LIVE LESSON English Conversation Study

why do I have white hair I said I’m

aging and that person says oh no that

sounds bad these are the kinds of

conversations we have sometimes in chat

isn’t it what do you guys think I’m

thinking about dyeing my hair I used to

dye it I kept my streak in because I’ve

had my streak forever and then I stopped

dyeing the rest I’m thinking about

starting to dye it again it’s maybe a

little too gray a little too white for

my personal taste what do you think let

me know okay it’s wonderful to have you

guys here I’m seeing let’s see we have

Pakistan hello Brazil Alma from Brazil

hi how are you someone says you’re in a

different room I’m actually in my office

which I wear I’ve always been but I’m

not doing the green screen today because

I couldn’t get the lighting right I have

to buy some new lights so hello

everybody thank you for being here

someone says how have you been someone

says greetings from Guatemala DC turkey

Italy I’ve been good thanks for asking

how have you guys been we have Russia


Ecuador Wow coming in so fast now I

can’t even see it

Mexico Kurdistan Bangladesh Egypt Hong

Kong so wonderful to see you guys I have

taken a couple weeks off from these live

feeds because my family did go on a trip

we drove there and back we didn’t stop

much we didn’t see anyone when we were

there but we were in a different

location and you know sometimes that

makes all the difference sometimes

that’s all you need

can everyone hear me okay I wanted to

tell you guys that I believe I’ve got

something new going on at this time if

you look below the chat you can see

there’s a dollar sign and if you click

on that then it will give you two


super sticker or super chat and those

are things that you can click and you

can pay I’m not even sure how it works I

think there are different levels but you

can pay and then that makes it so that

your comment stays longer so I have a

better chance of reading it everything

goes to

support this channel and what does that

mean that means I can do things like buy

some new lights which I need hopefully

so I can go back to the green screen but

I wanted to let you guys know super chat

is now there you will see it in the box

right below where you can put a comment

so thank you so much in advance anybody

who does that I’m gonna shout you out if

anyone does that loves to see some

people try this new feature we have

South Korea Turkey Kuwait ciao from

Italy ciao Morocco wonderful to have you

guys all here Oh someone says super chat

is not available in their region I

understand I know it’s not worldwide yet

sorry about that you know sometimes you

forget I love this thing I love about

YouTube is I have people from all over

here and all over the world and of

course not every feature is available

everywhere but it is absolutely amazing

to see so many of you guys here so many

countries represented so many areas

represented so many languages

represented it’s awesome to have you

guys here so today I chose a special

video to share with you from the past

this one came out I think in 2017 and

we’re gonna watch it together we’re

gonna stop I’m gonna answer questions

that come in from chat so if you have

questions put them there I’m gonna try

to keep an eye on them all and we’ll

just see what sort of conversation this

video brings on it’s from oh my goodness

best teacher forever thank you so much

guys my first super chat came in oh my

goodness you know what it’s in a name in

Arabic that I can’t pronounce I could

not read that kind of thing at all if it

was like the American English letters I

could stumble my way through it but from

San Francisco thank you so much with all

my heart I really appreciate that super

chat that’s getting me just a little bit

closer to buying some new lights

I appreciate you awesome does everyone

know how that works yes I’m sure you do

press the dollar sign it lets you do a

super chat lets me shout you out

okay thank you so much let me go ahead

and let’s get started with this video so

this is one that was shot back in 2017

it’s of me and my dad going for a hike

even I learned a new word when I was

making this video my dad used the word I

had never heard before alright let’s get

started with it let me make myself

smaller over here so I don’t block too

much the video put myself down in the

corner and let’s check it out in this

American English pronunciation video

we’ll go for a hike in Colorado my dad

and I discussed the hike and we’ll talk

about interesting pronunciations and

vocabulary words that come up in real

English conversation this hike is called

Chihuahua Gulch Chihuahua have you heard

this word before it’s a teeny tiny breed

of dog the spelling is pretty strange in

American English because this word comes

to us from Spanish the breed originated

in Mexico this hike is called Chihuahua

Gulch and it’s about seven miles

round-trip round-trip the opposite of

this phrase is one way so when you go

somewhere and come back

that’s roundtrip notice how the D is

dropped roundtrip we often drop the D

when it comes between two other

consonants round trip round trip it’s

about seven miles roundtrip and it goes

up about 1900 feet so yeah you go you

start off going uphill about thirty

minutes then you go through this long

Valley okay Jessica Medina from Peru

