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and ways to improve your writing so

let’s go

don’t use text speak okay so the first

tip to improve your writing is don’t use

text speak text speak by that I mean for

example like BRB or lol or those kinds

of words the words that you use on the

internet like SNS or in text messages

with your friends those very short like

slang words ttyl or LMAO or those sorts

of acronyms do not use those in your

formal writing if you are writing a

letter a business email whatever do not

use those the only one that you can use

in a business email so not in a letter

of recommendation not in a formal letter

but the only thing you can use that sort

of text speak ish is the acronym fYI

which means for your information you can

use fYI in a mail to your colleagues and

an email to your colleagues or your

co-workers but usually it’s with

somebody you have a good relationship

with you can say fYI in those cases

other texts speak other acronyms like

that don’t use them you you will sound

immature you will sound too casual not a

good idea

use proper punctuation the next hint is

to use proper punctuation proper

punctuation punctuation for example we

have commas we have periods semicolons

colons apostrophes quotation marks

parentheses all of these are punctuation

marks the little points in our writing

that tell readers where to stop reading

or how sentences are connected using

proper punctuation in your writing will

help your reader understand you and if

your reader understands you well and

you’ve used proper punctuation you will

also look a bit smarter too if you’re

not using proper punctuation like for

example if you forget to use an

apostrophe in a word it’s gonna look

kind of bad honestly for example if you

use the word your y ou you

Jeffie ar e if you leave out the

apostrophe if you just write y ou u ar e

it looks lazy

it looks lazy so make sure to use proper

punctuation to avoid appearing lazy so

don’t forget your little periods commas

semicolons all that don’t repeat the

same vocabulary words the next tip is

don’t repeat the same vocabulary words

don’t repeat the same vocabulary words

she says repeating the same sentence but

don’t repeat the same vocabulary words

means if you are using like an adjective

a specific adjective in a sentence

don’t use that same adjective in every

other sentence like try to use different

adjectives to describe your points if

you are always using exactly the same

words to describe your point like if for

example I want to write about cake if I

want to write an article about cake and

I just say this cake is delicious this

cake is so delicious

I loved this cake because it was

delicious this was so delicious it’s

boring for the reader to read the same

word every single sentence or and also

you’re not really communicating very

much if I just use the word delicious to

describe a cake the reader doesn’t

understand why the cake is delicious

so give more detail when you’re sharing

your opinions of course this time it’s a

very simple opinion about delicious cake

but use a variety of different

adjectives support your arguments with

statements that use different vocabulary

words so don’t always say the same word

to describe something try to use a lot

of different vocabulary words and think

a lot about different adjectives you can

use if this is difficult for you there

is a tool you can use the English word

for it is thesaurus thesaurus so many of

you know what a dictionary is a book or

a resource to check the meaning of a

word but you can also use what’s called

a thesaurus with a thesaurus you can

search for synonyms words which have the

same or similar meaning as other words

so if I look for the word like delicious

I might get let’s see some synonyms for

the word delicious might be yummy tasty

delectable for example so there are a

whole range of other words that you can

use if you find that you are using the

same word in every sentence try to find

a different word you can use a thesaurus

to help you do that

so avoid using the same word in every

sentence or avoid using this repeated

vocabulary words avoid use of very and

really ok the next tip is to avoid the

use of very and really by this I mean

instead of saying to go back to my kik

example the cake was very delicious the

cake was really delicious very and

really are sort of lazy words of course

they’re very very useful uh-huh they’re

very very useful when we’re speaking

casually and when we’re thinking quickly

but if you’re writing and you have some

time to think about what you’re writing

instead of using a word that’s common

like delicious and just attaching very

like this cake is very delicious what’s

a different word that means very


so can I replace very and delicious with

one different word like scrumptious

for example this cake is scrumptious

scrumptious means very delicious it’s

only one word so if you can do this if

you apply a word that means the same

thing as very or really plus another

word it’s going to level up your

vocabulary and you’re going to reduce

the number of words in this sentence so

if I say this cake is very delicious or

if I say this cake is scrumptious

scrumptious has a much stronger meaning

than just very delicious so avoiding the

use of very and really can level up your

speech quite significantly so give it a

try use transition words and phrases the

next tip is to use transition words and

phrases use transition words and phrases

so transition words are words and well

and phrases we use to move from one idea

to the next idea so continuing in my

cake example if I want to introduce my

scrumptious cake and then I want to move

on to a description of the store that

sells that cake I might use a transition

phrase or

is some kind of sequence phrase to help

me do that so if in paragraph a I’m

talking about my scrumptious cake and

how much I enjoyed it and the chocolate

flavors and the amazing frosting I could

use a transition phrase for example by

the way if you’re interested you can

purchase this cake at ABC store for

example so in that case my transition

phrase was by the way a very casual

transition phrase depending on the kind

of thing you’re writing you can use

different transition phrases if you’re

writing an academic paper for example

when you want to add information you can

say additionally moreover furthermore

you can also use plus if you’d like to

add information in addition is another

one that you can use so when you want to

add information there are some

transition phrases or some ways to give

more information you to describe a

