2 Hours of Daily English Conversations English Practice for ALL Learners

wanna speak real English from your first

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account at English class 101.com in this

video you will listen to each dialogue

twice one version without the

conversations text and one version with

subtitles to read along with test your

listening comprehension skills with this

video ready excuse me I’d like to take a

look at a book on that shelf which book

would you like the one about cars one

moment please

this one yep that’s right here you go

a woman is asking a store clerk

something at a bookstore which book does

the woman want to see excuse me I’d like

to take a look at a book on that shelf

which book would you like the one about

cars one moment please

this one yep that’s right

here you go

a man and a woman are looking over a

menu at a restaurant what’s the man

going to order what are you going to

order the pizza looks delicious I think

I’ll go with that I had pizza yesterday

so okay then what about the hamburger

sounds good

I’ll go with that

a man and a woman are looking over a

menu at a restaurant what’s the man

going to order what are you going to

order the pizza looks delicious I think

I’ll go with that I had pizza yesterday

so okay then what about the hamburger

sounds good

I’ll go with that

a man is calling the doctor’s office

what time does he need to be at the

doctor’s office bye hello how can I help

you what time do you close today we

close at 6 o’clock but please come in

before 5:30 okay thank you

a man is calling the doctor’s office

what time does he need to be at the

doctor’s office bye hello how can I help

you what time do you close today

we close at 6 o’clock but please come in

before 5:30 okay thank you

a boy is reading from his journal what

was the first thing the boy did today

the weather was great today I went

swimming this afternoon at the pool and

I went to a movie in the evening I also

studied all morning today wasn’t bad

a boy is reading from his journal what

was the first thing the boy did today

the weather was great today I went

swimming this afternoon at the pool and

I went to a movie in the evening I also

studied all morning today wasn’t bad

a woman and a man are looking at a

photograph which photo are they looking

at this is a photo of the soccer team

your son is on isn’t it which one is

your son this one oh he’s the tallest

one yep he’s even taller than the coach

a woman and a man are looking at a

photograph which photo are they looking

at this is a photo of the soccer team

your son is on isn’t it which one is

your son this one oh he’s the tallest

one yep he’s even taller than the coach

a man and a woman are talking when are

they going to see the movie why don’t we

go see a movie on Saturday yes I’d love

to but I have to work a shift in the

morning what time will you finish I’ll

finish it two o’clock then let’s meet up

at the cafe at 3 o’clock and see a movie

at 4 o’clock okay

a man and a woman are talking when are

they going to see the movie why don’t we

go see a movie on Saturday yes I’d love

to but I have to work a shift in the

morning what time will you finish I’ll

finish it two o’clock then let’s meet up

at the cafe at 3 o’clock and see a movie

at 4 o’clock okay a man is talking with

a salesperson at the mall which shirt is

he going to buy hmm which shirt do you

think is better the white one or the

blue one well I think the blue one is

better it goes well with this gray

jacket do you think so but it doesn’t go

so well with this red tie does it well

that’s true

okay then I’ll take the white one not

the blue one

a man is talking with a salesperson at

the mall which shirt is he going to buy

hmm which shirt do you think is better

the white one or the blue one well I

think the blue one is better it goes

well with this gray jacket you think so

but it doesn’t go so well with this red

tie does it well that’s true okay

then I’ll take the white one not the

blue one

a man is at a hamburger place which meal

is he going to order excuse me could I

have the value meal please sure thing

which do you want french fries or salad

french fries okay what will you have to

drink coke please

a man is at a hamburger place which meal

is he going to order

excuse me could I have the value meal

please sure thing which do you want

french fries or salad french fries okay

what will you have to drink coke please

a teacher is baking a cake what did the

teacher put in it today we’re baking a

cake first mix butter and sugar then add

two eggs and mix them well add flour and

mix it a little bit put it in the oven

and bake it for 50 minutes that’s it

a teacher is baking a cake what did the

teacher put in it today we’re baking a

cake first mix butter and sugar then add

two eggs and mix them well add flour and

mix it a little bit put it in the oven

and bake it for 50 minutes that’s it

a man and a woman are talking

what are they going to do first what do

you want to do today I want to go see a

movie okay I want to watch the baseball

game on TV also I want to go shopping

the baseball game starts at 1:00 o’clock

okay so let’s see the movie first and

then you can watch the baseball game all

right then

we’ll go shopping in the evening

a man and a woman are talking what are

they going to do first what do you want

to do today I want to go see a movie

okay I want to watch the baseball game

on TV also I want to go shopping the

baseball game starts at 1:00 o’clock

okay so let’s see the movie first and

then you can watch the baseball game all


then we’ll go shopping in the evening a

teacher and a student are talking when

will the student go to the teachers

office I didn’t really understand

today’s class I see what was confusing

several things do you have time now

actually I am a little busy could you

come to my office in the afternoon I’ll

be there from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

okay I’ll be there at 2:00 p.m.