came back in San Francisco gave me a

shout out again thank you guys so much

for this it’s fun to have this little

extra interaction with you guys and as I

said all of this money is gonna go

towards some lighting I need a little

bit new some new lighting and my lights

aren’t that powerful I have a lot to

learn about lighting and then I have to

buy all the equipment for it

okay so isn’t my dad just the cute

sky I still appreciate his willingness

to be in all of these videos with me and

in that we just learned about dropping

the D in the phrase round trip now I

said something in this video I said it’s

very common to drop the D when it comes

between two consonants and yes that’s

sort of true but what I’ve realized is

maybe this stronger statement that I

should have said there is that it’s very

common to drop the D when it comes after

an N and before another consonant so

it’s not just between two consonants yes

that is true as well but this is

especially true after an n before

another consonant that is a very high

chance that we will drop that in and it

makes it easier to link together makes

it easier to say roundtrip also one

thing I didn’t point out but I should


Marko’s hitting me up with $4 thank you

so much I recognize you Marcus I think

you and I have been in touch through

comments before um thank you so much

so again if you guys are wondering about

that super chat it’s the dollar sign

under the place where you can put in a

comment okay round trip the other thing

that I didn’t say about that that I

maybe could have do you guys notice how

I’m saying the word trip do you notice

how it doesn’t really sound like a T

it’s not a true T in trip the TR cluster

it’s with with that cluster it’s much

more common to make that as CHR so we

don’t want to drop the R that would be

chip we still need the our trip round

trip drop the D change the T and that’s

gonna sound American round trip

different from one way round trip okay

guys let’s get back hello from Venezuela

we have a few more countries coming in

here we have Anna’s whele China Ryan

from China Egypt Indonesia Syria did you

guys know I traveled in Indonesia I

traveled there in 2008 2007 I can’t

remember exactly had a great time

someone says where are you from Rachel

I’m gonna just give the people in chat a

minute to see if you guys know where I’m

from I bet a lot of you do

there’s a delay so I’m gonna have to

wait and be patient

someone says Palestine India Armenia

Colombia Morocco Jordan Wow

they’re coming in so fast now Georgia I

don’t know the state of the country

probably the country it’s so fat I can’t

I can’t read it

I saw North Korea I see Taiwan I see

Alaska I’ve never been to Alaska I would

love to go sometime Marco’s Devon thank

you so much for your top chat I

appreciate that I appreciate that a lot

we’re gonna get you those lights Rachel

Marcus says I would love that

oh part of what’s intimidating is I even

have to like look it up and learn what

kind of lights I need in my studio I’ll

figure it out

I’ve got some good people who can help

me we I’m seeing Canada coming up here

in chat Nicaragua Somalia wonderful

Vietnam Chile someone’s from Mars Wow I

didn’t know they had YouTube on Mars

that’s awesome okay I’m gonna go ahead

and answer the question because I’m not

sure how long the delay is so far no one

has said where I’m from I’m from Florida

this is one of those words that a lot of

non-native speakers will make it three

syllables but most native speakers make

it two so we generally wouldn’t say

Florida we would say Florida Florida

Florida I chill I’m sure I’m butchering

your name thank you for the super chat

gonna shout you out

I see Jordan Libya Costa Rica Guatemala

wonderful you guys so beautiful it’s so

beautiful being here with you guys I

really appreciate that

someone says from Earth or maybe saying

I’m from Earth true I’m from Earth the

state of Florida Florida right now I

don’t live there anymore

but I have a lot of friends still there

I guess they are really seeing a lot of

kovat cases I hope that everyone there

is able to stay healthy

okay I’m gonna restart the video of my

dad let’s see what else my dad notice

how my dad really stretches out the word

long gotta make myself why does he do

that well knew what to really stress

words we make them longer and you might

do that especially with the word long

making it longer for dramatic purposes

long Valley that took a long time that

test was so long through this long


hmm do you know that word I didn’t


let’s find out what it means with a lot

of course and little lakes and little

scream Gor Gor sir these bushes the end

of the trees

did you understand what he said there he

called this road jeep Road so a jeep is

a really rugged vehicle that has a high

clearance that is a lot of room between

the ground and the bottom of a car you

would not be able to drive a regular car

on this road you’ve seen one you’ve seen

them all this is a phrase okay have you

guys ever heard that phrase let me make

myself big again have you heard the

phrase seen one seen em all you can do

that with something when you feel like

it’s not that exciting or that

interesting I Vader I make an example

about cities you’ve seen one you’ve seen

them all that’s a little bit of a

cynical take isn’t it if you feel like