sequence you can say next then following

that you can use your words like 1st 2nd

3rd 4th depending on the sequence you

can say subsequently or consequently as

well so think about the relationship

between the points you’re introducing

think about all these different

relationships how do you want to connect

these ideas so instead of just listing

your points each point trying to think

about how to connect those points

naturally so depending on what you’re

writing the words you use will change

which is fine but just think about the

way you’d like your reader to understand

your information and choose transition

words and phrases accordingly organize

your writing

intro body conclusion ok the next one is

a tip about organization so the next tip

is organize your paper or organize your

writing into an introduction a body and

a conclusion so these are the 3 basic

elements of an academic paper or of an

essay perhaps an article as well

introduction is as it sounds it’s

introducing the main points what are you

going to talk about what is your opinion

what is your argument we introduce that

in the introduction then next part is

the body of the paper in other words the

main points the your real arguments

everything you would

like to say about the things you

introduced in your introduction this is

where you get into the details of that

so the body of the paper is typically

the longest part of the paper or the

longest part of the essay so there’s a

lot of information in the body section

finally the conclusion the conclusion of

the paper concludes or finishes the

paper in the conclusion you will

summarize your points from the body of

the paper and you should connect those

points to the items you introduced in

the introduction of your paper so all of

these elements these three elements

should connect together so if you are

finding that it’s difficult to organize

your thoughts or you don’t know how to

approach your paper or this item maybe

even an email you’re writing you can try

to separate it into three sort of

categories introduction body conclusion

so introduced idea explained idea

summarized idea this can be very helpful

in writing avoid use of second person ok

the next hint is avoid use of second

person second person this is going to

take a little explanation so in English

writing we have three sort of ways that

we can write we can write in

first-person which means for example I

went to the store I wanted to buy

something I met a friend so first person

I am the person sharing the story

sharing the information in second person

which is kind of rare actually except in

very casual styles of writing the

subject of the sentence is you like you

go to the store you buy some milk

you call your friend this is kind of

rare we see this in childrens books and

like I say in sort of informal articles

online third-person style writing is

using he/she and character names like he

went to the store she called her mother

they needed to see a doctor so there are

these three types of writing in English

language so first person second person

third person generally when you are

writing especially an academic paper you

will use first person or third person to

do that if you’re writing something

formal you should probably not use

second person sometimes you’ll see like

a person describing and

for example like you should submerge the

item in water or you should bake this at

350 degrees using you is fine in casual

situations when you’re giving

instructions for example if you find it

in a recipe fine it kind of sounds a bit

more casual very informal not so

important however if you find that you

are using you-you-you in an academic

paper it sounds a bit too casual too

informal so please avoid use of second

person so reminder second person is the

subject of the sentence is you you so it

sounds like you’re kind of commanding

the other person commanding the reader

or giving advice to the reader or

telling the reader what to do

it sounds very odd so avoid use of

second person in your writing consider

the tense you’re using the next tip is

to consider the tense you’re using

consider the tense you’re using so I’m

just going to talk about two tenses here

really present tense and past tense so

we can use the present tense and the

present continuous tense really to

explain a story or to tell a story like

it’s actually happening so if I say like

I go to the store I see a friend of mine

she’s buying milk for example if I use

the present tense and I use the present

continuous tense it sounds like the

listener or if it’s in writing it sounds

like that’s actually happening it’s

easier for the listener or the reader to

kind of experience the story in that

moment so if you want to create some

tension in your writing if you want to

create some excitement you can use the

present tense and its associated tenses

to kind of heighten the energy level if

you use past tense however you might

create more of a rapport nuance so for

example when you watch the evening news

or you read the newspaper you might find

that it’s written in past tense

it’s just reporting information what

happened so simple past tense is used

past tense and the other associated

tenses in past tense are used so when

you’re writing consider what do you want

the reader to feel or what do you want

the reader to

are you writing a report maybe you

should just use past tense are you

writing about general facts then if

you’re writing about a general fact you

should probably use present tense but if

you want to create like a fiction story

for example and you want your reader to

experience the story and kind of feel

enthusiastic or energetic about your

story present tense and maybe continuous

tense and with present would be a better

choice so just think about which tense

you’re using for your writing consider

appropriate vocabulary the next tip is

to consider appropriate vocabulary

consider appropriate vocabulary so

depending on the type of thing you’re

writing there are words that are good to

use and there are words that are not so

good to use if you’re writing an

academic paper for example don’t use

casual words don’t use curse words in

your paper don’t use anything that could

be interpreted or could be understood as

informal if you’re writing something

very casual on the other hand it’s fine

to use casual words it’s fine to be

informal to be a little bit funny and it

might sound strange if you do use

informal words or extremely polite words

so consider the appropriate kinds of

vocabulary words to be using depending

on what you’re writing

learn to use references okay the last

