Do You Have 120 Minutes You Can Speak Like a Native English Speaker

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hi everybody my name is alicia welcome

back to top words

today we’re going to talk about 10 ways

to stop

translating in your head let’s get

started identify objects around you in


the first way to stop translating in

your head is to

identify the objects around you in your

target language so if you’re studying

english that means you look at the

objects around the room look at the


in your life don’t think of them in your

native language first think of them in

your target language first

so if i look around the room i see a

computer i shouldn’t think

my native language word i should think

my target language word so start with

the items and the situations in your

everyday life

if i say computer in english maybe i

should say computa in japanese

i should say not i don’t know water in

english i should say omizu in japanese


start associating the words in your

target language with your everyday life

now so if you’re studying english that

means start

getting familiar with the things in your

everyday life

in english repeat phrases you hear

native speakers use

tip number two is to repeat the phrases

that you hear

native speakers use so if you’re


this channel for example or you’re

watching a

tv show or a movie listen for the way


native speakers make those phrases if

you hear a phrase you have never heard


or you hear an interesting combination

of words

try to repeat them yourself don’t just

listen try to say them yourself if

you’re in a public space and it’s

difficult for you to do

that fine practice in a place where you

feel more comfortable maybe if you have

some private space to practice

just repeat them get your mouth used to

saying the words

the way that the speakers the native

speakers do

so if you never actually say words if

you’re only taking

in if you’re only listening and you’re

not actually producing the language it’s

it’s kind of hard to to practice and to

to really hone your pronunciation to

improve your pronunciation

so when you listen to native speakers

try to repeat

after them so for example if you’re

studying english

you can try to repeat after this video

you can repeat after the things i’m


because maybe i’m using an expression or

i’m using a certain

uh series of vocabulary words together

the way a native speaker would and it’s

maybe a good idea to try to practice the

ways that native speakers put their

words together so try to repeat

after native speakers especially when

you’re looking at media

and you can do this when you’re reading

books too you can try to read out

read out loud interesting lines of books

that you find or something that maybe is

difficult for you

very nice practice tip make a situation

where you can’t escape into your native


make a situation where you can’t escape

into your native language

essentially means immerse yourself of


going to that country or going to a

place where you

can speak only that language is very

difficult for some of you

totally understand but if in your life

you can create a situation in your

library in your room in your house


for just an hour or i don’t know maybe a

day i don’t know what your schedule is

like but

if you can create a situation or create

an environment where you have

no choice but to use that language

and you cannot escape meaning you cannot

go back to using your native language as

a crutch you can’t use the native

language at

all it forces you to use the language

that you’re studying

so of course if you are lucky enough to

live in the country or to live in a


where people speak the language you’re

studying great but you have to go out

and interact with people you have to put

yourself in a place

where you have no choice but to speak

it’s very hard and it’s very scary and

it’s very embarrassing at first

but if you take time to find places and

to make

environments that are comfortable for

you where you feel comfortable making


and asking questions it’s very valuable

for your learning process this is

actually something that i did totally i

totally did this

my japanese wasn’t very good for a long


but then i started making friends who

could not speak

english actually i just did this through

finding hobbies there was a hobby that i


i joined a group i joined actually a

school to where i could learn how to do

that hobby

and everything was taught only in


and the people in my class only spoke

japanese mostly

and then maybe we would go out for

drinks and food late at night or on the

weekends and

everybody spoke only japanese and if i

couldn’t communicate even simply in

japanese i had no hope of keeping that

friendship together

so it forced me to study it forced me to

think about the words they were using

and to try to learn those words those

patterns as well as how to produce them

naturally myself so i was learning the

vocabulary words

the people around me were using and

learning how to apply them

on my own that was only possible because

i had no escape

in those situations so try to do that

even if you can do it yourself in your

house it’s super helpful i think

watch tv and movies in your target

language without subtitles

tip number four is to watch tv and

movies in your target language

without subtitles without subtitles so

i think that watching uh with subtitles

can be very beneficial

um so if i’m watching something or if

you want to watch something with

subtitles on

great but i sometimes find that i can in

my case

i i think too much about reading the


and i forget to listen so maybe if

you’ve seen a movie

in your target language a few times

with the subtitles on try turning the


off and think about the like characters

body language the words they’re using

um you can always look that up later

look up the

you know the words you don’t know in a

dictionary but try to do it

where you’re focusing completely on the

way that people are using their words


not to use the subtitles so um kind of

play around with it a little bit if

there’s a word that’s difficult for you

to hear

you can actually turn on the subtitles

in like the

in the native uh language of the movie

as well

that’s something that i’ve done like if

uh like if i wanted to study japanese

it’s very useful when the actual words


in japanese appear on the screen

sometimes it’s easier for me to

catch a word if i see it visually

and i hear it at the same time so

another way to kind of

explore how you can use tv and movies

is to actually turn on the closed

captions like the

the um the words on the screen in the

native language of the movie so

uh so this is sort of two points in one

so one watch movies without subtitles

meaning subtitles in your native

language and hint two is to watch movies

um with closed captioning on but the

closed captioning is in your target


not in your native language so you can

try those two things with tv and with

movies don’t bring a dictionary to your


tip number five is don’t bring a

dictionary to your lesson

okay so give me a second here so i

understand the dictionaries

especially electronic dictionaries we

have them on our phones now are very

very convenient

of course it’s important to use them and

it’s a they’re a great resource to have

however one thing that really bothers me

and that i think is detrimental it’s not

helpful for students is when students

are in a lesson

and they’re practicing conversation and

they reach a point in the conversation

where they don’t know the word they want

to use they know it in their native


and they don’t know how to say it in

their target language

they pull out their dictionary they say

to this the person listening to them

their practice partner

in their lesson where they have a

limited period of time

just a moment and then they look it up

on their phone it takes

a few seconds the flow of the

conversation stops

and then they say a word and it’s like


no that’s not you don’t have that

ability you don’t have

the ability to do that in a conversation

with a native speaker

most people like if you go to a bank and

try to open a bank account are you

really going to pull out your dictionary


sit there and try to communicate you

know just a moment just a moment

as you look up each word you don’t know

no or if you do that’s not a real


so instead try using a different


by that i mean if you find a word you

don’t know in conversation

explain the word to your conversation


maybe they know the word if you’re

speaking with a native speaker this is a

chance for them to

teach you a word i find that when people

take the time to teach me a word

i remember the word much better than

just looking it up on my dictionary

so try to resist maybe you can bring a

dictionary to your lesson but don’t use

it or try

not to use it in your conversation

practice it’s just it destroys the flow

of a conversation

so instead practice the skill of

describing the vocabulary word you want

to use

and learn how to ask the meaning of a

word or learn how to ask for

a vocabulary word from your partner so

you can use an expression like ah what’s

the word that means blah blah blah

or um you know it’s this thing that does

this and this and this so

this is an opportunity for you to

describe characteristics of something or

find a different way you can use your

body language you can use

whatever you have a lot of tools but try

not to use a dictionary in a

conversation because it’s not realistic

train responses to common questions

number six is a quick one i think number

six hint number six i have is just to


responses to common questions train

responses to common questions

so for example a very common question in

english is hey how are you

you should know how to answer this

question just have a default response

hey how are you

i’m good if it takes you

a long time to answer the question hey

how are you

you need to practice i think that’s a

pretty good uh

a pretty good indicator so for example

sometimes i ask

students a question like that they they

haven’t quite

gotten the idea of how to respond just


they they’re not so quick at responding

i say

hey how are you and they say yes and

then they think

and they go i’m i’m good

that’s a very common question so think


just a default response that you can

spit out that you can quickly say

if it’s how was your weekend or hey

what’s up or

what do you want to do for dinner

tonight think about like

just a handful meaning just a few

responses to those questions and train

them quickly just

how are you i’m good how are you i’m

okay how are you not bad

there’s three so it’s just training

responses to those questions there’s no

reason to be surprised by a question

like how

are you like that’s a very common

question so for those common questions

train responses to that we’ve got a

bunch of videos

especially beginner level videos for

some example responses you can do

so don’t get stuck with these little

questions just train a few responses

practice a few responses till they feel

natural to you it’ll save you time

and it’ll help the person asking the

question too to move forward in the


study with materials that don’t provide

a translation

the next tip is to study with materials

that don’t

provide a translation so by this i mean

if you’re using worksheets and or some

kind of textbook

or whatever and it has your target

language the language you’re studying

and it has your native language next to

it while this can be useful

i feel that if you can studying your


only in your target language and then

simplified explanations for

more detailed points also in your target


can be a little bit better so i don’t

want to say like you should only study

things in your target language and


from your native language because of

course like it can be helpful sometimes

to look up a word or to understand a

grammar point in your native language

but where possible if you can find

something that provides

simplified explanations in your target

language it can be really really helpful

because again

you’re thinking you’re learning to think

on like a simpler on a more basic

level about the language you’re studying

in the language that you’re studying so

this can be really really good so

finding some materials to use

where there’s no translation maybe you

can practice

of course with with books and with

written materials

but also with like video materials as