a teacher and a student are talking when

will the student go to the teacher’s

office I didn’t really understand

today’s class I see what was confusing

several things do you have time now

actually I am a little busy could you

come to my office in the afternoon I’ll

be there from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. ok I’ll

be there at 2 p.m. a woman is having

lunch in a restaurant what is she going

to order would you like to have coffee

or dessert after the meal

what desserts do you have we have

pudding and apple pie hmm actually I’ll

just have coffee do you want cream or

sugar cream please

a woman is having lunch in a restaurant

what is she going to order would you

like to have coffee or dessert after the


what desserts do you have we have

pudding and apple pie hmm actually I’ll

just have coffee do you want cream or

sugar cream please

a woman is waiting for a man where is

the woman now hey really sorry but it

looks like I’ll be 30 minutes late okay

I’ll wait for you at the cafe cafe where

is it it’s next to the bookstore there’s

a bakery across from the cafe okay

a woman is waiting for a man where is

the woman now

Hey really sorry but it looks like I’ll

be 30 minutes late okay I’ll wait for

you at the Cafe cafe where is it it’s

next to the bookstore there’s a bakery

across from the cafe okay a man and a

woman are talking about summer vacation

what is the woman going to do on her

summer vacation have you already planned

for the summer vacation not yet I’m

thinking about going to the sea or the

mountains I’m going to the beach with

some friends we’re going surfing sounds

nice why don’t you come with us

Wow sure Thanks

a man and a woman are talking about

summer vacation what is the woman going

to do on her summer vacation have you

already planned for the summer vacation

not yet I’m thinking about going to the

sea or the mountains I’m going to the

beach with some friends we’re going

surfing sounds nice

why don’t you come with us Wow sure


a man and a woman are talking what did

the woman eat this morning oh I’m hungry

did you eat anything for breakfast yes I

did but only a little what did you eat

I had yogurt and coffee that’s not

enough you’ll need some bread and fruit


a man and a woman are talking what did

the woman eat this morning oh I’m hungry

did you eat anything for breakfast yes I

did but only a little what did you eat

I had yogurt and coffee that’s not

enough you’ll need some bread and fruit


a woman is in a department store which

floor is she going to excuse me where

are the children’s clothes they’re on

the fifth and sixth floors do you also

have baby clothes yes they’re on the

sixth floor we have a lot there thank

you very much I’ll go and have a look


a woman is in a department store which

floor is she going to excuse me where

are the children’s clothes they’re on

the fifth and sixth floors do you also

have baby clothes yes they’re on the

sixth floor we have a lot there thank

you very much I’ll go and have a look

there a man and a woman are talking how

old is the man now your birthday is

really soon isn’t it yep it’s the day

after tomorrow how old are you going to

be I’m turning 60 congratulations

we should celebrate thank you very much

it’s kind of you to say

a man and a woman are talking how old is

the man now

your birthday is really soon isn’t it

yep it’s the day after tomorrow how old

are you going to be I’m turning 60


we should celebrate thank you very much

it’s kind of you to say

a woman is looking at clothes in a

boutique what is she going to buy Wow

this blue skirts and that white skirt I

like them both the white skirt is really

popular right now the blue ones a bit

expensive too well that’s true but it

suits you um I can’t afford both I’ll

take the white one an excellent choice

thank you very much

a woman is looking at clothes in a

boutique what is she going to buy Wow

this blue skirt and that white skirt I

like them both the white skirt is really

popular right now the blue ones a bit

expensive too well that’s true but it

suits you

um I can’t afford both I’ll take the

white one an excellent choice

thank you very much

a man and a woman are talking how many

people in total are coming to the party

the party’s tomorrow who’s coming well

the two of us two friends of mine and my

pottery teacher that will make five then

oh well my teachers also bringing his

wife Wow a big party then

a man and a woman are talking

how many people in total are coming to

the party

the party’s tomorrow who’s coming well

the two of us two friends of mine and my

pottery teacher that will make five then

oh well my teachers also bringing his

wife Wow a big party then a woman bought

a bed

where is she going to put it your new

bed it’s huge

yep I can’t put it by the door let’s put

it at the other end of the room shall we

put it in the middle no let’s put it in

the corner okay sounds good can you help

me lift it

a woman bought a bed

is she going to put it your new bed it’s


yep I can’t put it by the door let’s put

it at the other end of the room shall we

put it in the middle no let’s put it in

the corner okay sounds good

can you help me lift it in this video

you will listen to each dialogue twice

one version without the conversations

text and one version with subtitles to

read along with test your listening

comprehension skills with this video


may I help you I’m looking for a

birthday present for my wife what do you

recommend well what about this necklace

hmm it looks a little long what about

these over here we have one with the

flower pendant and another one with a

heart I’m looking for something a bit

more sophisticated how much is this

pearl necklace over here it’s $5,000 hmm

that’s too expensive okay I’ll take the

first one sure thing here you are

may I help you I’m looking for a

birthday present for my wife what do you

recommend well what about this necklace

hmm it looks a little long what about

these over here we have one with the

flower pendant and another one with a

heart I’m looking for something a bit

more sophisticated how much is this

pearl necklace over here it’s $5,000 hmm

that’s too expensive okay

I’ll take the first one sure thing here

you are

where should we put the new printer hmm

I think we should put it where the old

printer is now but the old one still

works we’re going to keep using it okay

so we can’t put the new one there it’s

too bad it would be nice to have the new

one in the bookshelf next to the door

but there’s only room for one printer

there okay then I think we should put it

on the other side of the room right how

about next to the window that sounds


where is the old printer where should we

put the new printer hmm I think we

should put it where the old printer is

now but the old one still works we’re

going to keep using it okay so we can’t

put the new one there it’s too bad it

would be nice to have the new one in the

bookshelf next to the door but there’s

only room for one printer there okay

then I think we should put it on the

other side of the room right how about

next to the window that sounds good

hey heading home now okay

could you buy something on the way home

sure what do you want me to get we need

some milk and bread for tomorrow’s

breakfast milk and bread got it

how many cartons of milk one should be

fine okay anything else one second let

me check if we have butter okay we’ve

got some all right do we have any beer

left yes we still have a bottle here

okay so we don’t need to buy any right

now right I think we’re good thank you

hey heading home now okay could you buy

something on the way home sure what do

you want me to get we need some milk and

bread for tomorrow’s breakfast milk and

bread got it how many cartons of milk

one should be fine okay anything else

one second let me check if we have

butter okay we’ve got some all right do

we have any beer left yes we still have

a bottle here okay so we don’t need to

buy any right now right I think we’re

good thank you

we’ll have sunny weather all through the

morning in the afternoon though it’s

going to get cloudy and we’ll have rain

in the night the rain will continue

through the night until early tomorrow

morning when the Sun will start coming

out again

we’ll have sunny weather all through the

morning in the afternoon though it’s

going to get cloudy and we’ll have rain

in the night the rain will continue

through the night until early tomorrow

morning when the Sun will start coming

out again we’ve got some new designs for

the company business card which one do

you think is best

let’s see I think the company name

should be bigger okay then it should be

one of these right I like these because

the company name is big and on top one

of these has a space for a photo what do

you think hmm I think it makes the text

a little too small

yeah the text could be a little hard to

read with the picture okay then let’s go

with the other one

we’ve got some new designs for the

company business card which one do you

think is best

let’s see I think the company name

should be bigger okay then it should be

one of these right I like these because

the company name is big and on top one

of these has a space for a photo what do

you think hmm I think it makes the text

a little too small

yeah the text could be a little hard to

read with the picture okay then let’s go

with the other one

excuse me do you know if there’s a bus

stop near here yes one is very close

first go straight and turn at the second

traffic light then turn left at the

corner of the bookstore you will see a

bank the bus stop is in front of the

bank got it

thank you so much

excuse me do you know if there’s a bus

stop near here yes one is very close

first go straight and turn at the second

traffic light then turn left at the

corner of the bookstore you will see a

bank the bus stop is in front of the

bank got it thank you so much we’ll be

having a meeting with Michael from our

New York office this afternoon do you

know if there are any drinks left we

have some coffee hmm

Michael doesn’t drink coffee do we have

any bottled water yes I think there’s

still some left excellent very good do

you want anything I’ll have the same

thing too

we’ll be having a meeting with Michael

from our New York office this afternoon

do you know if there are any drinks left

we have some coffee hmm

Michael doesn’t drink coffee do we have

any bottled water yes I think there’s

still some left excellent very good do

you want anything I’ll have the same

thing too excuse me I’m looking for a

really light Ultrabook okay how about

this one it’s really flat and light it

looks nice

can you watch DVDs on this computer I am

afraid not

you can watch DVDs on that one but it’s

a little bit larger and heavier hmm yeah

this is too heavy I’ll buy the first one

thank you so much you can choose from

white black or silver I want the black


excuse me I’m looking for a really light

Ultrabook okay how about this one it’s

really flat and light it looks nice

can you watch DVDs on this computer I am

afraid not

