How to Give Status Updates with yet already and still in English

rolling i think hi everybody welcome

back to our weekly

live stream my name is alicia and in

this week’s lesson we are going to talk


how to give updates with yet already

and still the focus grammar for this

lesson will be

present perfect tense but i am going to

talk about a few

other grammar points uh and we’re going

to practice using these

together hi everybody welcome back to

our weekly live stream my name is alicia

so it’s a good practice

especially for communicating those uh


of expectations so this will be our

focus for today’s lesson should be a

good one

as you join please please please make

sure to like and share this video so

that other

people can find today’s lesson that

would be super super cool

uh and send a message in the chat if you

are joining us

live that would be awesome a couple

quick announcements while we wait for

everyone to join us

live i’m going to show you something a

bit new today oh very exciting

so every week i talk about this banner

at the bottom of the screen yeah

this pdf cheat sheet banner but

lots of you have asked about how to get


so this is i wanted to show how to do

that so every week i talk about

these pdfs yeah these ones yeah so

lots of you ask how you get these this

is the page right here this is the page

that you click on

uh from the link below the video if

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video if you’re watching on facebook

if you scroll down on this page these

are the pdfs

i’m showing you here scroll down to the

bottom of this page

and oh and if you do that

oops i lost my controller sorry guys

uh if you do that oh oh sorry sorry

sorry i lost my

i’m getting a little bit of computer lag

today sorry okay

if you scroll down to the bottom of this

page there is this part but um

how to get these so check this part uh

this one two three four part if you had

some trouble

downloading these before so check these

out you can find these for free

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so if you want to download

those uh please check them out they are

there to help you with

uh vocabulary and phrases and

conversations so i hope that that helps


there have been many questions about

that okay

that is announcement number one

announcement number two as always if you

have questions for me

if you would like to ask me something uh


different from today’s lesson uh you can

send it to me

for the ask alicia series there is a

link in the youtube description

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also this is my instagram if you want to

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uh from the youtube description as well

