A Romance in London Learn English through story level 3

chapter one

just another wednesday morning

it was a fine spring morning

william thacker was looking out of his

window thinking about life

notting hill

not a bad place to be

he thought

on weekdays there was the market selling

fruit and vegetables from all over the


at the weekend even more people crowded

into portobello road and the streets

around it to buy expensive old furniture

paintings and cheap clothes

then there were the unusual shops

the cafes and restaurants

the streets were always busy always full

of people

but best of all

this was the place where most of his

friends now lived

notting hill was like a small village in

the middle of a big city

and in this london village william

thacker had his home

his wife lived in another part of town


she was his wife until two years earlier

then she left him for a man who looked

like harrison ford

so in the house with the blue front door


28 years old and single

now lived a strange half-life with his

welsh lodger spike


can you help me with an important


spike walked into the room

he was a tall


pale man with dirty yellow hair and

untidy clothes

i’m going out with the great jeanine


and i want to wear the right t-shirt

what have you got

asked william trying to show interest

spike pulled on a t-shirt

on the front an alien was swimming in a

sea of blood above the words

i love



there’s this one


i’m not sure it’s romantic enough

william said thoughtfully


maybe you’re right

spike ran up the stairs still talking

i know you’ll like this one

he came back wearing a second t-shirt

take me read the words on the front in

big black letters


said william slowly will she think

you’re looking for true love

i’m not sure that she will


i don’t want her to get the wrong idea


just one more

he came down in the last t-shirt

below little red hearts it read

you’re the most beautiful woman in the


william showed his surprise

yes he said

that’s perfect

well done



i’m feeling lucky

spike smiled

he turned and walked proudly upstairs

on the back of the t-shirt william could

now read

let’s go to bed

oh spike

he said to himself

it was just another wednesday

another working day

william walked through the market and

opened the door to his shop the travel

book company

it was a small shop that sold


travel books

but he never seemed to sell many

inside there were a few small rooms full

of shelves and every shelf was heavy

with books

expensive books

cheap books

large hardbacks

and small paperbacks

william greeted martin his assistant

a small man with a beard and a nervous


martin always tried to see the best in


he liked to please people but was not

very good at selling

in fact

people often thought he was a little


williams started looking at some papers

on his desk


last week we made nothing

in fact we lost

347 pounds on those guidebooks to turkey

oh dear

never mind

shall i go and get us some coffee

make you feel better

martin asked smiling

as he left for the cafe a woman came

into the shop

william looked up at her

looked down

thought for a minute

then looked up again

she was a beautiful young woman with

long black hair

dressed simply in a black jacket and


he was sure he knew her

was it possible could it really be her


it was anna scott

the biggest film star in the world

to william

to most men

she was the most beautiful woman on


he tried to stay calm

can i

help you

she looked at him through her dark


no thanks

i’ll just look around

his eyes followed her as she went over

to a shelf

she picked out a large expensive

guidebook full of color photographs

that books really not good uh

if you’re thinking of buying it

he said a little nervously




this one is

very good

he said

picking up one of the smaller books from

his desk

i think the writer really has been to



i’ll think about it

she smiled


william noticed something on the small

screen on his desk

just a minute please

he said

he walked to the back of the shop

towards a customer who was hiding

between two lines of shelves


excuse me sir

he said to the man


bad news


we’ve got a camera in this part of the




i saw you put that book down your


william told him

what book

the one down your trousers

i haven’t got a book down my trousers

replied the man



we seem to disagree about this

i’ll call the police and they can take a


if i’m wrong

i’m really sorry

william said patiently



and if i do have a book down my trousers

the man asked


this is what i suggest

i’ll go back to my desk

you take the cadugan guide to barley

from your trousers and put it back on

the shelf

or buy it

william walked back to his desk

on the screen he watched as the book

came out of the man’s trousers

then it was back on the shelf

the thief started walking slowly towards

the door

william turned back to anna

sorry about that

she smiled


that’s fine

i was thinking of stealing one too

but now i’ve changed my mind

she looked at the copies of the cheaper

guidebook on his desk

signed by the writer

yes william said

we couldn’t stop him

if you can find an unsigned copy you can

probably sell it for a lot of money

the thief stopped next to anna looking

at her with interest

can you sign this for me

he asked pulling a dirty piece of paper

from his coat

anna sighed

what’s your name

she asked


she wrote on the piece of paper and gave

it back to him

he tried to read her handwriting

what does it say

he asked

she pointed


that’s my name

and there it says dear rufus i hope the

police catch you next time nice

he smiled

would you like my phone number

i don’t think so

she replied

as the man left the shop she turned to


i think i’ll try this one

she gave him the large expensive book

and the money for it



maybe it isn’t as bad as i thought

william said

probably quite good

and i’ll give you this one free

he dropped the cheaper guidebook into

the same bag

very useful for lighting fires or for

making paper hats

a sudden warm smile lit up her face

she looked carefully at this amusing

young man with blue eyes and thick brown



she said

and left

chapter two

first kiss

last kiss

william felt empty

that’s it then

she’s gone

and i’ll probably never see her again

he thought to himself

here’s your coffee

martin said brightly as he came back

into the shop


you won’t believe who was in here a

minute ago


somebody famous

martin asked excited

but william suddenly changed his mind





perhaps one day a famous person will

come in

said martin his eyes shining

i saw one of the beatles once

ringo starr


i think it was ringo starr

i’m not really sure

he was quite far away

he had long hair and a beard


so you think you saw ringo but perhaps

you didn’t



that’s right

maybe it was just a man with long hair

and a beard yes


not a very good story then is it

suggested william

he shook his head and finished his



another one

yes no

let’s go crazy

i’ll have an orange juice

five minutes later

william left the cafe and hurried back

to the bookshop with the orange juice

but as he turned the corner he walked

straight into a woman

the orange juice ran down her shirt

i’m so sorry

he looked up at the woman’s face

for the second time that day it was anna



really i’m sorry here

what are you doing

anna shouted angrily as william tried to

clean her shirt with a paper towel

william jumped back




i live across the street

you can wash at my house

no thank you

i just need to call my driver

she turned away

i also have a phone

in five minutes you can be clean and

back on the street again

she turned and looked at him


what does across the street mean how far

is your house exactly

william pointed

it’s just there

that’s my house

the one with the blue door

she looked down at her shirt

then she looked back up at him



they walked towards william’s house

he opened the door

come in

i’ll just

the house was in a terrible mess

william ran inside in front of her and

kicked some shoes under the stairs

he threw away an old pizza and tried to

hide some dirty plates

i’m afraid it’s a bit untidy

anna looked around

her face showed nothing

taking the bag of books from her william

pointed towards the stairs

the bathrooms up there

and there’s a phone on the desk in the

room next to it she took her other bags

and walked upstairs

william ran around the ground floor

clearing the mess

anna scott is in my house

she’s in my bathroom

and look at this place

i’ll kill spike

he thought

he heard anna’s feet on the stairs and

looked up

she was wearing different clothes now

a black top and skirt

without the dark glasses her deep brown

eyes shone

