365 Basic English Sentences


number one absolutely absolutely


number two absolutely impossible

absolutely impossible absolutely

impossible absolutely impossible

number three all I have to do is learn

English all I have to do is learn

English all I have to do is learn

English number four are you free

tomorrow are you free tomorrow are you

free tomorrow number five are you

married are you married are you married

and number six are you used to the food

here are you used to the food here or

used to the food here

number seven be careful be careful be


number eight be my guest

be my guest be my guest number nine

better late then never better late than


better late than never remember tan

better luck next time better luck next

time better luck next time

number eleven better safe than sorry

better safe than sorry better safe than

sorry number till can I have a day off

can I have a day off can I have a day

off number 13 can I help can I help can

I help

number 14 can I take on message can I

take a message

can I take a message number 15 can I

take Oh

rain check can I take a rain check

can I take a rain check number 16 can I

take your order can I take your order

can I take your order number 17 can you

give me I’ll wake up call can you give

me a wake-up call can you give me a

wake-up call

number 18 can you give me some feedback

can you give me some feedback can you

give me some feedback member 19 can you

make it can you make it can you make it

number 20

can I have a word with you can I have a

word with you hi We’re with you

number 21 catch me later catch me later

catch me later

number 22 cheer up cheer up cheer up

number 23 come in and make yourself at

home come in and make yourself at home

come in and make yourself at home number


could I have the bill please could I

have the bill please driver bill please

number 25 could you drop me off at the

airport could you drop me off at the

airport could you drop me off at the


number 26 could you speak slower slower

than this could you speak slower could

you speak slower number 27 could you

take a picture for me could you take a

picture for me could you take a picture

Maree number 28 the

you enjoy your flight did you enjoy your

flight did you enjoy your flight

number 29 did you have a good day today

did you have a good day today

Chev the day today number 30 did you

have a nice holiday did you have a nice

holiday did you have a nice holiday

number 31 did you have fun did you have

fun to Jeff on number 32 dinner is on be

dinner is on me

dinners on me number 33 do you have a

room available

look you have a room available gave a

room available number 34 do you have any

hobbies do you have any hobbies you have

any hobbies

number 35 do you have some change do you

have some change get some change

number 36 do you mind my smoking I sure

do do you mind my smoking you buy my

struggie do you mind my smoking do you

mind my smoking do you mind my cooking

number 37 here’s a good one for me do

you often work out do you often work out

you often work out about four times a

week yeah four times a week yep number

38 do you speak English do you speak

English do you speak English number 39

don’t be so modest don’t be so modest

don’t be so modest

number forty don’t bother don’t bother

don’t bother number forty-one don’t get

me wrong don’t get me wrong don’t get me


Nashville was one number 42 don’t give

up don’t give up don’t give up number 43

don’t jump to conclusions

don’t jump the conclusion number 44

don’t let me down don’t let me down

don’t let me down don’t let me down

number 45 don’t make any mistakes don’t

make any mistakes don’t make any


number 46 don’t mention it

don’t mention it don’t mention it

number 47 don’t miss the boat don’t miss

the boat don’t miss vote number 48 don’t

take any chances don’t take any chances

don’t take any chances

number 49 don’t take it for granted

don’t take it for granted don’t take

ever read it number 50 don’t worry about

it don’t worry about it to worry about

number 51 easy come easy go easy come

easy go he come easy go number 52 enjoy

your meal enjoy your meal enjoy your

meal number 53 easier said then done

easier said than done easier said than


number fifty-four first-come

first-served first-come first-served

first-come first-served number 55 for

here or to go for here or to go for here

to go number 56

forget it forget it forget it number 57

forgive me forgive me forgive me number

58 give me aa call give me a call give

me call number 59 give my best to your

family give my best to your family give