facebook if you’re watching on facebook

please check the youtube description

send me your vocabulary your grammar

your culture questions whatever that’d

be cool

all right so that is it for today’s

announcements as always

looks like everything is going okay a

little bit of lag there a minute ago

but i see everybody on youtube is there

hi vishnu dioras hi

khanwaljeet hi lots of people carlos


and facebook is there kanar good morning

to you hi

uh someone oh your name is in thai i

can’t read it but hello hi

um and uh kiehad girash sean i hope

i said that correctly hi everybody okay

i am going to share the video and then i

am going to get started so as i said

today’s lesson is about i’ll show you

the lesson title again for today

today’s lesson is about how to give

updates with

yet already and still how to give


with yet already and still and the focus

grammar will be present

perfect tense okey dokey i

want to share the video and then i’m

going to start

where are you facebook where did you go


so let’s take a look at our lesson

boards for today then

uh our lesson boards for today look like

this so we’re going to talk about each


one by one how to use yet how to use


and how to use still so

let’s get started with the first point

for today’s lesson

uh the first point for today’s lesson is

how to use

yet how to use yet so let’s take a look

also if you forgot please make sure to

like and share this video so that other


can find it that would be super super

cool alrighty then

let’s take a look let’s take a look how

do we use

yet if you joined and

let’s see if you joined last week’s live

lesson i talked a little bit

about yet and the focus grammar was

present perfect so we’re going to talk

about this grammar

and this point one more time so let’s


how to use yet what is the deal so in

blue here

we use yet to emphasize

to make the feeling stronger to


an incomplete action

or condition that you expect

will be completed so and a very

important point with yet is that


we expect something is going to happen

or we expect something is going to be


so this is a key i talked about

last week so you can use a sentence with


or without yet but when you want to


expectation you should use yet to do


okay so how do we make a sentence with


we use subject in today’s grammar

hasn’t or haven’t so he hasn’t

or i haven’t depending on your subject

then we use the past participle form of

the verb

and end with yet so let’s look at some

examples and please send me your example


in the chat i will try to check live


first one i haven’t eaten

lunch yet i haven’t eaten lunch yet

so subject is i haven’t

have not so this is the reduced form

have not

becomes haven’t eaten is the past

participle verb form

of eat lunch haven’t eaten lunch it’s

my phrase here and yet is at the end i

haven’t eaten lunch yet

this sentence is also correct i haven’t

eaten lunch

this is just a simple fact i haven’t

eaten lunch

yet communicates expectation

so when you want to show that

expectation you can include

yet at the end of your sentence another


he hasn’t returned my call yet he hasn’t

returned my call yet

yes he hasn’t so in this sentence i use

hasn’t because my subject is

he he hasn’t or he

has not returned returned is the past

participle form of return he hasn’t


my call yet he hasn’t returned my call

yet again this sentence is also correct

he hasn’t returned my call

simple fact he hasn’t returned my call


shows i expect a call from him i

expect that great okay

all right there are some examples coming

from you now

uh andrew says i haven’t been there yet

good nice okay uh some other examples

i haven’t uh oh some conwell g

i’ve not i’ve not picked up my sister or

i’ve not discussed

i’ve not you can use it but in american

english that sounds a little weird

maybe in british english it sounds a

little bit more

normal sorry audio is low maybe british

english sounds a little bit more normal

but we tend to use

i have not so rather than i’ve

not i’ve not maybe i have not or i


uh facebook i don’t see okay there’s one

ruber says i haven’t eaten dinner yet


um lulu says i haven’t spoken to her yet

good good good examples nice examples

okay another one

we haven’t spoken to our clients

yet we haven’t spoken to our clients yet

okay and you haven’t convinced me

yet you haven’t convinced me yet

convinced this word means like to try to

to persuade someone to

get someone to think the same way you do

or to get someone to agree with you or

agree to an

idea you haven’t convinced me

yet you haven’t convinced me yet

okay so i have a note here this note in


as i said uh before it sounds a little


uh to use yet before the verb

but you might sometimes hear this

so that means sometimes

maybe in movies i suppose you might hear


yet right here in this position

so for example i haven’t yet

eaten lunch or he hasn’t yet

returned my call you might hear

yet used in that position but it sounds

a little bit old-fashioned

so at least in american english we don’t

use it

in this position so much you can

but again it sounds a little more

natural to use it

at the end of the sentence okay

hironi writes we haven’t planned two

ends in plan yeah not planed planned

planned our trip yet

juanjo says i haven’t gotten a haircut

yet i haven’t got a haircut yet

okay uh other examples

diallo on facebook i haven’t taken so

the past participle form of take is


yeah i haven’t taken a shower yet

uh yellow all right cool hi teacher i’m

washing from laos cool welcome

hey laos okay uh last point for this


which to use yet or still i’m going to

talk about

still at the end of today’s lesson

what’s the deal

yet or still because they have similar


yet sounds like just a neutral report

of expectation i haven’t eaten lunch yet

but i expect to still

however communicates a negative feeling

it usually has a negative feeling

this thing is not done and that’s bad

so that’s the difference between yet and

still for today’s lesson

so i’m going to talk about this again

later so please don’t worry

all right that’s it for part one let’s


to part two we’ll take a quick break


um if you missed it there are free


as always for you from the link below

the video if you’re watching on youtube

or above the video if you’re watching on

facebook i show you

these every week yeah but if you missed

it earlier i’ll show you again

i showed this page

a bit earlier um how do i do this okay

so i showed you this page a bit earlier

yeah this is the link

you click at the bottom scroll down

on this page and you can find these pdfs


actually a bunch of these are new so

check this out if you haven’t seen it


you can scroll down on this page and


at the bottom is this four step