tip is maybe the most difficult tip the

last tip is learn to use references

learn to use references this is

especially important if you are writing

academic papers or if you are writing

something you’re going to publish in

like a journal or maybe even a magazine

using references means you are using

references reading references and

writing about them and including what’s

called a citation in your writing so

you’re taking a piece of something that

someone else has written putting it in

quotation marks perhaps depending on the

way you choose to cite it and then

adding a reference list at the end of

your document to show which documents

you referenced which documents were

important to you in making your argument

so if you can use references

you’re writing to support your argument

it can be a very very good tool so if

you have just kind of an opinion piece

you want to write an article even for

the internet for example it can be very

very helpful to support your argument

with links to other references with

links to other information about your


so yes I’m its most important it’s most

focused on in academics

in academia really but if you’re writing

even for the internet learning how to

reference properly learning how to

include others works properly in your

work can be extremely valuable so try

that out it’s it’s a big topic it’s a

difficult topic but learning how to use

references can really help you improve

your writing ten phrasal verbs for

eating and drinking so let’s get started

drink up the first phrasal verb is drink

up drink up drink up is a happy is a

cheerful phrase we used that means let’s

start drinking or let’s enjoy drinking

or please drink so you can use it when

everybody gets their drinks you can say

alright our beers are here let’s drink

up it means it has the nuance of drink a

lot like you can also use it like as a

challenge to someone like someone who

loses a bet or loses like an argument

you can say drink up is kind of a

challenge it’s sort of like a friendly

command for drink so in sentence our

beers are here everybody drink up take

down the next phrasal verb is take down

take down as in take down and order take

down is a phrasal verb that these staff

like waiter or waitress will use at

their restaurant they may come to your

table and say can I take down your order

they may also say can I take your order

of course but to take down is like to

take your order and write it down on a

notepad for example in a notebook so

take down your order you might hear this

so in a sentence when you’re ready I can

take down your order ring up the next

word is ring up ring up we use ring up

to mean total to total something to

total a bill to total the amount of

something at a restaurant or shopping -

for example so again this is a word that

waitstaff the staff the restaurant may

use so when you finish your meal they

will ring up your bill they will ring up

your total and you will pay that amount

at the end of your meal so in a sentence

I’ll ring up your bill at the cash

register set down the next phrasal verb

is set down set down so we use set down

for items which we are carrying and then

we set or we place on a table so usually

there’s like a downward motion if you’re

carrying something like you can use it

for a backpack if you want to like to

set down - to drop something to leave

something but to put it int like on a

table to put it in a place specifically

there so we can use set down at a

restaurant like please set the plate

down on the table or can you set down my

drink over there or I’ll set down your

order over here so set down means to

place something us something you were

carrying to place it on a table or to

place it on a desk so set it down in a

sentence please set down the plates

carefully cut up the next phrasal verb

is cut up cut up we use cut up to mean

cut but cut up usually means to cut all

of something so if you receive like I

don’t know chicken or beef or pork or

some large item you need to cut we say

cut up to mean cut the entire piece to

cut everything you receive so in a

sentence make sure to cut up steak into

small pieces for example it’s easier for

children to eat or I take a long time to

cut up my meat for example so cut up

means cut everything cut into the next

phrasal verb is cut into so - cut into

means just to make one slice into

something usually we use

cut into four like the first slice like

we use it maybe to check that a

something is properly cooked sometimes

so like to cut into a chicken or to cut

into turkey we usually use this for the

first slice so the first experience like

when I cut into the chicken all the

juices came out it looked delicious I’m

excited to cut into my Thanksgiving

turkey this year or I’m really looking

forward to cutting into that steak later

it looked great so cut into is kind of

that first cut that initial cut where

you can see maybe what the what the meat

looks like or you get you get a sense of

how the rest of your meal is going to

taste so cut into the first slice I want

to cut into my dinner later stop up the

next phrasal verb is stop up

stop up so to stop means to soak with

liquid to soak with liquid to stop up

therefore is like to to soak to soak

liquid from like a bowl or from a cup or

something but we use this with bread

usually so if you’re eating soup for

example and there is leftover soup in

your bowl you can take bread and soft up

soak up the liquid from your soup with

bread so to stop up liquid so to soak

and pick up something is the image here

so to stop up bread so for example I

like to stop up my soup with bread or I

like to stop up extra sauce with a

biscuit for example so usually there’s

some bread and some sauce or liquid we

use with this phrase cool down the next

phrasal verb is cooled down cooled down

means to let something become lower

temperature naturally so to let

something cool down really means to

allow something to gradually go to a

lower temperature if you make a pie for

example it’s very hot when it comes out

of the oven so oftentimes the recipe

will say allow to cool down and serve

for example so meaning after the pie is

taken from the oven you

should let the temperature cool you

should let the temperature come down

before eating so to cool down is like

reducing the temperature but just

naturally over time so in a sentence

make sure to let your mashed potatoes

cool down before you try to eat them

heat up so the next phrasal verb is heat

up heat up we use heat up usually to

talk about microwave use or oven use so

it’s taking a cold food or maybe a

frozen food usually just a cold food

kept in the refrigerator put it in the

