How to Use Have toGot toNeed to and their negative forms English Grammar

all right hi everybody welcome back to

our weekly live stream my name is Alisha

and today we are going to talk about how

to use have to need to and their

negative forms job this is the title for

today’s live stream I’m going to talk

about I made a type over there I’m going

to talk about have to and need to and

I’m going to discuss when we use these

grammar points I’m going to talk about a

little bit about have got two and got

two at the very end of the lesson as

well so I hope that we have a good

chance to practice this grammar and to

get to know when we should use it as

well there fix it go how do you have to

and need to and their negative forms so

as you join us please send a message in

the chat so that we can say hello and of

course please make sure to like and

share the video so that other people can

find today’s lesson okay

I see some people in the YouTube chat

already hi everybody thanks very much

for joining us I see Saunders and hos

amar hello Erickson hi everybody thanks

very much for coming

Facebook I’m going to check you right

now I am checking Facebook on my phone

so that I can see everything easily

again I am broadcasting from my house

today so the format will be a little bit

different maybe from what you’re used to

great I see lots of people now okay I

can see everything live on YouTube now

hi everybody Luis and Luke Mon Peter hi

wow there’s so many and there are so

many messages that’s awesome Facebook

I’m looking for you Facebook to come and

say hello to you Facebook where are you


I found you Facebook hi everybody on

Facebook our viewers on Facebook

Federico Khalid muy hello Mauricio hi

everybody Sam hi there cool fantastic

so this is today’s topic how to use have

to and need to and their negative forms

so as always today’s lesson will be in

three parts first

hang on let me get rid of this I am

control desk again today today’s lesson

actually before that announcements one

announcement number one is there are

there’s a free beginner level course on

our website this I’m pointing at this

banner that’s on the screen here this

gets your guide to learn English at home


this is a beginner level course and with

this course you get a 52 page ebook our

team made a 52 page workbook so that you

can practice your English I know that

many people we know that many people

including us have to stay at home a lot

right now so we hope that if you want to

study you can study with us so you need

an account to get this but you can get

the account you can get everything for

free to get it please check the link

below this video if you’re watching on

YouTube check the description if you’re

watching this video on Facebook please

check the link above the video or above

the chat box to get that that is

announcement number one announcement

number two is a reminder for all of your

little questions so lots of you like to

send questions live in the chat that are

not about today’s lesson topic if you

have a like a question about something

other than today’s lesson topic or some

other question about English grammar

about vocabulary about culture maybe

please send it to me this is for our

weekly Q&A series called ask Alicia you

can send me your questions at English

class slash ask - Alicia this is

a screenshot from the video from one of

the videos if you want to check this out

you can go to the English class 101

YouTube channel and check the videos we

have there you can find a link to send

me your questions for this series on

YouTube as well so if you have questions

that are different from today’s lesson

topic please send them there okay that

is it for announcements from me I see

lots of people have joined us hi

everybody thank you very much for coming


on Facebook Wow lots of people on

Facebook May and Tatyana hello Lewis

Powell vorlick hello Pablo hi everybody

and on YouTube star Eduardo Jorge

Rodolfo hi cool ok I will show you the

three parts for today’s lesson and then

we’ll begin first I’m going to talk

about have to and need to and when we

should use them I’m going to describe

how to make positive statements so first

we’re going to practice the grammar in

today’s lesson in part 2 of today’s

lesson we’re going to look at how to

make negative statements with have to

and need to this is something I noticed

many learners make mistakes with so I

want to practice a lot here finally in

part three of today’s lesson we’re going

to cover how to make questions with this

grammar and I’m going to talk about have

two got two and gada here okay so we

have a lot to do as always let’s get

started please send your example

sentences in the chat I will try to

check live as much as possible but

please understand there are a lot of

messages at one time so let’s begin

let’s start with this first one have to

and need to so first let’s cover

let’s review now this the grammar point

in general today’s focus grammar point

have to and need to we use have to and

need to to express responsibilities

things that are very important to do so

a really really common question here is

what’s the says what’s the difference

what is the difference between half to

and need to many people ask me as many

people have sent this to me so to review

generally there’s not really a

difference there’s a like if you choose

have to or need to in a sentence you’ll

have no communication problem

you communicate the same idea yes so you

can use them interchangeably

interchangeably means you can switch

them like you can use you can

police have to with need to some of you

are asking about got to I’m going to

talk about got to at the end of today’s

lesson so have to in need to can be used

