English Listening Practice Where In the United States Did You Put Your Keys

how are your english listening skills

first you’ll see an image and hear a


next comes a short dialogue listen

carefully and see if you can answer


we’ll show you the answer at the end

a man and a woman are talking

where is the key


where is the key to the apartment i left


on the table it’s not there try

under the table nope not there

hmm it’s not in my pocket either

oh it was in my bag

where is the key

a man and a woman are talking

where is the key where is the key to the


i left it on the table it’s not there

try under the table nope not there

hmm it’s not in my pocket either

oh it was in my bag

did you get it right i hope you learned

something from this quiz

let us know if you have any questions

see you next time

