Sound More Natural in American English in 36 Minutes

want to speak real English from your

first lesson sign up for your free

lifetime account at English class whenever I’m ready all right hi

everybody welcome back to pop words my

name is Alisha and today we’re going to

be talking about 10 words for connecting

thoughts these are going to be ten words

that you can use to transition between

ideas very useful in both speech and in


let’s move also also also is a word that

you can use to add information I went to

the store this morning also I went and

got coffee that’s true however however

however is used to contrast or to

contrast depending on your pronunciation

to differentiate to show a difference

between two pieces of information a good

pattern would be a however B so for

example I love tonkotsu ramen however it

is very high in calories so I don’t eat

it often also true on the other hand on

the other hand on the other hand is I

feel used more commonly in speech than

it is in writing again it’s used to

present like two sides to a story or two

sides to some information so for example

I’m thinking about visiting Taiwan

sometime this year but on the other hand

I’m also thinking about visiting

Thailand still so it might be common to

use still with the word like butt or

word like even though so you’re saying

even though there’s some other factor

like like I’m really really tired this

week or even though I have a lot of

homework to do I still want to go out

with my friends or I still want to see a

movie this weekend so there’s this other

there’s this thing that’s maybe makes

this other action difficult to do or

tough to do or whatever but even though

there’s this you still have this over

here so maybe the tube are kind of used

as a pair I still want to go out later

even though I’m tired then

then yes a very useful word we use then

when telling stories a lot so for

example if I could tell a story about my

morning today when I got up I brush my

teeth and then I cooked breakfast then I

did a little bit of work then I took a

shower then I did some cooking blah blah

blah you will often hear and then as

well and then I and then we and then you

and so on so then it is really really

useful for sequence so a useful word I

think besides besides so it’s commonly

used in a pattern like beside that

meaning other than something else I went

out with my friends this weekend but

besides that I didn’t really do much so

another way to say that sentence is I

went out with my friends this weekend

but other than that other than that

activity I didn’t do very much ok

meanwhile meanwhile or you might hear

the similar expression in the meantime

it means while you’re doing action a at

the same time maybe somewhere else

action B is happening this is used while

telling stories a lot so for example I

was working in my office all week last

week meanwhile my co-workers across town

were having a party without me Wesley so

these two things are happening at the

same time but maybe separate from one

another well likewise ok likewise I

don’t really use this word personally

myself at all it’s often used after an

introduction similar to the pleasure is

all mine in a formal situation so maybe

somebody says you know hey it was really

great to see you last weekend thanks

very much for coming to my barbecue you

can say yeah likewise it was really good

to see you in your family so likewise

means I have the same feeling or I have

the same idea it’s kind of a friendly

phrase but personally I don’t really use

that to transition between thoughts I

would just use and

suppose but mmm that’s how I would use

it instead instead so so instead if

you’d like instead of I want to a

instead of B can be used to express your

plans or what you want to do I want to

have Chinese food instead of Italian

food tonight

so you’re presenting two alternatives

essentially so instead of means in place

of or as a substitute for so I should

have drank a lot of water this morning

but instead I drank a lot of coffee

that’s true I wanted to have dinner with

my friends this weekend instead I had

dinner at home in addition in addition

this is a really good word for more

formal situations I like to use in

addition in writing I don’t really use

in addition in speaking unless I’m

trying to be very formal for some reason

similar to additionally as well so you

make point a and point B and then when

you want to make one more point that’s

related to point A and point B you can

say in addition point C so you’re like

building an argument and in addition can

be used to kind of finish that argument

off a little bit our new marketing plan

worked really well last month we noticed

increased sales in product a in addition

we’ve gained a lot of new customers

something like that so just your your

