well coming on in the chat tell me where

you’re from I see someone saying a

Mexico what else if we got here

ciao Emilio 4:00 p.m. yes it’s happening

now let me put that in chat there’s a

little bit of a delay but it’s coming

turkey Ukraine Central America awesome

hey everybody we’re live and there is a

little bit of a delay as far as when you

see me but I see you guys in chat

through France Brazil anyone here from

Italy hey guys we’ve got Steven from

China we’ve got Pakistan Haiti love it

Bolivia Taiwan Guatemala El Salvador hi

Stoney David please come get Stoney go

and live Stoney wants to come and say hi

we’ve got Brazil we’ve got Algeria

we’ve got powder guai whoa people are

coming in so fast now I can hardly even

keep up by Stoney have a good day

someone’s in Buffalo New York right now

excellent I’m in Philly

so this live stream is coming to you

from Philly

we’ve got Kurdistan Tunisia India Egypt

Syria so wonderful Kazakhstan to see so

many people here little guai Amsterdam

really fun to see you guys here so we’re

doing a live lesson today and it’s about

can versus can’t so I’m going to show

you a few videos from my archive one of

them talks about can versus can’t and

the different pronunciation there as far

as the T and the vowel itself that video

I mean I think I made that video like

eight years ago nine it’s an old one and

then we’re gonna watch one where we go

over the reduction of the word

can and we see some real-life examples

of that in another video

from the archive so we’re gonna have a

lot of fun watching these together and

while those videos are playing I am

keeping an eye on the chat so if you

have questions throw them there and I

won’t be able to answer everybody’s

questions but I will do my best to

answer them as I see them coming through

yeah and that’s how it’s gonna work if

this is your first time ever joining me

in one of my live streams welcome thank

you for being here and this is something

that I started doing about a month ago

when the coronavirus hit the US more

strongly which was in March I started

thinking about how can I use this time

when I’m at home a little bit more often

than normal

connect with you guys with the audience

I know a lot of you are also spending

more time at home than normal and you

might have more time to spend learning

and studying so throw your questions

here for me I’m planning on doing this

again next week probably on Friday I’ll

announce it ahead of time but I think

I’m gonna be moving these Saturday live

streams to Friday so keep an eye out for

that and you know there might be a week

where I don’t do it because you know

what I need a change of scenery we’re

thinking about all going to Maine for a

week and renting a house there and doing

social distancing they’re getting there

in a day and just see how that works

basically move our little nuclear family

from here in Philly to somewhere

different because you know we’re going a

little stir-crazy here I don’t know

about you guys do you know that phrase

stir-crazy if you are stir crazy or

you’re going stir-crazy or you’re going

to get stir-crazy that just means you

spent too much time in the same spot

doing the same thing for example if it

rained all week and you didn’t get

outside at all you could say oh I’m

going stir-crazy or my kids are going

stir-crazy or we’re so stir-crazy or

something like that

stir-crazy sort of

fun little idiom to use for that feeling

when you just need a change of

environment okay so we’re gonna get

started over here with the first video

which is about how to pronounce can

versus can’t pay attention about the T

and how that stop T makes a more abrupt

ending and then we’ll also look at

examples where we talk about how the

vowel reduces alright let me make myself

small here so I’m not blocking the video

and we’ll take a listen today I’m going

to talk about the difference between can

and can’t how to hear it how to say it

you’ve probably noticed that you can’t

rely on hearing a good T sound because

most Americans when they’re speaking

everyday speech don’t release final T’s

first of all if you haven’t seen the

video on NT contractions watch that

first in that video you learned that the

N apostrophe T is pronounced a nasal end

here in the nose cut very short by a

stop T so let’s compare the two words

can can’t can can’t what do you hear

being different let’s not even limit

ourselves to just the sounds but

anything can can’t can you tell that the

first word is longer this stop T of camp

okay so are you guys hearing that

difference when it’s not in a sentence

and it’s just the word and one of them

has a stop T and the other doesn’t

can can’t can you hear the difference

it’s subtle but it’s just about that

abrupt stop can tends to fall off more