you can watch DVDs on that one but it’s

a little bit larger and heavier hmm yeah

this is too heavy I’ll buy the first one

thank you so much

you can choose from white black or

silver I want the black one you’re going

on a trip next week right yes I’m going

to Hong Kong on Tuesday and will stay

there for two nights then you’re going

to Taipei yes I’m going to Taipei on

Thursday and we’ll stay there overnight

and then I’ll come back home so you’ll

be at the meeting on Saturday right yes

that’s right

you’re going on a trip next week right

yes I’m going to Hong Kong on Tuesday

and we’ll stay there for two nights then

you’re going to Taipei yes I’m going to

Taipei on Thursday and we’ll stay there

overnight and then I’ll come back home

so you’ll be at the meeting on Saturday

right yes that’s right thank you for

calling this is pizza station hi can I

have a garlic tomato pizza a garlic

tomato pizza okay which size a large

please and cut it into eight pieces sure

do you want anything else yes I’ll have

four breadsticks and two cans of coke

all right we’re going to deliver it in

about 40 minutes

thank you for calling this is pizza

station hi can I have a garlic tomato

pizza a garlic tomato pizza okay which

size a large please and cut it into

eight pieces sure do you want anything

else yes I’ll have four breadsticks and

two cans of coke all right we’re going

to deliver it in about 40 minutes

excuse me how late are you open we’re

open until 11 p.m. but the kitchen

closes at 10 p.m. is that okay yes sure

thanks it’s pretty late so I thought you

were already closed we used to close

this place at 10:00 p.m. but we pushed

it back oh I see but we closed the

restaurant at 9:00 on Sunday got it

excuse me how late are you open we’re

open until 11 p.m. but the kitchen

closes at 10 p.m. is that okay yes sure

thanks it’s pretty late so I thought you

were already closed we used to close

this place at 10:00 p.m. but we pushed

it back oh I see but we closed the

restaurant at 9:00 on Sunday got it

which vacuum do you like better well I

think this one looks nice yeah it does

it’ll take three or four days to deliver

can we be here next Saturday no we’re

going to play golf Saturday morning

okay then maybe we can have it delivered

Sunday sounds good

hey let’s remember not to stay out too

late Friday night we have to get up

early on Sunday I know

which vacuum do you like better well I

think this one looks nice

yeah it does it’ll take 3 or 4 days to

deliver can we be here next Saturday no

we’re going to play golf Saturday

morning ok then maybe we can have it

delivered Sunday sounds good

hey let’s remember not to stay out too

late Friday night we have to get up

early on Sunday I know well I’m giving

you three kinds of medicine please take

them after dinner every day ok take 2 of

the round pills one capsule and one ear

drop each time sure I’m giving you a

three-day course of medicine if you’re

not better after that come and see me

again thank you very much

get well soon

well I’m giving you three kinds of

medicine please take them after dinner

every day okay take two of the round

pills one capsule and one ear drop each

time sure I’m giving you a three-day

course of medicine if you’re not better

after that come and see me again thank

you very much

get well soon I’d like to introduce you

to my family is there some time soon you

could come over wow this is a big step

could you tell me a bit more about your

family before I meet them sure my father

works in computers and his hobby is

fishing my mother runs a restaurant and

she’s good at cooking they live nearby

do you have any brothers and sisters yes

I have an older sister and a younger

brother my sister is married and is

living abroad my brother is in law

school over on the East Coast it sounds

like you have a nice family I’d love to

meet them I’d like to introduce you to

my family is there some time soon you

could come over wow this is a big step

could you tell me a bit more about your

family before I meet them sure my father

works in computers and his hobby is

fishing my mother runs a restaurant and

she’s good at cooking they live nearby

do you have any brothers and sisters

yes I have an older sister and a younger

brother my sister is married and is

living abroad my brother is in law

school over on the East Coast it sounds

like you have a nice family I’d love to

meet them hello are you looking for


yes my eyes have been quite bad lately


do you like square lenses well I’ve been

wearing square shaped glasses for a long

time so I’d like to try something else

sure I recommend these round ones hmm I

don’t think it suits me like I expected

I’ll take the same shape as my current

glasses do you have any with black

frames certainly how about this pair yes

I’ll take these

hello are you looking for glasses yes my

eyes have been quite bad lately okay

do you like square lenses well I’ve been

wearing square shaped glasses for a long

time so I’d like to try something else

sure I recommend these round ones hmm I

don’t think it suits me like I expected

I’ll take the same shape as my current

glasses do you have any with black

frames certainly how about this pair yes

I’ll take these I’m sorry but can you

please cancel my appointment for today

sure thing is there another day when you

can come in how about Saturday the

morning is better for me

I’m afraid this Saturday is fully booked

we can put you in for next Saturday

though actually one of my teeth is

starting to hurt can we do late

afternoon on Thursday yes both five

o’clock and six o’clock are available

six o’clock sounds good sure thing

we’ll schedule you for them

I’m sorry but can you please cancel my

appointment for today sure thing is

there another day when you can come in

how about Saturday the morning is better

for me

I’m afraid this Saturday is fully booked

we can put you in for next Saturday

though actually one of my teeth is

starting to hurt can we do late

afternoon on Thursday yes both five

o’clock and six o’clock are available

six o’clock sounds good sure thing

we’ll schedule you for them

can’t wait for your party on Sunday

me too it starts at 12 o’clock right

your apartment is 1 0 1 8 isn’t it yes

that’s right

my apartment is in a 2 building complex

with an east and west tower my room is 1

0 1 8 in the East Building ok please

call me if you have any questions will

do thank you

can’t wait for your party on Sunday

me too it starts at 12 o’clock right

your apartment is 1 0 1 8 isn’t it yes

that’s right

my apartment is in a 2 building complex

with an east and west tower my room is 1

0 1 8 in the East Building ok please

call me if you have any questions will

do thank you

hello how may I help you

I’d like to rent these DVDs please three

altogether you know you get a discount

if you rent five

sounds nice but I won’t have time to

watch that many movies so I’ll just take

these three we’re offering a special

discount right now and you can get them

for an extra week really awesome

I’ll get two more

hello how may I help you I’d like to

rent these DVDs please three altogether

you know you get a discount if you rent


sounds nice but I won’t have time to

watch that many movies so I’ll just take

these three we’re offering a special

discount right now and you can get them

for an extra week really awesome I’ll

get two more

Hey what time is it

sorry no watch today and I forgot my

phone at home okay I’m a bit worried

that we won’t make the Train look

there’s a clock at the station entrance

nice but it looks like the train will be

here in five minutes that’s the ten

o’clock train right right we better

hurry up

Hey what time is it sorry no watch today

and I forgot my phone at home okay I’m a

bit worried that we won’t make the Train

look there’s a clock at the station

entrance nice but it looks like the

train will be here in five minutes

that’s the ten o’clock train right right

we’d better hurry up

do you have any seats available for the

flight tomorrow night would you like to

sit in regular economy or premium

economy regular economy is fine hmm

thank you for waiting

we do have a few seats great

I’d like an aisle seat please I’m afraid

there are no aisle seats left ah okay

could you just not put me in the middle

what a window seat B okay sure thank you

do you have any seats available for the

flight tomorrow night would you like to

sit in regular economy or premium

economy regular economy is fine hmm

thank you for waiting

we do have a few seats great

I’d like an aisle seat please I’m afraid

there are no aisle seats left ah okay

could you just not put me in the middle

would a window seat be okay sure

thank you

wanna speak real English from your first

lesson sign up for your free lifetime

account at English class 101.com in this

video you will listen to each dialogue

twice one version without the

conversations text and one version with

subtitles to read along with test your

listening comprehension skills with this

video ready hi

I have deliveries for the human

resources and accounting departments

sure they’re both on the fourth floor

all right I also need to pick something

up from the sales department the sales

department has a first and second

division which one is it

let’s see it’s the second division the

sales second division is on the second

floor there’s an intercom at the

entrance so please call the person

you’re looking for okay

is that the right elevator over there

I’m so sorry but that elevator is

currently out of service for a safety

inspection do you mind using the stairs

over there not at all thank you very

much a delivery person is talking to a


what will the delivery person do next

choose the incorrect answer

hi I have deliveries for the human

resources and accounting departments

sure they’re both on the fourth floor

all right I also need to pick something

up from the sales department the sales

department has a first and second

division which one is it let’s see it’s

the second division the sales second

division is on the second floor there’s

an intercom at the entrance so please

call the person you’re looking for

okay is that the right elevator over

there I’m so sorry but that elevator is

currently out of service for a safety


do you mind using the stairs over there

not at all thank you very much

how about this one it’s got a nice large

living room hmm I like a big living room

but I want the parking space let’s see

how about this one yeah that’s nice

should we go see this one wait a second

isn’t the closet a bit too small good


hmm there doesn’t seem to be one that’s


wait how about this one it’s got

everything we need doesn’t it and the

closet is pretty large too let’s go see

this one okay

a husband and a wife are looking at some

floor plans which room are they going to

see how about this one it’s got a nice

large living room hmm I like a big

living room but I want the parking space

let’s see how about this one yeah that’s


should we go see this one wait a second

isn’t the closet a bit too small good


hmm there doesn’t seem to be one that’s


