MustKnow Phrases For a Date in English Love Romance Phrases

all right we’re rolling hi everybody

welcome back to our weekly live stream

my name is Alisha and today I’m going to

talk about some date related phrases

some questions responses and just some

general planning of phrases for today’s

live lesson so I’m going to talk about a

lot of patterns that you can use to make

invitations to make conversation when

you’re meeting someone and what to say

after you meet someone so we’ll talk

like I said about patterns to introduce

topics for conversation and we’ll do

some responses some ways that you can

answer questions or just kind of natural

ways to like accept or reject an

invitation so some of this will be a

little review for some of you but I hope

that everyone can find a few new things

today we are loading the chats I see

YouTube hi YouTube

Aelita and Eduardo and Karolina and star

lust and rindra and Juan and tong and

Omar hi how am i I am good I’m doing

good today thanks for asking I never see

that okay I’m doing well we’re all doing


Facebook high base book is up to LA and

Joel and Anastasia and fitra and Yuko

great hi okay good everybody is ready we

will give everyone just a couple minutes

to join the livestream and then we’ll

begin so just a couple small points I

want to share first if you have not

checked our YouTube channel the English

class 101 YouTube channel there’s a new

episode of our series know your verbs

know your verbs it’s all about verbs and

kind of leveling up your knowledge of

those verbs there’s a new episode of

know your verbs it’s about the verb keep

that’s on the channel as of like 12

hours ago about so please check that out

I hope that that is useful for you I

hope you can find some new ways of using

that verb so that’s one new thing other

new things I think I shared about last

week so that’s the big thing I wanted to

mention oh yeah and there’s a video a

punctuation video out to about how to

use semicolons some of you have asked me

about that in ask Alicia and just

on the channel so there is a semicolon

video up now I hope that you can check

that out if you have some questions

great I see lots of people now great

fantastic thanks for joining I see it on

Facebook too so I will share the video

so as you join us please send a message

in the chat please like the video and

share the video we really appreciate it

so others can find it as I said today’s

topic is date phrases date phrases and

planning related phrases in general too

with that let’s get started

hi everybody in facebook jet great ok

let’s get started I want to begin with

just sharing kind of the the lesson I

guess format the lesson plan for today

I’m gonna take us through three phases

of meeting people so the first part of

today’s lesson will be over here well so

this part will be kind of like before

before a date or like before an event

before a date before a party for example

so I’ll focus here to start with

invitations and how to respond to those

invitations so let’s begin I’ll start

with this section right here invitations

so let’s take a look at the first one

first one is do you want to do you want

to I’m off to sorry I’m off

do you want to do something like do you

want to get dinner or do you want to

come to this party with me do you want

to see a movie do you want to something

so after this do you want to see a movie

you’ll hear that’s a verb see a movie do

you want to go to a soccer game do you

want to UM I don’t know like I said get

dinner or have lunch drink coffee we

start this with a verb there’s some verb

that needs to follow it we have 2 plus

AR verb so do you want to do something

when you say this phrase connect these

two want and 2 if you say do you want to

it sounds too stiff so instead use do

you wanna

do you wanna we’ve talked about this

before do you want to do this thing do

you want to do that thing and you can

make this you sound reduced as well do

you wanna do you wanna so that sounds

much more natural than do you want to

but do you want to do this do you want

to do that that’s a pretty basic one I

think to invite okay

yeah good one hi jr. do you want to hang

out sometime great do you want to play

great ah

play I’ll talk about this one later to

play this verb this is a common one that

may be learners used in like English and

we use play for children adults don’t

use play instead we use hang out like

junior used in the YouTube Jeff okay um

so let’s move on to another one I

included this one

would you like to would you like to do

something would you like to have a

coffee would you like to get together

sometime would you like to go to a movie

this is correct this is grammatically

correct it is not going to make any

communication problem but would you like

to is formal so if I’m talking to a

friend of mine a close friend and I say

would you like to like it’s not wrong it

just maybe sounds a little too polite

would you like to so you don’t have to

be this polite you can if you want but

just remember this is a more formal

expression would you like to see a movie

so maybe someone that you don’t know

super well you could use would you like

to hear okay um here’s another one um

are you free on so you’ll notice these

first two and in - would you like to and