interchangeably however there are very

very tiny differences in feeling that’s

what this says very tiny differences in

feeling have to is like some kind of

outside responsibility so like a

responsibility from my family maybe or a

responsibility relating to my job

something that comes from outside me

it’s like have to like Leah hey Leah

Leah says for example I have to stay

home exactly so that’s some

responsibility that comes from outside

of you with need to however need to has

more of a feeling of like a basic life

requirement so we’re going to look at

some examples of this in just a moment

when I say basic life requirement I mean

something that is important to us as

humans or like something that is kind of

important to us like for art for our

lives for maybe for like our career or

society maybe just basic like human

advice kind of so this is the difference

the tiny tiny difference in the feeling

but for grammar for communication they

have the same purpose the same function

so you can use them interchangeably okay

so now let’s move on to how to make

positive statements how to make positive

statements but Facebook you so how to

make positive statements positive let’s

begin with this there are two patterns

if you joined last week’s lesson about

basic verb conjugation this will be a

good review for you so to make a

positive statement we have two patterns

these patterns depend on the subject of

the sentence

so the subject of the sentence there are

two groups here if your subject is

I you we or they we follow this with

half to or need to

plus the infinitive form of the verb so

again the infinitive form of the verb

means just the basic form of the verb

so go or eat or fly whatever so just a

basic dictionary form of the verb is

here if your subject is he she or it we

have to conjugate so again conjugate

means change the verb to match the

subject that means has to or needs to as

in he has to or she needs to plus the

infinitive form of the verb so we have

these two patterns to make positive

statements some questions are coming in

sandy says have to and must what is the

difference I’m not going to talk about

must in today’s lesson but very briefly

must is used for official rules official

rules and like official policies today

these are much more conversational we do

not use must in everyday conversation

okay so let’s take a look at some

examples of these first one I have to go

to the office I have to go to the office

so here my subject is I have to my

infinitive verb is go and then I can put

some additional extra information I have

to go to the office here oh my our got

you raised sorry he needs to visit the


he needs to visit the restroom this is a

very useful expression visit the

restroom this is a polite way to say I

need to go to the bathroom but you might

hear people more politely say need to

visit the restroom so again my subject

is he

so I conjugate need to needs he needs to

visit the restroom visit is my vert here

my infinitive verb is it

finally my final example you have to

finish your homework many of you maybe

you have to finish your homework so

depending on the subject of our sentence

we need to conjugate this verb please

note this verb does not change we keep

this in the infinitive form okay some

example sentences are coming in I will

check YouTube first YouTube says I have

to go to the market says Manoj cool

david says i have to go to the beach

interesting why why Mahmud says I have

to sleep it’s 4 a.m. good good good

on health says alicia has to use small

whiteboards that is correct

alicia does have to use small

whiteboards because Alicia does not have

a big whiteboard some others rubidium

Facebook I just saw was your name roof

yeah Ruby I hope I said that right since

I always get confused with has and have

yeah so this part is the half and has

depends on your subject so with practice

when you practice creating sentences so

a good way to practice that if you have

trouble with choosing have or has is to

practice making sentences so that means

speaking so speak the sentence out loud

and write the sentence to others Vanessa

on youtube says I have to go to the

restroom is it ok yes absolutely

absolutely nice one

victor says I can say oh sorry I have to

go or I must go

so I mentioned briefly we don’t use must

in everyday conversation we use must for

like extremely strong personal advice so

like a doctor might say to a patient

like you must stop smoking or you will

die something like that

so in everyday conversation we use have

  • that sounds much more natural if you

use must it sounds too formal we use it

for official rules ok great you guys are

doing an awesome job with this I’m

checking looking for your questions -

lots of good examples on Facebook Wendy

says I have to stay home because of the

virus yes exact exactly nice one Viviana

says I need to buy a new notebook


Jamari or hey facebook says he needs to

make a coffee in the morning I do do

okay fantastic everybody is doing a

fantastic job with this grammar point so

I will go on to part two for today

fantastic nicely done thank you for your

questions - that’s awesome

Oh learn with Trish and says can I

always have to use verb after these so

after this like you yes you you have to

use a verb here you have to use a verb

after this okay very nice

fantastic let’s take a short break and

then we’ll go to part 2 where I really

want to focus making negatives will be

part two so if you missed it earlier

that I’m pointing at this banner on the

screen yeah this gets your guide to

learn English at home if you missed it

I’ll share again we know many people

including us are staying at home right

now we have to stay at home so our team

