English Sentence Structure Basic English Grammar

everybody welcome back to our weekly

live stream my name is Alisha and this

week we are going to talk about how to

make sentences in English how to make

sentences in English today’s lesson I’m

going to as always talked about in three

parts first I’m going to talk about SVO

word order the basic word order in

English I’m going to talk about

transitive and intransitive verbs a

little bit I’m going to talk about part

two how to make questions and then I’m

going to talk about commands opinions

responsibilities so today I want to

introduce some very common and basic

patterns that you can use to make

statements simple sentences and to make

questions if there’s time I want to talk

a little bit about prepositions like in

at by those words but there’s a lot to

talk about so I’m not sure anyway we are

up on Facebook and on YouTube hello

everybody thank you for joining us as

you join please send a message in the

chat please don’t forget to like the

video and share the video also so other

learners can find today’s lesson thanks

very much for coming I see lots of

people on YouTube cool-dude high costs

and Kudo no video hi Dino hello

Billy Jesse take a shower huh Roy


Alex Andres hi everybody face book I see

people on Facebook to UD and Bonita

Tarek tens a syllabic hello everybody

thanks very much for joining us

Jesse on YouTube says how’s it going

Alicia it’s going great

it is beautiful weather here today okay

we’ll give our fellow watchers another

minute to join so a quick announcement

from us from me I posted this on

Instagram yesterday but this was from

our monthly review our monthly review of

video if you don’t know about the

monthly review on

English class one-on-ones YouTube

channel every month we have a learning

review video it’s a series and monthly

series and you can actually send us

audio and video so we ask you to

introduce yourself or this month I guess

this month’s theme or this month

challenge is to tell us about your city

or your country so if you want to

participate in next month’s monthly

review video you can check the English

class 101 youtube and send us all of all

of your submissions so I we got one

interesting one from Mexico I think it

was yesterday

that was really cool so I hope lots of

people tell us about their cities and

their countries for next week so please

check the monthly review video this is

this was just after we finished this I

actually listened to your audio and

video messages from that iPad in the

picture so and then we talked a little

bit about your submission so if you want

to participate next month please please

please do that that would be awesome

okay great so with that let’s get going

on today’s lesson there’s a lot to do

and as always please don’t forget to

check your free stuff from below the

link on YouTube or above sorry below the

video the link below the video on

youtube or above the video on Facebook

there are free vocabulary and phrase

PDFs that you can use to practice

English okay let’s get started if you

have questions please send them in the

chat I will try I will try my best to

answer them we shall see and also don’t

forget if you haven’t already to like

and share the video I’m going to share

the video and then I am going to start

the lesson okay so as I said I want to

begin today’s lesson by talking about

basic word order basic word order in

English so English is what’s called an


language SVO word order here’s where

we’re going to start

SVO for making simple statements so SVO

refers to s subject the verb and o

object subject verb object so when we

make simple sentences our vocabulary

words must follow this order subject

first verb second object third this is

the most basic way we make sentences so

what are these words what our subjects

what’s a verb what’s an object a subject

the subject of your sentence is the

person or the thing that’s doing the

action so in this case like I am

teaching for example I that’s the

subject the person acting you are

listening or you are watching you is the

subject of the sentence subject is the

person or the thing acting the person or

the thing acting or doing something

that’s the subject of a sentence second

the verb the verb the second item here a

verb a verb is a word that refers to an

action so the thing happening our action

teaching listening watching sleeping

eating verbs so those are all in the

progressive sense for sure but we can

also use state of being so to be being

so an action we are doing something or

our status a state of being that’s a

verb finally the object object the last

item here object the object of a

sentence is the person or the thing

receiving an action receiving an action

receiving this action actually receiving

the verb the verb is like influencing

the object here so in my example

sentence like maybe I am teaching you so

you are my object in that case so let’s

take a look at some very simple sentence

is to see how we make them I want to use

this one to practice let’s look at this

simple sentence I ate dinner I ate

dinner so here in this sentence I is my

subject so who ate dinner I ate dinner

the person doing the action is I here

that’s my subject my verb this is 8 8 8

is the past tense of eat eat is present

tense 8 is past tense I ate so that’s my

verb my verb is 8

finally dinner here dinner this is my