she looked wonderful

william stopped and stared

he tried to think of something to say

tea would you like a cup of tea before

you go

no thanks



something cold orange juice no probably




no something to eat

some fruit


do you always say no to everything

anna looked amused no

i must go she said

thanks for your help

you’re welcome

he wanted to say more but he couldn’t

find the words


i’d like to say

he continued finally

you’re wonderful

it’s my one chance to say it

when you’ve read that terrible book

you’ll never visit my shop again

she looked pleased

thank you

william walked her to the front door

nice to meet you

strange but nice

anna left

and he closed the door behind her

oh no

he thought

strange but nice

what was i thinking

there was a knock on the door

it was anna again



did you forget something

i forgot my books said anna stepping

quickly inside the house oh


william ran into the kitchen to get the


here they are



they stood near the door again

this time william felt more comfortable

then anna moved forward and kissed him

he could smell her hair

he could feel the smoothness of her skin

against his

he couldn’t believe it

anna scott

the woman of his dreams was here in his


kissing him

william thacker

at the worst possible time a key turned

in the lock oh no

it’s my lodger spike

i’m sorry there’s no excuse for him

spike walked in and straight past them

towards the kitchen

i’m going to get some food

he called over his shoulder then i’m

going to tell you a story that you won’t


anna looked at william

you won’t tell anyone about this will



no one

i mean i’ll tell myself sometimes but

don’t worry

i won’t believe it

he opened the door for her a second time


she touched his hand lightly

and then she was gone

william walked slowly back into the


shall we watch videos tonight

i’ve got some really great films spike

said between mouthfuls of food


thought william sadly

i’ve got nothing better to do with my


one of spike’s videos was a film

starring anna scott

later that evening as the two men sat in

front of the tv

william remembered the touch of her hand

the smell of her hair

spike shook his head at the screen

it’s hard to believe somewhere there’s a

man who can kiss anna scott anytime



she’s quite wonderful

chapter 3

call me

a customer came into the bookshop the

next morning

william knew mr smith well

have you got any books by dickens

mr smith asked

williams side

not again


he said slowly and patiently


is a travel book shop

we only sell

travel books

oh and that new john grisham book


john grisham doesn’t write travel books




have you got a copy of romeo and juliet

william looked at mr smith then shouted


your customer

martin came out from behind some shelves

with a warm smile on his face

can i help you

he asked mr smith

as william stared sadly out of the

window a bus went past the shop

on the side was a large picture of anna

in her new film helix

he couldn’t stop thinking about her

a few days later william walked into his


hi spike


spike was never britain’s best dressed

man but today his clothes were even

stranger than usual

he was wearing williams scuba diving

suit with a pair of goggles on his head



why are you wearing my scuba diving suit

no clean clothes

they never will be if you don’t wash

them sometimes william suggested

and i was looking around your room and i

found this

great isn’t it

i think i look good in it eh

it was a lovely day and they went

outside into the sunshine

spike still in the scuba diving suit

tried unsuccessfully to read his

newspaper through the goggles

there’s something wrong with these

william he said pointing to the goggles

that’s because they were made specially

for my eyes

so i can see the fish




any messages for me

william asked


i wrote down two


were there only two messages

you want me to write down all of them

william closed his eyes and sighed

the ones you didn’t write down

who were they from


was there one

no it’s gone

i just can’t remember anything about

them oh no


your mother’s leg is hurting her again

and don’t forget lunch on saturday

any others

asked william hopefully

nope that’s it no others

spike sat back in his chair and closed

his eyes

then he seemed to remember something

but if you want all your messages there

was one from an american girl a few days

ago anna i think she said

william’s heart stopped what did she say

well it was a bit strange

she said


it’s anna

and then she said call me at the ritz

and then she gave a different name

what was the name

no idea

one name’s difficult enough to remember

but two

william ran inside


is that the ritz hotel he said when a

man answered the phone

can i help you sir

uh i hope you can

i’m a friend of anna scott she left me a


she’s staying with you

she asked me to call her

i’m sorry sir we have nobody here of

that name

no that’s right

i know that

she’s using another name

she left a message with my lodger a bad


think of the stupidest person you know

well my lodge is even worse he’s so


try flintstone

william looked up from the phone and

turned towards spike


try flintstone

spike repeated

william spoke slowly into the phone

is it possible that

flintstone means anything to you

i’ll put you through sir

william could hear another phone ringing

he tried to stay calm

what shall i say

he thought to himself he practiced a few






and then he heard her voice



hi it’s

william thacker we uh


work in a bookshop

you called me well


three days ago

i’m so sorry

you probably think

it was a mistake

my stupid lodger spike took the message

and he didn’t give it to me until now



she said slowly

perhaps i could come to the ritz for


or something

yes but

i’m a little busy today

she was silent for a minute

but let’s try

four o’clock right


william put down the phone


chapter four

tee at the ritz

william arrived at the ritz hotel

carrying some roses for anna

as he got into the lift another young

man followed him in

which floor william asked

three the lift stopped at the third

floor and william and the young man got


they both looked around for the room


then they both turned right

anna william knew was in room 38

as he walked the young man followed

closely behind him

william looked over his shoulder


he slowed down at room 38

and the other man did too

william pointed at the number are you

sure you

the man smiled


he replied



william knocked

a bright-faced american girl open the



i’m karen

sorry everything’s taking longer than we

thought here’s all the information you


she gave each of them a press package

with pictures from anna’s new film helix

william looked at the woman

then at the man behind him

what was happening

then karen showed them into a large room

william was surprised to see a number of

reporters and photographers all clearly

waiting to talk to anna

what did you think of the film karen



the man behind william replied

a bit of close encounters and a lot of

jean florette they both turned to

william for his opinion

i agree

he said quickly

i’m sorry which magazines are you from

karen asked

i’m tarquin from time out great

and you

she asked looking towards william

william didn’t know what to say

he looked around for ideas and on a

small table saw a copy of horse and

hound magazine

horse and hound

the name’s william thacker

miss scott knows i’m coming okay

take a seat i’ll check

the two men sat down as carom went into

the next room you’ve brought her flowers

said tarquin with interest

william thought quickly no



for my grandmother

she’s in a hospital near here

i’m going to see her after this


i’m sorry

which hospital

william didn’t know any of the hospitals

in the area


i don’t like to talk about it

i hope you don’t mind



of course

just then karen came back into the room

and called his name

mr thacker

anna will see you now you’ve got five


it was a large sitting room filled with


anna was standing with her back to a

window wearing an expensive suit

her hair was tied back

william thought again how beautiful she




i brought you these he said holding out

the flowers



you’ve already got some

oh no

these are great

said anna taking them

there was a long silence

william tried to think of something to


sorry about not bringing back

the two names idea was difficult for my

stupid lodger to understand


i’m sorry

i try to stay private so i always choose

a name from a children’s film

last time i came to england i was mrs


karen’s boss came into the room

everything okay

he asked anna

yes thanks jeremy

and you’re from horse and hound magazine

he asked william

anna looked at william