you already know everything about it

because you’ve seen one like it my dad

was just I think preparing us for the

fact that we probably weren’t gonna make

it all the way to that lake and I was

probably feeling like oh man that feels

sad to miss it I wish we could hike that

far and I think he was saying that to

make me feel better

whoa I’m still small aren’t I there we

go sorry about that looking at this huge

white screen with a tiny Rachel that

no good someone says Rachel you have to

visit Columbia you know I would love to

and I have no idea when is the next time

that we’re gonna be able to travel

internationally I really hope that we’re

able to do something about this virus

hey Veronica giving me love from from

Peru because this virus is just making

it it’s really crazy what is it like

were you guys I know I haven’t read the

news too much lately so I don’t know a

ton about the current state of what’s

going on outside of the US I don’t even

know what’s happening with it

internationally maybe it’s getting less

bad in your country is it getting worse

in your country let me know in the

comments now I’m getting lots of hearts

I’m getting a heart from Egypt Mohammed

it moves so fast you know I had a

student in my life class yesterday his

name was Muhammad Usman and he said that

he goes by his middle name and I thought

okay that sort of clear something up for

me because I’ve noticed that so many of

my students have the name Muhammad and

I’m there are different spellings and

probably slightly different

pronunciations but I’ve just thought man

so confusing isn’t it but now I know he

goes by his middle name Mexico

thank you Andres I’m so glad that you

liked my pronunciation lessons thank you

so much for that super chat

I appreciate it we’re gonna get we’re

gonna get those lights guys we’re gonna

get there eventually you guys are

helping me out Thank You Paraguay hello

China I guess you are using a VPN to

access thank you for putting in that

effort I know that that probably slows

down your internet connection a little

bit we have Mozambique in the chat ma’am

we just have so many people Veronica

says in Peru it’s awful people don’t

respect social distancing that is

actually an interesting point what is it

like where you are as far as the culture

around the rules are people feeling like

this is important and we need to do this

in the US it’s really a mixed bag have

you ever heard that phrase the

a mixed bag means a little bit of


so I would say in the u.s. it’s a mixed

bag with people following the rules some

people I see are being very strict

they’re out walking their dog they might

not pass anybody but they’re still

wearing a mask other people seem to be

gathering in pretty large groups in the

parks and this kind of thing and not

wearing masks my brother-in-law is a

doctor and works in a nursing home

Charles thank you so much for the $2

contribution towards the Rachel’s

English lighting project I appreciate

you so my brother-in-law is a doctor and

he’s a doctor in a nursing home and

nursing homes have been really hard hit

and so he wears a lot of protective gear

but I think partly because of that his

family the people that he lives with

feel you know extra aware and so when

they go grocery shopping they wear the

face mask and the plastic shield over

the face in Texas Marcus Devon says it’s

really bad here I know I saw that there

was a really big uptick in cases in

Texas as well as Florida my brother

lives in Texas and we wanted to go visit

him he moved recently from a different

spot he was in Houston now he lives in a

smaller town north of Austin and we

really wanted to come visit him this

fall and now I think probably not we

probably can’t make that trip okay

someone Walmart dog says gorse is

sometimes found in the rough of golf

courses it’s like they’re custom-made to

entrap golf balls that’s interesting

maybe if I followed golf more I would

have known the word gorse but I didn’t

it was totally new to me sort of a rough

thick bush I can see how you wouldn’t

want to play golf around that all right

let’s keep going thank you guys everyone

for oh someone says the volumes low are

other people having problems with volume

this is the volume too low of course

because of the delay I’m not going to be

able to not going to be able to know for

too long to wait well I’m sorry I’ll try

to get my mouth even closer to the

microphone also maybe turn your volume

up all the way I know also check your

player sometimes the YouTube player

volume can be turned down even when the

volume on your computer is turned up so

maybe that could work ok let’s go back

see what my dad’s got to say about the

rest of this hike that we’re gonna do

you might use to say that something

isn’t special now the full grammatically

correct pronunciation of this phrase

would be if you’ve seen one you’ve seen

them all but that’s not how we pronounce

it we like to reduce things in American

English especially familiar words and

phrases and this is a familiar known

phrase you’ve seen one you’ve seen them

all we dropped the word if we reduce

you’ve to just yet and we reduce them to

um you seen seeing them you seen one you

seen them all

another scenario where you may use this

do you want to visit Paris nah I’m not

that into cities you’ve seen one you’ve