object this is my object so this thing


this was like the influence it received

this action so what did I eat what

received this action I ate dinner that

was the thing I ate I received a rather

dinner received this action or was

influenced by this verb subject verb

object this is the basic way we make

sentences in English of course if you

want to be specific you could change

dinner to like chicken or salad and so

on so but this SVO is very important in

English we cannot change this order if

we change the order we make a different

sentence we totally change the meaning

of the sentence so let’s take a look at

the next part here I have a tip a lot of

a lot of you asked like how do I make

long sentences how do I say like long

statements what should I do one tip if

you’re okay with this kind of sentence

structure like just making simple

sentences if this is okay for you then

practice using these coordinating

conjunctions coordinating conjunctions

coordinating conjunctions are those

connecting words they are ant but or for

so nor yet these words these are

coordinating conjunctions so if you want

to make longer sentences use these to


your simple statements this is a good

way to start making longer sentences for

example I ate dinner same as this I ate

dinner and coordinate conjunctions and I

watched a movie I ate dinner and I

watched a movie there there’s two ideas

in the same sentence we connected them

with a coordinating conjunction I ate

dinner and I watched a movie another

point another point here in this case in

this example sentence your subject this

subject I ate dinner in this idea here

my subject is I and here I watched a

movie here the subject is I again the

same subject so native speakers will

often drop this second one the second

subject I ate dinner and watched a movie

is very natural so if your subjects

match you can drop this one so he ate

dinner and watched a movie okay he ate

dinner and I watched a movie that sounds

like two separate actions so if your

subjects are different you have to keep

both subjects if your subjects are the

same you can drop you can’t drop it okay

so let’s go on to the last point here

the last point is about transitive and

intransitive verbs transitive and

intransitive verbs what are these these

are two categories of verbs a transitive

verb a transitive verb must have an

object so remember an object is that

thing receiving the action yeah dinner

is my object here a movie is my object

in this sentence a transitive verb this

is a category of verb a type of verb a

transitive verb must have an object some

more examples I like flowers my verb is

like like is a transitive verb here it

must take an object

like flowers let’s buy coffee let’s buy

coffee buy is a transitive verb here my

object is coffee so here in these

sentences if I remove the object I don’t

understand the sentence like let’s buy

what I don’t know or I like this

sentence doesn’t make any sense

I like it doesn’t make sense we must use

an object with a transitive verb you

have to uh on the other hand however

intransitive verbs intransitive verb so

in maybe you’ve seen this in the prefix

video we can use in to me not

intransitive verbs these do not require

an object be careful

does not require does not mean don’t use

that doesn’t mean don’t use it just

means we don’t need do not always not

always for example I slept I slept slept

is the past tense of sleep sleep I slept

so no object necessary he cried cried

past tense of cry he cried or she

exercised she exercised so we do not

need an object we don’t need an object

always when we use an intransitive verb

yes sometimes we do include an object to

be more specific

for example she exercised her arm

muscles or something like that

or I I slept let’s see in my bed or

something we can include more

information yes but we don’t always need

to use an object with an intransitive

verb so if it’s difficult to remember

which is transitive which is

intransitive I read a good article on I

think grammar early calm maybe many of

you know this website grammarly calm

they had a nice article with a good hint

if you remember transitive verbs has

like that transfer that kind of

like transfer like we have to transfer

like the activity in the verb to the

object that was kind of a nice way to

imagine or to remember the difference

between transitive and intransitive

verbs that’s one point point two about

transitive and intransitive verbs there

are many verbs that can be both they can

be both transitive and intransitive

for example exercise has a different

meaning for example she exercised her

right to vote that’s a different meaning

of the verb exercise that’s a transitive

meaning of the word exercise so yes

sometimes or in many cases rather there

are verbs we can use both transitively

and intransitive Li but this is the

difference between these two oh okay

that was a lot of information whew okay

if you have questions please send it in

I will try to check as many as possible

let’s take one quick break and then

we’ll go to part two of today’s lesson

so as always we have free stuff for you

I will go to live webcam over here um so

for today today I’m focusing on sentence

making and so when I show when I show

these PDFs I often show like the front

here I’ll go over here I often show the

front here but important to note is on

the back like here this one’s about