wait how about this one it’s got

everything we need doesn’t it and the

closet is pretty large too let’s go see

this one okay seaside hotel how may I

help you hi I like to stay for one night

on September 22nd certainly one night

from September 22nd how many people -

would you like a smoking or a

non-smoking room sir non-smoking the

only non-smoking room available on that

day is a mountain view room is that okay

well I was hoping for an ocean view room

I’m sorry but the only ocean view room

available on that day is a smoking room

I see is there a non-smoking ocean view

room available on September 23rd yes

there is okay we’ll stay on September


a man is making a reservation at a hotel

which room is he going to stay in

Seaside Hotel how may I help you

hi I like to stay for one night on

September 22nd certainly one night from

September 22nd how many people - would

you like a smoking or a non-smoking room


non-smoking the only non-smoking room

available on that day is a mountain view

room is that ok well I was hoping for an

ocean view room I’m sorry but the only

ocean view room available on that day is

a smoking room I see is there a

non-smoking ocean view room available on

September 23rd yes there is okay we’ll

stay on September 23rd hi may I help you

hi I’ve got a 3 o’clock reservation for

Richie ah yes

welcome miss Richie please come this way

what can I do for you today I’d like to

change my hairstyle a little bit ok what

length would you like about shoulder

length alright and what about your bangs

keep the bangs straight down or parted

on the side to the side a bit which side

may be a little left from the middle got

it we’ll start with the shampoo so

please come this way

a woman is talking to her hairstylist

how would she like to change her hair hi

may I help you hi I’ve got a 3 o’clock

reservation for Richie ah yes welcome

miss Richie please come this way what

can I do for you today I’d like to

change my hairstyle a little bit ok what

length would you like about shoulder

length alright and what about your bangs

keep the bangs

straight down or parted on the side to

the side a bit which side maybe a little

left from the middle got it we’ll start

with the shampoo so please come this way

hey what do you think about this job the

hourly pay is pretty high sure the pay

looks great but could you really do a

newspaper delivery route of course I’m

good at riding bikes but I’m worried

about waking up early what about this

one the pay isn’t as high but you can

work two or three days a week and start

working from the evening oh this one a

supermarket cashier huh well it would be

good to work after school this one for a

coffee shop might be good too oh yeah I

love that place

and it’s on my way to school not bad huh

hmm which one should I apply to which

two is it between the coffee shop and

the newspaper delivery route

yeah the pay for the newspaper route is

really nice okay

my mind’s made up I guess I’ll just have

to get up early

a male and female student are looking at

job advertisements which job is the

female student going to apply for hey

what do you think about this job the

hourly pay is pretty high sure the pay

looks great but could you really do a

newspaper delivery route of course I’m

good at riding bikes but I’m worried

about waking up early what about this

one the pay isn’t as high but you can

work two or three days a week and start

working from the evening oh this one a

supermarket cashier huh well it would be

good to work after school this one for a

coffee shop might be good too

oh yeah I love that place and it’s on my

way to school not bad huh hmm which one

should I apply to which two is it

between the coffee shop and the

newspaper delivery route

yeah the pay for the newspaper route is

really nice okay my mind’s made up I

guess I’ll just have to get up early it

looks very nice on you and it fits

perfectly yeah it fits but I usually

wear plain colors I’m not used to this

kind of a pattern well I think you look


yeah still it would take some courage

for me to actually wear this what about

this dress then the pattern is much more

reserved so it won’t feel as flashy

you’re right let me try that one on go

right ahead

what do you think ma’am this one suits

me much more than the last do you have a

long-sleeved version with this design

yes we do Thanks I’ll buy that a woman

is trying on a dress and talking to a

shop clerk which dress is she going to


it looks very nice on you and it fits

perfectly yeah it fits but I usually

wear plain colors I’m not used to this

kind of a pattern well I think you look

great yeah

still it would take some courage for me

to actually wear this what about this

dress then the pattern is much more

reserved so it won’t feel as flashy

you’re right let me try that one on go

right ahead

what do you think ma’am this one suits

me much more than the last do you have a

long-sleeved version with this design

yes we do Thanks I’ll buy that hey could

you do me a favor there’s a document on

my desk and I need you to deliver it to

the sales department sure which one is

it I think it’s in a blue envelope a

blue envelope well there are two blue

envelopes on your desk ah right there

should be a red stamp in the upper right

corner of the envelope the other one

should have a green stamp but it’s the

orientation guide we hand out to new

employees the one with the red stamp

okay got it

great please deliver it to the sales

department by one o’clock and make sure

you give it to the manager directly you

know him right yes we’ve met several

times good and while you’re at it

could you deliver the other envelope to

HR sure thing

a president and his assistant are

talking on the phone which document is

the assistant going to deliver to the

sales department

hey could you do me a favor there’s a

document on my desk and I need you to

deliver it to the sales department sure

which one is it I think it’s in a blue

envelope a blue envelope well there are

two blue envelopes on your desk ah right

there should be a red stamp in the upper

right corner of the envelope the other

one should have a green stamp but it’s

the orientation guide we hand out to new

employees the one with the red stamp

okay got it

great please deliver it to the sales

department by one o’clock and make sure

you give it to the manager directly you

know him right

yes we’ve met several times good and

while you’re at it could you deliver the

other envelope to HR sure thing hello

how can I help you hi I was at your

restaurant for lunch today and I think I

left my scarf there

you left your scarf at the table do you

remember where you receded well it was

in the back of the restaurant were you

in the smoking area or the non-smoking

area the non-smoking area how big was

your table it was a table for four

people okay I’ll go check please wait

for a moment thank you so much

a woman is calling a restaurant on the

phone at which table was she having


hello how can I help you hi I was at

your restaurant for lunch today and I

think I left my scarf there you left

your scarf at the table do you remember

where you receded well it was in the

back of the restaurant were you in the

smoking area or the non-smoking area the

non-smoking area how big was your table

it was a table for four people okay

I’ll go check please wait for a moment

thank you so much a man is looking for

an apartment which apartment is he

probably going to choose hi there I’m

looking for an apartment

could you show me some floor plans sure

thing will you be living alone no I’m

married and we’re looking for a

one-bedroom apartment with a study okay

how about this one there are two rooms

plus a living room it’s near a busy

street though

so it might not be very quiet I see I

usually work at home so I need a quiet

place and I’d prefer the living room to

be square shaped well how about this one

it’s located a bit far from downtown but

it’s in a quiet residential area there

are two rooms and the living room but

one of the rooms is a little small hmm

we don’t have too much stuff so this one

might work for us we can show you

another apartment with bigger rooms but

it’s located further from downtown

no thank you let’s have a look at the

second one you showed me

a man is looking for an apartment which

apartment is he probably going to choose

hi there I’m looking for an apartment

could you show me some floor plans sure

thing will you be living alone no I’m

married and we’re looking for a

one-bedroom apartment with a study okay

how about this one there are two rooms

plus a living room it’s near a busy

street though so it might not be very

quiet I see I usually work at home so I

need a quiet place and I’d prefer the

living room to be square shaped well how

about this one it’s located a bit far

from downtown but it’s in a quiet

residential area there are two rooms and

the living room but one of the rooms is

a little small hmm

we don’t have too much stuff so this one

might work for us we can show you

another apartment with bigger rooms but

it’s located further from downtown no

thank you

let’s have a look at the second one you

showed me excuse me I’d like to order a

birthday cake for my daughter great

could you tell me what kind of cake

you’re looking for my daughter likes

chocolate so I think a chocolate cream

cake would be good and can you put

strawberries on it absolutely we have

round and square cakes which one would

you prefer hmm a round one please okay

how old is your daughter going to be

she’ll be 12 okay then we’ll get 12

candles ready do you want to write a

message yes please write happy birthday

all right do you want that written in

pink if so we’ll put it on a white plate

otherwise we can write it in white and

put it on a pink plate please write it

in pink and put it on a white plate

a woman is ordering a birthday cake

which cake is she going to order

excuse me I’d like to order a birthday

cake for my daughter great could you

tell me what kind of cake you’re looking

for my daughter likes chocolate so I

think a chocolate cream cake would be

good and can you put strawberries on it

absolutely we have round and square

cakes which one would you prefer

hmm a round one please okay how old is

your daughter going to be she’ll be 12

okay then we’ll get 12 candles ready do

you want to write a message yes please

write happy birthday all right do you

want that written in pink if so we’ll

put it on a white plate otherwise we can

write it in white and put it on a pink

plate please write it in pink and put it

on a white plate I think we should

decide on the moving date and call a

moving company sounds good I was just

looking at some moving companies I don’t

want to pay a lot of money definitely

this company here will give us a

discount of 10% if we book at least one

month before the moving day one month

before then we have to move after

December 15th in order to get the

discount yep and there’s an additional

discount if we book on a weekday a

weekday well I have a meeting that

Monday morning any exhibition is on

