This is How Youll perfect your English Pronunciation

want to speak real english from your

first lesson sign up for your free

lifetime account at

want to perfect your pronunciation and

speak like a native

the best way to do this is one listen to

a native speaker two repeat what they

say and three the most important part

compare yourself against their

pronunciation in fact mimicking a native

speaker like this which is called

shadowing is a powerful way to master

your speaking

and you can do this all with the voice

recorder inside of our learning program

but first if you don’t yet have access

to our program sign up for a free

lifetime account right now just click

the link in the description so

what makes the voice recorder so


first you can instantly spot the

differences between yourself and the

native speaker


the voice recorder records you and then

compares your speaking to the native


just record and listen

once you know what you need to change to

sound perfect you can adjust your

speaking and your pitch until you match

the native speaker

second you get to practice speaking the

most common words and phrases

in other words you won’t be learning to

say random words and phrases

our lessons teach you practical everyday

conversations like introducing yourself

ordering food at a restaurant talking

about where you’re from and more

the kind of conversations you’ll have

with native speakers and our vocabulary

lists teach you the must-know words and

phrases for all kinds of topics holidays

slang the many ways to say hello and



how do you use the voice recorder

you’ll find the voice recorder in our

lessons and vocabulary lists

just look for the microphone icon with

our lessons scroll down to the dialog

section the dialog section is a

line-by-line breakdown of the lesson


next to each line click on the

microphone icon to open the voice

recorder for that line

first listen to the native speaker’s


then click on the round record icon to

record yourself and finally play the two

tracks to compare

successful learners practice one line

three to four times to fully master the


now if you’re using our free vocabulary

phrase lists you’ll find the microphone

icon next to each word or phrase again

click on the icon to record and compare

yourself to the native pronunciation

so if you want to speak like a native

with perfect pronunciation take

advantage of this voice recorder which

is available in every lesson and

vocabulary list but if you don’t yet

have access sign up for a free lifetime

account right now just click the link in

the description to sign up

want to speed up your language learning

take your very first lesson with us

you’ll start speaking in minutes and

master real conversations sign up for

your free lifetime account just click

the link in the description