Making Predictions about the Future in English

it’s rolling hi everybody and welcome

back to our weekly

live stream my name is alicia and today

we are going to talk about

how to make guesses and predictions how

to make guesses and predictions

i’m going to cover some basic grammar in

today’s lesson

including will and going to and then i’m

also going to talk about

uh some vocabulary words some more

intermediate to advanced level

vocabulary words specifically verbs

you can use to talk about the future so

uh we will begin today’s lesson in just

a couple minutes we’ll give everybody

uh some time to join and then we’ll get

rolling so i think that

youtube is now up hi everybody who is

watching us over on youtube

i see cho and mr easy laura hello

avi uh mani hello edson hi everybody

over there welcome

on youtube facebook i’m coming for you

too uh while we wait for people to join

a couple announcements as always i’ll

take away our listed title here

uh first this banner at the bottom shows


free pdf lessons this week uh

i haven’t shared this in a while so in

case you have not seen it

if you check the link below the video on

youtube or above the video on facebook

there are a whole bunch of free pdfs

that you can download for vocabulary for

vocabulary practice

so this one’s about pets uh talk to your

pets that’s funny i know

uh it says that but on the back there’s

a list of like common pet

uh names for example that’s what this

one is

so depending on your like vocabulary

goals or your vocabulary gaps you can

choose one of these i’ll see

that’s another good one ah yeah this one

is a very popular one the business

english one

so check the link below the video if

you’re watching on

youtube and above the video if you’re

watching on facebook to get these

there’s a lot you can download all of

them for free you just need an account

on our website at

okay so that’s announcement number one

announcement number two is as always if

you have questions

if you have questions please send them

to me for this series the weekly q a

series called ask alicia

uh if you have questions about small


like uh vocabulary grammar if you have a

culture question whatever

you can send it to me uh and i will try

maybe uh to answer your question

in our weekly q a series so this is at

ask hyphen alicia you can find this on

the english class 101 web uh

youtube channel as well okay facebook

i’m coming to

find you hello there’s there’s facebook

there’s the facebook stream hi facebook


uh hi omid and dubon and bic

hello big sales hello gise hi everybody

thanks very much for joining us

i will take that away okay so as i said

now everybody’s here

everything is good i am going to show


today’s lesson flow today’s lesson flow

is this uh this is our uh

flow for today first i’m going to talk

about how to use

will and won’t so we will review

some basic grammar today i’ll talk about


then we’re going to we’re going to talk

about how to use

going to and again

we’ll cover some pronunciation a little

bit here finally today i’m going to talk

about some key vocabulary words you can


to make guesses and predictions so again

today’s topic is guesses like how to

talk about

the future how to make a guess about the


so uh when i talk about will and going


yes you can talk about using will and

going to for your

upcoming plans but for today’s lesson

we’re going to focus on making guesses

making guesses also just to start

today’s lesson what is the difference

between a guess

and a prediction a guess is something

is an opinion that we make uh without

any real information we’re just we just

come up with an idea we come up with an

opinion we didn’t research maybe

but we just want to throw an opinion out

a prediction

is usually a bit larger we use


uh to make our opinion we use data or


to make a prediction so we will talk

more about this

later but let’s get into today’s lesson

also if you have not not everybody is

here if you have not

please make sure to like and share this

lesson so other learners can find it

online okay let’s begin am i sure i am

live yes i’m sure

okay i’m seeing your message okay let’s

get into today’s lesson then let’s begin

with how to use will and won’t again to


guesses and predictions i’m not going to

cover this for like future plans today


first a review a quick very very quick


to make uh a statement

with will or won’t we just use subject

plus will or subject plus won’t today

i’m going to use

won’t remember won’t means will

not will not it’s the reduced form

subject will or subject won’t

infinitive verb so infinitive verb means

the basic

verb form the kind that you see in the


for example the weather

will be hot tomorrow at native speed

this sounds like the weather will be hot


the weather will be hot tomorrow so my

subject is the weather

we commonly say it when we are talking


