English NEW YEARS Words with Alisha

Hi everybody, my name is Alisha and today
we are going to talk about a few words that

might be useful for the New Year’s Holiday,
so let’s begin.

All right, the first phrase is just New Year’s
Eve. New Year’s Eve refers to the last day

of the year, December 31st. It’s the night
before January 1st, the Eve of the New Year.

New Year’s Eve is traditionally a very fun,
happy evening where people get together with

their friends and their family, they might
enjoy champagne. It’s a big party.

Okay oh I’ve already mentioned this but
champagne, champagne is a traditional I guess

New Year’s drink and a bubbly alcoholic
drink. When the clock hits midnight, people

might open a bottle of champagne and share
it among all their friends. It’s supposed

to be kind of a cheery, happy way to ring
in the New Year. I really enjoy sharing a

glass of champagne with my friends on New
Year’s Eve.

The next word is confetti. Confetti is really,
really small, brightly colored paper. When

there is a party or a New Year’s Eve, people
might throw or spray Confetti flashy and colorful

and maybe seems exciting on the day – Confetti
is everywhere on the streets of New York City

on January 1st.

All right, the next word is resolution, goal
for yourself. Many people set a New Year’s

resolution on January 1st or in the first
week of January which is the things that they

want to accomplish during that year. I do
this, maybe you do this. Some common ones

are for example to lose weight or to start
going back to the gym or to reconnect with

all the family members and friends. Sticking
to your resolution can often be really difficult.

For 2015, my resolution is to become fluent
in another language.

The next word is countdown, 10 to 0 countdown
of the last 10 seconds of the year. So people

usually count down the last 10 seconds together
in really big voices and when it reaches zero,

everybody else happy new year at the end of
the countdown. You might hear about a countdown

party where everybody comes together just
for that. And in a sentence, I am going to

a countdown party this year. It should be
a lot of fun and the next word is Times Square.

Times Square refers to a very, very popular
and busy location in New York City. It is

the location where the New Year’s Eve ball
drops in New York and it’s broadcast all

over America and I think the world really.
It’s kind of the quintessential – yeah

it’s a really iconic New Year’s Eve party.
So you might see this on TV, people celebrating

in Times Square. In a sentence, Times Square
is so crowded on New Year’s Eve, be careful.

And that’s the end. That’s the end of
some words that you might need or you might

I don’t know. Those are words, New Year’s,
happy New Year. If you have any new year’s

resolutions, any goals for yourself for 2015,
please be sure to leave us a comment and let

us know what they are. Have a Happy New Year
and we will see you again soon, bye.