quickly presenting a series of ideas

that are related to one another you can

use in addition to finish it off all

right so that’s the end of ten words for

connecting thoughts I hope you get to

use a lot of these try to mix it up it’s

good to use a variety of different words

thanks very much for watching this

episode and we will see you again next

time for more fun stuff bye hmm whenever

I’m ready all right welcome back to

weekly words

I am Alisha and this week

to talk about commonly mispronounced

mispronounced Wow this week we’re going

to talk about commonly mispronounced

words words that are often pronounced

incorrectly this is funny

I enjoy mispronouncing this first word

the first word is hyperbole hyperbole

it’s not hyperbole though it does sound

very funny to say that hyperbole just

means to exaggerate something or to make

to blow something up make it a really

extreme my friend uses a lot of

hyperbole when she talks about her life

stories I really don’t think some of

those things happen to her hyperbole not

hyperbole next Antarctic not ah oh I see

Antarctic is the correct pronunciation

of this word some people say and and

tart and tart ick

really oh I guess when you’re saying

this word quickly you might leave out

that first sea in the Antarctic so don’t

say that don’t do that say Antarctic the

very very cold region the Arctic is the

north cold region on the planet Earth

the South is the aunt Arctic they’re

sort of like almost a hiccup in the word

their Antarctic Oh

in a sentence I’m thinking about taking

a cruise to the Antarctic what do you

think I need a penguin suit etc not etc

oh yeah okay I’ve here’s I hear this ech

ech saying a lot etc is just used at the

end of the list to imply that you mean

other things so the list is not

exclusive to the things that you’ve

listed other things can also be included

in it so in a sample sentence types of

fruits are apples oranges peaches etc

there are others as well so don’t say

etc that’s not correct

etc it’s good the next word is jewelry

what not money is the next word is

jewelry jewelry I think I’m probably

guilty of this mispronunciation I can’t

say that word mispronounces where the

word kind of gets a little bit smushed

together and we say jewelry instead

we’ve missed that that second e sound in

there it should be jewelry in a sample

sentence maybe you would say I’m

shopping for some jewelry for my mother

for her birthday jewelry we’re too lazy

prescription not prescription okay a

prescription is something that a doctor

gives you when you’re sick and you

require medicine the doctor will write

you a prescription some people might say

prescription Wow

okay I didn’t even notice and I was

doing it while I was telling you guys

not to do it that’s embarrassing

prescription doctor writes you a

prescription not a prescription when you

go to the doctor’s office the doctor

might say here is your prescription and

all right well we’ve learned that I

apparently can’t pronounce some words

the way they’re meant to me pronounce so

please work on your pronunciation I will

work on my pronunciation too

thank you for joining us on weekly words

this week I will see you next time bye

bye welcome back to weekly words my name

is Alisha and this week we’re going to

talk about commonly quoted movie lines

ooh I hope I know these I’ll be back a

lot of people like to try and do an

Arnold Schwarzenegger impression this

comes from the movie Terminator where

Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a robot from

the future and it’s really awesome you

can use this with your friends you can

use this in in common everyday

situations where you have to leave

someplace but you want to tell people in

a kind of a funny way that you plan on

coming back you can say I’ll be back

inconceivable say this with a lisp

inconceivable if you’ve seen the movie

The Princess Bride inconceivable so to

conceive of something something you can

think about putting that in at the

beginning of the word means can’t cancer

not able to conceive of something you

can’t even think about it you can’t

believe it in other words this is one

word that means I can’t believe it or

this is just ridiculous so you can use

this anytime you’re just shocked by

something you just can’t believe that

something is happening you can say

inconceivable this is a very good one a

recent one from the movie anchorman

little ferrell Sosa’s he says I

immediately regret this decision I

immediately regret this decision it’s a

very long phrase but it means you’ve

just made a choice and you

very quickly immediately realize this

was a bad decision I should not have

done this you could say I immediately

regret this decision but what kind of

like a flat tone to it it’s a little bit

funny okay next is a very famous quote