horsen hound

she smiled

she sat down

the room fell silent

she and jeremy were looking towards




he said

taking a seat

i’ll just start then

he tried to imagine being a reporter for

horse and hound magazine

what did his readers want to know


the film’s excellent


did you ever think of having more

horses in it

he asked hesitantly

jeremy looked at william inside


started anna

trying to be serious

we wanted more horses

but it was difficult

i mean there aren’t many horses on mars



of course

very difficult

jeremy stared at william

then he looked at anna

but she seemed happy

he left the room

william put his head in his hands

i’m sorry

i arrived outside and they gave me this

press package

i didn’t know what to do

no i’m sorry they gave me a timetable

for this and it ended at four


i just want to say that i’m sorry for

the other day

the kissing thing

i don’t know why i did it

i wanted to make sure

you were okay about it

is that all she wants to say

william thought

he felt hurt

but tried to hide it


he said

no problem

of course that’s fine

jeremy came back into the room and the

two fell silent

don’t forget to ask miss scott about her

next film

jeremy said helpfully oh


excellent uh

any horses in that one

or hounds

anna looked at him amused

it takes place underwater


jeremy left the room again

william watched him go then turn back to

anna i’m sorry

things like this only happen in dreams

not in real life

good dreams of course

it’s a dream to see you

and what happens next

in the dream

anna asked


william started

in the dream

i just become

a different person a better person

because you can do that in dreams

then i walk across the room and kiss the


but in real life you know it’ll never

happen the door opened again

that’s it jeremy said no more time i’m


did you get what you wanted


william replied looking at anna

okay maybe one more question

he left the room

are you busy tonight

william asked anna


jeremy came back in

william and dana stood and shook hands

it was nice to meet you mr thacker she

smiled strange

but nice

thank you

you are horse and hound’s favorite


you and black beauty

tarquin was waiting outside

how was she he asked


wait a minute

tarquin said in surprise

she took your grandmother’s flowers

william thought quickly


that’s right

what a pig

he turned towards the lift but karen

called out to him

this way mr thacker you can talk to the

others now

the others

thought william

he found himself in another room with

the male star of helix

pleased to meet you

did you enjoy the film

the star asked oh yes

very much


did you enjoy

making the film

i did

which bits did you most enjoy making

well you tell me which bits you liked

then i’ll tell you if i like making them


said william thoughtfully

i liked the bit on mars very much did

you enjoy that bit

the male star stared at william

he ended the discussion as quickly as he


five minutes later william found himself

with an actor who spoke no english

luckily next to him was a woman who did

william felt more comfortable with his

questions now

did you have a deep understanding of the

person you were playing

the woman asked the question in spanish

and waited for the actor’s answer



she said to william

and why not

asked william

the woman put the question in spanish

and waited for the answer

it was quite long

because he played a crazy man-eating


another room a child actress this time

she was 11 years old

is this your first film

no it’s my twenty second

of course it is

william said in surprise


any favorites out of the 22

working with leonardo

da vinci

she looked at him strangely


finally the bad dreams seemed to be


william walked towards the lift again

pushing past the cameraman

mr thacker

it was karen

williams sighed deeply

have you got a minute

and then he was back in the room with


that thing i was doing tonight

i’ve changed my plans

i have to spend the evening with horse

and hound star reporter

anna smiled

william’s heart jumped

oh well


excellent then he had a sudden thought

oh no

it’s my sister’s birthday

we’re having dinner


fine but no

i won’t go


i mean if it’s fine with you

i’ll come too

she said

you’ll come with me to my sister’s

birthday party

if that’s all right

of course it’s all right

my friend max is cooking and he’s the

worst cook in the world

but you can hide the food in your bag



chapter five

the birthday party

max was busy preparing the meal

he’s bringing a girl

he asked his wife bella are you serious


quite a surprise isn’t it

does a girl have a name

he didn’t say

black smoke was pouring from the oven oh


what’s happening here

said max running towards it

then the doorbell rang and he ran to the


he threw it open come in come in food


and he ran back to the oven

william and anna walked into the large




he’s finding the meat a bit difficult

said bella welcoming her guests from her



said anna

bella looked at her carefully


you look like bella

this is anna williams said quickly


she replied looking carefully at anna’s



i’ve solved the problem said max turning

back from the oven

hello anna

he stopped in surprise as he saw her



have some white

thank you

the doorbell rang again and max went to

the front door

happy birthday you look wonderful he

said as honey hurried in

honey a small young woman with a big

smile and large eyes danced around

happily showing her new dress

max followed her to the kitchen

listen he whispered

your brother has brought this girl and


they reached the kitchen

hi everyone

honey smiled to the others then she

suddenly saw anna

oh wow

william spoke quickly

honey this is anna anna this is honey

she’s my baby sister hi

said anna with a smile oh wow


is one of those really important times

in a person’s life

i know i should be calm about it but


i love you

i think you’re the most beautiful woman

on earth

and i have honestly believed for some

time that we could be best friends

what do you think

anna looks surprised and amused but


mary will honey continued he’s really


and then we can be sisters

i’ll think about it anna laughed the

doorbell rang again

that’ll be bernie said max going to the


a large man with a round pleasant face

walked in

sorry i’m late max

i made a mess at work again i’m afraid

lost millions

bernie come in this is anna hello anna

glad to meet you

he shook her hand then turned to honey

happy birthday honey bunny here you are

he gave her his present it’s a hat you

don’t have to wear it

max poured bernie a drink

then he and william went to prepare the


max took his drink and joined anna so

tell me anna what do you do

i’m an actress


i’m a stockbroker but i’ve done a little

bit of theater in my time

not as a job of course i always thought

it was a difficult life acting i mean

the money’s terrible isn’t it

anna agreed it can be

bernie continued i know friends from

university clever people and they earn

very little seven eight thousand pounds

a year

what sort of acting do you do

films mainly oh excellent

well done

bernie seemed more interested

how’s the pay in films

the last film you made what were you


15 million dollars

bernie’s face went bright red


right so that’s

quite good

very good really

can i get you another drink

i think we’re ready called max walking

towards the table

anna looked around then asked bella

could you tell me whether

it’s just down there on the right she

said pointing i’ll show you offered


quickly quickly talk very quickly

what are you doing here with anna scott

bella said to william after anna and

honey left the room

the others crowded around them

anna scott said bernie turning pale the

film star


oh no

honey returned to the kitchen and said

in a whisper

i don’t believe it

i walked into the toilet with her

i was still talking

when she started taking off her jeans

she had to ask me to leave

the meal was very enjoyable

the old friends laughed and joked

together and anna soon felt part of the


what do you think of the meat anna asked


anna answered in a whisper so max

couldn’t hear

i don’t usually eat meat she smiled

bella put her hand to her mouth

oh no

she laughed

they moved into the sitting room for



you have done so much and we have

clearly failed in life

max said that’s not a bad thing

in fact

we should be proud of it

i’m going to give the last piece of cake

to the person who has the saddest life

max looked around

there was a short silence

then william looked at bernie

bernie went first

well it’s me isn’t it

i do a job that i don’t understand

i haven’t had a girlfriend since i was


and if i get any fatter i probably never


i like you