uh process you can find a guide to

download everything so if you had

trouble before

i hope this can help you to figure out

to understand how to download these

and get them all right so check those

out check the link above

or below the video all right uh let’s go

to part

two then how to use already and also if

you haven’t please make sure to like

and share this video so others can find

today’s lesson alrighty let’s go

let’s go how to use already how to use

all ready

so today’s lesson uh is going to focus

on using already with present perfect


and i’ll talk about some other tenses

later but

let’s look at present perfect tense

first okie dokie

so present perfect uh we use already

to emphasize or make stronger

uh a complete action or condition

a complete action or condition

that is expected so again there’s


about this action okay so

let’s look at some present perfect

example sentences

i have two patterns here because already

is sometimes used in this position and

sometimes used in this position

it’s up to you you can choose so subject

has already verb or

subject have already verb again

you need to change has or have

according to your subject also

subject has or have verb already

you can use it in this position after

the verb or verb phrase

or before so

let’s practice this okay ooh someone

already sent an example ruby i have

already done my work very nice

okay uh so here

i’ve already eaten lunch i’ve already

eaten lunch i’ve so this is

i have the reduced form of i have

i have already eaten lunch again

this sentence is also correct i’ve eaten

lunch this sentence is also correct

what’s the difference

already communicates expectation

you expect i’m going to eat lunch or i


i’m going to eat lunch i want to

communicate that

so your co-worker or your classmate

says hey do you want to eat lunch you

can say

oh no i’ve already eaten lunch i’ve

already eaten lunch we communicate

expectation with this word okay

next he’s already canceled the meeting

he’s already cancelled the meeting so

there’s some expectation about the


being canceled and it happened

it’s finished it’s complete so this

shows expectation again this sentence

he’s canceled the meeting he has

canceled the meeting

that’s also correct we communicate that


okay everybody’s writing about the meals

they’ve already eaten i’ve already eaten

lunch i’ve already eaten breakfast i’ve

already eaten dinner

it’s an easy one right it’s an easy one

okay think about something like a work

or study example sentence

yeah that’s a good one let’s practice

with that one

okay here’s another good one i

think we’ve seen that movie already

i think we’ve seen that movie already

you can use this uh to reply to an


like hey do you want to see this movie

do you want to watch

this movie you can say i think we’ve or

i think

i’ve seen that movie already

so again it shows uh you understand the

other person’s expectation

okay great uh kumato says he has already


paris good marco says i’ve already gone

to bed good are you riding from your bed

so good okay orlando says i have already


my homework good good good good

uh oh nice example bill a wall says she

is already married yeah you can use this

in different uh sentence structures for

sure good good good

uh okay let’s continue to the last

point here i mentioned we can use this

uh already

in different grammar structures so not


present perfect though that’s today’s

focus grammar

we can also use it for example uh with

simple past simple past subject

already past tense verb

like she already left or i

already quit so again we’re

communicating expectation

she already left the action is finished

i already quit and the action is

finished so

these again this this is a simple past

and present perfect

question both are correct in lots of


uh just the use of present perfect

shows an action uh affects the present

more strongly than this one i’m not

going to get into detail about this

grammar point

in today’s lesson though okay so you can

use already here

before the verb or after the verb

in simple past tense as well she already

left i

already quit and then somebody earlier


a message about using this with

adjectives too

uh you can also use this in present

tense to express a condition

that happened faster than

expected so something again expectation

but something

was very happened very quickly for


you’re already hungry we ate 30 minutes


so the speaker is surprised the listener

is hungry like we ate

30 minutes ago why are you hungry you’re

already hungry again so you can use this

in different grammar patterns today i

wanted to focus

on these okay uh some others are coming

in i already finished my project

good job i have already made it okay

made what um someone geo says i have

already seen your videos on youtube

cool thanks for checking those out um


all right i see lots of

okay let’s let’s move on because time is

going quickly so this is how we use

already in a few different grammar


uh but uh i wanted to focus on present

perfect today oh okay we’ll take

uh one more short super short break and

then we’ll go to

still the last point for today’s lesson

so quickly if you missed it before

there’s free stuff

for you from the link below the video

get these free pdfs

uh vocabulary and conversational phrases

you can find this

from the link below the video if you’re

watching on youtube or above the video

if you are watching on facebook you need

your name and your email address to get

those so check it out

uh okay let’s go to the last part of

today’s lesson the last part is about

still how to use still and also if you

haven’t please make sure to like this

video and share it so others can find

the lesson

oh geez doki hello to everyone joining


some people write hello sir did you know

sir is used for a man

yeah sir is used for a man you can say

hello miss for example

that would be good some of you write

hello ma’am okay let’s go to still

still how to use still use

still to emphasize to make stronger

use still to emphasize an incomplete

action to emphasize an action that has

not finished

not done but we expect

the action will be completed so we


to complete the action or

it’s an unchanged condition

that you expect will change an

unchanged condition or an incomplete

action again we expect it’s going to


generally still sounds negative

so the difference between yet and still

for today’s lesson is that this one


usually sounds negative something is not


and that’s bad how do we make a sentence

with still

subject still haven’t or hasn’t

past participle verb again this is a


perfect sentence structure still i

still haven’t something he still hasn’t


so notice still comes before this part

