Do You Know the Best Vocabulary Study Strategies in English

all right I think we’re rolling hi

everybody welcome back to our weekly

live stream my name is Alisha and today

we are going to talk about vocabulary

study strategies in this lesson I’m

going to talk about some vocabulary

study ideas I’m going to cover all right

a kind of approach to your studies it’s

called spaced repetition and then I’m

going to talk about a bunch a lot of

different methods that you can use to of

course learn new vocabulary words but

also to help you remember them too so I

hope that this is a good lesson for

everybody really and that you can find

some new ideas that will help you in

your studies so as you join please make

sure to like this video and of course I

send a message in the chat and share

this lesson too so that other learners

can find today’s topics all right while

we wait for people to join a couple of

announcements the first thing I want to

talk about is this banner at the bottom

of the screen the team has a oops let me

get rid of this the team has a forty

five percent off six month sale on

English class so this is for

premium and Premium Plus plans on our

website you can take a look at that from

the link below the video at YouTube or

above the video on Facebook so today I’m

going to talk about like vocabulary ways

to study vocabulary some of the tools

I’ll talk about today you can find on

our website so you can take a look at

that later that is announcement number

one announcement number two is as always

if you have questions for me that are

not about today’s topic or if you have

questions at another time you can send

them to me for this series this is our

weekly Q&A series called ask Alicia

where you can send me your questions and

I’ll maybe answer them so if you want to

send a question to this series please

send it to English class slash

ask - Alicia I will put a link in the

YouTube description of this video after

today’s live stream so

questions please send them to me there

okay I think we are about ready so I

will look at the chat now I see many of

you are in the YouTube chat yes also

this week again I am broadcasting from

home so the look is a little different

than what many of you are used to

hi everybody on YouTube Alvin and Sergey

so Hampton ‘high Prosenjit hi Zeca hi


and on Facebook Facebook I’m checking

you from over here YouTube is here

Facebook I’m coming for you now anyway

please as you join to you please don’t

forget to like and share the video so

that other people can find today’s

lesson I’m going to share the video to

Facebook high fees book hi Cesare and

buta and Alvey hello everybody.welcome

okay I think everyone is here so I’m

going to show today’s lesson flow this

is what I’m going to talk about today if

you want to take a screenshot now is a

chance I will show it to you again later

too I’m going to talk about spaced

repetition first what is spaced

repetition why do we care this is an

important point for today’s lesson

second I’m going to talk about

vocabulary study methods so these are

the ideas for your studies third is your

study schedule so I’m going to talk

about how you can make your own study

plan for yourself so this is a topic

that’s like something that everybody

kind of chooses for themselves according

to their learning style and according to

their schedule so let’s get started

let’s begin I showed you the first thing

we’re going to talk about today is

something called spaced repetition

spaced repetition what is this why

should I care this is an important point

for understanding today’s topic I’ve

talked about this before so let’s review

this what is spaced repetition spaced

repetition think of spaced repetition as

a learning method so today I’m going to

talk about spaced repetition for

vocabulary learning but you can use this


this way of learning to study other


so usually spaced repetition is used

with flashcards but you can use this

learning method to study or memorize

with other things too

so you don’t have to use only flashcards

with this so what is spaced repetition

like what’s this idea let’s take a look

at this image here this is I hope

helpful to understand this idea so

repetition this is a noun repetition

means like the act of repeating

something and spaced means you leave a

space in between so spaced repetition

refers to doing something you’re

repeating an action with spaces between

like each repetition so that’s what this

is showing this image this graph shows

here this is time time set to 100% so

your retention is how well you can

remember something 100% means it’s super

easy to remember something 0% means I

can’t remember it at all so these red

marks are something that we’re studying

here this first one at the beginning

like on day one here this is like maybe

a new vocabulary word on the day you

learn it the very first time you learn a

new vocabulary word here then after a

day you your ability to remember that

goes down so it’s like I study something

today and then tomorrow I don’t remember

it so well so I study it again this

point right here this is review one so

that means the first time I review

something this is the first review so I

review it one time and then I can

remember it for maybe two days it’s

pretty easy to remember and then I

review again and it becomes I can

remember longer so this is the idea

we leave a space between our reviews so

that we can remember things over time so

you notice we we review here when we

start to forget so it’s not 0% attention

we start to forget and so we review so

this is an important point as we as we

study new things we don’t wait a long

time between these especially at the

beginning we need to review as we start

to forget so this is an important point

for your vocabulary studies we’re going

to talk about this today so main points

I just mentioned we need to repeat our

studies to remember things for a long

time this is something that I know is

difficult maybe when you study

vocabulary you want to study all the

words like right away one time but

that’s not how it works really so we

need to repeat our studies we need to

learn something and then review review

review and over time we review less and

less if we study a new word only one

time we’ll quickly forget it so of

