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expire hi everybody my name is Alicia in

this lesson I’m going to talk about some

phrasal verbs that use the word time

these are expressions relating to time

and how to use it or not so let’s get

started okay first expression is to

spend time to spend time means to use

time yes but we think of it as a

resource here we have spend which we

also use for something like money which

we think of as a resource we have

limited amounts of that resource so when

we say we’re going to spend

with something we’re thinking about time

as a resource we have a limited amount

of time and we choose to use that time

for something so an example of this

I spent time studying last night so I

used my resource my time a resource to


I spent time studying last night ok

let’s move along to the second

expression which is make time make time

to make time means to remove things from

a schedule to do something it’s like to

do something else so you have an

established schedule a set schedule but

there’s another activity you would like

to do so you need to choose something to

remove from the existing schedule in

order to do this new activity so we say

that’s called making time to make time

so you’re creating time in your schedule

creating time in your life for a new

activity an example of this is can you

make time for a meeting so you could use

this when you’re talking to a busy

person like could you please make time

for a meeting meaning could you please

change part of your schedule to arrange

a meeting with us so please make time

create time this relates to another

expression here which is find time very

similar to make time but the difference

here find time refers to searching a

schedule for available time so instead

of removing time from your schedule we

use find time to mean looking at the

schedule and searching for an open place

like you search on a calendar for

example for a specific day or for a

specific time to do an activity so we

use the expression find time to talk

about that an example of this let’s find

time to catch up

let’s find time to catch up so in other

words we don’t need to remove something

from our schedule so we don’t use make

time here but find time so let’s find

some point in our schedules that is good

for both of us where we can catch up

so it’s a little less serious sounding

than make time

so find time is more like let’s just

meet let’s get together at a point

that’s good for both of us we don’t need

to remove anything from our schedules

okay let’s move along to the next

expression which is waste time to waste

time so waste waste relates to throwing

something away like trash or garbage

so waste time means to use time in a

non-productive way non-productive so

that means you’re not doing something

useful with your time an example of this

I wasted so much time on video games so

in other words playing video games was a

useless way to spend my time so I did

not do something productive the speaker

feels that playing video games was a

waste of time a useless way to use time

okay this is similar then to the next

expression which is kill time to kill

time sounds quite violent but it’s

actually not to kill time means to do

something until a specific time so that

means typically you are waiting for

something for example you have a three

o’clock meeting you arrive at the

location 30 minutes early you have to

wait until the three o’clock meeting

until the three o’clock meeting you can

kill time so that means you find

something to do it’s usually useless

like maybe checking social media or

you’re watching TV somewhere so you’re

killing time so you’re doing something

that’s typically not important until

something else happens like your meeting

begins or the person you’re waiting for

arrives an example I’m killing time

until my mom arrives at the station so

in this case the speaker is waiting at

the station for his or her mother to

arrive so until that time until the

mother arrives the speaker is killing

time doing something probably useless or

just walking around so doing nothing

really important just killing time

okay let’s move on to the last

expression here which is take time so

many people ask the difference between

take time and spend time take time is

used to mean to use time for a

specifically chosen activity so we have

decided to do this thing with our time

take time and spend time they can be

used in pretty much the same situations

remember spend time is used kind of to

have the nuance of using time as a

resource something there’s a finite

amount of take time doesn’t necessarily

have that same nuance of a resource but

it does sound like you’re specifically

choosing to use your time for that

specific activity so an example of this

is he took time to visit his grandma he

took time to visit his grandma so he

specifically chose to use his time for

this activity so it sounds like there

was a clear decision made here we could

substitute spend here like he spent time

visiting his grandma for example that

would be fine as well but either are

okay here so you can kind of choose

which you prefer if you want to make it

sound like a resource I suppose you

could use a spend time but take time

also just sounds like yeah you really

made a clear decision for what to do

with your schedule so I hope that these

expressions help you express a little

bit better how you use time and think

about time in English of course if you

have any questions or comments or want

to practice using one of these

expressions please feel free to do so in

the comment section of this video hi

everybody my name is Alisha in this

lesson I’m going to talk about the

future perfect tense for statements I’m

not going to talk about making questions

but just simple positive and negative

statements with this grammar point so

let’s get started all right let’s begin

with the use of the future perfect tense

why do we use this grammar point

we use future perfect tense to refer to

actions that will or will not be

finished at a specific point in the


so a key for this grammar point is we

need a deadline we need some point in

the future for an action to be finished

or not finished so again on this sort of

like image than the sort of timeline if

we’re speaking now in the present about

a specific point in the future this

could be like tomorrow it could be 8

o’clock it could be next year if we’re

talking about some point in the future

we want to refer to an action that will

at that point in time in the future be

finished or by that point in time will

not be finished so when we make future

perfect tense sentences as I’ve started

doing we use will or will not so when we

make a positive statement with this

grammar point we use will plus 1/2 plus

the past participle form of the verb

I’ll show some examples in just a moment

so we’ll have plus past participle when

we make the negative form of this

grammar point we use will not or we

reduce it we contract it to won’t plus

have and the past participle so we use

these just to make simple statements

this is the pattern for statements only

so let’s look at how we can use these in

some example sentences let’s look at

this first one I will have something my

new job by this time next year so by

shows us our deadline so in this case by

this time next year this is our point in

the future so at this time the following

year this thing we see will have

something my new job here the verb is

start the past participle form of the

verb start is started so the sentence is

I will have

started my new job by this time next

year so meaning at this time next year

at this point in the year next year my

new job will have started so that means

sometime before at this point in time

I’m going to start my job and that means

at this point in time the action will be

complete I’ll be done so the starting

action this start action will have begun

somewhere before that and like I’ll be

working maybe so

by this time next year I will have

started my new job ok let’s look at

another example here

she’ll I’ve used she’ll here this is she

will so again very common to contract to

reduce will in these cases she’ll have

something her homework by 8 so in this

case we have a time which marks our

deadline by 8 so our specific point in

the future is 8 maybe 8:00 p.m. 8:00 at

night she will have she’ll have the verb

is finish the past participle form of

the verb is finished she’ll have

finished her homework by 8:00 so that

means by this deadline of 8 o’clock her

homework will be done so that means

before 8 o’clock in this period before 8

o’clock somewhere in here she’ll make

the last steps on her homework so by

this time everything will be done

everything will be finished by here okay

so that could mean she finishes before 8

it just means 8 o’clock as the deadline

by that time everything will be finished

ok let’s go to another example sentence

here we see the deadline at the

beginning of the sentence by 10 p.m.

we’ll have something dinner already here

the verb is eat so the past participle

form of the verb eat is eaten eaten by

10 p.m. will have

dinner already so this means by 10 p.m.