honey told him well i did before you got

so fat

max turned to bernie

you see

and you also earn a lot of money honey

here earns almost nothing for working

long hours in london’s worst record shop

that’s true

and i’ve got strange hair and funny

goggly eyes

only seem to go out with men who are

unkind and no one will ever marry me

you see honey is terribly sad

said max

but her best friend is anna scott bella


that’s true

honey agreed she needs me

what can i say

and her legs work continued bella

while i’m in this wheelchair day and


and even worse i’ve given up smoking my

favorite thing

and the fact is

she said hesitantly

we can’t have a baby

the room was completely silent now


said william


it’s not true

bernie said sadly

that’s life

we’re lucky in lots of ways

but surely i get the cake

bella asked

max lightened the conversation

well i don’t know

look at william

very unsuccessful at work a failed

marriage he was handsome but is now

losing his good looks and it’s clear

that he’ll never hear from anna again

not when she knows that he was called

floppy at school

they all laughed loudly


so i get the cake suggested william max

answered i think you do yes

william reached for the cake

wait a minute

what about me

it was anna


asked max

the others stared at her


i’d like to try for the cake

you’ll have to prove it william smiled

it’s a lovely cake and i’m going to

fight you for it well

i’ve worried about my weight since i was

19 so i’ve been hungry for 10 years

i’ve had a lot of not nice boyfriends

and one of them hit me

and every time my heart’s broken the

press write about it oh and it costs me

millions to look like this


said honey looking closely at her face


and one day

not long from now

the table was silent again

it was clear that anna was speaking from

the heart

my looks will go

they’ll realize i can’t act

and i’ll become a sad middle-aged woman

who was famous for a few years

she continued sadly

they all looked at anna in silence


max broke the silence with a shout

nope nice try beautiful but you must

think we’re stupid they all laughed


said william to anna you’re not getting

the cake

when it was time to leave william and

anna stood up

that was a great evening

anna said to max

thank you so much for coming

he replied warmly

and i have to say that i love your tie


it was blue with red telephone boxes on


now i know you’re lying

anna turned to bella

lovely to meet you

and you

it’s a pity you don’t eat meat but don’t

worry i won’t tell max

bella looked at her husband with a smile


oh no

good night honey said anna

i’m so sorry about the toilet thing i

meant to leave but i just

listen ring me if you need to go

shopping with someone i know lots of

nice cheap places

of course money isn’t really

nice to meet you

honey gave her a kiss

you too

i’ll come to you for help with all my


love your work said bernie smiling


as the front door closed behind them

william and anna heard the others scream

with excitement

sorry william said they always do that

when i leave the house


she laughed

he looked at her it’s my hair

it was always falling across my face

why is bella in a wheelchair

it was an accident

about 18 months ago

there was pain in william’s eyes at the


and the baby thing

is that a result of the accident

i’m not sure

i don’t think they’ve tried for children


they walked in silence

a comfortable silence

it was a lovely night

would you like to come

my house is just

william asked hesitantly

she smiled and shook her head

it’s too difficult


that’s fine

are you busy tomorrow she asked

i thought you were leaving

i was

they were walking along a street with

trees on one side

what’s in there

asked anna pointing to the trees

a garden

all these squares have gardens in the

middle for the people around them

they’re like little villages

let’s go in ah


they’re private

they’re only for the people who live


and you always follow the rules

she asked

she seemed very interested in his answer


oh no not me

i do what i want

in fact william was the kind of person

who always followed rules

but he started to climb the locked metal


he fell back oh dear

he tried again

and again he fell

it’s more difficult than it looks anna

stand back

anna replied starting to climb

she was over the gate in a second

your turn


at last with great difficulty williams

succeeded in climbing over

he jumped down inside the garden

what’s in this garden is so good

then in the silence of the garden

under the trees

she reached out and kissed him

this time it was a real kiss

nice garden

he said in surprise

as they walked around on the grass they

came to a wooden seat

she read the words on it

june love this garden

joseph always sat here with her

the dates below it read

june weatherby


to 1992

you see

some people do spend all their lives


anna said quietly

william looked deeply into her eyes

he spoke softly


they do

chapter 6

room service

the following evening william was

getting ready to go out as usual he was



have you seen my glasses

no i’m afraid not spike answered his

eyes on the tv

oh no

where are they

this happens every time i go to the


usually there are glasses everywhere but

when i really need them they disappear

it’s one of life’s little jokes

william ran upstairs

then came down again


i’ve got to go he called to spike

thanks very much for your help

you’re welcome

did you find them


as the door closed behind william spike

moved on the sofa

was he sitting on something

he reached down and pulled out

williams glasses

at the cinema william looked a little

strange as he sat next to anna

beautiful anna

in his scuba diving goggles

after the film they decided to go for a

meal in a japanese restaurant

so who left who

anna asked


left me

replied william


she finally saw what i was really like


that’s not good

they could hear loud conversation from a

table just around the corner from theirs

no no no

i’ll take anna scott

said a man’s voice

william and anna listened carefully a

second man disagreed

i didn’t like her last film i fell

asleep 10 minutes after it started

the first man spoke again i don’t really

mind what the films are like

i just like watching her

no she’s not my type

i prefer the other one the one who gets

excited every time you take her out for

a cup of coffee

anna looked at william

meg ryan

she mouthed silently

you know

said the first voice again

some girls don’t let you near them

but anna isn’t like that

you know she wants it

she’s the same as all actresses

someone you can just

and a smile disappeared right that’s

enough william said standing up he

walked over to the men’s table there

were four of them

i’m sorry but

can i help you

one of the men said politely

well i was listening to your

conversation i couldn’t help it but you

know you’re talking about a real person

and you shouldn’t talk about her like


don’t go away

who are you a father

the men laughed loudly

anna came up behind william and pulled

him away

the men at the table didn’t see her face

and continued laughing

i’m sorry william said to her it’s okay

i love the fact you tried

they started walking towards the door of

the restaurant

then anna stopped


give me a minute

and she walked back to the men’s table


she smiled sweetly i’m sorry about my



said the man who was doing most of the

talking he knew her face immediately


i’m sorry please

please she said stop there i’m sure it

was all just friendly talk it didn’t

mean anything and i’m sure you can’t

help being stupid

enjoy your meal the fish is really good

she walked back to william still smiling

the men sat in silence their mouths

hanging open

outside the restaurant anna said

why did i do that

it was wonderful


i’m stupid and

what am i doing with you

i don’t know i’m afraid he replied


i don’t know either

she said softly

they arrived at the front door of the


do you want to come up

she asked quietly

there seem to be lots of reasons why i


there are lots of reasons

but do you want to come up

his look said yes

give me five minutes she smiled and

walked towards the left

but william

times seemed to pass very slowly

the hands on his watch refused to move

exactly five minutes later he knocked at

the door of her room she opened it


something seemed to be wrong


said william kissing her

it’s wonderful to be able to do that

anna’s eyes were wide and there was a

very serious look on her face

you have to go

she whispered


my boyfriend

i thought he was in america

but in fact

he’s in the next

room your boyfriend

william couldn’t believe it

who is it

the man was standing in the doorway