the weather too the weather will here’s

my will

and my infinitive verb be the weather

will be

hot tomorrow so use a bee

pattern to describe a condition like

this will be

hot so sometimes i hear people forget


bee the weather will be hot tomorrow


another example a negative he won’t get

to the meeting on time he won’t

get so get means arrive this is a casual


to say arrive he won’t get to the

meeting on time

so again this is a guess subject

he here won’t so will not

and get infinitive verb he won’t get to

the meeting on time

so i’m making a guess about someone else

with this expression you won’t get to

the meeting

okay so quick review

these as well as i’ll cover a little bit


we use will when we make guesses and


generally for guesses we make in the

conversation so it’s like a quick guess

about a kind of small situation an

everyday situation

maybe we don’t have a lot of information

or it’s just a little bit of information

like here

the weather will be hot tomorrow so it’s

like we maybe we heard quickly on the

news so it’s like

it’s like a small a small everyday life

kind of thing here at this point is one

that i hope

many of you can use i’m going to talk


probably probably i’m going to talk

about this with will

and with going to later

to give more uh

like to increase the level of emphasis

of your prediction you can use probably

with will and probably with

won’t so an important point

with probably with will and won’t

is to note the position so when i say

note the position

i mean be careful of the place

in the sentence where you use probably

so let’s compare let’s look at two

examples with probably first one

we’ll probably arrive late

we’ll probably arrive late here i have


we subject will to wheel

wheel this is very common try to reduce

we’ll probably arrive late so probably

comes after this

we will yeah in the positive form

however look at this sentence she


won’t or won’t in this sentence so we

don’t say

she won’t probably come to work we don’t

say that

probably comes before and at native


probably probably

is pronounced prolly kind of so to say

these sentences at my regular

pace my normal pace will probably arrive


she’ll pro oh sorry she probably won’t

come to work

she probably won’t come to work so this

probably is really hard to say in fast


it sounds like probably probably and you

might hear some people say

prolly as well i guess i say prob

probably the most so don’t worry

like this it’s hard to say this probably

it’s hard to say it very very quickly uh

and naturally

uh so it’s very common to hear

probably probably for this so again

we use this for emphasis this is correct


we will arrive late is correct and

she won’t come to work is correct but

when we use probably we

introduce uh we give the sentence a


more nuance there’s more nuance there so

that means

there’s a good chance she will arrive


and there’s a good chance she won’t come

to work

so use probably to do this

okay if you have questions please send

them in the chat also

for those of you who want to get started

here is your comment question for this

sentence or for this section what do you

think you’ll do this weekend

i’ll probably so please practice okay

uh so i want to

finish this part with a a another

pronunciation point

i mentioned we use um we uh

we use will and won’t for in the moment

guesses yeah uh so

i think let’s see i’ve talked about

using will and going to

uh for uh future plans

in other lessons before and i’ve covered

this pronunciation point before this is


for making guesses and predictions and

for your future plans so

keep this pronunciation point in mind

for all

of your uses of will i’ll probably

go this is my example here one very

common uh pronunciation mistake

i hear from learners and i hope that

you can remember this one today is this

part when you reduce i will

to i’ll or she will to she’ll and so on

you forget this o sound i hear many

learners say

i probably go i know this

is i think because many native speakers

when we speak quickly

this ol sound is hard to catch

yeah but we still say it so when i say

this sentence it’s

i’ll probably go i’ll probably go so the


sound of the eye i’ll probably go is

really really

easy to hear yeah don’t forget this

i’ll so i’ll probably go i’ll probably


okay so this is part one so

send a comment to practice this what do

you think

i’ve made a question with this what do

you think you’ll do

this weekend what do you think you’ll do

this weekend i’ll probably

blah blah blah so what do i think i’ll

do this weekend i’ll probably

uh read this book i’ve been

inhaling i’ve been reading a lot

recently so i’ll probably read a book

i’ll probably read a book and clean my


very exciting very exciting some of your

examples are coming in

uh sumit says i will probably waste my

time this weekend oh no