Tuesday and Wednesday so Friday would be

good because we could then organize the

new place over the weekend yeah but wait

a second they say 15% off Monday to

Thursday and 5% off on Friday well what

do you want to do let’s go for the

biggest discount I’ll be done with the

exhibition by then anyway

a man and a woman are discussing plans

for their upcoming move when are they

going to move I think we should decide

on the moving date and call a moving

company sounds good I was just looking

at some moving companies I don’t want to

pay a lot of money

definitely this company here will give

us a discount of 10% if we book at least

one month before the moving day one

month before then we have to move after

December 15th in order to get the

discount yep and there’s an additional

discount if we book on a weekday a

weekday well I have a meeting that

Monday morning and the exhibition is on

Tuesday and Wednesday so Friday would be

good because we could then organize the

new place over the weekend yeah but wait

a second

they say 15% off Monday to Thursday and

5% off on Friday well what do you want

to do let’s go for the biggest discount

I’ll be done with the exhibition by then


excuse me do you only sell this shirt in

packs of three we can sell them

separately but it’s going to cost you

more per shirt all right well I don’t

need three of the same shirt you know if

you buy this set of three ties we can

give you a discount on shirts so you can

buy three for the price of one I see a

set of three ties and I also get to

choose three shirts for the price of one

that’s right okay I don’t need three

shirts but I’ll give the other shirts to

someone else that’s a nice idea sir

a man is shopping during a sale what

will he buy

excuse me do you only sell this shirt in

packs of three we can sell them

separately but it’s going to cost you

more per shirt all right well I don’t

need three of the same shirt you know if

you buy this set of three ties we can

give you a discount on shirts so you can

buy three for the price of one I see a

set of three ties and I also get to

choose three shirts for the price of one

that’s right okay I don’t need three

shirts but I’ll give the other shirts to

someone else that’s a nice idea sir

here’s a report on the bags that we

started selling last month first of all

when it came to color black was the

number one seller it’s followed by white

and sky blue yellow didn’t sell very

well so yellow was a dud well what about

the size bigger bags sold more than

smaller ones bags that could fit a

magazine or a regular letter sized

notebook in them where the most popular

okay regarding handles leather was more

popular than ones made with a metal

chain I see it looks like bags with a

more formal style sell better that’s

right I think we should use more neutral

colors such as beige or brown for our

new collection okay then let’s go with

the beige for the next new color you can

stop the production of yellow bags got


a woman is giving a report about the

sales of bags which bag is selling best

here’s a report on the bags that we

started selling last month first of all

when it came to color black was the

number one seller it’s followed by white

and sky blue yellow didn’t sell very

well so yellow was a dud well what about

the size bigger bags sold more than

smaller ones bags that could fit a

magazine or a regular letter sized

notebook in them were the most popular

okay regarding handles leather was more

popular than ones made with a metal

chain I see it looks like bags with a

more formal style sell better that’s

right I think we should use more neutral

colors such as beige or brown for our

new collection okay then let’s go with

the beige for the next new color you can

stop the production of yellow bags got


hi I’d like to make an appointment for a

health check-up sure health checkups are

a bit different from standard

examinations and are available only on

Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays which

day would you like okay then is Saturday

okay yes it looks open we’re only open

in the morning on Saturdays is that okay

morning only hmm what time are you open

until on weekdays we’re open until 6:00

p.m. on Mondays and 8:00 p.m. on

Wednesdays I see what time do you open

in the morning we open at 8:00 a.m. next

week we’re full all morning during the

week but if you can wait until the week

after that both Monday and Wednesday are

open from 8:00 a.m. well I’ll call again

after I check my schedule

all right sir

a man is calling a doctor’s office what

times are available for the health


hi I’d like to make an appointment for a

health check-up sure health checkups are

a bit different from standard

examinations and are available only on

Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays which

day would you like okay then is Saturday

okay yes it looks open we’re only open

in the morning on Saturdays is that okay

morning only hmm what time are you open

until on weekdays we’re open until 6:00

p.m. on Mondays and 8:00 p.m. on

Wednesdays I see what time do you open

in the morning we open at 8:00 a.m. next

week we’re full all morning during the

week but if you can wait until the week

after that both Monday and Wednesday are

open from 8:00 a.m. well I’ll call again

after I check my schedule all right sir

sorry to bother you but could you go and

get my daughter

sure does she know me yeah she’s seen

you in pictures so she should be able to

recognize you that’s helpful so what

does she look like she has curly black

hair she’s slim and taller than average

do you have any idea what she’ll be

wearing she said she’ll be wearing the

Hat I gave her for her birthday it’s

white with a black ribbon it sounds like

it will be easy enough all right I’ll go

get her now thank you

a man and a woman are talking which one

is the woman’s daughter sorry to bother

you but could you go and get my daughter

sure does she know me yeah she’s seen

you in pictures so she should be able to

recognize you that’s helpful

so what does she look like she has curly

black hair she’s slim and taller than

average do you have any idea what she’ll

be wearing she said she’ll be wearing

the Hat I gave her for her birthday it’s

white with a black ribbon it sounds like

it will be easy enough all right I’ll go

get her now thank you

this is terrible I can’t find my wallet

I must have left it somewhere what do

you remember the last time you used it

no I can’t remember well then let’s try

to think of where you went today okay

first I went to see a movie with a

friend we went to a coffee shop after

that but my friend paid so I didn’t need

to pull out my wallet

but did you use it when you bought the

movie tickets yes I definitely used it

there and later we went to the gym after

that I realized my wallet was gone did

you have to use your wallet at the gym

no because the membership fee is

automatically paid by credit card but

wait I did buy some juice at the vending

machine at the entrance all right then

let’s go there and look for it

a man is talking with a woman about a

lost wallet where will the man go to

look for it

this is terrible I can’t find my wallet

I must have left it somewhere what do

you remember the last time you used it

no I can’t remember well then let’s try

to think of where you went today okay

first I went to see a movie with a

friend we went to a coffee shop after

that but my friend paid so I didn’t need

to pull out my wallet

but did you use it when you bought the

movie tickets yes I definitely used it

there and later we went to the gym after

that I realized my wallet was gone did

you have to use your wallet at the gym

no because the membership fee is

automatically paid by credit card but

wait I did buy some juice at the vending

machine at the entrance all right then

let’s go there and look for it

we have to have a meeting about our next

group presentation right when are you

free I come to school on Mondays

Wednesdays and Thursdays I am here on

Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays so

either Wednesday or Thursday would work

how about Thursday afternoon then on

Thursdays I have lectures until 4:00

p.m. I can make it after economics class

but then I have to be at work at 5

o’clock so I will only be available for

an hour hmm that sounds a bit too short

how about Wednesday then I have modern

history at 9 then international law at 3

so I’m free in between I have Asian

history at noon then a part-time job in

the evening what about meeting early in

the morning and talking before your

first class hmm I’m not a morning person

why don’t we meet on Thursday evening

and I will reschedule my job for another

day okay sounds good I’ll meet you in

the cafeteria after class

a male and a female student are talking

while looking at their class schedule

what is the male students schedule on

the day of the meeting

we have to have a meeting about our next

group presentation right when are you

free I come to school on Mondays

Wednesdays and Thursdays I am here on

Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays so

either Wednesday or Thursday would work

how about Thursday afternoon then on

Thursdays I have lectures until 4:00

p.m. I can make it after economics class

but then I have to be at work at 5

o’clock so I will only be available for

an hour hmm that sounds a bit too short

how about Wednesday then I have modern

history at 9 then international law at 3

so I’m free in between I have Asian

history at noon then a part-time job in

the evening what about meeting early in

the morning and talking before your

first class hmm I’m not a morning person

why don’t we meet on Thursday evening

and I will reschedule my job for another

day okay sounds good I’ll meet you in

the cafeteria after class

I heard you have a twin brother I didn’t

know that I do but people say we don’t

look alike see my brother is in this

picture but can you tell which one he is

hmmm I don’t see anyone who looks like

you maybe this one with the cap nope

that’s not him he has black hair just

like me then is it this tall guy nope

he’s not that tall I still can’t find

him you really don’t look alike

I know maybe his glasses are making it

more difficult glasses is he this one

second from the left

yep you found him do you think we look

alike no not really

a man and a woman are talking while

looking at a picture which one is the

woman’s brother

I heard you have a twin brother I didn’t

know that I do but people say we don’t

look alike see my brother is in this

picture but can you tell which one he is

hmmm I don’t see anyone who looks like

you maybe this one with the cap nope

that’s not him he has black hair just

like me

then is it this tall guy nope he’s not

that tall I still can’t find him you

really don’t look alike

I know maybe his glasses are making it

more difficult glasses is he this one

second from the left

yep you found him do you think we look

alike no not really

Hey look at this article it’s about the

three most popular subjects among ten

year old and fifteen-year-old kids oh