my best to your family

number 60 have him return my call have

him return my call time return my call

number 61 have you ever been to Japan

have you ever been to Japan ever been to

Japan number 62

have you finished yet have you finished

yet have you finished it number 63 have

you got anything larger I asked this

question all the time here yeah have you

got anything larger you got anything

larger you’ll die er de ma mm-hmm number

64 have you got that have you got that

have you got that Jim could you please

teach me meet this sentence have you got


have you got that mm-hmm correct sure it

means do you understand do you


we mean by what a yeast mom say number

65 have you heard from Mary have you

heard from Mary have you heard from Mary

number 66 he is in conference this is a

good sentence for you if you if somebody

calls you and you don’t want to talk you

just say he is in conference may I speak

to Jam sorry he is in conference so

slowly again he is in conference he is

in conference he’s in conference number

67 help yourself please help yourself

please help yourself please

number 68 hold your horses

like that yeah hold your horses

hold your horses nice India be patient

hey number 69 how can I get in touch

with you how can I get in touch with you

how can I get in touch with you

number 70 how do I look that’s a very

vain question it wasn’t yeah yeah how do

I look who cares

Kyla how do I look how do I look how do

I look number 71 how is it going how is

it going how’s it going number 72 how

late are you open

how late are you open how are you open

number 73

how long did it last

how long did it last I want to the left

member 74 how long will it take me to

get there how long will it take me to

get there how long will it take me to

get there

number 75 how much is it how much is it

how much is it

number 76 how often do you eat out how

often do you eat out how often to eat

out number 77

I apologize I apologize I apologize

number 78

I appreciate your invitation

I appreciate your invitation I

appreciate your invitation okay chill

I’m a very slow

look learner I am very forgetful so

could you please teach me this sentence

I appreciate your invitation

I appreciate your invitation right could

you please teach me word by word because

I can’t imitate your whole sentence okay

I I appreciate appreciate your your

invitation invitation right thank you

you’re welcome

number 79 I assure you I assure you I

assure you

member eighty I bet you can I bet you

can I bet you can remember 81 I can


I can manage I can manage remember 82 I

can’t afford it I can’t afford it I

can’t afford it

number 83 I can’t believe it

I can’t believe it I can’t believe it

number 84 I can’t resist the temptation

I can’t resist the temptation I can’t

resist the temptation number 85 I can’t

stand it I can’t stand it I can’t stand


number 86 I can’t tell I can’t tell I

can’t tell number 87 I couldn’t agree


I couldn’t agree more couldn’t agree


number 88 I couldn’t get through I

couldn’t get through couldn’t get

through number 89

I couldn’t help it I couldn’t help it I

couldn’t help it

number 90 I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean

to I didn’t mean to okay

number 91 I don’t know for sure I don’t

know for sure I don’t know for sure

number 92

I enjoy your company I enjoy your

company I enjoy your company number 93 I

enjoyed it very much I enjoyed it very

much I enjoyed it very much

remember 94 I envy you I envy it I do

remember 95 I say this one a lot I feel

like having some dumplings I feel like

having some dumplings I feel like having

some dumplings

number 96 I feel terrible about it

I feel terrible about it I feel terrible

about it

number 97 I feel the same way I feel the

same way I feel the same way remember 98

I have aa complaint I have a complaint I

have a complaint

number 99 I have nothing to do with it I

have nothing to do with it I had nothing

to do with it

number 100 I haven’t the slightest idea

I haven’t the slightest idea

I haven’t slightest idea number 101 I

hope you’ll forgive me I hope you’ll

forgive me I hope you’ll forgive me

number 102 I know the feeling I know the

feeling I know the feeling

number 103 I mean what I say I mean what

I say I mean when I say number 104 I owe

you one

I owe you one I owe you one

number 105 I really regret it I really

regret it

I really regret it number 106 I suppose


I suppose so I suppose so remember 107 I

thought so too

I thought so too I thought those who

number 108

I understand completely I understand