um jermaine says i probably won’t show

up to the baby shower on time

that’s very specific okay uh conwell

hey says you’ll probably lost her up be

careful when you use this form

infinitive verb so you don’t need to use

past participle you don’t need to use

uh something else basic verb form to do


febrian says i will pass my english exam

with flying colors fantastic

fantastic uh annie says i’ll probably

ride my bike read some books and play

cards excellent someone says i’ll

probably buy a phone i’ll probably

stay home good job nice ones silva says

i’ll probably watch this lesson again

awesome great job youtube uh on facebook

i’m coming for you facebook

uh i’ll probably go shopping i’ll

probably go

shopping for groceries this weekend says

jomari nice i’ll probably go

shopping uh faith says i’ll probably

join an online class oh very nice that

sounds good

uh dimas talking about next year i’ll

probably travel to italy next year ooh

sounds good sounds good excellent

very nice examples with probably good


very very nice excellent that’s great i

am so happy to see

all of your awesome examples okay you

guys rocked part one so

let’s take a break and then we’ll go to

part two which i’m sure you will also


so i’ll take a quick break now if you

missed it

uh this week as i showed before there is

a link

below the video if you’re watching on

youtube the description not the chat box

and on facebook if you are watching

again not the chat box above the chat

box or above this video

you can get i haven’t shown these in a

while so we’re the team is sharing them


these are pdfs that you can download

to practice your vocabulary this one

this is a good one for now

leisure time leisure time means your

free time the free time that you have

to do like hobbies sports and things

like that

so you can download these and find some

vocabulary words

and phrases other expressions to use

this one’s about movie genres

so you can choose your favorite topics

or if you know there’s something you

want to practice or refresh

in your mind you can do that too like uh

some people like to like

download these and put them on like the

wall or put them on the refrigerator or


like that to practice every day so

check this out this one is oh many of

you said shopping so

here are some verbs for shopping on the

back nice one yeah

okay so check that out again you need an

account at but it is


uh so if you want it go get it these are

there’s like 20

there’s a lot so check it out enjoy that


uh with that let’s continue along to

part two for today’s lesson

if you are just joining us live today’s

topic i will show you again

today’s topic is how to make guesses and


guesses and predictions uh so we are

covering how to use

will and going to today of course

uh and we are also talking about uh some

vocabulary we’re also going to talk

about some vocabulary so

i’m going to show you oops sorry i’m

going to show you

today’s lesson boards again this

is our lesson flow i just talked about

using will

and won’t now i’m going to talk about


going to to make guesses and predictions

so uh this one i think again lots of


uh for many of you but we’ll focus on

how to use this to make a

guess uh and we’ll talk about the

distant future

okay so let’s go to part number two

part number two for today also if you

have not please make sure to like this


thumbs up it and share the video so

other people can find

today’s lesson alrighty then let’s go to


two part two

okay going to going to so again

in this part i’m going to focus i’m

going to focus

on using going to to make guesses

and predictions guesses and predictions

uh so i’m not going to talk about going


for future plans we’re making guesses

with this grammar today

alrighty so let’s review very quickly

how do we make a statement

with going to we use our subject

plus m or is or r we need our b

verb here yeah so like i am or he

is or we are we need our beaver

and then we have our going to going to


not going to and infinitive

verb when we use going to

we usually in speech reduce we reduce it

we make it

short we make it gonna gonna

or negative not gonna not gonna

uh don’t use when you when you write

don’t spell

this in like polite or professional

uh like emails that kind of thing

this is a casual word in text messages

with your friends

cool with your family cool that’s fine

but uh this word is

generally it’s kind of a casual word so

let’s practice uh just to review

a couple of predictions a couple guesses

with this first one

it’s gonna be hot tomorrow it’s gonna be

hot tomorrow

so it is the weather right it

is it is gonna be going to be

hot tomorrow it’s gonna be hot tomorrow

and a negative we’re not

going to get to the airport on time

so here we are not going to

get to the airport on time

so this is a guess or a prediction

so at native speed these sound like