well so

there are a variety of different ways

that you can

um find materials in your target


um like in video and tv so some things

to think about there are the

level of vocabulary words people are

using in the media content you’re


um who the media content is intended for

children young adults adults

uh the speed at which the speaker is

talking so like i have the ability to

change the level of difficulty

of videos based on the rate of speech

the vocabulary words that i use and how

many like idioms and things i use

so i could make a video very difficult

we could make a very like a very

difficult video series

by leveling up our vocabulary use or by

speaking very quickly

or as you might see in like our english

and three minutes series

we can also use very simple vocabulary

and speak at a low rate of speech so

maybe right now this is a very

intermediate level video

so please think about that so not just


written materials but also for your

audio and visual materials

think about who your audience is the

level of the material and so on it can

be really fun

uh and it can be helpful to think about


your target language in your target

language all right we’re almost done

study phrases in addition to single


the next tip is study phrases in

addition to single vocabulary words so

yes of course vocabulary is important


i find it personally very very useful

to look at how a vocabulary word is used

in a phrase because sometimes using it

in a phrase

helps you understand the nuance of that

vocabulary word

really really well so if i like a word

like crazy for example

in english depending on the situation

where the word crazy

is used it could mean something

different it could mean like

a person who’s mentally confused or

mixed up

it could also mean something really good

it could mean something really bad

so if we look only at the word crazy

it’s quite

difficult to understand really the

meaning of the word

but if you look at the way the word is

used in a phrase

you can get a lot more information so

take a look at the way

people use words in phrases not just as

single vocabulary words you can learn a

lot more that way

i think do your daily activities in

english where possible

the next tip is to do your daily

activities in your target language

so if you’re studying english that means

try to do some daily activities

in english if possible so this can be

very very boring stuff but just think

about it

when you’re doing the activity so like

right now i’m

filming a video for


i’m going to work i’m cooking breakfast

i’m doing the laundry

what do i have to do tomorrow so try

thinking about your

everyday life in english if you’re

studying english

try thinking about your everyday

activities the people that you meet

what are you doing so this is a way to

help you practice your verbs so if you

don’t know if you’re

i don’t know you’re doing something at

work and you’re like oh my gosh how do i

explain the what’s the verb for

you know a picture like i want to blah


a picture what’s the word you can check

a dictionary at that point and go ah


draw i i need to use the verb draw for

draw a picture

so you can find these little gaps in

your everyday life these little gaps in

your knowledge

if you think about your everyday


in your target language if you don’t

think about it in your target language

you might not realize you have

vocabulary gaps or phrase gaps here and

there so this is a really good and kind

of funny

actually way to study use a learner’s

dictionary for new words

the last tip is to use a learner’s

dictionary for new words so in english

there are

learners dictionaries available in

english so my favorite my personal

favorite is merriam-webster

merriam-webster is a fantastic

dictionary resource they’re so

interesting and they have tons of like

historical information i

really do just sit and like read things

on the dictionary page

lately it’s true but um

of course there’s a definition there’s a

meaning for words there are example

sentences for words

but merriam-webster also has what’s

called a

learner’s dictionary if you find a word

that you don’t recognize you can check


in a dictionary in a learner’s

dictionary and it gives you a simplified

a simple explanation in simple english

of that word so instead of checking it

in your native language you can check it

in your target language so again

this helps you to understand the word um

that you are that you’re focused on but

you understand it from

the language you’re studying not from

your native language so using a

learner’s dictionary can be really

really useful as well

all right so those are 10 tips those are

10 tips to help you stop

translating in your head i know it’s

very difficult but

it’s it takes time and it takes practice

and i hope that these are

a few strategies that can help you as

you study

any language of course this is an

english language channel an english

language learning channel but i think

these tips are pretty good for learning

just about any language really so

i hope those are useful for you if you

have tried these strategies or if you

have any other comments or other tips

please let us know in the comment

section below this video

if you liked this video please make sure

to hit the thumbs up share this video

and subscribe to our channel too check

us out at for more

good stuff as well

thanks very much for watching this

episode of top words and i will see you

again soon bye

hi everyone i’m bridget and welcome to

today’s lesson

today’s topic is 10 ways to say hello

in english good morning

good morning is the first thing you say

to someone when you see them in the


good morning sir would you like a cup of


good morning could i please get some

orange juice

good morning i’m still tired from the

night before

hello hello is the most common greeting

you’ll hear

that and hi hello is a polite

nice way to greet someone when you see

them hello

everyone says it you cannot go wrong

saying hello

hello can be used at any time of the day

no matter whether it’s

morning or at night or at 4am

when you see someone you can say hello

and it will still be appropriate long


no c long time no

c it’s not necessarily grammatically


but it’s a saying that we have hey long

time no see

what it means is that you haven’t seen

that person

in a long time so it literally means

long time no see long time no see

is something you say to someone when you

haven’t seen them in a while

hey john long time no see

how are the wife and kids how have you


hey how have you been i haven’t seen you

in a long time

how have you been is asking someone how

they’re doing and how they’ve been

for the past however long if you haven’t

seen them in a while

you might say hey long time no see

how have you been how have you been

that’s past tense it implies that you

haven’t seen them in a while and you

want to hear about how they are

and how they’ve been for all of that

time that you haven’t

seen them hey long time no see

how have you been how are you

how are you means how are you doing how

are you feeling

how is everything it’s a standard thing

that you might say to

anyone even if you’ve seen them the day


you might see them today and say hey how

are you

how’s it going hey how’s it going

how is it going is a more informal way

to say

how are you so how are you and how’s it


they mean the same thing it’s asking

how you are doing how you are feeling is

everything okay with you

what’s up what’s up is another way of


hey how’s it going but this one is even


informal so you might say this to

friends hey what’s up

and they’ll say nothing just living my

life you know

day in and day out hey what’s up

hey what’s up good afternoon

good afternoon how are you would you

like some

lunch good afternoon is a polite way to

greet someone

in the afternoon so if you run into your


you might say good afternoon it’s very

nice it’s polite

not a lot of people say it to their

friends but it’s

it’s a polite way to greet someone good


good evening is a nice way to greet

someone in the evening time

you can only use this phrase in the


because it’s wishing someone a good

evening it’s saying hello at a certain

time of day

good evening would you like some dinner

good evening have you eaten yet all of

my examples involve food it seems

it’s nice to meet you it’s nice to meet


this is something that’s very common to


the first time that you meet someone you

might shake their hand

and say hi it’s nice to meet you my name

is bridget

my name is it’s telling that person

that you are happy to be meeting them

it’s a pleasure

to meet them hi it’s nice to meet you

that brings us to the end of this lesson

10 ways to say

hello if you guys liked the video please

don’t forget to give us a thumbs up and

subscribe to our channel

if you have any questions or comments

leave them below

and don’t forget to go to

for more english okay everybody shift

information has been posted for the


it looks like we’ll visit 25 cities in

30 days

do we normally visit 25 different cities

in one month

yes sometimes we visit even more

where’s our first stop charlotte

hey i have friends in charlotte it would

be nice to see them

good evening in room dining this is alex

how may i be of service

hello i would like to order some food

of course ma’am just to confirm this is

mrs rossen

in room 417 yes it is

excellent may i take your order yes i

would like a turkey sandwich

on a parmesan bagel and what to drink

a diet coke will there be anything else

yes i would also like a wake-up call for


my major is education how about you

i’m an english major cool

i like english oh and what’s oksana’s


she’s also an english major that’s nice

you can help each other study yep in

fact i need to meet her now so we can

study together

okay it was nice talking with you

you too see you later see ya

good evening ma’am may i have your first

and last names

melissa west thank you ma’am

i have found your reservation here’s the

registration information

does everything look correct to you

yes it seems to be correct excellent

now i will just need a photo id for

legal purposes

will my passport do that would be just

fine ma’am

checkout is between noon and two o’clock

you may request an extension of up to

five hours free of charge

what if i need more time then a late

charge of five percent will be added to

your bill

hey vicky did you forget our study date

at 10 this morning

i’m sorry naomi at 10 i was talking with

my professor and couldn’t get away

i’m sorry i should have called

that’s okay so how did the meeting go

with the professor

it went fine he gave me an extension on

my paper and i can still take the


how was your study group yesterday well

we were studying together during lunch

when i noticed an old friend of mine

from high school in the same cafe

my concentration quickly switched from

class to catching up with my friend

so i didn’t get much done you’ve taken

that class before right

yeah last semester i was always asking

questions in that class because it was

so difficult

well i was hoping that you could lend me

a hand with my paper

i can’t think of anything else to write

sure no problem that is if you can help

me study for our history test

sounds like a deal want to speak

real english from your first lesson sign

up for your free lifetime account


hi everyone i’m christine from

in this video we’ll be talking about how

to curse like an english native

speaker piss a slang term for urine for


don’t piss your pants you can say this


you’re really scared or anxious for

example if you’re about to go

on stage to make a speech or perform

someone can say don’t piss your pants

you can do it

pissed off to be really angry

when i’m angry i can say hey i’m really

pissed off at you right now

why did you do that for loser used to

describe an uncool person

in high school my friends and i would

use this a lot

and we would say hey loser how’s it


idiot used to insult people by saying

they’re not intelligent

of all the mean things that you can say

this is on the lighter side

but people still use it shoot

this is used to show disappointment or

frustration without using a stronger

curse word

shoot i spilled my coffee shut up

you can use this when you want them to

be quiet

or there’s something surprising that you

just heard

you can say shut up no way

ticked off to be really angry you can

say this

with pissed off so this is actually an