travel for example on the back of each

PDF is a list of like questions or

phrases so part two of today’s lesson

will be questions and like confirmations

and stuff but on the back of each of

these this is businesses business

English I know many of you are studying

for work on the back you can find sample

phrases so these phrases depending on

your needs could be really useful of

course but also good ways to practice

your sentence order like building simple

sentences so this is some questions and

some phrases you can use for a business

meetings for those of you sorry for

those of you who are beginners more

beginners this one family yes but it has

a list of expressions for the first time

you meet someone so if you’re not sure

about like basic if you’re not sure

about maybe basic expressions that you

can use in conversation this might be a

good one this is the family and

relatives one or you can choose from all

the other ones that we have for free so

please take a look you can find the link

below the video if you’re watching on

youtube or above the video if you’re

watching on facebook they are free so

you can make an account if you do not

have an account already and start

studying with those you can download

those PDFs all of them not just ones

with all of them so please have a look

and hopefully you can practice making

sentences and reviewing those sentences

okay someone says I can understand your

sentences Alicia woohoo that’s great

that’s great

okay wait so let’s carry on let’s

continue as I said today’s lesson is

about how to make sentences in English

if you have not yet please do like and

share the video we really appreciate it

let’s continue to part two of today’s

lesson part two of today’s lesson is

about questions questions so I’m going

to quickly a little quickly cover one

yes/no questions and two information

questions information questions means

like the WH questions who what where

when why those things so let’s begin

though with yes yes or no question let’s

start with yes or no questions so when

we make yes or no questions we use is or

are at the beginning of the sentence or

we use do or does and lots of people ask

like what’s the difference between these

kinds of sentences so let’s look at some

examples first let’s look at some

examples first and let’s see how we make

these sentences so first for eggs

this one this one begins with our are

are you going to work today are you

going to work today let’s compare this

sentence with do you go to work every

day so are you going to work every day

are you going to work today and do you

go to work every day these are the key

differences in this sentence so what is

the difference here why why did we make

these sentences differently what’s the


so this first a big hint here is our

verb so you’ll notice this follows the

same pattern here here’s my subject you

these verbs here these are like helping

verbs yeah so these are kind of helping

us to make the sentence this this is or

are or the do and does these verbs are

helping us our subject here is you and

our verb our basic verb is the same here

go yeah but in this sentence going going

are you going to work so to work that’s

our object and then we have some extra

information in this case so why do we

what’s the difference are you going to

work today when we use the progressive

tense we’re using it to explain a

temporary action something that’s


so not part of our regular schedule

we’re making a yes-or-no question here

are you going to work today like for

example it’s a holiday and the speaker

wants to know are you going to work

today so we use progressive tense here

this shows it’s a temporary action it

follows the same basic sentence

structure the SVO sentence structure it

just begins the beginning is this

helping verb them so compare this then

compare this then - do you go to work

every day do you go to work every day

here my verb go is simple present

so simple present tense one of the uses

the ways that we use simple present

tense is to show regular actions so

every day or every week every month

excuse me

so going here progressive tense shows a

temporary or special action a one-time

action maybe this one present tense

shows a regular action our helping verb

here is do do you go to work everyday

this is a question about the listeners

regular scheduled their regular

activities do you go to work everyday

yes I do or no I don’t I work part-time

so the difference here this one this one

is a temporary question today only

that’s what this means this one is a

regular activities question do you go to

work every day every day regularly

that’s the difference between these two

helping verbs beginning the sentence


challenging I’m checking your questions

let’s see I don’t see anything okay

let’s continue on so let’s compare this

then or let’s also look at a negative

example so here I have the positives

isn’t R and do and does we use the

negatives as well is it and aren’t here

in this case so let’s start here isn’t

isn’t she going to work tonight isn’t

she going to work tonight we use this

negative to begin a confirmation

question like I’m not sure I want to

check I want to confirm isn’t she going

to work tonight so here again we have

this is or R in this case negative

paired with my verb in the progressive

form going to isn’t she going to work

tonight so let’s compare this then with