from the movie Forrest Gump Tom Hanks is

in this movie his character famously

says mama always said life was like a

box of chocolates the next line is you

never know what you’re going to get so

this refers to picking a piece of

chocolate out of a box of chocolates

maybe you’ve seen kind of fancy ones

that have a number of different styles

of chocolate in them when you bite into

it oftentimes you don’t know what’s on

the inside

so the character is saying that life is

like that too you might try to do a few

different things but you never know

what’s going to happen until you

actually try to do it so this is an

interesting phrase to use maybe if your

friend is having trouble in their life

in some way you can maybe try to console

them or cheer them up by saying mama

always said life was like a box of

chocolates the next quote comes from the

movie Apollo 13 a very famous space

movie the quote is houston we have a

problem Houston refers to the control

center NASA’s control center and the

astronaut is famously quoted as saying

we have a problem any time you run

across a problem at work or with your

friends with your family whatever you

can say houston we have a problem

meaning you’re just trying to alert the

other people around you that something

is wrong you need help with something

perhaps so it’s usually not a very

serious problem now I should say that so

don’t use it for like a medical

emergency use it for something you know

like oh I’m out of eggs houston we have

a problem you know if you’re cooking

something very very light hard it is

good and that’s the end of some famous

movie quotes so try to use a few of

these if you like they’re kind of fun

and if you use them with the right

timing that can be very very funny and

people will generally appreciate that

you use such an interesting references

in your conversation thanks very much

for joining us this week and we’ll see

you again next time bye here’s looking

at you kid what if I’m too mean no your

classic goodbye line kind of

welcome back to weekly words I’m Alisha

and this week we are going to do words

with strange plural forms this is good

practice I bet let’s start yes

antenna the plural form of antenna is an

10a I think I’ve seen today and I think

I’ve probably actually just say antennas

and antenna on an old TV set for example

would be it would kind of look like this

we call it bunny ears where you had to

adjust the bunny ears you had to and

just adjust B and 10a to make the signal

on your TV come in more clearly bugs

they have antennae from their heads the

next word is millenium the plural is

millennia a millennium is a period of a

thousand years a thousand years is a

millennium a series of thousands of

years would be called millennia you

might say many millennia have passed

since the earth was formed cactus is the

next word a cactus is a plant a surface

these are the arms of the cactus that

can it make the trunk of the cactus Wow

you can put a picture on the screen

instead of my amazing cactus the plural

of cactus is cacti or cactuses I think

I’m more inclined to say cacti so when

you go to the desert you might say keep

an eye out for cacti if you step on one

it could really hurt you the next one is

an interesting one I don’t think I’ve

ever used this word in a singular like

if you have a swimming pool or if you’ve

seen a pond or whatever it’s that green

sort of scummy stuff that accumulates on

top of it or on the sides of your pool

if you haven’t cleaned it in a while

algae bacterias and things that like to

live in the water there’s a singular

form and I’m just I’m looking at it for

the first time I don’t know how how good

do you thought and you would say I need

to clean my pool there’s a lot of algae

in it yeah next is ox ox the plural of

ox is oxen these animals used to be used

for farming I don’t know that they are

very much anymore I don’t have much

personal experience with farming but

there they look like really really big

cows with huge horns huge horns

yeah okay next is the ends plural words

that have weird plural forms so please

keep them in mind when you are trying to

use them in conversation and use the

correct form of the plural thank you for

joining us again this week for weekly

words next time we will see you for more

weekly words that was weird

we’ll see you again next week for more

fun information take care of 5mm Oh No

alright welcome back to weekly words my

name is Alisha and this week we are

going to talk about commonly used

onomatopoeia this is going to be a fun

one we talked briefly about an

onomatopoeia zoom in a previous episode

of weekly words we’re going to talk some

more about some more talks more about

some more we’re going to talk about more

today the first word is beep oh beep

beep is any kind of electronic sound or

