Phrasal Verb Practice WARM UP

hello hello welcome to today’s live

English lesson here on the speak English

with Vanessa

YouTube channel I’m so glad that you’re

here today to learn English to enjoy

English and also to participate because

this is a live lesson if you are here

with me live feel free to write comments

in the chat box I’ll try to give you

some feedback I’m gonna be reading a lot

of your sentences during this lesson and

if you’re not watching live if you’re

watching the replay no problem you can

also enjoy this lesson you can write a

comment in the comment box below and

I’ll try my best as well to take a look

at your comments and give you some

feedback as well today we’re gonna be

talking about an interesting phrasal

verb warm up warm up we’re going to be

talking about the basic way to use this

and then we’re going to be talking about

the advanced way to use this so get


prepare your mind we’re gonna be using

this phrasal verb and I hope that by the

end of today’s lesson you’ll be able to

use this and understand it when other

people use it as well so if you’re here

with me live I want to say thank you

thanks for joining me Gabrielle and El

Salvador thank you for coming thanks for

coming from Russia

Donna Peck in Thailand hello Federica in

italy hello glad that you’re here

gizelle in Brazil I’m at an Egypt Wow

international group you guys are awesome

if you are new here let me quickly

introduce myself hi I’m Vanessa and I

teach English here on the internet on

YouTube on Tuesday and Thursday at 9

a.m. est that’s the New York Times own

so if you would like to come to the next

live lesson it will be Tuesday or

Thursday at

9 a.m. in the morning if you would like

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there were a couple times because I was

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the one step you have to do is just to

read my free ebook five steps to

becoming a confident English speaker I

hope that this free ebook will help you

and also the free email lessons all of

this together is hopefully a win-win

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and you can join the live lessons or you

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the same time each week so today we’re

