How to Give Your Opinion on Food Drink in English

hey i think it’s recording hi everybody

and welcome back to our weekly

live stream my name is alicia and in

this week’s

live lesson we are going to talk about

how to

give your opinion on food and

drink for this week’s lesson uh i’m

going to

review some basic patterns you can use

to talk about food and drink and to

express your opinions

about those topics of course and then

i’m going to talk about

uh some comparison patterns that you can


uh to uh more i guess

naturally express your ideas and how to


a little more creative in how you

express your opinion

so for today’s lesson uh yes the

patterns i’m going to talk about

uh are for food and drink but i’m going

to also give you patterns you can use

for other

situations too so i hope it’s helpful

finally we’ll end

with some vocabulary words that you can

use so

i hope that you are ready as you join

please make sure to like and share this

video so that other people can find

today’s lesson

of course that’s very very cool and

while we wait for others to join us live

a couple quick quick quick super quick


first as always we have free stuff for

you free stuff

this banner at the bottom says uh free


lesson so i have a few here uh

this one’s perfect for today uh you can

find you can pick up

uh vocabulary and phrase expressions

uh pdfs to download so that you can

practice key vocabulary words that you

know you need to study so this one it

says supermarket

but there are food and food related


on this one there are many different


so please check it out and download the

one that is

right for you now or download them all

and check them out later

uh you can find this from the link below

the video if you’re watching on youtube

or above the video if you are watching

this on facebook so

check it out also the other thing as


if you have questions for me if you have

questions about

uh something different from today’s

topic or if you

think of a question later

and you’re like oh i wonder like what’s

the answer send it to me

for this series our weekly q a series

question and answer series

is called ask alicia uh so you can send

me your questions

i will read them and maybe answer them

so uh you can find this on

the english class 101 youtube channel uh

or you can send your questions to me at

ask hyphen alicia so please check that

out send me your questions okay

that’s everything for announcements so i

am going to make sure everything is good

hi everybody on youtube welcome youtube

chatter is marianna morel marco

forcefield hello elvin conway

anna gina hi nickle punch uh hi

everybody thank you for joining us live

that’s super super cool

i’m going to facebook to check to make

sure facebook is good hi

facebook i see you i’m still

broadcasting from my house so i’m

checking facebook here hi everybody eric

riverto hi elena oscar hello

uh malek ahmed hi everybody thank you

for joining

okay everyone is here so i’ll show you

uh today’s lesson flow oh

i didn’t fix the size here i made a

different size so

i’m going to show you today’s uh the

lesson the white boards we’re going to


in today’s lesson so if you want to take

a screenshot

uh you can do that now sorry i have to

resize the image real quick i thought i

did this before but i did not

sorry about that guys so as i said

today’s lesson will be in three parts

i’m going to talk about uh how to we’re

going to begin with this review

here we go this review of some basic uh

some basic patterns first we’re going to

review i like

adjective or i don’t like adjective in

part one

part two we’re going to practice making

comparisons comparisons

and finally i’m going to talk about some

adjectives you can use

to describe food and drink and i’ll also

share with you

uh an adjective trick so

how to make i’m going to talk about how

native speakers

make their own adjectives so this is a

maybe a good one

uh i hope for a intermediate and higher

level learners so

let’s get started okay begin

let’s begin with this

part let’s begin with a quick review a

quick review

of a very very basic pattern to express

your opinion so to do this

we simply say i like

or i don’t adjective

noun so i have adjective here

uh so that we can express a deeper

opinion so of course you can make

a a basic opinion expression with just i

like plus a noun but today i want to

focus on making kind of deeper questions

okay so let’s take a look at some

examples here’s one i like salty

snacks okay so salty is my adjective

snacks plural noun is here

so a point uh to be careful of for many


in this pattern when you use um

when you use a noun here so the noun you

use here

should be uh in the plural form so i

like salty snack

is not correct i like salty snacks do

not forget this

s please to make a negative pattern

i don’t like sugary desserts

i don’t like sugary desserts so sugary i

will talk about later but sugary means

something that tastes

really really a lot like sugar

super super sweet so i don’t like sugary


so this is a very basic pattern

you can use to describe food and drink

that you like so i’ve used snacks or

desserts here

but you can choose drinks whatever you

like to eat

and of course you can use this with a


type of noun so it could be clothes or

movies or whatever

okay so uh let’s review we’ve reviewed


now let’s review just a few very basic