older term

not many people use this as much anymore


most people actually just use pissed off


this is similar to saying someone is

like a clown you can say

you’re acting like a fool right now jerk

this is a light insult used to describe

someone who is mean

for example if there’s someone bullying

another person

that person is being a jerk wimp

this means someone who isn’t strong

there is a movie out right now

called diary of a wimpy kid have you

seen it have you not

i haven’t yet so how was it if you have

any more questions please leave a

comment below

see you next time hey everyone i’m paris

from in this video we’re

talking about how to ask

and give directions let’s start to the

left to the left

the first phrase is where is the

where is the for example you can ask

where is the bank this can be used to

ask for a general location

or detailed directions don’t be


if you only receive basic information

for example

next to the grocery store the next

phrase is

i need to go to the i need to go

to the for example you can say

i need to go to the police station the

word need is used

but this is used for non-emergencies as

well how do i get to the

how do i get to the for example

you can say how do i get to the museum

this question can be used to ask for

step by step directions

instead of a general location is the

near here is the near here for example

you can say is the library near here if

you’re unfamiliar with an area

you can ask to get this information

about a specific place

where you want to go is the bathroom

near here

excuse me do you know where the is

excuse me do you know where the

is for example you can say excuse me

do you know where the park is only youth

excuse me

when you’re starting a conversation with

a stranger another common phrase is

is the far from here is the

far from here for example you can say

is the post office far from here this is

an indirect way to ask for directions

people will tell you how far the place

is and probably tell you the best way to

get there

walking taking a bus driving uber

now let’s take a look at expressions to

give directions

turn left turn left for example

you can say turn left after two blocks

this gives you information about how far

you should go

before you make any changes in this case

you should

go left to the left to the left

turn right turn right

for example you can say turn right at

the third traffic light

this also gives you information about

how far you should go

before taking another action in this


you should go right go straight

go straight this simply tells you to go

in one direction

it also implies that if you keep going

straight that you will eventually find

what you’re looking for

go past go past for example

you can say go past the church a

landmark is just an easily noticeable


for example a movie theater restaurant

at the corner of at the corner of

for example you can say it’s at the

corner of

this means that a place is located at

the corner where two streets meet

in front of in front of

for example you can say the bus station

is in front of the supermarket

we use front to refer to the main

entrance of a building

it can also mean visible from the front

and doesn’t necessarily mean

it’s directly in front of something


behind for example you can say the

parking lot is behind the movie theater

we use behind to say that something is

at the rear of a building

the front of a building is its main

entrance so which side it’s facing the

street is really not important

next two next two for example

you can say the restaurant is next to

the park

this is an example of using a

non-specific location to give

general directions next two can be

anywhere beside in front of or around a


mcdonald’s is next to my house between

between for example you can say

the store is between the coffee shop and

the pet store

between is used with two other places

when using between

the main place will always be in the

middle of the two other places

okay that’s all for this lesson which

phrase do you like the most

leave us a comment and let us know and

i’ll see you next time guys

bye hey guys i’m paris from

in this video we’ll be talking about

making complaints in english

so let’s get started the first complaint


i’m starving i’m starving

this is an exaggeration you can use when

you’re hungry i am

always starving even right now the next

complaint is

it’s noisy it’s noisy

this kind of complaint is one that you

would make to a friend telling the staff

of a restaurant won’t help since they

can’t tell people to be

quiet i hate when it’s noisy in


save that for another time then we have

it’s hot it’s hot this can be used to

talk about the weather

or the temperature of a room you can add

a request like

can you turn on the air conditioner i am


hot so i like that the next complaint is

it’s cold it’s cold

this can be used to talk about the

weather or the temperature of a room

you can add a request like can you turn

on the heater

i always make this request because it’s

always too cold

everywhere everywhere it’s too expensive

it’s too expensive even if you have

enough money to buy something

it may be more money than you want to

spend it would probably be considered

rude to say this to someone who works at

a store

but i always think okay i’m in gucci

it’s way too expensive

another common complaint is i’m tired

i’m tired use this complaint to imply

that you want to sit down

relax go home take a break when i

babysit my five-year-old cousin

i leave thinking i’m tired

the next complaint is i gained weight

i gained weight this is a self-criticism

that implies that you want to lose


many people say i got so fat

i’m always broke i’m always

broke use this to complain about never

having enough money

i am always broke because i always want

more money

the next complaint is my job is boring

my job is boring this is a really common


used by people who don’t think their

jobs are very exciting

usually it means that you want to find a

different more fun job

it’s all right teachers your job isn’t

boring that person

stinks that person stinks

you can use stings to talk about a

literal physical smell

or a general insult meaning that you

don’t like how someone smells

i hate when people smell on the bus

not good not okay the next complaint is

there’s too much traffic there’s too

much traffic this is a common complaint

among people who commute to work by car

certain roads are especially bad during

rush hour which is the time in the


or night most people are going home or

to work

if i left at it was 7 p.m i would be

here in 10 minutes

but because it’s daytime in la it took

me 30 minutes to get here

and i drive really really fast and it

still took me 30 minutes

the next complaint is the wi-fi here is

too slow

the wi-fi here is too slow

this is just a general complaint you may

have about the internet speed

if you’re at a cafe or somewhere with

wi-fi you can request that they reset

their wi-fi to improve the speed

if you’re having a party and you’re

having friends over and your wi-fi is


slow you might as well end that party


no wi-fi no party my boss is annoying

my boss is annoying annoying can be used

to mean that someone does things that

you don’t like

or they ask you to do things that you

don’t like

either way an annoying boss is a bad


i am very familiar with this hey paris

grab me coffee

hey paris check my emails my boss is


but tell him i said that the pay is too


the pay is too low you can use this to

complain about how much you make

or to reject a job offer because it

doesn’t pay enough

i’m a surgeon the pay is too low

i don’t like it i don’t like it

this is a very general complaint that

can be used for almost

anything what do i like


posting a thousand selfies on instagram


don’t like it um okay

that’s it for this lesson which

complaint do you like more

leave us a comment and let me know and

we’ll see you next time

bye you just got a text message from

your hotel’s pickup service

what does the first number refer to

what does the first number refer to

the number in the text message refers to

the customer code

you are at a train station where you’ve

just bought an express ticket

which train car row and seat number are

you in


which train car row and seat number are

you in

the ticket says that you’re in train car

number one in the eighth row

in seat c

you are at a train station where you’re

attempting to buy an express ticket from

a ticket machine

which option should you choose to buy an

express ticket

which option should you choose to buy an

express ticket

the option on the bottom left is for an

express ticket

you are on a platform at a train station

where you’re waiting for your train

suddenly a message appears on the


what does the message on the display


what does the message on the display


the display reads the next train will

not stop

you are at a train station where you’re

reading the train schedule for an

express ticket that you’ve just bought

on which days are there no express

trains running

on which days are there no express

trains running

there are no express trains running on

public holidays and the third sunday of

every month

want to speak real english from your

first lesson sign up for your free

lifetime account at

you are on a platform at a train station

where you’re waiting for your train

suddenly a message appears on the


what does the message on the display


what does the message on the display


the display reads the next train will

not stop

you are at a train station where you’re

looking for the best exit to catch a


which exit should you take to get to the

taxi stop

which exit should you take to get to the

taxi stop

you should take the east exit in order

to get to the taxi stop

hi everybody my name is alicia and today

i am joined again in the studio by

michael hello and today we’re going to

be talking about things that

were cool in the 90s so things that were

interesting or things that maybe we were

interested in in the 90s i’m guessing

that we’re going to have some very

different opinions

based on our experiences at the 90s so

let’s get right into it

michael your first item please um

okay boy bands so i remember boy bands

were very very popular

when i was a kid in the 90s i had three

older brothers who would punch me and

tell me boy bands are for girls don’t

like boy bands

so that was my experience with them and

they became kind of uncool

i feel like after the 90s and then they

never were uncool in like

korea and like a lot of asian countries

they still had like a strong boy band

kind of uh

scene or whatever bands now is that

really what they’re called no i don’t

know i just mean i think i feel like boy

there are boy bands

that are now becoming boys to men maybe


so i mean now they came now it came back


what is the uh what’s the british one

now it’s kind of cool again oh one

direction one direction yeah so i think

it’s come back it’s full circle

didn’t they just break up i’m gonna go

with something that i loved in the 90s

this is probably way too specific uh

probably but it’s this show called doug

that was on nickelodeon and there

weren’t a whole lot of episodes of doug

it was i don’t know like 20 or 30 i feel

like not even that many did you ever see

this show

yeah that’s very nostalgic for me i

don’t 20 30 episodes i feel i feel like

i had i’d seen them all so i i

i know that i saw them all because it

would come back it would come on one day

after school and i’d be like i’ve seen

this episode

but the whole the whole idea with doug

is doug was like this just this

plain kid and he had an older sister he

went to school he had a dog get a best


and he would just encounter these

everyday life scenarios

that would be kind of troubling or he

wouldn’t know how to deal with them but

like he was kind of a role model i feel

like he was kind of

being like a good kid or sometimes he

would get into trouble but then you know

eventually he would solve the problem or

he’d find a way out of it so but i

really loved that show i really loved

nickelodeon in general um during the 90s


yeah did you watch that channel yeah of

course i loved nickelodeon um

i think it was more like fox stuff like

that but i guess i’ll segue into

another one of mine you’re talking about

wholesome so

something that’s my childhood i was

raised on tv it was sitcoms

yeah so i think this has kind of died

down again like the boy bands where