can has more of that downward

pronunciation of the shape of stress the


whereas camp which is an apostrophe T

the negative has more of an abrupt stop

so can can’t also thank you to those of

you in the chat that knew the phrase

stir-crazy and put it in the chat

so that other people could see it I saw

some people asking for the spelling and

other people giving it so thank you so

much for helping me out it’s hard for me

to type and watch the videos at the same

time Oh someone says they went shopping

near Philly and King of Prussia yeah

that’s about 45 minutes from where I

live that’s cool

I hope you got some good stuff okay

we’re going back now to can versus Kant

chops it makes it a little bit more rank

myself down can can’t this may be

something that is difficult for you to

distinguish right now but if you know to

listen for can a little bit longer a

little smoother versus can’t can’t a

little shorter a little bit more abrupt

it may help you develop an ear for this

a note on the pronunciation of the word

can you’ve probably noticed that this

word often reduces the as in bat vowel

is changed to the schwa okay can can I

can do it the word can’t does not reduce

that vowel sound okay so that’s an

important distinction there we have a

reduction and if you’ve been watching

any of my videos for any length of time

I feel pretty confident that you’ve

learned what a reduction is because they

come up a lot and how that affects the

language so in the word can’t that vowel

will never change the T might drop but

the vowel will never change in the word

can the vowel change is very much very

often most of the time whenever it’s a

helping verb it becomes so that’s pretty

different from can so that is one of our

clues about the difference now I saw

someone in chat asking about how to

pronounce how to and that’s an example

of another reduction the word to reduces

very often and so the vowel ooh

becomes the schwa so it’s actually going

to be too most of the time but you can

actually even change the T sound to a

flap T which sounds similar to the

American D between vowels

so if I wanted to say how to with that

to reduction I would say how to how to

do you know how to open this how to how

to everyone out there try it now say it

out loud how to how de so I’m saying the

word how I’m flapping my tongue quickly

against the roof of the mouth and then

it’s a very neutral schwa sound how de

do you know how to do this I need to

know how to do this can someone help me

learn how to do this how to how to how

to and that’s what we’re talking about

here with can the reduction it becomes

said so fast now later in this video

we’re gonna see a lot of examples of

that word that can reduced to continue

life English okay let’s head back check

in and we’re gonna finish out this video

which is on can vs. can’t and we’ll be

looking at some of those examples where

the vowel reduces but then also some

where it doesn’t so that you can focus a

little bit more on what that stop T

feels like so you can also use that as a

way to differentiate the two words okay

let’s keep going never changes into the

schwa sound so that’s another way to

help you distinguish between these two

words let’s look at some sentences I can

understand I can’t understand could you

hear the difference I can understand I

can’t understand can can’t can can’t the

vowel sound is different because in the

first sentence it’s being reduced to the

schwa and here

can you help later I can’t I can I can’t

I can do you sense that the first

response is a little bit more abrupt I

can’t I can’t

and the second one a little bit more

relaxed can can can a little smoother

that one might have been a little harder

because the vowel didn’t change I told

her I can’t okay taking a break from

that a couple questions coming in

someone asked about cannot what happened

to the word cannot how is it pronounced

use it we definitely do use it sometimes

and if we do we would probably stress

the knot I cannot believe she said that

I cannot understand why they would do

that have you ever heard that now that

I’m saying it I’m I’m saying it by

reducing the first syllable can and then

really stressing the second syllable I

cannot believe what happened it’s a

little bit stronger a little bit more

dramatic than can’t which has the same

meaning it’s just a contraction I can’t

believe that happened I cannot believe

that happened so it brings a little bit

more stress and drama to the situation

if we use the word cannot someone else

asked with the word can how would we

pronounce that end before an S like I

can see I can see you I can see the

person was asking about that transition

so if I say I can see I can see my

tongue is up at the roof of the mouth

for the N

hmm I can I can

then to make the s I just let my teeth