expressions you can use uh to talk about

your preferences so again this will be

just some review

so some basic expressions when you like

something when you like something

you can say this is really good or

this is delicious or this is amazing or

this is

tasty so what’s the difference lots of

people ask what’s the difference

and generally there’s not much of a


there’s really not much of a difference

between these

delicious though i should note delicious

we use only for food

so don’t say like this sweater is

delicious or this book is delicious

we don’t use uh delicious except

for food uh really good though

you can use for anything and amazing you

can use for anything

tasty sorry tasty also we use tasty for

food and drink only so again

just some basic expressions you can use

to express when you like something and

then of course

when you don’t like something you can

say i’m not

a fan or i’m not a fan

of the food or drink so like i’m not

a fan of sugary desserts

or i’m not a fan of salty snacks so

i’m not a fan and

if you want to you can finish the

sentence here

alternatively i don’t like food or

drink very much i don’t like food or

drink very much

at native speed that sounds like i don’t

like food or drink very much

like i don’t like salty snacks very much

questions are coming in john says uh

can we use uh don’t to hate uh so

if you want to say you like something a

little bit you can say

i don’t hate it i don’t hate it so like

i don’t

hate healthy snacks but if you say i

don’t hate

it sounds like you only like it a little


not very much of course you can say i


something to express dislike too that’s


nickel punch says i’m not a fan of okura

me too me neither rather

alexander on facebook says can we use

yummy yes you can use yummy like this

is yummy yes you can but please keep in

mind yummy sounds kind of childish

so like kids use it or like like parents

and children use it

or if you want to sound childish you can


yummy or kind of playful that’s the

feeling of yummy

okay i don’t see other questions but

please send them along if you have them

uh yes mj on youtube says it’s not my

cup of tea yes exactly that’s what we

use when

uh it’s we don’t like something very


okay good so this is our review

for today’s lesson part two will be a

little a level up

so we’ll take one quick break uh send me

your questions if you have them i’ll

check them after

and then we’ll go to uh part two our

focus point

for this lesson so if you missed it i

shared earlier

a few pdfs you can download for free

from the link below the video if you are

watching this on youtube or above the


if you are watching on facebook you can

download them to get

uh some vocabulary words where’s the


you can download them to get vocabulary

words and

expressions you can use in various

situations so this one is the dining

but it’s not just for restaurants it’s

for food

and for comments like right here what

i’m talking about today

it looks tasty it lacks salt ooh this is

not fresh so

check this out you can download this

this could be like your homework i guess

or your homework or your review for

today’s lesson

if you like so check this out uh above

or below the video

uh youtube on facebook okay uh then

let’s continue on if you are just


today’s lesson is about uh how to give

your opinion

on food and drink so uh we’ve just

talked about uh some

reviews some basic patterns we can use

to talk about our preferences

i will show you again today’s lesson


so that you can see where we are and

take a picture if you want

so i just talked about this point just a


review now i’m going to talk about this


comparisons i want to give some examples

of comparison patterns because native


use these a lot so let’s go to part

two okay uh also if you have not please

make sure to like and share

this video so other people can find the

lesson yeah

awesome all right part two let’s


so comparisons comparisons

the basic comparison pattern i want to

practice with you today

is this one a tastes like

b a tastes like b so

in this pattern for i’m going to talk


two ways to use this pattern

let’s begin with this one where a

and b are nouns so

noun tastes like other noun

so when you do this this pattern means


thing a has the same taste

as thing b but they are different

yeah some examples this sauce

tastes like vinegar this sauce tastes


vinegar so vinegar is generally

kind of a strange flavor for sauce or

my drink tastes like lemon juice

or that dessert tasted like

heaven so this one is actually a concept

i wanted to introduce this idea we can

use concepts in our comparison to show

that we

really really like or we really really

dislike something okay i see

some questions coming in i will come to

you very shortly after this point

so what’s happening here first this


this tastes so when we use

this pattern as i said this means it

this thing has the same or similar taste

as this thing

many learners forget this s because

when native speakers say this pattern


sound i’ll show you i’ll write so you

can see how it’s connected

these two sounds

connect this sauce tastes

like is really really hard to say

in fast speech native speakers say

this sauce tastes like tastes like so


s and l connect tastes like tastes like

another example my drink tastes like

lemon juice or

here past tense tasted like

tasted like that dessert tasted like