it people think it’s cheesy now it’s all

reality tv shows that kind of stuff

but that’s that is my childhood right

there is you know full house and these

kinds of shows step by step

where there’s a moral at the end of the

story and so everyone there’s always

kind of like

the the protagonist is always like maybe

he’s unsure but by the end

they know the right thing to do and they

play like the violin kind of sad

not quite sad but like heartwarming


and then they’re like well and then they

give a speech and as a kid you know you

don’t really like think about it but

that gets into your

like man deep because of full house

if you lie i’ve learned this it’s deep

in my subconscious

if you lie and then you keep lying

it snowballs and it gets worse and worse

and worse so it’s best to just right


tell the truth that was a really common

theme in most sitcoms i think

like they’re just trying to teach kids

don’t lie it’s bad you’re right you’re

right sitcoms are huge and by the way

sitcoms um is

um is a portmanteau portmanteau meaning

two words put together

of situation and comedy so situation and

comedy equals sitcom in this case

okay nice nice um i’m gonna go to my

next one

um let’s see i think probably every

little girl

in the 90s in america anyway knew what

this was i don’t know if you knew

um it’s this brand called lisa frank um

lisa frank are you aware of lisa frank

are you aware of lisa frank

no okay she knows she knows lisa frank


so lisa frank is um just

bright it was always like brightly

colored school supplies

uh like pinks and purples and blues and

it would always have unicorns and


and mystical creatures it was just

bright and

everybody all the girls loved it i loved

it i had lisa frank

just whatever i could get my hands on

it’d be pencils or erasers or

just pinks and rainbows and hearts and

stuff like that so i think every

every girl who grew up in the 90s knows

what lisa frank is

ah okay so talking about style and


grunge grunge is something that i that

hits close to home for me and i think

that came out of the 90s

is i mean everybody knows around the

world i think most people know nirvana

yeah kurt cobain yeah and this is

something that i guess was

brought to the world from seattle and it

was a music genre

and it was kind of it’s like rock but

sometimes slower

almost emo kind of like sad usually

undertones but anyways the style that

came with it

was the opposite of like the 80s and

early 90s of really bright colors you

know it was the opposite you just wear

holy jeans you don’t really shower that

much you don’t shave

and like plaid and just really like

dreary colors

so that was really popular i at least i

remember in like the early 90s

like mid-90s yeah and it’s as soon as i

saw that card grunge i was like oh

nirvana that was that’s the first thing

that comes to mind when i hear about

when i hear grunge

i didn’t get into the grunge scene

though i was i was busy with boy bands


like grunge for me was never really

i was aware i was aware of nirvana but i

did not

i was not of the nirvana mod

okay i’m gonna go to a style point then

too because you’ve read up a style point

i’ll put up

bring up maybe um a female style point


uh still popular perhaps among some


what is a scrunchie a scrunchie let’s

see i don’t have um

so there’s regular rubber bands that you

can use to tie back long hair

he’s making an ocean with his hands yes

it’s a very descriptive very descriptive

michael thank you so no

i’m the prop and then you go like this

there’s like the

but i bet i bet there’s an awesome video

team somewhere in the

somewhere that can put like a scrunchie

like right here

anyway um yeah scrunchy it’s just it’s

just a

a piece of elastic with some kind of

colorful cloth wrapped around it and it

but when not in use you would go and it


scrunch i think i think this is why we

call it a scrunchie

but then when you pulled on it you could

expand it a bit and wrap your hair up in

it and then when you were finished doing

that it would kind of

close around it i had a couple

nintendo anything any game related stuff

i remember game boys

anything handheld um except when i was a

kid it wasn’t like this fancy

3d high you know

highly like vibrant colors it was like

black and white and like you’d play it

in the car and you had to squint and it

hurts your head you know if you’re

playing too much you’re getting like

carsick and you’re like you can barely

see mario

are you talking about game boy game boy

are any like there was handheld too

there was like atari and stuff like that

and like sega

sega was pretty good that would light up

i was thinking about nes when you said

nintendo i imagined my nes the one that

like when it wasn’t working correctly

you could just pull the cassette out and

put it back in so you put the cartridge

in here right

and sometimes if it was really stubborn

and it didn’t work

you would blow into this part and you

try and it really doesn’t make a


but you would take turns like me and my

brothers would be like no you want to be

the one to get it to work

so you take turns no no let me let me

let me and just by luck it would work

and you’re like cc

no this is super nostalgic i love

nintendo i have a game too

pogs did you have pogs yeah okay

pogs are either are simultaneously the

most brilliant game and the stupidest

game ever invented they’re just

discs of cardboard about this size uh

and on one side there’s a picture

and on the other side there’s just

nothing and then you had a thing called

a slammer which was essentially just a

heavy pog

that you would use and you had to flip

you had to use the slammer to flip

those plain cardboard ones what i don’t

even know it was that

stupid and forgettable of a game but it

was like crazy when i was about

i don’t know like second or third grade

or something everybody had pogs like we

had pog

gym days at my school i remember that

america we’re really obese let’s go into

the gym and sit there and smash


and like i was telling i was telling her

before we started this like

one day like my mom wanted me to get a

haircut and i was just being stubborn

and i wasn’t having it i was in the mall

i was like i want to get a haircut she’s

like i’ll buy you

pogs and she did

it was like this giant tube of pogs and

i was just so thrilled and

i agreed to get my hair cut well

that was a lot of things that was that


exciting and or popular and or we were


in the 90s what were you into in the 90s

what was popular in your country i

really have no idea what was popular

around the world

at that time maybe some of these things

are similar please let us know

in the comments i’m very interested to

find out we read these by the way

um any thoughts any other any closing

thoughts about the 90s

you’re not going to sing a song for us

oh that’s copyright we can’t do that

just like blur that all out no that was

that was very accurate so i’m sure we

can use that

very accurate i mean totally wrong

clearly we’re very good at talking about

the 90s

okay but uh we hope that you are too we

hope that you learned something exciting

about the 90s

um that’s all for us today thanks very

much for watching and we will see you

again soon bye

hi everybody my name is alicia and i’m

joined again in the studio by

michael hello and today we’re going to

be talking about

english conversation strategies so let’s

get right into it

let’s start with michael what is your

first strategy for keeping an english

conversation going

this is very important don’t say

i’m fine thank you and you you hear this

all the time from second language

english learners or non-native speakers

you learn this it’s one of the first

things you learn

in an english class it’s easy it’s good

it’s basic it’s foundation

okay that’s fine but as soon as you can

switch it up

because to me when i meet a foreigner

and they come up and if they say

hey how are you say oh i’m fine you know

i’m good whatever

how about you and they say i’m fine

thank you and you and it’s just

it’s almost robotic because i’ve said it

so many times and when i hear that i

think ah

their english isn’t that good and inside

i’m just gonna be really polite

and say hello and talk slowly and try to

get out of there as quick as i can

so really impress the foreigner in my

opinion i think the best way to do it is

say something

you know use a big word or just like a

slang word something like that

when i hear that i go wow man i want to

know what this person thinks i want to

get their point of view and i’m really

excited and then

i’ve had great conversations because of

that um yeah

that’s a really really good one and

actually i think on this youtube channel


from a couple years ago there’s a video

all about

better answers to the question how are

you then

i’m fine thank you and you or if someone

says hey how are you i’m good

you are fine you never i’m fine thank

you and you

never but try to actually use you know a

phrase that a native speaker would use

and then that’s a clue to the native

speaker that oh maybe this person is

ready for a conversation beyond you know

basic english

so that’s a really good point i like

that i didn’t think of things not to do

i only thought of things

to do so okay cool um let’s see let’s go


my first one um

so um this strategy in general is just

ask the other person a question

i think and i’m guilty of this too when

i’m learning another language

i tend to only get input like somebody

else is always asking me the questions

and then i forget myself to ask the

other person a question

so one question that i like to ask or

you know a variation

any kind of wh question is good like a

who question what

where um something like this if you’ve

been paying attention you can use any

way to transition in your conversation

this was in a previous video

you can ask something like anyway up to

anything fun this weekend this is a

pretty casual conversational question

that you can ask just about anybody

whether you’ve just met them or whether

you’ve known them for a while but just


get in the habit of asking other people

the question don’t wait for someone else

to ask you the question

um so that that’s one strategy that i

try to use to keep things going

yeah me too i agree and i’m gonna say

same zs because

actually two of my questions were

exactly what you said agree 100

this is kind of cheating these should be

one but so always ask questions

so you know again you forget it’s really

easy i’m really guilty of this

english non-english whatever i’m i’m

guilty of this um and the other thing is


deep open-ended questions so if you ask

a yes or no question so again like

alicia was saying it just dead ends you

can’t just say you know

do you like cheese yes or no right so

you want to say what do you think about

cheese what is your favorite kind and

kind of open it up to something else

and let it let it just kind of snowball

right right yeah i think i think that

that’s that’s really a key like i have

another variation on which i guess i’ll

just continue on to because it kind of

relates to what you’re talking about

like he’s saying always ask questions

always ask deep open-ended questions so

like you may you just said don’t ask a

yes or no question because

yes or no ends with the yes or the no so

one of the things that i’ll do is

use a pattern similar to this like hey

did you see or hey did you hear about

blah blah blah

so you can use this little blah blah

blah as your

you can ask about the news you can ask

about something funny you saw on the

internet you can ask about

um you know some something that you

heard from another friend of yours


it’s just a way to check in with the

other person and say oh did you also

experience this thing that i experienced

let’s talk about that so that might be

another question that you can use with


i like that one i really like that one

because you’ve got to stay within

people’s comfort zone so maybe you ask

and maybe they don’t want to right so a

good thing is did you hear about it

that’s up to them maybe they don’t want

to talk about it they can say oh yeah i

heard about that

and you can kind of feel uh the the

atmosphere and

and realize maybe i shouldn’t talk about

this change the subject or

they get passionate and they start

talking about it and there you go and

just let it go

um yeah absolutely one thing again i’m

guilty of is is you do gotta keep

keep returning it right don’t let it

