American Holidays Tax Day

hi everyone I’m Alisha in the United
States federal income taxes and most

state income taxes are due on April 15
this is not a holiday of course but it’s

a major event nonetheless throughout the
nation you’ll see people scrambling to

get their tax forms in the mail before
midnight on April 15th

technically federal income taxes are
only due on this day if you owe the

federal government money

the first income tax in the United
States was imposed to pay for a war do

you know which war it was imposed to pay
for we’ll show you the answer at the end

of this video in the United States the
beginning of tax season generally starts

in February tax season is that time of
year when people start bringing their

taxes into preparers to get them ready
to send in to the federal government

u.s. citizens have the option of using a
tax preparer or an accountant usually a

much more expensive option to prepare
their taxes there are stiff penalties

charged if taxes are underpaid or not
paid at all on April 15th of every year

the United States Post Office stays open
until midnight to make sure that people

have every possible opportunity to get
their taxes in the mail before the

deadline those individuals who don’t owe
any tax to the government don’t have to

make this deadline in addition to
sending in tax forms payment is due on

or before April 15th of every year as
well every year around tax time you see

the parking lots of tax preparation
agency is overflowing with cars

one tradition in the United States
relating to tax time is holding sales at

various businesses people who get tax
returns oftentimes spend the money on

something for themselves and to
capitalize on this businesses often

offer discounts on their items during
this time of year some tax preparation

agencies even allow people to take out a
loan of the same amount as their

anticipated tax refund it’s a busy time
of the year for the IRS and businesses

alike though it has been controversial
the sixteenth Amendment to the United

States Constitution gives the US
government the authority to levy income

taxes it has been contested but is held
up to all challenges and now here’s the

answer to the quiz do you know for which
war the first income tax was imposed the

first income taxes in the United States
were imposed during the Civil War the

constitutional amendment that gives the
federal government the authority to

collect income taxes was actually passed
in 1913 how is this lesson did you learn

something interesting is there a special
day for paying taxes in your country

please leave a comment at English class until next time