be together if they’re not already like

and they do bring my tongue tip down so

it’s not far because my jaw is barely

open at all but it goes from n to I then

feel my tongue tip behind my bottom

front teeth and I let the air come

through since I can see I can see okay

we’re gonna head back to the video where

we’re hearing more examples of can

versus can’t and of course without can’t

being pronounced that fully I told her I

can again the vowel is the same in both

of them I told her I can I told her I

can but do you notice that the last can

can a little smoother and a little

longer I told her I can’t more abrupt in

that first sentence you can come you

can’t come you can come you can’t come

in the first sentence the word can is

reduced so much good good you can come

it’s almost not even there you can come

you can’t come so the two tricks here

are one if the sound is abrupt and

chopped can’t can’t then it’s the word

can’t and two if the vowel sound changes

to the schwa then it’s the word can can

come I can do it that’s it and thanks so

much for using Rachel’s English

okay excellent ending out that video

don’t worry we have another one cued up

so someone I think I saw to pronounce

the name shall we shall way said they go

to school at University City in Philly

awesome hello I’m just across the river

from you as you know okay so someone

asked how to pronounce kovat 19 co vid

in American English we would do that

with first syllable stress kovat and

then 19 it would have second syllable

stress Cove in 19 actually if you go to

youtube and you search Rachel’s English

coronavirus or Kovan

tene I did make a video about that about

probably six weeks ago now where I go

over the pronunciation and some of the

terms that you may hear or see in the

news regarding what’s happening the

current situation okay so one is asking

how much do you need every day to

improve your English one hour or two I

would say two would probably get you

there faster but it really depends on

what you’re doing with that time of

course you want to be using the right

materials and you want to make sure that

you’re not burning yourself out to the

point where you’re having a harder time

absorbing what you’re studying and you

want to study a variety of different

ways with a variety of different things

you could do some vocabulary study out

of a vocabulary builder book but then

also do some watching television or

listening to a podcast finding key

phrases this is where it could be useful

to take an online course or watch a

video on YouTube on a subject that’s

important to you like if you’re a

physics student try to watch youtube

videos in English on physics so that

you’re seeing the pronunciation you’re

hearing the pronunciation of the words

you need you’re seeing key phrases you

can learn the grammar of specific topics

that are important to you someone says

in the phrase can’t try which T is

released let’s take let’s let’s change

that to can’t take because in the word

can’t try that TR cluster is usually

going to be Proust CH are most Americans

will do that have you noticed we don’t

say train we usually say train train so

in the phrase can’t try can’t try you

can think of it as just being one full T

can’t there’s a stop and then try or

what did I say take you’re releasing

that T into the vowel can’t take can’t

try so think of it as one full T one

stop and one release into the next sound

Jose in Mexico hello hi Alan in Brazil

still got people telling me where

they’re from I love that it’s so

interesting to see where people are from

someone is commenting on the shadowing

technique of being really effective you

know that’s not what I’ve tried myself

but I’d be interested to see if other

people have tried that and they think

it’s effective or part of my hesitation

with having my students do it

is I feel like when they are doing that

there’s not always time to process what

they’re hearing in a way that lets them

really absorb it but you know I think

different techniques have their merits

and I think actually if you study with a

variety of techniques and it keeps you

engaged that they can each bring their

own benefits so why not how many of you

use the shadow technique when you’re

studying English and working on your

English okay so we’re talking here

primarily about can versus can’t we’ve

just watched a video on the difference

in pronunciation one of the main

differences is that the word can is

usually a helping verb and reduces and

becomes okay so now we’re gonna head

over to a different video from a couple

of years ago where we look at several

examples of that reduction in real-life


I love reductions and I love finding

them and hearing them in real-life

English because when you start to