let me see physical education is on the

top of the 10 year olds list physical

education is still popular even though I

have heard that kids these days spend

less time playing sports yes and music

came in second when you get older you

become interested in different subjects

the most popular subject among the

fifteen-year-old kids is history right

oh and politics came in second

information technology ranked third but

it wasn’t even a subject in school when

we were that age what was the third most

popular subject for ten-year-old kids

let’s see oh it was art I wonder if they

design things in art class using

computer software these days

a man and a woman are talking while

looking at a poll regarding kids

favorite subjects which chart shows the

results for fifteen-year-old kids

Hey look at this article it’s about the

three most popular subjects among ten

year old and fifteen-year-old kids oh

let me see physical education is on the

top of the 10 year olds list physical

education is still popular even though I

have heard that kids these days spend

less time playing sports yes and music

came in second when you get older you

become interested in different subjects

the most popular subject among the

fifteen-year-old kids is history

right oh and politics came in second

information technology ranked third but

it wasn’t even a subject in school when

we were that age what was the third most

popular subject for ten-year-old kids

let’s see oh it was art I wonder if they

design things in art class using

computer software these days

here is the weather forecast for the

upcoming week the first half of the week

will be mostly sunny with a chance of

occasional cloudy skies in the second

half of the week we will see overcast

skies with scattered thunderstorms as

the weather takes a turn for the worse

around midweek the eastern parts of the

city are most likely to be affected by

these storms

the high temperatures throughout the

week will be about the same as last

year’s average which was 65 degrees

however early in the week the highs will

be in the upper 60s and later in the

week the temperatures will cool to highs

in the low 60s

low temperatures will continue to be in

the low 40s which is slightly colder

than normal the forecast for tomorrow is

warm and sunny perfect weather for your

holiday weekend

there’s a weather forecast on TV

what will the weather be like in the

upcoming week

here is the weather forecast for the

upcoming week the first half of the week

will be mostly sunny with a chance of

occasional cloudy skies in the second

half of the week we will see overcast

skies with scattered thunderstorms as

the weather takes a turn for the worse

around midweek the eastern parts of the

city are most likely to be affected by

these storms

the high temperatures throughout the

week will be about the same as last

year’s average which was 65 degrees

however early in the week the highs will

be in the upper 60s and later in the

week the temperatures will cool to highs

in the low 60s

low temperatures will continue to be in

the low 40s which is slightly colder

than normal the forecast for tomorrow is

warm and sunny perfect weather for your

holiday weekend

wanna speak real English from your first

lesson sign up for your free lifetime

account at English class 101.com in this

video you will listen to each dialogue

twice one version without the

conversations text and one version with

subtitles to read along with test your

listening comprehension skills with this

video ready please look at the handout

the Left chart shows our company sales

over the past three years and the sales

forecast for the current year and the

right chart shows the monthly breakdown

in sales up to October of this year now

please have a look at the Left chart it

shows that sales have been steadily

increasing over the past three years and

if we can keep increasing our sales the

total sales for this year will show an

increase over last year

next please look at the right chart the

right chart shows that the campaigns we

ran in April and August were fairly

effective I see but the sales decreased

in May and September following the

campaign’s yes but this kind of

decreases unavoidable

I expect the annual sales for this year

will show an increase over last year if

we can keep increasing our sales a man

is reporting about his company’s sales

performance at a meeting which two

charts is he using for his presentation

please look at the handout the Left

chart shows our company’s sales over the

past three years and the sales forecast

for the current year and the right chart

shows the monthly breakdown in sales up

to October of this year now please have

a look at the Left chart it shows that

sales have been steadily increasing over

the past three years and if we can keep

increasing our sales the total sales for

this year will show an increase over

last year

next please look at the right chart the

right chart shows that the campaigns we

ran in April and August were fairly

effective I see but the sales decreased

in May and September following the

campaign’s yes but this kind of decrease

is unavoidable I expect the annual sales

for this year will show an increase over

last year if we can keep increasing our


let me start by explaining our clubs

different membership options as

described in this brochure regular

members can use the gym in the pool at

any time on any day of the week but we

also offer early-morning memberships

where people can use the facilities only

in the early morning and night

memberships for people who only want to

come in the evening what are the hours

for early morning members early morning

members can use the facilities from 6

a.m. to 10 a.m. and night members can

use them from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. I see so

early morning members can stop by and

use the facilities on their way to work

exactly the early morning type is

popular among people with nine-to-five

jobs and we also offer memberships just

for the gym or just for the pool if you

only want to use one of those I want to

use both the gym and the pool I think

I’ll use the gym in the early morning

before going to work on weekdays and

then use the pool on the weekend if you

have a membership that covers something

like early mornings for the weekdays but

all day on the weekend we’re sorry but

we don’t offer a membership like that

sir okay I don’t think I can get up that

early on the weekend so I’ll choose this

membership option a man is joining a

sports club and getting information on

its policies what type of membership

will he choose let me start by

explaining our clubs different

membership options as described in this

brochure regular members can use the gym

in the pool at any time on any day of

the week but we also offer early morning

memberships where people can use the

facilities only in the early morning and

night memberships for people who only

want to come in the evening what are the

hours for early morning members early

morning members can use the facilities

from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. and night members

can use them from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. I

see so early morning members can stop by

and use the facilities on their way to

work exactly the early morning type is

popular among people with 9 to 5 jobs

and we also offer memberships just for

the gym or just for the pool if you only

want to use one of those I want to use

both the gym and the pool I think I’ll

use the gym in the early morning before

going to work on weekdays and then use

the pool on the weekend if you have a

membership that covered

something like early mornings for the

weekdays but all day on the weekend

we’re sorry but we don’t offer a

membership like that sir

okay I don’t think I can get up that

early on the weekend so I’ll choose this

membership option we decided to launch

the new product on October 15th and we’d

like to offer you the contract to make

the brochure thank you so much we’re

definitely excited about helping you

with this project so could you tell us a

bit about the schedule

when will you need everything by well

considering the time needed for printing

we’d like to get the brochures to the

printing stage by the end of September

so would it be possible for you to get

us the first design draft by the middle

of August well we’d like to give you

three design options for the initial

draft and then have you choose the one

which best fits your concept then we’ll

make the final design based on your

choice so it’ll be very helpful if you

could give us two more weeks to prepare

for this stage hmm okay maybe one month

will be enough time to choose one of the

designs you’ve made and then decide on

the final design all right we’ll be

counting on you you’re in good hands

our design team is the best thank you so

much a woman is talking with a man who

works for an outsourced printing company

about a brochure for a new product when

is the deadline for the first design

draft for the brochure we decided to

launch the new product on October 15th

and we’d like to offer you the contract

to make the brochure thank you so much

we’re definitely excited about helping

you with this project so could you tell

us a bit about the schedule when will

you need everything bye well considering

the time needed for printing we’d like

to get the brochures to the printing

stage by the end of September so would

it be possible for you to get us the

first design draft by the middle of


well we’d like to give you three design

options for the initial draft and then

have you choose the one which best fits

your concept then we’ll make the final

design based on your choice so it’ll be

very helpful if you could give us two

more weeks to prepare for this stage hmm

okay maybe one month will be enough time

to choose one of the designs you’ve made

and then decide on the final design all

right we’ll be counting on you

you’re in good hands our design team is

the best thank you so much hello this is

Blackfriars Playhouse can I help you I’d

like to get two tickets for King Lear at

5:30 this evening do you still have any

tickets available we do have a few seats

left but I’m sorry to say we don’t have

any next to each other if you don’t mind

though we can get you two seats

seperately okay we don’t mind do you

have any particular requests well do you

have any aisle seats yes we have an

aisle seat at the left side of the

center section and to the right of it

three seats over we have another free

seat to the side okay then please book

that aisle seat certainly how about the

other one do you have any seats near the

center the only Center seats we have

left are from the first row to the third

row I’m not too crazy about having

actors spit on me so this room is

relatively small and I think you could

enjoy the play even at the end of the

row on the side is that so then I’ll

take the one you mentioned before on the

left side a woman is calling on the

phone to reserve tickets for a play