a car sound was also in a popular

American cartoon Wiley coyote and the

roadrunner the roadrunner would common

the same meet Carson will usually make a

beep or a honk sound for electronics

however the beep becomes a little bit

more robotic will often say like beep

beep beep so in a sentence let’s say you

have a computer problem you tell your

friend the computer won’t stop beeping

at me what do I do next is the sound

jingle jingle is any kind of light

ringing sound this word gets used a lot

in holiday seasons particularly

Christmas Thanksgiving New Year’s any

jingling sound is very commonly assigned

to bells like the song jingle bells for

example it’s a perfect example of this

jingle it’s just a sound that a Bell

makes in a sentence

let’s see you might say she has a small

Bell attached to her phone so she

jingles everywhere she walks it’s really

irritating okay the next word is some a

thump is for something to hit heavily to

give an example the people who live in

the apartment above me often thump on

the floor it sounds like maybe they’re

dropping something heavy or they’re

stepping very heavily alright next is

splash anything that falls into liquid

lands in liquid makes a splash is that

sort of sound

comes from water or any other liquid

really we refer to that as a splash

sound there is also a popular Tom Hanks

mermaid movie called splash this had

nothing to do with that about him

falling in love with a mermaid

I made a big splash when I jumped into

the swimming pool this summer that has

kind of done me

next is blurt it means to say something

quickly i blurt it out the news as soon

as I heard it like I blurted out the

secret I couldn’t hold it in any longer

it means you just say something without

thinking to blurt the first part of the

word what that blur found it sounds like

something is just kind of sort of slips

out on accident and then the harsh blurt

the T at the end is like a kind of a

final like oh my gosh I’ve just said

something as I slip them and I’ve said

something oh no I didn’t think about

that alright that’s the end of that one

so I hope you learned a few new

onomatopoeias that you can try out next

time thanks for joining us for weekly

words and I will see you again next time

bye bye want to speak real English from

your first lesson sign up for your free

lifetime account at English class hi hey and welcome back to

weekly words my name is Alisha and this

week we’re going to talk about

interjections this is going to be fun

let’s start the first word is bah bah

system if you’re upset about something

or you’re tired of dealing with

something people will often throw up

their hands like this when they say that

they’ll bow and walk away

bah humbug is a very very well-known use

of this interjections from the story of

Christmas Carol one of the characters

says bah humbug at all these things that

upset him all right the next

interjection is aha

hi these whenever you feel surprised

about something or when you have a good

idea about something

for example sitting at work actually

maybe you shouldn’t do this at work

because your co-workers will think

you’re crazy

if you’re feeling really excited about

your idea you can go like this with your

finger I go aha I have an idea for my

presentation next week okay the next one

is math this one I think has only become

popular in the last I don’t know started

being used I think it started more on

the Internet

now it has come to be used in everyday

life that’s just when you’re you’re not

very excited about something maybe you

went to a party your friend asks you how

it was and yeah I went it was pretty

mess we use it like an adjective

actually or you can just use it as a

one-word interjection miss mess mess

okay since X or word is o o is a very

very useful one you can use o in a

number of situations when you’re

surprised when you’re thinking of

something when you want to have kind of

a soft introduction to whatever you’re

saying I think I tend to use it as a

question or when I’m feeling surprised

so when my friend tells me something

like oh hey I have this great news I’ll

say oh just by itself as a question to

get somebody’s attention I might say oh

did you see that new movie last week I

sent it started for me anyway okay the

next word is hmm we assume when we’re

thinking about something when we need a

minute to consider our thoughts it can

be used at the beginning of a sentence

or just while you’re thinking on its own

hmm what might be a good example

sentence for hmm and and those are all

interjections those are all

interjections try to use them if you use

these correctly in your speech

throughout your speech it will help you

to sound a lot more natural and a lot

more smooth in your speaking ability so

give them a try thanks again for joining