you follow with some verb phrase here

this one are you free on something so

here we typically use a day of the week

a day of the week so are you free on

Sunday or are you free on Saturday night

are you free on Monday so you’re asking

if someone’s schedule is open so free it

means open schedule are you free on


are you free on Tuesdays open schedule

sorry my writing is bad are you free on

are you free on so this is asking before

you introduce a plan you’re asking if

someone is available are you free on so

I would say like at least in my case I

don’t like it when someone just says are

you free on this day well yes maybe but

I want to know why you’re asking so it’s

a good idea to include something like

this are you free on Tuesday do you want

to see a movie in the same like message

or in the same conversation so that’s a

nice strategy I think when making

invitations effectively okay let’s

continue to one more someone in the chat

Joseph thank you someone wrote are you

free on tomorrow we can’t use tomorrow

here if you want to use tomorrow remove

on are you free tomorrow we use on

before the day of the week are you free

on Sunday are you free on Tuesday we

cannot use it with tomorrow are you free

tomorrow is okay just remove on okay

good um good good good great okay and

send anything else in the chat I will

try to watch let’s look at this last one

do you have any plans on blah blah so

same thing day of the week I’ll just

draw an arrow on day of the week so same

kind of thing are you free on is a bit

more casual than do you have any plans

on so you can use either of these to ask

if someone is available so I tend to use

this one are you free on or I just

include it here I say like do you want

to get dinner on Saturday night I just

put it all in one

that’s another way to use okay so this

is how we invite people let’s look at

how we respond to invitations so let’s

first look at how to accept an

invitation so when you want to accept

you can use sure that’s great

sure sounds good or yeah sounds great

these are a few I think of probably the

most common ways to accept an invitation

yeah sure sounds great sounds good

awesome some kind of positive words

sounds great sounds amazing so this

sounds is quite good like oh that sounds

cool or that sounds interesting sure so

we combine the two together when we want

to accept clearly and casually if

however you’re interested but you have

plans you can’t attend you can’t come

for some reason you can use an

expression like this sounds good but so

it sounds good but I have to something

something something on that day so here

we have this same two pattern we talked

about so we need to follow this with a

verb I have to work on that day I have

to go to a conference on that day I have

to study on that day so I have to work

on that day so it sounds good but sounds

good but so this communicates I would

like to however I cannot I have this

other responsibilities okay so let’s go

to one more that is the same way to kind

of Express like I want to but a can’t

maybe you don’t want to be specific

about your plans or maybe the plans just

aren’t like perfectly finished yet you

can say something like this I wish I

could I wish I could in other words I

wish I could attend or I wish I could do

the thing you invited me to I wish I

could but I have plans so this is more

specific this previous sentence I have

to work I have to study this one however

is very open just sorry I have

I can’t attend I have okay wait then

junior high leash can I say give me a

call when you’re around instead of

available give me a call when you’re

around uh I would not use it

I don’t think give me a call I would say

give me a call if you have time that’s

what I would say give me a call if you

have time okay saint says can I use do

you have any plans in the week instead

of in the week do you have any plans

this week this week do you have any

plans this week or are you busy this

week try that instead good good good


or yeah someone offered as well sorry

kind of busy sorry kind of busy so this

is a little bit direct like sorry kind

of busy it’s like it’s a little too

direct and it might seem a bit rude

actually so you can use it it is correct

but it might seem a little rude okay

good let’s move on to one more if it’s

just if it’s something that you don’t

feel so interested in doing like they’ve

invited you to something that’s not

quite a match for your personality

they’re like let’s go ice skating and

maybe you hate ice skating you can say

sorry but I think I’ll pass this time I

think I’ll pass this time so first

apology sorry but I think aisle so we’re

using will here because you’re just

deciding I’ll pass pass so like I’m

going to not choose to do that thing I’m

going to choose not to do that thing

I’ll pass this time this time is

important I’ll pass this time because it

sounds like um just this case I don’t

want to participate just this time I’ll

pass this time sorry so that’s one way

to say politely I’m sorry I’m not

interested this time and one more if

you’re sick thanks but I’m not feeling

well I’m not feeling well so that’s a

more specific one if you’re not feeling

healthy you can

and we refuse something with that

expression okay

so this is our introduction point

invitations and responses to the