yeah we saw different placements for

already and yet so let’s look at some


i still haven’t finished my homework

i still haven’t finished my homework

so still right here shows my homework is

incomplete is not done and

that’s bad i still haven’t finished my


so this sentence is correct i haven’t

finished my homework also 100

correct but still shows

a negative feeling and the incomplete

action that we expect the sentence i

haven’t finished my homework yet

is also 100 correct but there’s no

negative feeling there

it’s just a report just i expect to

finish my homework

but it’s not done this

sounds a little sad i still haven’t

finished my homework

more examples here’s one you can use as


confirmation question to check someone


for example you send your friend a text


on saturday and you say you still


gotten up so to get up means to get out

of bed

yeah you still haven’t gotten up it’s 3

p.m you still haven’t gotten up it’s 3


so this shows the speaker is surprised

and feels like

negative about this action

this action to get up right here they

expect to be complete

but it’s not complete so you can use

this to express

surprise you still haven’t burned

oh my gosh so you can use that pattern

to express surprise

you still haven’t finished your homework

or you still haven’t finished that

project what are you doing

so you can use this pattern to express

that feeling

okay uh all right next one

okay some examples are coming in

everybody today everybody is using

meals i still haven’t eaten breakfast or

i still haven’t eaten lunch

okay all right here’s one he still

hasn’t replied to my message he still

hasn’t replied to my message

you can use this at work at school in

your personal life

whatever he still hasn’t replied to my

message or she still hasn’t replied to

my message

so this shows you expect a response you

expect a reply

but you have not received the reply

and that’s bad it’s kind of a negative

thing he still hasn’t replied to my


i hope he’s okay i hope it’s okay okay

all right uh last one she

still hasn’t found a new job

she still hasn’t found a new job so


uh this communicates that we’re not


about this we expect she’ll find a new

job but

it hasn’t happened yet okay

um good some examples suki says i still

haven’t watched

that movie i still haven’t watched that


you need a word there um that movie the

movie okay

uh carlos you still haven’t taken a


good example good example okay uh

chosen john says i still haven’t gone

downtown you don’t need to that i still

haven’t gone

downtown no to the downtown uh

we used to uh with a specific place

still haven’t gone downtown okay uh last

one a cup one

point i said usually uh still

communicates a negative feeling but you

might hear it

in a sentence like this with time so

this is a different

type of sentence than these examples but

i want to make sure we talk about it

it’s still 5 p.m let’s go out for dinner

what does this mean this still you might

hear still

in this position or only in this


you check your watch oh it’s still 5 pm

or it’s just

5 pm or sometimes it’s still just 5 pm

or it’s still only regardless the idea

is the same

that means the speaker is surprised

because it seems

early maybe it’s really dark outside

and you think oh it’s late like eight

o’clock nine o’clock

i don’t know so but you check your watch

oh it’s still 5 p.m

this communicates a surprise about the


so you might hear this pattern sometimes


in this case it’s for surprise it’s not

a negative

all right last point then note

still can also be used in simple

past structures so i covered

present perfect today mostly but we can

use this in

simple past as well for example

i told my roommate to wash the dishes

three times but he still forgot

he still forgot so this use of still

with simple past tense

feels like even though or despite

so even though i told my roommate to

wash the dishes three

times he forgot so still shows

that negative expectation yeah we can

use it in sentences like these two

so but again today’s focus grammar was

really present

perfect tense okay uh

can i use still in simple future like

with will or going to

uh yes you can like for example

even if i move to a new city to start a

new life

i will still have to i don’t know

pay rent for example something uh

you that will not change yes you can use

it in those grammar points

as well all right um

almas says i am still not sleeping could

i say it like that

depending on what you want to

communicate like if you

if recently if you have had trouble


for example and you talked with a friend

or someone about it

you could say i i still am not sleeping

or i’m still not

sleeping if somebody knows about

a continuing situation yes and it

communicates that negative

condition yes you can’t use that okay

uh i’m late so let’s finish there for

today i’ll show you today’s lesson board

so you can take a picture

of everything we talked about so again i

focused on one grammar point today

uh but we covered a lot of little things

in today’s lesson

yet already and still you can take a


if you want to review that later all

right uh so

that is it for today’s lesson next week

i’ll be back next week

the date will be february 17th

wednesday february 17th or thursday the

18th depending on your time zone

next week i’m going to talk about how to


a past experience and i’m going to focus

on a basic gram a very very basic

grammar point

adjectives with past tense adjectives

with past tense

so uh like the movie

was exciting or uh

dinner was really fun so we’re going to


on past experiences and how to

talk about those kinds of things i’ll

focus on this

uh but we’ll cover some other points too

i’m sure so

join me live again next week if you want

to make sure

you don’t miss it you can set a


on youtube uh you can set a notification

on facebook

uh check our event page you can get uh

notified there or if you follow me on

instagram please check

my stories every week i share a link and

a reminder of the topic

every week so you can check it out uh if

you want to find me

oh my gosh where’s my next okay if you

want to find me on instagram you can

check the link below the video

on youtube uh if you’re watching on

facebook please check the youtube

description for that

uh and to get your free pdfs that i

showed you earlier

so check all of this out there’s so much

stuff also there’s a lot of new pdfs

on that page like a lot so go check that

and see if you can find something new


cool so i will say goodbye for this week

thank you very much for joining me

as always awesome job with your example

sentences this week

sounds great have a good day have a good

week and i will see you again