going to be talking about the phrasal

verb warm-up I have a question for you

first of all what do you think this

means and I’m gonna ask you a more a

deeper question about it let’s finish

this sentence I’m gonna write a sentence

and I want to see if you can finish it

are you ready here is here’s my sentence

for the day I’ll write it on this

notebook it is in because it’s spring

right now in the u.s. in the spring the

weather hmm how can we finish this

sentence how can we finish this sentence

in the spring the weather hmm

what’s the most natural clear way in the

winter the weather’s cold snowy

depending on where you’re from of course

but in the spring now now it’s actually

raining but this is still true because

in the spring oh Cardos

it yes in the spring the weather warms

up flew lovely lovely yes in the spring

the weather warms up and for me I feel

like almost like a new person when

spring comes because in the winter

you’ve been cold you your muscles feel

kind of tight and then in the spring ah

you can relax and take it easy so here

we have the first use of our phrasal

verb beautiful use of it a lot of you

are writing the correct answer great


yes in the spring the weather warms up

hmm so let’s use this phrasal verb warms

up in a couple different ways how can

you use warm up when when the weather

warms up what do you do what do you do

so you could say when the weather warms

up I like to go for a walk when the

weather warms up I like to uh open the


when the weather warms up I like to wear

short sleeves instead of a big coat what

do you like to do when the weather warms

up so I challenge you to make a full

sentence using this expression if you

write just the answer it’s useful but

you need to repeat the phrasal verb as

much as possible

great yes a lot of you are seeing this

unisys when the weather warms up I like

to take a cold shower Oh

interesting interesting

what is it says in the winter the

weather doesn’t warm up very true um it

says when the weather warms up I feel

more comfortable

great ah Gabriela says when the weather

warms up I like to eat ice cream great

idea when the weather warms up I’ll take

a walk in the forest

great idea calming relaxing great for

warm weather a lot of you are talking

about going outside I’d like to spend

more time in the garden go to the

swimming pool when the weather warms up

I’d like to do some outdoor activities

me too

I think I feel more motivated to go

outside because it’s warm now it’s

raining but in the US maybe other parts

of the world we have a proverb and the

proverb says april showers bring May

flowers right now it’s April and the

shower is rain april showers bring May

flowers so in May there will be

beautiful flowers because it’s raining


so it’s a good way to feel more

comfortable with the rain so this is our

first use of warm up talking about the

weather are you ready to take this to

the next level we’re going to use this

in an advanced way so let’s imagine this

concept the weather is warming up you’re

feeling more comfortable feeling more at


a lot of you wrote this that when the

weather warms up I feel more comfortable

so what is something that’s a little

more figurative that we can feel

comfortable with let me write another

sentence here and I want to see if you

can guess what this means let’s say my


oldest cat is starting to warm up to my


cats alright so we have a sit-ins here

about my cats I have three cats I have

an old cat he’s almost 17 years old and

I have two younger cats who are about 2

or 3 years old here we have our phrasal

verb and we’re going to add just a

little bit here

my oldest cat is starting to warm up to

my youngest cat what do you think that

this means we’re using the same phrasal

verb imagine this same idea the weather

warms up I want to go outside when the

weather warms up ah I can open the

windows so what about what about with

cats or we can use this also with people

with ideas in a lot of different ways

hmm what do you think that this means we

have some great ideas to play together

to get used to each other oh I like that


yes so here be friendly whoo that’s a

good way to do it my oldest cat is

starting to warm up to my youngest cat

yes this means he’s starting to get

comfortable or get friendly so we can

imagine it’s a similar idea when the

weather warms up you get more

comfortable you feel more comfortable so

we can use this in this more figurative

sense that my cat is warming up to my

other cat we can use this for people as

well let’s say that you go on a date and

maybe let’s say that you go on a date

with a guy and the guys okay but it’s

not love at first sight you could say

maybe I will warm up to him later

meaning at the moment you don’t feel so

comfortable but maybe later you will get

used to spending time with him maybe

later when you learn more about him it

will become better so you will warm up

to someone so I want to see if you can

use this in this figurative sense

getting more comfortable with it I see

here wonderful sentences someone says at

least as my wife is starting to warm up

to my family we have a lot of verbs here

so let’s make sure that we’re using all

of these verbs I’ll use how about I’ll

use another color make sure we use all

these verbs in the correct way so we

have is starting with ing to to warm up

to who so this is a fixed part of our

sentence let’s make sure it stays

together when Ali says my wife is

starting to warm up to my family at the

beginning she wasn’t so comfortable with

my family but now she’s starting to feel

more comfortable starting to feel like

they’re part of her family as well I’ll

we have a grace in his day by day I’m

warming up to Vanessa so you’re starting

to feel more and more comfortable

excellent I hope so Oh

Akihiro has a great sentence I’m

starting to warm up to the new work

environment great so we can substitute

I’m starting to get used to my new work

environment both of those mean the same

thing but if you want to use today’s

phrasal verb expand your vocabulary we

can use warm-up I’m starting to warm up

to my new work environment I’m starting

to warm up to my new job I’m starting to

warm up to my new friend