made a 52 page is totally free a 52 page

workbook and access to our full beginner

level English course at English class

you need an account but the account is

free you need your name and an email

address so you can get this from the

link below the video if you are watching

on youtube or above the video if you are

watching on facebook so if you would

like to practice with us you can get the

beginner level course for free and a

workbook as well for free so please

check that out I hope that it is helpful

for you I know many people are working

on their studies which is super cool

working with us to improve their English

so please check that out okay if you

missed it I will if you’re just joining

thank you very much for joining us

today’s topic is oops

I’m control disk I don’t do a perfect

job with control is today’s topic is how

to use have to and need to how to use

have to end need to and their negative

forms part one was how to use half two

and need to in the positive form now

I’m going to talk about the negative

forms the negative forms

hooray so let’s continue on to part two

if you have not already please make sure

to like and share the video so other

people can find today’s lesson okay

let’s continue to part two the important

bit the part I want to focus on the most

for today’s lesson so let’s continue

hello Leon D when I bar members on

YouTube welcome thanks for joining

I hope I said your name right okay let’s

continue to how to make negative

statements with half two and me do how

to make negative statements with half

two and need to this is something I have

noticed many of you and when I say you I

mean people who are studying many of you

can make the sentences grammatically

correctly that’s great

awesome I’ve noticed however that many

people choose the wrong situations to

use the negative so we’re going to talk

about this in part two please think of

how to answer this this is your your

live homework if you’re not watching

live that’s okay you can send it so your

comment homework is to finish this

sentence I don’t have to something okay

so keep that in your head

let’s go through the explanation first

how do we make a negative statement

again as we talked about in part one of

today’s lesson we have two groups here

depending on the subject we have two

different sentence patterns if the

subject is I or you or we or they we use

don’t so don’t is the reduced form of do

not do not so do not is also correct but

we use don’t in everyday conversation we

like to reduce things a lot make things

so to reduce means to make something

shorter so I don’t or you don’t or we

don’t they don’t plus half to or need to

and then our basic verb

so this part right here are helping verb

is what’s important in these two

patterns if the subject is he or she or


this verb becomes does not

so here it’s do not in this pattern it’s

does not plus half to ornate to plus the

verb so again please note that in this

pattern pattern to he she itch this one

this part does not change so sometimes I

see learners write like doesn’t has to

or doesn’t needs to so this does not

change this verb does not change here

please change only this one does not so

let’s look at some example sentences

first I don’t have to go to the office

it’s true I am live broadcasting from

mouth but I don’t have to go to the

office so again here I do not have to go

to the office is grammatically correct

but it doesn’t sound so natural try to

reduce your sentence or tried to reduce

contract where possible second he

doesn’t need to eat lunch yet he doesn’t

need to eat lunch yet so you can maybe

use this to talk about a co-worker or a

child something like that made on

Facebook it says I don’t have to work

lol yeah okay

third you don’t have to finish your

homework that’s nice right okay so

please keep in mind your subject here

it’s important so okay so now we know

this is good review I think for how to

make this but the point that I noticed

the most mistakes with with this again

like I said you can make the sentences

grammatically correct which is great the

problem I often see here is learners use

this in the wrong situation so please

make sure you use this negative pattern

for something we can reasonably imagine

you have a responsibility to do so

remember I talked about how we

use this we use have to and need to to

express our responsibilities right my

work responsibilities my family

responsibilities my study

responsibilities right so sometimes I

hear MC learners write sentences about

things they do not do and that sounds

very unnatural here’s an example here’s

a very common example sometimes I see

students write something like this this

sentence right here this X I don’t have

to drink alcohol at work I don’t have to

drink alcohol at work the reason so this

sentence is grammatically correct so

this sentence is perfect like for


however this sounds really unnatural

because we don’t expect you drink

alcohol at work it sounds weird I mean

maybe maybe if your job is a bar if

you’re a bartender or something like

that but it’s not reasonable to expect

you drink alcohol at work so this

sentence sounds unnatural maybe if

you’re having like you’re making a joke

in a conversation it’s okay but this

sounds weird here this is a better

example I don’t have to wear a uniform

at work so this sentence sounds very

natural much more natural because we can

imagine it’s reasonable to expect

someone might be required to wear a

uniform at work so please keep this in

mind if you want to express something

you do not do just like some of you are

writing I don’t drink alcohol that is a

much better that is a much better

sentence just or say I don’t drink

alcohol at work like that’s that’s much