us this week and I will see you next

time for more weekly words

hi begin hi everybody welcome back to

weekly words my name is Alisha and this

week we’re going to look at some common

English idioms let’s begin the first

word or phrase rather is about - about -

means you’re going to start something

you’re going to begin doing something

for example I’m about to start

explaining this idiom to you hey hey

okay the next word or phrase idiom the

next idiom is by the way the word here

they’ve used is incidentally it’s a way

to transition to another topic that’s

related to what you’re talking about

for example this week I’m going to a

party by the way did you hear about the

party happening next week so there’s

someone related okay the next idiom is

in a way in a way this was kind of in a

way it was a good thing that the burrito

shop was closed because otherwise I

would have eaten way too much you can

use this to show that there may be two

sides to a situation maybe some things

are negative

maybe some things are positive next is

on the other hand I hear this a lot on

the other hand is a way of just saying

however or to share two different sides

to a story for example I think my

coworker is really irritating on the

other hand at parties he’s really funny

so you can show two maybe different

sides to a point with this phrase next

is a matter of fact as a matter of fact

as an idiom this is a long way to just

say actually or really it’s a little bit

more formal sounding so you might use it

in a business meeting for example

everybody at the business meeting might

feel a little bit unsure about the

previous month sales and you can begin

your presentation by saying something

like I know everybody was a little bit

unsure about last week’s or last month’s

sales performance but as a matter of

fact things improved and that’s the end

those are some common idioms that you

might hear in English give them a try

they’re pretty useful and you might hear

a lot of them in conversation thanks

very much for joining us this week and

we’ll see you again next time for more

information hi hi welcome back to weekly

words my name is Alisha and this week

we’re going to talk about ways to say hi

this should be fun let’s get started

first is Yelp this is one is a little

bit casual in case you couldn’t tell

they used for close friends maybe family

members if you have kind of a silly

relationship with them just quick short

easy to do in a sentence

yo how’s it going howdy howdy

traditionally associated with cowboy

culture I suppose you should play a

banjo maybe or you’ve just gotten out a

horse I don’t know I use howdy from time

to time howdy howdy howdy howdy stand

and then Ben Ben Ben does my banjo yeah

in the sentence you might say howdy


welcome to the barbecue place

next is hay hay is good friendly phrase

you can usually use hay with a wave and

smile look happy if you don’t people

might think that you’re down in the

dumps people might think you’re not in a

very good mood in a sentence hey I heard

you got engaged last week

congratulations something like that it’s

usually kind of cheery happy expression

alright next is what’s up what’s up is

the long form of stuff this does not


mean what is above you right now if you

want to be funny you can say the ceiling

or the sky but that joke gets old really

fast and chances are the person you’re

talking to it’s already heard it before

it just means what are you up to what is

going on with you in a sentence what’s

up did you have a good weekend typical

response to what’s up is not much find

out some more responses in English in

three minutes we did an episode on this

nothing much how about you it’s pretty

good pretty good pretty good pretty good

I don’t know what I’m doing the next one

is long time no see you can use this one

you haven’t seen the other person for a

long time you’re at a party or an event

or whatever anytime it’s been a long

break you can decide how long long is

not the day before or the week before

maybe a few weeks or a month whatever is

unusual for you in this other person

when you see them you can say hey a long

time no see how have you been that’s the

end so those are a few different ways to

say hi in a few different situations I

hope that you have a chance to try them

out the next time you meet someone or

you greet someone thanks very much for

joining us this week and we’ll see you

again soon hi this is sort of things up

it like say food so soup hi everybody

welcome back to top Nords my name is

Alisha and today we’re going to be

talking about 10 different phrases that

you can use to respond to the question

how are you so let’s go I’m great

the first phrase is I’m great if someone

says how are you you could say I’m great

try to say I’m great with a kind of an