invitations we’ll come back to this a

little bit later

Xavier says can I use but I already got

plans I’ve already got plans I’ve I’ve

already got plans is okay mmm I wish I

could sorry I have plans already for

tomorrow that’s fine yes I’m sorry I

can’t read your name jiwoo yeah um other

ones be on Facebook sorry I just missed

your message I will scroll up B you said

sorry I have a bit busy right now that

should be sorry I am a bit busy right

now I am you’re talking about your state

I am a bit busy right now sorry Joseph

I’ll pass this time but I’ll can make it

I’ll pass this time means I’m not coming

I’m not coming this time so maybe you

can say next time I’ll try to make it

next time okay mmm all right I’ll try to

watch for other questions

ah my crush when I tried to invite her

sorry kind of busy yeah it’s rough it’s

rough when someone says they’re kind of

busy and they don’t get back right for

sure okay let’s take a break there but

let’s take a look at I kind of want to

focus because today’s lesson is about

dating and planning related words we

have as always free stuff for you guys

that’s I’m gonna focus on this one to

start today this one is our PDF about

relationships like romantic stuff or

love related words which way should I go

there okay thank you so there’s

vocabulary words here you can see with

some photos to kind of help I think but

this this part here I hope I can see

this one’s about like adjectives so kind

of typical adjectives we can use to

describe people if you joined last

week’s live stream maybe you remember

some of the leveled up

tibs we use on the back some expressions

that you can use so these here which is

a bit hard to see right now

these here are like some compliments

cool these here are some compliments

that you can use kind of more I suppose

typical compliments I’m going to talk

about a few others are just kind of

other patterns that you can use to

compliment people naturally because

sometimes it’s really easy to give a not

so sincere compliment so I want to talk

about that later okay good

so um with match if you’re just joining

as today’s live stream is about date

phrases date related phrases so we

talked about invitations making

invitations responding to invitations

now we’re going to talk about what to

say if you are on a date or if you’re

just at a party and you’re catching up

with your friends so this isn’t only for

dates not only for days all right

um good I will try to check your your

messages too okay so let’s move along to

the next part questions and complements

questions and compliments so first a few

questions I want to talk about a few

question patterns that can help you

start a conversation or continue a

conversation they are first what’s new

what’s new so what’s new means what’s

new in your life what’s new in your life

so that means since the last time you

saw that person what is their news what

has happened like did they get a new job

do they have like the new I don’t know

something new that’s happening in their

life a new friend a relationship is

there a problem so what’s new since the

last time you talk to that person

what’s new so that’s a nice expression

that we can use to kind of start a

conversation but try to use like a kind

of happy voice when you ask this

question I’ve heard some people ask this

question I like so what’s new like if

there’s don’t really care so it’s

important that if

you’re like meeting a person you’re

meeting a friend or you’re meeting a

date your intonation is important you

should sound probably kind of interested

when you ask this question what’s new so

be excited these two are kind of I

actually I think this one may be the

most challenging one how have you been

how have you been this is sort of a more

like leveled up version of what’s new

this is I think a better question than

what’s new how have you been how have

you been so how have you been since the

last time I saw you how have you been

since the last time I saw you so again

what’s your life been like since the

last time we met how have you been how

have you been in your pronunciation how

have you been try to make it how how

have you been so we’re connecting this

sound to how how we’ll have you been how

have you been sounds much better than

how have you been okay

someone said provide daily use of phrase

please this is a daily use meeting

people and asking how they are is it

daily used okay next one how was your

week how was your week you can ask

someone this whether you’re on a date or

just meeting friends you can ask your

colleague this question how was your

week past tense

how was your week how was your week it

was good it was bad it was busy I got

good news so this is a question about

the previous week this is a common

question this is a common question on

the weekend it’s a common question for

weekends so you can use this with lots

of people not just on dates okay I’ll

talk about responses in a second too

alright let’s go to a couple of just

basic complements and like a complement

pattern first one this one you look nice

this is very easy to remember

you look nice so it’s just a simple

compliment there’s nothing really like

special about the compliment but it’s

just kind of a nice easy-to-understand