seen them all pretty similar a lot of

them okay Patricia and Costa Rica says

they are following the rules there and

they’ve only had 12 deaths that’s pretty


keep it up Costa Rica we got to tamp

this thing down George Alfonso thank you

so much for your super chat you asked

the question

why the word like is pronounced every so

often that’s a great question George we

have a lot of filler words and phrases

in English and like is one of them you

know is one of them I mean is one of

them these are things that we sort of

throw out often as we’re thinking as

we’re expressing ourselves the word like

does have some actual meanings though it

can mean a preference I like that but if

I say and then he was like and then she


like what I’m doing is it’s it’s like

saying it’s similar to saying what she

said so if I say and then she was like

no don’t don’t do that

that’s the equivalent to saying and then

she said no don’t do that so it does

have a couple different meanings

preference what someone said or what

someone did or what someone seemed like

but then we also use it like as a filler

word like and some people like use it

like all the time for example so

certainly you don’t need to try to

imitate it as much as you may hear it in

the speech of certain Americans someone

says how do we learn vocabulary well I

actually have a video on where I give

some tips over how to pick up vocabulary

anywhere from reading to watching TV to

you know doing using specific resources

that are made just for that I think that

that can be a little tedious if you’re

learning like a hundred words for the

living room but then you’re not actively

using them they’re not gonna stick with

you that long I tend to think it’s a

little bit more useful to learn it in

the context that you’re in for example

learn the words of the things around you

and the the words that you use in a

regular basis on in your native language

learn how to describe your day in

English that way you’re using or your

job that way you’re learning and using

the words that you would really need

Marco’s Antonio thank you so much for

your super chat when I shout you out

you’re getting us closer to some new

lights here at the Rachel’s English

Academy okay guys let’s head back let’s

head back to the video hiking in

Colorado with my dad my parents are

there right now they said Ragnar Vikings

Oh glad alene here from the Philippines

first time here Oh welcome it’s

wonderful to have you I’ve been doing

some live streams this summer don’t do a

ton of them but I do make a new video

every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. in

Philadelphia time so check it out all

right let’s get back to the original

video for those of you that are popping

in that are new haven’t been here since

the beginning we’re watching a video

from 2017 it’s a real English video

where I’m hiking with my dad and I’ve

also for the first time ever in chat

have started something called live chat

sorry that’s not what it’s called it’s

called super chat and with that there’s

a dollar sign just below where you can

put a comment and if you choose one of

the levels it lets me see your comment

your comment stays up longer and as I’ve

said all of the money that comes in from

super chat is gonna go to a fund to buy

some new lighting if you’re noticing I

not using my green screen today and

that’s because ultimately the lights I

was trying to use were not quite strong

enough all right let’s continue on my

dad also reduced them to UM this is a

really common reduction just like in the

phrase you’ve seen one you’ve seen them

all a lot of them a lot of them practice

that with me out loud smoothly

connecting all the words a lot of them a

lot of them a lot of them are pretty

similar but you do have a great view you

can see a long way out over the a couple

of different mountain ranges a couple of

different mountain ranges my dad reduced

the word of to just the schwa okay hold

on everybody

is this better I had a couple people

saying the mic wasn’t working I realized

I wasn’t using this mic I was using

sorry if that was too loud I was using

my computer mic you know you do this a

million times you think you’re getting

really good at it and it turns out you

still forget things so hopefully this is


Jessica Medina has just house posted a

super chat please post videos about

glottal stops and syllabic nasals okay I

actually do have some on that I have the

video Oh

Hill says you are great thank you so I

do have a video on stops oops again I

have to make myself bigger I do have a

video on stops I have stop consonants

that one’s pretty old but then I also

have some on the T in particular and as

far as syllabic consonants nasals i do

have a video on syllabic consonants on

youtube if you do a search on Rachel’s


syllabic consonants you should get it

it’s I call it an advanced lesson and

yeah I talk there about how syllabic

consonants take over the R or sorry the

schwa and you’re right two of them are

nasal M and N and then we also have R

and L that can do that as well so I have

a video about that already made for you

so please check it out okay some people

are saying that the volume is better

wonderful and I apologize that my mic

level was so low to begin I guess I’m

just not a tech genius I need a team you

know I need a whole production team to