upbeat voice so something like how are

you I’m great I’m feeling bad I’m

feeling bad if you say I’m feeling bad

the other person is probably if they’re

a friend of yours or a co-worker going

to ask you why what happened so if you

want to use I’m feeling bad make sure

you have an explanation ready so anyway

somebody says how are you and you go I’m

feeling bad maybe I went out for drinks

last night with my coworkers oops

I’m okay I’m okay I think this is one of

those intonation practice ones I’m ok

with that

ah I’m okay it’s like sort of upward

intonation you’re like cool but if

someone says how are you like I’m okay

they’re like oh no

what happened so you can use your

intonation with I’m okay to make it a

good thing or another good thing but

either way it’s not like a very slick

super serious just wrong thank you for


and yeah I imagine this would be in a

more formal situation like if my friend

said to me how are you and I was like

thank you for asking they’d be like what

I would say

I’m fine or I’m doing well I’m doing

great plus thank you for asking cephalus

how are you I’m doing very well thank


mmm oh that’s how I would use it and you

the next one is and you like the least

natural response to how are you is I’m

fine thank you and you like just get out

of put just take it out of your head

nobody says that I always say how about

you that’s a much more natural thing how

are you how are you how are you can be a

response again after you have given your

answer to the question how are you I’m

great how are you how are you I’m good

how are you I’m great how are you I’m

okay how are you how have you been

recently how have you been recently this

is only useful if you haven’t seen the

other person for a while I’m not bad I’m

not bad I’m not bad how are you I’m not

bad no I’m not bad things could be worse

I would probably do this Anna’s name is

Mac I’m sleepy the next expression is

I’m sleepy Hey it’s like so specific if

someone said how are you I would

probably say I’m okay but I’m a little

sleepy I don’t know that I would just

say I’m sleepy unless it’s a really good

friend of mine it’s a person close to

you you can say I’m so tired I’m I would

say I’m super tired or I’m really tired

and I feel like that’s a little bit more

natural than just I’m sleepy

I’m good one that I use a lot if someone

says how are you I say I’m good I that’s

just probably my go-to response yeah I’m

good I’m good maybe I’ll repeat it while

smiling I’m good I’m good yeah thanks

for asking great that is the end those

are ten phrases that you can use to

respond to the question how are you if

there’s one takeaway from this

from other things that we’ve done over

the last few years in this channel just

get rid of that I’m fine thank you and

you and pick one of these that we’ve

talked about today of course if there’s

another expression that you use for a

response to how are you I’d be very

interested to learn about that but in

general you’re pretty safe if you stick

with music so thanks very much for

watching this episode of top words and

we will see you again soon bye

noise vamos a la piscina that means

we’re going to the movie theater right

all right hi everybody my name is Alicia

welcome back to top words today we’re

going to be talking about must know

expressions for agreeing and disagreeing

very useful so let’s go

exactly exactly when you agree 100% with

something someone else has said you can

say exactly for example ramen is one of

the best foods in the world exactly I

don’t agree

I don’t agree you have a different

opinion from the other person they tell

you I think that soccer is the best

sport you can say I don’t agree but be

prepared to provide your own opinion

after this I think soccer is the best

sport I don’t agree I think that

football is oh that could cause some

problems soccer football Americans say

football when we mean American football

but the rest of the world says football

when they mean soccer maybe maybe is

when you don’t know when you can’t make

a decision or when you’re not sure about

something okay so someone tosses you an

opinion someone says their their idea to

you I think it’s going to rain tomorrow

you can say yeah maybe you don’t know

for sure yes or no but it’s possible

it’s a good sort of in-between

expression but if you use maybe all the

time is going to sound really strange

and it’s going to sound like you can’t

make a decision so you may be very

sparingly don’t use it so often maybe it

is very commonly used it’s a soft no

it’s up to you to figure that out among

the people that you’re talking to though

you want to say over my house as we can

and maybe I couldn’t agree with you more

you are in complete agreement with the

other person and really want to

communicate that to them you think that