more natural please don’t use I don’t

have to okay so let’s now I’m going to

start looking for your comments now here

comments so please try to finish the

sentence so again choose something in

the negative you can use need to as well


that need to that’s really ugly I don’t

need to is okay to so please finish this

sentence I’m going to look for it

Facebook Kathy says I don’t have to go

to school because I follow online

English classes every day yeah wow you

never go to school school is good for

you okay very nice some other things

someone said aslam said I don’t have to

play PPG right now okay so you don’t

have to know but is that an expectation

I don’t know I don’t know you personally

so I don’t know but please keep in mind

we use this for something that we have

there’s some expectation to do that

thing Raphael says in Germany it’s okay

to drink alcohol at work

I really Guerra may on YouTube says I

don’t have to wear shoes at work great

great great okay wow your examples are

coming very quickly you and says I don’t

need to gain weight okay

learn with Trisha I don’t have to go out

good Julia says I have to take a shower

very nice many of you are writing I

don’t need to go to work I don’t need to

go to work great great great mmm okay

Justin on Facebook says you don’t have

to go out you don’t have to go out hmm

so that’s one situation it’s kind of

tricky now the situation now like you

don’t have to go out I would say now

like of course all of us are staying

home now I would say you should not go

out mmm or maybe like you this is a case

where must might be a good idea like you

must not go outside right now like it’s

really strong personal advice don’t have

to sounds like there’s an option to

that’s the reason that this sounds weird

if I say don’t have to it sounds like

this is an option so keep that in mind

okay great do you guys have made very

nice sentences with the negative form so

this is something please consider when

you use this as the negative it sounds

like this activity is an OP

like it’s okay and you choose not to do

it that’s the vibe that’s a feeling with

the sentence excellent examples on

Facebook PPO

hi I don’t have to wake up early

tomorrow me neither excellent fantastic

very nice sentences everybody I have a

few more minutes I get to stay a little

bit later than usual I think up to ten

minutes later so I’ll take one more

quick break and then we’ll go to the

last part so some of you I’ve been

seeing your messages in the chat

you’ve asked have got to got to ought to

what we’re going to talk about this in

part three of today’s lesson

so last reminder for today if you missed

it earlier at this banner I’m pointing

at get your guide to learn English at

home this is a free beginner level

course at English class you can

get it along with together with a 52

page ebook workbook a downloadable thing

so that you can practice your English

with us that would be super awesome if

you decide to do that if you would like

it you have to make an account you have

to make an account to download it that’s

perfect you have to make an account the

account is free please check the link

below the video if you are watching on

YouTube if you are watching on Facebook

please look above the video or above the

chat depending on where you’re looking

for the link for that alright let’s go

to the last part of today’s lesson the

last part of today’s lesson is how to

make questions with half two and need to

and I’m going to talk about these other

points like I’ve got two and got two

ought to was another one if you have not

please do make sure to like and share

this video so that other people can find

today is a lesson alrighty let’s go part

three so let’s talk now about how to

make questions how to make questions

with half two and need to so again I

have made two groups but there’s a bonus

in here you can actually use these two

patterns for four well sort of for a

different sentence structures okay

hey Monday one of our members on YouTube

welcome yes we have to weather the storm


okay so let’s look at our question

patterns now I always use this w HQ w HQ

means WH question who what when where

why also how some of you asked about

that so this is at the beginning of our

sentence pattern and again we need to

use our helping verb do if the subject

is I you we are they

and our helping verb does if the subject

is he she or it hmm then we use have to

or need to no change to this verb again

and our verb at the end so please note

again here at this part of the sentence

no verb change there’s no verb change no

has to or needs to whatever this part is

the same no changes however our helping

verb needs to change do and does

depending on the subject now this

pattern whq at the beginning this is

like an information question but you can

remove this you can start your question

you can start your question with do or

does to make a yes or no question

mm-hmm so I’ll show you I’ll show you

these in our examples let’s look at some

examples of questions first when do we

have to submit our reports WH question

when do we have to submit our reports

when do we have to submit our reports

who do I have to speak to about this

speak to him hmm do I have to speak to

about this but you will hear this who

pattern finally where does she have to

go where does she have to go so in all

of these I’ve started the question with

a wh question but if I remove this

as in the first sentence it becomes a

yes or no question do we have to submit

our reports or do I have to this one

doesn’t work so well but if you want to

make a yes-or-no question do I have to

speak to so and so about this or does

she have to go so you can make a

yes-or-no question by in some cases by

