Learn American Holidays Washingtons Birthday

hi everyone I’m Alisha on the third
Monday of February every year the United

States pays tribute to its first
president George Washington Washington’s

birthday is a federal holiday and
federal government workers get the day

off it’s not as widely celebrated as
some other national holidays however

sometimes the holiday is referred to as
Presidents Day there’s a rather odd

tradition associated with Washington’s
Birthday and Presidents Day try to guess

what it is we’ll show you the answer at
the end of this video Washington’s

Birthday is not among the u.s. holidays
that are associated with large-scale

celebrations there are celebrations in
some cities but compared to other major

holidays in the United States this one
is rather reserved in nature

Washington’s Birthday is often part of
the combined Presidents Day celebration

most of the time Presidents Day
emphasizes the two people who are

generally considered to be the greatest
presidents of the United States George

Washington and Abraham Lincoln
Washington’s birthday is culturally

significant to the United States because
of General Washington’s revered place in

history he was the first American
president and beyond that he was handed

a unanimous electoral college victory to
win that office he is also the most

celebrated general in the Revolutionary
Army that defeated the British the

biggest celebrations of his holiday are
held at the George Washington birthplace

nat’l monument in Virginia and at Mount

George Washington designed the first
metal intended for the average soldier

the Purple Heart one of the most
respected US service medals in existence

is given to soldiers who were injured in
battle and it was designed by Washington

himself and now here’s the answer to the
quiz believe it or not sales are a

tremendous part of the traditional
Washington’s Birthday and Presidents Day

celebrations furniture stores and car
dealerships are particularly notable for

holding sales on this day how is this
lesson did you learn something

interesting do you celebrate the
birthdays of important leaders in your

country please leave a comments at
English class 101.com until next time