understand this and you start being able

to hear this and that’s really when

listening comprehension can improve and

then also it becomes opportunity when

you’re noticing it in other speakers for

you to start integrating it into your

own speech and then you sound so

amazingly natural when you start using

these reductions so remember it’s not

can its canoe can how fast can you make

the word can with no vowel sound can

that’s your goal all right let’s move on

to the next video and see if you can

focus on how fast that cam reduction

shoots by excerpts from other videos but

we’re focused on just one thing the can

reduction after this we’ll go to yulish

for even more examples

I made this video for my friends Super

Bowl party I hear that there’s chili to

be had can you step through how to

pronounce chili Hilary did you notice I

reduced the word can that’s because it’s

a helping verb here the main verb being

step through can you step through

come-come can you step through listen

again okay before we listen again step

through what does this mean this means

break it down into steps into little

parts and explain it let’s step through

the process of how to pronounce the word

chili also did you notice that Hilary

said there we’ve got tons of chili tunz

tunz so this is a word we use in

exaggeration to mean a lot of we’ve got

tons of chili what else would that be

something good for well here at our

house we have tons of cereal Stoney

loves it and we don’t go grocery

shopping that often now so when we do we

buy tons all right let’s go back and

listen because we’re about to hear that

example again that can reduce example in

that video you step through how to

pronounce chili Hilary can you step

through how to pronounce chili Hilary

can you step through how to pronounce

chili Hilary I would like but how do you

do it this video I made on summer

vacation several years ago this is my

Uncle Frank Uncle Frank brings his boat

every year so that we can try skiing did

you notice the reductions of the word

that and can these two function words

will often reduce that becomes the with

either a flap or stop T depending on the

next sound and can when not the main

verb in a sentence becomes can-can so

the weekend so the weekend so that we

can try skiing try and skiing the two

content okay this is interesting because

this is showing

right now the word try and I’m really

singing it more like try with that CH

pronunciation aren’t I try so someone

asks in the word can do we ever turn

that n sound into an M for example in

the word grandpa we don’t pronounce it

that way we say we often say grandpa

with an M instead of an N now but in the

word can do I think the N changes into

an M when we reduce it no I don’t I can


come see come see I can do that can do

can do no I don’t think so actually you

know the N we can make a little bit

faster because it’s just about the

tongue hmm and I think we can move that

a little faster than our lips hmm

so I I don’t think that that is

something that I’ve ever heard or

noticed and you know I’ve done a lot of

analyzing and when I’m working on a Ben

Franklin style analysis which you’ve

probably seen on this channel before I

really slow stuff down and I listen to

it many times in order to decide how I

want to talk about how it’s pronounced

and I don’t think I’ve ever once thought

that I was hearing the N changing to an

M in that reduction so my answer to that

would be no I don’t think we do that

someone says what accent are you

teaching so I teach what’s called the

standard American accent it’s not

associated with any particular region

although I have also heard it called

Midwestern English and that is a region

I’ve also heard it called broadcaster

English but basically I try to teach a

very neutral American accent

someone says how long have you lived in

Philadelphia as far as what year you

know I’m not good at that I’m not good

at remembering dates I think I’ve been

in Philadelphia for six or seven years

something like that

I should probably be able to know what

when did I move I moved in January I

know that I just don’t know what year

okay let’s continue on with these

real-life English example

of the can reduction where it becomes

words in this sentence are clearly much

longer than so the weaken so that we can

said that we can

these four function words are low in

pitch and very fast listen again or so

that we can try skiing here so that we

can try skiing here so that we can try

skiing on did you make that necklace can

you hold it up for me another reduction

of can can can you can you can you hold

it up for me can you hold it up for me

can you hold it up for me I made this

video after Hurricane sandy hit the US

Laura the reason why I can hardly see

you is because powers out in this