just removing this part so the end of

the sentence this second one doesn’t

work perfectly with it at the end of the

sentence you’ll need to change it a

little bit to make a yes-or-no question

some examples are coming in Menasha is

when do you have to submit your

assignment good Robin says when do I

have to go there very nice okay Sally

Phu on Facebook says what what do

don’t forget your do yeah you’re helping

work what do we need to do at this time

or at corona time good so don’t forget

you’re helping for do we like hey Zeus

says do we have to submit a comment no

but you can practice this way okay son

says where do I have to practice my

lessons good okay Sansa’s when will we

have this class again nice yeah every

week okay so let’s go to the next part

why do you have to say things in such a

roundabout way great great nice example

Monday blue okay let’s go to have to you

got to and gotta oh my some of my texts

got erased okay I’m going to quickly fix

it I must have touched it sorry

everybody one moment please

okay there we go have got to so let’s

talk about some of you have asked these

questions like what about have got to or

got to or gotta or ought to what so

let’s talk about this have got to have

got to I’ve got to is an expression that

is a little more common in British

English we use it it’s it’s used in the

same way as have two so the grammar is

the same like where’s my first woman we

talked about in part one these positive

sentence patterns so we can use have got

to write

right here right here I have got to

infinitive verb he has got to infinitive

for infinitive verb we can use have got

to in the same way but in American

English we don’t really use have got to

as much its more common in British

English so got to what is the deal with

that what is the deal with gotta so I

want to show you kind of a flow of what

is going on here what is the deal I have

got to this pattern we don’t use really

in American English this however I’m

going to show you kind of a flow of

what’s what’s happening here I have got

to this is like the next step so we’ve

reduced I’ve from I have so I have

became I of here yeah I have got to

becomes I’ve got to which becomes even

shorter I’ve gotta I’ve got us so this

gotta is the informal reduced got to

this is what’s happening here I’ve got

to becomes even shorter to I’ve gotta

and then American English we use this


I gotta we drop this in fast speech and

it becomes I gotta this part gotta is

used in American English

this says casual it’s hard to see this

is used in American English I gotta so

we use I gotta in the same way as I

talked about in part one I gotta go as

someone’s throat in the chat I got a

leave I gotta eat something that’s what

gotta is doing and that’s how gotta came

to be this is the flow this is what

happened with gotta so gotta is got to

but we don’t use got to I got to is

grammatically incorrect so our

technically I gotta is also

grammatically incorrect but it is very

very calm

so that’s what’s happening here ought to

for those of you who asked about ought

to if you’re not familiar ought to owe

you gh T ought to this one it’s kind of

an old-fashioned expression that means

should so these have to and need to and

gotta those are used for

responsibilities things we must do but

casually ought to is like should but it

sounds old-fashioned oh that sounds so

so so op to is not really is not used in

the same way here Lewis on YouTube says

she gotta is correct

ah she’s gotta interestingly when the

subject is he or she or it will say

she’s gotta she’s gotta but when the

subject is a I you or we are they we use

I gotta or you got it so I’ll right he’s

gotta so why this he’s is he has got to

that’s what that is but for some reason

when we use the i you we they pattern we

drop this it’s a weird thing and casual

in casual English but this is how it


so please note this this got us also

finally oh I gotta stop a final point

gotta please don’t write gotta informal

or professional emails this is not like

a this is not a like an official word or

an official like spelling it sounds very

very informal so please use this in like

text messages to friends on social media

great but please do not use this

informal email okay I gotta end the

lesson I’m gonna be late oh my gosh so

let’s finish there thank you very much

to everybody who joined today’s lesson I

hope that it was helpful for you next

week I’ll be back next week I pulled you

I pulled everybody on

de gram last week thank you very much

for everybody who sent me some topics

and what you want to learn about next

week as a result of that poll we’re

going to talk about phrasal verbs for

around the house many of you said you

wanted to practice phrasal verbs so I

chose a category we’re going to talk

about phrasal verbs for around the house

next week so it should be a good lesson

please join us 10:00 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time New York City time or your

local time you can please google it also

if you can’t remember please set a

notification on YouTube or Facebook so

you can find out when we start

broadcasting don’t forget if you want to

learn with us for free the beginner

level course is available from the link

below the video if you are watching on

YouTube or above the video if you’re

watching on Facebook check it out make

your account get you or you can download

the free workbook to practice I hope

that that’s helpful for you thank you

very much for sending your comments and

your questions that was super super

awesome thank you for liking and sharing

the video too so please be safe please

be well thank you for joining us this

week and we will see you again next time
