3 Scariest Creatures in the United States

hi everybody this is Alisha from English

class 101.com
do you know what monsters Americans are

scared of in this lesson you’ll learn
about three scary monsters in the USA

let’s start with the most popular
monster Bigfoot Bigfoot this is a large

hairy gorilla like creature Bigfoot is
also called sasquatch according to

folklore it walks upright like a human
and stands seven feet tall

that sounds pretty scary right you might
have heard about the next monster the

next one is Jersey Devil Jersey Devil
it’s a devil from New Jersey and it’s

reportedly the child of Satan and a
human witch

this devil has a goat’s head of horses
hooves and bat-like wings as a child it

killed its mother’s midwife it still
causes panic with its hauntings in

Pennsylvania and New Jersey

okay here’s the last monster puck wedgie
puck wedgie have you heard of this

monster the puck wedgie is a dangerous
troll like creature with grey skin at

they were friendly and playful but then

they turned bad after being briefly
banished they reportedly used their

magical powers for one mission only to
trick and kill humans let’s wrap up this

lesson by recapping what we’ve learned
listen to the names of each monster and

repeat after me


Jersey Devil

Jersey Devil

puck wedgie

puck wedgie

well done do you know how Americans
celebrate Halloween each year on October

many Americans dress up as monsters

carve pumpkins and spend the evening
telling scary stories or watching horror

movies together the children go around
to houses

shouting trick-or-treat hoping to get
candy and that’s it you just learned

about three of the scariest monsters in
the US and how we celebrate Halloween

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see you next time

let’s start with the most popular
monster Bigfoot Bigfoot was Bigfoot

outside it’s like you called sorry

what that’s a terrifying face yeah
itself out it’s really scary scaring