doesn’t so over here when we make the

negative doesn’t we use doesn’t here

doesn’t he go to work at tonight doesn’t

he go to work at night so here again the

same hints yeah

so my verb again is in simple present

tense that shows it’s a regular action

and this at night at 10:00

this means generally generally in the

first sentence it’s tonight meaning

tonight only so like a temporary action

special situation with is and are a

regular action with do and does okay

let’s continue on to next yeah some of

you are answering no I don’t know I

don’t know I’m not good good good okay

let’s continue to the second part here

then the second part is about

information questions so when I say

information questions I mean questions

that use those WH questions who what

where when why how so just a few


we begin our question with the WH

question and then we’ll use these

helping verbs again these same helping


do does is or are so in many patterns we

do use those there are some cases where

you might not see them but for today’s

lesson I want to look at how we use them

together with these WH questions for

example past tense what did you eat what

did you eat so again we have this

question we need our information here

what kind of question it’s a wh question

what what what did you you’re the

subject and your verb eat what did you

eat you could include more information

if you want what did you eat for dinner

that’s great what did you eat for lunch

as well so we don’t have to include an

object here this one who is she who is

she this is a very simple one actually

who is she who is she and when are you

arriving is another another example so

this one uses these to actually use this

is or are helping verb pattern and again

you’ll notice we’re using this ing form

here so one point to be careful of that

I sometimes see with learners we do not

use this do verb and the to be verb in

the same question like what did is you

eat I’m not sure but we do not use these

two these two together with those

helping verbs do not appear together any

questions so please be careful so you

only need one of these helping verbs and

your questions okay I have to continue

on to the next part of the lesson I will

take one more quick break and then we’ll

review some patterns some patterns you

can use some of you are asking about it

and then we’ll finish for today so if

you missed it if you missed it I was

talking earlier about the free stuff

that we have for everybody below the

video on YouTube or above the video on

Facebook the link is there I will show

you a few more examples for those of you

who are students this one I think okay

so this one is the back-to-school one

but again I want to focus today on the

the second page there are phrases you

can use for different situations this is

for classroom situations so these are

some ideas and some ways to practice

making sentences for those of you

interested in music

it says singing but this is actually

music on the back if you like music here

are some phrases for talking about music

so again basic sentence patterns like we

just talked about this sentence pattern

in part one I love music I love musics

like subject-verb-object right there

simple example maybe one more let’s see

here’s one for hotels I know lots of you

travel for business you work so on the

back here again sentences to use in a

hotel so please check these out

depending on your needs depending on the

things that you need to do take a look

at these and then we can and then you

can get kind of like similar practice

with the actual expressions that people


okay with that then let’s continue to

the last part of today’s lesson if

you’re just joining we’re talking about

how to make sentences in English how to

make sentences in English please make

sure to like and share the video if you

have not already also yeah you can find

the PDFs I just showed you from the link

below the video on youtube or above the

video on face ok onward commands

opinions responsibilities I included all

of these because they’re quite common um

and also we can look at how these are

slightly different from the basic

sentence order I introduced at the

beginning of the lesson let’s begin here

with advice advice in this I’m focusing

on using should-should for basic advice

general advice and the negative

shouldn’t for example he should quit his

job he should quit his job subject he my

advice word comes before the verb so

this is a pattern you will notice in all

of these example sentences when we make

a change like to express responsibility

to express advice to give a

recommendation we’ll see the change come

before the verb quit quit is my verb

means to stop quit and what should he

stop what’s my object his job his job he

should quit his job this sentence this

sentence he quit his job that’s a simple

past tense that’s a simple past tense

statement to be careful he should quit

his job he should quit his job okay

let’s compare to a negative they

shouldn’t yell at us they shouldn’t yell

at us subject they are the people acting

here’s my advice word my advice word in

this case negative shouldn’t which is

the reduced form of should not yell is

my verb so that means using a loud voice

at us in this case I

using a preposition this yell we often

use yell at or sometimes yell to this

verb takes a preposition at here and us

we are receiving this action yelling