we will have finished eating dinner so

already shows us that an expected action

is finished so it’s finished before the

time period indicated or finished before

the point in time indicated something is

done so by 10:00 p.m. we’ll have eaten

dinner already means sometime before

10:00 p.m. we ate dinner so by this time

we will be finished in other words we

will have eaten dinner somewhere before

that time okay let’s go on to the next

one the verb here is arrived here we

have a negative though so I’ve given a

very open sentence here they won’t have

something something yet we could add a

deadline here for example by I don’t

know by 9:00 a.m. they won’t have plus

our past participle form arrived yet mmm

by 9:00 a.m. they won’t have arrived yet

so here we see an action that will not

be complete by our deadline so by 9:00

a.m. in this case by 9:00 a.m. some

people we are expecting to come they

will not be here they won’t have arrived

yet that means probably some point in

the future they’re going to arrive but

by this deadline by this point in time

they will not have arrived so in this

period before 9:00 a.m. they will not

have arrived so that means that probably

in the future sometime in the future

they’ll arrive so here some a couple

hints here we have the negative they

won’t have arrived yet

reminder yet shows us expectations so

we’re expecting someone to arrive in

this case we’re expecting people to come

we’re expecting people to arrive

somewhere but by this time it will not

have happened

have happened okay let’s move along to

the next example again a negative he

won’t have something the paperwork by

tomorrow our verb is check the past

participle form of check is checked he

won’t have checked the paperwork by

tomorrow so deadline is tomorrow by

tomorrow he won’t have checked the

paperwork so between now present tense

and this point tomorrow by tomorrow the

paperwork checking will not be completed

it won’t be done so maybe in the future

here he won’t have checked the paperwork

by tomorrow shows in this time period

the action will not be completed ok one

more example I won’t have something the

house yet I won’t have something the

house yet so again here I didn’t really

include a specific deadline it’s just

kind of an open expression let’s add one

here so by I don’t know 9:00 a.m. again

by 9:00 a.m. I won’t have something so

here my verb is leave leave the past

participle of leave is left I won’t have

left the house yet I won’t have left the

house yet so again deadline by 9:00 a.m.

