Weekly English Words with Alisha Words to make you sound smart

Okay, welcome back to Weekly Words. Weekly
Words. I’m Alisha, and today we’re going

to talk about words that make you sound smart. Oh, I’m all

over this one.

First word is “esoteric.” When something
is “esoteric,” it’s… Alright, so the

word “esoteric” refers to and “something
that requires specialized knowledge.”

So in a conversation, somebody might use this word to say, “Sorry to be esoteric,” and

then they’ll continue talking about some subject or some concept that requires a certain level

of knowledge in a given field.

Next word… “Superfluous.” Um, “superfluous” just means “extra,” really. Can a person

be “superfluous”? So “superfluous,”
yeah, just, just refers to stuff that’s maybe

not necessary or the… the extra just stuff
or extra, extra things in a given context.

So maybe, “Oh I have so much superfluous stuff in my kitchen.” Course using “superfluous”

in such a casual way like that is very unnatural, but you could do if you really wanted to sound smart.

“Acquiesce.” “Acquiesce,” um, means
to, um, like you might have like… Oh, can

I say a line from Pirates of the Caribbean?
Something like, “He will not acquiesce to

your request,” or “She will not acquiesce
to your request.” Just means you won’t”

obey or listen or do as told.” Um, but that,
it’s the same exact meaning to “acquiesce”

to accept something, or, yeah, to go along

“Angst.” “Angst” refers to just kind
of this, errr, like that, that unhappy feeling,

the sort of angry, maybe melancholy, or just feeling like, you know, you’re misunderstood.

So a teenager, or I suppose a teenager themselves might not use this word, but the parents of

a teenager might say, “Oh, my teenager is
so filled with angst.”

“Kitsch.” “Kitsch.” “Kitsch” refers
to, in my mind anyway, just, um, junk, honestly.

It’s the little things that,
you know, might crowd your house, like a snow

globe or special little ornaments or just,
you know, decorative knick-knacks. You might

say, “Oh, my aunt’s apartment’s really
“kitschy.” I mean she has maybe like a

lot of knick-knacks, or the style is just
kinda meh.

Alright, that is the end, so those were a
few words to make you sound smart. I hope

that you learned something. I certainly did, and I’ll see you again next time. Thank you.