microwave and turn it on to heat the

food to make it warm again

so to heat up is like to move the heat

level up to increase the temperature of

the food we use the phrasal verb heat up

to do this so for example I like to heat

up my pizza before I eat it my leftover

pizza or you should heat up yesterday’s

soup it would be really good to have

that tonight or maybe we should heat up

something quick for dinner tonight so

heat up means to increase the

temperature of a cold thing chow down so

the next phrasal verb is sort of a slang

expression it’s Chow down chow down

means like to eat really excitedly it’s

it’s not a phrasal verb I personally use

very much but you can use it to express

your enthusiasm for something so it’s

typically used for like sort of junk

food type things or like really really

um everyday foods like in in the USA

it’s like sandwiches or hot dogs or like

something you might get it like a

sporting event will say like I want to

chow down on a sandwich later or I want

to chow down on some pizza after this so

to chow down is like enthusiastically

eats like you’re not thinking about

being polite you’re not worried about

looking nice while you eat you’re just

enjoying eating very enthusiastically so

like oh let’s chow down on some pizza

later for example so or for example like

we’re gonna chow down on some barbecue

this weekend it’ll be great and phrasal

verbs for sports and exercise so let’s


long the first word is go long go long

we use this word when we’re playing

catch or when we’re throwing a ball so

go long means we combine the word go

with the word long meaning run far away

from me run a long distance away from me

so go is travel move and long is a long

distance away so go long will usually

shout this before we pass a football for

example or before we throw a ball go

long means I want to throw this a long

distance so please run far far away and

I will throw the ball to you it’s a nice

one in a sentence

I’m gonna pass this next one to you so

go long try out for the next phrasal

verb is try out for try out for we use

try out for to mean audition like in

sports but to audition for a team to

apply to be a member of a team when you

do that you usually have to show your

sports your your sports sporting

experience or you have to show your

athletic ability so to try out for is

like a test to join a team like I want

to try out for the volleyball team next

year or she says she’s going to try out

for golf next year or have you thought

about trying out for the swim team for

example so to try out for a team to try

out for a sport this is how we can use

try out for work up the next phrasal

verb is work up as in work up a sweat

work up a sweat

we use work up a sweat to mean cause

your body to sweat because of exercise

so by doing something active like doing

sports or running for example anything

active with your body we cause our

bodies to sweat and we use the

expression work up a sweat to express

that we use work because we are working

and we are moving our bodies we’re

active we are working our bodies our

bodies are working they’re moving

they’re functioning so we use work up a

sweat our bodies are working and the

temperature may be increases so our body


to try to cool us down so we say work up

a sweat to describe this in some example

sentences mmm I try to work up a sweat

at least twice a week or how often do

you work up a sweat or it feels really

good to work up a good sweat now and

then yeah root for the next expression

is root for root for we use root for at

sporting events so root for means

support a team so to root for like I’m

going to root for the football team or

I’m going to root for my country’s team

or I’m going to root for my city’s team

root for means support so I like to root

for my college team every year or I like

to root for my college football team

every year that’s true or which team do

you want to root for this weekend work

off the next phrasal verb is work off

work off so we talked about work up like

work up a sweat but here the word is

work off we usually use this to talk

about calories so I want to work off the

Cheesecake I ate for a dessert last

night or I want to work off the burrito

I had for lunch today

work off means a food you ate and we use

the word work off to mean work our

bodies as in work through exercise and

work off so we want to take off from our

bodies the calories we added to it by

eating so example sentences would be

yeah I want to work off the Cheesecake I

ate last night I want to work off all

the pizza that I ate last weekend or do

you want to come with me I’m gonna go

work off all these ice creams I’ve been

eating lately for example so work off

means to exercise with the intention of

taking off or taking away calories from

food so if you’re a dieting or if you’re

trying to become healthy or you just

want to exercise away with some extra

calories you can use the expression work

off to work off a food to work off some

calories okay

cheer on cheer for the next expression

or maybe pair of expressions is cheer on

or cheer for so I talked about the word


four and cheer on and cheer for are very

similar we use them in pretty much the

same way so we used cheer on usually

before a team name like I’m going to

cheer on my high school team or I’m

going to cheer on my son or daughter’s

team this weekend we can also use cheer

for I’m going to cheer for my high

school team I’m going to cheer for my

college team because we’re using the

word cheer it sounds like we’re going to

use our voice or use our bodies to

support that team you can maybe see a

great example of this among cheer


so you see cheerleaders a lot in movies

especially from the USA they’re men and

women actually but they wear a uniform

and their role their purpose is to help

the audience cheer for that team to

cheer for the the team that they are

connected to so a cheer leader is a

person who leads cheering at a sporting

event so to cheer for someone or to

cheer on someone a team we can use cheer

on and cheer for to talk about

supporting with your voice or with some

kind of dance for example so cheer on

and cheer for are really fun things that

you can use to talk about supporting

your favorite teams knockout the next

expression is knock out knock out or you

might see ko as well knock out means -

usually through a punch or through some

kind of physical action to cause someone

to lose consciousness so it doesn’t mean

to kill someone it doesn’t mean someone

dies for example it means to cause

someone to become unconscious so

unconscious it’s like going to sleep but