which two seats did she get hello this

is Blackfriars Playhouse can I help you

I’d like to get two tickets for King

Lear at 5:30 this evening do you still

have any tickets available we do have a

few seats left but I’m sorry to say we

don’t have any next to each other if you

don’t mind though we can get you two

seats seperately okay we don’t mind do

you have any particular requests well do

you have any aisle seats yes we have an

aisle seat at the left side of the

center section and to the right of it

three seats over we have another free

seat to the side okay then please book

that aisle seat certainly how about the

other one do you have any seats near the

center the only Center seats we have

left are from the first row to the third

row I’m not too crazy about having

actors spit on me so this room is

relatively small and I think you could

enjoy the play even at the end of the

row on the side is that so then I’ll

take the one you mentioned before on the

left side

ok I think we’re almost ready for the

presentation tomorrow just a few more

things the meeting will start at 9:00

sharp so could you double check the

meeting room today yep

I’ve already checked the room ok great

did you make sure the projector is

working ok oh I was gonna check the

projector tomorrow morning when I have

my laptop no we’ve got to get that check

today we won’t have time to deal with it

in the morning if there’s a problem so

make sure to check that projector today

that’s the most important thing ok will


and did you get the copies of those

handouts ms Tanaka is making them now

let’s see what else oh did you check the

whiteboard yes I did sometimes the pens

don’t have enough ink left in them did

you get a chance to check them not yet

but I’ll make sure to do that later yes

please make sure to do that today

a man and a woman are talking about

preparations for a presentation they’ll

be making tomorrow at their office what

will the woman check after the

conversation ends ok I think we’re

almost ready for the presentation

tomorrow just a few more things the

meeting will start at 9:00 sharp so

could you double check the meeting room

today yep

I’ve already checked the room ok great

did you make sure the projector is

working ok oh I was gonna check the

projector tomorrow morning when I have

my laptop no we’ve got to get that check


we won’t have time to deal with it in

the morning if there’s a problem so make

sure to check that projector today

that’s the most important thing ok will

do and did you get the copies of those

handouts miss Tanaka is making them now

let’s see what else oh did you check the

whiteboard yes I did

sometimes the pens don’t have enough ink

left in them did you get a chance to

check them not yet but I’ll make sure to

do that later yes please make sure to do

that today we have to decide on the

hotel for our trip next month ok let’s

check the Internet the ocean hotel is

near the beach it says $120 a night per

person and you get a buffet breakfast

how about the Pine Hotel it’s $80 a

night I don’t want to waste too much on


hmm but the pine hotel is far from the

beach and from downtown and it says you

have to pay for Wi-Fi what about the

sunrise hotel it usually costs a hundred

forty dollars a night but now they’re

running a promotion and we can stay one

night for $90 it’s between the beach and

downtown plus it has free Wi-Fi sounds

good oh wait it says the deal is for

next week only oh I didn’t see that so

how about this place the Royal Hotel

it’s located in the middle of downtown

and it costs $100 a night the room

doesn’t look so nice but they have free

Wi-Fi okay

let’s book this hotel oh it’s already

fully booked shoot then I think the

first one is best is it full no it’s not

great a man and a woman are choosing a


which hotel are they going to choose we

have to decide on the hotel for our trip

next month okay let’s check the Internet

the ocean hotel is near the beach it

says $120 a night per person and you get

a buffet breakfast how about the Pine

Hotel it’s $80 a night I don’t want to

waste too much on accommodations hmm but

the pine Hotel is far from the beach and

from downtown and it says you have to

pay for Wi-Fi what about the sunrise

hotel it usually costs a hundred forty

dollars a night but now they’re running

a promotion and we can stay one night

for $90 it’s between the beach and


plus it has free Wi-Fi sounds good oh

wait it says the deal is for next week

only oh I didn’t see that so how about

this place the Royal Hotel it’s located

in the middle of downtown and it costs

$100 a night the room doesn’t look so

nice but they have free Wi-Fi okay

let’s book this hotel oh it’s already

fully booked shoot then I think the

first one is best is it full no it’s not


let’s move the tables for tomorrow’s

meeting all right shall we put all the

tables in the center of the room so that

everyone faces each other well there’s

going to be a group session first so

let’s separate the tables into four

sections four people will be seated in

each group okay and I’ll put some pens

and pads of paper on each table thank

you and we’ll have a short presentation

at the beginning of the session so we

need a projector here all right

also we’re going to use a whiteboard

aren’t we is it okay if I put the

whiteboard next to the screen

well how about putting the whiteboard at

the other end of the room that makes

sense after the meeting we need to put

everything back where it was in four

rows of two tables per row a man and a

woman are talking about the layout of a

meeting room

how are they going to arrange the tables

let’s move the tables for tomorrow’s

meeting alright shall we put all the

tables in the center of the room so that

everyone faces each other well there’s

going to be a group session first so

let’s separate the tables into four

sections four people will be seated in

each group okay and I’ll put some pens

and pads of paper on each table thank

you and we’ll have a short presentation

at the beginning of the session so we

need a projector here all right

also we’re going to use a whiteboard

aren’t we is it okay if I put the

whiteboard next to the screen well how

about putting the whiteboard at the

other end of the room that makes sense

after the meeting we need to put

everything back where it was in four

rows of two tables per row every month

you need to check our office supplies

and order any items that are running low

this time let’s take a look at them

together here’s the checklist okay that

sounds good well starting with the paper

it looks like there’s only one box left

we use lots of paper every day so let’s

order two more boxes

okay the printer is out of color ink

should we order that we don’t really

print documents in color so we don’t

need to worry about that hmm okay looks

like these whiteboard markers are

running out of ink right those need to

be replaced we get a discount if we

order them in sets of five so let’s do

that okay and while we’re at it can we

order a mouse sometimes it works but

sometimes it doesn’t that’s probably

because it’s running out of batteries

let’s check the stock of batteries and

order more if we don’t have many left

sure well we have three batteries here

you can take two of these for your mouse

but buy a six pack of batteries to

replace them a man and a woman are

talking about office supplies what will

the man order every month you need to

check our office supplies and order any

items that are running low this time

let’s take a look at them together

here’s the checklist Oh

okay that sounds good well starting with

the paper it looks like there’s only one

box left we use lots of paper every day

so let’s order two more boxes okay

the printer is out of color ink should

we order that we don’t really print

documents in color so we don’t need to

worry about that hmm okay

looks like these whiteboard markers are

running out of ink right those need to

be replaced we get a discount if we

order them in sets of five so let’s do


okay and while we’re at it can we order

a mouse sometimes it works but sometimes

it doesn’t that’s probably because it’s

running out of batteries let’s check the

stock of batteries in order more if we

don’t have many left sure well we have

three batteries here you can take two of

these for your mouse but buy a six pack

of batteries to replace them excuse me I

need to go to the airport would you tell

me how to get there sure there are a few

ways if you take bus number one it takes

about one and a half hours to the

airport it’s the least expensive way bus

number two is a non-stop bus it’s more

expensive and leaves once every hour but

it only takes 50 minutes I see what

about taxis there’s a taxi stand in

front of the building and they take

about an hour but they use the

expressway and charge extra for a lot of

luggage so it’s going to be a lot more

expensive than the bus I guess that

makes sense and I’d like to avoid paying

too much you didn’t by chance buy

anything at shopping world while you

were here they offer complimentary

shuttle service to the airport for

customers who make a purchase there wow

I didn’t know that I haven’t bought

anything yet but I was going to stop by

and get some souvenirs there anyway then

you can use that a woman is asking for

directions to the airport at an

information center

how is she going to get to the airport

excuse me I need to go to the airport

would you tell me how to get there

sure there are a few ways if you take

bus number one it takes about one and a

half hours to the airport it’s the least

expensive way bus number two is a

non-stop bus it’s more expensive and

leaves once every hour but it only takes

fifty minutes I see what about taxis

there’s a taxi stand in front of the

building and they take about an hour but

they use the expressway and charge extra

for a lot of luggage so it’s going to be

a lot more expensive than the bus I

guess that makes sense and I’d like to

avoid paying too much you didn’t by

chance buy anything at shopping world

while you were here they offer

complimentary shuttle service to the

airport for customers who make a

purchase there Wow I didn’t know that I

haven’t bought anything yet but I was

going to stop by and get some souvenirs

there anyway then you can use that I

need you to deliver some more sweaters

in time for the sale next month okay

what do you need we need a thousand of

the small red sweaters and four hundred

of the medium red sweaters and we also

need six hundred of the small green

sweaters and 200 of the medium green

sweaters by the end of this month red

and green sweaters actually we’re

running low on green sweaters and we’re

waiting on some green yarn from our

supplier we’ll get you started with the

red sweaters though no no no we need the

red and green sweaters together so

please just get as many green sweaters

ready as you can ok I think we can get

200 of the green sweaters to you on time

which size has higher priority the small

ones take priority sorry for such short

notice but we really need your help

