English Train Station Reading Comprehension for Absolute Beginners

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phrases access your gifts right now

before they expire you are at a train

station where you’re attempting to buy

an express ticket from a ticket machine

which option should you choose to buy an

express ticket

which option should you choose to buy an

express ticket

the option on the bottom left is for an

express ticket

you are at a train station where you’ve

just bought an Express ticket which

train car row and seat number are you in

which train car row and seat number are

you in

the ticket says that you’re in train car

number one in the eighth row in seat C

you are at a train station where you’re

reading the Train scheduled for an

express ticket that you’ve just bought

on which days are there no Express

trains running

on which days are there no Express

trains running

there are no Express trains running on

public holidays and the third Sunday of

every month you are on a platform at a

train station where you’re waiting for

your train suddenly a message appears on

the display what does the message on the

display mean


what does the message on the display


the display reads the next train will

not stop you are at a train station

where you’re looking for the best exit

to catch a taxi which exit should you

take to get to the taxi stop

which exit should you take to get to the

taxi stop

you should take the east exit in order

to get to the taxi stop


