Learn ALL United States Holidays in 48 Minutes Learn American English

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hi everyone I’m Alisha Memorial Day in

the United States dates back to the

Civil War it’s one of the two major u.s.

holidays specifically associated with

fallen soldiers it was more popular at

the beginning of the 20th century than

it is today but it’s still an important

holiday in the US

Memorial Day was not always known by its

current name can you guess what this

holiday was originally named hint

the original name has to do with

decorations we’ll show you the answer at

the end of this video

cemeteries in the u.s. are usually

decorated with flags on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is also typically marked by

the firing of large guns or multi gun

salutes in veteran cemeteries the

families of fallen soldiers will

oftentimes go to the grave of their lost

family member to remember them on this

day this holiday is celebrated on the

last Monday of May

Memorial Day has expanded in its scope

over the years originally only for the

Fallen Union and Confederate soldiers

from the Civil War it became more

inclusive of the Fallen from other wars

over the years today it’s more of a day

of remembrance of the dead in general

with a focus on military members

Memorial Day parades with plenty of

patriotic imagery are very common

Memorial Day is oftentimes the day or

close to the day when school let out for

the summer in the US this is part of the

reason that the holiday is so much

associated with summer tourism families

that visit the graves of fallen soldiers

and those who do not often have cookouts

on this day to celebrate the beginning

of the warm summer months and their

children’s time off from school

Memorial Day and Veterans Day are the

two holidays in the United States that

are closely tied to military members and

those who fell in service both holidays

have evolved over the years and now

here’s the answer to the quiz

can you guess what Memorial Day was

originally named Memorial Day was

originally called decoration day the

name and the holiday itself have both

changed a great deal over the years but

it still remains an important day for

veterans and their families how is this

lesson did you learn something

interesting do you have a similar day of

remembrance in your country please leave

a comment at English class 101.com until

next time hi everyone I’m Alicia New

Year’s Day is on January 1st in the US

it’s almost universally a day off from

work and in the u.s. closed doors gas

stations and other businesses are common

sights come January 1st it’s preceded by

some of the largest celebrations in the

nation and weary from being up all night

enjoying the parties Americans tend to

take it easy on this day

the song auld lang syne is associated

with the New Year celebration in the US

do you know what this song’s title means

we’ll show you the answer at the end of

this video

New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day in the

United States are both regarded as

holidays though only New Year’s Day is

an official one the holiday kicks off

late on New Year’s Eve when people go

out to celebrate in style this holiday

is marked by fancy parties and plenty of

parades and other events celebrating the

new year across the time zones across

the u.s. is a popular tradition with

those who like to stay at home in Times

Square in New York one of the biggest

celebrations in the nation is held and

this is typically regarded as the

official New Year party for the entire

country though each timezone rings in

the New Year with its own celebration

New Year’s resolutions are popular in

the United States though oftentimes in a

tongue-in-cheek way most of the time

people will resolve to give up a bad

habit or adopt a healthy new habit over

the course of the new year it’s almost

accepted as a matter of course that

people will not follow through on these

resolutions however and it fits well

with the tradition of American sarcastic


New Year’s Day isn’t celebrated on

January 1st on all calendars according

to the Chinese lunar calendar New Year’s

is usually in February depending on the

culture and tradition can be celebrated

on other dates as well

popular resolutions include quitting

smoking losing weight becoming more

ambitious with goals and getting a

better job and now here’s the answer to

the quiz do you know what the song title

auld lang syne means all lang syne means

the good old days or days gone by

depending on the translation the song is

a very old tradition dating back

hundreds of years the New Year’s Day

celebrations in the u.s. can easily

extend from before midnight on January

1st to well into the afternoon how is

this lesson did you learn something

interesting how was New Year’s Day

celebrated in your country please leave

a comment at English class 101.com until

next time hi everyone I’m Alisha Martin

Luther King jr. Day is held on the third

Monday in January every year in the

United States this holiday is dedicated

to the slain civil rights leader who

advocated nonviolent action as a way to

reform discriminatory laws in the United

States Martin Luther King jr. Day was

not accepted by all 50 states right away

it was signed into law in 1983 do you

know when all 50 states adopted it will

show you the answer at the end of this


Martin Luther King jr. Day is a

federally recognized holiday but there

are celebrations in some cities and not

in others Martin Luther King jr. Day is

tied to the civil rights struggles of

the 20th century and beyond it’s very

much associated with the struggles of

the African American community in

particular but it’s also celebrated by

most people in the US as a unifying

holiday celebrating Martin Luther King

Junior’s legacy is a complex endeavor

for most people what he fought for and

how he fought for it are equally

important King advocated for the rights

of African Americans and other groups

who were discriminated against via

racist laws he also advocated

nonviolence and the images of riot

police beating unarmed nonviolent civil

rights protesters in the 1960s are

largely credited

swaying public opinion teaching

african-american history is a major

component of many Martin Luther King jr.