it’s going to be hot tomorrow and we’re

not going to get to the airport on time

we’re not going to get to the airport on

time so what is happening here why

why did i use going to for these why

didn’t i use will didn’t you use a

weather example alicia

in the first part yes i did so the first

example sentence in both of these

is about weather yeah it’s gonna be hot

tomorrow and the weather will be hot


both of these are correct what’s the


largely there’s not really a difference


a good guide to follow is that going to

tends to sound like you’re more sure

about something just like when you talk

about your future plans with will

and going to going to it sounds like you

have some information or you have more

confidence about your guests so this

go it’s going to be hot tomorrow sounds


there’s more confidence in that guess

than will so will sounds a little bit

lower than going to

it’s going to be hot tomorrow i sound

very sure of that idea

so that’s the difference again with

going to we can use

probably for emphasis

with this one with this use of probably

we don’t have to worry about the


of probably it’s just before going to or

not going to so you don’t need to worry

about the position of

probably in negatives and positives

some examples he’s probably going to


soon he’s probably going to arrive soon


we’re probably not going to have enough


so at native speed this sounds like he’s

probably going to arrive soon

and we’re probably not going to have

enough money

so you can hear those sounds get reduced

once more

he’s probably going to arrive soon and

we’re probably not going to have enough

money so probably again

sounds like probably and this not going


have becomes like not going to have not

going to have

he’s probably going to arrive soon and

we’re probably not going to have

so again we use probably to put more uh

nuance in this sentence so he’s going to


soon is correct it’s a strong prediction

he’s going to arrive soon

and we’re not going to have enough money

that’s very

sure but using probably means

high chance of that there’s a high

chance of this

so uh as i said use uh

going to and not going to for like

strong in the moment guesses when i say

strong i mean

confident you feel very strongly you

have a good

um a good level of confidence about your


okay let’s go to i don’t see

other questions yet so let’s go to this


i want to talk about uh distant

future predictions quickly distant

future predictions this means things

far far far in the future so maybe next


or in a hundred years or in a thousand


if we want to imagine the distant future

how do we do that should we use will

should we use going to

both so we use both going to

and will when we talk about the distant


here’s a quick guide a very quick guy

this is

not a rule but just to help you choose

going to is commonly used with like data

information based predictions again

because we have like a higher level of

confidence with going to so for example

many countries are going to experience

weather changes in the future mother


many countries are going to experience

weather changes in the future

so this is like there’s science there’s

data there’s information

i use going to will on the other hand

is like a basic guess or it’s like

we just we have a an interesting idea

and we just want to share it

so there’s not really like science or

research or anything

sometimes like this one we’ll have

flying cars

so it’s like what’s like what is the

science is there science is there data

that’s a good example of a

will prediction about the distant future

so again this is just a guide it’s not a


but generally as with uh basic uses

of will and going to to express future


it’s good to use going to for those

predictions you are confident

about because you have information

and will for just kind of the quick

in the moment ideas again not a rule but

a good guy

okay wow

that was quick so uh i don’t

see any questions

so i’ll continue we have to go because i

have a lot of vocabulary i want to

finish with today

uh so if you have questions or an

example sentence please send it in the


i will try to check it very very quickly

i will remind you if you have not you

have not heard

uh this week in the link below the video

on youtube and above the video on


there is a link to oh i’ll show you this

one romance and love

pdfs for vocabulary building this is the

romance and love one ooh

but actually on the back it’s

compliments it’s examples of compliments

that you can uh give people

like genuine nice compliments and some

other pointers

so check these out you can go you can

download all of them

uh so have a look at that uh what’s

another good one here ooh

supermarket one yes where many of us are

spending lots of our time these days


more time so check these out uh you can

take a look at those

below the video or above the video