behind anna now

jeff was a famous film star

handsome too

women all over the world dreamt about


william thought quickly

room service

how are you doing

i thought you people always wore suits

jeff said in a friendly way




i’ve just changed because

i’m going home

this is my last call



could i have some really cold water up

here i’ll see what i can do

and maybe you could clear these dirty

plates while you’re here

william calmly picked up the dirty


really don’t do that anna said nervously

i’m sure that’s not his job she told


is there a problem

jeff asked william



it’s fine

what’s your name

he asked


uh bernie


thank you bernie he said pushing five

pounds into william’s hand

jeff turned to anna hey

good surprise or bad surprise

anna looked uncomfortable

nice surprise

jeff kissed her

she’s lying he said to william she hates

surprises he turned to anna so

what food are you ordering

i haven’t decided we don’t order too


i don’t want people saying there goes

that famous actor with the big fat


jeff laughed leaving the room

william looked at anna

i think i should leave

this is all very strange

i didn’t realize i’m so sorry

i don’t know what to say

i think


is probably the right word

william walked downstairs

and out into the lonely night

his heart ached

chapter 7

alone again

william looked out of the window of his


lost in his thoughts

talk to me william

this is me


tell me what’s wrong

william never usually spoke about his

feelings but this time he needed to talk

to someone

even if it had to be spike



there’s a girl

he began

hesitantly aha

a girl

i thought so

speak friend

she’s someone who

can never be mine

i’ve been close to her

but i can never be as close again

and i really miss her

spike looked thoughtful


that’s a problem

i missed a girl at swansea station once

i got the time wrong i left five minutes

before the train arrived

he laughed


william’s side

very helpful

that night william met with his friends

at tony’s restaurant

they were the only people there as usual

they often hit there because tony was an

old friend

this was his first restaurant

he was trying hard to make it a success

on the front page of bernie’s newspaper

was a picture of anna and jeff at

heathrow airport

you didn’t know she had a boyfriend

max found this hard to believe


did you

william asked surprised

the looks on their faces showed that

everyone knew

you all knew

my life is destroyed because i don’t

read hello magazine

anna’s a big star

she’s world famous

and you’re just an ordinary person

it’s unimaginable

but don’t worry

i have the answer to your problems

everyone looked at max with interest

her name is tessa

and she works in our office

she’s a bit strange but she’s very

clever and her kisses are unbelievable

bella put her head on one side and

looked at him well that’s what people

tell me

he finished quickly

so a few days later the friends sat

together again at the dinner table in

max and bella’s kitchen

william was worried

the doorbell rang as max answered the

door the others could hear the visitors

loud excited voice

i got lost i didn’t know where i was

everything around here has the word

kensington in it kensington park road

kensington gardens kensington park


max introduced the visitor as they came

into the kitchen

tessa this is bella my wife oh you’re in

a wheelchair said tessa brightly

that’s right

and this is william

max continued hello william max has told

me everything about you she laughed

has he

replied william nervously

some wine tessa max offered oh yes


let’s get drunk willy

william looked even more worried

a few weeks after tessa’s visit

max and bella had another dinner party

this time they invited a woman called

kaziah to meet william

she was pale and thin

and she sat nervously at the table

meet kaziah

max asked reaching for her plate

no thank you

i only eat fruit

max and bella looked at her and then at


only fruit

william asked i believe that fruit and

vegetables have feelings

so cooking hurts them

i only eat things that have fallen from

the tree

then they’re already dead

because i explained


right very interesting so

these potatoes were murdered yes


poor potatoes


agreed william

oh when will this evening end he thought

to himself

so tessa and kaziah came and went

neither was a success but max didn’t

give up

a month later rosie sat at the table

with william bella and max

rosie seemed very nice she was pretty

and well dressed

and there was nothing unusual about her

she seemed intelligent and friendly

to his surprise

william even liked her

great coffee

she said

thank you

i’m sorry about the meat

max said

don’t be sorry

i thought it was really


interesting means terrible suggested


yes you’re right

really terrible she replied

they all laughed

maybe we’ll meet again sometime

she said to william as she was leaving


that sounds



ask bella when they’re alone

she’s perfect


william replied


bella looked at him carefully

william spoke quietly

i think you’ve forgotten

it’s difficult to find someone you love

someone who will also love you

the chances are very small

look at me

except for the american i’ve only loved

two girls in my life

and both times it ended badly

that’s not fair

max said no really

one of them left our marriage more

quickly than you can say indiana jones

the other

he said looking at bella

married my best friend

but she still loves you

bella smiled at him yes

as a sister loves a brother

well i never wanted you in any other way

they all laughed

i mean i loved you you were terribly

funny but when you kissed my ears

william spoke quickly and 30 years from

now i’m still going to be alone

do you want to stay the night

bella asked

why not

at home there’s just a crazy welshman

waiting for me

as the evening came to an end max

carried bella upstairs to bed

william sat in a chair

eyes wide open

feeling very lonely

chapter 8 behind the blue door

the following morning william walked


he thought about max and bella and how

much in love they were and he thought

about his own life

what was he doing

where was he going

he arrived home and got ready for work

as he was looking in the mirror the

doorbell rang

who’s that at this time of day he


probably the postman

he went downstairs to answer it

he opened the door and his heart jumped

it wasn’t the postman

it was a beautiful woman in dark glasses


can i come in

anna asked

come in

her hair was a mess and she looked tired

and unhappy

but to william she looked wonderful

he took her into the kitchen and anna

poured out her story

the photos were taken years ago

anna explained

i was poor

it happens a lot

that’s not an excuse i know but it’s

worse than that

while one man was taking photos another

man was filming me

i didn’t know anything about that

now it looks like a dirty sex film and


they’ve sold the pictures and they’re


anna looked ready to cry

william shook his head

and now i don’t know where to go

anna continued

there are crowds of reporters outside

the hotel

i just need to get away from them

this is the place

william said calmly

thank you

she said quietly

i’m only in london for two days

but the british press are so

it’s the worst place to be

she was very unhappy

they’re terrible pictures

they make me look like

don’t think about it


would you like tea

a bath

oh yes

a bath

five minutes later spike came in through

the front door looking excitedly at the

pictures of anna in his newspaper


look at that


he said to himself as he walked upstairs

he opened the bathroom door still

reading he went over to the toilet

without taking his eyes off the


are you spike

a voice said from behind him

spike looked up then turned his head


he couldn’t believe his eyes

there in the bath was anna scott

he quickly left the bathroom calmed

himself down then opened the door again

anna saw his face come slowly round the

door his mouth hanging open


she said smiling

i just wanted to be sure

spike backed out and closed the door


oh thank you

thank you

he whispered closing his eyes

after her bath

anna looked calmer

i’m really sorry about last time

she said to william in the sitting room

jeff just flew in

i thought we were finished


that’s fine

i don’t often get the chance to clear

away the dirty plates of a hollywood


i enjoyed it very much

how is he

i don’t know

one day i couldn’t remember any of the

reasons that i loved him

and how are you and love

well there’s a question

without an interesting answer

i have thought about you

she said looking into his eyes

oh no no


william’s heart ached

it was too painful

he didn’t want her to continue