someone yelling so they shouldn’t yell

at us they shouldn’t yell at us so when

we make a basic advice statement like

what should or shouldn’t we place this

before the verb in the sentence okay so

um okay let’s move on to the next part

these these are commands commands so

only believe actually pretty easy

commands advice okay so for commands

what’s kind of special about commands is

at sometimes we drop the subject of the

sentence we’ll drop the subject of the

sentence this the second one is a great

example of this

first though don’t don’t so do or do not

sometimes begins a command or a formal

request in this case don’t bite

verb verb your nails so your nails is

this part of your body like some people

bite their nails so don’t bite your

nails this is a command form expression

with the very clear don’t do not verb


do not verb object compare this to this

one stop staring at me stop staring at

me so here you’ll notice there’s no like

subject what’s the subject here in these

command form statements we understand

the subject so if I notice like my

brother for example my brother is

staring at me and it bothers me I would

say to him stop staring at me like I

don’t need to say you cuz it’s clear in

the conversation I begin with the verb

and this makes it command form this

sounds quite strong to stop staring so

to stare means to look at someone for a

long time like closely again this verb

takes a preposition here to stare at

someone in this case meat is the object

who is receiving this staring thing it’s

me stop staring at me this is how we

make commands so a good good maybe way

to remember this is that they begin with

a verb in many cases okay let’s go to

the last part to most oh I’m over time

as only the last part is

responsibilities responsibilities okay


two examples these examples I’ve used

positive examples have to and need to

they mean the same thing really

so again as we saw with advice our

modification here comes before the verb

so in this case in this case I have to

go to work I have to go to work so this

part here have to have two shows

responsibilities this have two shows a

responsibility it’s before the verb go

go where to work I have to go to work my

subject is I so we add an extra piece

before our verb to show responsibilities

or to give advice one more example she

needs to speak with you she needs to

speak with you

so again this part needs to in this case

or in this case needs needs so because

my subject is she remember we modify we

conjugate the verb when the subject is

she he or it so we take need and change

it to needs so she needs to speak with

you so subject responsibilities

expression verb and then again

preposition so speak takes a preposition

in this case with you so our object who

do we need to speak with with you so

these are some very common and

vice command and responsibility patterns

that are kind of simple ways to level up

the basic SVO word order so for example

if we go back to like the beginning of

today’s lesson I said I ate dinner if we

use the same verb like I eat dinner for

example we could use this like

responsibilities I have to eat dinner or

maybe I should eat dinner so just using

these words can change the meaning of

the sentence yeah so like advice word if

I say ah in my case I’m gonna change

this to present tense I should eat

dinner I’m giving myself advice like I

should eat dinner it’s late or here

maybe speaking to a friend I have to eat

dinner sorry I have to go so we can

change the meaning the feeling of the

sentence just with these simple changes

before the verb so right here in the

sentence but as I said this is the most

basic sentence order so we cannot change

this if we use if we change like object

and subject we change the meaning of the

sentence so we’ll finish there for today

whew that was a lot so I have to end

there but that was a lot of information

thanks very much for joining in the

choice a lots of people watching that

was fantastic but I’ll end there for

this week um today let’s see today what

am I trying to say our next lesson our

next lesson will be back in the next

week as always next week it will be in

the date April 17th

Wow halfway through April April 17th the

topic will be another viewer request I

asked you guys on Instagram a while back

about your live stream ideas so this was

another popular one making friends in

English making friends in English so I’m

going to focus on I liked making

invitations making plans and kind of

those little those little ways that you

know we connect with people and

spend time together so please join us

next week April 17th at 10 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time that’s New York City time

if you don’t know your local time please

google it please join us then

to talk about making friends in English

we’ll be back looking forward and of

course don’t forget to download your

free stuff from the link below the video

on youtube or above the video on

Facebook also don’t forget to if you

want to join monthly review next month

please send us your audio or video

submissions we’re really looking forward

to this so we’ll finish today’s lesson

there thank you very much to everyone

for joining if you have questions send

them in the chat

I will check after the lesson and we’ll

see you again next week

enjoy your evening enjoy your weekend

and I will see you next time bye bye