Whats The Weather Like Today English Conversation Talking About the Weather in English


what’s the weather like

watch to find out ways you can talk

about the weather

dialogue one

what’s the weather like today


hey tom are you coming to work today

of course why

are you calling in sick mike

no i’m not sick

it’s just raining really hard where i am

now the road is already flooded

really it is not raining here though

if it is already flooded there you

should probably stay home it is really

dangerous to travel in such weather

let me wait and see

by the way what is the weather like at

your place

it is gloomy and pretty windy but i do

not think it will rain

the clouds do not seem that heavy to me

i see

can you go to work first and tell me

what the weather is like at the office

sure thing

if it rains too hard there just stay

home you can work online you know

i know but there is a really important

meeting at the office today i do not

want to miss it

anyway thank you very much

you’re welcome mike

i will let you know once i get there

awesome i’ll be waiting for your call


dialogue too beautiful day huh


today is such a beautiful day don’t you

think so

emma yes indeed mel the last few days

have been so hot but today is nice

i know right i could not even go outside

yesterday today the sky is so clear and

the wind is cool

oh i especially love the summer breeze

it feels so good to be outside

i have an idea

why don’t we go on a picnic today

a picnic are you sure

yes why not

we can invite brad and his sister leila

as well

that sounds good but do we have a car

i can borrow my dad’s i am sure he

doesn’t mind

have you got your driver’s license yet

yes i actually have i passed the test

last month

and you did not tell me

that is amazing congratulations

thank you

it is no big deal really it was not that



should i call brad now or do you want to

do it

you do it i will call my dad to ask for

the car


hey brad do you have any plans for today

no not yet why

well mel and i were just thinking about

going on a picnic since it is so nice


care to join us

of course let’s go can i bring my sister

as well

funny that you asked i was about to tell

you to invite her too

all right see you guys in about 15


cool see ya


dialog three

what’s the temperature

hey riley come inside

oh my god

you have no idea how cold it is outside

right now ron

i am freezing

you look really cold

take a seat let me turn on the heater

thank you

are you feeling any better

yes a little bit

tell me how was the weather out there

oh my god there is literally a snow

storm outside right now i almost got

blown away by a strong wind

that is scary i’m glad you made it here

in time

yes me too

what is the temperature though

i’m not sure but definitely below zero

celsius degrees

you should stay here for the night then

i do not think it is safe for you to

travel all the way home right now

will that be fine

of course don’t worry about it i have a

spare bedroom that you can use

thank you so much

i don’t think i can go outside now

either the snow is getting really heavy

i can see that well let me go get you

some warm clothes and a pair of fuzzy

socks i’ll be right back

all right


here you go if you need anything else

tell me okay

sure thank you again

no problem

by the way do you want a cup of hot

chocolate to warm up

that would be really nice in this

weather thanks

a cup of hot chocolate coming right up


dialogue for lightning and thunder

is it really fine for me to stay here

for a while tyler

definitely my entire family is away for

work and i have the whole house for

myself at the moment don’t worry nate

okay thank you

i just saw on the weather forecast that

there would be a huge storm hitting our

town and i just want to be safe

oh i heard about it on the news this

morning too

you really should stay inside at times

like this

i agree i will be heading home as soon

as the storm dies down a little bit


no worries you can even sleep here

tonight if you want i don’t mind

oh thank you

do you want some snacks or a drink what

can i get you

can i just get a glass of water please

of course give me a minute


here is your water nate


so did it say how strong the storm was

going to be in the forecast

oh pretty strong i think there would be

lightning and thunder as well

oh no that is dangerous

you should definitely stay here then let

me go get you a spare mattress

no need ty

i can sleep right here on this sofa if


are you sure

of course

don’t worry about me

you’ve already helped enough


just let me know if i can help with

anything else


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