sentence the word can is a helping verb

it’s not the main verb so it’s a

function word and I’m reducing it to Kin

Kin I can I can listen again Laura the

reason why I can I can I can Laura the

reason why I can hardly see you is

because powers out of course it looks

like you can’t see her at all but I

could see her in real life a little bit

better than that okay a couple other

questions coming through so someone says

what about when can is the main verb

then you do fully pronounce it for

example if someone said who can help

tomorrow I could say I can and if that’s

my only verb in my sentence I can then

it’s gonna be fully pronounced can can

if I was gonna make the sentence a

little bit longer and I would say I can

do it I can help then I’m gonna reduce

it to can but if it’s all I’m saying I

can or I just lost my train of thought I

was gonna say can you but there I would

reduce it whoa the lighting just changed

in my room and look what happened to my

green screen no the Sun went behind the

clouds oh ow so now everyone knows that

this is not actually the room I’m in I’m

using a green screen and it looked great

didn’t it

it looked so great until

until the the Sun went behind the cloud

let me see if I can change that here on

the fly do you know that phrase on the

fly means in the moment but I don’t know

if I can do much that’s gonna make it

make a difference there we go okay

that’s a little bit better isn’t it

sorry about that guys whoo there are so

many things you have to do when you’re a

youtuber you have to say what you want

to say you have to make sure the setup

is right make sure the lighting is right

make sure you shrink yourself down when

you start the video how it’s a challenge

all right let’s head back to that video

and hopefully the lighting won’t change

again if you ever need to recharge

anything just come on up to my apartment

you can have all the power and internet

that you want another can reduction you

can you can you can have you can have

you can have you can have all the power

and Internet that you want will do and

hot water thank you you’re welcome

in this video I interview a broadcaster

erica hill if i don’t know how to

pronounce it I’ll look it up so I will

either call the International desk and

see if there’s someone there who is

familiar if it’s a different language

who speaks who’s a native speaker of

that language so that they can say it

for me

MS Hills speech as with all native

speakers is filled with productions here

she’s given us a great example of the

reduction of the word can so that they

can say it for me here can is a helping

verb and say is the main verb most of

the time can is a helping verb in these

cases we reduce the pronunciation to can

so we change the vowel to the schwa but

just like in Europe the next consonant

here the N absorbs the schwa so it’s

just two sounds hmm

can can okay is everybody gonna try that

try that don’t just watch it try it can

can now someone’s asking about

the difference between I can see that

toy or I can’t see that toy so I’m gonna

say a phrase and then I want you to

guess is it can or is it can’t I can do

it I can do it now I’m gonna do the

opposite I can’t do it I can’t do it

which one do you think was first can or

can’t I’ll do it again I can do it

are you hearing it it’s can of the

reductions that very quickly can so the

difference is I can do it can’t I can’t

do it can can’t can can’t and in the

rest of this video that we’re watching

here now these are all reductions so

they’re all can but reduced and also

thank you guys for all of your all of

your chat

I love reading them as they come in

someone says what’s the meaning of blah

blah blah well we would do that if

somebody was saying something and we

didn’t need to hear more or if we were

saying something and we didn’t feel like

we needed to explain it more we could

say blah blah blah blah blah blah it’s

sort of like saying you know what I mean

or I’m not gonna go into the details or

this is getting boring hopefully you

don’t think that about this video all

right let’s continue on we’re

interviewing a broadcaster here she’s

awesome she works for NBC and she talks

really fast so we have a lot of

reductions not just the can reduction

that she’s using as she goes she says it

incredibly fast but the main verb say

has much more length and that nice shape

of a stressed syllable can say this

rhythmic contrast of short and long

syllables is very important in American

English so that they can say they can

say they can say they can say it for me

or I’ll look it up online if I can’t

find it you know if it’s a regular word

I’ll go to one of the dictionary

websites and oftentimes you can hit a

button and you can hear that word you

can hit again a great reduction of the