I won’t have left the house yet by this

point in time I will still be in my

house in other words so I’m expecting

again we see yet here I’m expecting to

leave the house but by 9:00 a.m. by this

point I will not have left the house

means I will still be inside my house I

will leave maybe after 9:00 a.m. so keep

in mind with this grammar point there’s

typically a deadline that’s clear though

in some of these cases I didn’t write

the clear deadline because when you’re

like using this grammar point in speech

sometimes from the conversation you

understand the deadline and so we drop

it in conversation so if speaker a is

talking about 9 a.m. as a deadline

speaker B

doesn’t necessarily have to say the

deadline again oftentimes speaker B in

this case drops the deadline and just

gives an open statement like this they

won’t have arrived yet or I won’t have

left the house yet

so you don’t have to include your

deadline in your statement if it’s

understood if everyone in the

conversation understands the deadline

it’s quite common to drop it but for

this lesson I included a deadline I just

wanted to point out that sometimes we do

omit to this portion okay so that’s a

quick introduction to the future perfect

tense and making statements with future

perfect tense I hope that it was useful

for you if you have any questions or

comments or if you want to practice

making a sentence with this grammar

point please feel free to do so in the

comment section of this video ten words

and phrases for dating and romantic


let’s go like the first word is like

like the verb like we use like when we

initially develop feelings for someone

so we can say like I really like the

girl in my class so I really like the

boy in my class for example so like is

like the first feelings the first

feelings of like simple attraction to

like someone this is a word that’s used

a lot by children like junior high

school or maybe high school-aged kids

and you can also use it in adult

relationships as well like at those

first stages of a relationship like I

really like you

for example so using like can express

something a little bit stronger a little

bit more romantic if you use it in that

way in a sentence I really like him have

a crush on the next word is have a crush

on someone to have a crush on someone so

to have a crush on someone this is

usually used by like teenagers it’s kind

of a young people word so to have a

crush on someone means you have a really

strong attraction to someone but maybe

you don’t know them very well yet or you

haven’t had a chance to speak with them

a lot yet so this is something like if


regularly see someone like at your

workplace or at like another event or at

school and maybe you think they’re

physically really attractive or maybe

you’ve heard them speaking before and

you think they’re attractive there’s

something about them that really really

strongly interests you but maybe you

don’t know them very well yet you could

say I have a crush on that person like I

have a crush on him or I have a crush on

her like you don’t really know them so

well but you really really are

interested in them that’s called a crush

a crush in a sentence do you have a

crush on your coworker love the next

word is love love so love at least in

American English we tend to use in more

serious situation so it’s beyond a crush

it’s beyond like love is a more serious

word that we use usually when we have

known someone for a long time or we have

just like this very very strong and deep

attraction to a person so we can say I

love you or like do you love me that

kind of thing we can say that but it has

kind of like a serious implication

there’s a very serious sort of mmm

nuance behind the word love so love is

stronger than like or crush and it has

like a serious feeling about it um we

can also use the word love for our

friends and our family members too but

the same nuance of like a strong and

serious connection remains when you use

it with your friends and your family

members though it doesn’t mean

romantically it just means you have a

like that very close bond with that

person like I love you guys for example

with your friends there’s a very common

phrase but saying I love you to your

partner is quite strong so please use

this phrase with caution and care uh in

a sentence I think you should tell her

you love her date the next word is date

date so to date someone means that you

meet someone regularly in like a

romantic way so traditionally like dates

could be like dinner and a movie or

going out for coffee together or

enjoying dinner together going to the

park or the beach or maybe traveling

somewhere so a date is time with only

the two of you two

get to know each other and to get to

know each other more romantically so we

can use the word date a little bit

loosely if I say for example I’m going

on a date with my girlfriends

today girlfriends in the plural it means

I’m going out for a fun a fun afternoon

maybe or a fun evening with the women in

my life who are closest to me very close

to me my girlfriends so my close

girlfriends so we can use the word date

for friends as well but if you say like

I’m going on a date with my boyfriend or

I’m going on a date with my wife

it sounds like intimate time for the two

of you to be together a date a date can

be used as a noun and we can use it as a

verb like how long have you been dating

in a sentence we’ve been dating for

about six months

see the next word is si si this is an

important word at least in American

English because it means to be in a

relationship with someone we use the

word C in the same way that we use the

word date like I’ve been seeing this guy

for six months or are you seeing anyone

or I’m thinking about seeing someone new

so see in this way means like to spend

time with romantically like going on

dates with a person so if you hear

someone use C in this way about a person

it means like romantic relationship with

that person in a sentence are you seeing


exclusive the next word is exclusive

exclusive so exclusive depending on the

relationship and depending on how you

know that person exclusive means you are

only seeing that person so perhaps when

a relationship is not so serious maybe

at the beginning stages maybe you you or

your partner perhaps might have I don’t

know someone else in their life that

they’re thinking of maybe dating

seriously or maybe there are a couple of

other people that you might be thinking

hmm I could see myself spending time

with that person seriously but again

every relationship is different I don’t

know but some people might use the word

exclusive to mean I only want to see

this person and I want this person to

only see me like to be

elusive means like these two people only

see each other they are exclusive to

each other essentially some people have

exclusive relationships some the

opposite then of an exclusive

relationship could be an open

relationship some people agree to have

an open relationship where their

partners can see other people I don’t

know there are many people in the world

break up the next word is break up break

up to break up means to end a

relationship so we use break up before

marriage if a couple is just dating

they’re just seeing each other and they

decide to finish the relationship they

decide to stop seeing each other we use

the word break up to describe that so

like I broke up with my boyfriend last

night or like don’t break up with me or

I think we should break up these are all

words these are all expressions that we

use with regard to ending a relationship

ending a relationship is called breaking

up in a sentence I think we should break


propose the next word is propose to

propose so to propose if a relationship

is continuing well and everything is

great presumably or I don’t know for any

number of reasons the couple decides

they would like to get married we use

the verb to propose which is like a

short short way of saying to propose


so to propose means like to set out an

idea to give someone an idea for

something so traditionally this comes

from the man like the man will propose

to the woman in the relationship though

I’ve heard of cases where women propose

to men as well so to propose means to

suggest marriage to the other person to

propose in a sentence what do you think

is the best way to propose cheat cheat

cheat so to cheat is a word we use this

is typically for like exclusive

relationships but to cheat means one

partner or perhaps both partners see or

date or spend time with another romantic

partner when they are not supposed to

so if person a and person B are in an

exclusive relationship and

and B meets someone else romantically

that’s called cheating they are cheating

so it’s typically considered a negative

thing in most cultures cheating is

typically bad in a sentence my roommate

was cheating on her boyfriend marry the

last word the next word is marry marry

so to marry or you might also hear to

get married we used both of these to

refer to that ceremony where the couple

decides they’re going to spend forever

together and legally they become a

family so please be careful

we don’t say get married with someone

sometimes I hear students say this we

don’t say I want to get married with or

my brother got married with we use the

preposition to so my brother got married

to his high-school girlfriend that’s

true or what kind of person do you want

to marry I want to marry a kind person

so please be careful when you use the

verb marry just marry no get married

like I want to marry someone I want I

don’t want to marry someone we’re

probably going to follow the verb marry

with a person or a kind of person if

we’re saying I want to get married we’ll

follow it with to the preposition to and

then the extra information so I want to

get married to a certain kind of person

you can also describe the location of

like a wedding like I want to get

married in a church I want to get

married on the beach so keep in mind

there’s some variation there are many

different ways we can use marry and get

married but those are just a couple

points in a sentence do at a bank these

are going to be some phrases that

include some key verbs and some key

nouns for using at the bank let’s go

make a deposit make a deposit make a

deposit so a deposit means putting money

into the bank so putting your money into

your bank account to make a deposit so

deposit means put in so deposit your

lunch in the bag what deposit your money

in the bank account so

put money into your bank account is make

a deposit in the sentence I’d like to

make a deposit make a withdrawal the

next word is make a withdrawal make a


so withdrawal is a hard word to say

withdrawal so the W sound in this word

is kind of softened a lot a withdrawal

we don’t really say withdrawal here make

a withdrawal it’s sort of like a long

all sound all withdrawal make a

withdrawal so to make a withdrawal is

the opposite of making a deposit so

making a withdrawal is taking money out

of your bank account to remove money

from your bank account that’s to make a

withdrawal in a sentence I need to make

a withdrawal from my savings account