but she did

but there’s a problem when i try to be

with someone ordinary it never works

of course

i completely understand

thank you for telling me that

william felt uncomfortable and changed

the subject

is that the film you’re doing

he asked

pointing to some papers in her hand


we start filming in los angeles on


would you like me to help you learn your

lines will you

she looked pleased

it’s all talk talk talk

what’s the story about

i’m a difficult but clever young officer

who in about twenty minutes will save

the world

well done you

william found the language of the film

almost impossible to understand

but he read the other parts for anna and

she practiced her lines

they had great fun

as the day passed anna seemed to forget

about her problems


what do you think of the film

she asked when they stopped


it’s not jane austen or henry james

but it is exciting

you think i should do henry james

i’m sure you’d be great in henry james


i mean

this writer’s quite good too

yes she said

nobody in the wings of the dove says

tell the pentagon we need black star


and i think that’s a pity

anna smiled her widest smile

he really was helping

later that evening they sat down to eat

i can’t believe you have that picture on

the wall she said

looking at a cheap copy of a chagall

painting you like chagall he asked i do

that’s how love should feel

a big dark blue sky

with a fish falling from it


happiness isn’t happiness without a fish

falling from the sky

spike brought pizzas to the table


for the queen of notting hill

carnival calypso hot chicken and fruit

and a little more chicken


said anna looking at her plate


did i tell you that anna doesn’t eat




i’ve got some vegetable soup from last


if i take off the skin it’ll be perfect

after the meal spike left to meet his

friends in the pub

william and anna were alone at last

you’ve got big feet

anna said


i’ve always had them

you know what they say about nem with

big feet

no what’s that

big feet

she stopped and looked him in the eye

big shoes

they both laughed comfortably

a little later they discussed anna’s

film work

when i make films she told him

i don’t take my clothes off well

not all of them

that’s the agreement

and they have to discuss it with me if

they want to use another person’s body

in my place

another person’s body

what do you mean


if they want me to show my


i refuse

another actor has to do it

and do you choose a better bottom than

yours of course that’s really important

she laughed

what a job

said william

what do those people put on their


profession mel gibson’s bottom

mel uses his own button anna said taking

another mouthful of ice cream

it’s great

the ice cream or mel gibson’s bottom


they had a wonderful evening

but of course it had to end

william walked with anna up to the



has been a good day

thank you

said anna gratefully

they stopped outside the bedroom door


thank you

time for bed

and the sofa bed for me


she kissed him sweetly

then she went into the bedroom and

closed the door

william walked slowly downstairs for a

lonely night on the sofa bed

he couldn’t sleep

he lay there with his eyes wide open

will she come

he waited and hoped

but nothing happened

then suddenly he heard a sound on the


william waited nervously


he said into the darkness

a bearded face looked into the room


have you got a minute



anna’s not with her boyfriend now is she

spike asked

no i don’t think so


she’s in your house



you like her


and she

likes you



isn’t this your big chance

you should be up there

with her

spike pointed upstairs

no spike

she’s in trouble

this is not the time

william said angrily

alright alright

i understand that

spike turned to go

then he spoke again

do you mind if i try



you’re right

i’ll talk to you in the morning

william lay down again



but maybe it’ll be too late then

spike went back to bed

william lay in bed thinking

a few minutes later he heard footsteps

on the stairs again oh go away will you

he said angrily


replied anna quietly

william jumped up no



i thought you were spike

i’m so happy you’re not

they stood face to face in the half


he kissed her neck softly

then her shoulder

then he looked at her face

that face

he couldn’t believe he was touching anna




anna asked



and he kissed her deeply

the next morning they lay in bed


it’s wonderful

and strange

that i william thacker

can look at your naked body

you and every other person in this

country she replied

oh yes


rita hayworth always said they go to bed

with gilda and they wake up with me

do you feel that

she asked

who was gilda

her most famous part

men went to bed with the dream and woke

up with the

reality do you feel that way with me

you’re lovelier this morning than you’ve

ever been

he replied

anna smiled


then she jumped out of bed i’ll be back

don’t go away

ten minutes later anna returned with


breakfast in bed

she smiled warmly

she sat on the bed and asked hesitantly

can i stay a bit longer

william looked at her

stay forever

he said softly

oh i forgot the sugar

just then the doorbell rang you get the

door i’ll get the sugar she said leaving

the room

william’s side

he pulled on his underpants and went


okay i’m coming

he shouted

he opened the door and was suddenly

caught in the light of lots of cameras

the street was full of reporters


he quickly shut the door again

jesus christ

what is it

anna called

don’t ask

replied william his voice shaking

william what is it

anna thought he was joking

she went to the door opened it and

looked outside

oh no

she cried throwing the door shut

she turned to william

and they got a photo of you dressed like


undressed like this yes

spike walked into the kitchen naked

except for a pair of dirty grey


good morning my lovely ones

he greeted them giving william a big


anna was on the phone they’re outside

hundreds of them

yes i know

just get me out of here

she put the phone down and walked

angrily upstairs

don’t go outside spike said william

really it’s not a good idea

why not

just don’t william followed anna


spike thought for a minute

then he opened the front door

the air was filled with people shouting

cameras and lights


thought spike standing there in his gray


he liked this

he turned to offer the photographers the

best view of his naked body when he

closed the door he looked at himself in

the mirror

not bad

not at all bad

well chosen underpants

girls love three

william was upstairs

standing in the bedroom doorway

how are you doing he asked how do you

think i’m doing anna shouted

i don’t know what happened

well i do

she said throwing her things into a bag

your stupid friend decided to make some

money so he talked to some reporters



that’s not true

william answered


reporters from every british newspaper

are outside your house

they all woke up this morning and


i know where that anna scott is

she’s in the house with the blue front

door in notting hill

and then you go out half naked


spike put his head round the door

and i went out in my underpants too

get out spike william said listen anna

i’m so sorry

i came here to you for protection from

these people

and now things are even worse than


what will everyone think

i mean

i’ve got a boyfriend

she shouted

have you

asked william quietly

well everyone thinks i have

and now there’ll be pictures of you in

every paper from here to timbuktu

i know i know but


let’s stay calm

you can stay calm everything’s fine for

you everyone will say well done you you

slept with a film star we’ve seen the


william looked hurt

that is so unfair he said seriously

you can use it for your business

buy a boring book from the man who slept

with anna scott

she pushed past him and out of the room



calm down

have a cup of tea

but she refused to listen i don’t want a

stupid cup of tea

i want to go home

she shouted running downstairs

william followed her the doorbell rang

it’s a big car

spike called down from the upstairs


it looks like your driver anna

anna was a little calmer now but as cold

as ice

tell spike to buy you an expensive meal

or a holiday she said to william

i’m sure he has the money now

that’s not true

spike’s not like that

um wait a minute

this is all crazy

can’t we laugh about it

terrible things happen in the world

compared to them this is nothing

spike came downstairs

he’s going to tell you about people

without food in africa he said to anna

well it’s true

said william and we don’t have to go as

far as that my best friend had an

accident and he’s in a wheelchair for

the rest of her life

anna’s face softened


you’re right of course