I understand completely number one own

eye I want to report

ah theft I want to report a theft a lot

of reported theft remember one tan I

want to reserve ah room I want to

reserve a room one or was a room number

111 I was just about to call you

I was just about to call you oh I was

just about to call you

number 112 I was moved

I was touched I was moved I was touched

I was moved I was touched

remember 1:13 I wasn’t aware of that

I wasn’t aware of that was aware that

number 114 I wasn’t born yesterday I

wasn’t born yesterday I wasn’t born

yesterday number 115 I wish I could I

wish I could wish I could number 116 I

wouldn’t worry about it

if I were you I wouldn’t worry about it

if I were you wouldn’t worry about if I

were you

number 117 I’d like a refund I’d like a

refund I’d like a refund number 118 I’d

like to deposit some money not enough

I’d like to deposit some money I like to

spa’s money number 119 I’d like to make

aa reservation I’d like to make a

reservation I’d like to make a


remember 120 I’ll be right with you

I’ll be right with you we’re right with

you number 121 one I’ll check it

I’ll check it I’ll check it number 122

I’ll do my best

I’ll do my best I’ll do my best number

123 I’ll get it I’ll get it I’ll get it

number 124 I’ll give you aa hand I’ll

give you a hand I’ll give you a hand

number 125 I’ll have to see about that

I’ll have to see about that I’ll see

about that number 126 I’ll keep my eyes


I’ll keep my eyes open I’ll keep my eyes

open number 127 I’ll keep that in mind

I’ll keep that in mind I’ll keep that

mind number 128 I’ll pick up the tab

I’ll pick up the tab I’ll pick up the


remember 129 I’ll play it by ear I’ll

play it by ear I’ll play by ear

number 130 I’ll see what I can do I’ll

see what I can do I’ll see what I can do

number 131 I’ll show you I’ll show you

I’ll show you number 132 I’ll take care

of it

I’ll take care of it I’ll take care of

it number 133 I’ll take it I’ll take it

I’ll take it

number 134 I’ll take your advice I’ll

take your advice I’ll take your advice

number 135 I’ll think it over I’ll think

it over I’ll take it over number 136

I’ll treat you to dinner I’ll treat you

to dinner I’ll treat you to number 137

I’ll walk you to the door I’ll walk you

to the door

I’ll walk you to the door number 138 I’m

broke I’m broke I’m broke

remember 139 I’m crazy about English

that’s why I’m listening this tape I’m

crazy about English I’m crazy about

English and a lot of learners out there

we say I’m crazy about you Jim a lot of

girls would say that thank you

140 I’m easy to please

I’m easy to please I’m easily number 141

I’m glad to hear that I’m glad to hear

that I’m glad to hear that number 142

I’m glad you enjoyed it I’m glad you

enjoyed it I’m glad you enjoyed it

number 143

I’m good at it I’m good at it I’m good

at it I’m good at I’m good at it 1:44

I’m in a good mood I’m in a good mood

I’m in a good mood I’m a good mood

number 145 I’m in good shape

I’m in good shape I’m in good shape

number 146 I’m just having aa look I’m

just having a look just having a look

number 147 I’m looking for a part-time

job I’m looking for a part-time job I’m

looking for a part-time job number 148

I’m looking forward to it I’m looking

forward to it I’m looking forward to it

number 149 I’m lost I’m lost lost number

150 I’m not feeling well I’m not feeling

well I’m not feeling well number 151 I’m

not myself today I don’t know who I am

I’m not myself today I’m not myself

today number 152 I’m not really sure I’m

not really sure I’m not really sure

number 153 I’m on aa diet I’m by diet

I’m on a diet number 154 I’m on my way

I’m on my way

llama way number 155 I’m pressed for

time I’m pressed for time I’m pressed

for time number 156 I’m sorry I’m late

I’m sorry I’m late sorry late number 157

I’m sorry to hear that I’m sorry to hear

that I’m sorry to hear that number 158

I’m under a lot of pressure I’m under a

lot of pressure how matter a lot of

pressure number 159 I’m working on it

I’m working on it working on it number

160 I’ve changed my mind I’ve changed my


I’m change my mind number 161 I’ve got


headache I’ve got a headache I’ve got a

headache number 162 I’ve got my hands


I’ve got my hands full

I’ve got my hands full I’ve got my hands

full number 163

I’ve got news for you I’ve got news for


I bet as for you number 164 I’ve got no

idea I’ve got no idea

I know I did number 165 I’ve had

enough I’ve had enough I’ve had number

166 if I were in your shoes if I were in

your shoes if I were in your shoes

number 167 is that o.k is that okay said