don’t just say oh yeah and what i think

about that

bring it back ask them what about you um

that’s a common thing i forget about


yeah yeah okay um good i have one

more this one um use when you see

fits don’t i guess just

okay i’ll just introduce it compliment

the other person or compliment the other


this can be a nice strategy just to show

that you’re enjoying the other person’s


um it can be as simple as oh i like your

shirt today or oh that’s a nice dress

you’re wearing today or oh did you get a

new haircut that looks good on you

something like that

so this is a nice a nice way to make the

other person maybe want to spend more

time with you

i think yeah i agree 100 um two things

one i think it’s a good conversation

starter sometimes um

if you’ve got to be careful with a

stranger it can be creepy it can be

a little uncomfortable what you’re

complimenting right but if it’s

something like if they have a t-shirt

and it’s a band that you both like

that’s a great conversation starter and

you feel wow we’re connected you know um

number two the second thing i was

thinking about is that

keep it honest i love i love a sincere

compliment it really means a lot more


it really does butter them up kind of

get them open to

having more conversations deeper that

kind of thing

um but one of the things people do which

which i don’t like is

let’s say they say hey nice shirt and

then the person out of habit will say oh

you too i like your shirt too just my

opinion i don’t think this feels

really natural doesn’t really feel

sincere so i would i would

save it make a mental note and go hmm i

need to return the favor i need to give

them a compliment but

wait until you notice something you

really do like and say hey actually

i love blah blah yeah i think that’s a

great point like

when you you can sense whether someone

is being sincere or not

what is your next strategy for

continuing an english conversation

well don’t be afraid to open up

i like this one i think this is good a

lot of people will be kind of shy

they won’t open up too much again within

within your comfort zone

but i like this one because people

return the favor

because if you’re just having small talk

and you say you know the weather’s nice

today blah blah you can only go so far

so don’t be afraid to say something


again trust your judgment don’t be a

creeper don’t go

we don’t want to hear certain things

about your life don’t don’t be a creep

don’t be a creep don’t be weird don’t be

strange and like what you’re saying

about opening up

open up is just a phrase that means

share something about yourself

um so it can be as simple as what you

did last weekend or what you’re going to

do this weekend or

a project that you have coming up it

doesn’t mean that you have to

spill all of your life’s secrets to the

other person but just showing that

you’re willing to share something more

personal about yourself can help

ingratiate yourself or can help you know

make the other person help the other

person understand you a little bit


that’s a good tip i like that tip that’s

hard to do though it’s hard it’s a

little bit scary i think to share parts

of yourself but it’s good it’s a good

way to meet people and make friends

all right i think that’s all is that all

that you have yeah that’s all i got

okay all right well those are some

interesting uh

strategies to keep an english

conversation going so give them a try if

you’re ever at a loss for words and

don’t know what to say you can try one

of these strategies

and hopefully it will help you out

please let us know if you have any other

strategies or anything else that you

would like to use or you tried to use

when you are having trouble keeping a

conversation going uh leave us a comment

and let us know what it is

we will see you again next time do you

have anything else you’d like to add

that’s about it all right so thanks very

much for joining us

and take care bye-bye top 10 language

learning strategies

let’s begin befriending or dating

someone who speaks

english watching movies or listening to


in english read english newspapers or


record your voice and compare your

pronunciation with

native english speakers download

dialogue tracks and listen to english


repeat the phrases that you hear out

loud again

and again review all the lessons on

to them completely

read lines slowly at first then re-read


increase your speed set small and

measurable learning goals with your

personal deadlines

try harder lessons to challenge yourself

and improve faster

hi everybody welcome back to top words

my name is alicia and today we’re going

to talk about

10 ways to express fear and surprise

let’s get started yeah you scared me

the first expression is you scared me

you scared me

so too scare is the verb here and we’re

using the past tense

you scared me so you caused me

to be frightened you scared me we use

this when we feel surprised or

scared so your friend suddenly jumps out

from but

you scared me i thought i thought you

tipped over a liquid onto the camera so

you scared me it’s like yeah

oh my gosh you frightened me in other

words you caused me to be afraid

in a sentence ah you scared me

you scared the out of me the next

expression is you scared the

something out of me you scared the blah

blah blah out of me

in the blah blah blah here in the space

we can use a lot of different words some

of them are really really rude words you

might have heard a few of these on like


shows or in english speaking movies um

so in this lesson i’m going to introduce

like some kind of

not so rude words um you can use you

scared like the bejesus out of me you

scared the heck out of me you scared the

hell out of me so it’s a more extreme

version of you scared me so you scared

that something

out of me it like the image is i was

so frightened that something came out of

my body

and it’s usually like a negative or like

a rude word we use

to emphasize how frightened we were you

scared the hell out of you oh my gosh

so that’s kind of a common expression so

in a sentence

jeez you scared the hell out of me that

really freaks me out

the next expression is that really

freaks me out

that really freaks me out so to freak

someone out or like to freak out is like

to cause a

strong emotion that’s kind of a negative

nervous emotion or that’s just if you

feel like you’re kind of

overflowing with either like a

nervousness or like excitement

to freak out has a couple of different

meanings but when you say

that really freaks me out it’s kind of a

negative like sort of

scared emotion so in a sentence ugh

cockroaches really freak me out so you


like uncomfortable it’s kind of like

this gross

like creepy crawly feeling about it it’s

like ah that freaks me out

so that’s one use ah that really freaks

me out

i’m freaking out right now the next

expression is i’m freaking out or i’m

freaking out right now

so in the last expression we saw that

really freaks

me out in this expression we say i’m

freaking out

in the progressive tense i’m freaking

out which means like i’m super super

super excited or i’m like super

like i have so much energy about

something so

freaking out sounds kind of like um a

nervous activity but we can use it for

like exciting things as well

i can say like oh my gosh i forgot my

car keys i’m freaking out right now how

am i going to get home

we can use it to express like

nervousness or anxiety

but we can also say something exciting

like you got tickets to beyonce i’m

freaking out right now

like we use it in a very positive way

sometimes as well so you can kind of

choose depending on your emotion

are you afraid or are you excited


both are okay that really creeped me out

the next expression is that really

creeped me out

that really creeped me out so creepy is

a word we’ve talked about in a previous

episode of top words on the

horror movie episode of top words uh so

something that is creepy causes nervous

feelings or like

we can’t relax it’s kind of unsettling

or strange

so something that causes those feelings

in us

we can describe with a phrase that

creeped me out that

caused creepy feelings in me that thing

creeped me out so like bugs creep me out

for example more than creep me out i


hate bugs so in another sentence yeah i

saw the ring it really creeped me out

so something that causes uneasy feelings

in you

i was so sketched out the next

expression is

i was so sketched out i was so sketched


so here we are using the word sketch or

sketched which doesn’t actually mean

rough drawing here

this is sort of a slang phrase that has

become commonly used throughout

different types of english to be

sketched out

by something means to have like

nervous feelings that something is kind


dangerous so creepy is just sort of

unsettling like difficult to relax

sketchy is like is about a person


or like a situation that seems it could


dangerous there could be something

dangerous actually it’s not just that

it’s kind of scary but there’s maybe

some danger there

so sketchy sketchy like we don’t know

what’s going to happen next

in a sentence then i think a car was

following me today

i was so sketched out holy

the next expression is holy something

holy something so we can say holy cow

or holy other rude words you can check

some tv and movies for other words you

can finish this sentence with holy

something so we use this as just an

exclamation so when we’re surprised or

when we’re afraid or when we’re excited

we can say holy cow or like holy

i’m not going to say other words that

people use cause this is a family

channel but

uh holy something can mean anything

depending on the situation

and the sort of tone of voice that you

use with this word

uh holy cow is a pretty common

expression but

for surprise usually i would say the

kind of

rude expressions are more commonly used

for fear

oh my god the next expression is oh my

god oh my god so depending on your

intonation you can kind of change the

meaning of this word you can

express your surprise with oh my god or

you can express like fear like oh my god

so depending on the way you say this

word you can kind of change the meaning

but you can use this in a lot of

different expressions i’m sure you’ve

heard this expression before oh my god

also oh my gosh

dude if you don’t like to use the word

god in an example sentence

oh my god there’s a bee in the car

what okay the next expression looks kind

of funny on screen it’s just

what what so we can use this as a very

casual form of surprise what

so when someone surprises you usually a

friend a good friend

and you’re just stunned like you’re so

surprised and shocked

but you don’t feel like excited you’re

just like whoa

it’s difficult for you to kind of say

anything or do anything

some people react with what

like that kind of long a sound so it’s

usually used for surprise actually or

something new that you just

oh my gosh i can’t react to this it’s

just what that’s all

just that’s a simple reaction so you

might hear this as well for

surprise generally in an example

a surprise party what

you got me good the last expression is

you got me good

you got me good this is an expression

you can use

when your friend or someone else you

know plays a joke

on you so your friend tries to trick you

or your friend tries to scare you or

whatever tries to get a reaction from


usually by scaring you or surprising you

if the trick or the joke was effective

you can say ah

you got me good you got me good this is

kind of like a ah

okay i admit like you got me you

defeated me in other words you made me

afraid or you surprised me

so you can say you got me good you got

me good

so that’s the meaning of this expression

ah nice job in other words you got me


in a sentence ha you got me good

those are 10 ways to express fear and

surprise if there’s another expression

you like to use please be sure to let us

know in the comments for sure

if you liked the video please make sure

to give it a thumbs up subscribe to the

channel if you haven’t already and check

us out at for some

other good study resources

thanks very much for watching this

episode of top words and i will see you

again soon

bye bye hi everybody welcome back to top

words my name is alicia

and in this episode we’re going to talk

about 10 words and expressions for

talking about

thoughts and ideas so let’s get started

i have an idea the first expression