but i’ve had this problem for 10 years

and you’ve only had it for 10 minutes

you can’t imagine what it’s like

i mean

tomorrow all this will be yesterday’s


you don’t understand do you

she looked at him they keep these photos

every time someone writes about me these

photos will be in the papers

newspapers last forever

i’ll be sorry about this forever

the color left william’s face

he realized now that this was the end



i won’t be sorry if it’s all right with


i’ll always be glad you came

but you’re right

you should go

she looked at him sadly

and then the doorbell rang again

keeping her head down anna ran outside

there were shouts from the crowd of

reporters and photographers

and then she was gone

william turned to spike

was it you


asked well

spike said slowly

it’s possible that i told one or two

people in the pub

williams side


chapter nine

new hope

summer ended and autumn leaves began to


william continued with his life

but he couldn’t escape a feeling of


every day was the same

he lived through that winter in a dream

nothing seemed important

and then it was spring

we’ve got something for you

said honey coming into the bookshop

spike stood behind her in the doorway

you’ll love me for the rest of your life

what is it

asked william interested

the phone number of anna scott’s office

in london and the one in new york

you can ring her

you think about her all the time

now you can ring her

william knew honey was trying to help

he tried to look pleased

well thank you

that’s great

it is great

she said smiling

see you tonight

honey and spike left

william looked at the piece of paper in

his hand for a minute then

with a sigh

he threw it away

that evening the friends met again at

tony’s restaurant

tony’s dream was at an end

his restaurant was closing

bella spoke for them all

exactly a year ago

this man here

started the finest restaurant in london

the friends all laughed and shouted

but sadly

no one ever came to eat here

just a very small problem

said tony smiling

bella continued

and so from next week

we have to find somewhere new to eat

it’s a sad time

tony smiled again

but the smile couldn’t hide his


but i just want to say one more thing


don’t think there’s something wrong with


we can’t always understand the reasons

why things happen

some things succeed

and others fail

nobody knows why

some of us get lucky and some of us

lose our jobs

bernie finished


said bella in surprise


it’s true

bernie replied with a sigh

they’re changing everything

and there’s no place for me

well you know i was no good

so we go down together

said tony

lifting his glass to bernie to bernie

the worst stockbroker in the world

they all laughed and drank

i’ve got something to say too

said honey standing up


i’ve decided to get married

they all look surprised

i found myself a nice

strange looking man

i know he’ll make me happy for the rest

of my life

wait a minute

said william

i’m your brother


i don’t know anything about this

is it someone we know

asked max

bernie looked hopeful

yes i’ll tell you when the time is right

she replied

she sat down again and the conversation

turned to other subjects

while the others were talking honey

whispered softly to spike


it’s you


he looked surprised


what do you think

well yes


he smiled

are there any other important things

that anyone wants to say

max asked


williams said seriously

i want to say that i’m sorry

i’m really sorry for the way i’ve been

for the last six months

i have

as you know

been a little

unhappy a little unhappy there are dead

people that are more fun to be with

laughed max

but i want to make it clear

that i have turned a corner

from today

i have decided to be happy


all that business with the american is

in the past now

max asked

i believe it is

william smiled

you don’t think about her all the time


i don’t think i do

so you’re not interested that she’s back

in london

or that she’s filming every day in


max showed him a newspaper with a

picture of anna on the front page

williams side

oh no

so you are a little interested then

said max

the following day

william was in hampstead

he found the place where they were


can i help you

ask the guard


i’m looking for anna scott

does she know you’re coming



no she doesn’t

i’m afraid i can’t let you in



i mean

she’s a friend



can’t let you in

repeated the guard turning away

behind the guard

william saw anna walking across the


she looked beautiful in a long dress and

with her hair piled on top of her head

there were people all around her ready

to help her

suddenly anna looked up and saw william

her face showed surprise

williams smiled nervously

and then she walked towards him

followed by the crowd of people

this is very year er

she started hesitantly

i only found out you were here yesterday

i wanted to ring but i didn’t think you

anna continued

anna we have to go they’re ready

it was one of the film people

listen william

it’s not going well and it’s our last



right you’re clearly very busy but wait

there are

things to say


william said

you could drink tea

there’s lots of tea

she smiled at him as she was taken away

come and watch a woman said to him

do you like henry james

this is a henry james film he asked

remembering his conversation with anna a

year earlier

the woman left william with harry a

sound man

you can listen if you like harry said

pointing to some headphones

william put them on

then he sat in a chair to watch the


anna and another actor were making

conversation waiting for the filming

william could hear everything through

the headphones

so i ask you when you’re going to tell


and you say

anna said to the other actor


will be soon enough

and then i who was that man you were

talking to just now

the other man asked


no one

a man from the past

i don’t know what he’s doing here

it’s difficult

william’s heart stopped

what was he doing there

he took off the headphones and gave them

back to the sound man

thank you harry

any time

harry smiled william walked away

chapter 10

just a girl and a boy

what’s happening

spike asked

i’m throwing out some old videos william


some of them were of course anna’s films

you can’t do that

these are great films you must do it

i won’t let you


let’s talk about the money for your room


right i’ll help you you’re right we

don’t need all of them

the next day at work william was at his

desk where martin called to him

excuse me william

there’s a package

martin said

well you work here don’t you he replied

but it’s not for the shop it’s for you


william’s side getting up from his desk

but tell me

what exactly do i pay you for

william walked towards the front of the

shop and stopped suddenly


in front of him

was anna

she was dressed very simply but was as

beautiful as always


she smiled


you left


i’m sorry

i had to leave

i was in the way


how have you been

she asked


he said

everything is exactly as it was before

when they change the law spike and i

will marry immediately

very different from your film star life

oh no

all that means nothing

i have no idea how meaningless it all


but i know now

she looked nervous

yesterday was the last day of filming

i’m leaving soon and i wanted you to

have this

she pointed to a large flat package

covered in brown paper


thank you shall i no

don’t open it now


well thank you

i don’t know what it’s for but thank you

i had it in my flat in new york

and i just thought

but i didn’t know how to call you she

began hesitantly

i was so rude to you last time

so it was in the hotel

but then

you came

so i thought

i thought

what did you think

he asked softly

the shop door opened and mr smith walked


william looked up don’t even think about

it go away




mr smith said in surprise

closing the door behind him

william turned back to anna

you were saying

i have to go away tomorrow

and i wanted to ask you

do you think

i could see you a little

or a lot maybe

can you ever

like me again

william was surprised at her words

he didn’t know how to reply


yesterday the other actor asked you

about me

a man from the past you said

i heard it all through the headphones

but i never tell other actors about my

love life

martin was back excuse me

it’s your mother on the phone

tell her i’ll ring later

i tried that

but you said that 24 hours ago and she’s

still waiting her foot was purple then

and now it’s turning black


william’s side walking to his desk look

after miss scott martin

martin smiled nervously at anna

i loved you in ghost

it was a wonderful film

is that right

she said surprised yes

what’s patrick swayze like in real life

i’m afraid i don’t know him very well