open closed an account the next word or

the next pair actually is open in

account and close an account so to open

an account means to start a new bank

account at the bank to close an account

means to finish your account or it’s

like maybe to remove any money to

withdraw any money in the account and

finish the account so you remove your

account from that bank so to open means

to start a new account to close an

account means to remove your account

from that bank in a sentence I’m going

to open a new account for my business

apply for a loan the next expression is

apply for a loan apply for a loan many

banks also offer loan services this can

be home loans or may be for vehicle

loans or may be college loans as well so

to apply for a loan it’s something you

can do at a bank fill out some paperwork

and present it to the bank staff apply

for a loan in the sentence where can I

apply for a home loan apply for a credit

card the next expression is apply for a

credit card to apply for a credit card

so many banks again have credit cards

available for their customers to use so

if you would like a credit card or if

you would like to try to get a credit

card you need to complete an application

at the bank or maybe it’s an online

application so filling in your financial

details your personal details and so on

so to apply for a credit card in a

sentence you can apply for a credit card

online check your balance the next

expression is check your balance check

your balance so balance means the amount

of money in your account

that’s what balance means so to check

your balance means to check how much

money is in your bank account you can do

this online of course you can do this at

the bank but I think nowadays most

people check it online in a sentence

check your balance through online

banking cash a check the next expression

is cash a check cash a check so a check

is a type of payment that we use in the

United States though I think it’s less

common these days so a check is a piece

of paper that if if it’s my check for

example the check is attached to my bank

account the piece of paper has like my

bank account number and a number that’s

special like the designates that tells


which bank the account belongs to it’s

called a routing number so on this piece

of paper which has like my name and

maybe my contact information I can write

an amount of money like if I want to pay

someone $100 I can write $100 to make

$100 to someone and I can write why I’m

giving them that money so if I want to

write a check I can write my check and

say like this check is to Meg it’s $100

for of video for example so this is a

ways to pay someone for something

quickly if you don’t have cash so maybe

you don’t have cash and you can’t use a

credit card for some reason so just like

personal transactions we can still

record those transactions by using the

account number and the routing number

and this check if using a check you can

still track it in your account as well

so checks are useful sometimes in a

sentence speak to a bank teller to cash

your check ah bonus vocabulary word

teller is the word that we use for staff

at the bank

so teller means a person who like works

with money or like accounting that sort

of thing who’s keeps track of money a

teller a bank teller is someone who like

counts money and like helps with

transactions at the bank fill out a

deposit slip the next expression is fill

out a deposit slip

a deposit slip so fill out means write

essentially so before you make a deposit

or maybe before you make a withdrawal at

the bank you need to fill out so which

means write your information on a

deposit slip so a slip is a small piece

of paper that’s what slip means as a

noun a deposit slip for example or maybe

a withdrawal slip there’s also one so if

you would like to put money into your

account you can fill out a deposit slip

that says how much money the name of

your account or your account name rather

your name and maybe like the account

number did I really say that matter but

a deposit slip fill out a deposit slip

to deposit your money in a sentence fill

out a deposit slip before you speak to

the teller make a transfer the next

expression is make a transfer make a

transfer we could use this for it make

an international transfer as well so a

transfer means sending money from one

bank account to another bank account

this could mean sending money from one

account in one bank to another account

in the same Bank or it could mean

sending money to an international

account but either way there’s no cash

like physical cash being transferred

it’s an electronic transfer to make a

bank transfer to make a transfer in a


I’ll make the transfer tomorrow manage

finances the next expression is manage

finances manage finances you might see

this in like Bank advertisements like

managing your finances or helping you

manage your finances it’s something like

that so to manage your finances just

means control your monies to control

your money so your finances is like your

bank accounts your cash all of your

loans or credit cards or whatever

all of that is finances and then manage

means like to control or to take care of

something so banks will say like let us

help you manage your finances let us

help you take care of your money in

other words in a sentence 10 words and

phrases for driving keep in mind you’ll

see a lot of phrasal verbs in driving

and in transportation in general we’re

going to talk about a few in this lesson

let’s go start

the first word is start start to start

is just to turn on the car so I don’t

know old cars it was just turn the key

and that would you know ignite the

engine get the engine going but now you

can just like you can push a button to

start cars too so depending on the type

of car I don’t know

but essentially to begin your car

experience we need to first start the

car so start to the car in a sentence

start the car it’s freezing pull out

pull in the next one is actually a pair

so we have pull out and pull in so we

use these two words when we’re leaving

or when we’re going into for example a

parking space so when we are leaving a

parking space in a car we often say pull

out of the parking space when we are

entering a parking space we can say pull

in to the parking space so just keep

that in mind so when you’re leaving pull

out pull out of a location when you are

entering something pull in to a location

so pull into the garage or pull into a

parking space in a sentence pull out of

the garage and go left merge the next

word is merge merge so to merge means

two or more things come together as one

so you might hear this with like

companies like company a and Company B

merged we use this in driving four lanes

so the lines on the road show us the

lanes for driving sometimes these lanes

merge together to become one lane or to

become one highway as well we can see

that too so merging just means that the

roads or the lanes are going to come

together you will see this on signs like

merging lanes up ahead for example in a

sentence the lanes merge up ahead change

lanes the next expression is change

lanes change lanes so if you’re on a

road that has more than one lane so we

use the word lane to mean those like the

separate lines on the highway that we

can drive between if you would like to

move to the neighboring one the next

Lane we use the expression to change

lanes like change lanes before the

intersection for it

simple in a sentence look all around

your car before you change lanes blinker

the next word is blinker blinker blinker

is kind of the casual word for it

because it’s like the it’s an

onomatopoeia onomatopoeia means like the

sound that a word makes so blinker is

many many many of these make kind of a

tik tik tik sound as they’re on so they

they flash to show we’re going to make a

turn so blinker is kind of a casual word

for this on the on the back and the

front light but we we also use the word

turn signal turn signal so these are the

lights on the fronts and the backs of

cars that show a driver is turning so a

right turn signal left turn signal front

and back so but we also call them

blinkers so in a sentence use your

blinker when making a turn windshield

wipers the next expression is windshield

wipers windshield wipers so these are

those objects on the front there outside

the car there in front of the glass that

protects the driver from wind so the

wind shield so on rainy days or on days

maybe with bad weather I don’t know

what’s happening but when there’s

something on the windshield we use the

windshield wipers to wipe those shield

clean so windshield wipers they’re these

things they do this so a windshield

wiper keeps the windshield clear of

maybe like debris or like maybe leaves

or something or rain as well so

windshield wipers are important in a

sentence windshield wipers are important

on rainy days pass the next word is pass

pass as a verb to pass so if you are

behind a very slow-moving vehicle like a

really big truck that’s transporting

something you want to go around that

vehicle we use the verb pass to describe

that so if I’m following a truck and I

say oh so slow I’m going to pass this

truck and then that means you wait for a

passing lane in some cases to go around

safely so to pass someone is to go

beyond someone

so yeah that’s all it means in a

sentence you need to pass this guy he’s

so slow fast lane the next expression is

fast lane fast lane especially on

highways there might be one lane that’s

used for the fastest driving cars the

cars that want to move at the fastest

speed so we call that the fast lane the

fast lane there is also a slow lane we

can say that you know actually on

highways on highways typically the

outermost Lane is the slow lane and the

innermost Lane is the fast lane why

because the outermost Lane is closest to

the exit so if there’s an exit or an

off-ramp for the highway the slow lane

has the most direct access to that the

fast lane however is cars that want to

continue down the highway for a longer

period of time so they don’t have any

need to stop for a while so fast lane

and there’s and slowly in a sentence use

the fast lane break the speed limit the

next expression is break the speed limit

break the speed limit so we use the verb

break for laws for rules to break a rule

to break the law we use it in this case

to the speed limit is a law a la how

fast you are allowed to go the maximum

speed the speed limit so to break the

speed limit means you are breaking the

law it’s a bad thing so to break the

speed limit if you are cut by a police

officer you may have to pay a fine or

you may get a ticket or you may go to

jail I don’t know

so in a sentence you’re breaking the

speed limit slow down

get pulled over the next expression is

get pulled over to get pulled over means

in your car the police stop you so the

police turn on their sirens and follow

you in their car and you have to pull

your car over to the side of the road

and speak to the police officer because

of some problem that you have so maybe

you were speeding you broke the speed

limit we use the expression speeding for

that or maybe you have a light one of

