Learn American Holidays Valentines Day

hi everyone I’m Alisha Valentine’s Day
is a very popular holiday in the United

States it’s centered on romance and is a
heavily commercialized holiday as well

during this time of year married couples
partners and sweethearts are encouraged

to go out to dinner spend some romantic
time together and generally acknowledge

the importance of one another in each
other’s lives this holiday is celebrated

on February 14th every year Valentine’s
Day is associated with a particular type

of love from the high middle ages do you
know what that type of love is called

we’ll show you the answer at the end of
this video

valentine’s Day is among other things a
day when one partner is encouraged to

essentially court their partner as they
would before they were dating or married

presenting a wife lover or girlfriend or
boyfriend with flowers candy and other

romantic gifts is a huge part of
Valentine’s Day traditions in the United

States during this particular holiday
the most romantic restaurants in any

city will generally be booked solid
Valentine’s Day is very important

commercially in the United States due to
the traditional gifts that sweethearts

and married couples give one another
this is particularly true of the floral

industry as giving one special someone
red roses on this day is more or less

expected clothing jewelry food and other
items are also popularly given to

sweethearts and spouses on this day for
some couples Valentine’s Day is when one

member of the couple goes overboard to
spoil the other and is delighted to do

so Valentine’s Day celebrations can be
very innocent in addition to being

romantic in schools in the United States
children are quite frequently encouraged

to make and exchange Valentines
Mora’s gestures of friendship than

anything else this allows everybody to
get in on the fun in some cases people

in the United States who are currently
single will do something special for a

friend who means a great deal to them
and to whom they want to express

affection even though it’s not romantic


Valentine’s Day cards are among the most
impressive pieces of artwork associated

with this holiday antique Valentine’s
Day cards can fetch handsome prices from

collectors due to their intricacy and
their sometimes very imaginative artwork

and now here’s the answer to the quiz do
you know what type of love is associated

with Valentine’s Day from the high
middle ages Valentine’s Day has strong

associations with what was called
courtly love in the High Middle Ages

this was a highly ritualized form of
romantic love where each partner was

expected to do particular things to
express their appreciation for one

another how is this lesson did you learn
something interesting what Valentine’s

Day traditions exist in your country if
any please leave a comment in English

class 101.com until next time