friendly compliment and also please

remember like your body language when

you give someone a compliment like if

you say it like genuinely and you said

oh you look nice it’s much different

than kind of like keeping your hands

here and just staring at the person and

saying you look nice so keep your body

language in mind like you know make the

other person feel comfortable as you

give compliments so try to think about

your body language and like your English

language as well okay so that’s one

simple compliment so with that in mind

with the body language point in your

mind try to also think about something

like this something more specific I

really like your and here is like some

kind of like clothing or maybe it’s

jewelry oops sorry

jewelry something like that so you find

something specific on the other person

and you send send sorry I was looking at

the chat so and then you find that

specific thing and you make a comment

about that thing because it shows you

you really are paying attention maybe

that person took the time to make that

decision and you want to complement that

so for example I really like your jacket

or I really like your glasses or I

really like your necklace

or I really like your hairstyle that

looks nice so choose something that’s

specific and be sincere don’t just pick

something strange just because you want

to compliment the person be sincere with

your compliments do okay Pablo says you

looking good is it polite you are you

are looking good is quite casual

actually I think instead of good you

should use nice instead of you’re

looking good which sounds very casual

and kind of like maybe too friendly

sometimes I would say you’re looking

really nice tonight or you look nice

I would prefer like if someone gave me a

compliment I would prefer to hear you


nice that sounds more natural and more

polite to me careful with your spelling

not gold J’s but gorgeous gorgeous

gorgeous is the spelling so I’ve used

nice here other words you could use you

look gorgeous gorgeous you look handsome

you look beautiful and so on there are a

lot of these words um this thing that I

showed you earlier so there are some

other adjectives you can use to talk

about someone’s appearance here okay

good so how do we respond to this is the

next part so to respond to these

questions and to respond to these

compliments when someone asks you these

two I’m gonna use blue when someone asks

you this question or this question how

have you been or what’s new you can use

this pattern to respond

I’ve been something-something ing so

here is a verb so for example I’ve been

working a lot or I’ve been relaxing a

lot or I’ve been trying a lot of new

things for example so a key here is this

I’ve VIN part this matches the question

how have you been so we were using the

same thing this I have been blah blah

blah because this grammar point refers

to something that started in the past

and continues to the present so the last

time you saw that person until the

conversation now this is the grammar

point we use to explain that kind of

thing okay good

so that’s one second if you’re in a

conversation and someone asks how was

your week how was your week you can use

this one so first use an adjective busy

or good or normal something like that

then give some details this week I

something-something here I included edy

because there are lots of verbs and

but my meaning here is just a past tense

a past tense statement this week I

finished a project or this week I did a

live stream about date phrases I can

tell someone or this week I got a

haircut that’s true so it’s like you

just need to choose something that’s in

the past tense so this is one past tense

pattern so this week I worked a lot it

can be very simple very basic just share

a past tense thing okay I don’t see

other questions yet I will look okay

then to finish this section um you can

talk about your upcoming plans this is

an upcoming plan expression so upcoming

oh can you see that yeah sorry okay this

is up coming up coming you p c om ing up

coming up coming plan question you can

sort of see sorry so this next week I’m

next week I’m so when you’re having a

conversation it’s good to offer some

information this person asked you how

was your week then you can share next

week I’m working on the next part of my

project next week I’m studying for a

test next week I’m travelling to a

different country so share about your

upcoming plans so you can review the

past and talk about the future things

and share what’s coming up so this is

just kind of a nice I think way to begin

and to continue conversations alright

upcoming hi Carly upcoming upcoming

means like coming to reverse it coming

up so upcoming means things that are

going to happen in the near future

upcoming plan so plans that are going to

happen in the near future okay good

let’s finish this section there the last

section is short don’t worry so if you

missed it yeah today’s topic is dating

phrases and planning related phrases in

general that I showed this earlier I

should have this earlier this is as

always we have lots of free stuff for

you guys I showed this one which is

dating and romance related so if you

want to pick up a couple new adjectives

for describing people like we talked

about beautiful beautiful handsome cute