Day celebrations in fact many of these

celebrations and events try to inform

people about other civil rights leaders

who were instrumental in reforming

exclusionary laws in the US

Martin Luther King jr. Day is also

celebrated in Hiroshima Japan where it

is nearly as significant as it is in the

u.s. the City of Toronto and Canada also

holds festivities in honor of Martin

Luther King jr. and now here’s the

answer to the quiz do you know when all

50 states adopted Martin Luther King jr.

Day Martin Luther King jr. Day was not

officially recognized by every state

until 2000 bill President Reagan signed

it into law in 1983 many states resisted

the holiday or tried to term it

something else such as human rights day

in Utah how is this lesson did you learn

something interesting

are there any holidays that celebrate a

famous historical figure in your country

please leave the comments in English

class 101.com

until next time hi everyone I’m Alisha

since 1919 November 11th has been a

national holiday in the United States

originally called Armistice Day Veterans

Day commemorates the men and women who

served in America’s armed forces this

holiday is marked by parades educational

events and gatherings at memorials to

fallen soldiers

there is a specific time of day

associated with this November 11th

holiday as well can you guess what it is

we’ll show you the answer at the end of

this video the holiday was originally

specific to the ending of world war 1

but it became Veterans Day in 1954 the

end of World War 1 marked the end of the

first global conflict in which the

United States had been involved it also

marked the end of one of its bloodiest

Wars and to ensure that people didn’t

forget Armistice Day was signed into law

in 1919 Veterans Day parades are popular

events on November 11th today there are

no surviving combat veterans from the

first world war which it was originally

designed to commemorate you’ll find

veterans of all wars as well as

peacetime veterans marching in Veterans

Day parades of the United States people

who served in the United States Marine

Corps also celebrate the birthday of

their branch of service on November 11th

the united states marine corps was

established on november 10 1775 but the

events are close enough to make Veterans

Day an important celebration for members

of the Marine Corps as well most members

of the marine corps get some time off to

enjoy this holiday

Veterans Day was briefly moved to

October in 1971 the move did not last

long and by 1978 the holiday had been

moved back to its original November 11th

date and now here’s the answer to the

quiz do you know the specific time of

day associated with this November 11th

holiday during Veterans Day celebrations

the most important time of day is 11

o’clock a.m. the armistice that brought

World War one to a halt was signed on

the 11th hour of the 11th day of the

11th month Germany’s agreement to the

ceasefire brought an end to a war whose

repercussions would be felt well into

the next generation how is this lesson

did you learn something interesting do

you have a similar day in your country

please leave a comment at English class

101.com until next time hi everyone I’m

Alicia on the third Monday of February

every year the United States pays

tribute to its first president George

Washington Washington’s Birthday is a

federal holiday and federal government

workers get the day off it’s not as

widely celebrated as some other national

holidays however sometimes the holiday

is referred to as Presidents Day there’s

a rather odd tradition associated with

Washington’s Birthday and Presidents Day

try to guess what it is we’ll show you

the answer at the end of this video

Washington’s Birthday is not among the

u.s. holidays that are associated with

large-scale celebrations there are

celebrations in some cities but compared

to other major holidays in the United

States this one is rather reserved in

nature Washington’s birthday is often

part of the combined Presidents Day

celebration most of the time Presidents

Day emphasizes the two people who are

generally considered to be the greatest

presidents of the United States George

Washington and Abraham Lincoln

Washington’s birthday is culturally

significant to the United States because

of General Washington’s revered place in

history he was the first American

president and beyond that he was handed

a unanimous electoral college victory to

win that office he is also the most

celebrated general in the Revolutionary

Army that defeated the British the

biggest celebrations of his holiday are

held at the George Washington birthplace

nat’l monument in Bridgend

and at Mount Vernon George Washington

designed the first metal intended for

the average soldier the Purple Heart one

of the most respected US service medals

in existence is given to soldiers who

were injured in battle and it was

designed by Washington himself and now

here’s the answer to the quiz believe it

or not sales are a tremendous part of

the traditional Washington’s Birthday

and Presidents Day celebrations