heaven so that one’s

a little more clear but please don’t

forget this

s when you’re spelling yeah here

again yes i’ve used past tense you can

use the same pattern

to talk about something you ate before

the conversation

so this is a the first comparison

pattern i want to practice we’re going

to get creative

in the second part here but i saw some


uh coming in raquel on facebook said can

i say

i’m in a mood of drink or food close

say i’m in the mood

for food or drink so just change your


and your preposition i’m in the mood

for something i’m in the mood for a


and so on okay uh there were a couple

other questions i think that came in

real quickly

i’m looking for you okay some of you are

sending examples

uh this cola tasted like acid oh

good example perfect example that’s a

little scary good job

okay uh bhavana says this drink tastes

like lemonade

perfect very nice job someone says i

like your pen great i got it at the

dollar store

okay uh let’s go to uh this part then

so i want to i want to practice

uh this to help you level up from this


this basic noun tastes like noun pattern

is useful

but these kinds of patterns are things

you can use to be more creative and more

interesting in your conversations

so to do this get creative and

use a verb phrase instead of

a noun for be so here

for this practice for part two instead


noun let’s use like a full

sentence we’re going to imagine

something here

so i’m going to give you uh

a few patterns or a few uh example


to practice so for example this sauce

tastes like this is the same someone

poured a bottle of vinegar into

a pot so what does this mean this sauce

this still means this sauce tastes like


it still has the same meaning but here

we’re imagining a situation this sauce

tastes like someone poured a bottle of

vinegar into a pot

so why is this more interesting it


we’re imagining that someone like took


and poured it into our sauce like we’re

imagining it was

a plan someone planned it so it sounds

more creative

to express it in this way let’s look at

one more example

my drink tastes like

the bartender squeezed a fresh lemon

into my glass so my drink tastes like

the bartender squeezed a fresh lemon

into my glass

so again this sentence means this my


tastes like lemon juice we’re saying the


thing but this is much more specific

and more creative so we can imagine i

don’t know if you can see my glass

okay so we imagine that a bartender so


means like this motion with a lemon yeah

into your glass

so it’s like saying this was a

planned choice we want to express that

more creatively with a pattern like this

so you’ll notice this part here these


full sentences the bartender squeezed a

fresh lemon into my glass

or someone poured a bottle of vinegar

into a pot these are complete

sentences we are making a comparison

with the complete sentence and it makes

a more creative

opinion expression okay let’s look at

uh this one more example this is a

negative example

that cake tasted like

someone left it in the oven

a little too long this cake or sorry

that cake tasted like someone left it in

the oven

a little too long what does this mean so

the cake i ate the cake

it’s past tense that cake tasted like


so the person who made the cake

they left the cake inside the oven

baking for too long so this

is a creative way to express

i think the cake was burned

but this is a more creative way to

express that idea

okay so in the comments some of you are

already doing it use

a comparison to describe your favorite

food or your

favorite drink ah great question jamari

how do i use as if or as though to talk

about how something feels or how

something tastes great question

so in these example sentences i’m using

tastes like tastes like taste like

and yes technically we should use tastes

as if before uh tastes as if

someone verb right native speakers

often we don’t often remember this we

just use

like a lot so tastes as if we can use

that in these cases tastes as if the bar


or tastes as if someone blah blah so as

if you can use

in this pattern as though as well

but generally in everyday speech we te

at least in american english we tend to

use this

like pattern more so i know that we

practice when we practice grammar

we know that like and as if uh and as


take different rules but in everyday

speech we tend to break those rules a


so you can use those in the same way as

you use

like here i hope that answers your


okay other questions uh some of you are

sending good examples uh this burger

tastes like someone

left it in the open convolution the open

for an eternity

okay uh some other points ah

ana says can i know how to use the word


and tastes in sentences sure sure good


so taste here

is used to express the flavor of


yeah but we also use the verb

taste to talk about trying something

so like if i if i have a drink

i don’t know what it is or my friend’s

drink i say

can i taste your drink it means

i want to try a little bit i want a

small amount of your drink

so we can use taste to express that idea

to try a little

piece of something or a little bit of


and we use taste to express

the flavor of something i hope that that

helps answer your question thank you

okay i don’t see other questions yet on

facebook so

i’m checking your questions and checking

your questions uh some examples lots of

examples are on youtube my drink