it’s kind of it’s dangerous like because

of a head injury usually a person goes

unconscious or they they fall asleep it

appears they fall asleep but you see

this in boxing for example a knockout a

KO is someone yeah becomes maybe

unconscious so they fall down for

example and they don’t get back up that

Keio to knock out your opponent so we we

see this a lot in boxing perhaps in

other sports occasionally but I think

primarily it’s used in boxing so to

knock out your opponent or like he’s

going to try to knock out his opponent

in the last round or did you see that

guy get knocked out last night you can

use knockout outside of sports but it’s

usually used for fights like I saw a guy

get knocked out outside a bar last night

so we can use this outside of sports but

it’s usually for like fighting

situations okay

workout the next phrasal verb is work

out work out this is one that many

people seem to struggle with when they

see it so it does not mean it has no

connection to actually working to work

out means to exercise to exercise we use

this as a set phrase workout it means

exercise that’s it so I want to work out

three times a week or I went to the gym

for a workout last night or do you want

to work out with me this weekend work

out means exercise always warm up the

next expression is warm up warm up so


meaning warm your body so increase your

body’s temperature and up meaning to

increase something again so warm

becoming warm and up temperature like

increasing temperature so before you

begin a some kind of exercise or some

activity it’s common to begin with a

warm-up a short kind of easy exercise to

prepare your body to workout to exercise

so a warmup is often included in an

exercise routine warm-up is the phrasal

verb we use so example sentences I like

to do a five-minute warm-up before I go

jogging or what do you usually do for

your warmup

or I think it’s really important to do a

warm-up before you start working out


all right the last one for today is

cooled down cooldown is really the

opposite of warm-up so we use warm-up to

explain raising our body’s temperature

before we do a workout

down is used to explain cooling the

body’s temperature after a workout

reducing our energy levels after a

workout for example I think it’s

important to take five minutes to cool

down after your workout or what kind of

things do you recommend for cooling down

after your exercise hi everybody my name

is Alisha in this lesson we’re going to

talk about some expressions you can use

to talk about your abilities so I’m

going to introduce some expressions you

can use for the past for the present and

for the future these are just a few

examples of some ways you can talk about

the things you can could and will be

able to do so let’s take a look with a

few examples of each pattern okay let’s

start with the first one I can +8 verb

so here the subject in the sample

pattern is I but we can replace I with

for example he or she or it or they the

same is true for all of the other

patterns I’m going to introduce in this

lesson so we use I can plus a verb as

sort of the basic most simple way to

express something we are able to do so

example sentences I can speak English my

verb here is speak in this case so this

could be something many of you can use

another example here I’ve changed the

subject to she she so she can my verb is

run she can run 5k 5k beating five

kilometres in 30 minutes so these are

just some simple very basic ways to

express something we can do we are able

to do of course we can use the negative

for this I can’t speak English I can’t

speak Chinese for example or she can’t

run 5k in 30 minutes we can make the

negative with this pattern so this is

maybe the most basic way to express

something you can do you are able to do

let’s look at another one

this expression is I know how

  • plus a verb I know how to do something

so we can use the same verbs we used in

the first pattern in this pattern if you

like for example I know how to speak

English is fine however we use know how

to do something for something that

requires like study or something that

requires maybe a process there are rules

for that thing so a sentence like I know

how to run 5k it’s not quite so natural

because running isn’t really necessarily

a topic of study running requires

practice yes but it’s not really

something we study so we use know how to

do something for something we have

learned how to do so not necessarily

physical practice of something but we

have learned this thing so some examples

I know how to use Photoshop so Photoshop

is a piece of software something we can

study something we learn how to use

another example he knows how to bake

cookies so here this is something we

need to study in other words so there’s

a process to baking cookies he knows how

to bake cookies so please keep in mind

as we see in this example when we change

the subject from I - for example he she

or it the following verb no needs to

change we need to modify the verb so it

has an S at the end he knows how to bake

cookies so don’t forget this s however

this verb does not change he knows how

to bake cookies so we don’t need to

modify this verb will only modify the

first one which is attached to heat the

subject okay so this is for a process

something we study to become able to do

now let’s talk about a couple of past

tense examples so these two are maybe

present tense expressions let’s talk

about some past tense example sentences

the first one when I was a kid I could

and our verb so

here I’ve said when I was a kid you can

change this of course when I was a

student when I was an elementary school

student when I lived in a different city

for example so this part can change to a

different time period in your life

however here I’m using the past tense

could I could so this implies this

suggests that maybe this action is not

possible for you now let’s look at some

examples so when I was a kid I could

swim all day long so this sentence

sounds like now I can’t really it’s it’s

just a simple expression with past tense

I could I could

so maybe the speaker is going to share

some more information about their

current ability but here I’ve used when

I was a kid again you can change this to

like when I was in swimming club for

example I could swim all day long so

there are a lot of different variations

you can use with this pattern anyway

let’s look at another example when you

were a kid so maybe if a parent wants to

talk to their son or daughter about

their childhood they can use this

expression so when you were a kid you

could sleep for 12 hours straight so