furniture stores and car dealerships are

particularly notable for holding sales

on this day how is this lesson did you

learn something interesting do you

celebrate the birthdays of important

leaders in your country please leave a

comment in English class 101.com until

next time hi everyone I’m Alicia April

Fool’s Day is one of the most beloved

and some would say pointless holidays in

the United States in fact it’s

light-hearted nature is part of what

makes it so popular there is a popular

misconception regarding the origin of

April Fool’s Day do you know what it is

we’ll show you the answer at the end of

this video the events associated with

April Fool’s Day are not officially

organized and are often not observed

intentionally this is a holiday when

just about everybody gets a prank or two

played on them in the United States

Americans generally celebrate April

Fool’s Day by looking for any

opportunity they can to play a prank on

their friends in fact this is really the

only point of the entire holiday April

Fool’s Day is not marked by parades

speeches or other events this holiday is

all about fun on April Fool’s Day you’ll

find people falling victim to pranks

that are elaborate and simple alike a

lot of the time the pranks involve

telling somebody something outrageous or

false and if they’re gullible enough to

believe it

saying April Fool to let them know that

they’ve been had by a prank even

companies get into the action on April

Fool’s Day in the United States for

example Google the internet search giant

became famous for adding features to its

Google Earth and maps products that were

downright ridiculous if you tried to

plot a walking route across an

for example you might get advice to use

a kayak or a jetski to traverse the

natural barrier

April Fool’s Day is not just an American

holiday it actually dates back to

earlier holidays including the Roman

festival of hilarya the idea of having a

holiday specifically to play pranks is

in a United States tradition alone and

now here’s the answer to the quiz do you

know what a popular misconception is

regarding the origin of April Fool’s Day

contrary to popular belief April Fool’s

Day is not rooted in people mistaking

April 1st for the beginning of the new

year in fact there are references to

this holiday known to historians that

date back as early as the late 1300s how

is this lesson did you learn something

interesting this April Fool’s Day exists

in your country if so what are some

traditional tricks or jokes for this day

please leave a comment in English class


until next time hi everyone i’m alicia

daylight saving time begins in the

United States in the second week of

March it’s not a holiday in the normal

sense of the word but it’s s marks the

beginning of the time of year when the

afternoons last longer and when people

enjoy more light later in the evening

daylight saving time is about saving

power but there are other reasons for it

as well

can you guess what some of them might be

we’ll show you the answer at the end of

this video

daylight saving time dates back to the

days of World War one it was originally

intended as a way to save energy the

logic behind it was that because people

would have more they liked to work with

they would have to burn less fuel to

light factories houses and so forth

the beginning of daylight saving time is

usually a bit more traumatic for people

than the ending of daylight saving time

in November because everybody’s clocks

are one hour ahead most people end up

losing one full hour of sleep at night

this means a lot of tardiness at work a

lot of drowsy people on the roads and

other hazards daylight saving time was

extended by the Energy Policy Act of


this means that daylight saving time

always starts on the second Sunday of

March and ends on the first Sunday of

November of course this does not apply

to the many states that do not

participate in daylight saving time at


in northern latitudes the effects of

daylight saving time are more pronounced

than they are in southern latitudes in

the northernmost parts of the

continental United States summer

Twilight can last until as late as ten

o’clock p.m. due to setting the clocks

forward in March and now here’s the

answer to the quiz do you know other

reasons for daylight saving time another

reason that daylight saving time was

extended to the first Sunday in November

is actually one of the biggest holidays

in the u.s. Halloween some members of

Congress determined that extending

daylight saving time past Halloween

would make it more fun for children to

go out trick-or-treating due to the

extended daylight hours how is this

lesson if you learned something

interesting do you observe daylight

saving time in your country please leave

a comment in English class 101.com until

next time

hi everyone I’m Alicia Tuesday after the

first Monday in November marks election

day in the United States Election Day

isn’t a national holiday but people are

required to be let off of work for a

certain amount of time so that they can

participate in the election when people