gorgeous and so on you can use that but

if there are some other things you want

to know how to say other ways to

compliment people you can check out the

let’s see page 2 of this PDF so other

ways to complement short compliments so

these are some other things that you

could use again just I think a key point

is just to be sincere when you’re giving

compliments so this is for free you can

find this for free from the link below

the video on YouTube or above the video

on Facebook you can get this and there

are other ones too so I’m not showing

the other ones I’m focusing on one topic

today but if you have other like

vocabulary gaps

please check these out these are all

free I won’t show all of them we don’t

have time but maybe you’ve seen these so

please check these out these are all

free on the website so go download those

all right yes to get the PDF if you’re

watching on Facebook

Alyx on facebook the link is in the

description not the chat box so check

the description for the video that

you’re watching right now there’s a

Google link there you can click it if

you’re watching on YouTube it’s not in

the chat box it’s in the description for

the video so please check that okay so

let’s go to our final thing umm as

you’re joining too if you’re joining

don’t worry this is being recorded and

make sure to send any questions you have

in the chat don’t forget to like and

share the video and all

good stuff too okay so let’s continue to

our final thing after a date or after a

party after you meet someone what do you

say so like when you maybe it’s the next

day after you saw someone you can use

one of these expressions thanks for a

fun time so I’m assuming here it was

enjoyable you had a nice time you want

to say thank you to the other person you

can say thanks for a fun time you can

change this adjective to thanks for a

nice time thanks for a great time so you

had fun that’s what you want to share

but the other person you can also say I

had a nice time I had a nice time so

these are just Pleasant kind of you know

compliments to say I enjoyed spending

time with you I had a nice time another

common one is thanks for yesterday or

Thanks for last night or thanks for our

evening like something like that so just

choose the point of time in the day that

you met the other person or that you

attended the party like thanks for the

barbecue it was so much fun so this is

another phrase you can use when you say

thank you but this one is kind of this

candy date specific I do use this with

friends like let’s you know let’s get

dinner again soon that’s fine to use

with friends you can also use this like

effectively on dates as well this is

okay for dates okay for dates yes let’s

get together again soon let’s get

together again soon let’s get together

again soon let’s get dinner again soon

let’s get a drink again soon and that

kind of thing so you can see there are a

lot of similar expressions we can use

and then if the person says yeah let’s

get let’s get together again soon you

can go right back to this first part we

talked about in the lesson just make

another invitation

and repeat so this is kind of just a

basic way to make plans and some of

these expressions are nice to use for

dates and so well so I have to finish up

there if you have any questions I will

try to answer I don’t see any right now

but do you send questions if you have

questions please feel free to send them

in the chat I will check the chat logs

after the lesson and try to grab your

questions and hopefully answer them

somehow at some point so I will finish

up there though we have to end today’s

lesson unfortunately thank you as always

for joining and for liking and for

sharing the video we really appreciate

it we will be back next week next week

September 12 oh my gosh this year is

going so quickly excuse me our topic for

next week will be how to talk about your

home city how to talk about your home

city a few of you have asked about this

so I’m gonna share some phrases you can

use for X like explaining where you’re

from I’ll talk about your home city and

your home country and talk about like

we’ll talk about whether what’s famous

in your town and a few other things too

so this will be next week’s lesson how

to talk about your home city please join

us at 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

that’s New York City time Wednesday

night so if you don’t know your time

zone please Google it 10 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time

we’ll finish there for today though

thank you as always for watching us

don’t forget to pick up your free stuff

from the links above or below the video

there’s one right there a travel one I

didn’t show that in the lesson but this

is useful no doubt so like check out the

link in the description for the video to

get this and to get all the other ones

we showed you as well family and

relatives is another good one for this

topic I think so please check that out

go download it you will need

an account if you do not have an account

you can make one for free right away so

we will end there for today’s lesson I

think so thanks as always for joining us

have a good day have a good night enjoy

the rest of your week and I will see you

again next time bye bye