function word the helping verb can you

can you can and oftentimes you can hit

can hit you can hit a button and you can

hear that worth another can reduction

can hear right here right here right

here that worth I’ll do that or I will

go and listen to whatever I can find in

terms of video online another can

reduction can find I’ll do that or I

will go and listen to whatever I can

find in whatever I can find in whatever

I can find in terms of video online here

okay everyone try that whatever I can

find whatever I can find can try it out

loud now isolate the word can connect in

and then we’ll do the whole phrase

whatever I can find

it’s kind of hard isn’t it whatever I

can find whatever I can find

I can I can I can I can I can is I can I

can whatever I can find do you ever use

this reduction if you don’t really try

it come up with a bunch of phrases where

you would use the word can and do it

reduced I can try it I can do it I can

see it I can cook whatever can put it

with any verb alright let’s keep going

it can be yeah it can be time-consuming

here we’re stressing the word can not

always but it can be so we’re not

reducing the word we’re keeping the ad

as in bat vowel so it can be can be

time-consuming it can be it can be it

can be it can be yeah but it’s worth it

I think what are the worst things you

can do is mispronounce someone think

yeah in this video I’m on top of the

mountain okay so someone asked what if

can is the first word then should you

not reduce it are you still able to

reduce it you can definitely still

reduce it for example can you be here

tomorrow can can can can you be here

tomorrow can you see it can concurrent

so even if it’s the first word it can

still be reduced it can there I’m

stressing it so I’m not reducing it it

can still be reduced

can’t-can’t so that shouldn’t matter for

you you know a lot of questions

start with can and it’s totally fine to

go ahead and make that reduction with my

dad it’s pretty high very high as you

can see very cold and windy yeah we just

heard two more reductions the word can a

helping verb here was reduced to Kim how

fast can you make that practice with me

can can can can see listen again you can

see you can see you can see in this

video I’m on vacation Kim Kim Kim Kim

okay someone was just clarifying so when

it’s emphatic you don’t need to reduce

it that’s right if you want to stress it

for its own meaning then you can

certainly stress it if someone says

Rachel you can’t do that you can’t no

you’re not good enough you can’t do it I

could say yes I can and I could stress

it now there I would also be stressing

it because it’s the only verb in the

sentence so let’s think of something

else maybe someone says Rachel you can’t

bake that there’s not time before we

need to leave the house you can’t do it

I would say yes yes I can bake it

there’s plenty of time can can so you

can stress it if you need to bring more

attention to that word like I just did

if we’re discussing can you or can’t you

and you want to bring attention to you

can you can then you don’t have to you

don’t have to reduce it but most of the

time in most of the cases it is gonna

make way more sense to reduce it it’s

gonna sound smoother and more natural so

it’s definitely worth understanding how

that works also because you’re gonna

hear it all the time and if you’re

expecting to hear can and all you’re

hearing is can then you might not pick

it up so when you know about it and you

go and you listen to as many examples of

it as you can then you’re gonna start to

hear it and notice it in conversation

and then your listening comprehension

will go up which of course is great

because we all want to be able to

converse comfortably in the

that we’re studying okay let’s keep

going with my family can you wave Gina

can you wave we reduce can when it’s a

helping verb that is not the main verb

in a sentence wave is the main verb most

of the time can is a helping verb can

can can you wave listen again can you

wave Gina can you wave Gina can you wave

Gina in this video I’m at a nature

reserve with my family okay can you wave

can can can can you wave so when in chat

is asking me about can’t and mustn’t so

mustn’t in American English is something

that is very rarely used if there is

100% no chance for someone to do it you

can still say can’t you can’t do that

it can’t be done you don’t have to say

mustn’t you mustn’t do that I just don’t

think that that is natural at all I

think if anyone used that word it would

sound a little bit odd at this point

it’s just not we use can’t we don’t use

mustn’t it sounds a little bit very very

formal and old-fashioned is what it

sounds like so go ahead and use can’t

it’s just gonna sound a little bit more

natural and normal in spoken American

English okay let’s go on we’re gonna