talk about election day they’re usually

talking about the federal offices in the

United States

the United States has always tries to

position election day near November can

you guess why this might be the case

we’ll show you the answer at the end of

this video

Election Day in the United States means

the end of long periods of campaigning

something which many Americans are

grateful to see come about it also means

that polling places have long lines and

that people sit by the TV radio or

computer waiting to hear the results as

soon as they’re turned in for most

people in the United States the Tuesday

after the first Monday in November is a

workday this has been controversial for

many years some people have advocated

that Election Day be made an official

federal holiday so that everybody has

the day off to vote at their leisure the

media in the United States covers

election day like nothing else in fact

this is one of the most competitive

times of the year for media in general

all of the most popular and best known

anchor men and women will be behind a

desk with a map of the United States

showing where the electoral both of

those states are going as soon as the

results are available

the United States does not vote on a

popular vote system the Electoral

College determines the winner of a given

state which translates to a certain

amount of electoral votes making some

states much more important than others

to politicians and now here’s the answer

to the quiz can you guess why the United

States has always tried to position

Election Day in November so November

date of election day is due to the fact

that the US was largely an agrarian

society when the first elections were

held by November most farmers had their

produce harvested and could then make a

trip sometimes long to town to vote how

was this lesson did you learn something

interesting is there a special day when

elections are held in your country

please leave a comment at English class

101.com until next time hi everyone I’m

Alicia groundhog day is a fun tradition

in the United States it’s not a national

holiday and nobody gets a day off but

everybody waits to see whether the

groundhog predicts that spring will come

early or late it takes place on February


Punxsutawney appeared in a popular movie

about Groundhog Day can you guess what

the movie was called we’ll show you the

answer at the end of this video

Groundhog Day comes at the time of year

when winter has dragged on for quite a

while and when people are ready for


of course the groundhog really cannot

predict whether spring will come early

or late but when he predicts the spring

is on its way soon people are generally

much more chipper Groundhog Day might

not be a national holiday but it’s

certainly an important and well-known

tradition in the United States

Punxsutawney Pennsylvania which is as

close to the national capital for the

holiday as there is receives

approximately 40,000 people every year

who come to celebrate the day Groundhog

Day involves a rather simple tradition

when the groundhog looks out of his

burrow his prediction is based upon his

choice to either go back into his burrow

or to come out if the weather is cloudy

and he doesn’t see his shadow the legend

holds that he’ll stay out of his burrow

signaling that spring is on its way soon

if he sees his shadow and goes back into

his burrow it means that there are six

more weeks of winter on the way

Groundhog Day is for kicks and not about

being accurate according to most

reputable sources the accuracy of

Punxsutawney Phil or any other groundhog

is close enough to and as significant as

the accuracy of chance and now here’s

the answer to the quiz do you know the

movie in which Punxsutawney appeared

that was about Groundhog Day not too

surprisingly the film that featured

Punxsutawney Pennsylvania was called

Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray

the film’s plot centered around Bill

Murray’s character living the same day

over and over again which happened to be

Groundhog Day how is this lesson did you

learn something interesting had you

heard of this holiday before please

leave a comment at English class 101.com

until next time hi everyone I’m Alisha

st. Patrick’s Day is one of the most

popular United States holidays it

combines the celebration of Irish

culture with a great excuse to get out

let loose and have some fun it has been

celebrated since the 18th century making

it one of the most enduring holidays in

the United States it’s celebrated in


the biggest but not the first st.

Patrick’s Day celebrations are held in

New York do you know where the first one

was held will show you the answer at the

end of this video

Irish Americans have contributed much

the United States and Saint Patrick’s

Day to a large extent is about

celebrating that st. Patrick’s Day is

also about celebrating the culture from

which Irish Americans come

it has affiliations with the Catholic

Church and is also recognized as one of

the biggest nights of the year to go out

to the local pubs and taverns st.