help me do this

they’re just kidding it’s going fine

thank you guys for letting me know

it’s the only way I would know otherwise

I never would have known so thank you so

much for letting me know in the chat

that you couldn’t hear me very well

okay thank you let’s get back to the

video uh a couple of we do this so much

in conversation especially with this

phrase a couple up a couple of different

mountain ranges and the lake itself is

probably probably this is how we

pronounce probably most of the time and

conversation you can do it too it

simplifies the word and makes it easier

to say try it now probably probably

probably okay how many of you guys do

that how many of you guys say probably

almost everyone does it at least some of

the time so try it on try it out young

West zero

oh I recognize you I know I know you’ve

been asking about this I know I remember

you from asking this in the past

so young West’s says super chats me lets

me see the chat better thank you so much

I appreciate that will the lights be

used to make more up close

slow-motion speech lessons love your

work they certainly can be because you

do have to have good lighting for that

so this person is referring to the

videos where I have a camera right at my

mouth and a camera kind of from the side

and I record myself and I’m able to it’s

really up close I’m able to then slow it

down in post-production so that you guys

can really study the way the mouth moves

I did a video on that sort of recently

on the word for and I’ve been doing some

vocabulary videos I’m doing one every

one or two months and I have the words

recorded for that as well what do you

guys think is that the kind of thing you

like I actually have some ideas of some

different kinds of videos I can do that

that use that kind of really up-close

footage for example what I’m sort of

talking about fast English and about all

of the simplifications that we do I’ve

noticed lately when I’m making my Ben

Franklin videos which if you’re

following my Tuesday videos on YouTube

you know I’m doing all of these analysis

videos of movie clips this summer and

I’ve noticed when I do that that I’m

often talking about this simplification

that has to happen and when I’m working

with a student in a live class I’m often

talking about the simplification taking

out extra movements and that that

simplifying helps us say them more

quickly helps our placement be lower is

just overall very beneficial that’s

something that I think could could be a

good thing to show with that up-close

slow-motion footage but I will say you

know the video I posted on a hundred

sentences with the word for that was

just that it was all about the

simplification it didn’t get seen that

many times so

that says to me people didn’t click on

as much people didn’t share it as much

so if you guys ever find a video of mine

that you love share it as far and wide

as you can because the more feedback it

gets the more the YouTube system is like

people like this video they show more

people and that’s sort of how I figure

out what kind of videos to make for you

guys I listen to your suggestions but of

course I also look at what videos did

people actually watch and you know watch

a lot of and that’s part of how I choose

what videos to make so if you have a

video and you love it share it as much

as you can but thank you so much for

that $5 contribution to my lighting fund

hoping to get some better stronger

lights up here in my studio itself is

probably 100 yards across and maybe 200

by 400 does anyone ever swim there I did

see somebody swim in there once listen

to the different ways we describe how

cold it is okay we’re gonna get to

describing how cold it is I saw in chat

someone asked a question about something

that would just happened in this video

when I was talking with my dad and we

were talking about the word vem and the

reduction of it to UM in the phrase he’s

seen one you seen him all seen them all

becoming seen them seen them all and

this person said what’s the difference

between them and him because with him we

also do a reduction where we drop the H

so then it also sounds like um so them

and him um can both have the exact same

reduction okay they do sound the same in

reduction and that’s okay because we

know by context what it means we only

use those kinds of pronouns when we’ve

already established the noun we’ve

already established the person like Paul

well then we know if we know we’re

talking about Paul we know it’s him but

I know that that can be tricky for some

people to think why would you have a

word or reduction that sounds the exact

same as

another one that’s just the way it is in

American English as crazy as it is but

those reductions sound the same and

using them sounds amazing

it sounds so natural so definitely try

to integrate those reductions into your

speech because it will make you sound

wonderful okay now let’s get back that

that Lake that Mountain Lake how cold is

it really cold ice cold very cold really

and very our words we use before

adjectives to say there’s a lot of

something really cold very cold a high

amount of coldness ice cold is another

great way to describe something being

very cold now this lake is not ice it’s

water it’s very cold water so describing

it as ice cold is an exaggeration

hyperbole I know it’s not actually ice I