your blinkers is out for example or

maybe there’s a problem with your

license plate or your the tags

your car so the tags refers to your

car’s registration so maybe there’s some

problem with your car or maybe you had

some kind of bad behavior I don’t know

but to get pulled over it’s typically a

bad thing a police officer has

identified you in your car as a problem

somehow so to get pulled over

meaning the police make you pull your

car off the road to speak to you in a

sentence I was speeding and got pulled

over by the police ten things to do at

the office these are going to be ten

verbs or ten expressions with verbs in

them that you can use when you are at

the office let’s go check email the

first expression is check email to check

email means just to look and see if you

have new messages or you need to write a

message or is there new information that

you need to be aware of so just to check

your email is to check the information

that has been sent to you in a sentence

I check email throughout the day make

copies the next expression is make

copies make copies so to make a copy

means to go to the copy machine and put

your document on the machine and then

you duplicate it anyway make copies to

make copies of a document is to

duplicate the document using the copy

machine using the copy machine in a

sentence can you make four copies of

this schedule a meeting schedule a

meeting scheduled a meeting so to

schedule a meeting means to create a

meeting and tell the other people about

the meeting at that specific time to

schedule a meeting so to make a plan for

a meeting essentially in a sentence I’ll

schedule the meeting for 11:00 tomorrow

take make a call the next is actually a

pair you have take a call and make a

call so to take a call means to receive

a call so a phone call comes to you make

a call however it means the call comes

from you like I need to make a call to

my mother today or I need to make a call

to the client later this afternoon

in the reverse you can say I really need

to take this call okay in sentence I

need to take this call write a report

the next expression is write a report

write a report so we do this after a

task has finished something has been

completed we need to write about that

task and the results so we write a

report about that thing in a sentence

I’ve got a few reports to write by the

end of the day attend a meeting the next

expression is attend a meeting attend a

meeting so attend means go to or attend

means participate essentially so attend

a meeting means go to the meeting

participate in the meeting in a sentence

please attend the staff meeting on

Friday have a conference call the next

expression is have a conference call

have a conference call a conference call

means a phone call with many

participants so this can mean

participants from your company sharing

like the phone in one room many people

using one phone on speakerphone so that

everyone in the room can listen so

there’s that but the person on the end

of the line the person on the other end

of the line in this case might be one

person or it might be another group of

people or it might be several groups all

speaking on the same phone call so a

conference call means a phone call or

perhaps a video call with many different

participants in a sentence we have a

conference call scheduled for three


submit a time sheet the next expression

is submit a time sheet submit a time

sheet so as to submit is like to present

to give your boss or to give a manager a

time sheet a time sheet is a record of

your working hours so what time did you

start work and what time did you finish

work so submitting that it might be

something you do at the end of the month

in a sentence please submit your

timesheet by the end of the week clock

in clock out the next expression is

another pair of expressions it’s

clock in and clock out these are the

expressions we use when we start work

and we record it in a time system and we

end work and we record the time so when

we clock in is when we come to the

office and we begin work when we arrive

at the office we clock in we register we

are at work we are at the office

we clock out when we leave the office at

the end of the day in a sentence don’t

forget to clock in and clock out every

day go to lunch the next expression is

go to lunch go to lunch so not well you

can say eat lunch but if you say go to

lunch it sounds a little bit more

friendly a little more casual so to go

to lunch means to take your lunch break

I’m gonna go to lunch in a sentence

we’re gonna go to lunch at top five

mistakes that English learners make oh

that’s not the position of adjectives so

the first mistake to talk about today is

the position of adjectives what do you

mean like the position of adjectives do

your students make mistakes with this me

think very often I hurt my students

state that this is a house beautiful so

have you ever heard that before yeah

actually my students are Japanese they

often make the same mistake because the

word order in Japanese uses the noun

first and then the adjective oh yeah the

same in Vietnamese because people

usually translate from our mother

language to English so in Vietnam we

have yeah means house okay and that

means beautiful then we translate it we

have yeah that means house beautiful but

naturally it’s incorrect

right right so what is the right order

the right position of as active yeah so

we should put the adjectives before the

noun so in this example sentence

beautiful house is curses me this is a

beautiful house right can you explain

that well I mean there are some phrases

that are just we just use the same kind

of patterns for them so using just a

simple adjective and a noun together

whatever the adjective or maybe there

are more adjectives we want to use like

in this example of a beautiful house or

you I think you said like a red house

for example we should put the adjectives

together before then now and always like

that’s a beautiful red house yeah

normally sometimes I hear some students

say that address red long when you want

to describe their address actually what

is either correct one right so in the

same and the same as we saw with the

first example sentence we should put the

adjectives before the noun so in this

case I think it was long and red yeah

yeah that’s a long red dress a long red

dress and it should be the correct one

right that’s correct yeah yeah so

everyone makes sure to put the adjective

in front of the now the order of

personal pronouns you and I or I and you

good okay so the next mistake to talk

about is the order of personal pronouns

so an example of this is like you and I

or I and you yeah it’s very funny for

this because many people just say I and

somebody just something yeah yeah hold

that a lot a lot in Vietnam so have you

heard that in Japan I see yes I have

heard that like I and Chun I’m making a

video yeah not quite so is it not

correct one that’s right that’s right

it’s not correct so we should say Chun

and I are making a video that’s the

correct sentence here so in your opinion

what could be the reason for this mystic

the reason for the mistake oh that’s a

trip well it depends on the country for

your students I would imagine it’s

perhaps a word order issue for

Vietnamese yeah because in Vietnamese we

usually say Zoey

that is mean I am somebody when you are

in a situation where you’re doing

something with other people it does

sound kind of strange to say I and you

or I and Chung did something so as

you’re saying I think it’s better to put

I at the end okay so when you want to

put just

so in a list with the others remember to

put yourself at last for is what I will

say ELISA and I I’m making a video

it’s gonna be perfect one exactly sounds


confusion over active and passive voice

and the next mistake will be the

confusion over active and passive voice

mmm this is a really common one I think

yeah do you have an example of how this


um yes of course because it’s very

common mistake for example in Vietnam

people sometimes say I worse went out

with my friends yesterday that’s a

perfect example like it’s better to use

just a simple active voice to explain

that I went out with my friends yeah it

should be I went out with my friends

yesterday because in this case is a

active person right exactly

passive it’s not passive this case

exactly exactly yeah I’ve heard another

example of it like something just a

simple action like in everyday action

like in passive voice the door was

opened by my teacher for example it’s

like a sentence like that we can

understand the sentence but it doesn’t

need to be in passive yeah it’s

naturally that’s right we should say

that my teacher opened the door yeah


natural and it’s easier to communicate I

think exactly exactly so if you’re

thinking like how do I know when should

I use active voice when should I use

passive voice when you want to express

like the person doing the action is not

so important or you don’t know who did

the action like for example if your

phone was stolen yeah yeah but we don’t

know who who stole the phone so we don’t

use passive voice man yeah or if that

person is not important use passive

voice yeah yeah and sometimes if you try

to translate from John model language to

into English so don’t try to translate

what Mike was so another daily life

example could be like maybe my mother

cooking dinner for example so I could

say my mother

cooked dinner in the active voice or

dinner was cooked by my mother in that

sentence in the active sentence it’s

clear who is the person who cooked

dinner it’s my mother like she’s the

important part if I say dinner was

cooked by my mother

it sounds not so nice so dinner was

cooked we should say my mother cooked a

dinner that’s a much better choice so

for daily use we should you active voice

and active voice isn’t very nice in

correct ears of present continuous so

number four will be incorrect use a

present continuous mmm that’s a very

common problem I’ve heard absolutely

absolutely so using the continuous with

a verb that we probably should not use

the continuous form with yeah for

example if I want to say that I love my

boyfriend a lot people would say that I

am loving him I’m loving him

normally we just say I love him we don’t

need to put it in present continuous in

this case or when people talk about the

sports or their hobbies that they enjoy

they might say for example I am liking

baseball I am liking football for

example but in the same way we should

not use the continuous tense there let’s

just use the simple present tense I like

baseball I like football so when you’re

using these like mental state or emotion

or feeling verbs usually we use them in

the simple present tense of course

sometimes we use a word like thinking

mmhmm yeah sometime I still hear that

people say I’m thinking about write

something exactly exactly why we use

thing in Kyah present continuous mm-hmm

and in which K we don’t use that in

present continuous exactly well in that

case that’s a perfect example using the

word think in the continuous tense

that’s sort of like an action like