all right we’ll do our best we’ll get

those green sweaters to you along with

all the red sweaters you ordered a woman

and a supplier are talking on the phone

what is the woman going to get for the

sale I need you to deliver some more

sweaters in time for the sale next month

okay what do you need we need a thousand

of the small red sweaters and 400 of the

medium red sweaters and we also need 600

of the small green sweaters and 200 of

the medium green sweaters by the end of

this month red and green sweaters

actually we’re running low on green

sweaters and we’re waiting on some green

yarn from our supplier we’ll get you

started with the red sweaters though no

no no we need the red and green sweaters

together so please just get as many

green sweaters ready as you can ok I

think we can get 200 of the green

sweaters to you on time which size has

higher priority the small ones take

priority sorry for such short notice but

we really need your help all right we’ll

do our best we’ll get those green

sweaters to you along with all the red

sweaters you ordered excuse me can you

tell me how to borrow books is it your

first time at this library

yes well then I’ll explain the rules to

you you can borrow up to 6 books and 5

CDs or DVDs at a time per person but you

can only borrow up to 10 items in total

at a time everything needs to be

returned in 2 weeks and if you’d like to

renew please let us know before then can

I also borrow magazines or newspapers

you can’t borrow newspapers but you can

borrow magazines except for the latest

issue can I return them through the mail

we can’t accept returns through the mail

please come to the library to return

them after hours you can put them in the

box next to the entrance

but items that are overdue please return

them directly to this desk I see thank

you very much a woman is asking about a

library’s lending policy which materials

could she borrow at one time excuse me

can you tell me how to borrow books is

it your first time at this library yes

well then I’ll explain the rules to you

you can borrow up to six books and five

CDs or DVDs at a time per person but you

can only borrow up to ten items in total

at a time everything needs to be

returned in two weeks and if you’d like

to renew please let us know before then

can I also borrow magazines or

newspapers you can’t borrow newspapers

but you can borrow magazines except for

the latest issue can I return them

through the mail we can’t accept returns

through the mail please come to the

library to return them after hours you

can put them in the box next to the


but items that are overdue please return

them directly to this desk I see thank

you very much

what kind of trip will you be taking I’m

going scuba diving since I’ll be

bringing all my own equipment I’m a bit

worried about getting it stolen very

smart of you insurance against theft is

included in all of our plans since scuba

diving equipment is an unusual type of

baggage only plan a can cover it though

alternatively you can get insurance

specifically for scuba diving equipment

and add it to other plans plan a is the

most expensive one right what’s the

difference between plan B and Plan C

okay for example if you happen to stay

in a hospital abroad

Plan B covers flight tickets for your

family to visit you but Plan C doesn’t I

see if I get the SPECIAL contract or

scuba diving equipment and add it to

Plan B or Plan C would it be more

expensive than plan a with Plan B that

would make it a little more expensive

but with Plan C it would be less

expensive okay by the way is there any

plan that’s cheaper than Plan C yes we

have plan D but it doesn’t cover

accomodation if your flight gets delayed

or cancelled so we don’t recommend this

plan got it I agree that I need coverage

but I don’t think I need coverage for

family plane tickets so I’ll take this

plan and combine it with the insurance

for scuba diving equipment a man is

choosing an insurance plan which plan is

he going to sign up for what kind of

trip will you be taking I’m going scuba

diving since I’ll be bringing all my own

equipment I’m a bit worried about

getting it stolen very smart of you

insurance against theft is included in

all of our plans since scuba diving

equipment is an unusual type of baggage

only plan a can cover it though

alternatively you can get insurance

specifically for scuba diving equipment

and add it to other plans plan a is the

most expensive one right what’s the

difference between plan B and Plan C

okay for example if you happen to stay

in a hospital abroad

Plan B covers flight tickets for your

family to visit you but Plan C doesn’t I

see if I get the SPECIAL contract or

scuba diving equipment and add it to

Plan B or Plan C would it be more

expensive than plan a with Plan B that

would make it a little more expensive

but with Plan C it would be less

expensive okay

by the way is there any plan that’s

cheaper than Plan C yes we have plan D

but it doesn’t cover accomodation if

your flight gets delayed or cancelled so

we don’t recommend this plan got it I

agree that I need coverage but I don’t

think I need coverage for family plane

tickets so I’ll take this plan and

combine it with the insurance for scuba

diving equipment

last week we asked 200 employees to

answer a questionnaire about their

fitness habits the focus of this

questionnaire was on how many hours they

exercise each week did you tally up the

results for the a and B branches

separately yes and employees had four


less than an hour around one to two

hours around three to five hours and six

hours or more here are the results so

employees in both branches answered

about one to two hours the most looks

like they’re exercising about once a

week yes and after that employees in the

a branch were most likely to answer

about three to five hours while in the B

branch the next most common answer was

less than an hour hmm not even ten

percent of employees at the B branch

exercised more than six hours that’s


so I was thinking we could organize

weekly sports events there that anybody

could casually join that’s a good idea

it did give employees a good chance to

socialize - I’ll leave it to you thank

you I’ll take care of it

a woman is reporting to her boss about

the results of a questionnaire which

graph represents the employees from the

B branch last week we asked 200

employees to answer a questionnaire

about their fitness habits the focus of

this questionnaire was on how many hours

they exercise each week did you tally up

the results for the a and B branches

separately yes and employees had four

options less than an hour

around one to two hours around three to

five hours and six hours or more here

are the results so employees in both

branches answered about one to two hours

the most looks like they’re exercising

about once a week yes and after that

employees in the a branch were most

likely to answer about 3 to 5 hours

while in the B branch the next most

common answer was less than an hour hmm

not even ten percent of employees at the

B branch exercised more than six hours

that’s right so I was thinking we could

organize weekly sports events there that

anybody could casually join that’s a

good idea

it did give employees a good chance to

socialize too I’ll leave it to you thank

you I’ll take care of it

I heard we’re supposed to volunteer for

some activity and write a report about

it for clefts we can choose anything

right what are you going to do I haven’t

made up my mind yet what about you I

haven’t decided yet either

I’m interested in environmental issues

so I’m looking for something in a nature

conservation group I see

so you want to go and pick up trash off

of the ground well that’d be okay

actually but I’m looking for a group

activity I want to learn more about a

leadership role in this kind of

organization as well if possible you

know I have a friend who helps out with

a group that plants trees with kids are

you interested in that kind of thing

yeah that sounds good thanks it’d also

be a great opportunity to interact with

children do you want to do this too

maybe but I’d like to try something a

bit more people focused you know like

helping elderly or disabled people oh my

mother is helping out at the local

Senior Center would that be interesting

to you yes that sounds great a male

student and a female student are talking

about volunteer activities which

activities are they going to take part

in I heard we’re supposed to volunteer

for some activity and write a report

about it for class we can choose

anything right what are you going to do

I haven’t made up my mind yet what about

you I haven’t decided yet either I’m

interested in environmental issues so

I’m looking for something in a nature

conservation group

I see so you want to go and pick up

trash off of the ground well that’d be

okay actually but I’m looking for a

group activity I want to learn more

about a leadership role in this kind of

organization as well if possible you

know I have a friend who helps out with

a group that plants trees with kids are

you interested in that kind of thing

yeah that sounds good thanks it’d also

be a great opportunity to interact with

children do you want to do this too

maybe but I’d like to try something a

bit more people focused

you know like helping elderly or

disabled people Oh

my mother is helping out at the local

Senior Center would that be interesting

to you yes that sounds great

this new cheesy bread isn’t selling well

is it

no we placed it on the top shelf though

hmm maybe it’s too high for some people

they probably can’t see it then let’s

put it on the middle shelf sounds good

they’ll see it when they first come into

the store and why don’t we put a red

cloth on this shelf so that they know

it’s our new bread all right then we’ll

have to move the croissants to somewhere


top or bottom why don’t we put our

regular items on the top shelf they’ll

sell well even if they’re not easy to

spot that has to be the French bread

then let’s put it in a basket

so it’ll stand out good idea now the

croissants have to be on the bottom okay

how does it look

looks good let’s see how it goes for a

week and then decide if we need to make

any adjustments to bakers are talking

how are they going to display their


this new cheesy bread isn’t selling well

is it no we placed it on the top shelf

though hmm maybe it’s too high for some

people they probably can’t see it then

let’s put it on the middle shelf sounds


they’ll see it when they first come into

the store and why don’t we put a red

cloth on this shelf so that they know

it’s our new bread all right

then we’ll have to move the croissants

to somewhere else top or bottom why

don’t we put our regular items on the

top shelf

they’ll sell well even if they’re not

easy to spot that has to be the French

bread then let’s put it in a basket

so it’ll stand out good idea now the

croissants have to be on the bottom okay

how does it look looks good let’s see

how it goes for a week and then decide

if we need to make any adjustments