know it’s just extremely cold water okay

thanks dad dad’s always teaching okay a

couple things that are coming up in chat

one person says how do you pronounce STS

like in the word scientists so the way

to do that is you can keep your just

make an S first of all everyone hold out

an S okay so keep that position and then

all you do is you lift not the tip of

the tongue but the part just behind the

tip to the roof of the mouth and that

cuts off the air so I can do that

without moving my tongue tip my tongue

tip just stays in s and then the part

just behind it lifts so quickly for that

stop that makes the T so that’s the SD

clusters I actually do have a video on

that on youtube you can check it out

also someone asked what’s up with the

podcast why did we stop making it so

yeah back in 2017 I think my

husband and I did a podcast we shot we

recorded 25 episodes so fun we went

through all sorts of things like the

rules about vowels diphthongs T

pronunciations all of the different

pronunciations idioms we had just

conversation studies we had some where

we talked about our experiences

traveling and being non native speakers

in another country and what we did to

cope with that it was really fun if you

haven’t checked it out it’s still there

you can find it 25 great episodes on

itunes or let’s see I don’t think I put

them in Spotify but I may have but

wherever you go to get your podcasts the

Rachel’s English podcast there check it

out and you know if you leave a if you

review it and leave a comment I do still

read those I would like to restart it

the reason why we stopped was because I

became pregnant with our second son and

I knew that I was gonna have to do less

work rather than more and I thought that

was one thing that I should stop doing

when I was making my choices I

definitely didn’t want to stop my

youtube channel the podcast was more of

an experiment and so it felt like the

thing to go

having said that maybe when our children

are in school we can restart it or

sometime when we just feel like things

have settled down right now things are

very crazy here of course with kovat 19

and daycares being closed they’ve just

reopened but we’re waiting because we

want to visit some family and we want to

keep ourselves as isolated as possible

before we see family this summer so life

just feels really crazy now I’m trying

to get everything done with a two small

children home all day every day someone

says boy or girl I have two boys one is

four years old and one is one year old

now they’re both so sweet my

one-year-old turns 2 in September you

know if you have instagram you can

follow me Rachel’s English sometimes I

post pictures of my family they’re

actually also I just joined

tik-tok had never done that before

still figuring it out but I joined it I

posted two videos there yesterday

I thought it could be a fun place to do

little quick easy lessons a little bit

less production value than my youtube

videos which are longer and a little bit

more substantial so follow me there if

you haven’t already there I’m Rachel’s

underscore English all right let’s head

back I don’t even remember what we were

looking at I just know that I would love

to go on a hike like this again it’s so

pretty this is just you can’t design a

better day there’s not much wind hardly

any clouds cool but not cold this time

of year another example of reducing the

word of to just the schwa in natural

conversation this time of year yellow

and these bushes I mean they would be

green I love the view sweeping views and

we have seen wildlife along here yeah

just a couple hundred yards down once

there were four moose moose

these animals are fairly rare to see in

the wild one other time when I was in

Colorado we saw one click here or in the

video description to see that video

there were four moose grazing right by

the path further down yet we saw herd of

maybe ten or fifteen antelope often see

deer you often see my dad reduced you to

okay we’re gonna take another little

break oh we just got another one

Constantine from Russia thanks for

helping with the AE you are so welcome

thank you for that super chat if you’re

just joining and you’re not sure what

that is it’s

a dollar sign beneath where you can put

a comment it makes it pop out at me so I

know right away who did it I can read

the comment lets it stays a little bit

longer so that I can read the comment a

little bit easier Thank You Constantine

I appreciate you okay so someone from

Burundi had a question here in the chat

about you know I can understand movies

but when it’s time for me to speak I

lose everything and I forget I was just

emailing someone in my Academy today

about this a couple of things I really

recommend you recording yourself and

this can help you know even if you don’t

ever have an opportunity to speak

English you can still record yourself at

night before you go to bed take five

minutes out of your day and do this

quick exercise you record yourself for

20 seconds talking about something about

your day your life your work

hobbies family things that interest you

a movie you’ve seen whatever you talk

about it in English then you go back and

you listen to the recording and you

think okay what was I trying to say here

what could I not express you take the

time to write it down to figure it out