at that moment I’m thinking about

something that’s an action in my mind

that’s an action yeah exactly so in that

case it’s okay to use it in the

continuous scans so we have to clarify

the verbs is an action or the verbs a

chi of emotional state - right exactly

status your example of like I am loving

my boyfriend it sounds a little like

cool that’s a little different like but

what other another crazy examples can we

think of like Oh sometimes my students

say understanding you use it they say

like I am not understanding thank you

that’s very helpful for me but you

should say I don’t understand I don’t

understand in the present tense okay


Alicia so can you give her some verse

usually in simple present not in Brandon

materials yeah so we talked about for

example like and love know and

understand fear mmm meat yes a lot

exactly exactly so those very like

emotion related words those are

definitely good examples of this so just

make sure to think about your verb ya

think are you thinking about your verbs

answering the negative questions and the

next mistake and a very common mistake

is answering the negative question ah

answering negative questions so for

example a question that begins with a

negative word right yeah yeah okay for

example I would take an example okay

yeah first of all people wouldn’t ask


mhm don’t you want to learn English

don’t you don’t you yeah don’t you want

to learn English people would say mmm

yes I don’t

oh uh no I don’t yes I do no idea

confusing right actually the native

speakers sometimes get confused with

this point - but it’s good - it’s good

to discuss this yeah yeah so the correct

answer to some

one asking don’t you want to learn

English you can say yes I do well I hope

you do if you want to learn if you want

to learn English yeah you say yes I do

but if you hate English just say no i

don’t i think people especially native

speakers use the negative question to

make the question a little more polite

or maybe to make the question a little

softer that’s it but just like you said

just think of it like a simple yes/no

question don’t you want to learn english

do you want to learn english we use them

in the same way they mean the same thing

so can you give us another example sure

another example maybe a daily life

example mm-hmm

let’s see didn’t you go to that party

last weekend and then you can answer

with yes I did in this case it’s a past

tense negative didn’t you go to that

party so you can answer yes I did or no

I didn’t in the same way that she would

answer did you go to that party last

weekend if you get confused then just

think of it as a simple yes-or-no

question replace it with new

let’s start with the basic definition of

the verb check the basic definition of

the verb check is to make sure something

is correct by looking at it carefully

some examples can you check my homework

I checked your application now here are

the conjugations for this verb present

check checks past checked past

participle checked progressive checking

okay now let’s talk about some

additional meanings for this verb the

first additional meaning is to get

information to confirm something

examples can you check what time the

movie starts

I checked with HR and they said it’s

okay to change the schedule so here we

see examples where the verb check is

used to mean getting information to

confirm something so we need information

to see if something is correct or not or

something is okay or not in the first

example sentence can you check what time

the movie starts it means can you go

find some information to determine or to

find the time that the movie begins at

the time the movie starts so go get

information and determine the correct

time in the second example sentence I

checked with HR and they said it’s okay

it means in past tense I went to HR or I

contacted HR HR means Human Resources by

the way human resources department I

went to HR or a contacted HR and I

confirmed it is okay to change the


so it means contacting or getting

information to make sure something is

okay or something is correct to check ok

let’s go on to the second additional

meaning the second additional meaning is

to give someone items to keep for a

specific period this is usually at like

a hotel or an airport examples we

checked our luggage before boarding you

can check your bags at the hotel

reception desk so here to check means to

give your luggage usually luggage or

maybe it’s like your coat or something

to check your coat there’s something

called a coat check it like nice

restaurants or in certain hotels so to

check your coat or to check your bags to

check your suitcase means to give that

item to staff at that location to keep

for a short period of time like the time

of your flight the time that you’re

eating a meal there the time that you

are going to be out shopping away from

the hotel for example so you check an

item for a short period of time and you

receive the item later when you come

back or when your flight has finished

for example to check the third meaning

is to mark as complete or

so if you imagine that you’re filling

out an application form or there’s a

check list that you need to complete you

can imagine making the check motion we

use the verb to check for that motion

which means to mark something as okay or

complete or finished or good or whatever

something kind of like a confirmation

examples check the boxes on the form he

checked the correct answer on the test

so in the first example sentence check

the boxes on the form

it doesn’t mean look carefully at the

boxes it means physically mark the boxes

with the check mark or something else

similar to show you confirm that item

the second example he checked the

correct answer on the test refers to

this motion again confirming or marking

the correct answer on a test so using

your pencil or your pen to mark the

correct answer it doesn’t have to be a

check symbol it can be but we use check

the verb to check to refer to this

action let’s go on to the fourth

additional meaning here which is to stop

some kind of behavior to stop something

continuing or to restrain something

examples we should try to check our

spending you should check his behavior

before it gets worse

so here to check means like to restrain

something or to stop something from

happening to stop a behavior like from

spreading or getting worse as in the

examples so to check your spending for

example that refers to restraining

yourself like trying not to spend so

much money for example in the second

example checking someone’s behavior

means restraining or holding someone’s

behavior back or stopping bad behavior

from continuing so to check has that

feeling of restraint or stopping

someone’s progress or stopping the

progress of something usually negative

let’s continue on to some variations in

use of this verb the first variation is

check out check out actually there are

two different meanings for check out

let’s start with the first one to check

out is used to mean to finish a

transaction we use it at like

supermarkets or in hotels for example

usually when you pay the bill or you pay

the total amount due for the items you

are buying examples I need to check out

of the hotel by 11:00 I’m checking out

at the supermarket right now so this

means you are completing your

transaction so checking out of a hotel

means like you return your room key you

repay like minibar expenses if you

bought a movie I don’t know whatever you

complete everything you need to finish

all the procedures are completed at the

end point of your stay that’s called

checking out in the second example

sentence checking out at the supermarket

that means paying your bill at the

supermarket you go shopping you take

everything to the checkout or the

register and you pay for all your items

that’s called checking out however there

is a second meaning for check out to

check out can mean to carefully look at

someone you find physically attractive

examples I think that girl just checked

you out he checked her out from across

the room so to check someone out means

to look at them because you find them

physically attractive like you’re

looking carefully at like their face

their skin their clothes their hair like

there’s something that you find

physically attractive about them so you

look kind of carefully there’s kind of a

special I suppose look about someone

when they’re checking out another person

I guess like they’re sort of like a

higher level of interest than usual when

you check someone out like you it’s and

it’s usually kind of like secretive a

little bit like if you check someone out

and you’re like really obvious about it

it’s kind of weird

most people will check someone out kind

of quietly so kind of keep it to


at least I hope so I know don’t don’t be

weird about this if you find someone

physically attractive check them out

quietly and respectfully this is not


typical I don’t know don’t make the

other person uncomfortable the next

variation there are actually two ways to

say this next variation they are check

up on and check in with check up on

check in with this means to see what the

status of a person or a process is

examples when was the last time you

checked up on your brother check in with

me later please so both of these

sentences refer to seeing the status of

another person or like a project for

example in the first one it’s a person

like when was the last time you checked

up on your brother means when was the

last time you contacted your brother or

saw your brother or checked his status

or saw his condition for example but we

use checked up on in the second example

sentence check in with me later it means

please give me some status information

later please tell me what the status is

later so you can use check up on or

check up with if you want so they both

mean that thing it’s a status issue hey

everyone welcome to the monthly review

the monthly show on language learning

where you discover new learning

strategies motivational tips study tools

and resources by the way all the lessons

and bonuses you’re about to see can be

downloaded for free on our website so

click the link in the description right

now to sign up for your free lifetime

account okay today’s topic is ten habits

of highly effective language learners do

you feel like you’re not making much

language progress that you could do

better but you’re just not sure what

step to take in today’s episode you’ll

discover the top ten habits of effective

language learners and what these

learners do differently do you have any

of these habits keep watching to find


but first listen up here are this

month’s new lessons and resources first

the being funny conversation cheat sheet

want to be able to tell jokes in your

target language or tell someone how

funny or unfunny they are you’ll learn

how with this brand new cheat sheet

second all the language you need for

everyday life get all of our best

conversation cheat sheets rolled up into

one this bundle will get you speaking

more download it right now before it

disappears third must know book

vocabulary if you love reading and want

to talk about books