is i have an idea i have an idea this is

a really

general expression you can use to


a new idea this is pretty

casual but you can use it in slightly

more formal situations as well

i have an idea let’s get thai food for


or i have an idea let’s go to the beach

this weekend

i have an idea let’s take a nap

in this example sentence i have an idea

let’s start a company

i’ve been thinking the next expression


i’ve been thinking i’ve been thinking

you can use this to say i’ve been


and then begin an idea or you can say

i’ve been thinking about

topic i’ve been thinking about topics so

i’ve been thinking about finding a new

job or

i’ve been thinking what do you want to

do for summer vacation

so you can use it in a couple of

different ways i’ve been thinking about

or i’ve been thinking

both are okay so in this sentence i’ve

been thinking about baking a cake

all day here’s a thought

the next word is here’s a thought here’s

a thought so again this is a word you

can use to

introduce an idea here is a

thought in other words here is an idea a


from my mind here you are here’s a

thought so you can use this to

introduce an idea you have had here’s a


why don’t you get a haircut in this

example sentence

here’s a thought why don’t you take

tomorrow off

what do you think the next expression is

what do you think what do you think very

common way to

ask for someone’s opinion what do you


we connect the words do and you quite

closely in this expression what do you


what do you think sounds much more

natural than what do

you think so try to use what do you


so this is uh this is just a general way

to ask for someone else’s

opinion about anything really in a


i kind of want to eat something spicy

for lunch

what do you think you want to know what

i think

the next expression is you want to know

what i think

so this is sort of a like a challenge


like it’s asking the other person

do you want to know my opinion do you

want to know what i think

because i’ll tell you only if you want

to know

so you want to know what i think or you

can drop

wanna and say you know what i think so

that you

becomes ya you know what i think you

know becomes

you know so you know what i think or you

want to know what i think

so it’s a little bit of a challenge a

little bit of an introduction

before you actually share your opinion

in a sentence

you want to know what i think it’s a

terrible idea

i’ve thought about this a lot the next

expression is

i’ve thought about this a lot i’ve

thought about this a lot

in this expression we’re actually using

the present perfect

tense i’ve thought i’ve thought so


i have thought about this meaning

i started thinking about this in the


and my thinking has continued to the


i’ve thought about this a lot so this


this tells the listener it’s something

that has been

on your mind for a while i’ve thought

about this a lot

so your opinion is based on

all of this past thinking so something

you have been thinking about

for a long time in a sentence i’ve

thought about this a lot

and i really think you should quit the


i have no idea i have no

idea i have no idea means i don’t know

but i have no idea means zero i have

no information no ideas i can’t think of

anything absolutely nothing no idea

i have no idea so this is typically used

in response to a question for

information like

where’s your brother i have no idea

i’m like what did you do with the keys i

have no idea

so some things like you just you have no


absolutely no information you can say i

have no idea

i don’t know please note though that the

idea part of the sentence is in the

singular form

i have no idea we’ll talk about why in

just a moment but i have no idea to

refer to having

no information about something in

another sentence

the best hotel in the city i have no


i have no ideas the next expression is

i have no ideas i have no ideas so

here different from i have no idea

we’re using the plural form ideas

ideas meaning someone is asking you for

a proposal

someone is asking you like to create

something to

make something perhaps so they’re asking

for a suggestion

and if you don’t have any suggestions

nothing to

propose you can say i have no ideas i

have no idea

so what do you want to do this weekend i

have no ideas

or what do you want to eat for lunch i

have no ideas really

so if you don’t have any ideas nothing

to propose you can use this with an s

at the end of ideas in another sentence

something to do this weekend i have no


i don’t know the next expression is i

don’t know

i don’t know so michael and i talked

about this in an episode of

english topics many years ago but i

don’t know

is i don’t know the casual contracted

version of i don’t know

i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know

so we use this when we

don’t know the answer to something i

don’t know or when we just want to kind

of like relieve

pressure or when we’re when when we’re

out of things to say

as well i don’t know so when we’re like

not feeling

sure or not feeling confident as well we

can use this phrase

in a sentence why are you asking me i

don’t know

i knew it the last expression is

i knew it i knew it so here we’re using

the past

tense of no the verb to know something

meaning to understand or to comprehend

we’re using the past tense new i knew it

so we used this expression when we

guessed correctly about something or


something we thought was true

is proven to be correct so i knew it

i knew it so this is typically said with

a positive

positive voice you hear this a lot in

movies as well i think

all right in a sentence you had my keys

i knew it so those are ten

words and expressions that you can use

for talking about your thoughts

and ideas so i hope that’s helpful if

you like you can try to make an

expression with one of these

in the comments section below the video

let us know if you have any other ideas

as well

if you like the video please make sure

to give it a thumbs up subscribe to our


if you haven’t already and check us out

at for some other

good resources

thanks very much for watching this

episode of top words and i will see you

again soon

bye-bye hi everybody my name is alicia

and today i’m going to talk about the

correct use of the word

only let’s take a look at a few examples

and see how moving

the word only around in a sentence can

change the meaning of the sentence

all right let’s begin first i want to

define the word only and how i’m going

to use it for this lesson

the word only for this lesson we’re

going to look at it as an adverb so

an adverb which means a single case or a


instance of something so there’s nothing

uh different

nothing more nothing less there’s just

this one thing this one

case of something but i want to focus

for this lesson on the importance of the


of only in a sentence so

one key to keep in mind when you use the

word only and this is a point for native

speakers and for

non-native speakers we need to place the

word only as close as possible to the


or to the phrase that it modifies and by

modifies i mean

only is connected to that phrase only is

changing that phrase in some way

and when i say places at place it as

close as possible to that word i mean

before that word it needs to come before

the word it’s changing before the word

it’s modifying

so i want to show um a few examples of

how to do this

but i’m going to move the word only

around in the same sentence so

let’s take a look i’ll show you what i

mean let’s take a look at this

this sentence uh the base sentence here

is sarah saw michael at the park

a simple sentence so there are two

people involved one action

in this case the past tense saw and then

a location

at the park but i’m going to use the

word only here in a few

different positions to show how much it

can change the meaning of the sentence

depending on where we place it so the

first example here i have is

only sarah saw michael at the park here

the word only

comes before sarah so that means that

these two words are connected

only is modifying sarah in this case

this sentence therefore means that sarah

perhaps in a group of people or with

somebody else

sarah was the only person the single


who saw michael at the park maybe there

were other people in the group

she was with but she was the single

person the only person

who saw michael so only sarah saw

michael at the park that’s the meaning

with the placement of only before sarah


let’s look at the next sentence sarah

only saw michael at the park

so here only is coming before the word

saw so in this case it’s modifying this


saw this sentence therefore means that

sarah the only thing sarah did her only


was to see she only saw michael at the


meaning no other actions happened sarah

did not wave to michael sarah did not

greet michael sarah did not throw

something at michael

uh whatever there was no other action

the only action the single action the

sole action

was that she saw michael sarah only saw

michael at the part so the placement

before the verb gives us

this meaning let’s look at one more


sarah saw only michael at the park here

only comes before michael in this case

so the connection the modification is

happening here

sarah saw only michael at the park means

she did not see any other people at the


so this could mean that there were no

other people

at the park or that maybe

she just she just didn’t see anybody at

the park so

this sentence is a little bit tricky

it’s a little hard to understand

exactly what the writer wants to say but

it could mean

that there were perhaps no people at the

park no

other people at the park that sarah saw

so she went to the park

she saw only michael there was only one

person a single person it was

michael that sarah saw so placing only


in this case michael gives us this


all right one more sentence sarah saw


only at the park so here the word only

is coming before this phrase at the park

this location

in this case meaning that there was a

single place

where sarah saw michael so sarah did not

see michael at the supermarket she did

not see him at the store she did not see

him at school

she saw him only at the park so there’s

a single location where she saw michael

so these four sentences show us how much

the meaning of a sentence can change

depending on our placement of the

of the word only so it’s important to

keep in mind

another thing that i’ve done throughout

this lesson a little bit

is i’ve emphasized with my voice the

word that only is modifying

but i want to make one more point here

in speech

when actually speaking we can stress

words for emphasis and for clarity to

make it very clear

which word in the sentence we want to

emphasize which word we want only

to modify so for example i can say only


saw michael at the park or sarah only

saw michael at the park

so with your voice you have the ability

to emphasize certain words and certain


in the sentences however in in

writing it’s not possible to do this so

correct placement of the word only is

quite important

so i wanted to give you a few examples

and it’s just something to think about

the next time you use the word only so

make sure

that you’re placing the word only as

close as possible

to the word that it modifies so just

something to keep in mind all right so

that’s it for this lesson

if you have any questions or comments

please feel free to let us know in the

comment section below this video

if you like the video give it a thumbs

up subscribe to the channel and check us

out at for some

other resources

thanks very much for watching this

lesson and i’ll see you again soon


hi everybody my name is alicia today i’m

going to talk about how to use the word

almost i’m going to show a few different

example sentences

and give you a couple pointers some

things to watch out for when you’re

using this word

so first let’s look at the meaning of

the word

almost so almost is an adverb

it’s a word that means nearly or not

quite or

not completely it can also mean similar

to something

but not exactly like something so i’ve

got a lot of example sentences here that

i hope to

uh talk about to kind of explain the use

of almost

before i do that though i want to

mention this point over here

almost comes before the word it modifies

so modifies means like almost is

attached you can think of it as being

attached to another word

and almost changes the meaning of that

word so

um using almost before another word or

before another phrase