maybe you have to look something up to

figure out the white the right way to

express that but you write it down you

learn it and then you take that sentence

or that phrase or whatever it was and

you say it 20 times 30 times maybe in

your 10 20 seconds of recording you find

two things like that that you learn that

you work out that’s enough

if you do that most days every day and

you’re really learning how to express a

couple of things that’s gonna add up

over time okay and it especially works

for you if you’re talking about things

that you would normally talk about the

problem sometimes with learning English

from a textbook or even a video is it’s

a topic that’s not really relevant to

you but when you’re using your own

content as the basis for your lesson

then you know it’s something that you

need to be able to say because you’ve

tried it once already and I think that’s

a better way to help you remember and

learn and of course finding a practice

partner online

is always gonna be a good thing okay

some other questions coming through in

chat someone says how do you pronounce

this statement shut her up and get her

out of here

I heard it in a movie I forgot how to

link the words so shut her up

probably they did it dropping the h

reduction you don’t always have to but

it’s pretty common shutter shutter and

with get her would be get her get her

get her so on both of those cases when

we drop the are the T now comes between

two vowels becomes a flap T so rather

than shut her it becomes shutter and

rather than get her it becomes get her

get her

isn’t that funny if you don’t know about

these reductions it’s like what on earth

is happening me thank you so much nee

Titus gave me some money there in the

super chat King Young says please

pronounce oh that’s not what I thought

it was high or hyaluronic acid you know

honestly I would have to look that up um

and that’s actually a great point

sometimes when I’m reading I don’t know

what that acid is that is not something

that your average person knows or says

or uses so sometimes when I’m reading

something specialized or even just

reading a book with that has some

vocabulary words that I don’t know as

you know in this video my dad used a

word that I didn’t know the word gorse

when that happens I also have to look up

words so there because English is not

phonetic if a native speaker sees a word

for the first time that they don’t

recognize they don’t know how to

pronounce it I don’t know how to

pronounce that without looking it up I

would say hyaluronic would maybe be my

guess but my stress could be wrong my

choice for one of the vowel sounds could

be wrong

consonants more or less we would know

but vowel sounds can be very different

the letters can represent many different

vowels and so that’s why we have to look

it up and know

that’s why knowing the International

phonetic alphabet helps because when you

look up a word because you can’t tell

just by the letters then it will give

you the phonetic spelling and then it’s

like okay that’s what it is I got it but

isn’t that funny guys even I have to

look up the pronunciation of words I

don’t know and so there’s nothing wrong

for you having to do that I mean how

else are you gonna know when you’re

learning a new word I always tell people

you know when you’re learning a new word

a vocabulary word or whatever you can’t

just read it and memorize the

pronunciation of the meaning you have to

go learn the pronunciation and you have

to say it out loud a ton of times

otherwise you’re learning words that

you’re not confident using and that you

may not recognize in a conversation so

you’ve got to learn the pronunciation

when you learn the word it’s worth the

extra step trust me because then it

becomes the word that you can really use

otherwise it’s a word that you’re not

quite sure if you say it will people

understand you no one wants that alright

let’s keep going

changing the vowel to the schwa this is

also a common reduction why do we do

this because in American English the

contrast between stressed and unstressed

syllables is really important so if we

can make unstressed syllables even

shorter by changing something then we do

that you often see we often see deer up

here and then on the rocks you can see

marmots sometime and pìkô

which are little tiny animals like a

squeak how many times have you done this

hike probably five or six probably

there’s another probably - probably

reduction probably five or six okay and

to me it’s the most scenic hike around

here especially in September

scenic this is a great word you can use

to describe a beautiful landscape scenic

scenic to me it’s the most scenic hike

around here especially in September

because the Aspen are turning yellow and

a lot of these bushes are turning red

and in June July

it’s just the water is too high you’d

have to take off your shoes and put on

sandals and just wade through so usually

we wait till August or September to do


wade this is what you do when you’re

walking through water so you’re not

swimming you’re walking like through a

creek if the water is too deep then you

can’t wait you have to swim take off

your shoes and put on sandals and just

wade through here is David walking over

the creek that dad okay Kevin notice the

word prolly the reduction prolly