it’s 12 hours straight means 12 hours


so you is my subject here when you

therefore was in my example pattern

changes to were when you were a kid you

could sleep for 12 hours straight so

again this is a past tense expression

let’s look at one more past tense

expression maybe you’re familiar with

used to used to so I used to be able to

do something so where the action is a

verb here so here we have used 2 so

maybe you know I used two followed by

just a simple verb so like I used to

cook every day or I used to exercise

every day

here we introduced I used to be

able to this expression allows us to

explain an ability we had in the past

so let’s look at some examples I used to

be able to speak Spanish here’s my verb

to speak Spanish used to shows a long

time ago in the past I had this ability

but now I do not so remember the nuance

of used to is that something was true in

the past and it is not true

now I used to also please consider the

pronunciation here so not used to but

native speakers connect the D and the T

sound at the end of used and - so it’s

not used to but used to used to there’s

just one sound they’re used to so think

of it as dropping the D used to I used

to do something one more example she

used to be able to babysit meaning her

schedule maybe has changed now she

cannot babysit so here we have some

expressions with used to to a talk about

a past ability okay

finally let’s end with one example a

pattern that you can use to talk about

future possibilities or future abilities

so you can use this when you want to

make a guess about the future so

something you think you might be able to

do in the future so the base pattern is

in the future will be able to verb so

here I have we in my example we will so

wheel is the contracted form of we will

and I’ve used we in this case we means

all people all people all members of

society we together so some examples of

this in the future we’ll be able to use

AI technology AI so artificial

intelligence AI technology in the future

we’ll be able to use AI technology so

you might wonder why am I using will

here instead of like going

to for example we use will when we’re

making a guess about the future that we

can’t really see so we can’t see what’s

going to happen in the future and maybe

we don’t have such a strong level of

confidence we don’t have a super high

level of confidence about our guests in

those cases we can use will so these are

nice to talk about capabilities things

we are able to do or in this case things

we might be able to do in the future so

this is the sentence you can use to make

a prediction to make a guess let’s look

at one more example said this okay in

the future we’ll be able to travel to

space so here again I’m making a guess

about space travel so I don’t have a

high level of confidence because I don’t

know very much about space travel but I

want to make a guess in the future we’ll

be able to travel to space if you want

to decrease the level of confidence of

your guests you can include I think for

example in the future I think we’ll be

able to travel the space so you can

change the level of your confidence of

your guests by introducing some other

phrases like I think or maybe alright so

these are a few ways that you can

express your abilities in the past the

present and in the future these are just

a couple of different patterns to do

that but please be careful some things

that I’ve noticed are that often

students will mix up the present tense

can and past tense good so make sure to

use a past tense when you’re talking

about your abilities in the past and

make sure to use present tense for the

things you are able to do now

okay the basic definition of the verb

pass is to move beyond someone or

something examples let’s pass this car I

passed you on campus earlier so let’s

talk about the conjugations of this verb

present Pass passes past past past

participle past progressive passing

okay so now let’s talk about some

additional meanings for this verb the

first additional meaning is to decline

something so for example let’s imagine a

conversation between two people a want

some cake

B I’ll pass second example I’m gonna

pass on drinks tonight

okay so in both of these examples

situations we see someone declining they

use the expression I’ll pass or I’m

going to pass so to pass means like to

refuse or to decline something it’s kind

of gentle but it’s just quick also so

it’s very clear but rather gentle to

like ah do you want to go for drinks hmm

I’ll pass or I’m gonna pass on that for

tonight something like that it’s very

quick and easy to understand but also a

casual no in other words

okay let’s go to the second meaning for

this verb the second meaning is to go

beyond an amount or to go beyond a

specific day some examples of this our

channal passed 1 million subscribers

this year don’t eat that

I think the expiration date is passed so

in both of these examples sentences we

see that some amount or some date has

been moved beyond so in the first

example sentence our channal passed 1

million subscribers this year it means

our channel went beyond 1 million

subscribers so there was some goal or

some point 1 million in this case and we

went above that or beyond that in the

second example sentence it’s a date

specifically the expiration date for a

product or you might know like the best

by date it’s sometimes it’s different

but the expiration date is like the last

day that the product can be eaten or the

last safe day to consume the product so

the expiration date has passed means

that the product is beyond that date so

in both of these examples we’re seeing

some amount or some specific day and

then we’re talking about going beyond

that so this is another meaning of the

verb passed the third meaning is to be 6

as in a test or an application something

like that examples of this I passed the

test if the House passes inspection we

can move in next week so both of these

are referring to successfully completing

something or like successfully like

achieving something so in the first

example I passed the test it means I

finished the test and I had an

acceptable score but we use pass is much

easier to explain with pass in the

second example sentence about a house

inspection the situation is if we pass

the inspection so meaning if the house

is inspected and it’s considered

acceptable we can move in next week

so this means like there’s some kind of

check some kind of like grading or

inspection or examination and if that’s

okay great like we’re successful so this

is another meaning of pass the fourth

meaning is to give something this is