course this is not true for all words

but if you’re studying like special

words you need for I don’t know some

work project or something special you’re

doing it’s hard to remember a word that

you’ve studied just one time and that

you use just one time you need to repeat

you need to review in order to remember

then finally review old study items

regularly to make sure you remember so

this means let’s say for example you

studied something a few months ago and

you can remember it pretty well that

doesn’t mean you never have to study

again it just means review from time to

time so this is true even for native

speakers of a language like if I find an

interesting new word in English I have

never seen before and that’s quite rare

I still need to study that word

because I saw it once doesn’t mean I’m

going to remember it forever so this is

the idea with spaced repetition we have

we have to kind of train our brains to

remember things over time and so we do

this by repeating with a little gap in

between our studies so this is an

important concept for today’s lesson and

something I think this has helped me

study vocabulary for sure as well as

other things so you can use this when

you study other things as well not just

for language learning okay

so I hope that this was clear mmm I if

you have questions please send them in

the chat this is kind of our background

for today’s lesson mmm okay I don’t see

questions everyone’s saying hello some

people are saying omalley on YouTube

says if I find new vocabulary sometimes

I write it down in paper on paper or in

a notebook yes I’m going to talk about

methods next okay so I’ll take one short

break if you’re just joining today’s

lesson topic is vocabulary study

strategies vocabulary study strategies

so I’ve just talked about something

called spaced repetition kind of a way

of studying not just vocabulary but

other things too I’m going to talk now

about methods for your studies before I

do though a quick reminder this banner

at the bottom of the screen it says 45%

off there is a six-month sale on the

website right now at English class

it is for premium and Premium Plus plans

so there’s today’s again lesson is about

vocabulary if you want to focus on

vocabulary we have vocabulary study

tools there’s audio video lessons you

can check there too okay

so I’ll show you today’s lesson boards

again I just talked about spaced

repetition now I’m going to talk about

vocabulary study methods and then we’ll

finish with a study schedule today so

let’s continue to part

  • also if you have not already please

make sure to like and share this video

so that other people can find today’s

lesson that would be awesome super cool

ok john-carlos on YouTube says I have to

apply this method with phrasal verbs

yeah for sure all I think all of us do

ok let’s go to let’s go to part 2

vocabulary study methods vocabulary

study methods so when I say vocabulary

study methods

I mean ways of studying like what’s the

process that you use to like find new

words or to learn the new words actually

so first I want to I want to look at

this question I’ve marked it with this

blue star before we start this an

important question to ask yourself is

what’s my learning style

what’s my learning style so I have here

kind of four groups yeah four groups of

like of styles of learning so the first

one so you can think about this maybe

send it in the chat which one you are

visual so if you like if you are a

visual learner it means for you it’s

easy to remember things and it’s easy

for you to use pictures or video TV

movies so these are things that we can

see easily yeah

pictures video that kind of thing so

like you it’s easy for you to remember

things when you watch a video or a TV

show or something like that that means

maybe you are a visual learner auditory

so auditory relates to audio you can

hear audio so audio means sound so for

example podcasts or songs TV and movies

as well of course those have audio as

well so if you if it’s easy for you to

remember things you learn when you hear

someone say it or when you hear it and

yeah like a podcast something like this


you are an auditory

okay if your like if you like reading

and writing actually this is me I am a

reader and a writer type I I need to see

like text and I need to write

information this is me books are helpful

for you like reading things oh I’m

making a diary or keeping are reading

newspapers taking notes maybe this is

your learning style so if you remember

things easily by reading or writing them

maybe you prefer reading and writing

styles this is definitely me like I

remember things much more easily and

it’s much easier for me to make a

connection with something when I read or

when I write and the other group number

the fourth one here is hands-on hands-on

so hands-on literally means putting your

hands on something but this means

learning by doing so you learn through

doing something doing an activity for

example so it’s maybe like participating

in a hobby or you have to make something

to learn how to do it so maybe you can

some of you are saying they’re almost of

course all of us can learn a little bit

in in each category of course of course

but for many people definitely for me

there’s one category that’s like my best

I know that I learned the best this way

of course we can all learn something in

each different learning style but for

many of us it’s really helpful to find

out which learning style is the most

effective yes some people are saying

visual so everybody’s just writing all

of them so try to think of the ones that

are really really helpful or if you’re

not sure think of the ones that you

really like to use okay so let’s go

through each category and let’s look at

some ideas for your studies then so

first let’s look at visual so if you are

a visual learner you like to see things

you can use vocabulary videos so for

example for your English Studies top

words we

a series called top words on the English

class 101 channel I hosted this I host

this top words is a vocabulary series so

when I say vocabulary series I mean we

introduced 10 vocabulary words in each

video we give example sentences we talk

about the meaning and like the feeling

of the words so this is an example of a

visual learning tool you can also use