okay number 168 is this seat taken

is this seat taken does he take it

number 169 it all depends it all depends

but all the pens number 170 it can

happen to anyone

it can happen to anyone can happen

anyone number 171 it doesn’t make any

difference it doesn’t make any

difference doesn’t make any difference

number 172 it doesn’t

matter to me doesn’t matter to me

doesn’t matter to me member 173 it

doesn’t work it doesn’t work

torque number 174 it drives me crazy

it drives me crazy

try see crazy number 175 it isn’t much

it isn’t much is it much number 176 it

really comes in handy it really comes in

handy really comes in handy number 177

it slipped my mind

it slipped my mind slip my mind

number 178 it takes time learning

English takes time

yeah learning English takes time it

takes time takes time takes time number

170 Mel I it will come to me it will

come to me come to me number 180 it will

do you good


it will do you good

it’ll do you good number 181 it won’t

happen again

it won’t happen again what happen again

number 182 it won’t take much time it

won’t take much time okay my son number

183 it won’t work it won’t work will

work number 184 it’s nice meeting you

it’s nice meeting you nice meeting you

it’s nice meeting you

yes British people say it’s nice meeting

you Americans say nice meeting you

number 185 it’s ah deal it’s a deal it’s

a deal

number 186 it’s aa long story it’s a

long story so our story number 187 it’s

aa nice day today it’s a nice day today

it’s a nice day today number 188 it’s a

once-in-a-lifetime chance it’s a

once-in-a-lifetime chance so once a

lifetime chance so don’t miss the boat

don’t miss the boat number 189 this is

my favourite expression just a few oh

sure swishy wonder it’s a pain in the

neck it’s a pain in the neck

spin your neck number 190 this is

English it’s aa piece of cake it’s a

piece of cake piece of cake number 191

it’s aa small world it’s a small world

it’s a small world

well it’s a small world after all it’s a

small world after all you know that song

ah trumps familiar it’s a small world

after all it’s a small world after all

pump number one 92 it’s aa waste of time

it’s a waste of taste time to waste of

time number 193 it’s about time it’s

about time it’s about time number 194

it’s all my fault it’s all my fault

so my fault

number one 95 it’s awesome

funky lah it’s awesome it’s awesome

number 196 it’s awful it’s awful it’s

awful number 197 it’s been aa long time

it’s been a long time in a long time

number 198 it’s better than nothing it’s

better than nothing better nothing

number 199 it is and so it’s essential

it’s essential number 200 it’s hard to

say it’s hard to say it’s hard to say

number 201 it’s incredible it’s

incredible it’s incredible

number 202 it’s just what I had in mind

it’s just what I had in mind just wear

an ID number 203 if my pleasure it’s my


it’s my pleasure now can you make that

sound it’s my pleasure

it’s my pleasure

very good thank you how many people can

do that my place

a pleasure it’s my pleasure number 204

it’s no big deal

it’s no big deal so big deal number 205

it’s not your fault it’s not your fault

such a fault number 206 it’s nothing

it’s nothing it’s nothing number 207

it’s only aa matter of time it’s only a

matter of time it’s only a matter of

time number 208 it’s out of the question

it’s out of the question have a question

number two oh nine it’s time for dinner

that’s one of my favorite sentences yeah

it’s time for dinner it’s time for


number two tan it’s up in the air it’s

up in the air something here number two

eleven it’s up to day it’s up to date so

to date number 212 it’s up to you

it’s up to you a few number 213 it’s

very popular it’s very popular it’s very

popular number 214 it’s worth seeing

it’s worth seeing

so we’re thing number 215 just let it be

just let it be just let it be number 216

just to be on the safe side just to be

on the safe side just be on the safe

side number 217 keep the change

keep the change keep the change number

218 keep up the good work keep up the

good work keep up the good work number

219 keep your fingers crossed

keep your fingers crossed keep your

fingers crossed

number 220 kill two birds with one stone

and he’s saying next to me kill two

birds with one stone

kill two birds one stone number 221 let

me get back to you

let me get back to you let me get back

you number 222

let me guess let me guess let me guess

number 223 let me put it this way let me

put it this way let me put it this way

number 224 let me see let me see let me

see number 225 let’s call it ah day