look at another example here from the

video can you see the Gators can you

hear I’ve reduced you again yeah with

the schwa I’ve also reduced can we do

this all the time when it’s a helping

verb and it’s almost always a helping

verb this means it’s not the main verb

in the sentence can you see the Gators

see was the main verb and can a helping

verb since the N is a syllabic consonant

it overtakes the vowel the schwa you

don’t need to worry about making it so

just okay this is awesome because

someone just said in the chat so

basically there is no vowel in this

duction that’s right the schwa when it’s

followed by n loses its own distinction

as a vowel so really try to make it

without a vowel just the K sound and the

end sound that will help you make it

more quickly that’s how we make it

that’s what’s natural can-can

so that’s exactly right what your ears

picked up on is exactly right okay let’s

keep going with that a K sound and an

end sound can-can very fast can you try

it can you can you listen again can you

see the Gators can you see the Gators

can you see the Gators there you go many

examples from my past ten years of

making videos on this reduction to get

even more examples I’m going to take you

to yulish okay so now in that video I go

to you glish but rather than doing that

now I’m gonna suggest that as soon as

this is over you go to you glish do you

know this website I’m gonna go ahead and

type it in chat see if I can type at the

same time as I talk so you glitch com go

there and you can type in the word can

and then you can filter it for us

American pronunciation and then you can

just skip through hundreds probably

thousands of videos where you’re hearing

that word in a sentence a lot of TED

Talks this kind of thing and so you can

really get used to hearing that can

reduction and I suggest when you listen

to one pause it you know maybe take this

lighter on the video player back listen

to it again listen to it a few times and

then try saying it yourself and really

focus on can can can can that reduction

try it by itself put it back into the

sentence this kind of thing it is a

great way to train yourself with real

English examples you know you don’t have

to go looking we have resources now like

you glish where you can do a search and

have examples of thousands of

Americans to work with to imitate in

chat someone says Gators are alligators


Gators is short for alligators I grew up

in Gainesville there’s a university

there and their mascot is called

the Gators they are the Gators their

mascot is a gator

so yeah that’s probably why I shortened

it that way I’m used to saying Gators

Gators someone says I use you glitch

it’s helpful that’s awesome I it a lot

too when I’m doing video research and

then also when I want to give examples

to my students I’ll say go to you bush

check it out you can hear me do it but

if you can go hear a hundred people do

it that’s even better isn’t it it gives

you much more context also if there’s a

word that you use a lot in your work or

in what you study go there and type it

in and not only will you see so many

examples of Americans using that word

and hear all of here that pronunciation

over and over again but you’ll also

start to understand the grammar about

how that word is used and you know you

can write down phrases that you’re gonna

want to remember and use yourself so it

really is a wonderful resource to use ok

guys this has been such a pleasure to be

here with you and work on this topic I

really appreciate you guys putting in

your questions in the chat especially

the ones that are about the topic it

just helps me make this lesson more

complete so thank you so much for being

here and please share this with your

friends you know they don’t have to be

here live to see it because it’s gonna

stay up on my You Tube channel so if you

learned something share it with somebody

say hey if you’re at all confused about

canned versus can’t check this out

and I will be going live again next week

probably on Friday I’ll let you know do

you follow me on Instagram if not do

because I will post there I will try to

remember to post to my YouTube stories

I’m still getting used to all of the

ways I should be using social media but

on Instagram it’s just Rachel’s English

I have about I think 20 to 25 thousand

followers so make sure you’re following

that one there are a few accounts where


my picture but there are almost no

followers so don’t follow those I

actually noticed once that one of my

personal friends was following one of

those fake accounts thinking it was me

and I had to say don’t follow that

That’s not me but thank you guys so much

for being here and I will see you again

at the next live stream you’re wonderful

stay safe stay healthy and