tastes like iced tea jermaine so again

don’t forget this

s yeah this s tastes like tastes like

this pizza tastes like someone put the

pepper of the whole world

all the pepper in the world is there

someone cutting grass

i don’t know there’s someone doing

something outside today so

it’s a little background noise okay so

this is uh the focus point for today i


i hope that all of you can practice

using this point right here

practice making a comparison uh with a

verb like a full

sentence at the end of your comparison

to make your

opinion more uh detailed and to

creatively express your ideas so try to

listen for this

uh like if you like cooking shows or

other tv shows

in english you can hear that felipe says

how about tasted like heaven yeah so i

have this here

tasted like heaven you can use this

expression to mean something was super

super delicious

it tasted like heaven okay i have to

finish part

two so we have time for part three where

i want to share

a vocabulary trick with you so we’ll end

there for part

two thanks for all your questions that’s

super cool okay

um what do i need to do i need to tell

you about free stuff

there’s this banner at the bottom of the

screen free pdf lessons

i showed you a few uh earlier i will

show you a couple more now

so if you know there’s a gap in your


you can download one of these pdf sheets

to practice of course uh i showed you

a few of these already there it is i

knew there was one more food one today’s

topic is food

and cooking so here you can find

some recipe related and food related

words so check this out

and there are many other topics too i

showed you this one

dining um

i showed you i didn’t show you this one


this one is uh if you have pets and want

to practice

uh those kinds of words so check this

out uh from the link below the video if

you’re watching on youtube

or above the video if you are watching

on facebook

okay so let’s go to the last

part of today’s lesson also if you have

not already

please make sure to like and share this

video so other people can find

today’s lesson uh douglas on youtube

says could i swap

taste to another verb of senses ah

oh yeah so like taste or uh sounds like

yeah or feels like yes absolutely you

can totally change

uh this verb you can change this verb

in this sentence for another sense verb

to make a comparison

so a sounds like b or a feels like b

or a smells like me perfectly fine

okay on to cindy sms our youtube member

says the teacher does not read the

youtube comments i’ve been reading the

comments all

lesson okay let’s go to the last

part of today’s lesson uh the last part

i will show you today’s

lesson boards but um so we talked about

part one part two now we’re going to

food and

drink adjectives food and drink

adjectives and

i want to teach you a trick that you can


uh to make your own adjectives this is

something native speakers do a lot

uh okay so this is a very

quick list of course there are many many

many many adjectives we use to describe

food and drinks but i want to review

this group like in particular i want to

practice these

because a lot of these follow a certain


so let’s go through them uh and note

that lots of them end in y yeah

lots of these end in y so first let’s

look at these what do they mean

first i have salty salty so something

that tastes

like salt yeah something that tastes


too much like salt salty is usually

kind of a negative thing

sugary i talked about sugary today too

sugary so it tastes

like sugar so generally uh

not such a good thing savory

savory is an adjective we use to talk


meat to talk about meat generally so it

means something

that has a little salty flavor

and something uh maybe that has a little

bit of

other flavors like herbs or spices or

whatever too

savory generally is a good thing so this

meat is

savory it’s like we use it to describe

meat that is cooked

nicely very nicely cooked meats and

sauces sometimes too okay

fatty is another good one to use fatty

we use

fatty though please keep in mind yes fat

is the root here

can i do this yeah fat okay so fat is

the root here yeah

the base but fatty is used to talk about

foods that have a lot of fat

so that means like fatty tuna or maybe

fatty pork a food usually a meat

well of course it’s a meat like

vegetables don’t have fat so

a meat that has a lot of fat

on it and has that fat rich

taste we can describe that as fatty

fatty another one i just used

rich rich something that is rich feels

like heavy kind of so we use rich

for desserts and like sauce

sometimes too so it’s kind of like heavy

or maybe very thick

kind of luxurious with desserts so we


rich a lot with like chocolate for


okay uh another good one i think many of

you know

sour things that are sour so like citrus


lime those sorts of things when you eat

it your face

is like whoa that’s something that’s


sour a lot of people ask what’s the

difference between

sour and bitter if you imagine the

difference between like

lemon so sour lemon is very sour


i guess some people could say bitter and


uh like like spinach so something that

has kind of a

uh there’s not that strong uh like acid

feeling with with bitter that’s the

difference between

sour and bitter okay

uh bubbly is another one we use bubbly

for drinks to talk about drinks so

bubbly the root here you can see

the root is bubble the spelling has