depending on where you are watching

uh maria says could you talk about

probably with going

to yes i did really quickly uh

talk about probably with going to so we

use it the same as with will

and with won’t uh and the position

and we don’t have to worry about it it

just goes in front of

going to so we use it for emphasis to

mean a good chance of

something for those of you asking about

part two again

this video is being recorded you can

check it

after the lesson finishes alrighty let’s

go to part

three because time is running out

uh someone is flooding the chat uh on

youtube could you please

give everyone a chance to write i don’t

know what lemma

is okay let’s go to part three oh i

forgot to show you if you missed it if

you wanted to take a picture if you

if you’re confused what are we doing uh

this is today’s lesson flow

i talked about this in part one this was

part two

so we’ll going to finally we’re going to

talk about some vocabulary words some

vocabulary words over here

so i want to finish with this

list so for more for our um

maybe intermediate to advanced learners

i wanted to include some

additional vocabulary you can use

because many of these words

are being used in the news today so i


you to be able to understand them so


i want to point out all of these are


i’ve included them as verbs however

there are noun

forms of these words too yes i’m going

to cover

just the verb uses today uh and then you

can use your brain

to use uh the noun forms as well first i

want to talk about these two

in today’s lesson i kept saying yes

predict guess predict

to make guesses to make predictions so

in case you missed it earlier

what is the difference between a guess

and a prediction

or in the verb form to guess or to


to guess means to form an opinion

without much information to form an

opinion without much information

so you don’t know really but you need to

share an idea you need to share an

opinion like

you don’t you don’t have any information

but you give your opinion

that’s a guess a guess

so i’ve used it as a noun just there to


as a verb on the other hand to predict

to predict means to form an opinion

about the future or about something

using information so you

have some information you’d have like


you can do research there’s science

you have past experience so

you use that information to

make an opinion about the future

to give an idea about the future that’s


as a noun a prediction a prediction

as a verb to predict to predict so this

is the difference

no information that’s the key

difference with guess and predict to

guess and predict

okay so let’s continue on to these

uh i have four more words and a little

time to explain them

these are a little especially these

three uh will take a little more time to


but i want to include them because

they’re very common and very useful

first to bet to bet this is a very

common expression

in american english you might hear this

in tv

and in movies a lot like you bet or i


what does that mean first let’s let’s

just look at

two bet what does it mean to bed to bed

means to make a guess about an

outcome with another person

the loser pays the winner money

so basically imagine sports like you’re


uh soccer football uh and you think team

a will win

your friend thinks team b will win you


i bet ten dollars team a will win

and your friend says no team b will win

okay i bet you team b

will win that means we’re playing a game


if team a wins pers my friend give me

ten dollars

if team b wins i give my friend ten


this kind of uh game usually with money

is called as a noun a bet

a bet so but to bet is how

we use it as a verb to bet so we use


when we make predictions as a verb we


i bet team a

is going to win or i bet team b

is going to win so we use bet

instead of think because it kind of

communicates a little

feeling of competition so

it kind of makes it feel like a game so


we might use bet when we’re talking with

our friends or with people we’re close


and we want to create a kind of like

game or competition

feel to bet so this is very common

among uh like characters on tv shows

so they’ll say i bet this i bet that and

it’s very common to hear

after this after they agree or when they


they’ll sometimes say you’re on which


okay like yeah let’s play this game sure

so to bet that’s what two-bet means

okey-dokey uh-oh okay

let’s go to oh um maria on facebook says

i bet

i’ll going to win ah a point uh

about bet we tend to use bet

with going to mostly

so bet and going to are kind of a

pair we don’t really use bet with will

so much uh because the reason for this i

mean you can sometimes

i bet i’ll blah blah but the reason that

we tend to use

bet with going to is because bet

has a like we feel pretty confident we

feel fairly confident in the guess

so going to is a nice match for that we


going to uh with our confident