usually within like the range of our

bodies so some examples of this can you

pass me the salt

she passed him $100 so in both of these

examples were kind of imagining

situations where people are pretty close

to each other so can you pass me the

salt is a request like maybe you’re

sitting at the same table with someone

and you can reach them with your arm or

you can reach pretty close to them

anyway in the second example sentence

she passed him $100 it’s like they must

be pretty close they’re probably pretty

close there was some object they could

pass so they could give to the other

person within arm’s reach within

distance of their arms so passed can

just mean to give something like this

motion usually it’s like passing

something it’s kind of this image so

those are a few additional meanings of

the verb passed let’s go on to some


the first one is to pass something off

as something else so this expression

means to make something seem like

something else or to pretend that

something is something else

this sounds like quite a long expression

but let’s look at some examples of how

it’s used he tried to pass off his dog

as a wolf the criminal was trying to

pass off $1 bills as $100 bills so in

both of these examples we see someone is

pretending object a is object B in the

first example sentence there’s a guy

who’s trying to pretend his dog a he’s a

wolf so it’s not really a wolf he’s

pretending it’s just a dog in the second

example sentence a criminal is trying to

pass off is pretending that $1 bills

aren’t $100 bills

so trying to pass off means like maybe

they’re making some kind of effort to

persuade people that Oh object a really

is object B but in many cases it’s

pretty easy to see it’s not really

object B so to pass something off as

something else okay let’s go on to the

second variation for this verb the

second variation is the expression to

pass out to pass out this expression

means to fall asleep but it means to

fall asleep because you’re extremely

tired you’re sick or you’re drunk

usually so there’s it’s not quite a

usual it’s not like it’s not like the


fall asleep kind of gently calmly pass

out it’s like you’re just so tired or

it’s like you have no control or it’s

just oh it’s it’s like a strong kind of

rough version of falling asleep it’s

passing out so examples of this I almost

passed out on the bus

one of my co-workers passed out at her

desk today yeah so as we talked about

these are both examples of situations

where it’s kind of like a rough way to

fall asleep like almost passed out on

the bus like the image is I was so tired

I was sitting on the bus and I just

almost completely fell asleep I didn’t

plan to really in the second example a

co-worker passed out at their desk it’s

like someone was so tired they’re

sleeping at their desk so it’s kind of a

rough image of falling asleep the third

variation for this verb is to pass up to

pass up this means to not take advantage

of a chance or an opportunity so means

like to let something go to let an

opportunity go examples you passed up a


why for some reason he passed up a full

scholarship okay so both of these are

examples of situations that seem to

present a big chance or a big

opportunity but we’re using the

expression passed up in the first

example we saw pass up a raise you

passed up a raise why like why would you

not take the raise so why would you let

go the chance for a raise so you have

the chance to earn more money a raise

means more money you have the chance to

earn more money why would you let it go

that’s the speaker’s question here you

said no you declined or refused why in

the second example sentence he passed up

a full scholarship the expression full

scholarship means your college or your

university tuition the money you pay to

take classes at university a full

scholarship means everything is paid for

you get free university education

essentially so in the sentence he passed

up a full scholarship the speaker is

probably confused why would he decline

such an opportunity that’s a huge

opportunity free education free money

essentially why would you do that so to

pass up is to let an opportunity go

let’s begin with the basic definition of

this verb so the basic definition of the

verb to take is to remove something but

often without permission to remove it

some examples of this you took the last

cookie your dog is about to take your

lunch now let’s look at the conjugations

for this verb present take takes past

took past participle taken progressive


now let’s talk about some additional

meanings for this verb the first one the

first additional meaning is to receive

or to accept something some examples

does this restaurant take credit cards

all the teachers took a 5% pay cut so in

the first example sentence does this

restaurant take credit cards

take here means except in other words

this sentence means can I use a credit

card at this restaurant but we use the

verb take in an expression like this

instead does this restaurant take credit

cards does this restaurant accept credit

cards we use the verb take here in the

second example sentence it also means

accept or receive but in this case it

means like probably that the teachers

are not willing or they’re not happy

about a 5% pay cut but they have to

accept it they have no choice but to

accept it so they took a 5% pay cut so

the expression all the teachers took a

5% pay cut shows they received it or

they accepted this 5% pay cut but maybe

they weren’t really happy about it or

they didn’t want to but they accepted it

so the second additional meaning of this

verb is to cause something to go to

another place so examples of this I

should have taken an umbrella to the

office that bus will take you to the

airport okay so here we see take being

used to describe maybe an object or a

person moving to another location

because of something else in the first

example sentence it’s a person like I

should have taken an umbrella to the

office so I should have moved my

umbrella from probably my house to my

office I should have done that myself in

the second example sentence that bus

will take you to the airport

it means me and that bus using that bus

your body you as a person will cause to

be moved to the airport so we use the

verb take to do that

that bus will take you to the airport

move you to the airport let’s move on to

the third additional meaning for this

verb the third additional meaning for

this verb is to grasp to hold or to grip

something examples of this

can you take my bag for a second take

this pen and write your name so here we

see take being used to mean like hold

