Warren Buffetts Life Advice Will Change Your Future MUST WATCH

by far the best investment you can make

is in yourself

i mean that for example communication

skills i tell the students that come


they’re going to graduate schools and

business and

they’re learning all these complicated

formulas and all that if they just learn

to communicate better and both in

writing and

in person they increase their value at

least 50

if you invest in yourself nobody can

take it away from you if i gave you a

car and it’d be the only car you’re

getting the rest of your life

you take care of it like you can’t

believe any scratch you’d fix that

moment you read the owner’s manual you

keep a garage and do all these things


you get exactly one mind of one and one

body in this world

and and you can’t start taking care of

it when you’re 50 by that time you’ll

rush it out if you haven’t done anything

so you you should

just really make sure that you just

remember that you just got one

mind and body to get through life with

and to do the most with it what about

life advice

well life advice is uh you know the most

important thing

is really who you associate with you

want to associate with people that are

better than you are

i mean basically you’ll go in the

direction of the people that you

associate with and

and you want to have the right heroes

you want people

if you want to emulate somebody you

better pick very carefully who you want

to emulate and

obviously you can’t pick your parents

they’re gonna have an enormous influence

on you but you don’t get a choice on

that but you get choices

as you go down the line and you who you

uh who you admire who you who who you

want to copy and the most important for

most people in terms of that decision

is their spouse it’s also important in

terms of a partner in business with the

partner in life is

is the most important one you want to

pick a spouse that’s

better than you are biggest mistakes

people make when investing

well they they try to they

they just don’t realize that all you

have to do is just buy a cross-section

of america and they never

listen to people like me or read the

papers or do anything subsequently

they think they think that because you

can trade you should trade

you buy a farm you buy an apartment

house you can’t resell it tomorrow and

you know the cost of

moving around now you get something

handed to your liquidity

you know which is instant you can sell

and the cost of doing it are pennies you

know compared to other kinds of

investment activity so because they can

so easily move around they do move

around and moving around is not smart in


you have a pretty cool morning routine

regarding what you have for breakfast

and how prosperous you feel what is that

i eat exactly what i like to eat

if somebody offered me a deal when i was

20 and said you’re going to live one

year longer

you know instead of living to 88 you’ll

have to 89 or whatever it may be

if you eat nothing but broccoli and

brussels sprouts and onions and all

these things

and i i just said i’ll you know take the

last year off it probably won’t be that

good anyway you know

so i eat exactly what i like to eat

is business school worth it depends on

the person that

much more than it depends on the school

i mean i i wouldn’t worry

some people are going to get a lot out

of advanced education and some people

are going to get

very little and i don’t even think it’s

important that every person go to

college at all i mean

we have all kinds of jobs at 70 or so

thousand a year 80 000 a year that

college training is is is not abuse

and i i actually was not keen on going

to college

myself yeah my dad uh kind of jollied me

into it he could get me to do anything


i knew i could have a good time and i

liked investing and i didn’t really feel


i could read the books you know it’s a

big commitment

to take four years and the cost involved

and maybe the loans involved and

everything i think

depending on what your interests are in


i don’t think i don’t think it’s for

everybody i think it’s for a lot of


but there ought to be a reason you’re

going and i didn’t really see much


if you get to be 65 or 70

and later and and the people that you

want to have love you actually do love


you’re a success i’ve never seen anybody


reaches that age i mean i’m not talking

about somebody that’s in extreme poverty

or pain or something but i’ve

never seen anybody that if they have a

lot of people that love them

that is other than happy and i’ve seen

some very very

wealthy people that they give interest

to and name schools after and everything

nobody nobody loves them by far the best

investment you can make is in yourself

if you invest in yourself nobody can

take it away from