predictions okay uh

yogi says i bet you are an american

i bet you’re american uh i bet you

are american yeah i bet you’re american

is correct it’s like i have a high level

of confidence

but if uh that’s the reason that

something like that is maybe a little


is because that sounds like a

conversation you have with someone

uh like when you meet for the first time

like you’re guessing someone’s country

it sounds a little too close

so this is a word you use with somebody

that you

probably already have a close

relationship with

okay so that was a lot about bet if you

missed it uh this

is being recorded let’s go to these two

these are gonna take some time i’ll try

to go quick remote team

to speculate and to anticipate

to speculate first to speculate means to


an outcome from very little information

or in a difficult situation

to speculate to speculate to speculate

so we see a lot of

speculation as a noun

in the news like for example with the

with the situation right now so with the

virus so it’s like we don’t know what’s

going to happen

we have some information every country

has some information

but it’s hard to understand what is

going to happen

in the future so when we have like a

little bit of information

and we imagine different outcomes

we imagine different results we describe

that process

with speculate to speculate for example

the president speculated about the

following year

so that means the president imagined

some outcomes

about the following year but it’s like

speculate is just imagining something

but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be


so this is a very common word in the


again the noun form is speculation


okay to anticipate then to anticipate

also common in the news the noun form is


anticipation to anticipate means to

expect something to happen

based on past information so you have


like data you have some information

maybe you know

a pattern and then you expect something

is going to happen we describe that with

the verb

anticipate anticipate so

we anticipate uh an

increase in sales next year

so we have some data and we expect this

thing is going to happen

so this can be for positive or for

negative things we use anticipate for


the last one i wanted to mention here is

to forecast

to forecast maybe lots of you know the

expression weather forecast

so to forecast we can use this as a verb

to to forecast means to expect an


based on data so whether

or we have like finance forecasts too

so the difference between forecast and


anticipate uh actually let me start with


forecast is for something that’s really


data based so my examples here are


and finance yeah so we have like

scientific data

that we use to share information

like about the recent future or with


it’s maybe like the next three months or

something like that

with anticipate we kind of use it

again like we can use it to talk about

like research and data

sometimes but we also use anticipate to

talk about

emotions like we might say uh we


um this will be a difficult process

so it’s a little bit more emotional

and anticipate can be more about

expecting an emotional

condition forecast tends to be used for

things that are

data based okay so

this is a list of some key vocabulary

words you can use for guesses and

predictions again

this is uh verbs these are this is a

list of verbs but you can use these as

nouns they are very common uh as nouns

as well so i hope that this is helpful

uh these words appear a lot in the news

especially these days

so this is a good study list maybe for


okay i have to finish for this week oh

my gosh i only have two minutes left

yikes so

let’s finish uh

what do i need to do i need to show you

the lesson board so you can take a

picture of today’s lesson don’t i

all right here we go but um this is


topics this is everything we talked

about in today’s

lesson so you can take a picture if you

like uh

we covered how to make guesses and


in a few different ways so i have to

finish today’s lesson so i will show you

next lesson now next lesson will be

july 22nd whew this year is going so

quick i’m going to talk about how to

study english

alone so for those of you who are

not studying with your teacher at this

time or ever

i will give you some tips to study on

your own

at home i hope that that will be helpful

for you so please join me

next week uh 10 p.m eastern standard

time wednesday that is new york city


or google your local time

cool cool cool all right so i will say

goodbye there uh

i guess i’ll leave you with this don’t

forget to download your free stuff from

the link below the video

of course and thanks very much for

liking and sharing this lesson that was

super awesome and thanks for

your awesome questions and comments i

have to go

so be well enjoy your week enjoy your

weekend and i will see you again next