probably five or six that’s another way

we reduced the word probably which we

talked about already earlier in this

video probably becoming prob Lee but

also prolly with an OB we do that too

isn’t that funny my dad does it I do it

someone asked where is the most standard

neutral accent in America is in New York

is it Washington good question we do

have regional accents here in the US for

sure I’ve heard that the standard accent

is also called

the Midwestern accent is also called

broadcaster English certainly there are

lots of places in the US where most

people speak the standard accent

anywhere from west coast to East Coast

in the south there are also lots of

people that use the standard accent in

New England also but there more than

other places probably you’ll get

stronger regional accents the southern

accent is pretty clear and distinct the

New England accent as well but really a

lot of people in a lot of places would

speak the standard accent I grew up in

Florida pretty far south but I speak a

standard accent my parents do they were

from the Midwest

everyone in my family speaks one and

they live all over California to Georgia

to Colorado to Minnesota so good

question and that would be my answer to

that all right let’s head back to my dad

let my dad finish up this lesson we’ve

got just a few minutes left in the

in Colorado video says you have to wade

through when the water is higher we

didn’t make it to the top yeah but we

got to a good turning around point and

we had a fantastic view we had lunch

looking out down the Long Valley

couldn’t have been better

couldn’t have been better a word here is

being reduced to just the schwa what

word is it we noticed before that the

word of reduces to just the schwa but

here it’s the word have yes the word

have can be changed to just the schwa

sound uh in conversation especially

after could couldn’t should shouldn’t

would wouldn’t I’ve actually seen native

speakers mess this up and right should

of instead of should have it makes sense

because of and have can both produce to

the same single sound the schwa shoulda

but if this sound is following could

couldn’t should shouldn’t would wouldn’t

the word is definitely have and reducing

have to just the schwa after these words

will help your English sound natural

practice couldn’t uh could nah notice

I’m dropping the T in the contraction

this is how native speakers will say

this phrase couldn’t uh couldn’t uh

special thanks to my dad for being in

yet another Rachel’s English video to

see more videos that use real English

conversation for teaching check out my

real English playlists in Baja isn’t

that so pretty oh I would love to be

back there we’re thinking about going in

September but I just I don’t think the

timings gonna be right for a trip like

that I think with the virus it’s still

gonna be we’re gonna want to stay closer

to home so that was that lesson with my

dad I do hope I get to see him at some

point this summer thank you guys for

joining me here with it’s um

interesting things came up in chat thank

you for all of your questions

also huge thanks whoa someone’s at my

door I forgot to mute my phone let’s do

it now

special huge thanks to everyone who

super chatted me today as I said all of

that money is gonna go towards the fun

to try to get some more powerful lights

here in my home studio but it was great

to see you guys and please do check out

my video from Tuesday and check out my

video next Tuesday what I’m doing is a

big summer series we’re doing 13 videos

and they’re all scenes from movies I had

so much fun making these when I do a

bunch of this kind of analysis together

I just feel like I continue to learn and

be energized by what the English

language is like what we do with it how

we use it to express ourselves and spoke

in English so make sure you’re watching

those videos this summer what’s special

about what I’m doing this summer

as I’m doing an audio training portion

after each analysis and so you not only

get to learn and have everything pointed

out in the first half of the video but

then you get the opportunity to try to

practice it and I have some slow motion

audio I have regular pace audio and all

of this helps you at whatever level

you’re at to do the repetition and the

practicing and that’s what starts to

really change your habit and then you

can have fun with you know pretending to

be in the movie try on the role do the

scene find a friend do it with the scene

okay young Wes says make more up close

lessons Rachel love you I get it I get

it it’s it’s it’s all my radar do you

guys know that idiom if something’s on

your radar

then it means something that you’re

aware of you’re gonna think of keep

track of or you could say whoa that was

not even on my radar and that’s like I

didn’t even know about that never heard

about it all right guys I’m gonna wrap

it up here

wonderful to see you guys thank you for

being here thank you for showing so much

love in the chat I appreciate you guys

so much and right now

doing another livestream on Friday of

next week but it is the day where we

would observe the fourth of July so I’m

not sure I’m not a hundred percent sure

if I’m going to be doing it it depends

on if I’m able to work a full day that

day or if I am needed to help with other

things with the family