here bubble is the root so a drink that


bubbly has lots and lots of bubbles in

it so my soda is

bubbly or my cocktail is bubbly

something that is bubbly

i included cloudy here too because we

use cloudy

to talk about drinks also not just the


cloudy a cloudy drink is a drink this

one this is the opposite of cloudy this

is clear

like you can see through it easily so


cloudy weather in your glass

that’s a cloudy drink so maybe juice is

cloudy or like a beer

is cloudy so we use cloudy to talk about


awesome okay last one irby

erby if you are if you study british

english you might hear this pronounced

herb in american english we say herb

verb this h sound we do not pronounce


herbie so something that is herby has a


herbal taste it tastes like an herb it

tastes like many herbs maybe

so what’s the reason so i chose all of

these vocabulary words

to share today uh of course i hope that

you can practice these vocabulary words

but i wanted to focus on this trick

this is what a lot of native speakers

like to use

to create their own adjectives to create


in the moment we use noun plus

y to describe something so

for example lemony or

chocolaty or meaty so when we want to

make a specific description of something

and maybe we don’t know like is there a

word is there a specific word

we can use this trick this is in casual

conversation with friends don’t write

this in like a

business email this is a casual

conversation trick that we use

all the time so like i use this

all the time so if i want to talk about


that has a lemon taste i describe it

as lemony so my water is

lemony you can use this trick uh

with lots of flavor uh and smell

adjectives so this is a really really

fun and easy trick

you might also have heard ish ish i will

include this on the board there’s some


you might hear noun

plus ish i-s-h i-s-h

so for example lemon-ish or


or meat ish so this ish

maybe it’s not so common in

in these cases this y pattern is more

common in these cases

but ish the difference between ish and


e ending ish

is like saying a little bit so

lemon ish is like a little bit lemon

or chocolate-ish it’s like a little bit

of chocolate flavor so

meat well we probably wouldn’t say

meat-ish like

unless we want to talk about something

that tastes a little bit

like meat so that’s the difference like

lemony versus lemon-ish

it’s like lem the lemon level is higher

with lemony

with lemon-ish it’s a little bit lower

so this is a really really useful trick

you can use to create your

own adjectives in the moment of course

if there’s already an adjective please

use that please use that someone said

can i use richie instead of rich no

because there’s already this adjective

so you cannot use

this adjective plus y so like richie

doesn’t work or like sour e

doesn’t work to use this trick you have

to use

noun plus y so not adjective

plus uh convolution this soup

tastes lemon-ish tastes lemon-ish so

good point

that’s a good point to finish on today

if you want to use

an adjective you cannot use the pattern

we practiced

in part two so why let’s look at why

part two we practice this pattern a

tastes like

b noun tastes like

noun noun tastes like noun

has to be sorry we have to use

a noun in b these words

are adjectives we cannot say that so

we would say this drink is lemonish

where’s my first one this is

for example we practiced this basic

structure at the beginning of today’s


this is delicious this is amazing this

is tasty

this is lemony so please use

these words like adjectives the same

as an adjective someone says

tasty can we use tasty yes of course

tasty is a very casual

kind of cute word that you can use okay

uh raquel says this chocolate tastes

like mint good felipe says my drink is

lemonish good nice

nice i think you got it i think you got

it that’s fantastic okay

i will continue checking your examples

but i have to finish

up for today’s lesson that was really

fun uh someone says the soup tastes like


is that good lemon soup i don’t know

okay uh we’ll finish there for today

oh i’ll show you today’s lesson boards

one more time if you want to take

a picture here we go so today’s three


basic patterns uh with adjectives

comparisons we practice this is your

maybe focus point this week

and our adjective list and a trick

you can use to make your own adjectives


i hope it was a helpful lesson for you


go to next week’s lesson topic which is

here okay

next week of course we’ll be back uh

next week

wow august 26th this year is going by so


august 26th at 10 p.m eastern standard

time will be

the next lesson uh i’m going to do


preposition lesson everyone loves


right uh this this time i’m going to

look at

buy four and two buy four

and two lots of you asked me uh like you

send me

comments on instagram especially like

preposition preposition

uh so please review a past preposition

lesson i have

recent fairly recently done a

preposition lesson

you can review that before next week’s


so you’re super ready uh by four and

two so check it out i hope that that

will be helpful for you

so i’ll wrap it up there for this week

thank you as always for joining me live

that is

awesome thank you for your great

questions and your great example

sentences i hope that you can practice

today’s grammar points this weekend so

enjoy the rest of your week and i will

see you again

next time bye