Whats Your MeTime

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today i’m going to teach

you about a slang expression that will

help you explain the time you spend for

yourself let’s get started do you ever

feel like you do a lot of things for

other people but you don’t spend very

much time on yourself you don’t do many

things only for yourself well you need

some me time me time this is a slang

expression me time that means simply

time that you spend doing something for


usually it’s relaxing or doing something

that you wouldn’t normally do it’s not

working it’s not something boring it’s

something you enjoy your relaxation time

that you use for yourself so for example

your me time might be just taking a nap

your me time might be reading a book

maybe your me time is getting your hair

fixed up nicely these are some examples

of what you might do for me time maybe

some of you work a lot and when you get

home you like to just relax maybe drink

a beer and calm down this is your me

time some of my english students say

that their english lesson with me over

skype is their me time they don’t need

to focus on the dishes on their job on

their kids only on themselves and

improving their English their english

lesson is their me time for myself i

have several things that i like to do

for my me time if Dan my husband is

working that means I have time only to

myself even if I go spend time with my


it could be still something I do for

myself my me time so usually my me time

is reading a book relaxing or maybe

taking a walk or sometimes if the

weather is nice I like to go on a bike

ride to the Botanical Gardens there’s a

botanical garden very cool

most of my house it’s a beautiful area

and it’s free you can walk around so

sometimes I ride my bike to the

Botanical Gardens and just relax I look

at the flowers enjoy nature one time I

saw a snake it’s great just to relax

this is my me time something I do for


as you can tell a lot of my me time is

away from the computer because my job is

on the computer I like to get away and

relax without the computer but what

about you what do you like to do for

your me time I hope you have some me

time in your life tell me what do you

like to do if you have time to do

anything you’d like on the weekend you

don’t have to do something for someone

else what do you do do you go to the gym

do you read a book do you just sit and

stare into space and relax what do you

like to do I’m looking forward to

hearing what you have to say leave a

comment below and I’ll take a look at

whatever you have to say it’ll be

interesting to see what everyone does

for their me time talk to you later