let’s call it a day

let’s call it a day number 226 let’s

celebrate let’s celebrate let’s

celebrate number 227 let’s find out

let’s find out let’s find out number 228

let’s get to the point let’s get to the

point let’s get to the point number 229

let’s get together some time

let’s get together some time let’s get

together some time number 230 lat

hope for the best


let’s hope for the best let’s over the

best number 231 let’s keep in touch

let’s keep in touch let’s give a touch

remember 232

let’s make ah let’s make up let’s make

up I think it’s pretty useful sentence

I think so too will boyfriends and

girlfriends absolutely number 233 let’s

go visit them let’s go visit them let’s

go visit them number 234 let’s talk over

dinner to talk over dinner let’s talk

over dinner number 235 long time no see

long time no see

long time no see number 236

look before you leave

look before you leap look before you

leap number 237 may I ask you a question


may I ask you a question I ask you a


number 238

may I have aa re feet may I have a

receipt never seat number 239 may I have

your name please may I have your name


have your name please number 240 may I

pay by credit card may I pay by credit

card may I pay by credit card number 241

may I try it on

may I try it on I try it on number 242

maybe it will work maybe it will work

maybe work number 243 maybe some other

time maybe some other time maybe some

other time number 244 my mouth is

watering my mouth is watering a mouth is

watering number 245 my phone was out of


wait I will get my phone

was out of order

my phone was out of order my phone was

out of order number 246 no pain no gain

no pain no gain

the Plano game number 247 no problem no

problem no problem number 248 nothing is

impossible to a willing heart nothing is

impossible to a willing heart nothing is

impossible to a willing heart number 249

pain past is pleasure pain past is

pleasure pain passes pleasure number 250

please accept my apology please accept

my apology please set my Taji number 251

please don’t blame yourself and please

don’t blame yourself

please don’t leave yourself please don’t

blame yourself great number 252 please

leave me alone

please leave me alone

please leave me alone leave me alone

own create member 253 please let me know

please let me know but please let me

know let me know number 254 please make

yourself at home

please make yourself at home please make

yourself at home make yourself at home

number 255 please show me the menu

please show me the menu please show me

than you please show me the menu number

256 probably I like the sound of that

work here probably probably yeah


probably very useful yeah number 257 so

far so good so far so good

so far so good so far so good

number 258 something must be done about

it something must be done about it

something must be done about it number

250 died some things come up something’s

come up

something’s come up number 2

sisty storms make trees take d fir roots

storms make trees take deeper roots

storms make sure you take the Brutes

storms make trees take deeper roots

number 261 suit your cells suit yourself

suit yourself number 260 to take care

take care take a number to six-piece 3

take it or leave it

take it or leave it take it or leave it

take it a limit take it or leave it

number 264 take my word for it take my

word for it take my word for it

do you really want to help me take my

word for it number 265 take your time

take your time take it on number 266

thank you all the same

thank you all the same take y’all the

same number 267 thank you for everything

thank you for everything thank you for


number 2 68 thanks

ah million thanks a million

thanks Million number 269 thanks for the

warning thanks for the warning thanks

for warning number 217 thanks for your


thanks for your cooperation

thanks for your cooperation quad number

271 that couldn’t be better

that couldn’t be better that couldn’t be

better number 272 that depends that

depends advanced bet number 273 that

makes sense that makes sense

that makes sense number 274 that reminds


hmm that reminds me that reminds me

number 275 that rings ah Bell that rings

a bell

no means well number 276 that sounds

like a good idea

that sounds like a good idea that sounds

like a good idea let’s go out to eat


that sounds like a good idea number 277

that’s all right

II that’s alright that’s alright number

278 I like this one

that is gusting that’s disgusting that’s


let’s discuss P number 270 nah that’s

fair that’s fair

yes sir number 280