wasn’t he friendly when you were making

the film


i’m sure he was friendly to demi moore

she was the other star of ghost

anna smiled




i’ve never been very clever

william returned


it was lovely to meet you

i love your work

and demis of course

and martin left them

sorry about that william said

that’s okay

william thought very carefully and then

spoke slowly and seriously


i’m an ordinary sort of person

i’m not often in and out of love

the words were not coming easily

can i just say


to your kind offer

anna continued smiling

but the hurt showed in her eyes


that’s fine

of course


of course

i’ll just go then

nice to see you

anna the fact is

he felt he must try to give words to his


with you

i’m in real danger

my heart will never get better if it’s

broken again

and i know that will happen

there are too many pictures of you

everywhere too many films

you’ll continue with your life and i’ll



i see

anna said softly

that really is a real no

isn’t it

i live in notting hill you live in

beverly hills

everyone in the world knows who you are

my mother doesn’t always remember my




i understand

they seem nothing more to say

but anna tried one last time

it’s not real you know

being famous

i’m also just a girl

standing in front of a boy

asking him to love her

william looked deeply into her eyes

was he doing the right thing

then she kissed him lightly


she said

as she left

there were no pictures on the walls of

tony’s restaurant

the kitchen equipment was gone

chairs were piled up waiting to go

the friends met there one last time

what do you think

did i do the right thing

william asked them

of course you did

said honey quickly i mean she’s nothing


that’s right agreed bella and everyone

knows that all actresses are crazy

what do you think tony

william asked

never met her and never wanted to

right max

william turned to his oldest friend

i agree with the others and who wants to

go out with someone who doesn’t eat meat


excellent thanks

william felt happier his decision was

the right one

then spike arrived

i was called and i came what’s the

problem he asked

william has just refused anna scott

honey told him


are you crazy

spike shouted at william

bella was looking carefully at the

painting next to william’s chair

that isn’t the real chagall painting is

it she asked him


yes i think it is

bella’s eyes widened

and she really wanted to go out with you

bernie asked

well yes

that’s nice


asked william


it’s nice when someone wants to go out

with you

reply bernie a little sadly

it was quite sweet really

said william remembering

i mean i know as an actress she can say

lines very well

but she said

and these were her words

i’m just a girl

standing in front of a boy

asking him to love her

the room went very quiet

oh no

william said his head in his hands

i’ve made the wrong decision haven’t i

he could see his friend’s agreement in

their eyes


how fast is your car

william bernie honey and spike jumped

into max’s car

where’s bella asked max

she’s not coming replied honey oh yes

she is she’s not missing this

and he found bella picked her up and put

her in the front

the wheelchair went in the back with


the london traffic was heavy as usual

but they got to the ritz at last

william and bernie ran to the front desk

is miss scott staying here

no sir i’m afraid she isn’t

it was the man who was at the desk a

year earlier

or uh

miss flintstone

no sir i’m afraid not

uh bambi or i don’t know


or butthead

the man of the desk shook his head

william sighed deeply it was no good

it was too late

but as he turned away the man spoke

there was a miss pocahontas here in room


but she left an hour ago

i believe she’s giving a press

conference at the savoy hotel before her

flight to america

he smiled

william jumped up and kissed him

thank you

thank you he shouted

bernie in his excitement kissed the man


back in the car they drove as fast as

possible to the savoy hotel

but the traffic was moving slowly and at

one crossroads they came to a complete


time passed and they all got more and

more nervous

spike jumped out of the car

i’ll get us through

he shouted shutting the door and then he

was in the middle of the road stopping

cars and buses and making a path for

max’s car

go go go

he shouted

i love you

laughed honey out of the window as the

car shot off towards the savoy

excuse me

where’s the press conference william

asked the man at the desk

can i see your press cart

william quickly showed him a card

that’s a video club card sir


i write for the club’s magazine

i’m sorry sir

bella arrived at the front desk pushed

by honey he’s with me she said

and you are

writing about the best london hotels for

people in wheelchairs

she said smiling

the man looked at her for a minute and

then sighed

it’s in the lancaster room i’m afraid

you’re very late


honey shouted to william

the lancaster room was crowded with

reporters and photographers

at the front sat anna behind a long

table looking a little sad

jeremy from the film company was next to



you dominic said jeremy pointing to a


how much longer are you staying in

britain miss scott

no time at all

i fly out tonight

on sadana

and that’s why we have to stop soon

said jeremy

any last questions

a number of hands went up and he pointed

to one

you’ve decided not to make another film

for a year is this because there’s talk

about jeff and another famous actress


she replied simply

do you believe the stories

it’s really not my business now but i

will say this

stories about jeff and women

are usually true

she smiled

the next question came from a reporter

standing next to william

last time you were here there were

photos of you and a young englishman


what was that about

he was just a friend

and i think we’re still friends

she said slowly

william’s heart was jumping

could he speak

could he say what he wanted to say

and then his hand was up and jeremy was

pointing at him


miss scott

is there any chance of you and this

young man being

more than friends

anna looked up at the questioner

she saw that it was william

i thought so but no

i was told not

she said quietly


if this man william started jeremy spoke


it’s just one question each

no let him anna said

she turned back to william

what were you saying

william continued

if this person

his name was thakur

said one of the reporters helpfully

thank you william smiled

if this mr thakur gets down on his knees

and asks you to think again

what then


bella bernie and honey all waited

open-mouthed for her answer

i think

my answer will be


her smile lit up the room

that’s excellent news

the readers of horse and hound will be

very happy

anna turned to jeremy and whispered



would you like to ask your question


said jeremy

pointing to the reporter


miss scott

how long are you planning to stay in


anna looked at william questioningly

he returned her look

smiled a mouth the word


for a very long time

smiled anna

suddenly the reporters realized what was


they crowded round william asking him


photographers took pictures

max and bella kissed

bernie kissed a woman standing next to


everyone was smiling and laughing

spike arrived at last red-faced from


what happened

he asked honey she put her arms around

him and held him tightly

it was good spike

it was so good

how did it all end

this love story between the biggest film

star in the world and an ordinary

bookseller from notting hill


it is too early to say

but the signs are good

the wedding was a quiet one with family

and close friends

tony made a wonderful cake

max danced wildly around the dance floor

looking like james bond in his white

dinner jacket

honey’s legs didn’t reach the floor as

she danced in spike’s arms

and martin stood at the side smiling


everyone had a good time

soon after the wedding william went with

anna to the opening night of her henry

james film

as they stepped out of the car in front

of the cinema

people screamed with excitement

photographers pushed forward to get the

best picture for the next day’s


to william all this was new and strange

but anna held his hand tightly

and guided him through the crowds

we leave the happy lovers on a sunny day

a year later in a garden in notting hill

all around them are signs of life and


children are playing watched by their


one is holding her new baby

an older woman walks past with her

husband they are smiling and talking


on a simple wooden seat

william sits reading

anna is lying next to him looking out

over the gardens

she looks calm and happy

from time to time her hand moves slowly

over the baby growing inside her