something or grip something in the first

example we see a very common expression

can you take my bag for a second you’re

asking someone else please hold this for

a moment please just carry this for a

moment so please take this bag please

take this phone please take my keys or

something for a short period of time is

sort of the feeling here in the second

example sentence take this pen and write

your name it’s two commands actually

take this pen one meaning put this pen

in your hand hold this in your hand and

after that write your name probably with

the pen so we’re meaning hold or carry

or grasp something but we use the verb

take here instead in most cases we use

take just for quick everyday expressions

like these okay let’s move on to the

fourth additional meaning for the verb

so the fourth additional meaning is

quite open it’s to do or to perform

something so examples of this

I’ve taken that test five times let me

take a look at that email so I said this

means like to do or to perform something

but when I say perform I don’t mean like

to perform entertainment I mean like to

do an action I mean perform as like the

formal version of do something so in the

first example sentence I’ve taken the

test five times

it means like I have done essentially I

have registered and written the test the

act of test taking I have done that I’ve

performed the test five times in the

second example sentence let me take a

look at that email we could say let me

look at that email but saying take a

look it sounds a little bit more casual

kind of a little bit quicker

I suppose do if you say let me look at

that email and maybe it sounds more

focused take a look sounds like maybe a

quick a quick look all near it sounds a

little bit faster I suppose so take a

look means to do something okay

let’s move on to some variations for the

verb take of course actually with this

verb there are a lot of idioms and a lot

of phrasal verbs so these are just a few

you can check a dictionary online to see

some more examples as well but these are

some that might be useful to you right

away the first variation for this verb

is to take after someone to take after

someone to take after someone means to

resemble someone meaning to look like

someone but not just in appearance this

can be in terms of personality in terms

of your behavior maybe in terms of your

career choices so some examples of this

she takes after her father I hope the

kids don’t take after their grandmother

okay so the first one she takes after

her father means she does something that

is similar to her father in the second

example sentence I hope the kids don’t

take after their grandmother the speaker

hopes the children don’t have the same

behavior or don’t have the same

something maybe personality or may looks

appearance they don’t do something

similar to their grandmother so to take

after someone means to resemble someone

in some way okay let’s move on to the

second variation for this verb so the

second variation is to take someone or

something on so we can use to take

someone on to take something on both of

these kind of have the image of a

challenge of some kind so we’re

accepting a challenge this can be a

physical challenge or it can mean like a

career challenge a project challenge a

conceptual challenge examples if you

threaten him he’ll take you on I’m

taking on some new responsibilities at

work in the first example sentence it

could be a physical challenge if you

threaten him he’ll take you on this

could mean a physical fight so accepting

a physical fight he’ll take you one he

will take you on means he will accept

your challenge so that could mean having

a physical fight it could mean having

some kind of like legal fight we don’t

know it’s quite an open expression but

it means he will accept your challenge

and try to win in the second example

sentence I’m taking on some new

responsibilities at work we

see that the speaker has received new

responsibilities or maybe has agreed to

take new responsibilities has agreed to

accept new responsibilities and they’re

going to try to achieve those things

like achieve new goals for example so

I’m taking on I’m accepting and trying

to work hard on a new challenge okay

let’s move along to the third variation

the third variation is to take something

back to take something back actually has

two different meanings depending on the

context let’s start with the first one

the first meaning of to take something

back is to return something to a store

examples I need to take back that


have you taken back those shoes so here

to take back just means to return an

item to a store something you purchased

you want your money to be returned to

you so you return the item and you

receive your money we say take back I

need to take this item back to the store

I need to return this item is what it

means however there is a second meaning

for to take back

it means like to cancel or to nullify

something that you previously said or

previously wrote usually because there

was a mistake or there was something

wrong or you offended somebody there was

some problem with what you said examples

you should take back what you said about


our manager took back her comments about

our design when she saw how successful

it was all right so in these examples we

see people in situations where someone

should sort of cancel or someone should

like agree that the thing that they said

in the past was wrong in the first

example sentence you should take back

what you said about her it means you

need to recognize that you said

something incorrect or inappropriate

about her and you should recognize that

and like try to sort of fix the problem

fix that situation so you can’t of

course not

unsay words if that makes sense you

can’t just physically remove your words

from someone’s memory but you can

recognize that you made a mistake and

say that like you can say okay I take it

back I’m sorry like I cancel what I’ve

said before in other words in the second

example sentence we see it in past tense

our manager took back her comments so

meaning the manager recognized that she

made a mistake

so her previous comments were probably

negative about the design she took back

her comments meaning she recognized her

mistake and she admitted she had been

wrong when she saw that the design was

successful so we see to take back or in

this case past tense took back refers to

recognizing in the past that you made a

mistake in your speech or in your

writing and saying so to people so I

made a mistake I take it back Bonta cuts

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