that’s for sure

that’s for sure that’s for sure number

281 that’s good to know that’s good to


let’s get it up number 282 that’s just

what I was thinking that’s just what I

was thinking

that’s just what I was thinking remember

283 That’s Life that’s life

That’s Life that’s life that’s what all

the people say great that’s life I lost

my leg that’s life member 284 that’s

more like it

that’s more like it that’s more like it

number 285 that’s not a problem

um that’s not a problem that’s not a

problem number 286 that’s not true

that’s not true that’s not true

number 287 that’s ol okay that’s okay

okay number 288 another one of my

favorites that’s ridiculous that’s

ridiculous that’s ridiculous

that’s ridiculous

number two 89 that’s the way I look at

it too that’s the way I look at it too

that’s why I look at it too number 290

that’s the way it is that’s the way it


that’s the way it is number 291 that’s

worth wow that’s worthwhile that’s

worthwhile number 292 the same to you

the same to you save you

number 293 the shortest answer is doing

the shortest answer is doing short

answer is doing number 294 the sooner

the better

the sooner the better sorta better

bridge people to say the sooner the

better the sooner the better that time

but we Americans say the sooner the

better sooner the better sooner the


number two 95 there is AA call for you

there’s a call for you is call for you

number 296 there is no doubt about it

there’s no doubt about

it no doubt about it there’s no doubt

about it

number 297 there is nothing I can do

there’s nothing I can do there’s nothing

I can do for 298 there’s aa possibility

there’s a possibility there’s

possibility number 299 these things

happen all the time these things happen

all the time these things happen all the


remember 300 this soup tastes great this

soup tastes great this would taste great

number 301 time is money cooking time is

money time is money number 302 to morrow


never comes tomorrow never comes

tomorrow never comes number 303 two

heads are better than one two heads are

better than one

two heads rather one number 304 we are

in the same boo

we are in the same boat we’re in the

same boat number 305 we can get by we

can get by we can get by number 306 we

can work it out we can work it out we

can work it out we can work it out we

can work it out number 307 we have a lot

in common

we have a lot in common a lot in common

number 308 we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see

number 309 what aa coincidence what a

coincidence what a coincidence

hey you married my sister what a


number 310 what

ah shame what a shame what a shame ain’t

that a shame number 311 what are you up

to what are you up to what are you up to

number 312 what are you talking about

what are you talking about what are you

talking about what are talking about

what are you talking

out number 313 what are your plans for

the weekend what are your plans for the

weekend what do you plan to weekend

number 314 what can I do for you what

can I do for you what can I do for you

number 315 what do you do for relaxation

what do you do for relaxation what do

you do for relaxation number 316 what do

you recommend what do you recommend what

do you recommend number 317 what do you

think of my new car what do you think of

my new car what do you think my new car

it’s awesome thank you

number 3 18e

what do you think of it what do you

think of it what do you think of it

number 319 what is it ahh Wow what is it

about what is about number 320 what is

it like there what is it like there what

is it like there

number 321 what makes you say so so what

makes you say so

what makes you say so number 322 what’s

going on what’s going on what’s going on

what’s going on number 323 what’s on

your mind what’s on your mind what’s a

mind gem what’s on your mind

you look very upset I don’t know I’m

worried about something yeah yeah yeah

I’d rather not talk about it I have it

yeah there’s something on my mind okay

number 324 what the deadline what’s the

deadline what’s that

number 325 what’s the matter with you

what’s the matter with you smell you

number 326 what’s the purpose of your

visit that’s what they asked me at the

border oh yeah what’s the purpose of

your visit

what’s the purpose of your visit Jim

what’s the purpose of your visit none of

your business

that’s all I’d like to say number 327

what’s the weather like what’s the

weather like what’s the weather like

what’s the weather like in your hometown

it’s very dry mmm-hmm is it hot in the