adds this meaning of nearly or not quite

or not completely

to that word or to that phrase so let’s

begin with that

and look at a few examples i almost

forgot my homework so here almost comes

before the verb

forgot in this case meaning i nearly

forgot my homework

so the word almost like i said almost

should come

before the word it modifies so here it’s

modifying the word forgot so i nearly

forgot my homework i was very close to

forgetting my homework

another example he almost always calls

on his way

home so here it comes before the work

it comes before the word always in this


almost always meaning maybe like 95

percent of the time or 90 percent of the


so not always but nearly very

nearly always calls on his way home is

the meaning of this sentence

okay let’s look at another one maybe an

opposite meaning here

they almost never leave the house so

here we

we’ve got never as the word that almost

is modifying

so almost never means you can think of

it in terms of a percentage for example

like five percent of the time they leave

the house

very very close to zero but not

quite zero so almost never not quite

never but very near to never

the next one you’re almost finished

you’re almost finished so here almost is

modifying the word

finished so in other words you’re nearly

finished in this case maybe you’re

nearly finished with your job for the

day or you’re nearly finished with

your homework for example you’re almost

finished is the meaning here

let’s look at the next sentence then so

the next sentence is we’re almost

home we’re almost home in this case

almost is modifying the word home

home in this case means uh at your

place of residence so to be in a status

and a status of being

at your at your place yet you’re

dwelling at your residence

so to be almost home means nearly at

your house

in other words so we can modify in this


similar to this negative i used up here

with never

we’ve got there’s almost nothing left in

the refrigerator

so again almost nothing in this case so

very nearly no things very nearly maybe

nothing to eat or no

food in the refrigerator so this

sentence means

there’s something in the refrigerator a

few things maybe

but almost nothing so very little of


okay the next sentence shows another

point that i want to make about the

placement of the word almost

i mentioned in these initial example


that the word almost comes before the

word it modifies

as we’ve seen so far however when you’re

using the verb

to be and the variations of it like was

and were for example

almost comes after that verb so let’s

look at an example of that

here we have here here i have uh he was

almost fired from his job so here is my

2b verb in this case using

was he was almost fired from his job so


almost follows the verb to be this is a

slight change

i’ll show you one more example sentence

later so again let’s go back to this

first pattern

almost no one came to her party so here


begins the sentence it’s modifying the

word no one

almost no one came to her party so

meaning very few people

came to her party lastly let’s look at

one more

to be example here i was almost

late for the movie so again here’s our

to be verb

i was and almost follows that to be verb

i was almost

late for the movie okay so these are

quite a few

examples of how we can use almost

i want to talk a little bit about some

other ways to use

almost we use almost with time and

quantity expressions

so in these cases we use the word almost

before the time or before the quantity

let’s look at some examples

for example we’ve been waiting almost

two hours so here

two hours is a length of time we use

almost before that so

nearly two hours not quite two hours but

nearly two hours

the next example i’ve lived here for

almost five years so that doesn’t mean

five years exactly but very nearly five


same thing here he said they were almost

i’m sorry he said there were

almost 5 000 people so almost 5 000

not quite maybe like 4 900 for example

very nearly 5 000. again the recipe made

almost 200 cookies so again not quite

is the meaning here so all of these kind

of um

we use this when it maybe it’s easier to

round up

to use like the next easily recognizable


like it might sound strange in the last

example to say the recipe made 498


it sounds very very specific and it also

sounds like maybe the speaker

counted each individual cookie so

sometimes that’s really

not reasonable or it might just sound a

little bit strange

so um or also it’s just sometimes not

possible to count

exactly how many people or how many of

something we’re in a situation

but using almost we can make a guess


so this is quite a useful thing for time

and quantity expressions

okay so as we’ve seen so far in this


we can use always with words like always

and never i used it over here for

example heat almost

always and they almost never so just

keep in mind that these have very very

different meanings kind of opposite

meanings so

i almost always means very nearly always

and almost never means very nearly never

but not quite

same thing with um all or nothing or no

so i used an example here there’s almost

nothing for example

so here it means very close to zero if i

used almost

all like almost all the people were

happy it means very nearly

everybody as well so you can kind of see

a pattern here and the same one

is we can see here at the end everyone

and no one

it’s like extreme so um like 100

versus zero percent of something so all

or nothing

everyone or no one we can use almost to


that we are very near to these levels

but not

quite at these levels the last thing i

want to mention in this lesson

is a word of caution just be careful

about where you place

almost in a sentence because it can

really affect the meaning of the


so here let’s look at two very similar


one he almost told his boss all the


and two he told his boss almost all the


these are very different sentences but

they seem very similar

here i’ve used almost before the verb


so almost is modifying the word told


he almost told his boss all the secrets

meaning he

very nearly told his boss all the


but he did not he did not so

here almost modifies this verb told

meaning the action itself he almost did

this action

but he did not do the action in this

sentence however

he told his boss almost all the secrets

almost because of its positioning is

modifying the word

all he told his boss almost all the


meaning he told his boss very nearly

everything all of the secrets so maybe

like 95

90 to 95 percent of the secrets he told

his boss

so the action happened he did tell his


but he didn’t tell everything in this


so please keep this in mind your

placement the place in the sentence

where you use the word

almost can create very very different


so remember this point here almost

should come before the word it modifies

so when you’re writing and when you’re

speaking you should think carefully

about this

also remember when you’re using the verb

to be almost should come

after that verb finally when you’re

speaking as i am right now we

do have the ability to use our voices we

can emphasize

key words we can stress them with our

voices to make it clear which word we

want to emphasize

however we can’t really do that in

writing so it’s really important

to consider to think about where we

place the word

almost when we’re writing so i hope that

this lesson was useful for you

if you have any questions or any

comments please feel free to let us know

in the comment section below this video

if you liked the video give us a thumbs

up subscribe to the channel and check us

out at

thanks very much for watching this

lesson and i will see you again soon


hi everybody my name is alicia today i’m

going to talk about the difference


which and that which and that are both


pronouns but a lot of people confuse the


so let’s talk about how to use them okay

first a quick overview which

first we use which in what are called

non-restrictive relative clauses

we use that on the other hand in


relative clauses so before we continue

let’s talk about the difference between

non-restrictive clauses and restrictive


the difference here a non-restrictive

clause first of all where we use

which is a clause that does not have


essential to understanding the noun it

is connected to i’ll show you some

examples in just a minute

a restrictive clause however is a clause

that has information

essential to our understanding of that


so we need the information in the

restrictive clause

to completely understand the noun or the

noun phrase it is attached to

a non-restrictive clause is sort of

extra information

we don’t need the information to

understand the noun or the noun phrase

it just provides some more information

so let’s take a look at a few examples

of this the first example i have is

rather extreme

but it’s just to show the differences

between these two

first the school that i parked my car

next to

is dangerous so here my noun is school

here i’ve got the relative pronoun that

i have the school that i parked my car

next to

is dangerous i’ve used that here because

my clause is a restrictive clause i need

this information the school that i

parked my car

next to is dangerous if i remove this

the school is dangerous the sentence is


however the meaning changes uh

the key here is that i parked my car

there so i want to

explain that specifically the school

that i parked my car

next to this school in particular is


so that shows us that it’s a restrictive

clause we have to use that in this

sentence because the information

is essential to our understanding

in this sentence however the school

which has a tennis court

is dangerous i’ve used which so which

is a non-restrictive is used in

non-restrictive clauses

this shows us it is extra information

the school

has a tennis court do i need to know

this information

no it’s just extra information if i

remove this clause

the school is dangerous the root

sentence the basic

sentence stays the same this is just

extra information

it doesn’t necessarily tell us uh

essential information

about the situation so we use which to

show that it’s a

non-restrictive relative clause as i

said this is a rather extreme

example so let’s take a look at

something that’s a little bit more

uh complex okay let’s look at the next

two sentences

first the car which i bought last year

is already having trouble and

the car that i bought last year is

already having trouble

these are very similar sounding

sentences however

our choice of which or that as well as

the commas which i’ll talk about later

have changed the meaning so there are a

couple key differences here

one by seeing that in the first sentence

that we’re using a non-restrictive

clause here with which

we see the car which i bought last year

this shows us that this is

extra information about the car here


we see that this is essential

information the car that i bought last

year is already having trouble

so the speaker could be saying here with

this sentence the second sentence

the card that i bought last year

specifically a car that the speaker

purchased the previous year

this sentence means therefore the

speaker might have

other cars the speaker is specifically

meaning this

specific car that they he or she bought

last year

in this sentence with the

non-restrictive clause we don’t have the

same nuance

the car which i bought last year is just

extra information in this sentence

so here the car that i bought last year

this is indicating a specific car

this one with the non-restrictive claws

it’s just giving us extra information

so the speaker may or may not have

another car

we don’t know so that’s all i want to

say about that okay

but a question that many people have is

how do you know whether it’s a

restrictive or a non-restrictive clause

so this is a quick tip

a quick hint uh for native speakers and

non-native speakers actually is it

restrictive non-restrictive how do i


to do that remove the clause just take

the clause out of the sentence

is the meaning of the sentence the same

is the sentence still grammatically

correct is it okay

if yes if the sentence is okay the

meaning is the same

it’s a non-restrictive clause if no if

the meaning

changes if you lose some key information

it is a restrictive clause

so this is a quick hint if you’re not

sure whether to use which

or whether to use that try this test

this quick test just take it out and see