vocabulary graphics so for those of you

who follow us maybe on Facebook you can

see sometimes we post like a picture

with some vocabulary words and images so

that’s a vocabulary graphic another one

picture flashcards picture flashcards

are really helpful too so it’s like a

just a regular flashcard but it has a

picture on it as well so a few ideas for

visual learners and of course as I said

TV movies these kinds of things are

super super helpful maybe comic books

are also helpful for visual learners so

if you are a visual learner these are

some ways you can consider studying if

you are an auditory learner so that

means you prefer it’s easy for you to

remember things when you here then you

can of course use vocabulary videos

again same thing because of course the

vocabulary video you can hear my voice

too just like now so you can use this to

learn like a group of vocabulary words

to study that you can use audio

flashcards if you don’t know what an

audio flashcard is it’s a it’s a regular

flashcard digital so on your computer or

on your smartphone but when you open the

flashcard you can play an audio file so

you can hear someone say the word so

that’s an audio flashcard or like a

flashcard with a voice that’s the idea

another really helpful one is vocabulary

songs vocabulary songs I know you might

think like what that sounds really

strange so we use vocabulary songs a lot

when we are beginning

language so maybe lots of you know like

songs from your childhood maybe like

kids songs those are examples of

vocabulary songs but you can also use

this as a tool even now like I know of

course there are many adults watching

now but you can use this as a study tool

to help you remember things you can use

this also for like grammar too and you

can make your own songs if it’s helpful

for you just to use for yourself so for

example it’s not a language learning

example but like my math teacher in high

school she made a song to remember

quadratic equations so and I still

remember the song so I still remember

how to do that that equation I still

remember that

so songs are they can be really really

useful to remember words okay good so

let’s go to reading and writing if you

are a reading and writing preference

person like me this is me for sure you

can use flashcards of course any group

can use flashcards I think most people

use flashcards at some point flashcards

or you can keep a flash like a flash

card notebook kind of so when I say

flashcard notebook it’s like you made

you you write the new words down in a

notebook somebody mentioned that in the

YouTube chat earlier so not just reading

the word so maybe you see the flashcard

but then you write the word down in a

notebook like you keep a list each time

you study so this is a way to study if

you are a reading writing style one

another good one post-it notes do you

know what post-it notes are so a post-it

note here I’ll use this it’s a small

piece of paper you use and you write a

word on the paper and stick it to

something so for example in your house

you want to know the word for like

whiteboard so you write on this post-it

whiteboard stick it to the whiteboard so

that’s an example you write something

down and put it too on the object so

that’s a post-it note

approach one more idea is a vocabulary

Twitter account a vocabulary Twitter

account so this means someone can create

a Twitter account and use it to practice

writing vocabulary and then you can

review your Twitter account to practice

those vocabulary words okay finally the

hands-on group the hands-on group so

again hands-on means people who prefer

to learn by doing something so here I

have post-it notes again so this means

again putting you know a note with a

vocabulary word on something but you can

do this like in your house so label like

your computer or sofas or whatever you

can choose objects and then to level up

this thing you can use verbs so like but

some of you said like phrasal verbs a

way to study phrasal verbs in your house

is to use this approach and put a verb

on your flashcard so that means like if

I want to put this on my light switch

I put turn on or switch on on my on my

flash card and stick it to the light

switch so every time I switch on the

light or turn on the light I think of

that vocabulary word so you can use

verbs on these too okay other points

gestures gestures can be super super

good ways to remember vocabulary words

especially if you’re a beginner so this

is good for verbs of course it’s kind of

hard it’s kind of hard to make gestures

for for like adjectives or for for nouns

in many cases for verbs for verb studies

gestures can be super super helpful and

again for hands on a vocabulary Twitter

account can be good also for hands-on

learning you can use like quizzes and

games and things like that to play

that’s super super helpful okay I want

to look now at this part I’ve erased a

little bit so I’ll read this out loud

this is another this is a point I want

to mention because it’s something you

can use in all in all of these or just

keep in your mind when you study this

word here is mnemonics mnemonics that

it’s been erased so I’ll spell it out

it’s MN e M o n IC s mnemonics mnemonics

is how you say this

what is it mnemonic this is a countable

noun so there’s an S at the end a

mnemonic is a trick to help you remember

something a trick to help you remember


so I said like vocabulary songs right so

when we write the song when we make the

song we are like giving ourselves it’s

like it’s like a trick we’re trying to

remember something that’s a mnemonic so

another example this is actually a

question someone asked me like if I’m

studying vocabulary and I like what’s

the difference between assess and

evaluate both of these words these two

words they both mean to check something

so how do I remember the difference

between these two I can remember like

evaluate value is in this word so it

means check to find the value of

something and evaluate so that’s a

mnemonic like I find a small trick to

help me remember something so when you

study vocabulary words you can create

your own tricks you can create your own

things to help you remember something so

this is a list of ideas of course there

are other ideas too so you can just use

this if you need a new idea but these