summer it’s very hot during the day but

it’s a cool in evening mmm sounds like

the kind of place I’d like to visit yeah

number 328 what your favorite food

what’s your favorite food what’s your

favorite food what is your favorite food

my feared food is beef noodles my

favorite food is jiya glue Chinese

dumpling ah number 329 what’s your job

what’s your job what’s your job number


what ever you think is fine with me

whatever you think is fine with me

whatever you think is fine with me

remember 331 when is the most convenient

time for you what is the most convenient

time for you

where’s most convenient time for you

number 330 - when will it be ready when

will it be ready well we’ll be ready

number 3 3 3 where are you going where

are you going

we’re on number 334 where can I check

and where can I check in where does your

good remember 335 where can I go for

help where can I go for help we’re gonna

go for help

number 336 where do you live where do

you live where do you live

number 337 where have you been where

have you been ruby red number 338

very important until you enjoy a yeah

where is the rest room please

where is the rest room please and this

is how I usually ask it where’s the

restroom please we’re using briefings

restroom please Thai say where is the


ah you can in America we usually don’t

use that though we would say the

restroom the washroom number 339 where

were we where were we where were we

number three forty who is in charge here

who is in charge here

whose charger who is in charge here I

need to see him immediately number 341

would you care for ah drink would you

care for a drink

rich care for drink number 342 would you

do me a favor would you do me a favor do

we’ve ever number 343 you are just

saying that you are just saying that

you’re just saying that number 344 you

are kidding

you are kidding you’re kidding

number 345 you are so considerate you

are so considerate you’re so considerate

number three four

be six you can count on me you can count

on me you can count on me equals I can’t

help you that’s right you can depend on

me you can depend on me you can trust me

you can trust me

number 347 you can say that again

you can say that again

you can say that again number 348 you

can come playing you can’t complain

can’t complain number 349 you deserve it

you deserve it you deserve it number 350

you did a good job you did a good job

you did a good job so you can’t also say

you did a beautiful job you did a

beautiful job you did a terrific job you

did a wonderful job you did a fantastic

job there you go

you did a fabulous job anything else no

I think your English is better than mine

you did a job good terrible job

number 351 you get what you pay for you

get what you pay for you know what you

pay for number 352 you got a good deal

you got a good deal you got a good deal

number three six

three you need ah vacation yes you do

you need a vacation

you need a vacation Jim I think you need

a vacation

maybe but I think you need one more than

I do

ha ha by the way when was the last

vacation you took you can’t remember can

remember yeah I need a vacation

everyone needs a vacation from time to

time that’s right

number 354 you never know you never know

you never know

number 355 you said it you said it he

said it gem is one of the great peace to

teachers in China you know sorry no one

with that gem is one of the most popular

American English teachers in China

you said it number 356 you should give

it a try you should give it a try you

just give it a prime number 357 you

should take advantage of it you should

take advantage of it please take

advantage of it you should take

advantage of it you should take

advantage of it here comes the chance

you should take advantage of it number

358 you will be better off you will be

better off he’ll be better off number 3

59 you will have to wait and see you

will have to wait and see

just wait and see you’ll have to wait

and see number 360 you’ll get used to it

you’ll get used to it you’ll get used to

it you’ll get used to it you’ll get used

to it number 361 you’ve dialed the wrong

number you’ve dialed the wrong number

now the wrong number number 362 you’ve

got a point there you’ve got a point


you got a point there number 363 you’ve

got it you’ve got it you’ve got it

you’ve got it

yeah baby you got it call grace sounds

fantastic number 364 you’ve made a good

choice you’ve made a good choice you

made a good choice the last one number

365 your satisfaction is guaranteed your

satisfaction is guaranteed your

satisfaction is guaranteed