Patrick’s Day in the United States is a

big party

if you want to see a big st. Patrick’s

Day Parade New York is the place to be

this parade has been held every year

since 1762

and is one of the country’s most vibrant

vivacious and largest celebrations there

are parades held across the nation and

most of them date back to the 19th

century or earlier st. Patrick’s Day

parades are some of the most attended

events of the year

green the color most associated with

Ireland is a huge part of st. Patrick’s

Day Americans typically try to sport

something green on st. Patrick’s Day to

show their support for the Irish

American community and their

acknowledgement of the importance of the

day one popular American tradition is to

pinch anybody who fails to wear green on

this holiday in some cities rivers and

fountains are dyed green temporarily to

celebrate this special day for Irish


in 1780 George Washington gave March

17th to his troops as a day to celebrate

the Irish fight for independence he

considered this an act of solidarity

with the Irish people of whom made up a

large number in his army and now here’s

the answer to the quiz do you know where

the first st. Patrick’s Day celebrations

were held the first st. Patrick’s Day

observance was held in Boston this was

nowhere near as elaborate and events as

you see in the United States today but

it was important and that it lost a

tradition that is now deeply ingrained

in American society how is this lesson

did you learn something interesting is

st. Patrick’s Day celebrated in your

country please leave a comment in

English class 101.com

until next time hi everyone I’m Alisha

Valentine’s Day is a very popular

holiday in the United States it’s

centered on romance and is a heavily

commercialized holiday as well during

this time of year married couples

partners and sweethearts are encouraged

to go out to dinner spend some romantic

time together and generally acknowledge

the importance of one another in each

other’s live this holiday is celebrated

on February 14th every year Valentine’s

Day is associated with a particular type

of love from the high middle ages do you

know what that type of love is called

we’ll show you the answer at the end of

this video

valentine’s Day is among other things a

day when one partner is encouraged to

essentially court their partner as they

would before they were dating or married

presenting a wife lover or girlfriend or

boyfriend with flowers candy and other

romantic gifts is a huge part of

Valentine’s Day traditions in the United

States during this particular holiday

the most romantic restaurants in any

city will generally be booked followed

Valentine’s Day is very important

commercially in the United States due to

the traditional gifts that sweethearts

and married couples give one another

this is particularly true of the floral

industry as keeping one special someone

red roses on this day is more or less

expected clothing jewelry food and other

items are also popularly given to

sweethearts and spouses on this day

for some couples Valentine’s Day is when

one member of the couple goes overboard

to spoil the other and is delighted to

do so Valentine’s Day celebrations can

be very innocent in addition to being

romantic in schools in the United States

children are quite frequently encouraged

to make and exchange Valentines Morris

gestures of friendship than anything

else this allows everybody to give it on

the fun in some cases people in the

United States who are currently single

will do something special for a friend

who means a great deal to them and to

whom they want to express affection even

though it’s not romantic affection

Valentine’s Day cards are among the most

impressive pieces of artwork associated

with this holiday and peak Valentine’s

Day cards can fetch handsome prices from

collectors due to their intricacy and

their sometimes very imaginative artwork

and now here’s the answer to the quiz do

you know what type of love is associated

with Valentine’s Day from the high

middle ages Valentine’s Day has strong

associations with what was called

courtly love in the High Middle Ages

this was a highly ritualized form of

romantic love where each partner was

expected to do particular things to

express their appreciation for one

another how is this lesson did you learn

something interesting what Valentine’s

Day traditions exist in your country if

any please leave a comment in English

class 101.com

until next time hi everyone I’m Alicia

Earth Day is a worldwide celebration

that started in the United States in

1970 a US senator named Gaylord Nelson

held what is considered to be the first

birthday celebration today is

international but particularly important

in the United States it’s all about

educating people about and celebrating

the importance of the natural

environment and working to preserve it

the first Earth Day was tied to a

particular environmental disaster do you

know which one it was we’ll show you the

answer at the end of this video

Earth Day is a holiday that is designed

to be educational but it’s a lot of fun

as well

when Gaylord Nelson had the first Earth

Day it was based on the idea of an

environmental teachin that first holiday

attracted over 20 million people today

the holiday has expanded tremendously

it’s estimated that across the 175

nations that celebrate Earth Day 500

million people participate in the event

Earth Week is an offshoot of the


Earth Day celebrations typically include

both events where people gather in

public places engage in games and other

diversions and community service efforts

some of the people who go out to

celebrate Earth Day attend one of the

many parades that are held to

commemorate the day while the first

Earth Day celebrations were considered

to be rather political that has faded

over time and today most people just go

out and have fun and learn something

about the environment in the United

States Earth Day is generally celebrated

in schools and teachers use the occasion

to give lessons on environmental science

