for

part three though

all right


uh let’s go to part three after a super

quick break because

this lesson is taking time as always i

like to talk about all the detailed

points so if you haven’t checked it out

yet please make sure to check the link

below the video if you’re watching on

youtube or above the video if you’re

watching on facebook there are free

pdfs for you to download and practice

with to improve your vocabulary i have

so many here i can’t choose which one

there are many many many many many

different topics so take a look and see

which one is interesting for you you

need your name and an email address

check the link

and there is a one two three four step

process you can follow to download

everything okay

let’s go to part three because time

oh my gosh time has gone so quickly

today so let’s go to part uh three let’s

talk about four okay


four the preposition four let’s talk

about this

a review present perfect tense we’ve

practiced a lot recently we use for with

time periods in present perfect tense or

just not even just present perfect but

in perfect tense structures for example

i’ve worked here for five years i’ve

worked here for five years note the

plural form five years

yeah and we have this perfect tense

structure i have worked here for five


so four comes before the length of time

or the time period



she has lived there for six months she

has lived there for

six months again don’t forget this s


four become four comes before the time

period all right

finally we’ve been studying for two

hours we’ve been studying for two hours

so we use this four to show these time

periods durations okay so quick review

of this use of four

let’s go to the focus point for this

preposition here so

i want to practice this part with our

remaining time with the time we have



used for purpose or for function so we

do this with an i n g verb

okay so we just practiced using two with

the base verb right no change to the


here we use for to mark purpose or to

mark the function of something so why do

we use that thing

but we use for with the ing form okay so

let’s practice this

first sentence

part of the restaurant kitchen

is just for preparing


part of the restaurant kitchen is just

for preparing

ingredients so here is four

here is the verb prepare

prepare in the ing form yeah part of the

restaurant kitchen is just for preparing

ingredients so this sentence expresses

part of the restaurant kitchen the

purpose or the function of part of the

restaurant kitchen is just so only for

preparing ingredients

okay so we use this for prepare ing so

not for prepare that’s a very common

mistake i see so not is just for prepare

but for preparing

so make sure to use this ing verb form


okay great let’s continue

i’m gonna look for your example



uh al tariq says the school park is just

for hanging out good so make sure

hanging is with an a yeah not uh you

yeah and then it’s perfect okay

let’s continue uh to the next example


my camera

is for taking

professional photos and videos

my camera is for taking professional

photos and videos okay so in this

sentence we see the purpose of my camera

right so we have four and taking here

this expresses the purpose

so the purpose is taking professional

photos and videos my camera is for

taking professional photos and videos


juan carlos as part of my books are for

studying english i would say some of my

books are for studying english yeah some

of my books are for studying english

part of my books might be confusing it

sounds like parts inside your books

i think you want to say some of my books

are for studying english like the topics

of some books yeah


let’s see

uh vishwajeet says is for in case of

time period always used for past events

can we say i’m going to study for three

hours yes absolutely absolutely you can

use that we use it a lot in these

perfect tense structures though but yes

you can use it for future

uh situations as in your example

sentence great okay

uh can i fill up saint cloudy says can’t

i also use uh two instead of four yes

actually there are uh many situations we

can choose between four or two to

express the purpose absolutely one

hundred percent but just make sure you

match the verb yeah four is used with an

ing verb two is used with the base form

of the verb and there are some cases

where the verb

you need to use one or the other this

ing form or the two form i can’t i’m not

going to talk about that today

if you want more about this i suggest

googling a gerund and infinitive

differences there are many many detailed

points about this topic but the short

answer is yes in many cases you can use

four or two just remember the different

grammar pattern

okay phew i’m late let’s go to the last

points her office is used for meeting

clients her office is used for meeting

clients so again we see a purpose here

so the purpose of her office is meeting

clients her office is used for meeting

clients okay so when you use this for to

show purpose don’t forget this ing form

not for meat okay that’s a common

mistake i see

all right let’s go to the last point for

today’s lesson for to express a reason

or purpose with a noun okay so this

grammar is different from the two

grammar we talked about we don’t use two

with nouns we need to use four with

nouns let’s look at some examples and

then we’ll be finished for today lots of

stuff okay i came to this city for the

beautiful views i came to this city for

the beautiful views so here’s my noun

yeah it’s a plural noun beautiful view

so that means beautiful scenery right i

came to this city for the beautiful

views so we expressed a reason in this

case the reason to travel to the city


then next example quickly let’s go out

for lunch let’s go out for lunch you can

of course say dinner or breakfast

whatever let’s go out for lunch lunch is

a noun yeah so we use bor so not let’s

go out to lunch oh sorry that’s a bad

example that’s kind of a set phrase we

can’t say let’s go out to lunch yes we

can say that one that’s like a set

phrase but we typically use four

in these expressions let’s go out


some noun phrase for a coffee for a

coffee for example that’s a good one we

can’t say let’s go out to coffee as a

noun okay

all right one more example do you want

to go for a drink

do you want to go for a drink so here a

drink is a noun yeah we need to use four

here so now do you want to go to

a drink nope do you want to go to a

drink sounds like the drink is the

destination do you want to go to a drink

doesn’t make sense cannot use two please

use four here yeah okay so do you want

to go for a drink the purpose is a drink


so don’t forget when you use nouns for

reasons or purpose or motivation you

need to use four there

okay i have to finish i’m super late oh

my gosh

sorry sorry uh sorry live stream team

okay i have to finish there for today’s

lesson so i will show you today’s lesson

boards one more time if you want to take

a screenshot

here we go so we talked about by two and

four in today’s lesson we talked about a

lot of points thank you for your

interesting questions that was super

super great so i have to finish for

today but

i’ll be back next week as always here is

next week’s lesson

information all right next week we are

going to talk about how to maximize your

review sessions how to maximize your

review sessions i always talk about how

to uh

how important it is to review so we’re

going to talk about what to do in your

review sessions that will be wednesday

november 17th 10 p.m eastern standard

time that is new york city time


if you don’t know your local time please

google it set a notification on youtube

set a notification on facebook or if you

follow me on instagram i always post a

link and a topic reminder in my story so

you can check that out if you follow me

on instagram you can find the link for

that below the video on youtube okay

we have to finish there for today so

thank you for your awesome questions and

all of your great comments don’t forget

to if you want to download all of this

free stuff check it out the link is

below the video uh in the youtube

description or if you’re watching on

facebook check the link above the video

okay phew that was lots of preposition

review but it was super super fun so i

will say goodbye for today have a great

day thank you very much for liking and

sharing the video super helpful uh i

will say goodbye so have a good day have

a good night have a good weekend and i

will see you again next time