oh great sentence I’m starting to warm

up to my new neighbors so maybe at the

beginning you didn’t really know about


you didn’t really care about them but

now you’re starting to warm up to your

neighbors excellent

Gabriela says I’m starting to warm up to

college life this is a great way to use

it we’re talking about a figurative

sense here we’re not talking about the


physically getting warmer you’re talking

about your mind becoming more

comfortable so at the beginning college

life was not so comfortable for you but

you’re starting to warm up to college

life beautiful I love it I love it let’s

see if there are any final sentences

here we can talk about oh we have a

great one

I hope someone can warm up my cold heart

so in this situation it means that you

feel worried about making friends or

finding someone to love and you hope

that someone will break that barrier and

warm up your heart it’s not physically

cold but figuratively figuratively one

says I’m starting to warm up to my

coworkers great great so I think we use

this a little bit previously in this way

but we can also use this to talk about

an idea so let’s say for example your

your wife says hey for summer vacation I

really want to go to the mountains and

you were thinking oh I’d really like to

go to the beach and you have a different

opinion so she tries to convince you to

go to the mountains she tells you about

beautiful sunsets and fresh air in the

trees and seeing some wild animals and

you say oh I’m starting to warm up to

that idea to that idea we often say that

idea following this expression I’m going

to write this final sentence I’m


I am starting to warm up to that idea

I’m starting to warm up to that idea so

here we have our phrasal verb + - I’m

starting to warm up to that idea hmm

it’s a good idea it’s maybe not my

favorite so far but I’m feeling more and

more comfortable with it I’m starting to

warm up to it now we have a great

question Padma asks what’s the meaning

of warm up before starting an exercise

so today we’ve talked about the weather

warming up kind of mentally or

figuratively warming up to someone or to

an idea and with exercise here we’re

talking about your muscles becoming

comfortable I need to warm up before I

start running hurt myself so we’re

talking about getting your muscles ready

to exercise this is connected to the

other minions but I think today our main

meanings for warm up are more closely

related so you could say I need to warm

up before I exercise I need to warm up

before I play basketball otherwise I

might hurt my shoulder I need to warm up

or we could say I’m warming up to the

idea that I need to warm up before I

play basketball you’re getting

comfortable more and more comfortable

with this idea so are you ready to say a

full sentence all together using warm-up

I’ve seen a lot of amazing sentences so

far in today’s live lesson so I know you

guys can listen carefully to the

sentence this is a little dictation

practice can you write the sentence

exactly the way I say it I’m not gonna

write it down I want to see if you can

write it in the chat box we’re going to

repeat it all together if you’re in

danisha Brazil Egypt Thailand Russia

doesn’t matter we’re gonna say it all

together all around the world are you

ready we’re going to use the sentence

with warm up warm up mmm okay I’m

warming up to the idea of speaking

English I’m warming up to the idea of

speaking English I’m warming up to the

idea of speaking English so can you

write this sentence in the chat box and

say it out loud we’re going to say it

slowly so that you can pronounce each

sound I want you to imitate my mouth

exercise those speaking muscles and

we’re going to say it together slowly

first I’m warming up to the idea of

speaking English make sure that your

lips are together when mine are together

they’re out when mine are out there up

when mine are up let’s imitate this

together I’m warming up to the idea of

speaking English loudly and warming up

to the idea of speaking English yes it’s

becoming more comfortable to you and I

hope that you can say this sentence out

loud and use it and hopefully with

repetition you’ll be able to use this

phrasal verb correctly and also the idea

of feeling comfortable about speaking

English you’re warming up to the idea of

speaking English everyone for writing

the sentence for saying it out loud I

hope that you got some beautiful

practice today with English and if you

are thinking Vanessa

it can’t be the end of our lesson

already what well I have good news I

will be back on Tuesday on Tuesday at 9

a.m. est that’s the New York Times own

will have another live lesson

you have any suggestions for things that

you would like to talk about expressions

or ideas feel free to write them in the

comments I always take a look at

suggestions because I want to do

something that’s useful for you

something that would really be helpful

for the people you who are participating

so feel free to give any suggestions in

the comments and I’ll see you again on

Tuesday at 9 a.m. Eastern Time

over the weekend Thursday Friday

Saturday Sunday Monday for the next 5

days how can you study English what can

you do to warm up to the idea of

speaking English well you can follow

five steps for becoming a confident

English speaker these five steps I’ve

this means I’ve put them together in an

e-book that you can download you can

print it out put it on the wall put it

in your kitchen put it under your pillow

and dream about English this free ebook

is my gift to you to help you know

what’s the next step I’ve included a lot

of links a lot of resources my personal

story about learning language

successfully and also not so

successfully different situations and I

think for you you’ll be able to follow

those same ideas and know what’s the

next best step for you so the best way

to get this to read this ebook to get

the free information and also my emails

is to download it with the link below

this video or on the screen at the end

it’s my pleasure to help you with

English keep up the good work I hope

you’re warming up to the idea of

speaking English and I’ll see you again

on Tuesday bye everyone

see you later