biology and other relevant topics

because Earth Day is so rooted in the

idea of educating people about the

environment many of the events are

educational in and of themselves

oftentimes large-scale events are held

in parks and other public places that

emphasize the importance of keeping

green spaces for everybody to use

Earth Day is on April 22nd in part

because for students in college it would

be right between spring break and summer

vacation this makes it easier to reach

out to post-secondary students and now

here’s the answer to the quiz do you

know which environmental disaster is

tied to the first Earth Day and oil

spill in Santa Barbara California in

1969 is credited for scoring the first

Earth Day the event was designed to be a

grassroots one from the start and

continues on in that tradition today I

was this lesson did you learn something

interesting Earth Day is celebrated

around the world how is it celebrated in

your country please leave a comment in

English class 101.com until next time hi

everyone I’m Alicia

in the United States federal income

taxes and most state income taxes are

due on April 15th this is not a holiday

of course but it’s a major event

nonetheless throughout the nation you’ll

see people scrambling to get their tax

forms in the mail before midnight on

April 15th

technically federal income taxes are

only due on this day if you owe the

federal government money

the first income tax in the United

States was imposed to pay for a war do

you know which war it was imposed to pay

for we’ll show you the answer at the end

of this video in the United States the

beginning of tax season generally starts

in February tax season is that time of

year when people start bringing their

taxes into preparers to get them ready

to send in to the federal government US

citizens have the option of using a tax

preparer or an accountant usually a much

more expensive option to prepare their

taxes there are stiff penalties charged

if taxes are underpaid or not paid at


on April 15th of every year the United

States Post Office stays open until

midnight to make sure that people have

every possible opportunity to get their

taxes in the mail before the deadline

those individuals who don’t owe any tax

to the government don’t have to make

this deadline in addition to sending in

tax forms payment is due on or before

April 15th of every year as well every

year around tax time you see the parking

lots of tax preparation agencies

overflowing with cars

one tradition in the United States

relating to tax time is holding sales at

various businesses people who get tax

returns oftentimes spend the money on

something for themselves and to

capitalize on this businesses often

offer discounts on their items during

this time of year some tax preparation

agencies even allow people to take out a

loan of the same amount as their

anticipated tax refund it’s a busy time

of the year for the IRS and businesses


so it has been controversial the 16th

amendments to the United States

Constitution is the US government the

authority to levy income taxes it has

been contested but it’s held up to all

challenges and now here’s the answer to

the quiz do you know for which war the

first income tax was imposed the first

income taxes in the United States were

imposed during the Civil War the

constitutional amendment that gives the

federal government the authority to

collect income taxes was actually passed

in 1913 how is this lesson did you learn

something interesting is there a special

day for paying taxes in your country

please leave a comment in English class


until next time hi everyone I’m Alicia

Easter Sunday in the United States is

among the most important religious

holidays in the nation there are also

secular events held around this holiday

and in some cases families celebrate

traditions other than the Christian one

for Christians the holiday is centered

on the resurrection of Jesus Christ

churches hold special events during

Easter weekends

besides midnight masses on Christmas

Easter services are some of the most

popular in churches in the United States

do you know when many of them hold these

services we’ll show you the answer at

the end of this video

aside from the religious traditions

which vary from church to church Easter

Sunday in the United States is

celebrated in other ways as well whether

or not they happen to be followers of

any church people in the United States

are inclined to have family gatherings

on this day and large feasts are usually

served for some people Easter Sunday is

merely a celebration of spring while for

others it has tremendous religious

significance the most prevalent Easter

Sunday tradition involves church

services some churches hold elaborate

parades to celebrate the day and others

have less noticeable celebrations most

churches at least have social events

over the Easter holiday allowing them to

spend time with their fellow churchgoers

and to socialize picnics and other

events are also commonly held during

this particular holiday secular events

held during Easter Sunday in

clewd Easter egg hunts and other

activities for children these events are

open to everyone and don’t have any

particular religious overtones to them

community events are often held as well

simply because the holiday is notable

and people tend to want to get together

the Easter Bunny eggs flowers and other

symbols are very much associated with

spring and are still important

traditions for this particular holiday

because denominations in the United

States are so diverse you’ll find many

different traditions being celebrated on

Easter Sunday some traditions involve

all-night vigils before the holiday

itself and now here’s the answer to the

quiz do you know when many churches hold

Easter services services at the break of

day are among the most popular church

events on Easter Sunday during these

services Christians come to church in

the pre-dawn hours and have their

service as the Sun rises for many these

services have a powerful symbolic