are just some ways that you can maybe

get start get started or that you can

you know change up your existing routine

okay so those are some vocabulary study

methods I don’t see any questions right

now so we’ll continue along if you’re

just joining today’s lesson is about

vocabulary study strategies vocabulary

study strategies we’re talking about how

to remember

vocabulary how to study vocabulary and

so on okay let’s continue to the last

part so in case you missed it earlier

there is a forty-five percent off sale

on the website there is a six-month sale

that’s this is part of this six-month

sale so if you want to learn with our

tools on our website please take a look

at the link below the video on youtube

or above the video if you’re watching on

facebook you can get you can actually

get some of the study tools I just

talked about there okay I will show you

today’s lesson boards again one more

time and then we’ll go to the last part

so I talked about spaced repetition at

the beginning of today’s lesson then I

talked about vocabulary study methods

last I’m going to talk about your study

schedule so this means hot like a lot of

you ask me how often should I study that

kind of thing how do I know what what to

do that’s going to be the last topic

today so let’s continue some of you are

saying asking about is this recorded yes

this lesson is being recorded you can

watch it on YouTube or Facebook after

the lesson has finished okay let’s go to

the last part for today’s lesson which

is your study schedule your study

schedule so people will ask how often

should I study or how much should I

study so first how often should I study

the answer basically is a little time

every day is best if that’s not possible

if you can’t study every day for a

little bit of time find regular times in

your week so remember at the beginning

of today’s lesson I talked about spaced

repetition yeah how we need to start

learning something and then review

review review that’s why it’s good to

try to study every day a little bit if

you can’t do that find regular times

like three times

or five times a week or something like

that so some of some some of you have

also asked like how much should I study

how many words should I study that’s up

to you but if you choose one word a day

you’re probably not going to make

progress very quickly so if it’s like

five words a day or ten words a day

that’s probably much better like ten

words a day in one week that’s 70 words

a week that’s a really good goal

so that’s up to you how much can you

remember if you try to study like 100

words a day you’re probably not going to

remember so you know choose something

that’s good for you but don’t overwhelm

don’t do too much so how do I make a

plan this is something everyone has to

make for themselves step one write down

your schedule so this will help you to

find your time find the time that you

have to practice so write your schedule

on a piece of paper like physically

write it down write all the details so

from when you wake up to when you go to

sleep so the reason that you do this is

so you can look at your schedule you can

find like break times in your schedule

when do you have space to study when is

it going to be easy for you to study so

this is the first step to making your

study plan step 2 find the x in your

week to add vocabulary study so choose

an existing so existing means you have

it now in your schedule choose an

existing part of your schedule to change

for example study on the train to and

from work or watch a vocabulary video at

lunch so these are parts of your day

these are things you already do you’re

just making a small change to them so

this means you’re not saying like I’m

going to get up three hours early and

study because that’s really really hard

for most people and it’s hard to make

that a routine

so the goal with this step is to help

you find part of your routine something

you already do and make a small change

to it so that’s the reason we say add

vocabulary study to your routine okay

finally the last and most important step

is to do it so you’ve made all of these

plans you have to actually do it do your

plan use your study schedule and choose

methods that match your learning style

remember in part two I talked about

vocabulary study method so if you know

for example you want to study on the

train or in the subway on your way to

work you need to choose a learning

method that fits that if you drive to

work you probably should not watch a

video lesson so consider consider

yourself consider your situation and

choose the right method that fits your

learning style and your situation hmm

so those are some ways to study

vocabulary and kind of an approach make

sure to study and then review review

review that’s true for anything you want

to study it’s not just true for a

vocabulary mmm all right so whew

that is it for today I’m late somehow

still so I will wrap up I’ll finish

today’s lesson there I will show you if

you want to take a screenshot here is

today’s lesson again if you want to take

a picture here it is

that is that so thank you as always for

joining me live I’ll be back again next

week next week we’ll go back to grammar

hooray I’m going to talk about something

many of you have been asking me about

lately past perfect continuous tense

past perfect continuous I recently

taught a lesson about present perfect

and the difference between that and

simple past next week I’m going to talk

about past perfect continuous

specifically when we use it with


this will be a good grammar lesson

especially for intermediate to more

advanced learners so please join me live

next week 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

June 24th that is Wednesday if you don’t

know your local time please google it

use your Google skills all right I will

finish up there thank you as always for

joining me make sure to check out the

sale on the website you can find the

link below the video on youtube or above

the video on Facebook thanks very much

for liking and sharing the video too and

thank you for your cool comments and

your questions make sure if you missed

any part of this you can check the video

on Facebook or on YouTube enjoy the rest

of your week and I will see you again

next time bye