if the meaning changes

the last thing i want to talk about here

is the use of commas

so you’ll notice i used commas

throughout this lesson

and also when i was reading they kind of

create a natural pause around this extra


but when do you use them we should use


around non-restrictive clauses so you

can see

i used them here

and here in the example sentences we use

commas around non-restrictive clauses


again this lesson comma which is being


comma is about which and that so

when you’re reading it creates a natural

pause so the reader knows there’s going

to be like

extra information there the reader can

understand through use of these commas

however do not use commas around

restrictive clauses for example

the lesson that i just taught was about

how to use which

and that this is a restrictive clause so


mean specifically this lesson that i

just taught

was about how to use which and that i

should not include commas here

because i’m not including any extra

information all of the information

is essential it’s the same with all of

the other example sentences i used in

this lesson there are no commas included

because all of the information is

essential the reader needs to understand

everything in one piece you can think of

it that way

okay so that’s an overview of the

differences between

which and that restrictive clauses as

well and

a couple of comma tips too so i hope

that this was a useful lesson for you

if you have any questions of course

please feel free to let us know in the


if you liked the video give us a thumbs

up subscribe to the channel if you

haven’t already

and check us out for more good stuff at

thanks very much for watching and i will

see you again soon bye bye

ten ways to report speech let’s

go say the first word

is say say as a verb say

is a very neutral word you can use to


someone’s speech to explain something

someone said in the past so for example

he said the barbecue was cancelled

just a simple neutral report

tell the next verb is tell

tell is used when one person is giving

information to

another to tell someone something they

did not know before

don’t say tell me your phone number

that’s weird but like

can you tell me where the station is can

you tell me where to buy

a hamburger can you tell me where to

pick up my new car like so giving

someone information they don’t know or

or on the other hand explaining

something one way to another person

so don’t tell me what i can’t do is a

very good lost reference if you’ve ever

watched lost

so tell another example sentence my boss

told me i was doing a good job

speak the next one

is speak speak so we use

speak when we’re talking about uh

language ability like i speak english i

speak japanese

we can use speak in the past tense to

report something but it usually sounds a

little more

formal so like i spoke to my boss about


i spoke to my parents about or i spoke

to my

boyfriend or girlfriend about blah blah


that using speak instead of talked

makes it sound a little bit more formal

so you can use

speak but it’s going to sound polite in

a sentence

my colleague spoke with me about an

upcoming project

was like okay the next one

the next two actually are very very

casual expressions

so when you’re speaking with friends and

you’re kind of talking about a quick

maybe somewhat emotional conversation

you will hear

native speakers especially americans


this is unique somewhat to americans use

the phrase

was like i was like he was like

she was like this is a very casual way

to report

speech and you’ll hear it often very

very quickly

together so someone will say i was like

what and then she was like no and then i

was like yeah

that’s the kind of pattern you’ll hear

it in very very quick ways to report


but the subject changes i was like he

was like she was like we were like

this is a way to share what happens

quickly instead of i said he said she


which might sound a little too formal we

can use i was like

he was like to do that instead so this

is a really fun one and if you can use


uh naturally i think that it’ll really

help you sound more natural too

so in a sentence and then he was like i

love that movie

was all the next one is also a similar

to was like

we have the expression was all so was

all don’t worry about all all does not

have the meaning of the whole of

something or a complete something

instead was all this set phrase is used

to report speech

usually this one is used when there’s

some kind of emotional

uh emotional aspect to your conversation

or it’s a little dramatic or

maybe a little exciting we use it the

same way as

was like in that very very quick style

of speaking

and then he was like and i was all and

she was like and i was all

we use those together but i was all has

a little more emphasis

i feel i tend to use it when my when i

want to express a stronger emotion

and i was all no way or and i was all


so you can use it for those very like

surprised emotions or maybe angry


was like and was all are both used in

very casual situations

so in a sentence and i was all oh my god

me too

talk the next word is talk

so talk similar to uh say

is a fairly neutral verb when reporting


you’ll use it in a situation where


is giving new information to you

but maybe it’s a two-way conversation so

for example

we talked about blah blah blah

for a topic or my boss talked

to me about blah blah blah so maybe

new information is being exchanged but

the conversation

is two way there are multiple

participants with tell it’s like

the nuance is sort of one person is

reporting information

giving information with talked it’s

there’s an exchange happening there

so keep in mind when you use the word


you will say either i i talked to or i


with someone and then you’ll usually

have a topic so i talked to my friend

about blah blah blah i talked to my

friend about my new apartment i talked

to my boss about a raise i talked to my


no i talked to my dog about what dogs do

so there’s some kind of there’s some

kind of exchange

happening there you’ll need to use to or


when you’re referring to the person or

entity you’re talking to

and you’ll use about to refer to the


so you can use this one um yeah when

you’re when you want to discuss

exchanges of information so in a

sentence she talked to me about my


mention let’s go to the next one the

next one is

mention mention is used when like


is just there’s just one small point in

a conversation like

just a little side note or maybe it’s

not the focus of a conversation but just

something someone says

quickly or there’s just a little thing

that you hear

oh you mentioned something about blah

blah blah or

you mentioned that a new project like

it’s it’s maybe not the focus of the

conversation but something that

you heard a little bit about that’s

that’s when we use the verb

mention we can also use it in a

statement like please

uh mention any skills you have on a

resume so

the nuance is sort of like a like just a

little bit of information

is when we use mention so in a sentence

our manager mentioned upcoming changes

at the company

to go on and on okay the next expression

is to go

on and on so to go on and on means just


talk for a very long time so maybe you

have a co-worker or a friend or a family


that just talks and does not stop


we say to go on and on that’s the

expression we use so in a sentence

the speaker at the seminar was going on

and on about the topic if you really

want to emphasize it you can say what’s

going on and on and on and on and on and

that really emphasizes that the person

continues to speak

so if you know somebody um who does that

a lot you can use this

expression to talk about them according


the next expression here is according to

according to

is used actually in the news or like to

officially report something

so according to sources or according to

the police according to the government

official according to

my teacher according to my mother these

are like direct reports

of information and they’re direct

reports of information

from a specific source so according to

the newspaper

my f neighborhood has 50

000 amazing ramen shops

that’s not true but if

i want to instead of just saying my

neighborhood has 50 000

amazing ramen shops i’m giving a source

for that so according to my newspaper

this is this is where i got the

information so this is important to use


news and newspapers and any kind of

official documentation you will see and

hear according to

in these cases ah in a sentence

according to a witness at the scene the

suspect escaped

report great so um the next one is

report so reports

similar to according to we use report in

more official situations so

to officially share information like to

report to the police to report to your

teacher to report to

your boss sometimes it means to submit


like to to give someone a written report


it’s to share information officially

just just with your voice to report

news or to report an update so when you

want to

give and give official information we’ll

use the verb report

so in a sentence sources in the area

report that the accident was not serious

thank goodness all right top 10

must-know phrases for the restaurant

let’s get started

a table for three please a table for

three please you tell them the number of

people that you are

total so that the host can bring you to

an appropriate table

a table for two please a table for

five please could i please see a menu

could i please see a menu usually

menus are given to you as soon as you

sit down at your table

but if that’s not the case and you need

to ask this is a polite way to do it

could i please see a menu i’d like to

try this dish

i’d like to try this dish when looking

at a menu

hopefully you’ll find something you want

to eat i’d like to try this dish

could you leave out the onions could you

leave out the

onions if there’s an ingredient in the

dish that you’re ordering that you don’t


you can always ask the waiter if it

could be prepared

without that ingredient so for example i

might say

could i get the burger but with no

cheese could you pass the salt

could you pass the salt when you’re at a

restaurant especially if you’re at a big

table with a lot of people

you might not always be able to reach


so you would ask could you pass me the


could you pass me the ketchup could you

pass me another napkin

waiter waiter a waiter is someone who

takes your order

and brings you food in america and in

many other western countries

it’s more polite to call a waiter to

your table by simply saying

excuse me or if you see another waiter

walking by but it’s not your waiter

you can always say excuse me if you see

our waiter could you please let them

know to come to our table

is there any dairy in this dish is there

any dairy in this dish

this is something you would say if you

have a dairy allergy

a dairy intolerance or you just don’t

like dairy

you’re asking the waiter about the

ingredients in a particular dish

i do this all the time is there any

cheese in this

no okay and if there is an ingredient

that you don’t want

for example onions you could say are

there any onions in this

and the waiter might say yes and if you

don’t want it you could always request

could you leave out the onions could you

prepare it without the onions please

can we get separate chex can we get

separate chex

this is actually something that’s very

common especially in america

if you might go out with a group of

friends or even if you’re on a date

sometimes you might want to get separate

checks pay for your own things

that way you can all pay separately just

for what you yourself ordered

and you won’t have to worry about owing

each other money or

calculating off a big huge bill are

there any specials today

are there any specials today a special

at a restaurant

is a dish that isn’t usually on the menu

it’s something that’s

special but it’s a special that the chef

is offering

that day or that week or that month

so sometimes if you don’t see what the

specials are you’d ask your waiter

excuse me are there any specials today

could we have the bill please

could we have the bill please this is

how you request

that the check or the bill comes to your

table can we get the check

please could we get the bill please

you’re asking this to your waiter who

will then

bring you the check and you can pay want

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