significance how is this lesson did you

learn something interesting

what kind of Easter traditions exists in

your country please leave a comment in

English class 101.com

until next time hi everyone I’m Alisha

Passover is one of the most important

Jewish holidays the holiday is widely

celebrated in the United States in areas

where there is a large Jewish population

an area for the Jewish population is not

so large Passover is generally not

celebrated it’s not an official holiday

anywhere in the United States

a particular type of bread is associated

with Passover do you know which type of

bread this is and why it’s associated

with the holiday we’ll show you the

answer at the end of this video the

Passover celebration goes on for up to

eight days it commemorates the flight of

the Israelites from Egypt and one of the

10 plagues that the god of the

Israelites released upon the Pharaoh

according to the tradition the

Israelites were commanded to paint their

door jambs with the blood of a spring

lamb so that they would not be subjected

to the death of their firstborn as the

Egyptians were this is where the term

passed over comes from in areas where

there is a large Jewish population many

people of other faiths spend time with

their Jewish friends during this holiday

and learn a bit about the Jewish culture

and traditions Passover is celebrated by

secular Jews though the religious

connotations are obviously much less

prevalent in these celebrations both

feasting and fasting are part of the

celebration community Passover events

are scarcely heard of in the United

States this is largely a family holiday

with a significant focus on the Jewish

religion itself there are many different

rituals related to eating during this

time of year and the retelling of the

stories behind the celebration of


while it may not be an official holiday

most Americans are well aware of

Passover and people of the Jewish faith

are often given time off of work so that

they can observe the holiday if need be

and now here’s the answer to the quiz do

you know which type of bread is

associated with Passover unleavened

bread is associated with the Passover

holiday according to the story in Exodus

the Israelites did not have time to wait

for the bread to rise before they fled

Egypt because of that they ended up

traveling with unleavened bread and it

would evolve into a cultural symbol

within the Jewish community as well as

an important staple of many people

worldwide how was this lesson did you

learn something interesting

are there any holidays with religious

significance in your country please

leave a comment in English class 101.com

until next time hi everyone i’m elisha

mother’s day is held on the second

Sunday in May of every year it’s one of

the most important commercial holidays

in the nation the holiday is over 100

years old and was officially declared a

federal holiday in 1914 originally the

holiday was celebrated by hanging a flag

to recognize the mothers who had a child

who died in war today it has no

association with war whatsoever

the first Mother’s Day celebrations were

associated with a particular movement do

you know what movement with which it was

associated will show you the answer at

the end of this video

Mother’s Day is just as the name implies

a celebration of everything to do with

mothers it’s common for people to buy

expensive gifts for their mothers or at

the very least to send them a card

showing their appreciation Mother’s Day

cards have become among the most

commercially successful items associated

with the holiday it’s one of the times

of year where card companies are just

swamped more so than other occasions in

the United States children will

sometimes really go over the top for

their mothers on this holiday this is

particularly true of sons in families

where there is more than one son it’s

not uncommon for all of them to compete

to get the best gift for their mother

this is truly a day where motherhood is

venerated in the United States

while motherhood is the main theme

behind Mother’s Day people in the United

States only celebrate this holiday for

their own mothers it’s rare for people

to give Mother’s Day gifts to anybody

but their own mother some families may

include the grandmothers in the

celebrations but by and large this is a

holiday celebrated within the nuclear


the International Mother’s Day shrine is

a historic landmark in the United States

where the inaugural Mother’s Day

celebration was held and now here’s the

answer to the quiz do you know what

movement the first Mother’s Day

celebrations were associated with some

of the first Mother’s Day celebrations

were connected to the temperance

movement the movement behind the

prohibition laws that went into effect

in the early 20th century today however

Mother’s Day is completely apolitical

how is this lesson did you learn

something interesting is there a day

dedicated to mothers in your country

please leave a comment in English class


until next time hi everyone I’m Alicia

father’s day is a relatively recent

holiday in the United States having come

into existence in 1972 it’s celebrated

on the third Sunday of June every year

so it’s not as commercially important as

Mother’s Day it’s equally important to

many families Father’s Day can be a bit

more irreverent than Mother’s Day in

many regards lots of people call home on

Father’s Day guess which type of calls

are particularly popular during this

holiday we’ll show you the answer at the

end of this video

Father’s Day is all about showing

father’s appreciation for what they do

for acknowledging the role of fathers

and children’s lives and in many cases

simply for making an excuse to hang out

with one’s dad the holiday tends to have

less of the soft imagery associated with

Mother’s Day and in fact it does have a

reputation as being an occasion that is

rather light-hearted Father’s Day gifts

tend to be not surprisingly manly in

nature it’s common for people to buy

their dads power tools neckties sporting

equipment and so forth to show