check out this one-minute lesson it’ll

teach you all of the must know

vocabulary for phrases to use with the

doctor learn how to say phrases like I

have an appointment

I don’t feel well and much more if

summer plans conversation lessons can

you talk about your summer plans like

take a trip and relax at the beach or

stay at home and sit on the Internet

you’ll be able to with this one-minute

lesson 10 habits of highly effective

language learners if you walk away from

this lesson and remember only one habit

let it be this one habit number one

setting small measurable goals with a

deadline for example do 30 of our

language lessons by the end of this

month 30 is small you’re not learning

the whole language here it’s measurable

either you did 28 or you hit 30 and you

know when to reach it by which gives you

motivation let’s expand on this point

even further you should also set goals

for every study session for example if

your goal is to do 30 lessons in a month

and if a month has 30 days you know you

need to do one lesson a day our lessons

can be anywhere from 3 to 15 minutes

long that gives you your goal for the

day for your study session do one lesson

and spend up to 15 minutes on it that

way you’re not confused about what to do

or how long to study for you know what

you can expect to accomplish another

powerful lesson here is that goals take

away anxiety here’s why

imagine you set a big vague goal like I

want to be fluent someday you don’t have

a plan but you buy a textbook you read

the first chapter and then use

are worrying about whether you’re really

learning you don’t know how far you

should go and you have no real plan or

specific goal then you start worrying

about if you’ll ever be fluent so you

lose motivation and quit but if you set

a small goal you know you need to do

just one lesson a day 15 minutes that’s


habit number two creating routines this

ties back to the first habit if you set

a goal like do 30 lessons in one month

you know that you need to do one lesson

a day this is how you create your

routine you should decide when and where

to study as well even if you’re putting

in just five minutes a day you have to

know when and where you’ll do it why so

you can make time make a mental note

that this time is language time and say

no to other things that come up just

like you know when it’s time to brush

your teeth you should know when it’s

time to do a little language learning

creating and sticking with a routine is

a great habit to have because the

routine is what turns your goals into

reality habit number three don’t cram

most of us crammed back in school we’d

wait till the last day then study for

five hours even if you pass the test you

still forget it all but with language

you want to remember it so you can use

it luckily our lessons are short and

sweet so you’re not spending hours on

your studies the point is that five

minutes a day every day is better than

doing five-hour cram sessions and

burning yourself out habit number four

prepare lines and conversations ahead of

time what do we mean by prepare imagine

you want to open a bank account in your

target language you can show up at the

front desk and grunt and point and try

to communicate with body language or you

can prepare you look up words like bank

account open and all the relevant

phrases or even easier you can find a

lesson on our site if you want to

prepare for daily conversations then

check out our top 25 questions you must

know for conversations lessons these

teach you how to ask and answer basic

questions like how are you how was your

weekend and much more in fact most of

our lessons are based around practical

daily dialogues we give you the exact

lines to say whether for conversations

with friends

or for opening a bank account so

preparing is a must it gives you a

foundation of words and phrases you can

use it places you miles ahead of other

learners number 5 get into the habit of

producing output input is taking

language in listening and reading output

is putting language out so speaking and

writing the big point here is that it’s

very easy to sit back and listen and

read you can listen to lessons all day

long but listening helps with listening

it won’t get you speaking the language

here are some of the easiest ways to

produce output for speaking repeat what

you hear out loud for writing copy out

the lesson vocabulary and dialogue by

hand again

you need to practice habit number 6 come

back and review a lot of times what we

learn goes in one ear and out the other

which means we don’t really learn this

is where reviewing comes in when you’re

done with a lesson come back a few days

later and do another round you’ll likely

come across words and phrases you’ve

forgotten or even easier download the

dialogue track or the lesson notes and

review those at a later date number

seven look for solutions an important

difference between experienced learners

and new learners is in how they react

when they don’t understand something

inexperienced learners rely completely

on their study tools and tend to blame

the tools for their lack of progress

you’ll often hear people talk about

giving up because a textbook was too

boring or because the textbook didn’t

teach them to speak experienced learners

look for solutions if they realize a

specific study tool like a textbook

isn’t going to help them speak they look

for a better solution textbooks can

teach you grammar and vocabulary words

so they’re valuable resources but if

speaking is your goal you have to look

for ways to practice speaking like

reading out loud or working with a

conversation partner number eight focus

on what you’re good at the reason we say

this is because it’s good for motivation

overall if you’re generally better at

speaking than writing you’re more likely

to enjoy it which means you’re more

likely to continue with it that means

it’s a successful routine and routines

are what turn your goals into reality

number nine don’t procrastinate

this is easier said than done but it’s

important a lot of us procrastinate as a

result of overthinking for example let’s

say you plan on studying for an hour


so you remember ah I have to study

tonight for a whole hour I don’t think I

have the time it’s gonna be hard but I

should really try and it becomes

something you have to do which is a

hassle you’ve already ruined it for

yourself in your head but if you have a

small and measurable goal and an easy

routine just five minutes a day for

example that’s not much work to do five

minutes and you’re done if you want to

beat procrastination make sure to make

your goals and routines easy and

realistic number 10 remember that

learning a language is a marathon and

not a sprint it’s a long-term game

remembering this is a good habit to have

if you’re having a bad day or if you

missed a goal that doesn’t mean it’s all

over it’s just a minor stumble in the

grand scheme so let’s recap number one

get into the habit of setting small

measurable goals number two create a

routine number three don’t cramp

number four prepare lines and

conversations ahead of time number five

get into the habit of producing output

number six come back and review number

seven look for solutions number eight

focus on what you’re good at number nine

don’t procrastinate number ten remember

that learning a language is a marathon

and not a sprint so thank you for

watching this episode of monthly review

most people who learn a foreign language

learn it so that they can one day have

real-life conversations with native

speakers when you start out learning and

crack open your first textbook or listen

to your first podcast having a real

conversation can feel like a fantasy

when everything about a language feels

new it can be overwhelming but this

couldn’t be further from the truth while

it does take a significant amount of

time and effort to become fluent having

a conversation might not be as far off

as you think in this video we’ll look at

three ways you can boost your

conversational skills and start talking

to native speakers number one find

native speakers and practice with them

it’s unlikely you live near a big group

of native speakers to practice with if

you happen to be in a major or

international city your chances may be

better check and see if your city has a

general language exchange chances are

there could be a native speaker there

who is also trying to learn another

language practicing in person with a

native speaker is probably the most

interesting option for honing your

speaking skills but if you can’t find

anyone where you live the next best

option is to look online

luckily for language learners the past

10 years or so have seen an explosion

and online language exchange sites on

these web sites you can search for

someone who is a native speaker of your

target language and is also learning

your native language the idea behind a

language exchange is that you

communicate with them via video or

texture and half of the time they help

you practice your target language and

for the other half you help them

practice theirs practicing via an online

language exchange is a highly effective

way to practice your conversational

skills number two work on pronunciation

pronunciation is often an overlooked

skill when it comes to learning a

foreign language most people think of a

good foreign accent as a luxury

rather than a necessity but what most

people don’t talk about is how having a

good accent boosts your listening and

comprehension skills if you can hear a

sound from a foreign language and know

how to make it yourself then you’re more

likely to understand native speakers

when they talk at normal speed and

you’re also more likely to remember any

new words or phrases you come across

having a good accent means that the

language no longer sounds foreign

instead it sounds familiar maybe even

natural so how do you go about

perfecting your accent the best way is

to break down the language into its

individual sounds make note of any

sounds that are the same or similar to

your native language and of those that

are different of the sounds that are

different spend your time practicing the

ones that you find the hardest to say

correctly after you’re comfortable with

the individual sounds you can start

linking together words and phrases this

is where accent practice starts to get

really fun and interesting get your

hands on some native speaker audio from

a TV show song or podcast play the audio

back and listen closely a few times take

note of how

words blend together in speech then do

your best to imitate what you hear

trying to match the speaker’s emphasis

and intonation our language learning

programs playback feature is perfect for

this record yourself and compare it to

the original recording rinse and repeat

until you’re comfortable with the audio

selection and then move on to something

more difficult this is how you can break

through the accent barrier and really

start to make the language your own

number 3 learn phrases not just

individual words learning grammar and

individual words is great but it’s not

the only approach you should take if you

