WALK Basic Verbs Learn English Grammar

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hi everybody welcome back to know your

verbs my name is Alicia and in this

episode we’re going to talk about the

verb walk let’s get started

let’s look at the basic definition of

this verb the basic definition is to

make progress on foot examples I walked

around the neighborhood yesterday he

walks around the office to stretch his

legs now let’s look at the conjugations

of each verb present walk walks past

walked past participle walked

progressive walking

now let’s talk about some other meanings

for this verb first additional meaning

for this lesson is to cause an animal to

walk let’s look at some example make

sure to walk the dog later have you

walked the dogs today so here you’ll see

walk the dog so this is quite common for

dogs we don’t really walk meaning we

don’t really take the animal out and let

go for a walk with the animal so like we

usually just use this expression with

dogs we don’t usually say like walk the

cat or like walk the bird or walk the

Sheep I don’t know we usually use it

with dogs so walk the dog so it’s part

of the animals exercise the necessary

exercise so we use walk before dog in

this case so make sure to walk the dog

have you walked the dog means caused the

dog to walk the second meaning I want to

talk about for this lesson is to

accompany someone on foot so you’re

traveling with someone on foot examples

of this she walked her friend to the

station will you walk me home alright

first example sentence says she walked

me to the station she walked me to the

station so we’re following the past

tense walked with the person being

accompanied in this case me she my

friend made me she walked me she

accompanied me to the station on foot is

what this means but we use walked to

make it nice and short and easy to

understand she walked me to the station

in the second example sentence will you

walk me home

it’s a request meaning will you please

accompany me home on foot so you’re

within walking distance you can walk to

your home you’re asking another person

will you please walk with me to my house

so to accompany someone on foot we can

use walk to do that third meaning for

this is actually more of an advanced

meaning this meaning is to avoid as in

like to avoid criminal punishment let’s

look at some examples of this the

defendant walked despite a lot of

evidence I don’t think he’ll walk the

judges tough so here walk means avoiding

punishment but we use it in like legal


I think the reason is because when a

criminal or someone who has been accused

of criminal behavior is not convicted

meaning they’re not guilty or they are

allowed to be free they are not taken to

jail they can walk out of the courthouse

or they can walk out of the you know

prison or wherever they’re being kept

wherever they are being held they can

walk so we use the verb walk to mean

avoiding punishment but it’s usually

just used in criminal or legal

situations so this is a more advanced

use of this verb but to walk like I

don’t think he’ll walk means I don’t

think he’ll be allowed to go free so I

don’t think he’ll get away I don’t think

he’ll avoid punishment I don’t think

he’ll walk

now let’s talk about a few variations on

the verb walk to walk on eggshells to

walk on eggshells super interesting so

to walk on eggshells means to exercise

great caution so in other words be

really really careful to be super

careful so the image eggshells are very

fragile it’s easy to break them so to

walk on eggshells means you have to be

very very careful otherwise you’ll break

the eggshell so to walk on eggshells

means you have to be very careful let’s

look at some examples of when we might

use this expression my manager is in a

really bad mood today

everyone is walking on eggshells I had

to walk on eggshells at that dinner last

night so if you don’t know this

expression walking on eggshells you

might think what is this person talking

about when you hear this expression like

everyone is walking on eggshells today

what but it just means everyone is being

really really careful everyone is being

really cautious in the first example my

manager is in a bad mood everyone is

walking on eggshells today means

everyone is being very very careful

because the manager is in a bad mood and

people don’t want to make him or her

unhappy in the second example I was

walking on eggshells at dinner last

night means I was being very careful at

dinner last night maybe it was a

high-pressure dinner situation so

walking on eggshells means being very

careful okay let’s go to the second

variation so I prepared two variations

that are very similar here they are to

walk into and to walk in on so very

similar to walk into what as one word

into into to walk into and to walk in on

let’s look at to walk into first so to

walk into means to crash into something

when walking so you’re walking walking

walking and crash into something

examples of this I walked into a wall

this morning have you ever walked into a

glass door yes I have I’ve walked into a

screen doors who has not who has not

walked into a door seriously and do it

all the time so it means you’re you’re

walking and you I hope accident

you crash into something as you’re

walking of course if you want to upgrade

this you can say I ran into a door that

means your speed is different so walk

into a door and run into a door just the

speed is different there but you can

change the motion verb if you like but

now let’s take a look at to walk in on

so different very different meaning

actually to walk in on so to walk in on

something means to enter a situation

accidentally it’s usually something like

kind of scandalous or kind of

embarrassing you walk in on something

accidentally maybe you don’t want to see

or you’re surprised to see that so let’s

look at some fairly mild examples of

this first she walked in on us gossiping

they walked in on us watching YouTube

videos at the office that’s done you’re

watching YouTube okay so to walk in on

past tense is my first example she

walked in on us gossiping so what was

the situation she walked in on

accidentally us so us meanings some

group of people we were gossiping and

someone entered that situation

accidentally it was very uncomfortable

oh no we were gossiping maybe about that

person we don’t know but some kind of

awkward or uncomfortable situation she

walked in on us gossiping on us

gossiping in the second example sentence

they walked in on us watching YouTube

videos at the office so again they

walked in on us in this case we’re

watching YouTube videos in the office we

could of course change the sentence like

I walked in on my co-workers watching

youtube videos in the office we could

change that around

it means accidentally entering a

situation that’s a little bit

uncomfortable in some way so you can

find many different examples of how this

is used but I’ll leave that up to you

alright so those are a few different

ways perhaps for you to use the verb

walk I hope that it was helpful for you

if you have any questions if you know of

some other ways to use the verb walk or

if you just want to try to make an

example sentence please feel free to do


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thanks very much for watching this

episode of know your verbs and we’ll see

you again soon bye watch that’s just