appreciation in fact getting an ugly

necktie on Father’s Day is something of

a cliched joke among fathers across the

nation it’s been poked fun at in

commercials and in other venues

Father’s Day is not quite as popular as

Mother’s Day researchers attribute this

partially to the fact that there are

more families with single mothers than

there are with single fathers which may

skew the popularity of the holiday the

holiday is consistently popular however

and many families find an excuse to do

something special just for the father

and the family on this particular day

for younger children actually making a

Father’s Day gift is something of a

tradition many children are encouraged

to make something that they think their

father would like such as artwork or

crafts for example other children may

opt to help their father out with chores

and now here’s the answer to the quiz

do you know what type of calls are

popular on Father’s Day collect calls

are particularly popular on Father’s Day

someone humorously while fewer people

tend to call home on Father’s Day than

they do on Mother’s Day many of them

choose to call collect how was his

lesson did you learn something

interesting is there a day dedicated to

fathers in your country please leave a

comment in English class 101.com

until next time hi everyone I’m Alisha

Chanukah is the most popular Jewish

holiday in the United States it falls on

a date determined by the Jewish calendar

but it’s also very close to Christmas

making for a natural association between

the two holidays it’s also called the

festival of life and commemorates the

rededication of the temple by the

Maccabees in the second century BC

a particular toy is associated with

Hanukkah do you know which one will show

you the answer at the end of this video

Hanukkah is one of the most important

Jewish holidays and is one that most

people in the United States are very

familiar with the distinctive menorah a

candelabra that is kindled as part of

the celebration is commonly associated

with the holiday by most people Jewish

or otherwise gift-giving is also

sometimes a part of this holiday

even though Hanukkah is not as widely

celebrated as Christmas in the United

States it’s a holiday that most people

are cognizant of and many non-jewish

people who have Jewish friends do

participate in it to some extent the

holiday is also sometimes celebrated by

secular Jews to keep the holiday season

alive for non-religious reasons

the name festival of lights comes from

the story behind Hanukkah according to

tradition the life in the temple were

able to keep burning for eight straight

days despite only having enough oil to

keep burning for one day this tradition

is remembered today by the lighting of

the menorah this is the Hanukkah

tradition with which most non-jewish

people are familiar and the menorah is

widely known in the United States as an

emblem of Jewish people

a Hanukkah gelt is a small quantity of

money traditionally given at this time

of year

chocolate coins so they possess no

monetary value have become popular over

the years as well and now here’s the

answer to the quiz do you know which toy

associated with Chanukah the dreidel a

particular type of top with which a game

is associated it’s a traditional

activity for children during this time

of year the dreidel is very commonly

recognized as a symbol of the Jewish

people in the u.s. how is this lesson

did you learn something interesting are

there any holidays with religious

significance in your country please

leave a comment in English class 101.com

until next time hi everyone I’m Alicia

Kwanzaa is the holiday in the United

States that celebrates the heritage of

African American the holiday originated

in 1966 and is held from December 26

until January 1st

today it provides an opportunity for

African Americans and other US citizens

to learn about each other as well as the

day that serves as uniquely African

American holiday the first film about

Kwanzaa was released in 2009 do you know

the name of that film will show you the

answer at the end of this video

Kwanzaa came out of the 1960’s in the

United States when racial tensions were

particularly high many leaders in the

african-american community wanted to

create cultural events and holidays that

were specific to African Americans

Kwanzaa comes out of that desire this

holiday has endured over the years and

in fact has become more popular as the

years have gone on Kwanzaa is very much

centered on communities the holidays

name comes from a swahili term which

refers to both tradition and reason

there are seven principles associated

with Kwanzaa unity collective work and

responsibility self-determination

purpose cooperative economics creativity

and faith the holiday was recently

commemorated with its own stamp issued

by the United States Postal Service over

the years Kwanzaa has become an ideal

occasion for people to learn about

African American heritage and culture

art literature music and dance are all

celebrated at this time of year

shared with friends and family as well

as with people outside of the

african-american community while it may

have come out of a divisive time Kwanzaa

has become a very unifying holiday and

when that’s widely acknowledged and


Kwanza has a seven candle candelabra

that’s lit over the course of the

holiday this is a tradition similar to

other holiday celebrations during the

darkest time of year when lights are

very important symbols and now here’s

the answer to the quiz do you know the

name of the first film about Kwanzaa

that was released in 2009 the black

candle was the first American film about

the Kwanzaa celebration it has been

featured in other films however but not

as a central element most people in the

United States are familiar with Kwanzaa

and whether or not they celebrate it

they generally do know when it’s held

how is this lesson did you learn

something interesting do you have any

similar holidays in your country please

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until next time