what they have just

that is really really correct super

correct yes you are completely on board

with that idea you can say I couldn’t

agree with you more

I couldn’t the negative form I could not

agree with you more meaning it’s not

possible that I could agree more with

what you’re saying

next week it’s really important that we

have a barbecue because summer is ending

and then your friend can say I couldn’t

agree more that’s a fantastic idea

I’ll buy steak I think we’re going to

have to agree to disagree agree to

disagree this is a kind of it seems like

a simple phrase agree to disagree so

you’re agreeing with the other person

you agree that we have a different

opinion agree to disagree I would use

this expression at the end of a

discussion so person a and person B have

different opinions and they’ve been

discussing those opinions for a long

time and person a is not changing his or

her opinion person B is not changing his

or her opinion so you can say at the end

of the conversation okay we have to

agree to disagree

let’s just accept our different opinions

and move on in the conversation you have

a point there this is not necessarily an

agreement or disagreement phrase it’s a

small agreement within a larger

discussion so maybe been discussing a

topic for a long time and you’ve

disagreed with the other person until

this this time this person says

something and you agree with that you

have a point there so there’s one thing

that this person has said that you can

agree with you can say you have a point

there I think that’s correct or I agree

with that point that’s exactly how I

feel that’s exactly how I feel

meaning my feeling is the same as your

feeling or my opinion is the same as

your opinion that’s exactly how I feel

maybe you can use this if someone

describes your feeling very accurately

for example you can say I feel like the

company is really heading in a nice new

direction you can say yeah that’s

exactly how I feel I really like the new

boss I don’t think so I don’t think so


soft it’s not so direct it’s not a hard

I disagree but just I don’t think so of

course you can use it to discuss

opinions but you can also use it when

you’re making plans are you going to

that party this weekend

I don’t think so it’s not a disagreement

but it can be used as a negation phrase

and a negative response to something

when used as an opinion I think Chinese

is the hardest language to learn you can

say I don’t think so I think that Arabic

is the hardest language to learn yes

you’re right yes you’re right means

you’re correct yes I agree with you I

think that’s the right information I

think that’s the correct opinion it’s

just a very clear agreement phrase

you’re right it also has the nuance of

being correct so maybe there was there

were there was a possibility the other

person could be incorrect did you know

that pepperoni pizza is the most

delicious pizza in the world yes you’re

right you could change it too that’s

right for that opinion you can use your

to talk specifically about the person

itself but that’s right yes that’s right

that information is correct I guess so I

guess so it’s sort it’s an agreement but

it’s sort of a flaky agreement I guess


it’s like you don’t really want to make

a decision but you don’t feel strongly

in one like in agreement or disagreement

you can say I guess so it’s usually said

with this tone of voice and guess so you

know we don’t say I guess so generally

it’s like you can’t quite make a

decision or you don’t want to make a

decision you can say I guess so hey

we’re going to go for Chinese food for

dinner tonight do you want to come yeah

I guess so you don’t feel strongly

either way I guess so

I’m afraid I disagree the rather polite

expression that you can use in a

business situation for example I’m

afraid here doesn’t mean I’m actually

scared or I’m really frightened but just

it’s a softener that’s used at the

beginning of sentences to introduce a

negative opinion so I’m afraid I

disagree or I’m afraid I can’t agree

with you for example I think that you

need to adopt a new policy for your

company I’m afraid I disagree it’s a

soft disagreement that sounds a bit more

formal than some of the other phrases

we’ve talked about so far

absolutely absolutely means 100%

yes exactly precisely definitely it’s a

quick and clear and can be polite as

well as casual word that means you agree

with the other person hey do you want to

go to the beach this weekend yeah

absolutely absolutely oh that’s in so

those are some phrases that you can use

to agree and disagree with other people

there are a lot of them so and you can

kind of mix and match them as you see

fit so give them a try thanks very much

for watching this episode of top words

and we’ll see you again soon bye why is