want to speak fluently in addition to

your regular grammar and vocabulary try

learning whole phrases even if you

aren’t totally sure how they work

grammatically learn phrases that are

specific to your needs it’s a good idea

to learn phrases that are grouped around

a certain setting or subject such as

simple greetings or introductions

questions for getting to know someone or

traveling comfortably you can even learn

filler phrases which you can use so that

you have something to say when well you

don’t know what to say

learning phrases like this will help you

become conversational faster you may not

understand what you’re saying literally

but as long as you know the general

meaning behind the phrase and know when

to use it you’ll be able to talk like a

native eventually your knowledge of

grammar and vocabulary should catch up

with the phrases you know learning a new

language should feel like an adventure

there will be plateaus and periods in

your learning where it feels like you’re

hitting a wall but being able to speak

with native speakers and have real

conversations will help you combat

language fatigue after all talking to

someone face-to-face in a foreign

language is one of the main reasons we

start learning in the first place if you

want to learn a language but don’t have

a lot of time to dedicate to the

endeavor you need to study as

efficiently as possible you probably

aren’t a language learning expert or a

world traveler you might have school or

a job or two so in this video we’ll give

you three ways to help you learn

language more efficiently so that you

get the most out of your time and effort

number one use your time when you have

it the most valuable resource you have

as a language learner is time while you

may not have to spend money to learn a


you will have to spend time hours and

minutes are a currency that you trade on

a weekly basis to grow in your language

learning language learning is probably a

priority for you it might not be the

number-one priority like keeping your

job or taking care of your family but it

does have to be important enough for you

to invest significant amounts of time

into your learning there’s just no way

around it

that being said use your time wisely

because of previous commitments you can

quickly fall into the trap of putting

your language learning off thinking oh

I’ll do it next week or Saturday

I’ll do it Saturday needless to say a

few weeks can go by and you haven’t

really learned or practiced anything if

you find that happening then take some

time and reevaluate your approach it’s

probably a long shot for you to be able

to spend hours every day learning a new

foreign language but you can use your

time to spend an hour or even just 10

minutes a day every day studying or

practicing if you’re on a busy schedule

an hour a day can sound like reaching

for the stars

so start slowly with just a five minute

lesson over time as you learn more and

it becomes more routine you’ll want to

spend more time studying and your

studying doesn’t even need to be all at

once make use of the little gaps of time

you have in the day listen to a podcast

while driving to and from work review

new words while on lunch break or right

before bed even a quick review while in

line at the store or waiting for the bus

together these moments add up this way

your little study session will add up to

around 60 minutes of practice every day

you’ll quickly be able to see

significant improvement in your language

abilities number two don’t method jump

when you’re new to language learning

there’s a temptation to try out the

newest course app or method there are

more language learning tools and courses

than I can list but jumping around from

podcast to podcast or from textbook to

textbook can really hinder your learning

process it’s important to find the best

method for you but when you do stick

with it don’t get distracted by the

newest app or if you suddenly find

something faster cheaper claiming it can

teach you a language with no work on

your part

stick with your learning course or tool

consistent practice over a period of

time is what is essential for language

learning if you hit a bump or Plateau

you might be tempted to think maybe

there’s a faster better way to learn so

you search around and buy the next best

language learning tool only to use it

for a couple weeks and realize it wasn’t

really any better than the last course

you tried and the same difficulties you

had are still there if you’re learning

your first new language and you pick a

specific method or course we suggest you

stick with it for at least three to four

months you actually hurt yourself in the

long run if you constantly switch

between resources because you never give

yourself the opportunity to progress

number three focus on one thing at a

time when you decide to learn a new

language you’re gonna be really excited

you have all your resources lined up a

plan in place and you’re ready to go you

think you’ll spend three to four hours a

day practicing and that you’ll be fluent

in no time

but that’s only for about three days

then you probably will get a little bit

discouraged and avoid it for another

three days and this process might repeat

three or four times before you realize

that you might be approaching things the

wrong way

you can’t devour a whole new language in

a very short time you’ll burn out

immediately it’s better to focus on one

small part of the language at a time

either a specific grammar point or

specific vocabulary topic in the

beginning these should be based on the

parts of the language you’ll use right

away even in the business world

research shows that replacing less

important tasks with ones that add value

and help you reach your goals is the

best way to get the most out of your

time as you advance through the language

and your level increases try to pinpoint

the harder aspects of the language and

work on them one at a time learning a

foreign language isn’t easy it takes

time and work but it is possible if you

stick to your learning plans and stay

focused you will see improvement in your

skills and find satisfaction in using

the language remember that learning a

language is really more like a journey

it doesn’t have to feel like school or

work savor your experience with learning

and enjoy every step along the way

there’s a saying the trust is hard to

earn yet easy to lose the same can be

said for foreign language skills being

proficient in a new language takes hours

of practice and study but if you stop

using the language it will fade from


to put it simply if you don’t use it you

lose it that’s why it’s so important to

incorporate the language into your daily

life as much as possible if you’re

serious about learning but how do you do

that if you don’t live in the country in

this video we’ll look at five ways you

can use your target language on a daily

basis and immerse yourself in the

language even if you don’t live near

native speakers number one live your

digital life in your target language as

access to technology increases people

are living more and more of their lives

on the Internet use this lifestyle of

constant connection to your advantage

most devices laptops phones tablets or

other connected gadgets have an option

to put their operating system in another

language why not put the devices you use

in the language you’re studying just

scrolling through things on your

smartphone won’t make you fluent but it

will force you to interact with the

language every day in a small way when

it comes to foreign language acquisition

every little bit helps

you can even switch your social media

platforms or web browsers to your target

language the time you spend on your

devices now become study time number two

relax in your target language everybody

likes to kick back and entertain

themselves in some way why not use this

part of your day to learn more try

looking for TV shows music or movies in

your target language you can use

subtitles or follow along by reading

lyrics if your level in the language is

on the lower side it also helps if you

approach this language learning time as

fun and not work don’t force yourself to

watch movies you don’t like or listen to

a kind of music you have no interest in

the point is to keep a casual relaxed

study environment number three journal

or keep a diary in your target language

it might not be so common to write out

your thoughts or the events of your day

in a journal anymore but it can be a

great language learning habit you can do

this by writing by hand in a notebook or

on a laptop using a foreign language

keyboard that way you don’t have to

worry about your handwriting and can

even practice typing in your target

language as you try to express your

thoughts in a foreign language you might

find gaps in your vocabulary this is a

good thing

filling in these gaps is what will build

your skills and increase your ability in

the language if you’re not sure how to

correct your own journal entries you

might want to try finding a site on

line which will allow you to upload

writing and have it corrected by native

speakers number four language exchange

with native speakers a language exchange

is a classic way to learn a language in

a language exchange to people who speak

different native languages help each

other practice for example if you are a

native Spanish speaker and are learning

English you would find a native English

speaker who is learning Spanish partners

take turns speaking their target

language and the native speaker provides

help and corrections this is one of the

most ideal ways to practice your

speaking skills so where do you meet

native speakers if you don’t live in a

country where the language is spoken

your first option is to check around

locally are there any language clubs or

exchanges around your city

check out meetup websites you can also

check around local universities if

there’s a language club that meets

nearby you may be able to find some

native speakers if you can’t find a

partner or a group to meet with in

person check online there are a good

number of foreign language exchanges

most of which are completely free to use

number five work with someone else

learning a language another great way to

sharpen your language skills is to work

with another person who is also learning

the language if your level is higher

than theirs you’ll learn a lot by trying

to teach them or help them understand

difficult concepts if your level is

lower you’ll be able to draw from their

advice and experience if nothing else

you have a new language partner to

practice with it’s easy to forget

sometimes that using a foreign language

is actually what makes language learning

so fulfilling

sometimes after hitting a plateau or

struggling with the language you can

forget why you started learning it in

the first place so whether you’re

learning in a class or you’re teaching

yourself the language daily immersion

will help you enjoy the language and

keep your skills sharp

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language learning with our pdfs lessons

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